Biscuit sancho pancho. We form the cake "Sancho". Chocolate cake "Sancho Pancho" with chocolate icing

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Now we collect the Sancho Pancho cake. We will collect on a dish for serving, and if you want the edges of the dish to be clean, they must be overlaid with foil. Before serving, you remove the foil and your cake will be on a clean dish.

Step 5

Put the main cake on a dish, fill it with cream and lay out some fruits and nuts on it.

Step 6

We spread the next layer in a pea, from biscuit cubes pre-moistened in cream.

Step 7

Sprinkle each tier of your slide of biscuit cubes with nuts and pieces of fruit. Thus, we form a tower of biscuit pieces, and do not forget to dip them with cream. The final touch is the frosting. Take out the butter, let it melt and soften. To prepare the glaze: take 6 tbsp. cocoa and mix them with 6 tbsp. sugar, 4 tbsp. milk and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Add 100 g. butter it should already be softened, mix everything, and immediately turn off the fire. Drizzle glaze over Sancho Pancho cake.

Step 8

If you do not want to prepare the glaze yourself, then you can melt two bars of chocolate in a hot bath, add milk to it, as much as you need to thin the chocolate. And pour chocolate on the cake. Now the Sancho Pancho cake must be allowed to soak, we remove its refrigerator for the night. The cake is ready in the morning.

Step 1

We choose a baking dish with high removable sides, because the biscuit cake that we will bake will rise significantly. Line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper and grease the sides with oil. Let's prepare the crust first. The basic principle is that all ingredients are introduced gradually and in small portions. Proteins must be separated from the yolks. Beat egg whites until stiff (soft peaks form). Continuing to beat, gradually add 1 cup of sugar, and then egg yolks one at a time. All these actions are best done with a mixer or blender at the first speed. Now we put the mixer aside and arm ourselves with a wooden spatula (spoon) and carefully mix cocoa (4 tablespoons), flour (gradually) and soda, quenched, into the dough lemon juice. Avoid lumps. Pour the dough into a mold and put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees until cooked.

Step 2

It takes about 40 minutes to bake. It is difficult to say more precisely, because it depends on the oven, and the baking dish. We check the readiness with a match, piercing the cake with a match deeper, removing the match - it should be dry and clean. Then our cake was definitely baked inside. The structure of the cake is porous, fluffy and light.

Step 3

When finished cake cooled, it must be cut into two parts. The lower part should be no more than 2 cm thick, this is the future basis of the cake. The second part must be cut into small cubes about 3 cm. We are preparing the cream. It is prepared very simply: sour cream is whipped for 4 minutes, then gradually add 1/2 cup sugar. Now whisk everything until the sugar is completely dissolved. Taste the resulting cream - if it is not sweet for your taste, then add more sugar. The cream does not have to be thick.

Sancho Panza cake

Sancho Panza cake

This gentle, simple and delicious sour cream cake on a biscuit without butter, as soon as they call it: both Pancho cake and Pincher (options: Curly or Curly Pinscher), and Vanka Curly, and Ivashka Curly, and Sancho Pancho (this is his name, apparently, especially literate).

It can be prepared from the usual delicious biscuit baked according to any recipe. The main thing is to have sour cream for the cream and correctly assemble the design of the Sancho Panza cake.

The Sancho Panza cake differs from the rest of the above desserts in that it also contains pineapples and it is laid out in a slide on the cake, while the rest can be distributed flat on the cake, just like curly, wavy upper layer. It is especially convenient to cook it from 1 whole and fragments or scraps of existing cakes or a purchased biscuit. The shape of the cake does not affect the taste of Sancho Panza in any way, and pineapple pieces add juiciness and freshness to it.

Apparently, it was the shape of the cake that determined its name, it is the same, pot-bellied, squat, like the famous hero of Cervantes.

How to make a Sancho Panza cake

for 8 servings (diameter of the baking dish no more than 22-24 cm)

1. For an airy chocolate biscuit without butter

  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;

A piece of butter for greasing the baking dish.

2. For sour cream and filling

  • Sour cream - 20% fat - 650-700 g;
  • Sugar (or powdered sugar) - 0.5 cups;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Pineapples - 1 medium can (about 400-500 g);

3. For impregnation:

2 tablespoons of cognac, wine or liquor + 3 tablespoons of pineapple syrup;

4. For glaze:

  • Cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
  • Sour cream or cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Salt - a pinch.

How to make Sancho Panza cake

1. Bake a biscuit

  • Prepare the liquid part of the dough: beat eggs with sugar and salt (as usual, until a dense, viscous foam forms).
  • Connect with dry: flour, baking powder and cocoa, mix well from (so that the cocoa does not form lumps later). Knead the dough: continuing to beat the eggs, add to them gradually, 1-2 tablespoons of flour with cocoa. The dough will be viscous, thicker than sour cream.
  • Bake: grease the baking dish with oil, pour (spoon) the dough into the mold and bake in the oven, preheated to 170-180 C on the middle shelf or slightly higher about 1 hour. Signs of the readiness of the biscuit are a delicious smell, then pierce it with a wooden stick. If the stick comes out clean, it's ready. If with lumps - bake further.
  • cool down: gently remove the mold with the finished chocolate biscuit from the oven, cover with a towel and let cool 20-30 minutes. Then just get it out of the mold (so it will keep its height and better move away from the mold).

Chocolate biscuit for Sancho Panza

2. Prepare cream

  • Combine sour cream, sugar and salt and stir until the crystals dissolve. It is not necessary to beat, otherwise the sour cream will accumulate air bubbles and become more liquid.

3. Make impregnation for cakes

  • Mix pineapple syrup and cognac (or other aromatic alcohol: dessert wine, whiskey, rum, liquor).

4. Prepare the frosting

  • Mix well dry: sugar, cocoa and salt. Add sour cream or cream and butter to them. Warm up - either in a cooling oven or in a water bath. If the dishes have a thick bottom, you can cook the glaze directly in this saucepan on the fire, just stir often so that it does not stick. Cool the finished glaze.

5. Assemble the Sancho Panza Cake

  • cut the biscuit for 2 cakes. Thin (about 1-1.5 cm) - will be the basis of the cake, plump - cut into tangible pieces with a side of about 3 cm. If you grind it, the biscuit will crumble and fall apart, the cake will be slurred.
  • pineapples(if you got rings) cut into small pieces.
  • soak the cakes: cake base (whole thin cake) pour impregnation and grease with a small amount of cream. Set aside a separate glass (mug of cream). You will need it to fill the top of the cake.
  • Combine cream with biscuit pieces and pineapples: put the chopped biscuit into the rest of the cream, mix with light movements (so as not to break into smaller pieces), add pineapple pieces to it and mix again.
  • Put everything in a slide on the cake: put the cream-biscuit-pineapple mass on the cake base, forming a slide.
  • pour cream: pour a glass of sour cream on top of the Sancho Panza hill, which we have stocked up in advance.
  • Drizzle with icing: sour cream Drizzle with frosting that has cooled to room temperature. Or put it with a spoon if it has thickened a lot. It is dangerous to pour hot icing on this sour cream cake, sour cream leaks until it is frozen, and under the influence of hot it will become even more liquid and fluid.

Sliced ​​biscuit for a slide, which is mixed with cream and pineapples and laid out on the base of the cake.

Sliced ​​pineapple and sponge cake

Cooking technology - coat the base with sour cream

This mass will become a slide on a biscuit cake

We form a cake

Filling the cake with cream

Sancho Panza

Put the finished cake in a cold place so that it grabs. Then cover with foil or a lid, so as not to damage its surface. And let it brew for a day (or night) for setting and impregnation.

Delicious sour cream cake with Sancho Panza pineapples

Sancho Panza cake recipe in pictures

baked chocolate biscuit
Sliced ​​into 2 pieces. This will be the base of the Sancho Panza cake.
The second cake and pineapples cut into pieces

The base of the cake was poured with cognac syrup, we combine pieces of biscuit with pineapples
Sour cream mixed with powdered sugar
We combine most of the cream with pineapple and biscuit pieces. The rest of the cream will be needed to water the cake collected by the slide from above.

We spread everything that is mixed, a slide on the base of the cake
Formed a hill, pour the rest of the cream on top
Pour the remaining cream over the hill

On top I dripped chocolate icing made from sour cream and melted chocolate

Delicious home cake Sancho Panza

Features of preparation and taste

How and what cakes can be baked for Sancho Panza

It is not necessary to bake a chocolate sponge cake for Sancho Panza, you can divide the dough into 2 parts and make one cake white and the other brown. Or just bake a regular, white biscuit.

It seems to me that it is better to bake 1 plump cake and not divide the dough into portions (cakes), so the quality of the biscuit will be better. After all, in 2 cakes in total there are 2 bottoms and tops, that is, 4 sides on which a crust forms, and in 1 high one there are only 2 sides with a crust. There is no excessive drying and a thick tall whole biscuit turns out to be more juicy and tasty than 2 thin ones from the same amount of dough. And you can cut it into 2 parts with a long knife, it's easy.

Slice sour cream cake with pineapples

If you have your favorite recipe for a dense biscuit for a long time, you can bake the cake according to your own recipe. It's not essential. The main thing is that it can be easily cut into 2 cakes.

The biscuit can be baked in advance, it can stand for 2-4 days, pack it in cellophane and store in a cool place. So the biscuit dough will ripen and become even tastier than fresh.

And then cut the biscuit, mix the cream and collect the whole cake - a matter of a few minutes.

By itself, a chocolate biscuit prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very tasty, it can be eaten just like chocolate pie, and can be smeared with any other creams.

The finished cake had to be transported, so I wrapped it in foil.

What else can be added to the biscuit

I seasoned baking with spices - a teaspoon nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla sugar and ground red pepper. The spices give the biscuit an amazing, magical flavor and a festive feel.

If you have spices, you can completely do without them.

Cutaway Cake

Sancho Panza cake- very tasty, juicy and tender dessert. First you feel creamy-biscuit tenderness and amazing juiciness, then you stumble upon elastic slices of pineapple, then you get into the main cake, densely soaked in cognac, spicy, night, then into a bitter chocolate glaze thickness ... It's so interesting and tasty! While eating, the cake changes its taste several times. And then a feeling of light satiety and joy remains inside (heavy oil creams do not know how). Sancho is easy to prepare and very enjoyable to eat!

  • The proposed selection of biscuit cakes differs from typical recipes with a special shaping technology and an unusual application of cream. All of the options below are made using sour cream and nuts, often tinting the cakes with cocoa powder and applying a layer of chocolate icing on top.

    Cake "Sancho Pancho" - general principles of preparation and main technological points

    "Sancho Pancho" differs from other cakes in a special way of assembly, it is formed in the form of a slide. In cooking, biscuit cakes are used, some of which are cut into pieces and dipped in cream, after which they are laid out on a biscuit base from a whole cake.

    Biscuits for cakes are baked on their own or ready-made ones are used. Often, factory blanks are replaced with cookies. Biscuit dough for the cake "Sancho Pancho" is prepared on eggs, sour cream or kefir. It is left light or dyed dark with cocoa powder. For contrast, in the manufacture of one dessert, both light and dark cakes are used at once.

    Traditionally, sour cream is prepared for such a cake. Fermented milk product mix with sugar and beat with a mixer until lightly thickened. When combined with granulated sugar, sour cream tends to liquefy, so for cream it is better to take a thick homemade product or purchased sour cream, with the highest percentage of fat content.

    Decorate "Sancho Pancho" with the main cream, decorate with icing, nuts, grated chocolate, fruits, which are often interleaved with biscuit layers.

    Chocolate cake "Sancho Pancho" with chocolate icing


    Large, fresh eggs - 6 pcs.;

    Two glasses wheat flour;

    20% sour cream - 700 ml;

    325 grams of sugar;

    9% vinegar - 1/2 tbsp. l.;

    A third of a spoonful of soda;

    100 gr. thick homemade cream or butter;

    Dark cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.;

    80 ml of milk;

    A full glass of hazelnut or walnut kernels;

    canned peaches.

    Cooking method:

    1. Collect the whites separated from the yolks in a clean bowl and refrigerate. When well cooled, remove and bring to pomp, whipping with a mixer. Then, without stopping beating, gradually introduce a glass of sugar into the protein mass, followed by egg yolks.

    2. Combine cocoa with flour and carefully mix into the protein mass, at the end of the process add soda slaked in vinegar, and mix again.

    3. Cover the bottom of a clean round shape with baking paper and pour the cooked dough into it. Bake the biscuit, maintaining the heat at 180 degrees for 40 minutes, then carefully remove from the mold and cool.

    4. With the addition of sugar, beat the sour cream. Do not pour all at once, add in small portions, sprinkling with a spoon.

    5. Cut the cooled biscuit cake in half lengthwise. Put the bottom part on a dish, it will become the basis of the cake, and cut the top into squares, with a rib size of about 3 cm.

    6. Lightly fry the nuts, cut the pineapples into small pieces.

    7. Pour a third of the sour cream onto the base of the future cake and gently spread it over the entire surface of the cake. Sprinkle the creamy layer with crushed pineapples, some of the roasted nuts and place a third of the biscuit squares on it. Pour the layer of slices with cream and, like the main cake, sprinkle with nuts and pineapples. Form a slide from the remaining pieces of dough, layering each new “floor” in the same way.

    8. Dilute cocoa in hot milk, dissolve granulated sugar. On low heat, stirring, boil the icing for a couple of minutes until it begins to thicken. Pour in the butter and immediately pour the icing over the cake.

    Simple recipe: Sancho Pancho cake with prunes (on kefir)


    One egg;

    Full glass of flour;

    200 gr. refined beet sugar;

    A small spoonful of crystal vanillin;

    Half a teaspoon of baking soda.

    Half a glass of fine sugar;

    200 gr. soft pitted prunes;

    High-fat sour cream - 400 gr.;

    Any chopped nuts.

    Cooking method:

    1. Mix lightly warmed kefir with soda and set aside for a while.

    2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with sugar until a fluffy snow-white mass is formed, add kefir, vanilla sugar to it and, whisking vigorously, add flour. Let stand 20 minutes.

    3. Sprinkle the greased form with flour and pour the kefir dough into it, place in the oven and bake the biscuit. Cool and cut in half.

    4. Pour boiling water over prunes for ten minutes. Drain the berries in a colander and cut across into thin strips.

    5. Beat sour cream with sugar, add prunes to the cream, mix.

    6. Leave the bottom of the biscuit cake whole, and cut the top into pieces. Pour a little less than a third of the cream into a separate bowl, and dip the pieces of biscuit into the remaining one and mix.

    7. Line a deep bowl from the inside with cling film and place the pieces of cake soaked in cream into it. Pour the reserved cream on top, cover with a whole cake and place in the refrigerator.

    8. Not earlier than four hours later, take it out, cover the bowl with a dish and turn it over. The cake itself will slip out of the "form".

    9. After rolling with a rolling pin, crush the nuts fried in a dry frying pan into crumbs and sprinkle the cake with them. Finely grate the chocolate on top.

    Two-color banana cake "Sancho Pancho" (with sour cream)


    Light crust:

    1.5 tablespoons of soda;

    Two eggs;

    200 gr. beet sugar;

    A spoonful of table vinegar;

    A full glass of high-grade flour.

    Dark crust:

    The same products as for light, plus two tablespoons of dark cocoa powder.

    For cream:

    Half a liter of 20% sour cream;

    A glass of refined sugar;

    100 gr. stab walnuts.

    For registration:

    two spoons heavy cream or oils;

    Four large, unripe bananas;

    100 gr. 70% chocolate.

    Cooking method:

    1. Beat eggs with sour cream, sugar and flour.

    2. Pour soda into a small cup, pour vinegar over it and mix. When the mixture stops bubbling intensely, pour it into the dough and beat it well again.

    3. Brush the inside with soft butter round shape, sprinkle semolina on top, and shake out of it, not sticking to the oil layer, grits.

    4. Pour out the cooked sour cream dough into the mold and place in the oven. Bake the biscuit for at least half an hour, before you get it, be sure to check the readiness.

    5. Release the cake from the mold and place on the wire rack.

    6. Prepare a dark cake in the same way. Add cocoa at the beginning of the batch, combining it with granulated sugar.

    7. Prepare sour cream. Stir sugar with sour cream until the grains are completely dissolved.

    8. Grind nuts into crumbs, cut two bananas into thin rings.

    9. Cut the cooled white cake in half. Cut its top and dark cake into two-centimeter cubes. Mix the biscuit slices in a large bowl, add two-thirds of the sour cream, mix.

    10. Put the lower part of the white cake on a dish, spread with cream and spread banana slices on it.

    11. With your hands, transfer half of the pieces of dough mixed with cream onto the base and form them into a hill. Sprinkle with nuts and top with the remaining biscuit pieces, compact lightly without disturbing the domed shape. Brush the top of the cake with the rest of the sour cream and sprinkle with nuts.

    12. Melt the chocolate along with the butter by placing them on water bath, cut bananas lengthwise into thin slices. Glue bananas with icing to the surface of the cake, placing the plates along. Drizzle the rest of the composition with the remaining frosting.

    Cake "Sancho Pancho", no-bake recipe with marshmallows


    Three ready biscuit cake;

    Half a glass of powdered sugar;

    A small jar of canned pineapple pieces;

    100 gr. roasted, peeled peanuts;

    Three glasses of fat sour cream;

    small tile dark chocolate;

    White, not wet marshmallow;

    Half a can of condensed milk.

    Cooking method:

    1. As in previous recipes, put one cake on the dish. Break the other two into pieces in a wide bowl. Add marshmallows cut into centimeter cubes there, mix.

    2. Strain the syrup from the pineapple jar.

    3. Whipping sour cream with condensed milk and powdered sugar, prepare the cream. To make the creamy mass lush, add condensed milk gradually, adding spoon by spoon.

    4. Lubricate the base of the whole cake with sour cream, put half of the pineapples and finely chopped nuts on it.

    5. Pour two-thirds of the remaining cream into a bowl with marshmallows and biscuit slices, mix, then spread on a greased base and gently press with your hands to make a dome.

    6. With the remaining cream, pour the entire cake on top and remove for impregnation for 6 hours in the cold.

    7. After that, pour over the dessert with melted chocolate and place the cake back in the cold before serving.

    How to make Sancho Pancho Oatmeal Cake with Bananas


    Oatmeal - 200 gr.;

    four very fresh eggs;

    250 gr. Sahara.

    One and a half tablespoons of cocoa;

    150 gr. granulated sugar;

    Medium-fat, thin sour cream - 450 ml.


    Two small bananas

    Cooking method:

    1. Rub half of the sugar intended for the cake with the yolks, and combine the remaining with the proteins and beat until fluffy. Transfer the frothy egg whites to the yolks and gently fold in, as you would for a sponge cake, from bottom to top. Pour in oat flour and gently fold it in in the same way.

    2. Transfer the dough to a parchment-lined form and bake in the usual temperature regime about forty minutes, cool. Ready oatmeal biscuit is desirable to lie down for a couple of days, but you can use it right away.

    3. Cut the cake in two, break the upper part into pieces.

    4. Beat the sour cream with sugar well, the cream should thicken slightly. Cut bananas into centimeter cubes.

    5. Pour about a third of the sour cream to decorate the cake.

    6. Pour a third of the remaining creamy mass over the dish, and place the bottom of the oatmeal biscuit on it. Lubricate it with cream, carefully spread the chopped bananas, half of the fruit. On the banana layer, lay out part of the biscuit slices in the form of a slide, moisturizing each well with sour cream. Lay the bananas again with a layer and cover them with slices of oatmeal smeared with cream, compact.

    7. Take one and a half tablespoons of the reserved cream and rub it with cocoa.

    8. Gently brush the shaped cake with the remaining white cream. Place the dark cream mass into a confectionery syringe and decorate the cake by pushing through a nozzle with a small hole.

    9. Set aside oatmeal cake soak for 12 hours.

    Easy no-bake Sancho Pancho cake recipe with crackers


    Half a kilo of sweet medium-sized crackers;

    A liter of fatty, preferably homemade, sour cream;

    250 gr. sugar;

    150 gr. dried apricots with prunes;

    76% chocolate - 100 gr.

    Cooking method:

    1. homemade sour cream Beat well with sugar using a mixer or whisk.

    2. Add crackers to the cream, put bananas cut into pieces, mix.

    3. Transfer the resulting mass to a bowl, the bottom and walls of which are pre-lined with cling film. Smooth the surface as far as possible and place in the refrigerator overnight.

    4. After that, decorate the cake with chocolate. Melt the chocolate bar, after breaking it into pieces, and apply the resulting fondant to the entire cake, then put it again in the cold for two hours.

    Sancho Pancho Cake - Cooking Tricks and Useful Tips

    Nut or chocolate topping will set well if applied to the cake immediately after the dessert has been formed. Crumbs will roll off the chilled cake.

    Do not pour over the cake with too hot frosting, let the fondant cool slightly. Otherwise, the sour cream will melt and it will drain.

    The classic recipe for this cake includes two types of sponge cake - vanilla and chocolate; sour cream and pineapple filling + walnuts. But, as with any cake, you can safely change the ingredients. For example, instead of classic biscuits take or chiffon biscuit. In one blog I even saw a recipe for mayonnaise biscuit. In general, take the biscuit that you do best.

    You can also make changes to the filling, instead of pineapples, take a cherry or a banana (checked, it's very tasty). Or maybe you even come up with some unusual combination.

    Cream, by the way, can also be not only sour cream. You can do it, or you can do it easily.

    Yes, and the very design of the cake can be like in classical form- a biscuit slide, and a more advanced version for advanced confectioners with cream leveling the cake.

    This is the so-called constructor cake, which every housewife can make for herself. Only one thing remains unchanged - inside the cake consists of biscuit pieces and fruit-nuts, generously poured with cream.

    How to make Pancho cake (curly pinscher) at home recipe with photo step by step.


    For vanilla biscuit

    1. 4 eggs
    2. 180 gr. Sahara
    3. 130 gr. flour

    For the chocolate biscuit:

    1. 4 eggs
    2. 180 gr. Sahara
    3. 100 gr. flour
    4. 30 gr. cocoa powder

    For cream:

    1. 800 gr sour cream (20-30%)
    2. 300 gr. Sahara
    3. vanillin
    1. small jar of canned pineapple
    2. 150 gr. walnuts


    To begin with, let's prepare biscuits, I have more detailed recipes for making biscuits on my blog: and. I won't go into too much detail, if you have any questions check out the links.

    Beat eggs with sugar until peaks (they, of course, will not be the same in appearance as separately beaten proteins, but they should keep their shape).

    Then add the sifted flour to the egg mixture or a mixture of flour and cocoa in the case of a chocolate biscuit. Gently mix everything from bottom to top with a silicone spatula.

    Pour the resulting dough into the prepared baking dish (lay parchment on the bottom, grease the sides with oil).

    We set to bake at a temperature of 180º for 35-40 minutes in a preheated oven until a dry wooden skewer.

    Cool first in the pan, then transfer to a wire rack.

    While our biscuits are baking, you can work on the cream. I will say right away that if you later level the cake, like me, then you can safely take 500-600 grams of sour cream.

    If you cannot find fat sour cream in your city (in many cities the maximum fat percentage is -15%), then I advise you to weigh it in advance on a sieve for at least 4-6 hours, and preferably at night. During this time, excess whey will drain and thus the percentage of fat content of sour cream will increase. But, do not forget, in this case, you need to take 15-20% more sour cream, this is how much volume usually goes with whey.

    Beat sour cream with sugar at high speed for 7-10 minutes until increased in volume. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste.

    We put the finished cream in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. If you did everything right, then the cream holds its shape very well and, as they say, there is a spoon in it.

    Now let's get to the stuffing. Cut pineapple into pieces. We will sort out the nuts from possible veins, if they are a little bitter, then I advise you to fry them lightly in a dry frying pan. Chop the nuts not very finely.

    We cut our biscuits into pieces, about 2 by 2 cm.

    We make a slide of these ingredients, not forgetting that you need to leave the cream on top of the cake (200 grams).

    As soon as all the pieces of biscuit are over, pour this hill with the remaining cream. On top of sour cream, you can also pour melted chocolate for decoration. We put in the refrigerator overnight for impregnation.

    I did it in the form of a full-fledged cake.

    She cut the chocolate cake in half. I laid 1 layer of biscuit on the bottom of the split ring. On top of the circle of the ring, I laid pieces of biscuit, creating, as it were, sides, so that the cream and filling would not run away later.

    The resulting well was filled with the remaining pieces of biscuit and pineapple with nuts, generously pouring sour cream over each piece.

    Put the rest of the cake on top of everything. Left for 2 hours to fix in the refrigerator.

    Here, such flat surface we need to get. For this, of course, only the assembly of the cake in the ring is necessary, for a better result, I advise you to lay an acetate film around the circle of the ring, if it is not there, then you can adapt the usual dense stationery file

    The end result was a very thick cake. Cakes are 22 cm in diameter, by weight it came out by 2.5-3 kg. On leveling, it took me cream based on 400 gr. curd cheese.

    Here's what I ended up with.

    And here is how it is cut.

    The cake is light and, due to the fact that each piece is abundantly poured with cream, incredibly juicy. Pineapple adds a little sourness, and nuts add a crispy layer. This dessert will definitely appeal to both adults and children.

    Enjoy your meal.

    8-10 servings

    2 hours

    287.5 kcal

    5 /5 (1 )

    Dear readers, today I will introduce you to a delicious, simple and truly homemade Pancho cake recipe. Recently, it has become in popularity the same as everyone's favorite "Napoleon" and "Prague".

    The cake can be combined with any fruit or berries, its preparation can be an exciting activity for your children, and the result will pleasantly surprise not only them, but everyone present. Today let's take a closer look at several options for its preparation.

    Recipe with photo of Sancho Pancho cake with pineapples

    Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, baking sheet, mixer, deep bowl.


    This step by step recipe with a photo of the cake "Pancho" is very close to his classic version, only there the cake is made completely chocolate. By the way, it was he who was found out from elderly housewives by the confectioners of the Fili Baker company and engaged in active sales of dessert from the 19th century in our century. Only now, many complain about its spoiled taste. Due to such negligence of cooks homemade cakes very difficult to replace any other.

    Step by step recipe

    1. Mix 2.5 cups of flour with a bag (11 g) of baking powder.

    2. Beat 4 eggs with a mixer.

    3. When the mass becomes lush, gradually add 2 cups of sugar.

    4. We need to get a light air mass. The whole whipping process can take 10 minutes.

    5. Pour a glass of milk into it and whisk again.

    6. Then add a glass vegetable oil and mix everything.

    7. Combine flour with egg mixture and mix until smooth.

    8. Lay parchment paper baking sheet, put a plate or something under it to make a slope.

    9. Pour half of the dough so that it takes up half the baking sheet.

    10. In this Pancho cake recipe with sour cream and pineapples, the biscuit needs to be made white and brown. In the second part, add 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, mix until smooth and pour it onto the empty half of the baking sheet.

    11. Bake for approximately 50 minutes at 180°C. Readiness to check with a wooden skewer. If the dough doesn't stick, it's ready.

    12. Let the finished biscuit cool, cut out the base for the cake.

    13. If you manage to get a tall cake, you can cut it in half. Cut the rest of the cake into square pieces.

    14. Dissolve 20 g of gelatin in water or pineapple marinade. Stir and let stand 15 minutes. Then heat to obtain a homogeneous solution.

    15. Beat 1 kg of sour cream with a glass of sugar.

    16. Strain and add the gelatin solution and beat everything again.

    17. Form a cake with a slide, shifting the pieces of cake with pineapples, and cover everything with sour cream.

    18. Pour sour cream over its top and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

    19. Heat 50 g of white or dark chocolate and 30 g of butter in a water bath or on fire, decorate the cake with icing and serve with tea.

    Video recipe for making Pancho cake with pineapple

    Dear chefs, I suggest you watch a short video that details the step-by-step recipe for Pancho cake with pineapples.

    In our family, this dish goes with a bang. We are also huge fans of cherries and nuts, so any dessert with their presence does not leave us indifferent. I hope we are similar in this. Sharing a very simple but crazy delicious recipe cake with delicate filling.

    Cake "Pancho" with cherries and walnuts

    Cooking time: 2 hours.
    Servings: for 6 people.
    Calories: 284 kcal per 100 g of product.
    Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, baking sheet, mixer.


    • For such a cake, I specially preserve cherries in the summer own juice seedless.
    • After peeling the walnuts, check for freshness. They should not have cobwebs or black spots. When buying shelled nuts, also pay attention to the appearance.

    Step by step recipe

    1. Beat until fluffy 2 eggs with 170 g of sugar.

    2. Add 170 g of sour cream and beat again.

    3. Pour 170 g of condensed milk here and mix until smooth.

    4. Mix 200 g flour with 3.5 tbsp. l. cocoa and 2 tsp. baking powder.

    5. Sift the mixture through a sieve into a liquid mass and mix until smooth.

    6. Grease the form with butter and sprinkle with flour, or cover with parchment.

    7. Put the dough into it and send to bake for 50 minutes at 180 ° C.

    8. Readiness to check with a toothpick or wooden stick.

    9. Beat 900 g of sour cream with 130 g of sugar and 10 g of vanilla sugar.

    10. Fry 80 g of walnuts in a pan, remove the husk from them and chop.

    11. Cut the biscuit into three layers.

    12. Take one for the base, cut the rest into cubes.

    13. Set aside about 1.5 cups of cream for pouring, and mix the rest with chopped biscuit.

    14. If possible, you can shape the cake using an oval bowl. Cover her cling film and lay out all the ingredients. Spread in layers: a mixture of cakes, canned cherries and nuts.

      If there is no form, you need to grease the base with cream and lay out the layers in reverse order.

    15. Lubricate the resulting cake with the remaining cream and refrigerate for 2 hours.

    16. Melt 50 g of dark chocolate with 35 g of butter. Decorate the cake with icing.

    Video recipe for making Pancho cake with cherries and nuts

    And shown here detailed recipe cake "Pancho" at home.

    This cake can be made hastily. He will save others from a burning desire for sweets in the absence of an oven.

    Cake "Pancho" without baking with bananas

    Cooking time: 30 minutes.
    Servings: for 6 people.
    Calories: 243.27 kcal per 100 g of product.
    Kitchen appliances and utensils: deep bowl, whisk or mixer.


    Choosing the Right Ingredients

    • Cookies can be used at your discretion. Sand, biscuit or other is perfect.
    • You can use melted chocolate for icing.
    • Take bananas fresh, without black spots. You can add nuts if you like.

    Step by step recipe

    1. Mix 500 g of sour cream with 170 g of sugar.

    2. Mix 1 tbsp. l. cocoa with 5 tbsp. l. water and put in the microwave for 30 seconds.

    3. Pour the resulting mixture into sour cream.

    4. Mix and send to the refrigerator. The cream is ready.

    5. Combine 100 g of sour cream with 30 g of sugar and also send to the refrigerator. This will be the top layer of the cake.

    6. Three bananas, peeled and cut into thin slices.

    7. Mix 3 tbsp. l. water and a tablespoon of cocoa and sugar. Send to the microwave for 30 seconds. Glaze is ready.

    8. Line an oval bowl with cling film. Put the first layer of broken cookies, about 8 pieces, and cover with a thin layer of cream.

    9. Lay out the sliced ​​banana and cover with a layer of broken cookies, about 12 pieces.

    10. Cover with a layer of cream.

    11. Put the remaining bananas again and 15 pcs. broken cookies.

    12. Pour cream over, cover and refrigerate for an hour.

    13. Put the cake on a plate, turning the bowl upside down, remove the cling film.

    14. Lubricate and cover with filling.

    15. Decorate chocolate icing. Send for an hour in the refrigerator.

    Video recipe for making Pancho cake without baking

    cooking options

    • Cake "Pancho" can be prepared with pineapples and walnuts, canned peach, prunes, fresh strawberries or bananas.
    • Very easy to prepare classic recipe. It will become a real decoration of the table and will delight others. And for you to do it will not be difficult and large financial costs.
    • Probably the most popular dessert of Soviet times -. I remember him at home on every festive feast. This recipe was given to me by my mother, and I only stick to it when creating sweet goodies.
    • And this is a real culinary masterpiece. This will become not just a dessert, it will give great pleasure to those who try it. Guests will want to take with them not only pieces of goodies to morning tea, but also the recipe for its preparation.
    • But this one deserves its name and delicious taste and appetizing appearance. Complete your dessert menu with such a dish, and you will want to cook it again and again.

    Dear chefs, I really hope that today all your guests will enjoy delicious dessert according to my recipe. If you have any suggestions or comments, leave them in the comments, I will definitely take them into account. And now I wish you delicious tea drinking and culinary success!