Boiled nut cookies. Recipes for nut cookies with condensed milk. Nuts with condensed milk: a classic recipe in nut nuts. How to prepare dough for nuts with condensed milk for nuts. Very tasty, with a subtle honey aroma, shortbread dough is obtained by mixing

The most favorite treat comes from childhood - nuts with condensed milk. They were, are and will be a wonderful decoration for both festive and everyday evening tea. Of course, you can buy this delicacy in the store. But taste qualities far from those enjoyed by home baked goods. Therefore, we suggest you prepare it yourself at home. The classic recipe that will be discussed is not at all complicated. To bring it to life, there is one prerequisite - the presence of a special form. Perhaps it was left with your mother or grandmother from Soviet times. And if not, then such a form can be easily purchased today.

List of ingredients

This set of products will yield a lot of nuts. And this is important, because you can never have too many of such delicacies.

Take for the test:

  • two eggs;
  • 250 g butter (or margarine);
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 600-650 g flour;
  • half a teaspoon (without top) of soda;
  • half a teaspoon apple cider vinegar(lemon juice, table vinegar);
  • a pinch of salt.

For the filling we use:

  • one can of condensed milk;
  • 100 g butter.

Preparing condensed milk

If you decide to cook in a hazelnut, you should take into account that the first step is preparing the filling. Take a can of condensed milk, put it in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and cook for about three hours. During this time, the condensed milk should acquire a dark color and taste like caramel. Also, long cooking makes it thick. You need to let the condensed milk cool so that it is not hot. To save time, it is recommended to cook condensed milk the day before making cookies. You can also entrust this task to a multicooker. Similar to the previous method, condensed milk is poured with boiling water. It cooks for 3-4 hours on the “Stewing” program.

Nuts with condensed milk: dough

The recipe we offer you is very simple. Let's take butter, melt it in a water bath (or over very low heat). To melt the butter faster, it is recommended to first cut it into small pieces. When the butter becomes liquid, add sugar and salt to it, mix everything thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps.

Now in a separate bowl, beat the eggs using a mixer (blender) until foam forms. Gently pour the eggs into the dough, stirring it constantly.

Now add the flour in small portions, continuously stirring the dough so that there are no lumps in it. The dough for nuts with condensed milk must be kneaded thoroughly. As a result, it will turn out to be a homogeneous, viscous and thick consistency.

Form for nuts

Since the decision was made to prepare these cookies, it means you have a form for nuts with condensed milk, which is also called hazelnut. If you have just started to get acquainted with this recipe, then this information is for you. Everyone knows that there are different types of hazel trees. There are cast iron ones that heat up on the stove. And there are more modern ones - electric, powered from the network. But it doesn’t matter what form you use, the main thing is not to forget that the cells of the nut halves must be lubricated with oil.

Baking nuts

Let's take ready dough, tear off small pieces and place them in the recesses of the mold. It is important to remember that the dough should fill the cavity by 2/3. Now we close the hazelnut. If suddenly excess dough comes out of the mold, then we carefully remove it with a knife. If this is not done, the dough that comes out will burn during baking. Bake the cookies until fully cooked. Open the pan and lay out the halves of nuts to cool.

Preparing the filling

So, we are preparing nuts with condensed milk. The classic recipe assumes that the filling must consist of condensed milk and butter. Since the condensed milk was cooked in advance, now we open it and mix it thoroughly in a separate bowl with butter. This is necessary so that the taste is more delicate, and there will be more filling due to the oil.

Formation of nuts

How to make nuts with condensed milk? Place the filling into the baked nut shells. Fill each half with about one teaspoon of buttered condensed milk. Then we put two halves together, and this way we get a whole nut.

The formed cookies can be sprinkled powdered sugar. This will make it look even more appetizing. We put the nuts on the table and treat our family!

Variety of fillings

If you cook regular nuts with condensed milk, the classic recipe assumes that the filling will consist of condensed milk and butter. But you can dream up a little and make some of your own adjustments. Here are a few more filling options for these wonderful cookies.

The first option is to improve the condensed milk filling. For example, you can add almonds or hazelnuts. Perfect even walnuts. As for hazelnuts and almonds, it is recommended to chop them and add them. You can also put a whole nut in the middle of the cookies. If you prefer to use walnuts, it is better to first roast them a little in the oven, like seeds. After frying, the husks are very easily removed, and the taste becomes simply incomparable. Place roasted walnuts in whole pieces into the filling. Not only a child, but also an adult will be happy with such a tasty treat.

The second option is suitable for those who do not have condensed milk on hand, but the desire to make cookies is very strong. Don't despair, there is a way out of the situation. The filling can be anything, make it to your taste. This recipe is suitable for mothers who have small children. For example, you can prepare a delicious cream that will consist of cocoa powder, sugar, butter, infant formula and milk. It is very simple to prepare - you just need to mix all the listed ingredients in an enamel bowl. Place it on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. The only caveat: baby formula is added to the cream at the end. And you need to add enough of it to thicken the cream.

The third option is to make chocolate custard. And it is easy to prepare, and most importantly - quickly. At the same time, the taste is no worse than condensed milk. For this cream you will need: milk, eggs, butter, flour, sugar, a piece of chocolate. First of all, beat the eggs and sugar. Stirring constantly, add flour. Boil the milk, then pour it into the mixture of eggs, sugar and flour. Cook until the flour thickens. At the end, add chocolate and let it melt. When the cream has cooled a little, beat the butter and add to the cream, while mixing thoroughly. Now delicious chocolate cream ready - you can stuff the nuts.

As you can see, it is not necessary to cook nuts with condensed milk. The classic recipe can always be modified to suit the products on hand, or simply improved a little, taking into account your taste or the preferences of your family. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment!

“Nuts” with condensed milk is one of the most favorite treats for children and adults. In Soviet times, they were almost the only sweet that turned even ordinary tea drinking into a real holiday. Possessing an unsurpassed taste, these cookies have no analogues, and such a delicacy in the store is very different from home-baked goods. How to cook real classic “nuts” with condensed milk?

How to prepare dough for classic “nuts” with condensed milk

To prepare the dough you will need the following ingredients:

  • butter or margarine - 250 grams;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • soda - ¼ teaspoon;
  • lemon juice or vinegar - to extinguish soda;
  • salt - a pinch.
  1. Melt butter or margarine in a saucepan. You can also simply soften them, leaving them at room temperature for a while, or grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Beat the eggs with sugar; you can use any suitable household appliance for this.
  3. Quench soda with vinegar or lemon juice.
  4. Mix butter or margarine, egg with sugar and soda, add salt to the mixture and mix the whole mass until it reaches a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Gradually add flour to the dough, stirring the mixture constantly.
  6. Knead and knead the dough well, it should turn out soft, fatty and elastic.

How to prepare the filling for classic “nuts” with condensed milk

To prepare the filling you will need the following ingredients:

  • can of condensed milk - 1 piece;
  • walnuts - 200 grams;
  • butter - 50 - 100 grams.

Prepare the cookie dough as follows:

  1. Remove the label from the can of condensed milk, hold it under hot water, and place it in a saucepan. Pour enough water so that it completely covers the jar and put it on fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid to prevent the water from evaporating. Boil the condensed milk over low heat for two hours, constantly making sure that the water does not boil violently and completely covers the jar.
  2. Melt the butter over low heat and add it to the boiled condensed milk; you can simply add it to the hot condensed milk.
  3. Grind the walnuts in a coffee grinder to a powdery state and add to the boiled condensed milk with butter, mix everything well, preferably using a mixer.

How to cook classic “nuts” with condensed milk

Prepare cookies as follows:

  1. Roll the dough into balls of the required size - such that it optimally fits the baking pan you are using. In Soviet times, the usual, simplest “nut nuts” were used; for them, the optimal size was dough balls with a diameter of 2 centimeters.
  2. Put the hazelnut on the fire, open the lid and grease vegetable oil Each indentation, as well as each bulge at the top, will ensure that the cookies come out of shape perfectly.
  3. Place a ball of dough into each cavity and close the lid of the mold. We hold it tightly by the handles for some time so that the dough is evenly distributed over the mold and takes the desired shape of the “nut” halves. If the “hazel” is warmed up well, be sure to release the air from it after a few seconds of pressing and squeeze the handles again. You should keep them for about a minute, then you can leave them to bake on their own. On a heated “hazelnut” cookie bakes very quickly - no more than a few minutes.
  4. When the cookies are baked on one side, turn the “hazelnut” over to the other side and bake for another couple of minutes.
  5. Remove the pan from the heat, use a fork to remove the cookies and add a new batch.
  6. When all the halves of the “nuts” are ready, you need to put the filling in each half and glue them together, having previously coated the edges of each half for better adhesion.

Some nuances when preparing classic “nuts” with condensed milk

  1. IN classic recipe Initially, it was margarine that was used; it gave the cookies a special flavor. But most likely its presence in this delicacy in Soviet times was due to just a banal shortage. It was difficult to find butter on store shelves, but today it is still used more often.
  2. Although previously walnuts were present in the recipe for making “nuts,” they were rarely used. Usually they were limited to one condensed milk. Today, the filling is much more varied: peanuts, raisins, prunes, candied fruits, chocolate, liqueur, cognac, and cocoa are added to condensed milk.
  3. Today, ordinary “hazel” pans, which were used in Soviet times, are used much less frequently. They were replaced by a more modern version - electric waffle irons“Nut”, which will quickly and easily allow you to prepare your favorite cookies.

Prepare an amazingly tasty delicacy and enjoy it with the whole family, or invite guests - everyone will be very happy with such a treat.

Dough nuts are cookies that are familiar to everyone since childhood. These sweets can often be seen on sale now, but in taste and quality they are very inferior to those real, mother’s nuts. It's simple: dough is prepared for sale with minimum quantity sugar and margarine instead of butter. And what kind of condensed milk is put inside, we can only guess. So, if you want to throw a holiday for your kids, prepare homemade nuts in a hazelnut bowl with chocolate or condensed milk yourself! It's quite simple, although baking the shell itself will take about an hour.

Cookies Nuts

step by step photo recipe in oreshnitsa

To prepare nuts, you will need one very important “unit” - a nut nut. Such devices are sold in dishware stores, but you can also use an old Soviet-style hazelnut. If you need to choose which hazel nut to buy, choose the one with the most holes (then you will spend less time preparing the shells). By the way, you can also buy an electric nut holder.


For the test:

  • Butter – 200 g,
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.,
  • Sugar – 150 g,
  • Flour – 300 g,
  • Soda – ½ tsp,
  • Vinegar – 1 tbsp.

For filling:

  • Butter – 150 g,
  • Cocoa powder – 50 g,
  • Sugar – 100 g,
  • Milk – 50 ml.

Cooking process:

The dough for the nuts will be oily. So first of all, put the butter in a small saucepan and put it on low heat until it completely melts. Then set the pan aside or pour into a cup to allow the oil to cool slightly.

Break two eggs into a large bowl and add sugar.

Using a fork, stir these two ingredients until smooth. There is no need to beat the mixture: soda, not egg bubbles, will give the dough softness.

If the oil has already cooled down, pour it into egg mixture and stir.

Quench the baking soda with vinegar (just pour in until the baking soda sizzles) and add to the dough.

Add a glass of flour to the bowl and knead well with a spoon. Gradually add flour and knead first with a spoon, and when it becomes difficult, with your hands.

Flour should be added until the dough becomes plastic. Form it into a log if the dough no longer sticks to your hands.

Using your hands, roll balls up to 2 cm in diameter from the base. It is better to prepare as many balls as possible in advance so as not to get your hands dirty with greasy dough while preparing the nuts.

Heat the hazel well over the fire on both sides and grease both doors from the inside with vegetable oil using a brush. While the pan is still hot, place the dough balls into the wells. Close the hazelnut and place on the fire, holding the handles tightly for a few seconds. If you roll the balls too big, the dough will come out of the sides of the pan. It’s okay: when finished, the excess cookies can simply be broken off from the nuts. If there is a lot of surplus, it is better to prepare smaller balls.

Keep the hazel nut on the fire on both sides to shortbread well browned (you can slightly open the bowl and peek) and transfer the shells from it to a bowl. In the same way, prepare blanks from the remaining dough.

While the shells are cooling, make your homemade chocolate. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan.

Add cocoa powder little by little, stirring immediately. Make sure the heat is low, otherwise the chocolate will burn.

Add sugar to the chocolate mixture and mix all ingredients.

The result is a fairly thick chocolate that will thicken even more as it cools. Therefore, now it needs to be diluted with milk. Pour in the milk and stir well until the mixture becomes homogeneous and slightly runny.

Cool chocolate filling and stuff the halves of the shells into it. The most convenient way is to place a heaping amount of chocolate in one half of the nut and cover with the other half.

Homemade sweet nuts are ready!

Immediately after cooking, they are crispy and crumbly, but if they sit with the filling for one night, they become softer and tasty. Bon appetit!

Thanks to Victoria for the recipe and photo.

Such a delicacy as nuts with condensed milk is known to quite a lot of people and is in demand not only among children, but also among adults. You can buy this delicacy at any confectionery store. But, as a rule, not everyone knows how to make nuts with condensed milk on their own at home.

The cooking technology is quite simple. The main requirement is to have a special mold at home for baking this type of cookie; it is also called a hazel pan. Without such a device, you will not be able to bake nuts. But, if you still have it, then the only thing left to do is prepare the dough itself and the filling for it. More about this.

Standard nut recipe

Start preparing this confectionery product required from the test. To prepare it, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 250 gr. butter
  • 480 gr. flour
  • 2 pcs. chicken egg
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • a quarter teaspoon of baking soda
  • lemon juice

To make the dough, you must follow these steps:

  1. The first thing you need to do is melt the butter. You can leave it in the room for a while so that it melts on its own. Or you can cut into pieces or grate and put in a steam bath
  2. Add egg and sugar to the resulting mixture and beat all ingredients with a mixer. If the latter is not available, then you can use a whisk or fork
  3. A quarter teaspoon of soda should be poured with lemon juice to extinguish it and added to the whipped mixture. Don't forget to add a pinch of salt
  4. Mix everything thoroughly
  5. The flour is not poured out all at once, but is added gradually. The dough is mixed by hand and flour is added to it as needed.
  6. If the dough has become soft and fatty, similar in shape to a sour cream mixture, then it can be considered ready

How to cook condensed milk for nuts with your own hands?

Homemade filling for this pastry consists of the following components:

  • condensed milk – 1 can
  • butter – 100 gr.
  • walnuts – 150 gr.

The further sequence of work looks like this:

  1. Place a can of condensed milk in a pan of water and boil it for two hours. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the container is constantly in water
  2. The butter needs to be melted and added to the already cooked, cooled condensed milk.
  3. Walnuts need to be peeled and ground. They also need to be added to the resulting mixture and mixed. The nut component will add to your filling good taste. If you have an allergy to nuts, then they should be immediately excluded from the composition.

Condensed milk can also be cooked in a slow cooker. In general, the recipe is no different from the previous one. Instead of using a saucepan, simply place a can of whole condensed milk in a multi-cooker bowl filled with water. Set the "Extinguishing" mode and wait 3-4 hours.

Baking nut-shaped cookies

When the dough and filling are ready, you can proceed to the last step in preparing this delicacy - baking and filling it.

To do this you need to follow the following sequence:

  1. At the beginning, as a rule, you should grease the baking dish with vegetable oil and heat it on both sides over the fire. Please note that if you do not grease the pan, the dough may burn
  2. Next, cut the finished dough into small pieces and roll them into circles.
  3. Place the formed circles in a greased pan and cover it with a lid.
  4. Place on the stove and keep for 1 minute
  5. When you see that the product has browned, you need to turn the pan over to the other side and keep it on the fire for the same time.
  6. After this time, the pan must be removed from the oven and the baked cookies must be removed using a fork.
  7. The rest of the dough is baked in the same sequence.

When all the nuts are ready, you can start filling them. To do this, put the prepared filling into each half and combine the two halves into a whole nut.

Leave the finished nuts in a cool place for a while to thicken them better.
Important. If you have an electric baking dish, then you need to heat it according to the instructions. And the cooking time will be slightly different from baking in a simple oven pan.

Recipe for nuts in the oven

There are times when not every housewife has a special baking dish. But there is no need to be upset. In this case, an oven will help you. The cooking technology is the same as described above, the only difference is in the baking process.

It looks like this:

  1. Line a baking sheet parchment paper or grease with vegetable oil
  2. Form balls with a diameter of 1 cm and place on a baking sheet
  3. Place it in the oven. Baking temperature should be 180º-200ºС
  4. When the halves are browned, you can take them out. Cooled balls form into nuts

In order for homemade baked goods to always turn out well, you need to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations for preparing nuts in advance and try to adhere to them:

  • Butter is better than margarine. It is better to put butter in the dough instead of margarine. This is due to the fact that margarine can ruin the taste of these baked goods. You need to melt the butter in a steam bath, first cutting the necessary part into pieces for faster melting
  • Baking cookies without eggs. There is also a vegetarian technology for preparing nuts with condensed milk. It consists in the fact that eggs are not placed in the dough, and all other ingredients remain in the same composition and quantity
  • Replacing the filling. The standard filling option for such baked goods is boiled condensed milk, which can be purchased in a store or made independently at home. But no one canceled the fact that you can change the filling at your discretion and try to experiment with something else. Here the choice is yours.

Sometimes housewives add mayonnaise or sour cream to the cookie filling. The taste then turns out to be quite delicate, so choose the filling according to your preferences.

Conclusion on the topic

As you can see, making nuts with condensed milk is quite simple. It is enough to adhere to the above recommendations, and most importantly, have the desire to prepare them. In the end you will get delicious homemade cakes. Bon appetit!

Delicious cookies - simple recipes with photo

An incredibly simple recipe for making delicious nut cookies with condensed milk that will awaken your childhood memories and give you nostalgic notes.

55 pcs.

1 hour

270 kcal

5/5 (3)

If you ask: “What is your favorite cookie from childhood?”, I am sure that almost everyone will answer that these are nut cookies. At least that's how it is for me.

After the collapse of the USSR, my parents, like most families in the nineties, barely had enough money for food, let alone sweets. That is why, when we had extra money, we bought condensed milk and the whole family prepared these ourselves delicious cookies. Such an event has always been a holiday for me and is imprinted in my head in full detail.

Now, as an adult, I remembered the nut cookies and decided to make them, feel nostalgic about my childhood and just enjoy my favorite sweets. I invite you to join me and bake this wonderful delicacy.

Kitchen appliances: hazel, stove.


For the test:

For filling:

  • butter – 100 g;
  • boiled condensed milk – 1 can;
  • walnuts – 1 cup;

If you have one thing for dough made from butter, margarine, sour cream or mayonnaise, then you can only use it, but the portion needs to be increased to 200 g. It is best if the dough for nuts is fatty, so we choose products with a high percentage fat content

The most important thing in this recipe is the mold., in which our “nuts” will be baked - hazelnut. It can be different: for hollow and full-bodied cookies, regular and electric, which one to use is up to you.

At home I have an ordinary old Soviet nut nut, which I inherited from my grandmother, so the technology for making nuts has not changed since Soviet times. It is used to make half-shells, and it must be heated on a burner. It is for this that the recipe is presented below, but you can remake it to suit your hazelnut.

Step-by-step preparation of cookies

  1. Ingredients:
    – butter (or margarine) – 100 g.
    Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat, then set it aside to cool, so our eggs won’t curdle in the future.
  2. Ingredients:
    — eggs – 2 pcs;
    - sugar - ½ cup.
    Beat the sugar well with the eggs until it dissolves. This can be done with a fork or a whisk, but best with a mixer.
  3. Ingredients:

    - sour cream (or mayonnaise) - 100 g;
    Wheat flour– 3 glasses;
    - soda - ½ tsp;

    - vinegar - 1 tsp;
    - salt - ¼ tsp.

    We extinguish the soda with vinegar and combine all the elements for our dough: first liquid, and then gradually add flour. The dough should come out thick, because we have to make a base for nuts from it. Therefore, if the dough comes out slightly liquid, add a little flour.

  4. At this stage, divide the dough into small balls, which should be 1/3 the size of the hazelnut recess. In general, you can never guess with the size, sometimes it’s too small, sometimes it’s too much, and the filling comes out, so experiment.

  5. Having placed our balls in the recesses, close the nut rack and bake on the burner for about 2 minutes, remembering to turn over every half a minute. Carefully scrape the finished shells out of the mold and let cool. We trim off the excess around the edges.

    To make the shells easy to pull out, lubricate all the indentations and planes of the hazelnut with sunflower oil.

  6. Ingredients:
    - boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
    — butter – 100 g;
    - walnuts - 1 cup.
    In a separate bowl, mix boiled condensed milk, melted butter and chopped walnuts. You can also add trimmed excess shells here.

  7. Finally, we fill our shells with the filling and connect them together in pairs. Delicious treat from childhood ready!

  8. Now these cookies can be eaten either with tea or on their own, the main thing is not to overdo it.
    You can change the filling to butter cream, custard, jam or any other. You can also simply fill it with boiled condensed milk without adding butter or nuts.

Video recipe for making cookies

In this video you can see with your own eyes how to make these cookies. Here you can also see another filler and another device for preparing shells - an electric hazel nut.