How to cook delicious red borscht with meat. How to cook delicious borscht - simple recipes for every day. How to cook delicious red borscht

Preparing rich borscht with meat is not so easy. Here you need to know some secrets and technological features. The entire cooking procedure must be carried out carefully and without unnecessary fuss. So, how to cook it? Let's look at the preparation process step by step.

We wash the brisket, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on high heat until it boils. Then remove the foam, cover with a lid, reduce the heat and cook until the meat is cooked, without salt.

To make a fragrant broth, add whole onions, carrots, and hard parsley stems. After 40 minutes, remove the cooked vegetables with a slotted spoon and throw them away. While the broth is cooking, chop all the ingredients.

Vegetables for first courses are usually chopped into thin strips. The length of the straw should be such that it fits into the spoon, and does not hang from it, it is more convenient to eat. First of all, this concerns cabbage. Cabbage strips can be cut crosswise.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and place in a bowl with cold water.

Beets are a root vegetable that takes a long time to cook, and must be cooked separately. To do this, put the prepared beets, a whisper of salt, sugar, tomato paste in a saucepan or small saucepan, add a small amount of water and cook until soft, adding water if necessary.

Lightly fry the carrots, onions and peppers with butter in a frying pan, but not to a crisp.

Remove the boiled brisket from the finished broth. If the broth has boiled down too much, you can add a little boiling water to it. Remove the bone and cut the flesh into portions.

Add vegetables. We put the cabbage in first, since it takes the longest to cook, then the fried vegetables and potatoes. Cook everything together until the cabbage is soft. For now this is just a blank.

To give the product a bright red rather than brown color, you need to pour a little vinegar into the product, and then add boiled beets. Mix everything well, add salt and peppercorns.

Cut the salted lard into small squares and, together with peeled and chopped garlic, crush in a mortar or bowl, or food processor. Place lard and garlic in a saucepan, add Bay leaf.

The cooking is over. In order for all the ingredients to release their aromas, the finished product should be infused a little.

Pour the fragrant and rich borscht into portioned plates, add a piece of meat, sour cream to taste and sprinkle with herbs.

  • If necessary, only the broth is diluted with boiling water before adding vegetables.
  • Cook the beets separately with tomato, salt and sugar.
  • To give a bright red color, use vinegar.
  • You can also add beans to the recipe.
  • Bon appetit!

    Every family has its own favorite dishes, which are prepared more often than others and are always eaten without leaving a trace; both adults and children love them. Beef borscht prepared according to our step-by-step instructions classic recipe with a photo of fresh cabbage and beets will bring the whole family together for dining table. Today we offer a proven cooking method that our grandmothers passed down to us, which is probably why it turns out so tasty.

    Borscht can be cooked different ways and recipes, but cooked in broth with beef on the bone - very tasty, rich, smelling appetizing to the whole house. Beef borscht is quite nutritious and is best cooked with fresh vegetables, then it will exceed your expectations. Prepare it Slavic dish our simple recipe will help, follow carefully step by step instructions and you will learn all the secrets of delicious borscht.


    • Beef - 300 gr.
    • Potatoes - 5-6 pcs.
    • Carrots (medium size) - 1 pc.
    • Beets (slightly smaller than average) - 1 pc.
    • Bulgarian Bell pepper- 1 PC.
    • Onion (medium size or 1 large) - 2 pcs.
    • Medium-sized cabbage - 1/6 of a head of cabbage
    • Fresh tomatoes - 5–6 pcs.
    • Vegetable oil - 50 gr.
    • Butter - 20–30 g.
    • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
    • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
    • Dry dill - 1 tbsp. l.
    • Water - 4 l.

    Calorie content of borscht with beef

    Calorie content and the nutritional value beef borscht per 100 grams ready-made dish, cooked with roasted vegetables. The table shows average data that you can use as a guide. To find out how many calories are in borscht with beef and sour cream, feel free to add to the given figure the number of calories contained in the dairy products used.

    Not every housewife can cook tasty borscht. This recipe will tell you how to cook delicious beef borscht and reveal in detail all the secrets of cooking. You can replace some of the ingredients used, since not every housewife may have them on hand. If fresh tomatoes If you find it hard to find, you can replace them with 1 cup of tomato or 1.5 - 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, diluted in 200 ml. water. Instead of dry dill, you can use frozen (according to the season) or 5-6 sprigs of fresh, which will be ideal.

    Let's get started making this undeniably delicious beef and beet soup.

    How and how much to cook beef and broth for borscht

    First of all, we need to prepare a rich beef broth.

    Step 1.

    To do this, take a large saucepan, place well-washed beef in it (you can use brisket, but better meat on the bone), fill it with cold water and put it on high heat. There is no need to cover with a lid.

    As soon as the broth boils, reduce the heat and collect foam over the entire surface. Then reduce the flame, but the contents of the pan should boil; leave the broth to simmer under the lid. The main question that concerns many novice cooks is: “How long does it take to cook beef for borscht?”

    A good rich broth is obtained in 30 - 40 minutes. It does not require attention to itself during cooking. At this time, you can start preparing the vegetables.

    Step 2.

    While the broth is cooking, wash and peel the vegetables.

    Step 3.

    Peeled potatoes are poured with water, carrots and beets are grated on a grater with large holes (you can simply chop them into strips if you don’t have a grater).

    Step 4.

    Cut the onion into small cubes.

    Step 5.

    The cabbage is finely chopped.

    Step 6.

    The pepper is cut into strips.

    Step 7

    One tomato cut into cubes.

    Step 8

    The rest are broken down with a blender or passed through a meat grinder.

    Step 9

    Now start preparing the frying soup for the borscht. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan over high heat, add butter and onion.

    Step 10

    Fry the onion for 4 - 6 minutes, stir, add carrots. Simmer for another 5 minutes.

    Step 11

    Pour tomato puree into the frying pan and add diced tomato. Simmer with tomato, stirring not very often, for 15-20 minutes.

    Step 12

    During this time, chop the potatoes into strips and drop them into boiling broth.

    Step 13

    The frying is considered finished when clear oil begins to separate from the vegetables in the frying pan. The contents of the frying pan are also transferred to the broth.

    Borsch - filling vegetable soup. It is loved not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in Poland (barshch), Lithuania (barshchiai), Romania and Moldova (borsh).

    In Kievan Rus, borscht was prepared from edible hogweed leaves (hence the name). Later they began to cook it with beets (hence the color). Potatoes have been added since the 19th century.

    The average cost of borscht in Russia is 220 rubles. The cheapest borscht with delivery in Kazan is 37 rubles per serving. The most expensive borscht in the capital: a plate can cost 700 rubles or more.

    What to take

    For the broth:

    • water - 1.5–2 l.;
    • pork or beef on the bone - 400 g.

    For frying:

    • beets - 2 pcs. (small);
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • onions - 3 pcs. (average);
    • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • sunflower oil- 4–5 tbsp. l.;
    • citric acid - a pinch.

    For the borscht:

    • fresh white cabbage - 300 g;
    • potatoes - 4 pcs. (average);
    • salt, bay leaf, herbs - to taste.

    To submit:

    • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l. (on each plate);
    • greenery.

    How to cook

    Step 1. Cook the broth

    Take a 3 liter saucepan. Pour 1.5–2 liters of water into it, put. Place on medium heat. Keep an eye on the broth and skim off the foam before boiling.

    The broth will be tastier if you use meat on the bone.

    When it boils, cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for an hour and a half.

    Step 2. Frying

    While the broth is cooking, fry the vegetables. Wash and peel the beets, carrots and onions. Grate the beets on a coarse grater, and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Cut the onion into cubes.

    Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan and turn on medium heat. First fry the onions and carrots (5 minutes), then add.

    Sprinkle the beets with citric acid or sprinkle with juice fresh lemon. Thanks to this, the borscht will be truly red.

    Fry the vegetables for another 5 minutes. After this, add tomato paste, stir and leave on the gas for another 5-7 minutes.

    Step 3. Assembling the borscht

    When the broth is cooked, remove the meat from it. While the meat is cooling, add shredded cabbage to the broth. After 5-10 minutes, add the potatoes cut into strips.


    For now, separate the meat from the bone and cut into cubes. Return meat to soup.

    Add salt to taste.

    Add frying. Stir. Add bay leaf and finely chopped herbs. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

    The borscht is ready.


    Borscht can be eaten immediately after cooking. But, as a rule, it tastes even better the next day.

    Borscht is a traditional peasant dish. Lard and pampushki were served with it only on holidays.

    Pour the borscht into deep bowls. Add fresh herbs, black ground pepper(if you like it spicy) and a slice of lemon (if you prefer it sour). Eating borscht with rye bread or buns, grated with garlic.

    Bon appetit!

    • 3 liters of water;
    • 0.5 kg of lean meat;
    • 2-3 potatoes;
    • 0.5 cups beans;
    • 2 carrots;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 bell pepper;
    • 2 medium beets;
    • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste (or 5-8 tomatoes);
    • a third of a medium head of cabbage;
    • vegetable oil, citric acid, sugar, salt, pepper, sour cream, herbs.


    Wash the beans, add water and cook until tender.

    It is very convenient to take young beans - they cook much faster and taste more tender. If you are preparing borscht in winter, remember that in freezer You have a bag of young beans hidden, take it.

    Wash the meat and cut into medium-sized pieces. Fill with water and bring to a boil.

    Remove the foam, add one peeled carrot, bell pepper, one peeled beet, and onion to the broth. It's good to add a piece of celery. Delicious with parsley root. In general, the richer the vegetable bouquet, the richer the broth. So, add the vegetables, bring to a boil again, reduce the heat and cook until the meat is cooked - depending on the type and quality, 20-50 minutes.

    Remove cooked vegetables from the finished broth. We throw away everything except the beets - they are used up and are no longer needed. Three boiled beets on a fine grater.

    Grate the carrots and the second - raw - beets on a fine grater. Fry on vegetable oil first carrots, then add beets and sprinkle with citric acid on the tip of a knife. Be careful not to over borsch it! Lemon acid will preserve the color of the beets. Add a teaspoon of sugar. Stir and fry. Spread the boiled beets.

    Add grated tomatoes or tomato paste diluted in half a glass of water. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.

    Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Throw it into the broth and return the pan to the stove. Bring to a boil, reduce heat.

    Finely chop the cabbage. If your cabbage is not young, dense and tough, add it 5-7 minutes after the potatoes. If we are talking about a young juicy head of cabbage, do not rush - the cabbage will cook very quickly, 2-3 minutes will be enough for it.

    Drain the water from the beans, rinse them and put them in a pan with the future borscht.

    Add the dressing, salt the borscht, add water if necessary, bring to a boil and turn off.

    Before serving, the borscht should sit a little and “rest” - at least 15 minutes.

    Serve with sour cream and herbs. Well, traditionally: don’t forget that the most delicious borscht is yesterday’s, so have lunch tomorrow!

    And how can you not remember at the end of any borscht recipe?

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    Remove and discard all vegetables in which the broth was prepared. Remove bones and meat from broth.

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    Strain the broth through muslin, a kitchen towel or several layers of gauze. Bring the broth to a boil, then return the meat to the pan. Add two peeled potatoes and, reducing the heat to low, cook the potatoes until cooked. You can check readiness by piercing it with either a knife or a fork. Don't be afraid to break the potatoes, because... he will then knead to thicken the borscht. If the fork passes freely and with the same force through all the potatoes, they are cooked.

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    Now attention. Since further cooking of the borscht proceeds very quickly (about 20 minutes), you will not have time to chop the vegetables during the cooking process, so prepare the remaining ingredients in advance. Cut the beets and carrots into thin strips (straw thickness 3-4 mm). Cut the rest of the potatoes as for frying (the tuber lengthwise into three parts, then into slices, each part half a centimeter across). Shred the cabbage 3-4 mm thick. Finely chop the greens.

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    Cut the onion into fine cubes. Place the onion in a frying pan heated with two tablespoons of oil and simmer until tender for about five minutes (i.e., try not to fry, but to simmer). Place two tablespoons of tomato paste in a frying pan and pour a glass of boiling water. Stir and simmer for about 10 minutes. Set the pan aside.