How to remove the smell of mud from fish. Secrets of a housewife: how to cook odorless cod So that the fish does not smell like mud

Fish is beautiful delicious product, recommended by all nutritionists of the world. Fish soup, sushi, rolls, dried, fried, baked fish... The list of dishes from the sea or river dweller is limited only by the chef's imagination. But there is one drawback that makes you refuse, if not from eating fish in general, then from cooking at home - the stink.

Housewives have to solve a difficult task every time - to get rid of the smell of fish that pervades everything around during the cooking process. This article will help you not to waste time on endless washing of towels, washing knives and forks. We tried to collect all the recipes that help eliminate the hated "bouquet". Choose the one that will be the most useful for you.

How to get rid of the smell of fish in the kitchen during cooking?

You will not have time to pick up a piece of fish with a fork, and the whole house will know what you have for dinner or lunch. "Aroma" will literally eat into pans and pots, will soar in the air. First, let's find out how to get rid of the smell of fish in the kitchen when frying. No ultra-modern and expensive tools are required. Salt, vinegar, lemon are in every kitchen. Wipe the pan or stewpan thoroughly with a paper towel so that not even a drop of oil remains. After that, the dishes must be washed with a standard product and dried.

On the final stage cooking at the bottom of the pan, you need to pour a handful of salt, ignite and cool, and then discard the contents. After the baking procedure, a baking sheet is placed in the oven with lemon zest. Getting rid of unpleasant odors is guaranteed. Do not forget about the following simple ways to eliminate amber:

  • treat the dishes with mustard or vegetable oil and rinse with detergent;
  • wipe all pans, forks, plates and stewpans with raw onions, carrot slices or potatoes, rinse with a solution of vinegar. Do the same with cutting boards and knives. Plastic or glass boards are treated with a solution of baking soda. Particular attention will have to be paid to ribbed options. They are more difficult to rinse and clean after cutting the delicacy.

It is equally important to know how to get rid of the smell during the frying process. Not a single hood can cope with the “aroma” emanating from sea or river inhabitants. There will be no smell if at least one circle of peeled potatoes or onions is put in the oil. After that, pieces of fish are placed in the pan.

Initially, it is possible to reduce the volumes of “flavorings” emitted into the atmosphere if, before cooking, the butchered silver carp or crucian carp are soaked in a solution of vinegar or a small amount of beer.

How to get rid of the smell of mud in fish

Representatives of river rocks are distinguished by an additional unpleasant feature - the "aroma" of mud. He is able to spoil the most delicious fish soup, cooked the best cook. To avoid wincing at the table, use the following methods:

  • add 5-6 drops to the pan cow's milk. This will not only improve the taste of the dish, but also help get rid of the smell of mud in the fish;
  • if the previous option is unacceptable for various reasons, a whole onion, carrot, celery root should be put in the broth. The dish will acquire a special taste. The vegetables are simply removed before serving.

How to get rid of the smell of fish on your hands and mouth

The “aroma” that has eaten into the skin of the hands can spoil the mood for a long time. The simplest and most affordable means will help get rid of it: onion, lemon, vegetable oil. It is enough to rub your hands with a piece of lemon or onion, and the "fragrance" is gone. But in the case of onions, then you will have to solve the problem of getting rid of the new smell.

If there is no lemon in the apartment, do not rush to cut the onion "savior". A vinegar solution will help get rid of the smell of fish on your hands. It is enough to dissolve 2-3 spoons in water and rinse your hands thoroughly. You can wipe your hands with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar. This option is worth remembering for those who do not know how to get rid of the smell of fish in the refrigerator.

After cutting smoked fish of any variety, do not immediately open the tap with hot water, the stench of this will only intensify. If you're having a beer party, leave some for rubbing your hands. The strength of the drink and color do not matter. Ordinary dry mustard will help. Hands should be rubbed well with powder and rinsed with water.

Ordinary parsley will help not to feel a very, very unpleasant aftertaste. Chew a couple of leaves and get rid of the smell of fish in your mouth. This tool is relevant for those who are in a hurry for a business meeting, but could not refuse their favorite dish.

In the summer, you can advise another way - strawberries or fresh apple. Guaranteed not only pleasure, but also the complete elimination of unpleasant odor in the mouth. Coffee lovers can chew one or two coffee beans.

How to get rid of the smell of fish on clothes and fabrics

Kitchen towels, aprons, potholders can forever remain the "owners" of an unpleasant smell. If the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, the item will most likely have to be thrown away. This also applies to clothing.

The methods listed below will help preserve the wardrobe, but you must follow the recommendations of the manufacturer. In all options, the use of ordinary laundry soap is assumed. It is better to choose dark pieces: they contain more alkali.

How to get rid of the smell fried fish or fish soup on clothes:

  • in hot water it is necessary to dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of acetic acid. Things are soaked for an hour or more. Then the usual wash follows, but laundry soap is used instead of powder. If the first time it was not possible to completely get rid of stench and stains, the procedure must be repeated;
  • if things emit an unpleasant smell of rotten fish, they are soaked in a concentrated solution of common salt. After half an hour, towels and wardrobe items are transferred to the washing machine for a regular wash with powder or other means.

Get rid of the smell of rotten fish lemon acid. 1 st. a spoonful of "lemon" dissolves in 10 liters of water. Things must first be soaked, then washed, adding powder. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise thin T-shirts or blouses will become unusable.

You can get rid of the smell of fish on light-colored clothes using the same laundry soap. It must be grated into a large container with water. Things, if there are no restrictions from the manufacturer, are boiled for half an hour or an hour in a strong soapy water. If this processing method is not recommended, soak in the solution for an hour or more. Next, all things must be thoroughly rinsed, changing the water. At the last rinse, vinegar is added.

The listed funds will be effective, and it will be possible to get rid of the fishy smell on things once and for all if everything washed after rinsing is carefully hung up to dry and ventilate. Things should not be kept in a basin or washing machine. It's best to dry them outside. In the room, the unpleasant odor will return, and all procedures will have to be repeated again and again.

How to get rid of the smell of fish in the apartment

Cooking fish dishes is waiting delicious lunch and an unpleasant smell spreading throughout the apartment. Get rid of it, only opening the window will not work. More effective measures are needed. For those who do not know how to get rid of an unpleasant smell in the kitchen or in the whole apartment, we offer the following:

  • fry or at least heat the zest of a lemon or orange in a pan. Grapefruit will do too. If you can't use a pan, place the zest next to a candle or other heat source. The fragrance of citrus fruits will “crowd out” any other smell;

  • Boil water in a saucepan with the addition of vinegar. If the amber does not disappear at all, it will become less intrusive;
  • coffee lovers can sacrifice a few beans by roasting them well in a dry frying pan. The smell of coffee is able to replace any others. The fish can't resist either.

In the buffet, pantry, in the kitchen, experienced housewives advise installing small containers with charcoal - an ideal natural absorbent.

How to get rid of the smell of fish in the refrigerator

Seafood cannot be stored for a long time, especially in summer. If you had to put the fish in the refrigerator, then everything will be saturated with its smell: meat, milk, and fruits. The risk will be less if all products are kept in closed containers, and the prepared fish is not removed from the packaging immediately before the cooking process.

  • If the "aroma" nevertheless spread, then you can get rid of the smell of fish using a solution of vinegar. They need to wipe all the doors, shelves, handles and so on. The refrigerator is pre-defrosted.
  • An equally effective remedy is a solution of baking soda in warm water. Rinse every compartment with them, even the one where the fish has never been.

  • Experienced housewives are advised to put a saucer with brown bread crusts, apple slices, potatoes or dry soda on the shelf. These products are good adsorbents for flavors that spoil the mood. Apples and potatoes need to be changed regularly so as not to get a new source, but already mold.

How to get rid of the smell of fish in the car

The car of an avid lover to sit on the beach with a fishing rod is easy to distinguish by a specific aroma. Getting rid of it can be quite difficult. Experts and car enthusiasts offer some tips on how to get rid of the smell of fresh or rotten fish in the car:

  • For starters, don't spray deodorant. The smell from underwater inhabitants will not go anywhere, and the mixture of “aromas” will turn out to be monstrous;
  • overnight in the car, you can leave a container with a solution of vinegar or water with the addition of lemon. The tool will eliminate both the fish "spirit" and the amber remaining from cigarettes. It is better to repeat the procedure every evening;

  • wash all parts with chlorine solution. The advice is relevant if it is possible to leave the car all night with open windows or doors;
  • take the car to the cleaners. The method is expensive, but effective. Special reagents will eliminate all odors, no matter who their source is.

You can get rid of the smell of fish. But this must be done in a timely manner, without postponing “for later”. Otherwise, the stench will permeate both the apartment and the car. And neither general cleaning nor dry cleaning will save you. Towels, curtains will have to be changed. And clothes will “remind” of themselves for a long time with a rare “fragrance”.

Cod is one of the most popular fish. It is in every store, and on every fish counter in the market. Cod is familiar, cod is healthy and very tasty. But too often we are served cod dishes that are impossible to eat. The fish is overdried, frozen, cooked incorrectly. And yet, cod can be cooked in such a way that all home and guests will be delighted, you just need to do it right. AiF-Kuhna told about the intricacies of cooking cod Henry Aalto, Executive Chef of Scandinavian Cruise Ferry Mariella, Viking Line:

Cod has tasty and juicy meat. This fish can be stewed, fried and grilled. But be careful - you can’t cook it for too long, otherwise the meat dries out. In terms of its culinary properties, cod resembles halibut - it is almost as bad to “overcook” it as if it is not cooked at all.

How to choose

Usually I buy fillet with skin, unless I am going to cook fish soup or broth, then I take a whole carcass. The main selection criterion is the smell. Be sure to smell, the smell should be fresh. And I would advise buying chilled fresh fish, it will taste the best.

Sometimes it happens that after defrosting, the cod turns out to be very tough. And you can't fix it. This is because it was not properly stored, frozen and thawed.

There is only one way to avoid this situation - before freezing, place the fish in an airtight bag. Ideally, air can also be pumped out of it. And then defrost in the same package. So I would recommend buying frozen fish in the factory vacuum packed. And in all other cases, it will not be a fish, but a cat in a poke. It is not known how this fish was stored and frozen.

But, I repeat, in any case, I give preference to fresh fish, not frozen.

Remove odor

If the fish is fresh, then it smells good, and there will be no problems. But if there is still a smell, then I advise you to season the fish with horseradish. It will eliminate the specific fishy smell.

Make it juicy

The whole secret is proper preparation. The principle is not to overheat. Ideally, the temperature of the meat should not exceed 48°C. Use a cooking thermometer to check this.

What to combine

Spices: garlic, thyme, tarragon, fennel, horseradish, dill and chives.

Sauce. There are several very good options: dark butter, lemon juice combined with horseradish (in the form of a paste), hollandaise sauce (hollandaise - made from butter, yolks and lemon juice), bere blanc sauce (butter emulsion sauce with wine vinegar, white wine and shallots) and tomato concasse (made from pitted and skinned tomatoes with spices).

Garnish. tomato puree, mashed cauliflower, asparagus, fennel or new potatoes.

The most successful dish

I love the most fried cod co butter, thyme and garlic. I think this is the best cooking method. Serve to her boiled potatoes, asparagus (preferably white) and, ideally, bere blanc sauce. Its pretty easy to make classic recipe. And if there is no desire, then it is possible without sauce, but, for example, with horseradish.

Fried cod with butter and horseradish Photo:

2 medium thin pieces of cod fillet

600 g potatoes

½ tsp salt

3 tablespoons horseradish (grated or in a paste)

2 tablespoons lemon juice

25 g olive oil Extra Virgin

Young onions (green feathers with small white bulbs). Both the white and green parts must first be cut into rings, but not too finely.

bundle green asparagus(in Sweden and Finland, green asparagus is often sold in small bundles, 300-500 g each), coarsely chopped across the stem.

2 tbsp. l. chopped dill.

Step 1. Boil potatoes in salted water until tender.

Step 2. While the potatoes are cooking, make the sauce: mix mayonnaise, horseradish and one tablespoon of lemon juice in a small bowl.

Step 3. Take a larger pan, pour 2 tablespoons of oil, heat it up. Then, in a heated pan, put the potatoes and add a little pepper.

Step 4. Fry the potatoes until thin crispy and light golden brown. Then add the onion and asparagus, stir until the vegetables are soft. Everything, the side dish is ready.

Step 5. Cod can be cooked in parallel or after the side dish, as you prefer. Heat the remaining oil in a skillet. The fire should be medium, remember that you should not overheat the cod.

Step 6. Sprinkle the fillet with the remaining salt and pepper. Put the fish on the oil and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, until the meat is uniformly white (matte). Before serving, pour the cod with lemon juice, sprinkle with dill and add the sauce.

Fish is the favorite dish of millions of people around the world. It is a unique source of phosphorus, iodine, unsaturated fatty acids. The value of fish meat protein is that it is digested faster than protein meat products and also contributes to the normalization of metabolism.

Consumption of fish and seafood has become necessary condition healthy eating. Nutritionists emphasize a special place river fish in children's diet.

Attention - fish!

Fish consume the oxygen contained in river water by continuously filtering it through their gills. Therefore, consumer qualities directly depend on its habitat or conditions of detention. Water from old ponds that are not properly cleaned can cause fish to smell. In the old days, to improve the taste, the catch was placed in running water for 12 hours.

Fresh fish has a unique specific smell, dear to the hearts of lovers of this dietary product. Fish is delicious in any form, if it is cooked correctly.

choose me

When buying, you should be especially legible. This is especially true for river dwellers. Remember that fish poisoning is considered the most severe.

First, pay attention to the scales. It should fit snugly to the carcass and be shiny and smooth. Fresh freshwater fish is evenly covered with a thin layer of transparent mucus.

Do not be too lazy to sniff the proposed purchase. There should be no smells, except for a slightly sweetish and fresh, inherent in a particular type of fish. Even a faint ammonia smell indicates that the carcass may contain hazardous chemical compounds.

Pay attention to the eyes - they should not be dry or sunken. Bright, transparent and moist eyes are a sign of freshness, good health any living creature, even freshwater.

The gills should be bright red, free of mucus.

With a strong pressure of the finger, the depression formed on the surface should quickly disappear.

When buying frozen food, keep in mind that you often buy ice for the price of fish.

Fresh fish is stored in the cold for about three days at a temperature not exceeding 5 ° C, but you should not tempt fate. Use it within the first day. After all, you can not know the exact date of the catch.

Real jam

Before taking rescue measures, the fish should be cleaned, gutted, cut into pieces. To eliminate an unpleasant odor, it is sometimes enough to salt them, keep them in the cold for half an hour, and then rinse with slightly acidified water.

There are many other ways to get rid of the smell of mud. Here is the simplest one. Prepare a strong saline solution (at the rate of a quarter cup of salt per liter of water) and soak the chopped carcass in it for half an hour.

Or you can combine a tablespoon of vinegar with a liter of water and place the fish there for 15 minutes.

Here is another opportunity not only to get rid of the smell of mud, but also to pickle the product. Slightly dilute the juice of two lemons with water and put the pieces there along with the lemon peels for two hours. Cucumber pickle is also suitable for this purpose.

Before cutting the fish, you need to prepare a knife and a cutting board. Fish have the ability to leave a smell on any surface, but plastic dishes are especially prone to absorb any flavors. Therefore, a glass cutting board is recommended for cutting fish. Pre-wipe the board and hands with a slice of lemon or a solution of water diluted with vinegar. After cutting, put the waste from the fish into a plastic bag, tie it tightly and throw it in the trash. The board and knife should be washed immediately. The smell of fish from the knife can be easily removed by wiping the blade with a cotton swab with sunflower oil. If the fish emits a too strong smell, before cooking, you need to lower it for a couple of hours in a solution of water with the addition of vinegar, bay leaf and pepper. The smell will disappear.
During frying, the smell of fish will be less pronounced if a few drops of lemon juice are added to a preheated pan with vegetable oil. If in the water in which it is prepared fish broth, add a little milk - the smell will disappear, and the fish will acquire a more "subtle" taste after cooking. After use canned fish it is necessary to immediately throw away the cans, after rinsing them with running water, and then with vinegar. It is very convenient to cook fish in the oven using foil, parchment or a special “baking sleeve”. The smell from cooking will be weak, and the dishes will be clean.
It is best when working with fish to use enameled or glassware. So that after washing there is no “fishy spirit” left on the plates and cutlery, you must first remove the remnants of fat paper napkins or dry mustard. Next, soak the dishes in cold water with salt for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. If you used a meat grinder or a food processor to cook fish, after rinsing with water, you need to grind a slice of lemon in the aggregates. Lemon will not only get rid of the smell, but also fill your kitchen with aroma. After washing dishes from under the fish, you can pour baking soda into the sink and extinguish it with vinegar. After an hour, rinse the sink with hot water.
The unpleasant smell of fish from the hands can be easily eliminated by dipping your hands for several minutes in a container of water and a weak solution of vinegar. Then wash your hands in warm water with soap. No less effective and wipe the "fragrant" hands with half a fresh onion, sunflower oil, lemon or lime.
You can get rid of the smell of fish by boiling some water with the addition of cloves or cinnamon. It will also freshen the air at the end of the work. ground coffee(1-2 teaspoons) charred in a dry frying pan. Sugar will also help to get rid of the unpleasant smell of fish. Melt granulated sugar in a spoon, and it will absorb all the fishy smell.

Many refrain from buying and cooking cod. It's all because of its specific smell. However, in vain, because if you know how to cook cod correctly, you can get rid of the unpleasant odor and get a tasty and healthy dish.

Cod is very healthy and nutritious. It can become part of the diet table, because it contains a lot of protein, useful trace elements and other valuable substances that are essential for the human body.

To reduce the amount of salt in fish, cut it into slices and soak in clean, cold water before cooking.
You can also get rid of the smell of cod by soaking, but not in water, but in milk. Another way to eliminate a specific flavor is to marinate the fish. Wine sauce is perfect for this, it will not only eliminate the smell, but also add an indescribable, delicate and refined taste to the cod.

The best way to cook cod is by steaming or simmering in the oven.

You will need half a kilogram of cod fillet. Cut the fish into plates, rub with salt, lightly pepper and sprinkle with juice fresh lemon. Let the fish cool down a bit. Then place the fish in a layer on a baking sheet for further baking in the oven. Put onion rings on top and sprinkle with chopped division. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the baking sheet with the fish in it. Bake for about 20 minutes, then remove the baking sheet and pour white wine on top of the cod, one glass is enough, and return to the oven again, but this time for 5-7 minutes.