How to cook corn salad with crab sticks. Crab salad. Simple salad without rice with crab sticks

Crab salad with corn has been delighting food lovers for many years. No one will say exactly when the salad “came” to the table, but everyone will note unique taste crab salad with corn.

And yet, culinary experts consider the eastern country of Japan to be the “birthplace” of the Crab salad. Originally, one of the ingredients was crab meat. This expensive delicacy gives the salad discriminating taste, did not immediately make it available to seafood lovers. With the advent of a budget version of imitation crab meat - crab sticks- “Crab” salad has become affordable and memorable in taste.

The ingredients are quite simple, classic version preparing salad. Every housewife has canned sweet corn on hand. Crab meat or crab sticks are available on store shelves. Not a single refrigerator is complete without eggs. Rice grains are kept in stock by the owner of the kitchen.

The process of preparing the Crab salad is minimized, which saves time. Boiling eggs and rice is not difficult. Open a jar canned corn and cut crab meat - easy in 5 minutes. Season with mayonnaise, mix the ingredients and serve - delicious and healthy salad Looking forward to tasting!

You don't need to have any special skills in decorating dishes. It is worth approaching this issue with imagination. And then the “Crab” salad will delight your guests, children and loved ones, and create festive atmosphere or whet the appetite of picky children. If you move away from the standard mixing of ingredients in a salad bowl, you will get admirable options for decorating the dish. So, one option is to lay it out in layers on a flat surface. Layering it out in layers in wine glasses and glasses looks original.

For the festive table, the Crab salad is decorated in the shape of a starfish. The “Crab” salad in the shape of Santa Claus is perfect for the New Year’s table and will become the center of attention.

Crab salad with corn is at the peak of popularity among both chefs and ordinary housewives. The composition of the salad is very variable, due to which it will satisfy any tastes and needs. Besides classical composition, the ingredients of the Crab salad are known: fresh cucumbers, fresh Bell pepper, squid, oranges, pineapples, fresh herbs, shrimp, cheese, Chinese cabbage.

How to cook crab salad with corn - 15 varieties

The classic version of the ingredients, method of preparation and type of decoration was loved by housewives for its simplicity and time saving. To prepare a classic crab salad with corn you will need:


  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The eggs need to be boiled in advance until tender and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Peel and cut the eggs. Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

If you add boiled crab rice to the salad, it will become higher in calories and nutritious.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab meat or crab sticks, 200 g,
  • Boiled rice, 100 - 150 gr.,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Eggs and rice need to be boiled in advance until cooked and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Peel and cut the eggs. Add rice. Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

For lovers of spicy taste, the option of preparing crab salad with rice and garlic is suitable. By adding just 1-2 cloves, the taste sensations will become more intense.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Boiled rice, 100 - 150 gr.,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Garlic, fresh or dried,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Eggs and rice need to be boiled in advance until cooked and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Peel and cut the eggs. Pass fresh garlic through a garlic press and add to taste. Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

Followers of a healthy diet will like the crab salad with corn and cucumber. A light, low-calorie salad is an excellent snack without harming your figure.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab meat or crab sticks, 200 g,
  • Boiled rice 100 - 150 gr.,
  • Fresh cucumber, 100 - 150 gr.,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Eggs and rice need to be boiled in advance until cooked and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Cut the cucumber into small cubes. Peel and cut the eggs. Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

Follow healthy eating- fashionable and modern. Crab salad with corn and Chinese cabbage is a healthy and light dish.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab meat or crab sticks, 200 gr.,
  • Beijing cabbage, 100 - 150 gr.,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The eggs need to be boiled in advance until tender and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Peel and cut the eggs. Shred the Beijing cabbage.

Squeeze by hand before adding to salad. Chinese cabbage. The taste of the salad will become light and delicate.

Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

Crab salad with corn and fresh cabbage is the secret to easy digestion and a great mood for the whole day.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab meat or crab sticks, 200 g,
  • Fresh cabbage, 100 - 150 gr.,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The eggs need to be boiled in advance until tender and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Finely chop the cabbage and squeeze it with your hands. Peel and cut the eggs. Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

Special notes exquisite taste will add exotic pineapple to the salad. Pineapple, corn and crab meat are a great culinary combination.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab meat or crab sticks, 200 g,
  • Canned pineapple, 200 gr.,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The eggs need to be boiled in advance until tender and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Finely chop the pineapple into cubes. Peel and cut the eggs. Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

True gourmets will be delighted with the crab salad with corn and oranges.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab meat or crab sticks, 200 g,
  • Oranges, 100 - 150 gr.,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The eggs need to be boiled in advance until tender and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Peel and cut the eggs. Peel the oranges, remove the seeds, finely chop the pulp. Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

For effective delivery crab salad with corn and oranges, you can carefully peel the peel, using it later as a container for salad.

For seafood lovers, there is a type of crab salad with corn and squid. The salad gets its delicate and original taste from the combination of ingredients.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab meat or crab sticks, 200 g,
  • Chilled squid meat,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The eggs need to be boiled in advance until tender and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Pour boiling water over the squid meat, let it brew, then cut into pieces. Peel and cut the eggs. Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

During a holiday or when inviting guests, the hostess strives to surprise and delight the guests not only with the taste, but also with the appearance of the prepared dishes. The “Festive” crab salad will please your guests.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab meat or crab sticks, 200 g,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The eggs need to be boiled in advance until tender and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn. Peel and cut the eggs. Take clear glass glasses or wine glasses and lay out the ingredients layer by layer. Alternating with mayonnaise. Place on a plate. Salad ready. Bon appetit!

The crab salad “Santa Claus” will create a New Year’s mood, delight the children and not go unnoticed by the guests.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab sticks, 200 gr.,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The eggs need to be boiled in advance until tender and allowed to cool. Cut the crab meat into medium-sized cubes. Drain the corn and pour into a salad bowl. Peel and cut the eggs. Stir, season with mayonnaise. Place on a plate in the shape of Santa Claus. Salad ready.

Put in a little effort and the result will exceed all expectations. Use crab sticks to create Santa Claus's fur coat, and grated white crab meat as beard and fur on the fur coat.

Bon appetit!

When layering the crab salad, add a layer of cheese. The delicate and original taste of the salad is guaranteed.


  • Canned corn, 1 can,
  • Crab meat or crab sticks, 200 g,
  • Cheese, 100 gr.,
  • Eggs, 4 - 5 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise.

This dish is familiar to many from childhood. It is often present at all kinds of holidays, because it goes perfectly with any snacks and meat. It is quite simple to prepare and even a beginner can handle it. This kind of work takes little time, which is convenient in cases where you quickly need to figure out what to feed your guests. Recipes for salads with crab sticks and corn are surprisingly varied. They are prepared with the addition of eggs, meat, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, crackers, Chinese cabbage, herbs, garlic and much more. You can decorate them with grated boiled yolks, mayonnaise, chopped cherry tomatoes, parsley and grated cheese.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Such beauty will please the taste and will be an elegant addition to the table in terms of decoration. The traditional taste of the dish is quite sweet, which young children like. Therefore, this is a great way to feed babies if they refuse to eat other foods and are capricious. This treat should be prepared very carefully, strictly following the recipe, so that it does not turn out too spicy, salty or dry. If you follow the recommendations, the result will meet all expectations and will definitely please both guests and family.

Salads with corn and crab sticks became popular in the post-perestroika period, when previously unfamiliar surimi sticks appeared on store shelves. They were inexpensive, but had the smell and taste of expensive delicacies. Augmented sweet corn and rice, they turned into nourishing, cheap and tasty dish worthy of a festive table. Surimi salad began to decorate New Year's table, displacing “Olivier” and “Herring under a Fur Coat”. Later they began to prepare the appetizer in weekdays, since it can be done quickly and without having great culinary skills. It can replace the main meal, adding variety to the daily menu.

Cooking features

Salads with corn and crab sticks are prepared according to the most different recipes, some of them do not resemble the classic one. The cooking process depends on the recipe chosen, but there are several features that remain common.

  • To prepare salads, use canned corn in jars. Before adding it to the salad, the liquid from the jar must be drained and the corn must be allowed to dry. If you don’t do this, the salad will quickly turn sour.
  • Some of the salad recipes involve adding rice, which must first not only be cooked, but also cooled. It is better to choose varieties that contain little starch, so that the cereal does not stick together during cooking and turn into porridge. Before cooking, rice should be rinsed with clean water. Adding spoons of olive oil to the water in which the cereal is cooked will help prevent sticking.
  • If you need to cut crab sticks into cubes for salad, it is better to use a chilled product. Frozen surimi must have time to thaw under natural conditions. If you try to heat crab sticks in the microwave, you will ruin them: they will begin to resemble rubber. If you are going to grate crab sticks into a salad, it is more convenient to use frozen ones; there is no need to defrost them beforehand.
  • Salads made from crab sticks and corn are most often seasoned with mayonnaise, but this fatty and unhealthy sauce can be replaced with low-fat yogurt. The taste of the salad will be much more tender from this, and it will energy value will decrease.
  • Even if you are preparing the salad for a family dinner and not for a holiday table, try to serve it beautifully, garnished with herbs, corn, shrimp or something else. The salad will look even more beautiful if it is made into layers. It looks appetizing if you use it to fill wine glasses or bowls.
  • If you want to give the salad a garlic flavor, but you are afraid of bad breath, you can grate the salad bowl with garlic.
  • To prevent the onion in the salad from being too sharp and bitter, you can pour boiling water over it.

Knowing the basic principles of preparing salad with corn and crab sticks, you will be able to add something of your own to the recipes, adapting them to your taste and the taste of your household.

Classic recipe

  • crab sticks – 0.25 kg;
  • rice – 80 g;
  • chicken egg – 3–4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise, salt, herbs - to taste.

Recipe for the occasion::

Cooking method:

  • Remove the defrosted or cooled crab sticks from the cellophane shell, cut each stick into 3-4 pieces lengthwise, then cut crosswise to form small rectangles.
  • Rinse the rice well, cover with water and boil until tender, remembering to add salt.
  • Open the corn and drain in a colander. Let it dry.
  • Hard boil the eggs, cool and peel. Cut into small cubes.
  • Finely chop the greens.
  • Place the ingredients in a bowl, add mayonnaise, stir.

All that remains is to place it in a beautiful serving bowl, decorate using your own imagination, and serve.

Salad with corn, crab sticks and fresh cucumber

  • crab sticks – 0.3 kg;
  • rice – 160 g;
  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • canned corn – 0.24 kg;
  • fresh cucumber – 0.2 kg;
  • green onions– 50 g;
  • fresh dill – 50 g;
  • salt, mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the crab sticks from the film and cut into small cubes.
  • Open the can of corn and drain the water. Place the corn in a colander to dry.
  • Wash and dry the cucumber with a napkin. Cut off the ends. Cut the vegetable into pieces the same size as the crab sticks.
  • Wash the dill and onions and let them dry. Chop finely with a knife.
  • Boil rice in salted water.
  • Hard Boiled chicken eggs cool by immersing in cold water, clean. Cut into cubes.
  • Place the crushed ingredients in a bowl and mix with mayonnaise.

After transferring the salad into a vase, garnish it with slices of fresh cucumber and sprigs of dill.

Salad with crab sticks, corn and cheese

  • crab sticks – 0.4 kg;
  • canned corn – 0.24 kg;
  • chicken egg – 5 pcs.;
  • hard cheese– 0.2 kg;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise – 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the garlic cloves in half and rub them onto the salad bowl. If you want a sharper and piquant taste, garlic can be put through a press and mixed with mayonnaise.
  • Cut the crab sticks into cubes, do not finely chop them.
  • Grind the cheese using a large hole grater.
  • Cut the hard-boiled and cooled eggs into the same cubes as the crab sticks.
  • Place the corn from the jar in a colander and let it dry.
  • Place cheese, surimi, corn and eggs in a bowl, season with mayonnaise, and place in prepared salad bowl.

Cooked according to this recipe snack has delicate taste. To make the salad look more attractive, you can leave some of the cheese for decoration and sprinkle it ready dish. You can also use egg slices and herbs for decoration.

Salad with corn, crab sticks and cabbage

  • crab sticks – 0.2 kg;
  • canned corn – 0.24 kg;
  • white cabbage – 0.3 kg;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • fresh herbs – 100 g;
  • sour cream – 150 ml;
  • vinegar (9 percent), salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage and remove the top leaves. Finely chop and place in a bowl.
  • Sprinkle the cabbage with sugar, using your hands to release the juice. Sprinkle with water mixed half and half with table vinegar.
  • Wash the carrots and peel them. Grind on a grater, preferably one intended for cooking Korean cuisine. Add to cabbage and stir.
  • Drain the juice from the can of corn. Place the grains with the vegetables.
  • Add 2-3 teaspoons of diluted vinegar to the bowl with vegetables and stir.
  • Remove the crab sticks from the packaging and individual cellophane envelopes, cut into cubes, and add to the vegetables.
  • Mix sour cream with salt and garlic passed through a press. Season the salad with the resulting sauce.
  • After placing the salad in a salad bowl, sprinkle it generously with chopped herbs.

This diet salad will appeal to those who watch their figure. It turns out juicy and spicy.

Crab sticks and corn salad with croutons

  • crab sticks – 0.2 kg;
  • pickled cucumber – 100 g;
  • rye crackers with garlic flavor – 40 g;
  • canned corn – 0.24 kg;
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 1 clove.

Cooking method:

  • Cut crab sticks and pickled cucumbers into cubes.
  • Drain the can of corn. Place the corn kernels in a bowl.
  • Add cucumbers and crab sticks to the corn.
  • Mix with mayonnaise.
  • Add crackers, stir.

Before serving, give the croutons a little time to soak in the sauce and become softer. Pickled cucumber can be replaced with fresh cucumber in the recipe. The taste will change, but will remain pleasant.

Crab sticks, corn and orange salad

  • crab sticks – 150 g;
  • orange – 150 g;
  • canned corn – 130 g;
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • mayonnaise – 120 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Chop the crab sticks with a knife.
  • Mix with corn.
  • Peel the orange and divide into slices. Clear orange slices from the films, remove the seeds. Leave a few slices to decorate the salad, break the rest and add to the main ingredients.
  • Boil the eggs, cool. After peeling, cut into cubes or small slices. Combine with other products.
  • Crush the garlic with a special press and mix with mayonnaise.
  • Season the salad with the resulting sauce.
  • Place it in small salad bowls or wine glasses and garnish with orange slices.

The salad has an unusual but harmonious taste. Oranges transform a common snack into a savory delicacy.

Salad with corn, crab sticks and Chinese cabbage


  • Chinese cabbage – 150 g;
  • crab sticks – 0.2 kg;
  • canned corn – 0.24 kg;
  • chicken egg – 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise or yogurt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the leaves of Chinese cabbage and dry with napkins. Lay them on top of each other. Cut into 3 pieces lengthwise and chop thinly. Place in a bowl.
  • Cut hard-boiled chicken eggs into slices. Add to cabbage.
  • Cut crab sticks into cubes and add to cabbage and eggs.
  • Add corn.
  • Mix the ingredients carefully and place on a plate. Top with yogurt or mayonnaise.

If desired, this light salad You can decorate with cherry tomato slices.

Crab sticks and corn salad is an easy to prepare appetizer. It is made from readily available ingredients and is tender and tasty. Among the many salad recipes, you can find options for both those who like to eat heartily and those who are on a diet.

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As soon as crab sticks appeared on the shelves of our stores, housewives loved them very much. The taste of the product is liked not only by adults, but also by children. Crab sticks are light, made from leftover fish, and flavorings give them pleasant taste crabs The most common dish based on this ingredient is, of course, salad.

Salad with crab sticks and corn: classic recipe Each housewife will have her own. But it seems to us that the classic recipe necessarily contains eggs, rice, and mayonnaise. Then the most different variants preparing a salad with crab sticks. Some people add Chinese cabbage to it, others always add onions or green onions, others like to add fresh green cucumber or even pickled cucumber to the salad.

The salad with crab sticks and Chinese cabbage is tasty and fresh: a recipe with photos of just such preparation can be found in many versions on the pages of our website. You also need to understand that such a salad

It is not at all necessary to season with mayonnaise. As a replacement for this sauce, you should use sour cream, and some recipes suggest making your own dressing options based on ingredients that are not quite familiar to us. Here you need to understand that the chosen dressing can change the taste of the usual salad with all the standard ingredients. So, if you want to serve crab salad in a new variation, you don’t have to change its composition. You should try just changing the sauce.

Salad with crab sticks and corn and rice is tasty and nutritious. Rice makes the salad filling, and in this form it can even qualify as a main course. Just try to cook the rice correctly: it should be crumbly and just melt in your mouth. Be sure to choose the right type of rice and rid it of mucilage before adding it to the salad.

In our section we have a salad with crab sticks and corn: a classic recipe and others that you can safely prepare for every day or choose for a holiday table. We definitely guarantee that not a single recipe will disappoint you. After all, before getting to the pages of our culinary portal, each salad was prepared and we know its taste no worse than the specific composition of the ingredients for preparing the dish.


"Instant" salad of Chinese cabbage, crab sticks and corn

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, crab stick, canned corn, garlic, hard cheese, croutons, mayonnaise, salt, pepper

The “Instant” salad from Chinese cabbage, crab sticks and corn is prepared so simply and quickly that you can’t even believe it. But the salad turns out to be tasty and appetizing, so it’s suitable for both everyday life and holidays. You will learn how to prepare it from our recipe.

- 200 g of Chinese cabbage;
- 100 g crab sticks;
- 100 g canned corn;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 80 g hard cheese;
- 30-40 g of crackers;
- 80 g mayonnaise;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Shocking seafood salad for the New Year and Christmas holidays

Ingredients: crab sticks, pink salmon, shrimp, tomato, corn, mayonnaise, sausage, olives

Any salad, even with seafood, can be prepared in the shape of a pig - the symbol of 2019. Perhaps, salads can be decorated this way not only for New Year, but also all the following days: it will still be interesting.
- 300 grams of crab sticks;
- 300 g lightly salted pink salmon;
- 250-300 grams of boiled frozen shrimp;
- 3-4 tomatoes;
- 0.5 cans of canned corn;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- 2 circles of boiled sausage;
- 1-2 olives.


Salad “Diplomat” with crab sticks

Ingredients: crab stick, tomato, hard cheese, canned corn, garlic, mayonnaise, salt, black pepper, herbs

Do you want to surprise your guests at the holiday table, but you can’t buy expensive products? Then the Diplomat salad with crab sticks and cheese will help you out. It has an excellent taste and appetizing appearance, so it definitely won’t let you down!
For 1 serving:

- crab sticks – 3-4 pcs;
- medium tomato – 0.5 pcs;
- hard cheese – 50 g;
- canned corn – 2-3 tbsp;
- garlic – 1-2 cloves;
- mayonnaise – 1-2 tbsp;
- salt to taste;
- black pepper to taste;
- greens for decoration.


Salad with seaweed, crab and corn

Ingredients: seaweed, crab sticks, canned corn, mayonnaise

Today I have described for you a recipe for a delicious salad with seaweed, crab and corn. You can prepare such a salad both for a festive table and for every day.


- seaweed - 1 jar,
- crab sticks - 150 grams,
- canned corn - 4 tbsp.,
- mayonnaise.


Fusion salad with crab sticks and pineapples

Ingredients: rice, crab stick, cheese, canned corn, canned pineapple, mayonnaise, paprika, greens

Do you want to surprise your guests with something new? interesting recipe? Then prepare for them a “Fusion” salad with crab sticks, corn and pineapples. Him bright taste, which will amaze even the most demanding gourmets.

- boiled rice – 50 g;
- crab sticks – 3-4 pcs;
- hard cheese – 50 g;
- canned corn – 2 tbsp;
- canned pineapple - 2 washers;
- mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
- paprika - 2-3 pinches;
- greens for decoration.


Royal salad

Ingredients: egg, crab stick, orange, corn, garlic, mayonnaise

I prepare Royal salad quite often. The recipe is very simple, so you should definitely try it.


- 6 eggs,
- 240 grams of crab sticks,
- 1-2 oranges,
- 200 grams of canned corn,
- 1-2 cloves of garlic,
- 200-250 grams of mayonnaise.


Corrida salad with croutons

Ingredients: tomato, crab sticks, garlic, hard cheese, canned corn, croutons, mayonnaise

I present to your attention great recipe Corida salad with crab sticks and croutons. The salad turns out very tasty.


- tomato - 1 pc.,
- crab sticks - 50 grams,
- garlic - 1 clove,
- hard cheese - 30 grams,
- canned corn - 1 tbsp.,
- crackers - 1 tbsp,
- mayonnaise.


Simple crab stick salad

Ingredients: crab stick, carrots, rice, corn, onion, cheese, salt, butter, egg, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, paprika, greens

I suggest you prepare this very tasty and easy-to-prepare salad with crab sticks and corn for lunch or dinner.


- 300 grams of crab sticks;
- 4 eggs;
- 50 grams of carrots;
- 120 grams of rice;
- 200 grams of canned corn;
- 120 grams of onion;
- 80 grams of processed cheese;
- salt;
- butter;
- vegetable oil;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- 50 grams of sour cream;
- 5 grams of mustard;
- 3 grams of ground sweet paprika;
- greenery.


New Year's Salad "Santa Claus's Mitten"

Ingredients: crab sticks, corn, eggs, onion, rice, mayonnaise, salt
Calories: 40

There are only a few days left until the most magical holiday of the year - the New Year. Already now on the shelves you can see a lot of interesting and bright decorations, original and simple souvenirs. All women are looking for a new outfit, going to the hairdresser, getting a manicure. In addition to all this, for example, I also think about how to beautifully serve regular dishes. And I found several solutions to this issue. Classic salad with crab sticks “Mitten” is one such solution. To prepare it you need:
- eggs – 6 pieces,
- crab sticks – packaging,
- onion - one piece,
- canned corn - one can,
- rice – 100 grams,
- sauce for dressing,
- salt to your taste.


Ingredients: sweet corn, crab sticks, eggs, salt, pepper, herbs, mayonnaise

Salad with crab sticks today occupies one of the first places in popularity, and perhaps even the very first. Always tasty, juicy, sometimes tender, sometimes spicy, depending on the original ingredients, crab salad is appropriate on any holiday table. We invite you to remember the classic version.

For the recipe you will need:
- a can of canned corn,
- 200 g crab sticks,
- five eggs,
- salt - to taste,
- ground black pepper,
- greenery,
- mayonnaise - to taste.


Salad with crab sticks, corn and cucumber

Ingredients: long grain rice, canned corn, mayonnaise, crab sticks, fresh cucumber

A salad of crab sticks with canned corn has long and firmly taken its place on the holiday table in every home. To add a touch of novelty, we recommend slightly modifying the composition of the ingredients. Believe me, the taste of crab salad will only benefit from this!

What you need to make the salad:

- sweet canned corn - 220 grams,
- crab sticks - 1 package (250 g),
- rice - 200 grams,
- fresh cucumber - 1 pc.,
- mayonnaise - 230 grams.


Salad with crab sticks and corn

Ingredients: crab stick, corn, egg, rice, greens, sauce, salt

Salad with crab sticks and rice can even be served as a side dish, as it is very filling and of course tasty. It's easy to prepare.


- 200 grams of crab sticks,
- 140 grams of canned corn,
- 2 chicken eggs,
- 2 tbsp. rice,
- half a bunch of greenery,
- 100 grams of mayonnaise,
- salt.


Salad "Birch Grove"

Ingredients: crab stick, rice, onion, mayonnaise, sour cream, lemon, dill, salt, pepper, oil, egg, turmeric, olives, basil, corn

Salad with corn and crab sticks is quite easy to prepare. And if you want it to attract the attention of guests, decorate it in an original way. Our recipe with a photo of preparing the Birch Grove salad will tell you how to do this.

For the salad:
- 400 g crab sticks,
- 170 g rice,

- 0.5 whole lemon,
- 120 g onions,
- 40 g sour cream,
- 15 g dill,
- 60 g mayonnaise,
- vegetable oil for frying,
- salt to taste,
- black pepper to taste.

For decoration:
- 4 chicken eggs,
- 3 g turmeric,
- 4 black olives,
- dill,
- basil,
- 100 g full-fat mayonnaise.


Crab salad with corn and celery - New Year's salads

Ingredients: Crab meat, corn, rice, celery, lemon, egg, mayonnaise, sour cream, chili, onion, olive oil, leek

We are used to seeing crab salad on our tables using crab sticks. But today we propose to prepare a dish from real ingredients. Prepare real crab salad using real crab meat.


– 250 g crab meat;
– 150 g. sweet corn;
– 150 g of boiled rice;
– 150 g of stem celery;
– 1 lemon;
– 3 boiled eggs;
– 30 g. sour cream;
– 1 red chili pepper;
– 45 g green onions;
– 15 ml. olive or vegetable oil;
- leek leaves for serving.


Salad with crab sticks, corn and cabbage

Ingredients: Cabbage, tomato, corn, crab stick, pineapple, greens, salt, sauce, lemon juice

We offer a recipe for making a salad with vegetables, canned fruits and crab sticks. The appetizer turns out to be very tasty and attractive; it can also be served on a festive table.

- 200 g white cabbage,
- 200 g canned corn,
- 2 tomatoes,
- 100 g canned pineapple,
- 200 g crab sticks,
- lemon juice,
- any greens,
- salt,
- mayonnaise to taste and desire.


Ingredients: crab sticks, pickled cucumber, Korean carrot, eggs, canned corn, mayonnaise, salt

This recipe will tell you how to prepare a delicious and uncomplicated appetizer. Let's make a salad with crab sticks and Korean carrots. Add canned corn, pickled cucumber and chicken eggs to the ingredients. The salad turns out very tender, appetizing and beautiful.

- 7 crab sticks,
- 2 chicken eggs,
- 1 pickled cucumber,
- 5 tablespoons of canned corn,
- 100 g Korean carrots,
- 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise,
- salt to taste.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and crab sticks

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, crab sticks, tomato, hard cheese, canned corn, greens, mayonnaise

An original and very simple salad of Chinese cabbage and canned corn with crab sticks can win the heart of anyone who tries it. And cheese and tomatoes only add originality and uniqueness to this dish. If you make such a salad, then be prepared for the fact that it will quickly end and your guests will demand more. After all, despite all its simplicity, it is incredibly tasty.


- Chinese cabbage - 100-150 g;
- crab sticks - 70 g;
- medium size tomato - 1 piece;
- hard cheese - 70 g;
- canned corn - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
- dill, parsley;
- mayonnaise - 1.5 - 2 tbsp. l.


Salad of crab sticks and Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, crab sticks, corn, eggs, apple, seaweed caviar, mayonnaise, processed cheese OK, greenery

Prepare a light and satisfying salad of crab sticks, corn and Chinese cabbage. It's easy, tasty and beautiful. This appetizer will look good on any holiday table.

- 300 grams of Chinese cabbage,
- 200 grams of corn,
- 170 grams of crab sticks,
- 1 apple,
- 2 chicken eggs,
- sour cream (mayonnaise) to taste,
- 70 grams of processed cheese,
- greens to taste,
- 2 tablespoons of protein caviar (from algae).


New Year's salad "Christmas tree"

Ingredients: leeks, eggs, corn, crab sticks

Today, once again, we will show you how to create a real gastronomic masterpiece from the simplest and most affordable ingredients. We will cook New Year's salad and we will decorate it according to the celebration, in the form of a Christmas tree.

- leek - 1 bunch,
- boiled eggs- 4 things.,
- corn - 1/2 cans,
- crab sticks - 200 g.

Classic crab stick salad traditional recipe With corn it turns out very tasty. This is a popular appetizer on the holiday table. Housewives love to cook it and love it because it is simple, but at the same time delicious.

Crab sticks are such a versatile product that they can be added to any dish, prepared as independent snacks, or combined with a variety of ingredients. They are fried in batter, stuffed, baked, tartlets are filled with appropriate minced meat, and, of course, they make the most delicious salads.

Crab sticks are combined with a variety of cheese, cottage cheese, corn, different vegetables, with all kinds of dressings and spices.

Crab stick salad: classic step-by-step recipe for crab salad

This is the recipe for crab salad that is considered classic. About 25 years ago, an unusual product appeared on store shelves. And smart housewives found a use for it. This is how a culinary masterpiece was born.


  • a pack of crab sticks;
  • rice - a little less than half a glass;
  • crispy fresh cucumber - 2 pieces;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • green onions;
  • one onion(can be blue);
  • can of corn;
  • diet mayonnaise;
  • fine salt and ground black pepper.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

First, cook the rice and eggs so that the yolk does not spread. While they are cooking, you can cut the main ingredient and cucumbers into cubes. Two types of onions need to be finely chopped.

Now we take out the eggs, cool them and chop them into small cubes.

Mix everything in one container, add different spices to taste and season with any dietary mayonnaise. Choose a dietary one so as not to overload the salad with calories.

Without a doubt this classic dish, if you improvise with him to the place for the New Year. By the way, we already have it.

Crab stick salad: recipe with cucumber and avocado

The combination of avocado and fresh cucumber gives a subtle taste and will pleasantly surprise guests when they find out that the green cubes are not only cucumber.

  • avocado - 2 pieces;
  • fresh cucumber - 2-3 pcs.;
  • boiled potatoes- 2 root vegetables;
  • crab sticks - 1 package;
  • corn - 1 can;
  • onion - 1 large onion;
  • sour cream or light mayonnaise.


Boil hard-boiled eggs and cut into small cubes. Let the potatoes boil in their “uniforms”. Peel the avocado and also cut it, add chopped cucumber and chopped onion.

We take out the potatoes, cool them and cut them into the same geometric shapes. All that remains is to coarsely chop the main ingredient, mix all the ingredients, season with any sauce and add your favorite spices to taste.

Juicy salad: recipe with corn and Chinese cabbage


  • Chinese cabbage - 100 grams;
  • corn - 1 can of canned food;
  • crab sticks - 230 g;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • green onions and dill;
  • pepper, salt;
  • lean mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

We cut Chinese cabbage into thin strips. We cut the sticks coarsely. Finely chop the finished eggs, two types of onion and dill.

Mix all the ingredients in one container, add spices, you can add dry herbs and season with light mayonnaise.

If desired, you can top with low-fat yoghurt and serve on a plate, garnished with a boiled carrot rose. But without fanaticism, so that it doesn’t look like a Soviet canteen.

Video recipe – Salad with crab sticks and corn for the New Year

Crab stick salad: recipe with tomatoes


  • tomatoes (cream or maybe cherry) - 3/6 pcs.;
  • crab sticks - 300 gr.;
  • canned corn;
  • chicken eggs (hard-boiled) - 3 pcs.;
  • boiled carrots - one;
  • one blue onion;
  • fresh or pickled cucumber;
  • basic spices;
  • mayonnaise.


Cut the plum tomatoes into cubes; if you chose cherry tomatoes, then cut them in half. Cut carrots, cooked eggs, sticks, and cucumber into medium identical cubes. Chop the onion.

Now, according to tradition, mix everything prepared in a bowl, add salt and pepper and pour in mayonnaise. The salad turns out bright, so it can be served in portions in transparent glasses.

Crab stick salad - delicious recipe with potatoes and peas

Slightly reminiscent of "", but instead of sausage there are crab sticks.

  • canned peas - 250 g;
  • boiled potatoes in their jackets - 3-4 pcs.;
  • crab sticks - 200-300 g;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pieces;
  • fresh or pickled cucumber - 3 pieces;
  • blue onion;
  • salt pepper;
  • sour cream.

How to cook:

We cut everything into small cubes - carrots, boiled potatoes, cooked eggs, onions and cucumbers. Pour the liquid out of the canned food and pour it out green pea. For this recipe, you can take frozen peas, quickly defrost them and use them, because such peas spoil quickly.

Now all that remains is to add salt and a little pepper to taste and season with sour cream.

Crab stick salad - recipe with rice

Many housewives like to dilute this salad with boiled rice so that there is more of it and it turns out more satisfying. There is some wisdom in this! There are no fundamental preferences for rice, the main thing is that after cooking it does not squeak on the teeth.


  • rice - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • surimi - 250 gr.;
  • boiled eggs(yolks) - 3-4 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 medium;
  • corn - 150 grams;
  • tomato - big;
  • spices;
  • sour cream.

Let's prepare:

First, you need to pre-soak the rice so that you can cook it until tender. You need to maintain a consistency such that the rice does not crunch on your teeth, but also does not turn into porridge.

Finely chop the egg yolks. Dice the onion, large tomato and surimi.

Now unload the corn into a gastronorm container, add the remaining ingredients, stir well and enjoy a light and satisfying salad.

Crab stick salad recipe with white cabbage


  • cabbage - medium cabbage;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • peas - one jar;
  • crab sticks - 1 pack;
  • fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 1-2 pieces;
  • green onions - a few feathers;
  • standard spices;
  • mayonnaise.


You need to try to chop it very finely white cabbage. If you have a special grater, it is better to use it.

This salad can be made to fill tartlets or as a topping for baked potatoes.

Crab sticks salad with pineapple recipe

Not for everybody, because not everyone likes the combination of seafood or meat with pineapple. The taste is sweet, sour and spicy. Even skeptics should try it!

Main components:

  • crab sticks - 300 grams;
  • Chinese cabbage - 50 gr.;
  • canned pineapple - 200 g;
  • onion - medium onion;
  • fresh cucumber - one large;
  • eggs (hard-boiled) - 3 pcs.;
  • spices;
  • sour cream;
  • soy sauce.


Finely chop the Chinese cabbage, all the sticks, onion, prepared eggs and cucumber. Drain the juice from the pineapple and place it in a container. Combine all the products, add a few drops soy sauce, sour cream and spices. Mix well and taste. You should have a balance of salty and sweet.

Crab stick salad: recipe without corn, but with beans

The recipe is unusual, the combination may seem a little strange, but you definitely won’t regret it when you try it.


  • canned white beans;
  • surimi - 250 gr.;
  • boiled rice - half a glass;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • dill;
  • chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
  • salt pepper;
  • mayonnaise.


Choose small beans so that you don't have to cut them. Cut the crab sticks to the size of white beans, finely chop the dill and onion (both types). Cut the eggs into cubes, just like surimi.

Now mix the rice with other ingredients well, add the required amount of spices and season with sauce.

Hot salad of crab sticks without rice with red fish


  • large crab sticks - 200 g;
  • processed cheese - 1 pack;
  • canned corn - 200 grams;
  • canned peas - 150 g;
  • red fish - 150 gr.;
  • spaghetti - packaging;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil.


First you need to lightly fry the fish in a drop of oil, add spices and sprinkle with lemon. When the fish has cooled, cut into small pieces.

Use a coarse grater to grate the melted cheese. Now chop the crab sticks into medium cubes. Place a pot of water on the stove to cook the spaghetti.

Collect corn and peas, fish, crab sticks, spices, mayonnaise in a bowl, and when the spaghetti is cooked, transfer it warm to the bowl. Refuel olive oil or lightly spray lemon juice. It turns out to be a whole hot dish on its own!

Crab House Salad

At all original salad made from crab sticks, and the recipe is very tasty. It is also called the “Monastery Hut”. You should definitely prepare it for a holiday or New Year and enjoy it with your guests.

  • crab sticks (large) - 7 pieces;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • hard cheese - 150-200 gr.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • dill;
  • onion greens.

Cooking method:

Boil the eggs. While they are cooking, you need to grate hard cheese, squeeze out the garlic, chop the herbs, add a little salt, mayonnaise, and then grate the eggs.

Now take large crab sticks, unwrap them, spread them ready-made filling and roll it up again. This is how you need to stuff all the sticks, and then lay them out vertically in a checkerboard pattern, coating the layers with mayonnaise and creating a kind of “house”.

On top it can be decorated with grated cheese of a different type. The filling for this salad can be different:

  • cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, small dill and garlic;
  • processed cheese, boiled eggs, light mayonnaise, young garlic and ground pepper;
  • canned tuna, small green onions and tomatoes;
  • mushrooms fried with onions and any grated cheese.

Crab stick salad “Red Sea” delicious recipe with tomatoes without rice

Light crab salad is a yummy addition to your everyday menu.


  • crab sticks - one jar;
  • one red pepper (bell pepper);
  • tomatoes – 2-3 pieces;
  • hard cheese – 100-150 grams;
  • garlic;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking process:

First, cut the crabs into strips.

Cut the tomatoes into quarters, remove all liquid and seeds, and then cut into strips.

Remove the seeds from inside the pepper and also cut into strips. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

Garlic can be finely chopped or passed through a press.

Mix everything and season with mayonnaise.

Easy, simple and delicious!

Layered salad “Corrida” with crab sticks and croutons – new for the New Year


  • crab sticks - one package;
  • cheese – 150 gr.;
  • tomato – 3-4 pieces;
  • crackers - a small bag;
  • garlic – clove;
  • canned corn - can;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g.

Let's prepare:

We will need a serving ring - we will cook in layers. First of all, we need crackers. You can buy them ready-made at the store or make them yourself.

To make your own crackers you will need White bread, which mode into squares and place on a baking sheet. Bake or dry in the oven. Remove and cool.

We also cut the tomatoes into cubes without pulp (the pulp will only thin out the salad, but we don’t need that). Next, chop the crab sticks (preferably the freshest ones).

Strain the brine from the canned food. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Finely chop the garlic.

Now let's move on to the layers of our dish. Season each layer with mayonnaise. The first layer is tomatoes, the second layer is garlic and crab, then corn and cheese. Finish with mayonnaise mesh and croutons.

Now “Bullfight” is ready - serve. Bon appetit!

Amazingly delicious salad with crab sticks “Royal style” - new recipe: Video

Video recipe – Layered salad with crab sticks

Video recipe – Simple salad with crab sticks and apples

You can make a lot with crab sticks delicious snacks, fillings for tartlets, sandwich spreads and independent snacks. Try using our salads as a base and experimenting with your own secret ingredients. We are sure that it will turn out original and tasty!