How to make delicious pancakes with cottage cheese. Pancakes with cottage cheese - filling options. Thin pancakes with curd filling

Pancakes with curd– the perfect start to the day. Here you will find both proteins and carbohydrates to charge your body for the whole day, and a bunch of vitamins and elements that help improve your well-being and activate your internal energy. However, they need to be prepared correctly so that the cottage cheese filling does not turn out dry. Pancakes prepared according to our recipe are juicy, tasty and melt in your mouth.

Ingredients for cottage cheese filling:

Cottage cheese- 300-500 grams.

Sour cream- 3-4 tbsp.

Sugar- 3-4 tbsp.

Vanillin(optional) - sachet (1 gram)

Pancake ingredients:

Milk- 0.5 liters

Eggs chicken - 3 pieces

Oil vegetable - 100 grams for dough, 20 grams for frying.

Sugar- 1 tablespoon

Flour- 1 glass (250 grams).

Spices: salt (pinch), soda (pinch), vanillin (1 gram bag) optional.

Cottage cheese filling for pancakes

The cottage cheese for the filling should be made as small as possible. Large pieces can be mashed with a fork or using a food processor (blender).

Beat into cottage cheese 1 egg, add sour cream and sugar. Season with vanilla. Mix.

How to cook pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese

We described the recipe for delicious thin pancakes with milk . After you have kneaded the dough, fry the pancakes on both sides.

Wrap the cottage cheese filling into a pancake, as shown in the photo (click to enlarge). .

Delicious pancakes with cottage cheese are ready

Bon appetit!

Pancakes with curd

A tasty and healthy snack that lifts your spirits - pancakes with cottage cheese. However, they still need to be properly prepared and served in order not only to enrich the body with benefits, but also to get real pleasure. There are many tricks, recipes and features of this seemingly simple dish, which you can learn to cook simply by following the data.

What are the real benefits of cottage cheese?

What does this sour hide? milk product? And this is a whole range of substances necessary for humans, especially for children, the elderly and everyone who prefers a healthy lifestyle. And for weight watchers, cottage cheese is a real find, because in 100 grams fermented milk product contains 90 kilocalories (on average, since cottage cheese can be full-fat, low-fat and low-fat, and, of course, homemade - containing the maximum amount of healthy fats and vitamins). For the same 100 grams of cottage cheese there are 17 grams of protein, only 1.5 carbohydrates and a similar amount of fat.

Cottage cheese enriches the body with proteins, which promotes the growth and strengthening of muscles and the skeletal system. This product is also a storehouse of calcium, iron, potassium, vitamins B, A, PP, C and H. A number of these vitamins and minerals help normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, normalize the functioning of the nervous and vascular system, improve memory and skin condition , helps strengthen the immune system, as well as stabilize blood pressure. Important elements The amino acids in cottage cheese are tryptophan and methionine. It is they that bring cholesterol levels into order and have a positive effect on the liver, strengthening it, strengthening the functioning of the nervous system, and at the same time calming and improving sleep.

Recipe for pancakes with cottage cheese “Austrian style”

Preparing the pancakes themselves is not a complicated process; you need to decide on a recipe, of which there is an incredible amount: with whey, water, milk, with or without flour, or with protein. Decide which ones you need, but remember that the cottage cheese will be present inside, which means you will need strong pancakes so that the filling is not separated from the base. There is one wonderful recipe for thin pancakes with cottage cheese, which is suitable for both sweet dessert pancakes and savory pancakes with herbs and salt. This miracle recipe is called “Austrian-style pancakes”:

For pancakes:

  • Flour – 150 grams.
  • Eggs – 3 pieces (2 whole and 1 yolk).
  • Salt and sugar – no matter whether you choose sweet or salty fillings, you need sugar.
  • Vanilla - if the pancakes are with sweet curd.
  • Milk – 250 grams.
  • Sunflower oil - it’s better to put it in an adze, then you won’t need it for frying. This way, pancakes with cottage cheese will never be dry even the next day, if they remain, of course.

For filling:

  • Cottage cheese – 250 grams. It is better, before mixing cottage cheese with other products, to grind it through cheesecloth, pass it through a blender/meat grinder, this will make mixing everything much easier.
  • Vanilla - sugar or powder (sugar 1 sachet, powder - on the tip of a knife).
  • Eggs – 3 pieces.
  • Sugar – 100-150 grams, to taste.
  • Butter – 70 grams.
  • Sour cream – 150 grams.

Regarding sour cream: If you take low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream is practically necessary - according to the rules when preparing the filling, if you use sour cream, you do not need to add sugar, but it all depends on your desire and tastes. Cottage cheese, even if you bake pancakes, will be dry and unsweetened, even if you add a lot of vanilla sugar - everything to your own taste. It is better to take low-fat sour cream - 15%, add a few spoons (if the dish is dietary), and knead thoroughly with cottage cheese, and then add the rest of the products, including sugar. In general, it is better to beat the sugar with the eggs, so it will melt faster and the eggs will beat better and thicker.

  • Lemon juice or zest - this will regulate the taste of the cottage cheese, even if it is sour, it will become neutral.

As for sugar: Sugar must be added to the cottage cheese (if you do not put sour cream, the filling will be too watery), but if you do not use the curd mass, in which sugar is already present initially. Why is it better: it is more homogeneous, it already contains raisins or other dried fruits, as well as sugar, it is as healthy as simple cottage cheese, there is less work to do with it. What makes it worse: it is impossible to regulate the amount of sugar, it is drier, and even sour cream, cream or milk will not make it softer. But cottage cheese with sugar releases its juice and becomes richer; even low-fat cottage cheese will not be dry in pancakes.

  • Dried apricots, raisins, dried pineapples or bananas, strawberries or peach, other dried fruits and nuts - whatever your heart desires - 50 grams.

Prepare pancakes by mixing eggs with sugar, adding milk, vegetable oil and vanilla, stir, add flour in a thin stream, knead the dough. When adding oil to the dough, there is no need to pour it into the pan. By the way, Americans, when preparing their pancakes (American pancakes for breakfast), never pour oil into the frying pan.

Pass the cottage cheese through cheesecloth, puree in a blender or whatever you have on hand, add sour cream. Mix everything together well. Afterwards, rub the eggs with sugar and vanilla (if there is no sour cream, but whatever you want), add to the cottage cheese. You need to soften the butter a little and add it to the filling, grind until smooth. Drip citric acid or zest. Now mix everything, or beat with a mixer at medium speed, otherwise the mixture for pancakes with cottage cheese will be liquid.

You should wrap the pancakes like this: spoon the mixture onto the pancake almost in the middle, make an envelope out of the pancake. Then you can grease it with yolk - it is indicated in the recipe, and put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 150 degrees, so you will get a wonderful and crispy golden crust. And if more are needed tender pancakes with cottage cheese, place them in a frying pan with high sides, place on low heat and simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.

Another way to cook pancakes with cottage cheese soft and not dry: Make a gravy from milk, sour cream, yolk and sugar. Whisk all the ingredients with a spoon or in a mixer, and when you simmer, pour the gravy into the pan - the taste is wonderful.

Are you tired of plain pancakes and want variety? Then you've come to exactly the right place! We offer unique recipes - pancakes with cottage cheese. It would seem that what is unusual here? But regular pancakes in our recipes are turned into sweet chocolate or salty cheese snacks, they are stuffed with tender cottage cheese with various fillings or baked in the oven with butter. Try how varied the pancakes are and you won’t be able to resist writing down the recipe!

Pancakes with cottage cheese are very easy to prepare; you can use or not use raisins and other dried fruits. Ready pancakes can be frozen. Frozen pancakes can be quickly reheated in the microwave, but it will be tastier if you take them out of the freezer two hours before and then reheat them in a frying pan. Be sure to use a piece butter, it is better not to use vegetable oil.

Curd filling can be prepared from both store-bought and homemade cottage cheese, the fat content of the cottage cheese does not matter. It is better to pass dry or grainy cottage cheese through a sieve and add rich sour cream. Add sugar to the filling to taste. Serve with sour cream, condensed milk or jam.

It is also convenient to prepare the filling from frozen cottage cheese. I often freeze leftover homemade full-fat cottage cheese and use it to make cheesecakes or pancakes or lazy dumplings.

In the first basic recipe We suggest you prepare thin pancakes filled with cottage cheese and raisins.

Taste Info Pancakes


  • For the test:
  • Milk (any fat content) – 1 tbsp.;
  • Warm water – 1 tbsp.;
  • Wheat flour (premium grade) – 1.5 tbsp.;
  • Vegetable oil – 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla sugar– a pinch;
  • Granulated sugar – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • For filling:
  • Cottage cheese (any fat content) – 500 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Yellow raisins – 50 g;
  • Sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.
  • For frying you will need a little vegetable oil.

How to cook pancakes with cottage cheese filling for pancakes

Pour the water into a bowl, add sugar and salt. Sift the wheat flour directly into this bowl.

Beat with a hand whisk to form a soft, homogeneous dough.

Heat the milk separately and pour it into the dough.

Be sure to add vegetable oil. You can take any vegetable – sunflower, olive or other. Leave the dough for half an hour on the table, covering it with a lid or plate. During this time, wheat flour will show all its best adhesive qualities. This is doubly necessary, because there are no eggs in the dough.

Coat a pancake pan with vegetable oil and heat well. Instead of butter, it is permissible to use a piece of salted (or smoked) pork lard.

Pour a portion of dough into the pan and bake the first pancake. After a couple of minutes, turn it over with a spatula and after a minute remove the finished pancake. This way we use up all the dough. Now we cover the pancakes with a plate so that they do not have time to cool down. When cold, they will lose a little of their elasticity, and it will be problematic to wrap the filling in them.

For the curd filling we use seedless yellow raisins. We wash it and fill it with boiling water in a cup.

If the cottage cheese is grainy, rub it through a sieve or grind it with an immersion blender. Pour regular sugar and vanilla into it. Add sour cream. In soft tender cottage cheese You don't need to add sour cream.

Remove the raisins from the sweet water and add to the cottage cheese. Mix the filling well.

Open the pancakes. Place a little filling in the middle of the top pancake (for example, one teaspoon or tablespoon).

Cover the cottage cheese with the edges of the pancake, partially covering it.

Roll the pancake up and place it on another plate, seam side down. We stuff all the pancakes this way, making a little more than 40 pieces.

If you have a little more spring rolls than you need, you can freeze them. To do this, place a piece of thin baking paper on a tray, plate or cutting board. Lay it out on it stuffed pancakes and put it in the freezer for a couple of hours.

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Freezing pancakes

When they are well frozen, put them in a plastic bag or in a special container for freezing food. Store in the freezer for about one month. This is a very convenient method, because pancakes can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4 to 8 degrees for no more than two days.

And now, when you want to treat yourself to delicious pancakes with cottage cheese, you won’t need to make dough and bake. Just take out the frozen semi-finished products and heat them in a frying pan with a drop of oil. You can also use a microwave.

Serve pancakes with curd filling delicious with a glass of milk or a bowl of sour cream.

Nalistniki with curd filling in the oven

This is a kind of casserole made from stuffed pancakes. It looks more than appetizing. This option for preparing regular pancakes allows you to create a dish that your guests will happily devour at any family celebration!

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Cream (10% fat) – 1 tbsp.;
  • Wheat flour – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Dry semolina– 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Ground anise - optional;
  • Baking soda – 1/3 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • Granular cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • Cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Granulated sugar – 1-2 tbsp. l.

You'll need a little more vegetable oil for frying and 50 g butter for baking.


  1. Add egg, salt and sugar to cream (or milk). Beat slightly until smooth.
  2. Be sure to sift the flour.
  3. We fall asleep to egg mixture flour, semolina and soda, beat again and add vegetable oil. If desired, add a pinch of anise to the dough. Leave the dough alone for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Mix cottage cheese with cream and sugar. Grind into a soft mass.
  5. We bake thin pancakes in vegetable oil in a frying pan and stuff them with filling. The method of twisting does not matter here - roll or envelope.
  6. Melt the butter separately.
  7. Place the finished pancakes on a baking sheet and generously coat with liquid butter. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Serve these pancakes directly in the pan, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Chocolate pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese and dried apricots

Chocolate pancakes with cottage cheese and dried apricots are a delicious temptation for those with a sweet tooth. Instead of cocoa, you can add real chocolate to the dough, melted with a piece of butter in a water bath.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Milk – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Baking soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • Unsweetened cocoa – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Flour (premium) – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • Cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • Natural flower honey – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Dried apricots without seeds – 50 g.


  1. Mix warm milk and water. Add egg and sugar, soda and cocoa.
  2. Beat everything well with a whisk and sift the flour into a bowl. Beat again.
  3. Add vegetable oil and mix.
  4. Wash the dried apricots well in hot water and dry. Grind into puree or finely chop with a knife.
  5. Grind the cottage cheese through an iron sieve, mix with dried apricots and honey. The filling for the pancakes has come out.
  6. Use a ladle to pour one portion at a time (50-60 ml) chocolate dough on hot frying pan With butter. We bake all the pancakes.
  7. We grease each pancake with filling along the entire circumference, leaving a 1-2 cm edge empty. Roll the pancake into a roll.
  8. If desired, for an appetizing design, cut the pancake in half with an oblique cut so that the filling is visible.
Snack pancakes with cottage cheese and hard cheese

Pancakes come in both sweet and savory snack varieties. We have prepared one of these recipes for you. Optionally add dried mint to the dough to personalize the taste of the dish.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Kefir (ryazhenka or unsweetened yogurt) – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Wheat flour (premium grade) – 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • Egg yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • Dried mint - optional;
  • Baking soda - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • Hard cheese – 30 g;
  • Cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • Salt - to taste.


  1. For the dough, pour water into kefir. Add yolks and butter, mix. If desired, sprinkle 1-2 pinches of powdered dried mint into the dough.
  2. Sift soda with wheat flour and add to the kefir mixture. Beat to obtain a homogeneous dough.
  3. Grind the cheese and mix with cottage cheese and salt. The usual hard cheese in the recipe can be replaced with soft curd cheese with a salty taste.
  4. We bake pancakes one at a time in a frying pan and grease each with filling. Roll it up.
Delicate curd filling for pancakes with vanilla

Sweet vanilla pancakes served with cream and berry or fruit jam. And instead of vanilla powder, a natural vanilla pod can also be used in the recipe - only small seeds are taken from it.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Boiled water – 100 ml;
  • Milk – 100 ml;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Wheat flour – 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • Sunflower oil – 2-3 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • Cream (fat content from 10%) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 g;
  • Cottage cheese – 350 g.


  1. Mix cottage cheese with powdered sugar, vanilla and cream. But if the cottage cheese is a little runny, we don’t use cream. To mix the components, use a blender, so the curd filling for the pancakes will become more tender and soft.
  2. Pour water and milk into a bowl.
  3. Add sugar, egg and baking powder. Beat and add flour at the same time.
  4. At the end of whipping, add oil and mix.
  5. We bake pancakes in a hot frying pan.
  6. Then put a strip of filling on each one and roll it up.
  7. Cut each pancake in half and serve with berries.
Pancakes with cottage cheese baked in the oven

Stuffed baked pancakes in a sweet sauce with dried apricots will become your signature dessert and will surprise not only small but also big sweet tooths with its taste. For this recipe, not only thin creamy, but also thick kefir pancakes are suitable.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Cream – 50 ml;
  • Water – 50 ml;
  • Egg whites – 1 pc.;
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Orange zest - to taste;
  • Baking powder for loosening dough – 1 tsp;
  • Wheat flour – 150 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • Egg yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • Cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • Flower honey – 2 tbsp. l.
  • For the sauce:
  • Cream (sour cream or non-sweet yoghurt) – 1 tbsp.;
  • Sugar – 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour (or corn starch) – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Dried apricots without seeds – 100 g.
  • The recipe also requires a little butter - about 10 g.


  1. For the dough, mix water with cream and egg whites. Add sugar and vegetable oil. If desired, grind 1 tsp. orange zest (or any other citrus fruit) and add it to the creamy mass.
  2. The next step is to combine the mixture with wheat flour and baking powder. Beat until smooth. The dough is ready - bake thin pancakes from it in the usual way in a frying pan with oil.
  3. Then, for the filling, thoroughly mix the cottage cheese with yolks and honey.
  4. We spread the filling on each pancake in the form of a strip along the full diameter of the circumference. Roll it up.
  5. Grease a small baking dish with soft butter and place the rolled pancakes in it tightly to each other.
  6. Wash the dried apricots in hot water and dry a little. We use it whole or cut it into strips.
  7. Mix eggs, cream and flour. Add sugar and dried apricots. Pour this mixture over the pancakes.
  8. Place the form in hot oven at 180-200 degrees C for half an hour.

Filling options

In addition to the main ingredients, you can add additional ones to the curd filling.

For example, these could be:

  • fruit (sliced ​​peach, mashed banana, grated apple or pear), including citrus fruits;
  • berries or puree from them;
  • marmalade cut into pieces;
  • raw egg yolk for a sweet option and boiled for savory pancakes;
  • chopped chocolate (bitter, milk or white);
  • dried fruits (whole or chopped, but without seeds);
  • chopped nuts (such as walnuts, pecans or almonds);
  • spices (cardamom, cinnamon, anise, cumin, ginger, turmeric, saffron).

Cottage cheese filling options for non-sweet snack pancakes:
  • finely chopped spicy herbs and salt to taste;
  • chopped hard or soft cheese.
Adding cheese can also make the filling individual:
  • with a sour taste - “Rossiysky”, “Poshekhonsky”, “Cheddar” cheese;
  • with a spicy taste - “Pecorino”, “Roquefort”, “Camembert”;
  • with a sweet taste - Emmental, Mascarpone, Brie.

What to add to pancake dough?

For increase nutritional value In dishes, dry semolina or cereal flour is often added to pancake dough. Even small oat flakes are allowed.

In pancake recipes, not only the filling can be original, but also the dough. Try adding some of this to it:

  • a piece of carrot, pumpkin or zucchini chopped on a fine grater;
  • banana puree;
  • sesame seeds;
  • coconut flakes.

Ways to wrap pancakes with curd filling

There are several ways to wrap the filling in a pancake, one of them is a roll. That is, grease the pancake and tighten it roll.

The second way is with an envelope:

  1. place the pancake on a plate;
  2. at the top edge, stepping back a little, lay out a little filling - form a conditional rectangle;
  3. cover it with the top and on both sides;

  1. We start wrapping it in an envelope - then we wrap it towards the bottom.

  1. So we go to the very bottom.

The third option is to grease the entire surface of the pancake with the filling and fold it in half, and then again. It turns out to be a triangle.

Just place the filling in the middle of the pancake and wrap it on both sides, decorate with raspberries or other berries.

Make a pancake cake

Take 10-15 thin pancakes, spread the curd filling thinly on each pancake, and top with grated dark chocolate.

For festive serving You can make rolls from pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese, cherries and poppy seeds. We make it like rolls. On the pancake, thinly place a strip of curd filling, a strip of cherry and a strip poppy seed filling. Roll up the roll and cut with a thin knife.

How to submit?

Pancakes, stuffed with cottage cheese can be served both hot and cold. When submitting, use one of the following tips:

  • use fruit or berry jam as a sauce;

  • water them with homemade chocolate icing(custard mixture of chocolate pieces, butter, milk and vanillin) or any other sweet cream;
  • sprinkle the products to your liking with a layer of powdered sugar, almond petals or coconut flakes;
  • Serve a bowl of sour cream along with the pancakes so you can dip them in it.

Today I will tell you how to deliciously feed your children cottage cheese, which they do not always eat eagerly. Even the most picky kid is unlikely to refuse pancakes, so we’ll hide the cottage cheese, and we’ll also make it delicious cream. Milk pancakes with aromatic curd filling and delicate sour cream filling are a great breakfast for the whole family!

You can prepare absolutely any pancakes according to your favorite recipe, not necessarily with milk and eggs. For stuffing, I most often prefer pancakes made with milk and water, as they turn out tasty, tender, elastic, and also economical. But if I add a sweet filling, I cook it with milk - it’s a matter of taste.

By the way, for variety, I suggest looking at recipes for pancakes with savory filling:


Pancake dough:

Curd filling:

Sour cream filling:

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The recipe for thin pancakes with milk, in addition to the milk itself, includes ingredients such as wheat flour (I use the highest grade), chicken eggs, granulated sugar, odorless vegetable oil (I use sunflower) and salt. For the filling, take cottage cheese of any fat content (I have 5%), chicken eggs, sugar and vanillin. As a flavoring and aroma additive I added candied orange peel, but you can put any others, as well as, for example, dried cranberries or cherries, raisins, prunes, dried apricots - everything to your taste. To prepare a tender filling, take sour cream (I chose 20% fat) and sugar.

Preparing pancake dough. Break one medium-sized chicken egg into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar. Let's chat everything a little with a whisk or fork, you can even beat it with a mixer. Then pour a glass of milk (room temperature) and sift 260 grams of wheat flour.

Using a mixer or whisk, bring the dough until smooth so that there are no lumps, otherwise they will later be in the pancakes. The dough should be thick, like sour cream. Add the rest of the milk little by little, stirring the dough.

The consistency is quite liquid. Now pour in 2 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil and mix it in with a spoon. Ready dough let stand for about 10-15 minutes so that gluten develops in the flour and the thin pancakes made with milk are elastic and do not tear.

In the meantime, prepare the filling for the pancakes. In a separate bowl put 600 grams of cottage cheese, 2 chicken eggs, 2 tablespoons of sugar (more or less is possible) and a pinch of vanillin for flavor.

We punch everything with an immersion blender to get a smooth and homogeneous mass. If you don’t have such an assistant, you can simply rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and then mix thoroughly with the rest of the ingredients. Another option: you can simply mix everything well, but only if you like the curd filling not homogeneous, but with grains.

As a filling, I like homemade candied orange peel (), which I prepare at home quite often. They are moderately sweet and very aromatic. Just chop them with a knife. Candied fruits that are too dry and hard can be pre-soaked in hot water or strong alcohol.

It's time to bake pancakes with milk. Heating suitable frying pan(I have a special rather heavy pancake pan - 21 centimeters in diameter) and pour about 2 tablespoons of dough into it. For the first pancakes, you can grease the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil to prevent the dough from sticking. The amount of dough for one pancake may vary depending on the diameter of the pan. Quickly spread the dough over the pan, that is, let it spread evenly. Bake the pancake for about 3-4 minutes on one side.

Then turn it over and bring the other side to a golden brown state. Prepare the rest of the pancakes in the same way.

From this quantity of products I got 16 thin pancakes with milk. You can have more or less, but either way they are very tasty, tender and aromatic.

Let's turn the stack over: this way soft pancakes without crispy edges will appear on top. This is very convenient when filling them with filling.

To fill 1 pancake, I need about 1 heaped tablespoon of filling. Spread with a spoon curd mass on a pancake.

How to cook pancakes with cottage cheese, a classic recipe - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Pancakes - original Russian dish. By following the recipe below, you can easily prepare stuffed thin pancakes. Any filling is equally suitable for them, but one of the best second courses and desserts at the same time are pancakes with cottage cheese.

Pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese are hearty and very healthy dish. Even for this particular dish, there are many recipes for cooking that do not take much time. The curd filling can be easily combined with any fruit, which makes the taste richer and adds more beneficial properties to the dish.

Pancakes with cottage cheese: step-by-step recipe with photos

To begin with, here is a classic recipe for pancakes with milk and cottage cheese. The process of preparing pancakes is no different from the traditional one, but we will describe the whole process in more detail.

  • liter of milk;
  • 2 or 3 eggs (depending on the number of servings);
  • 4 spoons of sugar. The amount of sugar can be changed depending on what kind of dough you want - sweet or more bland;
  • 2 cups flour (preferably premium grade);
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • cottage cheese or curd mass.
  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl, pour sugar into them and add salt. Grind the sugar and salt thoroughly in the eggs until completely dissolved, no crystals and a uniform consistency. For better results, you can use a mixer.
  2. Add oil to a common bowl. If desired, the vegetable mixture can be completely replaced with cream, but it should be melted before adding to the eggs. Also beat well.
  3. After this, you need to pour a third of the milk into the resulting mass. Beat again until smooth.
  4. You will need to sift the flour through a sieve to prevent lumps from getting into the dough. They are subsequently difficult to knead and beat.
  5. While vigorously stirring the dough, carefully pour flour into it in small portions to prevent the formation of lumps.
  6. After this, the remaining milk is poured into the dough. And the dough is whipped again into a homogeneous mass.
  7. The bowl with the dough will have to be set aside for half an hour to give it time to brew.
  8. Before baking, the pan should be heated and generously greased with butter or a piece of unsalted lard.
  9. You need to pour the batter into the pan in a thin stream so that the pancake turns out thin. It is thin pancakes that are easier to stuff with filling. Thick ones do not fold well and break. They need to be fried on both sides. If you use two pans for baking, the process will go much faster.
  10. After the pancakes are ready, you can start stuffing them. To do this, the cottage cheese should be kneaded. If desired, beat it to a more homogeneous consistency. This will make it softer and more pliable in the process. You need to add sugar to the cottage cheese.
  11. In small quantities, about a tablespoon, the cottage cheese is placed on pancakes and wrapped in an envelope.

Cottage cheese in this recipe can be mixed with various dried fruits, for example, raisins or dried apricots. Before doing this, dried fruits should be thoroughly washed and steamed in boiling water. This will give them more softness. Large ones, such as dried apricots or prunes, should be finely chopped. If you combine several types of dried fruits, the dish turns out tastier.

You can also prepare curd mass to stuff pancakes. This filling comes out much more tender and soft. To prepare it, you need to mix the cottage cheese with sour cream, it is better to beat with a mixer, gradually adding sugar to taste. It is necessary to achieve a homogeneous mass, only slightly thinner than whipped cottage cheese. You can also add dried fruits or a little berry puree to it. The latter will not only add taste, but also give the filling a delicate shade.

Pancakes with cottage cheese are best served with sour cream or berry jam. They can be consumed as a separate dish or simply as a dessert with tea.

This dish has a high calorie content due to the use of vegetable and butter, and therefore its use during a diet is not recommended.

To better bake the filling, the pancakes can also be cooked in the oven if desired.

How to prepare pancake filling for the oven

For preparation we will use the following ingredients:
  1. Break the egg into a deep bowl.
  2. Add a small amount of sugar to the egg. Sugar must be thoroughly ground in the egg until smooth and free of grains.
  3. Gradually add cottage cheese to the resulting mass and stir until smooth.
  4. Spread the resulting filling evenly over the pancakes in a thin layer. Roll the pancakes into tubes.
  5. Place the resulting rolls on a baking sheet or in a suitable container. We steal thin slices of butter on top of the pancakes.
  6. Place the rolls in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Homemade pancakes with cottage cheese are ready and can be served with sour cream.

Pancakes with milk with cottage cheese and raisins

Pancakes! These fragrant and tender circles remind us of Maslenitsa, the sun and the tender mother’s hands that prepared them. Pancakes are a truly Russian dish that amazes with the variety of cooking recipes, the variety of ingredients and the huge variety of ready-made goodies that come from pancakes. But the basis and classic recipe I want to introduce you to Russian cuisine today.
This time we will prepare delicious pancakes with milk, cottage cheese and raisins. Pancakes prepared according to this recipe are both thin and soft, a little delicate and very fragrant.

Pancake dough ingredients:

  • Milk – 1 liter.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 2 cups, but may be more depending on consistency.
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.
  • Sugar – 1.5 teaspoons.
  • Water – 100 milliliters.

For filling:
Cottage cheese - 2 packs of low fat,
Sugar – 2 tablespoons,
Raisins – 3 tablespoons

How to cook Russian pancakes with milk, cottage cheese and raisins

1. First, let's prepare the pancakes. Break the eggs into a mixer bowl, I use a food processor, you can use a regular hand mixer.

2. Add salt and sugar.

3. Beat until a homogeneous light mass is formed.

4. Sift the flour into the egg mixture and add milk little by little.

5. We continue to beat, we must add all the milk and water while whisking. The consistency of the pancakes should be approximately the same as regular kefir.

6. Add a couple of tablespoons to the pancake mixture olive oil. This will help us, without greasing the pan after each pancake, to easily remove the pancakes.

7. Pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil into the frying pan.

8. Grease the frying pan with a pastry brush or silicone spatula.

9. Pour one ladle onto a hot frying pan.

10. Using a rotating motion, form a circle of dough in the frying pan.

11. Fry on both sides, fry over medium heat. When the dough changes color and becomes more uniform and dense, with a crust around the edge, try to turn the pancake over using a wooden spatula and fork. Turn the pancake over to the other side and fry on the second side in half the time as on the first.

12. Place the pancake on a plate.

13. Grease the pancake with butter. In order to grease the pancake with butter, you need to prick a small piece of butter on a fork and grease the entire surface of the pancake with it.
After greasing the pancake, cover it with a lid (this way the pancakes will remain tender and the edges will not dry out).

We do this with all the pancake dough until it is finished. It is advisable to fry pancakes in pancake pans, cast iron or Teflon pans.

Prepare the filling from cottage cheese, raisins and sugar.
Cooking process.
1. Place cottage cheese in a bowl.
2. Add sugar.

3. Wash the raisins and put them in a cup. Add a tablespoon of water to the bottom and microwave for 30 seconds. This will allow the raisins to quickly steam and become tender and aromatic.
4. Place the finished raisins into the curd mass and grind.
5. We fill the pancakes by folding them into an envelope.

6. Fry the finished pancakes with milk and cottage cheese in butter on both sides, this will make them tastier.

Serve these delicious pancakes to the table with sour cream, jam or jam.

Classic pancakes, Pancakes with cottage cheese

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Pancakes with curd. How to cook pancakes with milk.

Although Maslenitsa is not soon, I wanted to fry pancakes for my family. Half of the pancakes flew away immediately, before they even landed on the plate, and the kids snatched them up. But the ones that remained, I wrapped them with cottage cheese.

So, today we have for dessert pancakes with curd. Pancakes with milk– very soft, tender and tasty.

Pancake recipe with milk simple and quick to prepare. I would like to note one more thing that you won’t have to worry about lumps, because they don’t form at all.

For the pancake test we will need:

  • milk - half a liter,
  • eggs – 3 medium or 2 large,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide,
  • flour – 9 tbsp. spoons,
  • rast. oil for frying.

Pancake filling:

  • cottage cheese – 250-300 gr.,
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • 1 egg
  • a pack of vanilla.

how to cook pancakes with milk

1) Break two eggs into a bowl, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and grind well.

2) Beat eggs with sugar. Add one tablespoon of flour at a time and stir constantly using a whisk. The dough should be thick and difficult to mix.

3) Now gradually pour in the milk in a thin stream and stir thoroughly. We do this until the dough acquires a liquid consistency.

4) Pancake batter ready. Now cover with a lid or towel and leave for 5 minutes.

5) Meanwhile, put the frying pan on the fire. We wait until it warms up. Now, pour a couple of drops of the plant into the heated frying pan. oil, and while we mix the dough with a ladle, the oil will just prickle and you can start frying.

6) Pour in an incomplete ladle of dough so that it spreads along the bottom and covers it. When the pancake is fried on one side, turn it over to the other. So as not to grease the frying pan. oil after each pancake, you can simply add 2-3 tbsp after the first two fried pancakes. spoons of plant butter into the dough and mix well.

7) While the pancakes are frying, you need to prepare the filling for the pancakes. Today it will be cottage cheese, but it can be made with any other filling: jam, preferably apple. jam, cherry own juice. Place the cottage cheese in a bowl, add one egg, powdered sugar and vanillin. Bring to a homogeneous mass. You can add raisins to the cottage cheese or lemon zest, you will get an incomparable aroma and taste.

8) Place the fried pancakes on a flat plate.

When all the pancakes are fried, cover the entire stack of pancakes with another plate and turn it over. Remove the top plate and start putting the filling on each pancake. Place the curd mass on the edge of the pancake and wrap it in a roll or envelope, as you prefer. Place pancakes with vorog on a dish. Decorate as desired.

Serve pancakes with cottage cheese with sour cream, or even better if you lightly fry the pancakes in butter before serving. They will brown and become tastier.

Bon appetit and see you again on the pages of my culinary blog Delicious Recipes!

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    The best recipes for pancakes with cottage cheese

    The Maslenitsa table is always full of delicious and aromatic pancakes! Any housewife has her own unique recipe preparing this delicacy. Moreover, not only the pancake dough differs, but also the filling. Even ordinary pancakes with cottage cheese can be played up in such a way that the result is simply a culinary masterpiece.

    Simple recipes for cottage cheese pancakes

    There are many options for preparing pancake dough. The most common are pancakes made with milk, sour cream, kefir, whey and mineral water. The ingredients are almost the same, only the base changes. In any case, the products turn out to be very tender, thin and incredibly tasty.

    But the form of preparing pancakes with cottage cheese can be very different. You can wrap the filling inside, make pancakes with seasoning, and put them in the oven to simmer. And each housewife produces the filling in her own way.

    Pancakes with curd filling

    Making pancakes with cottage cheese is quite simple, but products according to this recipe have one feature. They can be prepared in advance and stored in the freezer. Before serving, they are simply fried in a frying pan without defrosting. A very convenient option when guests are already arriving. The dough is very elastic, the products are easy to bake without sticking to the surface of the pan.

    For the test you will need the following products:
    • 2 eggs;
    • salt and sugar to taste;
    • spoon of butter;
    • 1.5 glasses of milk and water;
    • 2 cups of flour.
    • 1 egg;
    • 300 grams of cottage cheese (preferably fat);
    • sugar to taste.

    Despite the fact that the filling is obtained in the form of a cream, it does not flow out anywhere until it hardens.

  • The resulting preparations can be placed in the freezer. When required, homemade semi-finished products are taken out of the refrigerator and fried to completion.
  • Advice! The same pancakes turn out great with baking. When one side is almost ready and the dough is slightly dry, the filling is laid out directly on the product. After the bottom is thoroughly fried, the pancake is folded in half and removed from the pan. The delicious curd pancake with baking is ready!

    Mineral water pancakes with cottage cheese and cheese

    Delicious pancakes made using this recipe! Cheese and herbs, which are added to the filling, give the products a very original taste. To prepare the dough you need the following products:
    • 3 cups flour;
    • a glass of mineral water with gas;
    • 1.5 glasses of milk;
    • 3 eggs;
    • a tablespoon of melted butter;
    • salt and sugar.

    For the filling you should take a pack good cottage cheese, a teaspoon of starch, an egg and packaging curd cheese with greens. If desired, it can be replaced with regular cheese. Then you will also need herbs and garlic.

    1. All ingredients are mixed. It is worth remembering that to obtain a smooth dough without lumps, the liquid is always poured into the flour, and not vice versa! Melted butter added at the very end, when the dough is almost ready.
    2. The pancakes turn out very thin. To make things go faster, some housewives put two frying pans on the stove at once. You can prepare the filling at the same time.

    It is advisable to grind all the ingredients thoroughly; at the end, add chopped herbs and crushed garlic.

  • The filling is wrapped in the prepared pancakes. The finished products are placed in a frying pan greased with butter and left to simmer over very low heat for another 5-10 minutes.
  • Advice! You can slightly modify the recipe and add grated hard cheese. And wrap the filling in ready-made cheese pancakes. It turns out very tasty dish, in which a delicate sweet curd filling goes perfectly with salty cheese pancakes.

    Fluffy curd pancakes

    Pancakes with cottage cheese are not only thin, but also fluffy. Their preparation requires special dough, but don’t be afraid. It will take only half an hour to prepare.
    • 0.5 kilograms of cottage cheese (medium fat content);
    • 2 eggs;
    • a can of condensed milk and 2 glasses of regular milk;
    • salt and vanilla sugar;
    • vegetable oil;
    • baking powder (you can use soda);
    • 1.5–2 cups flour.

    Original recipes for Maslenitsa pancakes

    It doesn't take long to make pancakes with cottage cheese. But you can spend a little more time to create real beauty that will become an amazing decoration. festive table. And your guests will certainly be delighted if they try such a delicious dish!

    You only have to try pancakes baked in the oven once, and you will hardly be able to refuse this dish.
    1. To prepare pancakes in a pot, you will need 12 pancakes, 1 pack of cottage cheese and 2 tablespoons of butter.
    2. The cottage cheese is thoroughly whipped with other ingredients until fluffy. The base is laid out at the bottom of the clay pot - one pancake. The remaining products are cut into halves, which are lined with curd filling along the edges.
    3. The halves are rolled up quite tightly into flagella, which are cut into 4 more parts. The finished rolls are laid out in layers, each of which is poured with melted butter.
    4. The pot is placed in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes. There is no need to close it.

    In a quarter of an hour you will be able to feel the unforgettable aroma of baked cottage cheese pancakes.

    Curd pancakes in sour cream soufflé

    Pancakes baked in sour cream are an excellent way to surprise and delight your loved ones and friends. Everyone will surely be completely delighted with such a treat. Products prepared according to this recipe are very tasty when served hot. And they're even better when they've cooled!

    The whole secret of these pancakes is in the filling. The dough can be prepared according to any proven recipe. And for filling you need:

    • 400 grams of cottage cheese, it is better to take grainy, fatty, ideally homemade;
    • a handful of prunes and dried apricots, pre-soak them in hot water to swell.

    For the soufflé you will need:

    • 2/3 cans of sour cream (approximately 300–350 grams);
    • 2 eggs;
    • 0.5 cups fine granulated sugar;
    • vanillin;
    • 2 tablespoons of odorless oil.

    Readiness is determined simply: when the top begins to brown, the dish is ready.

    Advice! You can try changing this recipe a little:

    1. To do this, prepare mini pancakes for about two bites. Each is greased with curd mass and placed in a baking dish or pot.
    2. Then the resulting dish is filled with a mixture of rich country sour cream, sugar and poppy seeds and placed in the oven.
    3. At the minimum temperature, pancakes simmer for about 1.5–2 hours. If time is running out, you can increase the temperature, then the cooking time is reduced to 30–40 minutes.

    Anyway, pancakes sour cream filling soaked and turn out amazingly tender, melting in your mouth!

    Curd pancakes with herbs

    This is an excellent option for snack pancakes that you can eat without worrying too much about your figure. Such a delicious dish will be good addition to a low-calorie diet. The simplicity of their preparation lies in the fact that all products can be found in the refrigerator of any housewife. And the cooking time takes a maximum of 20 minutes.
    • low-fat cottage cheese - 1 pack;
    • ¾ glass of milk;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 1-1.5 cups flour;
    • any chopped greens, salt.

    If desired, you can add a little butter and a pinch of sugar.

    1. Cottage cheese, milk and flour are whipped in a blender. Add herbs and spices to a homogeneous mass and mix on low.
    2. Pancakes should be fried over medium heat so that they do not burn, but are cooked well. You can use a piece of lard to grease the pan.
    3. The products turn out to be very delicate and airy, so you should turn them over and remove them very carefully. Each pancake is folded into a triangle and beautifully laid out on a plate.

    How to cook cottage cheese pancakes with herbs - video

    Unsweetened pancakes with curd filling

    There are also simple options for creating pancakes for a snack. You need to prepare 25–30 small pancakes according to your favorite recipe without adding sugar and one of the suggested fillings:

    1. Mix 250 grams of cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, add 2 chopped garlic cloves and a handful of dill to the mixture. You can add salt to taste.
    2. Grind a pack of cottage cheese with garlic and parsley. Grate the bell pepper and pickled cucumbers on a fine grater and add to the mixture.

    It is best to beat the mass with a mixer to give it uniformity and fluffiness.

  • Mix 200 grams of cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of red caviar, 1 tablespoon of softened butter and finely chopped dill. Add ground nutmeg for flavor.
  • Pancakes with cottage cheese are prepared very simply and quickly. But it is important to make the filling as tender and airy as possible. If you don’t have a blender at hand, a sieve will come to the rescue, through which you can rub the cottage cheese so that there are no lumps left.

    How to cook pancakes with cottage cheese - video

    Delicate curd filling for pancakes

    Usually the curd filling for pancakes is prepared easily and simply. To do this, you just need to connect everything necessary ingredients and mix them thoroughly. As for pancakes, they are made in the classic way on milk. In this case, the products should turn out large (the diameter of the frying pan) and very thin.

    How to prepare curd filling?

    Most housewives prepare the filling for pancakes using completely different ingredients and adding them by eye. However, quite often such an experience leads to the fact that the dessert turns out not very tasty. That is why during its preparation we recommend strictly following the recipe rules. In this article we will present you several ways to create curd filling. Which one to choose is up to you personally.

    Classic pancake filling

    Many housewives know how to prepare the classic curd filling for pancakes. After all, with the help of it they did delicious desserts also our mothers and grandmothers. If you do not have this information, we will provide it right now.

    • grainy country cottage cheese (dry) – about 300 g;
    • small egg – 1 pc.;
    • coarse sugar - 4 large spoons;
    • vanillin - a pinch.

    Preparing Ingredients

    To make the curd filling for pancakes tasty, you should only purchase full-fat dairy products for its preparation. Country cottage cheese is an ideal option. It must be placed in a blender and blended at maximum speed. In this case, you should get a fairly thick and fluffy milk mass.

    Preparing the filling

    After the cottage cheese is beaten using a blender, add a small chicken egg and coarse sugar to it. Next, you need to repeat the procedure of mixing the components. As a result, you should get a very fluffy and airy curd paste.

    How to stuff products?

    The curd filling for pancakes should not be too liquid. Otherwise, it may leak beyond the base.

    The prepared mass must be placed on the product, and then the bottom edge must be folded over the filling. Next, you need to bend the left and right sides of the pancake in the same way towards the middle. Then the product should be rolled up. In this case, you should get a neat rectangular envelope. In the future, the semi-finished product can be stored in the freezer or refrigerator. Before use, it can be reheated in microwave oven, in the oven or in a frying pan. It is recommended to serve this delicacy with a cup of coffee or tea.

    Delicious curd and banana filling

    This option for filling pancakes is especially popular with children who are partial to sweet and soft bananas. It should be noted that you only need five minutes to prepare it.

    So, we need:

    • grainy country cottage cheese (dry) – about 250 g;
    • coarse sugar – 2 large spoons;
    • soft banana (can be overripe) – 1 or 2 pcs. (taste);
    • vanillin - a pinch.

    Cooking process

    In order for you to get a delicious curd filling with banana, you need to use only ripe and soft fruits for its preparation. After all, if you use an unripe green product, the milk mass will turn out less aromatic.

    Thus, to prepare the filling, you need to put the granular cottage cheese in a bowl and mash it with a masher to a paste. If you do not want to carry out this process manually, we recommend using a mixer or blender.

    In the future, you need to add thick and fresh sour cream, as well as soft banana and coarse sugar to the cottage cheese. Then add a pinch of vanillin to the mixture (optional). After this, all ingredients need to be kneaded again. As a result, you will get a fragrant curd paste with a pronounced banana taste.

    Delicate curd filling with banana is used to fill pancakes in exactly the same way as in the first recipe. Since it turns out to be quite thick, the sweet mass will not leak outside the product even after heating it in a microwave oven, oven or frying pan.

    Spring rolls for breakfast

    Curd sweet filling Serves as an excellent pancake filler, which can be served as a tasty and satisfying breakfast. To make the milk mass sweeter, it is recommended to add large dark raisins to it. But first things first.

    For the filling we need the following ingredients:

    • grainy (dry) country cottage cheese – about 250 g;
    • thick sour cream - 2 large spoons;
    • coarse sugar - 3 large spoons;
    • large dark raisins – about 50 g (to taste);
    • lemon – ¼ fruit.

    Cooking method

    All sweet curd fillings are prepared according to the same principle. First, the dairy product is whipped with a mixer until smooth, then thick sour cream and coarse sugar are added to it. After mixing the ingredients with a spoon, they should be set aside.

    To make the dessert especially aromatic, add a slice of lemon to the filling. But first you need to grind it in a blender along with the peel. You also need to thoroughly rinse the dark raisins and scald them with boiling water. In the future, dried fruits should be rinsed again and deprived of all moisture.

    At the end, add crushed lemon and swollen raisins to the sweet curd mass, and then mix everything thoroughly. After this, the filling can be safely used to prepare delicious stuffed pancakes.

    Making curd dessert with apple and cinnamon

    Cottage cheese and apple filling is no less popular among children than milk mixture with banana.

    To prepare it we may need the following components:

    • grainy (dry) country cottage cheese – about 300 g;
    • thick sour cream - 2 large spoons;
    • coarse sugar – 1 large spoon;
    • sweet juicy apple – 2 pcs.;
    • crushed cinnamon – 1/3 dessert spoon;
    • liquid honey - 2 large spoons.

    Preparing the components

    Before preparing this filling, you should process the ripe fruit. The apples must be peeled and the seed box removed. Next, you need to grate them on a large grater. After this, beat the dry cottage cheese with a blender until smooth.

    Step-by-step process for preparing the filling

    Having prepared the dairy product and fruit, they should be combined in one bowl and mixed thoroughly. In the future, you need to add thick sour cream and coarse sugar to the ingredients. Also, for taste and aroma, you need to add chopped cinnamon and liquid honey to the filling. After mixing all the ingredients, you should have a fairly sweet and aromatic mass. It is recommended to use it to fill pancakes immediately after cooking. If you keep the curd and apple mixture aside, the fruit may turn black and spoil the appearance of the dessert.

    Preparing a savory filling for pancakes

    Before making the curd filling, think about what kind of product you ultimately want to get: sweet or savory. To prepare your first dessert, you can use any of the recipes described above. If you want to get a spicy dish, then pay attention to the following method.

    So, to prepare the spicy filling we will need:

    • non-acidic cottage cheese 15% fat – about 250 g;
    • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
    • fresh parsley and dill - a small bunch each;
    • garlic cloves – 2 cloves;
    • salt, ground pepper and sweet paprika - add to taste;
    • marinated champignons - about 180 g.

    Preparing the ingredients

    Before you form pancakes with a savory filling, you should prepare all the components. First of all, you need to wash the sweet pepper and clean it of seeds and stalks. Next, you need to drain all the brine from the pickled champignons and place them in a blender bowl.

    Preparing the filling

    Added to mushrooms bell pepper, all ingredients should be ground into a paste at high speed. After this, you need to add non-acidic fatty cottage cheese, ground pepper, sweet paprika and salt. As a result of repeated mixing, you should get a fragrant, spicy mass.

    Having carried out the described actions, you can practically ready-made filling You should add grated cloves of garlic, as well as chopped fresh herbs. By the way, it is better to chop parsley and dill with a sharp knife rather than with a blender.

    After making the savory curd filling, you can start stuffing the pancakes. A full large spoon of homogeneous mass should be placed in each product. You need to wrap the flour product exactly as described in the very first recipe.

    It should be noted that such pancakes turn out very tasty due to the combination of sweet dough and savory filling.

    How to store semi-finished products?

    If you made stuffed pancakes for future use, you can freeze them. To do this, semi-finished products should be laid out on a sheet, leaving a distance (2-3 cm) between them. After the products have hardened, they can be placed in a common bag and stored in this form in freezer no more than three months.

    Further stuffed pancakes should be heated in a greased frying pan using a stove or oven. Also, some housewives place frozen semi-finished products in the microwave.

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    Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

    IN culinary recipes You can find many ways to prepare curd filling for pancakes. They are simple and do not require hard-to-find products. For getting the most delicious dessert take good mood, and a great desire to please your loved ones.

    Pancakes with cottage cheese with milk - a classic recipe

    Pancakes topped with cottage cheese are the most delicious nutritious dessert. You can add various fruits or dried fruits as a filling.


    • 1 liter of warm milk;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 4 tablespoons of sugar. (You can according to your taste, it all depends on how you want to cook pancakes);
    • 2 cups of flour;
    • 1 coffee spoon of salt or ½ teaspoon;
    • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • butter;
    • cottage cheese or packaged curd mass – 200 g.


    In a deep bowl, mix sugar, salt and eggs. Mix well. Add oil. Whisk. Pour in some of the milk.

    Gently sift the flour, breaking up any lumps. Mix. Pour in the remaining milk and mix again until smooth. Leave for at least half an hour for the dough to settle.

    As soon as the dough is ready, we begin to bake the pancakes. Pour the dough into a hot frying pan, spreading it over the entire surface, and fry the thin products on both sides. After the pancakes are cooked, it's time to fill them.

    The cottage cheese should first be beaten and either sugar or honey added for a sweeter taste. But keep in mind that when adding honey, the curd will become liquid. Little by little, about one tablespoon of cottage cheese, spread on one pancake and wrap it in an envelope.

    With added bananas

    Pancakes with bananas are extremely unusual. They have a good smell and taste of everyone’s favorite fruit. And for those with a sweet tooth, add chocolate and vanilla or whipped cream.


    • two bananas;
    • 1.5 cups flour;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • 3-4 eggs (this depends on the thickness of the dough);
    • 500 ml milk;
    • ¼ teaspoon salt.


    Coarsely chop the bananas after peeling them. Grind the bananas until smooth in a blender. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs until foam forms. Mix beaten eggs and bananas. Add sugar, flour, salt and mix. Breaking up the lumps. Pour the milk into the contents of the cup and mix well. Let the composition brew for some time. The dough is quite thick in composition, so when we pour it into the frying pan, we try to spread it evenly over the entire surface. Next, bake on both sides.

    Delicious curd and egg milk filling

    We prepare separately delicious filling for any type of favorite pancakes with curd filling.

    Add vanilla and sugar to cottage cheese of any fat content. Mix everything and check the taste. Add egg yolk and a little sour cream. Mix everything.

    You can add a pinch for extra spice ground cinnamon or cocoa powder, but that's the taste. The curd and banana filling is also delicious. The ingredients are the same, just add softened banana to the cottage cheese and you're done!

    Filled with cottage cheese, herbs and garlic, unsweetened

    Each housewife makes fillings to her own taste. These can be salty, sweet, spicy dishes. Also act as an independent dish, or be used for stuffing vegetables, pita bread, or as unsweetened filling from cottage cheese for pancakes. Also serve as a sauce.


    Take the required amount of cottage cheese. Pass 1-2 cloves of garlic through a garlic press. Finely chop the greens, it can be dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, spinach, arugula, etc. Add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream and mix thoroughly with ¼ teaspoon lemon juice, pour into the composition and mix thoroughly. Spices in the form of salt and sugar can be added to taste. We combine the additives with the main component and use them for their intended purpose.

    Preparing a delicate curd filling with strawberries

    You can use strawberries either fresh or in the form of jam. It's easy to prepare and the process won't take much time.


    • cottage cheese 300 - 400 grams;
    • milk 100 ml;
    • 2-3 tbsp sugar;
    • fresh strawberries 200 grams or jam.


    We carefully and painstakingly clean the cold water strawberries, then let them dry. Finely chop the berries. Mix cottage cheese with sugar. Pour milk into cottage cheese; it can be replaced with sour cream. Mix. Add strawberries to the curd mass, mix gently and serve.

    Pancakes are one of the most common, frequent and favorite dishes on the table in every family. Since ancient times, a simple recipe has been passed down from older generations. You can choose the filling according to your taste and combine it with completely different products, with which previously there seemed to be no taste harmony.
