How to understand that the cottage cheese casserole is ready. Creative casseroles. Cottage cheese casserole recipe for a slow cooker

Usually recipes indicate how long it takes to bake a particular product. But often different cooks have different cooking times! For one, the cake will be baked in half an hour, while for the other - 15 minutes and you're done! And it’s good that he, the cook, was on the alert, looked into the oven, saw that the pastries were ready, and turned it off in time. This happens because all ovens are different and each has its own character. And therefore, in order for baking to be successful, we need to find a common language with our oven and, of course, be able to check the readiness of baking from various types of dough.

And what is there to be able to, you might think. Blushed - so ready! But do not rush to take it out: if the fire is too big, it happens that the cake looks ready, but when you get it, it will “sit down” and turn out to be a glob inside.
Now I will tell you how to find out if the pie, cupcake, buns are ready.

First, pay attention to the appearance of baking: did it fit, acquired an appetizing golden brown “tan”? Excellent! Now you need to check if the dough is baked.

Proven and most The best way to find out if the pastries are ready - try with a wooden stick (or a match, or a toothpick, but best of all with a kebab stick, because it is longer). Pierce the cake in the thickest place: if there are no traces of dough left on the stick, it is dry - then the cake is definitely ready!

I think this method is known to all. But there are other nuances. There are many types of pastries: muffins and biscuits; yeast dough and cottage cheese pastry; shortbread dough and custard. And for everyone there are signs of readiness.

Is the cupcake ready

With cupcakes, the easiest thing is - when the cupcake has risen, has become ruddy, we check it in the above way. Does the stick come out of the dough easily, is it dry? Ready! The baked cupcake is fluffy, "perforated" inside.

Is yeast bread ready?

Yeast baked pies, buns, pies are ready when:

  • The surface of the baking is blushed, and if you smeared it with a beaten egg, it acquires a beautiful shiny golden crust;
  • For large yeast pies, I read a sign of readiness in an old book - the bottom crust should be slightly browned and easily fall behind the baking sheet;
  • And small buns are ready when, when tapping on the bottom crust, a clear, sonorous sound is heard.
  • And of course, no dough remains on a wooden stick when testing ready-made buns and pies.

Ready-made yeast pastries are fluffy, fluffy, soft.

How to check if choux pastry products are ready

But choux pastries should be checked differently. When custard buns, rings, tubules are ready, they:

  • increase in size;
  • the crust slightly cracks, becomes ruddy and hard, and if you knock on the product, you will hear a characteristic sound: custard pastries are empty inside, which is why it can be filled with various creams and fillings.

How to determine the readiness of puff pastries

It is easy to recognize the readiness of the puff: the baked dough stratifies, acquires a golden color, becomes light and dry. If the puff products are pale, soft, then they are still raw and you need to add a little temperature.
Finished products are golden, layered along the edges and in the section.

Checking the readiness of the shortcrust pastry

And shortbread products do not need to be heavily browned, like a cake or yeast muffin - sandboxes can then become hard and dry, hard to bite. And they are supposed to be light golden, very crumbly, which is the main feature of shortcrust pastry. So lightly, so as not to crumble, we try with a stick: is the dough dry, golden in color? Ready!

Find out the readiness of the biscuit

The finished biscuit is very lush, higher than the original volume. We check the readiness of the biscuit with a thin wooden skewer, which should easily come out of the dough, remaining dry.

How to know the readiness of cottage cheese baking

Cottage cheese baking - casseroles, cheesecakes, cottage cheese muffins is a separate company. Baking with cottage cheese takes the longest, on a small fire. A sign that the casserole will be ready soon is that its middle has ceased to be watery. Shake the shape a little and you'll see. If the cake is holding its shape, it's time to turn up the heat to brown the top. When the surface cottage cheese casserole or the cake turns golden brown, it is ready.

Maybe you know some other interesting ways to check the readiness of pastries? I would be glad if you share them in the comments with me and other readers! Thank you 🙂

Curd is the most delicious milk product. You try it from the very childhood, and you will never get tired of it. What only recipes with cottage cheese did not come up with. One, the most memorable since kindergarten, and mine favorite dish- cottage cheese casserole.

Children don’t like curd dessert initially, so it will become a lifeline when baked. But in addition to making it look beautiful and satisfying, you need to know how to cook it properly.

To use classic kindergarten recipe cottage cheese casseroles in the oven, you first need to familiarize yourself with some tips and rules for its preparation. We want to get the most delicious, lush and real cottage cheese casserole, and not a shapeless "cake". And then we proceed to the main traditional recipe.

At home, if the order is not followed, many housewives are disappointed in the preparation of this dish, but if you approach the process from the right side and with soul, then one hundred percent will turn out as it should.

  1. Curd is the main ingredient. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this product. It should be fresh and bold. Better not fresh, but slightly sour. You can get by without fat if you are on a diet. And if you already got completely fresh or dry - just add sour cream.
  2. Always follow the sequence. Follow the steps step by step. That is, first beat the eggs and sugar, gradually laying out the cottage cheese. At the end of semolina (flour). Be sure to use a mixer.
  3. The shape of the curd casserole gives semolina. Based on this, as far as possible, use semolina in the recipe. The finished mixture should look like liquid sour cream.
  4. After completing all the procedures, it is worth leaving the finished mixture for half an hour so that the semolina swells.
  5. AT original recipe cottage cheese casseroles, like in kindergarten, raisins are added last. Before that, steamed in boiling water or in hot tea.
  6. To get the top golden brown Sprinkle with sugar at the end of cooking.

Cottage cheese casserole like in a kindergarten

Taste like in childhood, you will lick your fingers! The casserole turns out plump and ruddy.


  • Cottage cheese - half a kilo,
  • Butter - half a pack,
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces,
  • Semolina - half a glass,
  • Milk - half a glass
  • Starch - 2 large spoons,
  • Baking soda - half a teaspoon,
  • Sugar - glass
  • Raisins - half a glass.

Step by step:

  1. Pour semolina with warm milk and leave to swell for half an hour.
  2. Pour raisins with hot water and leave to steam for 5 minutes. Then drain and lay it on a paper towel to remove excess liquid.
  3. Combine eggs with sugar and beat.
  4. Add butter in chunks and beat again.
  5. Combine cottage cheese with starch and soda.
  6. Combine cottage cheese and egg-oil mixture and beat.
  7. Pour in the milk and whisk until smooth.
  8. Add raisins and stir.
  9. Put the dough into a mold and send it to the oven for half an hour.

A step-by-step recipe for a simple cottage cheese casserole in the oven

There is nothing extra in this recipe. But you can add both fresh favorite fruits and dried fruits to it. But this is at the request of the hostesses.

We will need:

  • Cottage cheese - 1/2 kilogram,
  • Sugar - half a glass
  • Eggs - 3 large
  • Semolina - half a glass.

Step by step:

  1. Beat the eggs with the addition of sugar until a strong foam.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with beaten eggs, add semolina and knead the dough.

3. Lubricate the mold with oil and pour the dough into it.

  1. Send the dough to the oven for 20 minutes.
  2. Serve with whipped cream and fruit.

Another recipe for cottage cheese casserole without additives “All for three” - nothing more

Now there are many different options for cottage cheese casseroles. Modern housewives have a good imagination, so they add anything to this dish - from sweet berries and fruits to meat products and cheeses.

This recipe is very easy to prepare and eliminates any additives. It is easy to remember for any hostess, and the name speaks for itself "All in three." This means that all ingredients must be added in the amount of 3 pieces.

You need:

  • Cottage cheese - 250 grams,
  • 3 tablespoons each: semolina, sugar, flour
  • Egg - 1 pc.,
  • Oil - 1 tbsp.

To prepare a casserole from 500 grams of cottage cheese, you need to multiply the number of these ingredients by two. With a different mass of cottage cheese, a similar ratio of products must be observed.


Step 1. Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl for more convenient kneading of the dough.

Step 2. Add 3 tablespoons: semolina, sugar, flour.

Step 3. Beat one egg.

Step 4. Mix all the contents until a homogeneous mass is obtained in color and consistency.

Step 5. Lubricate the form with vegetable or butter and put the resulting mixture there.

Step 6. Gently spread with a spoon curd mass around the entire perimeter of the form.

Step 7. Put everything in the oven and bake for 35-30 minutes.

This option does not require the addition of flour. The cheesecake is prepared quickly and it turns out very tasty and juicy.


  • Cottage cheese - half a kilo,
  • Sugar - half a cup
  • Chicken egg - 6 pieces,
  • Semolina - 5 large spoons.


  1. Grind cottage cheese until smooth with sugar and eggs.
  2. Add semolina and mix everything thoroughly. Let it swell for 15 minutes.
  3. We shift the mixture into a greased form and bake for half an hour.
  4. Decorate with fruit and whipped cream before serving.

Air curd casserole

Such simple recipe the most delicate casserole will not leave indifferent even novice housewives.


  • Cottage cheese - half a kilo,
  • Sugar - 200 grams,
  • Egg - 3 pcs.,
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • Vanilla - 1 sachet
  • Baking soda, quenched with vinegar - half a teaspoon,
  • Flour - 3 large spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub eggs with sugar.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese well so that there are no lumps.
  3. Combine cottage cheese and eggs with sugar and grind until smooth.
  4. Add vanilla and sour cream and grind again.
  5. Mix with quenched soda and flour and stir to an equal consistency.
  6. Put the greased form and put in the oven for half an hour.
  7. Garnish with whipped cream before serving.

Casserole with cottage cheese without semolina and flour

This tender and fluffy casserole is suitable for the whole family. Will not hurt the figure, and the children will be delighted with it.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.,
  • Eggs - 6 pieces,
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Potato starch - 2 large spoons,
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 drops,
  • Ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon,
  • Vanilla sugar - sachet
  • Margarine - for greasing the mold.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Break the eggs, separating the whites from the yolks.
  2. Beat the yolks with sugar until smooth.
  3. Whisk egg whites with lemon juice to stable peaks.
  4. Add the beaten yolks to the curd mass and beat again.
  5. Then we add the remaining products, beat again.
  6. Continuing to beat, we introduce whipped protein in small portions.
  7. Carefully transfer the whipped curd mass into molds greased with margarine and put in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
  8. Check readiness with a toothpick. If it is dry, then the dish is ready.
  9. Serve garnished with fruit, candied fruits, grated chocolate or whipped cream.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with poppy seeds and banana in a slow cooker

This casserole is an excellent breakfast for adults and kids. Especially those who follow a diet will appreciate it. You can also take it with you to work as a light snack.


  • Fat-free cottage cheese - half a kilogram,
  • Eggs - 3 pieces,
  • Sour cream with 1% fat - two tablespoons,
  • Maca - 2 large spoons,
  • Bananas - 2 small pieces,
  • Flour - two spoons,
  • Lemon or orange peel- small spoon
  • Vanilla - sachet
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.

Step by step:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with eggs and honey.
  2. Add sour cream, vanilla, poppy seeds and flour. We mix everything thoroughly.

3. Cut bananas into squares and add to the dough along with orange or lemon zest. We mix everything well.

  1. We grease the container from the multicooker with margarine. Pour the dough into it and send it to the slow cooker in the “Baking” mode for 40-45 minutes.
  2. The finished casserole can be topped with a banana mixed with low-calorie natural yogurt.

Diet cottage cheese casserole with rice and pumpkin

In classic recipes for cottage cheese casseroles, it is always used semolina or flour. This gives the dish extra calories. This example is without semolina and without flour.

We will need:

  • Rice - a glass,
  • Fat-free cottage cheese - half a kilo,
  • 3 eggs,
  • Low percentage sour cream - one spoon,
  • Pumpkins - 150 grams,
  • Lemon or orange juice - 3 tablespoons,
  • A quarter cup of plain water
  • Half a teaspoon of slaked soda,
  • 3 spoons of honey
  • Vanilla sachet.


  1. Let the rice cook until half cooked. He must be tough.
  2. Cooking pumpkin porridge. To do this, cut the pumpkin, peeled from the pulp and skin, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and firth or orange juice. Cook until soft, add 1 tablespoon of honey and cook until puree.
  3. Rub cottage cheese with eggs and honey.
  4. Add vanilla, soda, rice, sour cream and pumpkin puree. Whisk everything thoroughly.
  5. We shift the dough into a greased mold and send it to the oven for half an hour.
  6. The finished casserole can be decorated with fruits and natural yogurt.

The classic recipe for a tender cottage cheese casserole in the oven

A traditional casserole recipe passed down from generation to generation. The casserole always turns out juicy, tender and airy.

  • Curd mass - 0.5 kg.,
  • Semolina - half a glass,
  • Egg - 4 things,
  • Yogurt - a glass,
  • Sugar - mug,
  • Vanilla - package
  • Baking soda - half a small spoon,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Raisins - a hundred gram glass.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Separate the protein from the yolk. Beat egg whites with half the sugar until fluffy. Grind the yolks with sugar and salt until white.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with yolks, kefir, soda, semolina, vanilla. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. In the resulting mass, add in portions of proteins and beat.
  4. Put the dough into a mold and send it to the oven for half an hour.
  5. Serve the dish slightly chilled.

Another version of an amazing cheesecake. It is very healthy and is an excellent breakfast for babies, nursing mothers and especially useful for pregnant women.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 g.,
  • Egg - 4 pcs.,
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Apples - two large
  • Soda quenched with vinegar - half a teaspoon,
  • glass of semolina,
  • glass of sugar,
  • Cinnamon - half a teaspoon,
  • Powdered sugar for decoration.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Cut apples into small pieces. And cut half an apple into thin slices.
  2. Sprinkle all apples with sugar and cinnamon. Let stand for a while so that the juice stands out.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with eggs, sugar, sour cream, soda and semolina. All knead well. Add apples, only those that were cut into crayons and pour all the juice that has stood out into the dough. All knead well.
  4. Pour the dough into a greased form, put the apples cut into slices on top of the dough. Bake in the oven until done.
  5. Sprinkle the top of the casserole with powdered sugar before serving.

Very fast and delicious option cooking cottage cheese casserole. It takes a maximum of 10-15 minutes to cook. And the result exceeds all expectations!


  • Cottage cheese - half a kilo,
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.,
  • Sugar - one glass
  • Pitted cherries - a cup,
  • Flour - a third of a glass.


  1. Grind cottage cheese with sugar and eggs.
  2. Add flour and cherries. To mix everything.
  3. Divide the dough into silicone molds.
  4. Bake in the microwave for 5-6 minutes.
  5. Decorate with grated chocolate before serving.

Casserole with cottage cheese, raisins and dry kissel

This casserole turns out every time a different taste due to dry jelly. It plays the role of a substitute for starch and dye.

  • Cottage cheese - half of one kg.,
  • Eggs - 5 pieces,
  • Manka - a glass,
  • Raisins - medium mug,
  • Instant jelly (any) - a bag,
  • Soda - 1/2 small spoon,
  • Flour - 2 large spoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour raisins with boiling water and leave to swell.
  2. Rub cottage cheese with sugar until smooth.
  3. Beat eggs and mix with curd.
  4. Add dry jelly, semolina, flour, soda and beat everything.
  5. Add raisins and mix thoroughly.
  6. Pour the dough into a mold and put in the oven for 40 minutes.
  7. Let cool and serve garnished with whipped cream.

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins in the microwave

It is prepared very quickly and is suitable for breakfast for both children and adults.


  • Cottage cheese - 300 grams.
  • Two spoons of honey
  • Raisins - optional
  • 3 eggs,
  • Two tablespoons of flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak raisins in hot water.
  2. mix cottage cheese, eggs, honey and flour. Knead the dough.
  3. Add raisins, stir.
  4. Decompose by silicone molds and put in the microwave for 5 minutes.
  5. Serve with berry syrup.

Returned to her homeland…….. also good. France gave a storm of energy, peace of mind and some kind frostbite. I feel calm in my soul from all these pictures, the ocean expanse embraces me, the smell of couscous breaks into my consciousness, causing hungry hallucinations, the taste of rustling puff pastry croissants free of charge gives the joys of life on the theme of everything in French cozy ......

As my good friend says, "I love it when layers ...". No, a friend is not a Frenchman, he is an energetic Kyivan ...

And let the priest get fat - french croissants with chocolate in the morning
he is the taste of happiness. And with her we will talk seriously on these topics a little

Just landed at Charle De Gaulle airport - met
nose to nose with Gerard Depardieu, he is my love, the poor fellow sat bored in
helper company with suitcases. I was too shy to approach, but this meeting
was a good sign.

And yesterday, on Sunday, I cooked a cottage cheese casserole. Visits to pastry shops make themselves felt. My casserole has frenched. In fact, you see, all sorts of different sophistication -
sometimes it’s not bad, but if you want something simple and tasty, here’s the recipe:

Cottage cheese casserole (to be honest - cottage cheese soufflé)

For cottage cheese casserole:

500 g medium moisture cottage cheese
2 eggs
40 g semolina
80 g milk
40 g melted butter
120 g sugar
A pinch of salt

Heat the oven to 180 C. Soak semolina in warm milk. Wipe cottage cheese
through a sieve. Separate the yolks from the whites. Whisk the yolks into foam
half sugar, add cottage cheese, semolina, and melted butter. Whisk.
Add whipped whites with the remaining half of the sugar and a pinch
salt. Pour the mass into low round molds (or high
rectangular shape). Bake curd soufflé (soufflé because in
mass of whipped protein and cottage cheese will rise great) until cooked.
Try not to overdry.

For the raspberry jelly and raspberry sauce:

Mash 2 cups raspberries, add sugar to taste, warm. Strain, divide in half.
In one half, add pre-soaked gelatin from consumption
plate 5 g per 70 g of juice. Add alcohol if desired. Pour in
form, freeze cut out circles of the same diameter as the casserole.

In the other half, add tsp. without a slide cornstarch. Boil until thickened.

Well, if you're not too lazy, like me, prepare an amazing custard:

250 g milk
3 yolks
Half a vanilla pod
22 g cornstarch
60 g sugar
30 g butter

Mash the starch with a little milk, add the remaining mixture
Bring the milk to a boil, stirring constantly. Pour in a thin stream
into egg yolks whipped with sugar. Bring the mixture to 83 C or light
thickening. Cool down. When the cream becomes slightly warm, 30 C, add
softened butter. Mix well.

Assemble the dessert: put a layer of casserole on a plate, a layer of jelly on it, etc. Garnish with whipped cream and fresh raspberries. Make a pattern with raspberry sauce around.

To make hearts, before serving the casserole, pour onto a plate raspberry sauce, from above at a distance from each other, make drops custard. Draw a circle with a toothpick
droplets exactly in their center dividing them in half.

I just noticed - it's completely dietary product! Enjoy your meal.

Cottage cheese casserole is one of the favorite dishes of adults and children. No one can resist a piece of delicious lush pastries, prepared at home, with syrup or condensed milk. The dish is not only tasty, but also healthy, because cottage cheese contains a large number of microelements indispensable for the body - folic acid, magnesium, potassium, proteins, vitamins A and B. For dessert to be truly irreplaceable, you need to understand how to cook cottage cheese casserole, observing the secrets of baking.


Cottage cheese casserole is considered a taste from childhood. Toddlers love this treat. It is easily digestible, suitable for people of any age and people with gastrointestinal pathologies who are forced to adhere to therapeutic diets. Nutritionists prefer cooking option. This approach significantly reduces calorie content. ready meal making it dietary. But the benefits are fully preserved. Casserole with cottage cheese and fruit contains even more useful ingredients.

For 100 g of a finished dish with semolina or flour, no more than 230 - 250 kcal comes. With the exclusion of these products, the calorie content of the cottage cheese casserole is further reduced.

cooking secrets

The dish will turn out equally tasty when baking in the oven, in a slow cooker and in a double boiler. The basis of the dessert will always be cottage cheese, which should be as fresh as possible; it is forbidden to cook spoiled cottage cheese. You can cook from it, but on condition that the product was stored in the refrigerator, it has a normal color and there is no unpleasant odor. For improvement palatability it is recommended to choose a product with a slight acidity, an average percentage of fat content. Zero or low fat reduces the taste of the dessert, making it bland.

There are a few more secrets that will help improve the casserole:

  1. The dish will turn out more juicy if you replace the flour with semolina. Then, after mixing all the components, the dough should be allowed to stand for about 30 minutes. So semolina swells, making ready-made casserole more tender than with flour. Read the recipe at.
  2. When baking in the oven, sprinkle the dessert with sugar 10 minutes before cooking. This will help you get a nice crispy golden crust.
  3. If the cottage cheese seems too bland or not fat enough, adding sour cream will help correct the situation.
  4. Eggs in a casserole make it airy and become a link. For whipping, it is recommended to use a mixer.
  5. Dessert should be baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, be sure to grease the baking sheet with oil.

The casserole can be served both warm and chilled. The dessert retains its wonderful taste regardless of the temperature.

Without the addition of semolina and eggs

If there is no semolina at hand, then you can cook a casserole without it, and the dish will turn out to be no less tasty, tender, and healthy. You can replace semolina with starch, wheat flour. Semolina is an optional ingredient, but in its absence, some nuances must be taken into account. They will help answer the question of how to cook a magnificent cottage cheese casserole:

  1. Cottage cheese must be rubbed with a sieve or blender. This will make the dessert tender.
  2. It is better to choose cottage cheese with high or moderate fat content. This will make the casserole appetizing. You can add cream, butter, sour cream to fat-free cottage cheese - one large spoon will be enough.
  3. You need to put the casserole in the oven until it finally warms up. With sudden heating, the surface of the dough will immediately turn into a crust and burst. You can put the dough in a couple of minutes after turning on the oven. The dessert will warm up gradually, thanks to which it will rise well.
  4. You don't need to lay a lot of eggs. The excess will thicken the dish, making it rubbery. For airiness, beat the yolks and whites separately.
  5. Sift flour. Thanks to this stage, the casserole becomes fluffy and soft. This becomes evident even from the dough - it is tender, similar to sour cream.

If you do not put eggs in the dish, you can make it even more dietary. As a rule, the yolks add an appetizing yellowish color to the casserole. But for this purpose, they can be replaced with turmeric. If you want to put less sugar, you can add dried apricots to the dough. It turns out delicious casserole without eggs and semolina on rice flour.

Soda or baking powder: which is better?

Many housewives are accustomed to the old way of adding soda to baked goods by quenching with vinegar. But experienced cooks recommend mixing soda with dry ingredients, and vinegar with liquid ones. After connection, the reaction will occur already in the test. But these methods do not always help to get air curd dessert. This happens because for the expected result, you need to know the exact ratio of soda to vinegar and flour. If you overdo it with soda, then baking will get an unpleasant aftertaste. To prevent this from happening, they came up with a recipe with baking powder.

Baking powder is a mixture of flour, baking soda and citric acid. Sometimes flour is replaced with starch to increase the shelf life of the powder. The mixture is prepared with the aim of the correct reaction of soda and acid at the right time and without residue. If you add a baking powder, then the necessary reaction occurs already in the test. But there are situations when it is preferable to add soda. For example, it works great if honey, chocolate, citrus juice, Brown sugar. Soda is 4 times stronger than baking powder.

An approximate ratio is a teaspoon of baking powder per 125 g of flour, or a quarter of a teaspoon of soda for the same amount of flour.

In the oven and multicooker

Preparing a cottage cheese casserole is easy and fast, most often it is to the taste even for people who do not like cottage cheese too much. This happens because fermented milk product it turns out very tasty, light and tender. The main condition for making a delicious airy casserole is following the rules for preparing a dessert. The multicooker allows you to speed up and facilitate the cooking process. In a slow cooker, a casserole turns out no worse than in an oven. But the top is not so fried and ruddy. For cooking, the Baking mode is set for 30 - 60 minutes.

But not everyone likes to step back from the cooking process. In this case, you should bake a casserole in the oven by choosing a recipe for how to cook a cottage cheese casserole in the oven. Modern ovens are equipped with a huge number of functions and modes. In them, the dessert will turn out rosy and appetizing. The main thing is to monitor the cooking time, checking that the casserole does not burn and is baked.

Time for preparing

It will not be possible to give an unambiguous answer to the question about the cooking time of the cottage cheese casserole. It depends on the capability of the oven or other device installed temperature regime. An important role is played by the ingredients used, the height and thickness of the casserole. The average baking time for a casserole in the oven is 35 - 45 minutes, but these are only approximate data.

To understand whether the cottage cheese casserole is ready in the oven or slow cooker, you need to pierce it with a toothpick. If it stays clean, the dish is ready.

Toppings and additives

Topping is called fruit or berry syrup, which is used for a variety of flavors of dishes, including cottage cheese casseroles. Topping will help to turn an ordinary dessert into a festive one. The consistency is a thick syrup, which allows you to make patterns and other decor for decoration.

You can buy the topping or make your own. With his help, it turns out. The assortment in specialized stores is very large - these are apple, banana, cherry, strawberry, raspberry and other flavors. There are milk, vanilla, caramel, chocolate and maple. Topping will give the cottage cheese casserole a special flavor or thickness. The dressing is suitable for both cold and hot dishes. If you decorate them sweet casserole, you can get a glossy beautiful surface with overflows. Such syrups are sold in convenient bottles so that you can paint the decor if you wish. To make the dessert more original, various berries, cinnamon, nutmeg, chocolate, orange zest and juice, .

Sauces and decor

Sauce in confectionery is an indicator of sophistication. It allows you to enhance the taste of dessert, add juiciness to any dish, including cottage cheese casserole. Professional confectioners conduct entire master classes on how to decorate a cottage cheese casserole and prepare a sauce.

Confectionery sauces are prepared from berries, fruits, jam, honey, coffee, cream, cocoa, chocolate, alcohol can be added - vermouth, liquor or cognac. The cooking process may vary, with or without thickeners. In any case, the mass is boiled down until it reaches the desired density. After cooking, it is ground, combined with starch. Sugar is used for thickening and sweetening - syrup is cooked on its basis. Then by adding cream, flour, proteins, butter, powdered sugar and starch bring the mass to the consistency of the sauce. An indispensable device for making gravy for casseroles with cottage cheese is a confectionery mixer.

To obtain a special flavor, vanillin, zest, cinnamon, cardamom, etc. are added to the composition.

Casserole sauces are either hot or cold. They are used at the final stage for decoration and decoration. When manufacturing, it is required to take only fresh, high-quality products. Fruit or berry sauces are more suitable for casseroles, they emphasize the taste of the dessert.

Benefits for children and adults

The question remains how useful a casserole is. The casserole contains the substances necessary for the body to function properly - vitamins and trace elements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the right amount. Also included in the dessert are:

  • Methionine is an amino acid that helps maintain proper liver function.
  • Potassium and sodium regulate blood pressure.
  • Vitamins C and B - strengthen the vascular walls.
  • Proteins are required to keep the immune system working.
  • Vitamins A, E, C, antioxidants - help the intestines to work properly, restoring its microflora.

Cottage cheese contains a large amount of vitamins, calcium, proteins - all these substances strengthen bones, muscles and generally have a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

How long does cottage cheese casserole last?

Cottage cheese and dishes from it will be healthy and tasty only if freshness is preserved. Curd products, including casseroles, are perishable.

The storage temperature of all products from the perishable group, according to San PiNu, should be from -2 to +4 degrees Celsius.

The shelf life of a cottage cheese casserole in the refrigerator, while maintaining this temperature, is 48 hours.

So, cottage cheese casserole is very tasty and healthy dish, it is permissible to eat it for breakfast and even for dinner. You can add fruits and berries, giving new taste. There are a huge number of different recipes for making such a dessert from cottage cheese. Everyone can choose according to their taste.

Delicious, fragrant, "correct". Such a cottage cheese casserole has been prepared for many years for breakfast in one restaurant at an old hotel that knew more about Soviet times.

A few tips:

- The quality of cottage cheese greatly affects the taste of the casserole, it should not be sour or old, homemade fatty cottage cheese is best, which must be wiped or beaten with a blender until a cream resembles the consistency of Philadelphia cheese. It’s impossible to beat cheap store-bought cottage cheese like that, the smallest lumps still remain.

The top of the baked casserole must be greased with butter or fat sour cream, then the crust will become tender and fragrant.

In addition to vanilla sugar, you can add to the dough of the cottage cheese casserole lemon peel, it will give an incomparable aroma.

From the first time, almost no one gets a delicious and perfectly cooked cottage cheese casserole. Why is this happening? What is the secret of preparing a kindergarten dish? Cooking classic recipe in the oven and a low-calorie dish without semolina. As well as a recipe for a casserole of 3 products.


Cottage cheese 5-9% - 1 kg
semolina - 4 tbsp.
sugar - 4-6 tbsp. (to taste cottage cheese)
salt - 1/2 tsp
eggs - 3pcs
vanillin (to taste)
raisins - to taste (soak)

Beat eggs with sugar, salt and vanilla. You can directly into the foam, as when you bake a biscuit or something magnificent.

Add cottage cheese in two or one stage so that it mixes well with egg mixture, the site says. If the cottage cheese is dry, then you can add sour cream or cream to taste and consistency.

Add semolina and raisins. I throw directly without turning off the combine, at low speeds. In the end, I even turn it on for a couple of minutes at the highest speed.

Pour into a mold greased with butter. Top with a little sour cream. Bake for 35-40 minutes on medium heat.

Correct - medium or high-fat cottage cheese;

The correct ratio of the main ingredients - cottage cheese, eggs and flour;

Advance preparation of additional products - fruits, dried fruits, etc.;

For a tender casserole - rubbing the cottage cheese through a sieve and mixing the ingredients with a blender / mixer;

For a loose casserole - do not wipe the cottage cheese, mix the ingredients with a fork;

The correct sequence for laying the products: first mix the eggs and sugar, then enter the cottage cheese in portions, the last - swollen semolina, if used additional ingredients- they are added last;

For special tenderness of the casserole, you can separate the eggs into whites and yolks, beat the whites with a pinch of salt to peaks and add the latter to the mass, mixed with all the ingredients (including additional ones).

In order for the cottage cheese casserole to bake well, do not make it too high - the thinner it is, the better. Spread the mixture should be greased with butter and sprinkled with semolina or breadcrumbs shape, preferably with detachable edges. To prevent the casserole from sinking, do not add soda to it, but bake it in an oven preheated to 150-180 degrees until browning, which will be the main signal that the dish is ready.

6 cooking secrets

How to cook a cottage cheese casserole in the oven like in a kindergarten? Following these tips, you will get just such a dish.

The basis of the recipe is cottage cheese, according to He must be home. And along with it, sour cream. If you take rustic products, the result will be the right consistency and taste.

Whisk the eggs properly. delicious casserole from cottage cheese as in kindergarten results not only from the right ingredients, but also on the method of preparation. If according to the recipe you need to beat eggs with sugar, then do it for a long time until a stable foam appears, lush and not liquid. Then the cottage cheese casserole, like in a kindergarten, will come out tall and airy.

No pain. In order for the cake not to fall off and retain its shape, cook it with semolina. And don't add flour. After mixing all the ingredients with semolina, be sure to let the mixture stand for 15-20 minutes to swell.

Welded semolina. According to the recipe in the cottage cheese casserole in the oven, as in the garden, raw cereals are used. But if you cook pastries from ready-made semolina porridge, the taste will be even more delicate. And such a cake will not fall off after cooling.

Baking temperature. The maximum temperature for a cottage cheese casserole recipe like in kindergarten or any other cottage cheese casserole is 200 degrees. And on average it is 175-180 degrees. This is the optimum temperature for even baking. The bottom layer does not burn, and the top layer does not remain liquid.

Raisin casserole. Before adding to the dough, the raisins must be steamed, otherwise they will be dry. If it is poured with hot water and left for a long time, it will become too soft and tasteless. According to the rules, raisins should be steamed for 2-3 minutes in steep tea or poured over with boiling water and drained, then it will swell, but at the same time retain both its shape and taste.