Refined vegetable oil, odorless. Properties and subtleties of using unrefined sunflower oil. Vegetable oil production

This is the most important information for those who decide to use natural oils. The first thing to know is what are the two main types of oils. What is the difference between them. And which oil is better to choose.

1. Types of natural oils

Everyone knows about the benefits of vegetable natural oils and their magical cosmetic effect. But not everyone knows that the same natural oil can be of several types.

Firstly, there are base oils (they are also called fatty oils) and essential oils (they are also called esters or oil extracts).

1) Refined- which has passed several additional technological degrees of purification.

2) Unrefined— passed only the primary mechanical filtration. They are also called oils of the first cold pressing or virgin oil (Virgin).

2. Usefulness of different types of oils

But does the degree of purification of natural oil affect its usefulness and how many useful substances and trace elements remain in it?

As it turns out, almost none. The usefulness of the oil is determined by the composition of the components that it contains. So, in the process of refining (additional stages of purification and filtration), the composition and amount of useful vitamins, fats and acids in it changes very slightly. Therefore, both types of oil are useful regardless of the degree of purification.

Of course in unrefined oil the amount of nutrients will be a little more. But not in all cases and not all people are suitable for unrefined oil. Why and what are the main differences, see below.

3. What are the differences between oils

So what is the difference between oils, if both types are equally useful for their use in cosmetic and health purposes?

First, the consistency. Unrefined oils are often more saturated and fatty in composition. Refined oils are softer and lighter in nature.

Secondly, the smell. Due to additional filtration and purification, refined oil is usually odorless. Unrefined - has a natural smell, each oil has its own. For example, unrefined coconut oil has a bright coconut flavor, while refined coconut oil has no smell.

Thirdly, color. Refined oils are usually colorless and usually have a clear yellowish tint. Unrefined oils often have their own characteristic color. For example, unrefined avocado oil has a green tint to the avocado fruit, while refined avocado oil has a transparent yellowish tint.

Fourth, the shelf life. Refined oils, due to the highest degree of purification, have a longer shelf life. Unrefined has the closest look to the original source, so its shelf life is shorter.

4. Which oil to choose

As noted above, unrefined oils are more saturated with useful substances, vitamins and microelements. Therefore, for cosmetic purposes it is usually better to use unrefined oil. But they are not always suitable for everyone.

Consider, When is it best to use refined oils?.

1) For children up to 2, 3 years old. For the delicate skin of a child, unrefined oils can be over saturated, there can be a glut. Refined oils are more neutral and are good for baby's sensitive skin.

2) For pregnant and lactating women. During pregnancy, a woman's body is more susceptible and needs psychological and physical peace. Therefore, it is better not to use unrefined oils during this period. For the sensitive and receptive body of a woman during this period, there can be many of them. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women are advised to use refined oils.

3) For sensitive, delicate, thin skin. If you have this type of skin, you need to see if there are many unrefined oils for you and how your skin will react to them. In most of these cases, the use of refined oils is recommended.

4) Susceptibility to odors. Almost all unrefined oils have a fragrance. Each oil has its own. If you are sensitive to smells, refined oils are for you. They don't have a smell.

5) In some cases, for massage and cosmetic mixtures. Perhaps when creating a mixture of fatty base oils and essential oils, you will want to get a certain aroma. In this case, it is necessary to determine whether the aroma of the unrefined oil is suitable for the overall composition of the aroma. If not, you can use refined oil.

Sunflower seed vegetable oil is a popular product that has a wide range of applications and is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. The high popularity of this product makes agricultural workers increase the number of sunflower crops.

Innovative technologies and modern equipment make it possible to produce 2 types of oil - refined and unrefined.

To create fragrant salads, rich sauces and seasonings, experienced chefs recommend buying an unrefined product that not only has a bright taste palette, but also contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients.


Unrefined sunflower oil is a plant product with the aromatic smell of roasted sunflower seeds, in the process of obtaining which heat treatment is not used. This product has a bright and rich aroma, unique taste and a large number of useful components.

For the manufacture of nutritious goods, manufacturers use 3 technologies.

  • cold pressed- squeezing oil at a temperature of not more than 35 degrees from crushed seeds. The advantage is the preservation of a large number of vitamins.
  • hot pressing- obtaining a product from raw materials heated to 130 degrees. Advantage - the presence of the taste of toasted seeds.
  • Extraction- processing of raw materials with chemical reagents, as a result of which technical and nutritious vegetable fat is released. Advantage - obtaining the maximum volume of oil and a low price range of goods. The disadvantage is low quality.

The resulting liquid is purified using only a mechanical processing method, which makes it possible to preserve all useful components.

On the labels of mechanically refined oil, the manufacturer indicates the Highest or First grade.

This product has unique properties and a wide range of applications:

  • improving the structure and enrichment with the vitamin composition of cosmetics and medical preparations;
  • cold dressing of various culinary dishes.


One of the main features of sunflower oil is that it consists entirely of vegetable fats. Laboratory studies did not reveal proteins, carbohydrates and cholesterol in its composition.

The vitamin composition of the crude product is shown below.

  • Vitamin A- improves vision, favorably affects the circulatory system. The intake of oil not only contributes to the enrichment of the body with this vitamin, but also converts provitamin A from plant products into an absorbable element.
  • Vitamin E- participates in the formation of hormones and promotes the absorption of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin F- prevents the development of diseases of the skeletal system and muscles, reduces the percentage of bad cholesterol.
  • Vitamin D- participates in the process of calcium formation and improves kidney function.
  • Unlike oil from olives or flax, vegetable fat from sunflower seeds does not contain Omega-3. This factor must be taken into account before taking a nutritious product.

The difference between refined and unrefined

On the shelves of grocery stores you can find 2 types of vegetable oil - refined and unrefined. Young housewives may face the problem of choosing this product. The main selection criterion is the purpose of using vegetable oil.

For dishes that undergo heat treatment, it is necessary to purchase only a refined product. For fresh consumption, unrefined vegetable fat is suitable, for the production of which multi-level filtration is not used. This product is not only tasty and fragrant, but also retains all the nutritional components of the sunflower.

Food industry experts categorically do not recommend the use of unrefined oil for frying due to the following factors:

  • the formation of a large amount of foam and smoke;
  • enhancing the smell of the product and transferring it to cooked products;
  • the formation of harmful and dangerous carcinogenic particles;
  • destruction of all nutrients.

Benefit and harm

Among the main advantages of this vegetable fat the following should be noted:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduction in the number of colds;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • activation of brain activity and memory improvement;
  • prevention of the development of senile dementia;
  • stabilization of the thyroid gland;
  • reduction of toothache;
  • prevention of rickets in children;
  • normalization of the physical and mental state;
  • recovery of the body after illness and long-term use of drugs;

  • normalization of the digestive system and metabolism;
  • gentle excretion of feces;
  • prevention of ulcers and gastritis;
  • cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • prevention of the development of heart and kidney diseases;
  • cleansing of all internal organs from harmful toxic substances;
  • beneficial effect on the intrauterine development of the child and the general health of the expectant mother;
  • improvement of the condition of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • strengthening the structure of the hair and nail plates.

Adding the product to culinary dishes and cosmetic preparations will not only not reduce the positive effect of vegetable fat, but will also enhance it.

Uncontrolled consumption of a nutritious product can provoke an increase in body weight, problems in the work of the heart and kidneys.

The first signs of an overdose:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.


  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • diabetes;
  • critical days;
  • pancreatitis and other inflammatory processes of the pancreas;
  • bearing a child;
  • breast-feeding;
  • individual intolerance and allergic reaction.

The use of vegetable fat in a small amount will not harm the body and will not create dangerous situations.

How to choose?

Modern manufacturers of this product produce a large number of unrefined herbal products. When choosing this product for novice housewives, a number of difficulties may arise. Experienced housewives and professional consultants will help you purchase a quality product at a reasonable price.

Only large industrial companies produce a quality product that meets all regulations and standards, from natural raw materials, using modern equipment, using innovative technologies.

The purchase of non-certified goods can lead to food poisoning, due to the addition of various dangerous and toxic impurities to the product, which increase the amount of vegetable fat. High-quality oil should be transparent and have a pleasant aroma of roasted seeds. The presence of a small precipitate indicates the presence of phospholipids in its composition.

Oil production begins only after harvest. A product produced in late autumn or early winter is of the highest quality. Long-term storage of raw materials significantly reduces its taste, which will necessarily affect the color of the oil and can cause an unpleasant and bitter taste. After acquiring unrefined vegetable fat, it is better to immediately pour it into a glass container, close the lid tightly and put it in a cool place, protected from sunlight or in the refrigerator.

A frozen product has a longer shelf life, during the production of which manufacturers gradually reduce the temperature of the composition and mix it regularly. The frozen product retains all taste and nutritional characteristics, but has a more transparent color and a longer shelf life.

A quality product does not contain dyes and preservatives, it must be made in the first pressing process and contain a large amount of vitamin E.


Unrefined oil is a unique natural product that has a wide range of applications not only in cooking, but also in alternative medicine.

This product cannot be used to prepare fried dishes, but it will become an integral part in the creation of sauces and seasonings, in dressing cereals and soups, and salted fish, poured with fragrant oil, is a favorite delicacy of all family members.

Gargling with oil is the most well-known way to cleanse the body of toxic and dangerous substances, which will not only prevent the development of malignant tumors, but also help fight cancer along with medications. This procedure will not cause difficulties and consists of several stages:

  • take no more than 1 tablespoon of liquid into your mouth;
  • slowly move it in the oral cavity for 20 minutes;
  • pour out the liquid and rinse your mouth with purified water at room temperature.

After the start of this procedure, pain caused by various chronic diseases may worsen. Healers recommend not to stop and continue the course of healing.

Daily consumption of no more than 2 tablespoons of oil will help to cope with a disease such as atherosclerosis.

Oily garlic liquid will remove dangerous spasms of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs and all hemispheres of the brain. To prepare a medicinal composition, it is necessary to mix 1 medium chopped head of garlic with 250 ml of oil and infuse for at least 24 hours in a dark place at a low temperature. Pour a little lemon juice into this solution. Take the drug should be at least 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Oil mixed with room aloe juice will help get rid of various infectious inflammations of the throat.

To moisturize the skin of the face, neck and hands, it is enough to apply a small amount of oil on the skin after the evening toilet and, without washing it off, go to bed. In the morning, the skin will not only become tender and fresh, but wounds and cracks will also disappear.

Simple face and hair masks will replace expensive cosmetic procedures and become a source of youth and beauty.

Before starting a treatment course, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. Strict adherence to the dosage and recommendations of specialists is the key to successful treatment and reducing the likelihood of side symptoms.

For the treatment and prevention of various diseases, it is not necessary to use expensive medications that have a large number of contraindications. Folk and traditional medicine recommend paying attention to natural products that have a large number of medicinal properties. One of these products is unrefined sunflower oil, which will become not only a fragrant and healthy food product, but also a reliable assistant on the path to recovery, and cosmetic procedures will restore beauty and youth.

You can learn about the benefits of unrefined oil from the video below.

Sunflower oil is a product that is extracted from vegetable raw materials and consists of fats. It is obtained by pressing or by extraction. Vegetable oil can be refined or unrefined.

What is the difference between refined sunflower oil and unrefined?

Refined oil implies multi-level purification from various impurities, and unrefined oil also undergoes some mechanical purification, but in a much smaller volume. In the modern world, oil is made refined in order to deprive it of taste - this is required by cooking for the preparation of various dishes. Unrefined oil has a specific smell and taste, originally characteristic of sunflower seeds. Used fresh in salad dressings. It is better not to use unrefined oil for frying, as it smokes heavily, tastes unpleasant, and also releases a certain amount of carcinogenic substances that can harm the body.

Methods for preparing unrefined oil

Unrefined sunflower oil is obtained, as a rule, by cold or hot pressing. Cold pressing is carried out manually at home. Unrefined oil, obtained by cold pressing at a low temperature, has a light yellow tint and the aroma of fresh seeds. It is considered the most useful, as it retains the maximum of useful substances. It has a short shelf life and should be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. In industry, a hot mechanical manufacturing method is used. This oil is brighter in color and has a roasted seed flavor and has a longer shelf life. We buy this oil in stores. Many are interested in the question of which sunflower oil is more useful - refined or unrefined. It has been scientifically proven that even with refining, the ratio of vitamins, fats and natural amino acids in the composition of the oil does not change, so both types of oil bring the same benefits.

The benefits and harms of unrefined sunflower oil

Unrefined sunflower oil contains fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that a person needs. Its use reduces the risk of skin diseases, helps prevent rickets in children. In addition, with the help of it you can remove excess cholesterol from the body, cleanse blood vessels, and normalize blood circulation in the brain.

Harm can bring the use of unrefined oil above the norm, the recommended daily dose is no more than 2-3 tablespoons per day. In addition, the high calorie content of this product is not suitable for people on a diet. Repeated frying in sunflower oil contributes to the evaporation of harmful substances.

Composition of unrefined sunflower oil

Unrefined sunflower oil is a fatty product and consists of 99.9% fats, it does not contain proteins and carbohydrates. It contains no harmful components and various food additives. The nutritional value of vegetable oil lies in the presence of fatty acids that the body needs to heal and strengthen cells. The composition of unrefined vegetable oil contains magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and zinc, but the amount of these minerals is small.

Of course, it is best to eat those foods that nature gives us. These products include sunflower oil. The healing properties of this natural product help to properly establish the digestive system, restore the functioning of internal organs, strengthen hair and nails, and improve the immune system.

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Refined oil and what happens to it when heated.

One of the food myths that abounds in our everyday life is the myth about the usefulness of vegetable oil. Yes, this product has a number of advantages. But this is only half the truth. After vegetable fats have been subjected to numerous “tortures” by the food industry, it is no longer necessary to talk about their usefulness ... Unrefined

The absence of serious industrial processing preserves all the beneficial substances in unrefined vegetable fats. As a rule, they are only filtered to remove solid impurities, so "untreated" vegetable oils can be recognized by their characteristic aroma, taste and dark color. Plus, a fairly large sediment, which contains phospholipids - valuable biologically active compounds. These substances are highly desirable to eat with oil.

There is none of this in refined oils.

1. Technological process.

Extraction of sunflower oil The production of vegetable (sunflower) oil by the extraction method involves the use of organic solvents (most often extraction gasolines) and is carried out in special apparatus - extractors. In the course of extraction, a miscella is obtained - a solution of oil in a solvent and a fat-free solid residue - meal. The solvent is distilled off from miscella and meal in distillers and screw evaporators. An important step in obtaining oils by the extraction method is the removal of solvent residues. Therefore, the resulting oil is refined and deodorized. Sunflower oil refining There are several stages of refining in the production of vegetable oil.

Getting rid of mechanical impurities (settling, filtration and centrifugation), after which vegetable oil goes on sale as commercial unrefined, is the first stage of refining.

Next - removal of phosphatides or hydration - treatment with a small amount of hot - up to 70 ° C water. Such processing makes the vegetable oil transparent, after which it is called commercial hydrated.

The third stage - Neutralization - the effect on the heated oil with a base (alkali), as a result of which free fatty acids are removed. The vegetable oil that has passed these three stages is called already refined non-deodorized.

After bleaching (fourth stage), no pigments remain in the oil, including carotenoids, and it becomes light straw. For this process, a natural sorbent is used - bleaching earth.

Deodorization removes volatile compounds, deodorizes vegetable oil and turns it into refined deodorized oil.

And, finally, the last stage of purification, during which a colorless, viscous vegetable oil is obtained - freezing, with its help, waxes are removed.

Removing the above impurities leads to the possibility of increasing the shelf life of the oil by 3 times. Having passed all the stages, vegetable oil becomes impersonal. Margarine, mayonnaise, cooking oils are made from such a product, and are used in canning.

2. No need to heat the oil.

In the process of heating, toxic substances are formed in the oil, which change its taste and smell, irritate the intestines and provoke many diseases. Fatty acids are organic acids. In the body, they are present in the free state and in the state of neutral fats (mono-, di- and triglycerides), phospholipids and other lipids, which are the main structural component of cell membranes. By the way, nitric acid triglyceride is known to many as nitroglycerin. Fatty acid oxidation is the most important process in the body, providing about half of all energy supplied as a result of oxidative processes occurring in the liver, kidneys, myocardium and muscles (at rest).

Almost any cooking process drastically changes the composition of fats, for example, in cooking fat in the manufacture of pies, french fries, French fries, chips and others. At a temperature of 200-250 C, an increasing formation of carcinogenic substances occurs, linolenic acid, phospholipids, vitamins, which are important for the body, are destroyed, and it makes no sense to talk about the biological value of the product. Fat is inevitably absorbed into the main product - cutlet, potatoes, etc. and transfers carcinogens to it.

Expert opinion:

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Samarsky Sanatorium L. Drovyannikova: Do not eat heated vegetable oil, including margarines, as they are rich in trans fats containing free radicals that lead to chronic fatigue syndrome and diseases of the large intestine .

Expert opinion:

Nutritionist of the sports center "Ardis" M. Lisitsyna Trans fats, on which donuts or potatoes are fried in fast foods and shawarmas, are industrial fats that have nothing to do with vegetable oil in your kitchen. They are cheap, which is why they are used in catering. But remember: with each piece, a total poison enters your body - dioxin, which is detrimental to the immune system.

Therefore: To fry is to bring the development of cancer closer!

Pay attention to the fried crust - this is a clot of carcinogens.

Source, source.

olive line

Depending on the quality indicators identified on the basis of the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of the oil, European legislation divides olive oil into different categories. In Appendix No. 3 of the technical regulation for oil and fat products TR TS 024/2011, you can find the existing names and characteristics of olive oil. On the shelves of any store, as well as in our assortment, you can see four main categories of olive oil suitable for human consumption:

  1. Unrefined extra virgin olive oil (Extra virgin olive oil) or in Spanish “Aceite de Oliva Extra Virgen”.
  2. Unrefined olive oil (Virgin olive oil) or in Spanish “Aceite de Oliva Virgen”.
  3. Refined olive oil with the addition of unrefined olive oils (Olive oil) in Spanish “Aceite de Oliva”.
  4. Refined olive oil from pomace with the addition of unrefined olive oil (Olive-pomace oil) Extra virgin olive oil, Romas or in Spanish “Aceite de orujo de oliva”.

The best and healthiest olive oil is extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality (see category I), but all categories of oils have their own specific characteristics and uses. In Spain, it is customary to have at your disposal two or three varieties of olive oil and, depending on the moment, use one or the other. Extra virgin olive oil (see category I) is used for dressing salads, desserts, tapas and sauces. On holidays and when visiting gourmets, you can taste and appreciate the "bouquet" and the extraordinary taste of Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP. In order to truly taste and "disfrutar" (disfrutar - Spanish - to enjoy) the magical and exclusive taste of a special oil, it is better not to mix it with anything, but pour it into a saucer and dip slices of fresh bread right in it. AND NOTHING ELSE IS NECESSARY FOR HAPPINESS!.. maybe even a glass of good DOCa wine. Rioja and some Iberico ham... In Spain, both in home cooking and in restaurants and bars, all kinds of deep-fried foods like fish, vegetables, seafood and frozen foods are fried in a huge amount of oil. For this type of frying, olive oil (see category II) or pomace oil (second-pressed "Romase" see category IV) is usually used.

I - Unrefined extra virgin olive oil (Extra virgin olive oil) or in Spanish “Aceite de Oliva Extra Virgen”.

This oil can be compared to "fresh" olives, with freshly squeezed fruit juice, without any additives or preservatives. This is an oil obtained by pressing olives exclusively by mechanical means, i.e. without the use of chemical and biochemical additives. Also, during the production of this oil, the olives were not subjected to any processing other than washing, settling, centrifuging and filtering. It is a product of the highest quality and the method of its production has hardly changed since the time of ancient Egypt. All over the world it is called "liquid gold". This type of olive oil has the maximum nutritional value and does not lose it within 18 months, and some up to two years. It can be used like any other oil, but is best used in sauces and salad dressings as it is a pure organic product that has so many health benefits and should be used as it is.

Extra virgin olive oil has the taste of olives, depending on the brand from which it was made, it comes in various flavor combinations: green fruits like young apple and walnut, mountain herbs and tomatoes. But all of it must be bitter. If the oil is young and just made, then the bitterness is more pronounced, if the oil has been in the bottle for more than half a year, then the bitterness is weakly expressed. It also depends on the variety and their blend. You can draw a parallel with wine. To achieve optimal taste, winemakers mix wines of different varieties to achieve optimal taste.

Olive oil made only from the Arbequina variety, which you can try under our brand “Maestro de Oliva” premium and “Olive Line”, is almost completely bitter, has a mild taste and a unique smell. But, unfortunately, the oil from this variety retains its properties least of all over time. All Extra Virgin oils have a maximum acidity of 0.5-0.8% (calculated as oleic acid).

Extra virgin olive oil also comes with the designations DOP and IGP). The first means that both the olives and the production of oil from them were carried out in a specific geographical place, in a specific area, which is included in the European register under a specific register (reg N ...). This oil is subject to more stringent requirements. Climatic conditions, traditions of production, varieties of olives inherent in this place preclude its copying by other producers. And for this reason it is very expensive, it is equal in importance as well as expensive wine from the Rioja or Burgundy region. There is very little production of this oil in all Mediterranean countries. And almost all of it remains in the same countries: Spain, Italy, Greece for their own consumption and is practically not exported. Only very wealthy people can afford to buy such oil. Also, only professionals and experienced chefs can evaluate it. This oil can be found in elite gourmet shops all over the world. However, its health benefits are no better than plain commercial extra virgin olive oil. It differs only in the bouquet of taste. Beware of fakes. Ask for the certificate of origin of the product. If you find such oil at a low price in simple stores, then this is most likely a skillful imitation, calculated on the poor awareness of Russian citizens in this matter.

IGP - also means that the oil belongs to a specific region included in the European register of agricultural products and food products. At the same time, one or several phases of the production process can be protected in the specified area (collection of raw materials, processing and classification of olives, production of oil using a special technology that is historically unique to this region). This is a strict set of rules, the observance of which is strictly controlled by a special independent commission of the European Union. Such oil is also very expensive, it is scarce and it is present in gourmet stores. Ask for a certificate of origin.

Organic or organic olive oil. (Bío, Eco).

This olive oil is produced in compliance with EU regulation 834/07, which certifies and controls all phases of the production of this food product. In the implementation of all stages of the production process, the use of synthetic chemicals and genetically modified organisms is prohibited. Also, the cultivation of the soil and the olive trees and fruits themselves is carried out only with the use of organic substances and natural natural materials. This is also monitored by a special independent commission of experts. This oil is also very rare, it is also very expensive and you can find it all in the same gourmet stores. In Russia, you can find fake olive oil marked "BIO" more often than DOP and IGP olive oil.

Since manufacturers do not bear any responsibility for the careless application of the words “bio”, look for a special holographic seal on the back of the label and ask for a certificate of origin.

II - Unrefined olive oil (Virgin olive oil).

Virgin olive oil (Virgin olive oil) goes through the same production process as all cold pressed oils) but does not reach the category of perfection. This is justified by the fact that in the organoleptic properties of this oil there are any defects detected by experts by a special commission of tasters of the official panel in Spanish "Panel de Cata", therefore not receiving enough points to be considered an "Excellent Quality" olive oil. Often, the buyer, reading on the label - virgin olive oil of the first cold pressing, does not pay attention to the fact that there is no description of "Top Quality". Unlike natural extra virgin olive oil (not exceeding 0.8° of acidity), in this separate category of ordinary extra virgin olive oil, acidity up to 2° is allowed.

III - Refined olive oil with the addition of unrefined olive oils (Olive oil) in Spanish “Aceite de Oliva”.

It is a blend of refined olive oil and extra virgin olive oil (see category I) 85%/15%. The maximum acidity is allowed up to 1° in terms of oleic acid. This is an excellent quality oil that you can also use in any dish and recipe. In Spain, this category of olive oil is the most consumed. It is ideal for frying, as the presence of more stable fatty acids in it than in other vegetable oils makes the smoke point significantly higher than the temperature for normal frying food. When frying food in olive oil, carcinogens are not formed. This oil can also be used for dressing salads, making sauces, it is not bitter at all if you are not used to bitterness. Your dish will be healthy but without the unique aroma of extra virgin olive oil (extra virgin olive oil, see category I), which gives any dish a unique taste.

IV - Olive pomace oil refined with the addition of unrefined olive oil (Olive-Pomace oil) or in Spanish “Aceite de orujo de oliva”.

This oil is obtained after the second pressing of the fruit of the olive tree. For example, the process is identical to any other vegetable oil and uses organic solvents and high temperatures. After extraction, the resulting oil is mixed with "Extra Virgen" (see category I) to reduce acidity and improve the quality of the final product. This oil does not have as much nutritional value as the other two olive oils, but it does have all the vitamins and minerals found in natural oil, only in lesser amounts. You can use it in any recipe, but it is advisable to use it for frying, for example, where you need to use a large amount of oil (for deep-frying, for example), and it is not so bad to use good expensive oil. This oil is much cheaper than others.

In Spain, it is customary to have two or three varieties of olive oil at home and use each for a specific occasion. If guests have come and we need to season our best salad, then Extra Virgen is used absolutely every day! On holidays extra virgin olive oil DOP to share with your friends the joy of an extraordinary taste. The Spaniards, in order to taste (they even have a special verb - disfrutar), usually do not even mix this magical taste with anything, they simply pour it into small saucers and dip slices of bread directly into the oil. AND NOTHING ELSE IS NECESSARY FOR THEIR HAPPINESS. But maybe a glass of good wine and some ham. The Spaniards love various fried in a huge amount of oil (deep-fried): fish, vegetables, seafood. To do this, they use extra virgin olive oil or Romase.

lamp oil

Lampada oil is an oil that, like all virgin oils, is obtained mechanically and directly from olives, but from olives of inferior quality, harvested on the ground, bruised or frozen. The name of this oil comes from its use as fuel for lamps and oil lamps. At the moment, lamp oil is used for its subsequent refining and obtaining also non-commercial olive oil in the EU - refined, odorless, color and taste, Oil, which in turn is mixed with oils of the first cold pressing (from 2 to 20%) and get olive oil, indispensable for frying. Purely refined olive oil is used in the production of mayonnaises and sauces. Olive pomace after being treated with various solvents, refined olive oil is obtained from the pomace.

Attention! Be vigilant, read the label carefully.

Many producers take advantage of the poor awareness of Russian citizens about olive oil and sell one category of oil at the price of another for their own profit.

Any buyer should distinguish olive oils by composition. as defined by law, the highest category oil is extra virgin olive oil and is ideal for both children and adults from 6 months to 100 years of age. A useful oil in all respects and the only one of all categories that can be called real olive juice. Each category of oil has its own name and you can’t mix or change translations in any way, which misleads the buyer. The name "olive oil" means a mixture of refined olive oil (here always refers to the refining of virgin oils) and virgin oils. Pomace oil is a mixture of refined second pressing oil and virgin oils. Therefore labeling "pomace" oil as "olive oil" is simply against the law.

Now many large Russian firms have begun to produce olive oil under their own brands, as well as many large chains. And since Russian legislation allows inconsistencies with the European code for this category, such olive oil often does not meet the criteria written on the labels, the product itself inside.

In Russia, during certification, only physical and chemical analyzes are made to determine compliance with a particular quality, and in countries of origin, according to the code, a taste and smell analysis is also carried out by a special commission, which in Spain is called Panel de cata. Almost the same as wine tasting. The kata consists of 10 professional tasters who taste oil samples in unmarked glasses and give their opinion. And if the opinions of all 10 members coincide, then such an oil is awarded the extra virgin class, if at least one is against, then the whole batch does not pass and is sent for revision. This process is very long and responsible. Therefore, manufacturers try to prepare their oil in such a way that, God forbid, if professionals check this oil and determine if it does not meet the declared quality, then this will be a shame for the whole country, and such a manufacturer is fined and loses the sanitary register. You understand that Russia is not yet ready for such control. As a result, you can easily be misled. Buy oil only brands of manufacturers of countries of origin. Spain, as the largest producer, is famous for its tight control. And unfortunately, what is not allowed in Spain is allowed in other countries. On this occasion, in the European Union, Spanish manufacturers have been fighting for more than one year to protect their rights. They seek the establishment of equally equal methods of control in all countries, and also that the origin of olive oil be written on the labels. Since other countries with smaller volumes of their own production buy oil from Spain in barrels, mix it up, add a drop of their own, and sell it already as: Italian, Greek, Turkish, Tunisian ...

Choosing oil for frying

In post-Soviet times, advertisements of refined vegetable oil, as the best means for frying, sparkled on all television screens in the country. Now everyone is trumpeting the benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. They roast on it.

To begin with, let's figure out what kind of heat treatment process is called frying. It would be more correct to designate it as a surface treatment at a temperature greater than the temperature of the Maillard reaction. I talked about this process in more detail in our special article. According to various sources, the optimal temperature for the start of the reaction is 130-145 ° C, which means that the main question when choosing an oil is how it behaves when heated above this limit.

First of all, one should take into account the fact that at a certain temperature, the oil begins to be more actively oxidized by atmospheric oxygen. Oxidizing, the oil turns into a product that is harmful to health. Therefore, the lower the oxidation temperature, the less suitable the oil for frying. The temperature of active oil oxidation is also called the smoke point - it is at this temperature that oxidized volatile substances become visible to the naked eye. It turns out that oils with a fairly high smoke point are suitable for frying. Consider the available options from this point of view.

Sunflower oil

There are two types: refined and unrefined. Unrefined oil has a too low smoke point, which means it is not suitable for frying at all. We will consider refined in more detail. From a culinary point of view, it is ideal for frying: it is almost devoid of a characteristic taste and smell, has a high smoke point, which means that it hardly decomposes to harmful compounds. I would like to think that such oil was simply squeezed out of the seed and freed from impurities, but in practice everything happens quite differently. Oil is extracted from raw materials by a chemical method, the essence of which is the most efficient processing. The oil from the seed is drawn out almost without residue. There is no need to talk about the preservation of useful properties, let's hope at least for its safety.

The very process of obtaining, frankly, a little alarming: the seeds are placed in a "solvent", a gasoline-like substance that binds fats and draws them out, after which it remains only to clean the oil from this gasoline. Also by the chemical method, which is the process of refining.

Manufacturers of chemically refined oil assure that consumers have nothing to fear, and no harmful impurities enter the composition of the final product, because the safest alkalis allowed for food processing are used in production. In addition, the oil is well washed, and even traces of chemicals do not remain in it. I really want to believe that this is actually the case.

Corn oil

Just like sunflower, there are two types. Unrefined is not suitable for frying due to its high content of impurities and low smoke point, and it is also believed that such a product contains pesticides, inevitably used in the cultivation of corn on an industrial scale.

Refined oil is produced in two ways: pressing and extraction. This oil is of two types: refined deodorized brand D (for the production of baby and diet food)

refined deodorized grade P (for delivery to retail chains and public catering establishments). They differ in the quality of cleaning from chemical solvents. I think the choice is obvious.


Everything we know about the dangers of butter is outdated information. Not only is it useful fresh, it turned out to be better to fry on it than on other vegetable. It contains, among other things, vitamins A and E, as well as bound linolenic acid, which promotes weight loss, reduces inflammation, and in some experiments on mice has shown itself to be an excellent remedy for obesity. Butter is 68 percent saturated, 28 percent monounsaturated, and has a smoke point of 120 to 150 degrees. There is only one problem with it: ordinary butter contains a small amount of sugars and proteins, which quickly burn out on fire and blacken when frying in a hot pan. To avoid this unpleasant (and certainly harmful) moment, you can either fry over low heat or use ghee, a cleaner oil.

The Indian name for ghee is ghee.

You can either buy it or make your own. It's not too difficult. Heat a good butter over low heat so that it melts and begins to slowly (slowly!) Boil. First, water evaporates from it (the bubbles become smaller and turn into foam), then the solid particles - milk sugar and protein - begin to darken and stick together, the oil acquires a dark golden hue (usually this happens after 8-10 minutes). At this point, it must be removed from the heat and strained through cheesecloth into a jar. Protein and sugar remain in the gauze, pure ghee gets into the jar, which must be refrigerated and used for frying as needed. In general, not too troublesome, and worth it: ghee is ideal both in terms of taste and in terms of benefits.

Olive oil

We will add all olive oil to this category, except extra virgin olive oil, which we will talk about a little later. Refined olive oil, which comes in several varieties, is best suited for frying. First of all, it is Refined Olive Oil - mechanically refined oil. There is also a cheaper pomace oil, that is, an oil that is chemically extracted from the cake after the mechanical pressing of the Extra Virgin oil is over. In our country, such oil is not in great demand, since it costs significantly more than refined corn or sunflower oil, but it surpasses them in terms of taste and usefulness.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

It is generally believed that you cannot fry with Extra Virgin oil - it has a low smoke point, a fairly powerful taste and aroma of its own, and, importantly, a high price. However, you can use Extra Virgin Olive Oil if you don't want to sauté, but rather sauté the vegetables on low heat to release the maximum flavor.

Lard and other animal fats

It has a pronounced smell and taste, which is why it is not in great demand in cooking, but there are a number of dishes for which lard is traditionally used. Due to the high content of saturated fatty acids, it is well suited for frying. It is better to use lard - oil melted from lard. In it, as in ghee oil, there are no residues of proteins and other unnecessary components.

Coconut oil.

Rarely seen on the shelves, but perfect for frying. It is 92 percent saturated fatty acids, making it very heat resistant. Smoke point - from 172 to 230 degrees. It's semi-soft at room temperature and stays fresh for months, meaning it doesn't go rancid. It also contains the beneficial lauric fatty acid. According to some reports, it improves the cholesterol profile and helps control disease-causing bacteria. Compared to other oils, coconut oil makes you feel full longer. The main thing is to choose organic cold-pressed oil (virgin). It is worth it to look for it on sale or bring it from warm countries.

Good day! Vegetable oils are present in every kitchen, and their range is simply huge. But how to choose from so many the most healthy and tasty, which will fill the body with health and bring pleasure to taste? To understand this, today we will reveal the topic: refined and unrefined oil - differences.

About the refined product

Refined oil is considered to be one that has undergone a certain process of purification from all kinds of impurities.

Any vegetable oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, making this product truly indispensable for the human body. After all, these substances build cell protection against negative effects and destruction. The composition of oils also contains vitamins and nutrients.

Oils are either refined or unrefined. In ancient times, the second option was considered a product for the poor people. In our time, everything has changed and the first oil just began to be considered not very useful - let's figure out why.

The benefits of the product depend on its constituents, which may change during refining, depending on the steps of this process.

Why should you refine? Basically, to deprive the product of taste and smell, making it neutral. This property is necessary for the preparation of various dishes, where additional flavoring and aromatic additions are not required, so as not to spoil the main note.

Another reason for refining is to be used in frying, baking and any other heat treatment. After all, it is precisely such an oil that is intended to be harmless to health after such use, since an unrefined product, when exposed to high temperatures, contributes to the formation of harmful elements.

How oils are refined

In modern production, there are 2 types of refining vegetable oils:

  1. Physical using adsorbents.
  2. And chemical, where alkalis are used.

The second method is more frequent due to its simplicity, better processing and easier control of the finished product.

According to manufacturers, this method is absolutely safe for health, with the absence of any harmful impurities in the final product - the most harmless alkalis are used. This gives the oil the ability to be washed well with the absence of even traces of chemical elements on them.

Refining is carried out using a substance called Hexane (formula C6H14), which is part of gasoline - an organic element (solvent). It is a colorless liquid that does not dissolve in water - the boiling point is 67.8 degrees.

The process is the following:

  • Sunflower seeds are mixed with a chemical;
  • Oil begins to stand out from the product;
  • Hexane is removed with water vapor, and the remaining mixture is treated with alkali.

After that, it remains to give the oil the proper appearance, for which it is deodorized and bleached using water vapor supplied by vacuum.

The last stage - the finished product is bottled and then sent for sale to retail outlets.

Refined and unrefined oil - so what are the differences (handy table)

These two types of vegetable oils have a lot of beneficial properties for the human body, and yet they have differences - so what is the difference:

refined product unrefined product
By production method
Chemical method (extraction) using hexane or gasoline Cold pressed or hot pressed
By cleaning method
Additional technological methods Filtration and mechanical cleaning
By consistency
Softer compound More oily and rich
By smell
Without smell Preservation of natural flavor
By shelf life
Longer shelf life Less shelf life
For the benefit of the human body
Minimal benefit Maximum useful properties

As can be seen from this table, refined oil is still inferior in some respects to unrefined oil, but this is worth talking about in more detail.

Which is more useful

Let's start with a refined product. In fact, the refining process improves some characteristics, but in fact it turns out the opposite:

  • The smoke point changes, amounting to +232 degrees (for unrefined +107).

And it seems that the question - in what oil to fry food, is closed. But here the effect of fragile molecules of fatty acids is achieved, turning them into some kind of “freaks” - trans-isomers or, in other words, trans-fats. And due to the absence of such in nature, the body simply does not know how to behave with them and brings them out. As a result, they remain in cells that do not receive nutrition, damaging the membranes. All this eventually leads to the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemia, various neoplasms and hormonal disruptions. If you stop eating such oils, trans fats will leave the human body only after a year or two.

Therefore, frying even with refined oil is undesirable, especially with daily use.

  • I would like to say about the cosmetology field - such a product, added to a lotion or cream, can accelerate the aging process of the skin. This is explained by the action of free radicals formed in the refined product.

Now let's move on to unrefined oil. It, firstly, differs from refined in a pleasant smell and peculiar taste, which is successfully used in cooking. This is the most natural and useful product, which also has healing properties.

But in order to save all the benefits, certain conditions will need to be met - it is stored for a short time (probably the only drawback) and must be kept in a glass container in the dark and cool, or in a metal hermetically sealed jar. After the container has been opened, it must be placed in the refrigerator.

From the foregoing, it can be seen that an unrefined vegetable product is more useful than a refined one, which is more suitable only for frying, and even then it should not be abused.

Unrefined oil - production

Such a product is obtained from a plant-based natural base, without being subjected to additional effects (physical or chemical). There are currently 3 methods:

  • Cold pressed, when the ground seeds are subjected to a pressing process with an exposure temperature of up to 40 degrees. This allows all useful substances to be preserved in the finished product. But such oil is not stored very long, increasing its price;
  • With the hot pressing method, the raw material is first heated to 120 degrees, which allows you to extend the shelf life, while maintaining all the benefits, aroma and color;
  • The extraction method is considered the most inexpensive, but not the most useful. In this production, a chemical solvent is used, which is removed from the resulting oil.

Any of the above production methods is completed by a filtration process to get rid of various mechanical impurities.

Benefits of unrefined sunflower oil

Cold pressing in the production of sunflower oil gives it a large list of useful properties for the human body, allowing it to be used in traditional medicine, cosmetology and, of course, in cooking.

With its regular use, the work of the central nervous system is restored, metabolic processes are normalized, the liver is cleansed and digestion improves. Such a product has a positive effect on brain cells and protects against the development of atherosclerosis.

Even unrefined sunflower oil rejuvenates the skin and has a preventive effect against the appearance of various neoplasms in the body.

The therapeutic effect extends:

  1. on metabolic processes.
  2. To improve memory and attention.
  3. to the endocrine system.
  4. On the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system.
  5. On cholesterol levels and the immune system.

Long-term use of such a product is able to cleanse blood vessels, remove bad cholesterol, prevent the development of CV diseases and normalize blood circulation in the brain.

Sunflower oil is also an excellent prophylactic against childhood rickets.

Video: refined or still unrefined? And can you fry on it?

Benefits of unrefined olive oil

No wonder people called olive oil “liquid gold”, because it has a lot of useful properties, having a large number of valuable elements in its composition:

  • Oleic acid lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and appetite, and also speeds up metabolism and improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Olive oil has a preventive effect against the development of SS ailments, strengthening blood vessels and making them elastic;
  • The product has a positive effect on bone tissue, which is very useful for children;
  • The restoration of vision is “engaged” by linoleic acid in the composition of olive oil, including ensuring the normal functioning of all tissues, maintaining muscle tone and having a positive effect on the human psyche;
  • The skin of the face will also “say” thanks to this product, which is able to make it soft, silky and healthy, which provides vitamin E.

In the Mediterranean diet, unrefined olive oil occupies the first place, having a positive effect on the entire digestive system.

Benefits of unrefined linseed oil

The oil obtained from flax seeds contains a very important acid for the body - alpha-linoleic, which belongs to polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3). In addition, the product contains many vitamins (E, A, F and K).

The unrefined production method makes the oil slightly bitter in taste, while endowing it with a large number of useful properties that you will feel on yourself after at least 2 months of regular use:

  1. Flaxseed oil aids the process by reducing appetite and improving the performance of any diet.
  2. The benefits of the product extend to the CCC, making blood vessels more elastic and strong, normalizing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and preventing heart attacks (especially repeated ones).
  3. Helps to get rid of constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticular disease. If you use it on an empty stomach, you can heal from colitis and gastritis, as well as worms and liver diseases. It also prevents the development of gallstone disease and kidney stones.
  4. With the help of unrefined linseed oil, inflammation is relieved in lupus, mastopathy (fibrocystic) and gout. The product helps the body to better absorb iodine.
  5. Flaxseed oil is indispensable for improving the appearance, helping to reduce the secretion of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, cleansing the pores. And the use of oil in the form of masks rejuvenates, softens and fortifies the skin and hair. The increased content of vitamins improves the functioning of the central nervous system and other systems, reducing the risk of developing blood clots, atherosclerosis, hypertension and stroke.
  6. Flaxseed oil has a preventive effect against skin, breast and colon cancer. Such elements in the composition as lingins reduce the spread of tumors, regardless of their location.
  7. These same substances are very useful for the female body, activating the normal hormonal balance. Taking this product will reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menstruation and menopause.

Flaxseed oil also fights swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland in the male population of our planet, healing from infertility and impotence.

Other vegetable oils

I would like to talk a little about coconut oil, which is a staple food in countries such as Thailand, India and Indonesia.

This product also has many healing properties that are used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda). In the time of Cleopatra, it was added to baths to preserve beauty and youth, which is why coconut oil is still popular among the female population of Southeast Asia and India.

And another interesting oil is shea, extracted from the Shea tree of the same name (Africa). From its fruits, oil is produced, which has been used by local folk healers for centuries.

The result of pressing is a solid composition of non-uniform consistency from cream to white, used in the field of cooking, cosmetology, aromatherapy and medicine.

This is an environmentally friendly product with protective, softening and moisturizing functions. The rich vitamin composition maintains the normal condition of the skin, renews cells and rejuvenates the body, prevents the development of cancerous tumors due to its antioxidant properties and improves microcirculation.

Cosmetology and unrefined oils

The use of vegetable oils in the field of cosmetology began a long time ago, starting with the rapid development of this industry. With the help of such tools, a large number of cosmetic defects and problems are solved. Their uniqueness lies in the versatility of application, with the possibility of selection for any type of facial skin, including the area around the eyes.

  • Heated vegetable oil effectively cleanses the face without overdrying. And creams based on them are suitable for use in the winter, protecting and nourishing the skin.
  • Dry and normal skin masks, where vegetable oils are added, give elasticity, while smoothing wrinkles, cleansing and relieving inflammation.
  • The composition of lip balms also includes oils, making them softer, providing a protective function against the appearance of cracks, viruses and bacteria.
  • For nails, you can make baths with the addition of unrefined vegetable oil, which helps to strengthen the nail plate.
  • There are oils that are very useful for hair, stimulating their growth and eliminating dandruff.
  • Masseurs have been using vegetable oils for their sessions for a very long time, enriching the composition with essential products, which is also used in aromatherapy.

I want to offer you a small list of different oils with the designation of the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir application:

  • Olive, sea buckthorn, macadamia, wheat germ, avocado, cocoa and rosehip oils are designed to improve the quality of dry and aging skin;
  • Peach, castor and avocado oils are suitable for very sensitive and prone to allergic skin reactions;
  • If the skin is prone to inflammation and problematic, it is preferable to use pomace from jojoba, hazelnut, grape seeds, flax, sea buckthorn and mustard;
  • Oily skin is more suitable for sesame (read about) and grape seeds;
  • Another oil obtained from grape seeds is useful for treating lips, which can also be lubricated with jojoba and walnut oils;
  • Castor herbal product, burdock, peach and olive is excellent hair care.

And these are not all the oils that are used in cosmetology. Their popularity is explained, in addition to the mass of useful properties, also by safety - after all, it is almost impossible to harm them. The main thing is to choose the right product based on the problem.

It remains only to start using vegetable oils for the benefit of your health, beauty and mood.

That's all - see you soon on the pages of our blog! I would like to remind you to invite friends to join us on social networks and share with all the new information received.

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.

    The environment affects us - it's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight here and couldn’t”, “yes, we’ll still remain fat”, “there should be a lot of a good person.” Well, let there be “many” of them - but what do you have to do with it?

    Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of unhealthy dishes should be. And then you will also become graceful - it's only a matter of time.

    To reduce the chance of overeating, stick to the 10 Calm Spoons rule. It says: "Eat the first ten spoonfuls very slowly, as slowly as you can."

    Before each opening of the refrigerator door, do 10-20 squats. It can be normal, or it can be with the direction of the feet and knees to the sides. Or on one leg. Or squat and then jump. In a word, be different.

    Learn to catch the moment when the taste of food becomes dull, as if it becomes less tasty. This is the time to stop eating.

    Before you eat, tell yourself: "As we eat, I will lose weight!" A very powerful phrase for reducing appetite and adjusting the composition of food.

    Occasionally have a Big Salad Day. A huge bowl of vegetable salad (or better a bowl!) Should be eaten during the day. The rest of the food - only after an impressive portion of salad.

    A minute of exercise before eating will reduce your appetite better than any special remedy.

    Get in your refrigerator "Shelf for slender" and "Shelf for fat". Which one do you choose?

    To reduce appetite, drink a glass of kefir before each meal.

You may also be interested

A bottle of sunflower oil in the kitchen is like a "little black dress" in a woman's wardrobe: a win-win in almost any situation. You can’t fry eggs without oil, a salad without a familiar dressing will most likely lose its taste, and in the case of canning vegetables, sunflower oil is one of the fundamental components. Today, store shelves are overflowing with bottles with different labels: "without preservatives and dyes", "first pressing", "frozen". What do these words mean and how to distinguish marketing tools from really important information?

Temperature Matters

The first rule for any cuisine - from haute to "bachelor" - always has two types of sunflower oil on hand: refined and unrefined. They differ from each other in different degrees of purification of the product. Refined oil is ideal for frying and cooking at high temperatures. It is purified by various technological processes and has a neutral taste and smell. Refined oil does not emit harmful carcinogens, and also will not bring unpleasant surprises: it will not smoke and foam when frying. Unrefined oil, unlike a more refined product, undergoes only mechanical filtration. This allows you to keep the smell of seeds and the recognizable "sunny" taste of oil, so unrefined oil is well suited for salads, giving them a special taste and aroma.

Such different labels

The variety of formulations on the label of sunflower oil can confuse even the most sophisticated consumer. It is important to distinguish between marketing tools and really important product information. So:

Do NOT pay attention to:

  • "Oil without preservatives and dyes." It is almost impossible to add an artificial color or preservative to the composition of the oil, since these components do not mix with the oil. Moreover, the oil absolutely does not need preservatives: microbes do not start in it due to the lack of water in the composition.
  • "First spin". The unrefined product is always extracted from seeds using the first pressing, there is nothing special about this. And refined oil is obtained by extraction, that is, the extraction of vegetable oil using chemical methods.
  • "Contains vitamin E." Sunflower oil always contains this important vitamin for maintaining beauty, as well as A, D and F and beneficial trace elements.

It is worth paying attention to:

  • "Cold pressed". The inscription indicates a low temperature when the oil is released. It is believed that with the cold method, the oil retains all the useful substances, vitamins and trace elements, while it has a slight smell, which for many consumers is the determining factor when choosing.
  • "Frozen". This marking refers to unrefined sunflower oil and indicates the method of preparation of the product. The essence of the method is to slowly cool the oil with very little stirring. This practically does not affect the taste, the characteristic smell of oil and the “fatty” taste are only slightly reduced. At the same time, all vitamins and nutrients remain intact, the oil becomes more transparent, and its shelf life increases.

Even without looking at the label, the consumer can draw a conclusion about the properties of refined and unrefined sunflower oil by several indirect signs at once. Any buyer will increase their chances of choosing a really high-quality product by following 5 simple rules.

  1. Look for oil in dark places. When choosing sunflower oil in a store, you need to pay attention to where it is stored: under the influence of any light, the composition of the oil quickly deteriorates and it loses its beneficial properties. The darker the showcase on which the oil is in the store, the better. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a product from the back row, looking into the depth of the shelf: this way there are more chances to get a “non-exposed” product.
  2. Look carefully at the expiration date. You should always pay attention to the expiration date of products, and in the case of sunflower oil, the date of manufacture should be given special attention. The closer the oil is to the expiration date, the higher its peroxide value, which affects the oxidizability of the product. Failure to comply with storage conditions (high temperature in the warehouse or prolonged exposure to light, including under artificial lighting) reduces the shelf life of refined oil in relation to the period declared by the manufacturer. An oil with a high peroxide value quickly loses its freshness and acquires a rancid taste.
  3. Pay attention to the degree of purity of the product. Turbid oil is a sign of spoilage of a refined product; it is better to refuse such a purchase. At the same time, you should not be afraid of a small sediment in unrefined oil - these are phospholipids useful for the body, which are found in all cells and rejuvenate them. They are not produced by the body and must be ingested with food.
  4. Rate the color of the product. A good refined oil will most likely have a light color. One of the quality parameters of a product is determined by its color number. It indicates the degree of purification of the oil from coloring natural substances. It is believed that the lighter the refined oil, the more refined it is. It is important to note that unrefined sunflower oil has a darker color, and in this case it becomes difficult to determine the quality of the product by eye.
  5. Store the oil properly. At home, store the bottle of oil in a dark, cool place (such as the refrigerator). The optimum storage temperature for sunflower oil is from +5 to +20 °С. Do not forget to look at the shelf life of the product. Unrefined oil has a shelf life of only a few months, and an opened bottle is best consumed within 4-5 weeks. Refined oil is stored the longest - up to 18 months.
Nevertheless, it is guaranteed that you can choose a really high-quality product only with the help of Roskachestvo's rolling research, focusing on the Russian Quality Mark, which is worth looking for on the product label. A list of the highest quality refined oils can be found