How to make dumpling dough recipe. Tricks for preparing dough for dumplings. The best recipes and recommendations. Classic minced meat

Many cooks face two problems with ravioli and other similar dishes. The first is that the dough is not elastic enough. It breaks if you roll it thin. The edges of the products are not pinched, the mass sticks to your hands. But the second problem is much worse. Beautiful dumplings, lined up in orderly rows on a cutting board, immediately open up in boiling water like flower buds. As a result, we have pieces of meat at the bottom and unflattering shreds floating around the pan. From this article we will learn some secrets of what needs to be done to prevent the dumpling dough from boiling.

A very simple recipe

All housewives have their own way of kneading dumplings and dumplings dough. For some, this is a family recipe inherited from their grandmother. Others have their own invention, obtained through trial and error. Some people use only flour, salt and water for kneading. There are recipes that require the use of eggs. Someone pours milk instead of water. For splendor, some add soda. There is also a recipe for choux pastry. But in this situation, we are only interested in ensuring that the dumplings do not become soggy during cooking. So let's start from the very beginning simple recipe. So, flour, water and salt. That's all the ingredients. What's the secret? In the kneading method! A pinch of salt should be dissolved in a glass of warm (40-50 degrees) water. Half a kilo of flour of the highest category needs to be sifted into a bowl. Make a depression in this slide and pour warm salted water into it. Always stir with a fork in a circle and in one direction. Then you can transfer the dough to a work surface and continue working with your hands. We are ready to gradually add flour - as much as is needed so that the mass stops sticking to your hands.

Rest is an important condition

It is not you who is asked to relax, but the test. Knead it very actively. Therefore, it is believed that dumplings, like shish kebab, “ male hands case". Active kneading with the impact of the kolobok on the countertop causes a chemical reaction: the fiber contained in the flour begins to be released and act. To allow this process to complete, you need to let the dough rest. Then it will become elastic and hold any filling - even sweet berries that give a lot of juice. So, coat the bun or wrap the dumpling dough in cling film. To prevent future products from overcooking, you need to let the fiber show itself. Therefore, place the dough in a warm place without drafts for half an hour or 45 minutes. You can find out if the mass is ready for sculpting: pinch the edge. If the dough holds its shape well, it can be rolled out.

Correct sculpting

Unleavened dumpling dough is very susceptible to weathering. Therefore, if there is a lot of it, you need to divide it into parts. Everything that we are not currently working with is put under film. This is the only way we will have elastic and sticky dough for dumplings. To prevent the product from falling apart, you need to place the minced meat exactly in the middle of the circle. It’s better to pinch the edges from the surface that was on the table when rolling. That is, the whole process looks like this. Take part of the dough. Roll it out into a thin layer. Use a glass to cut out circles. Remove the dough scraps. Turn the circle over, add the filling, make a dumpling, place it on a board sprinkled with flour. If the dough turns out watery, add a little flour. If, on the contrary, it is too steep - warm water.

Proper cooking

To prevent the dough for dumplings from boiling, you should keep the already molded products in the refrigerator for at least an hour. This way the minced meat will “set” and the seams of your modeling will dry out. Let's add more than just salt to the cooking water. The usual way to prevent the products from falling apart is to pour in a tablespoon of it when the water boils. In order to quickly cook dinner, you can make the fire under the pan as high as possible. But to prevent the dumpling dough from boiling, before throwing the dumplings into boiling water, you need to reduce the flame to medium. For aroma, add a laurel leaf. You need to stir the dumplings once with a wooden spoon. After the products float, they should be cooked for no more than ten minutes. Fish them out with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a dish with a piece of butter. This will prevent the dumplings or dumplings from sticking together.

Another recipe for elastic dough

It is completely the opposite of what was described above. Dissolve salt in a glass of cold Three cups in a slide, make a depression. Add water. Using a fork, knead the dough until it begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl. Leave at room temperature for half an hour. Transfer to the table, pour with two large spoons sunflower oil. Knead thoroughly so that the dumpling dough does not boil. When all the oil is absorbed, roll the mass into a bowl and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Only after this can you start sculpting.

Egg dough for dumplings

The dumplings will not boil over if you add this excellent product to its shell. The dough with eggs can be made either simple or custard. Let's start with the usual way. We will need about seven hundred grams of premium flour. We sift it in a heap directly onto the table. In the center of the “volcano” we will make a crater with our finger. In a glass, whisk an egg with a spoonful of salt. Let's pour it into the recess. Next, add boiled water - quite a bit, although in total it will take about 350 milliliters. Using a fork, start stirring in a circle, always in the same direction. Add water and push the flour from the edges of the slide into it. Having added all 350 ml, we begin to knead with our hands. If you devote about half an hour to this activity, the resulting dumplings will not become soggy during cooking. If there is not enough filling and you have dough left, you can use it to make homemade noodles. This is a good basis for chebureks and whites.

Choux pastry

In order for fiber to fully express itself, it must be subjected to heat treatment. Sift two cups of flour into a bowl. Let's boil 250 ml of water. In a bowl, beat two or three eggs with four spoons vegetable oil and a teaspoon of salt. Pour boiling water into this mixture, whisking continuously. The eggs will produce a rich foam. Pour this liquid substance into flour. Stir with a spoon and place on medium heat. Leave for literally thirty seconds, stirring constantly. When the dough is well heated, turn off the heat and add two more glasses of sifted flour. Mix. It is important that the dough stops sticking to your hands. But it shouldn’t be too tight either. To prevent the dumplings from boiling, you need to give the dough time to “rest”. Cover it with a clean towel or wrap it in cellophane and leave it for half an hour.

Special dough for dumplings

To prevent the products from overcooking, you need to add more fat to their shell. In this recipe, we will use (3.2% fat) instead of water. Pour a glass of this into a large bowl useful product. Add two eggs and a spoonful of salt. Let's start adding flour and stirring. When the dough reaches the consistency of pancakes, place the bowl on low heat. Stir constantly and do not bring to a boil so that the mixture does not burn and the eggs do not curdle. The dough will become thick, like pancakes. Then remove it from the heat and add more flour (in total it will take about half a kilo). Add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Knead the dough thoroughly and let it rest for half an hour. It should come out quite dense, but not tight.

Dumplings are a dish that many cannot refuse and cannot even imagine life without it. But, unfortunately, modern housewives do not always want to spend time and effort preparing this dish, since they are confident that they will not be able to cope with this work. Although in fact dumplings are prepared very easily and simply, you just need to learn how to make them first. good dough. And if you follow the correct ratio of ingredients and know some culinary secrets, you can get wonderfully tasty homemade dumplings.

Suitable for preparing this delicacy: regular dough on water, but it can be made with butter, mayonnaise, eggs and even buckwheat flour. The simplest dough is kneaded in water. You don't need yeast to cook it. The dough mass is fresh, but if you follow the rules, the dough will be perfect.

Dumpling dough - recipe without eggs

If the dough for homemade water dumplings is prepared correctly, it will have a stiff but soft consistency. In order for the dough mass to stick together well, but at the same time lag behind your hands, you need to follow the recipe.


  • wheat flour – 500 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.


  1. Immediately take water, add salt, and stir.
  2. Sift the flour into a clean bowl or on the table in a heap. Make a depression in the middle.
  3. Pour water here and knead the dough.
  4. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  5. Set the dough aside, cover it, and let it rest for half an hour.

To check the dough, you need to pinch off a little and knead it with your fingers. If this piece does not lose its shape, you can start making dumplings.

Dumpling dough with eggs

If you need soft dough for dumplings, then you can’t get by with water alone; you need to add eggs. In order for the dough mass to be fluffy, you need to add one egg white, previously whipped until foamy. Dough kneaded according to this recipe, it will turn out soft and plastic!


  • wheat flour – 500 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.


  1. Immediately you need to crack an egg into a glass, add the yolk, add salt, and pour in water.
  2. Next, the remaining protein needs to be beaten.
  3. Now carefully pour the water and egg into the flour and begin kneading the dough.
  4. Add in the whites, beaten until foamy.
  5. Knead the dough further, knead for 12 minutes, then cover and set aside for 30 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, you can start making dumplings.

How to prepare unusual dough for dumplings with buckwheat flour

Dumplings with buckwheat flour raise some doubts among many, since the product has low gluten. But if you mix it with wheat flour, you get a dough with a unique taste and color.


  • wheat flour – 1.5 tbsp;
  • buckwheat flour – 0.5 tbsp;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.


  1. Mix several types of flour thoroughly and place in a bowl in the form of a slide.
  2. Beat the eggs into the flour.
  3. Pour salted water in small portions into the bowl with flour and egg, stir until smooth.
  4. Set the dough aside for 20 minutes until it matures.
  5. When the specified time has passed, you can start making dumplings.

Dough with buckwheat flour can be used to make dumplings.

Recipe for delicious dumpling dough with ghee

This recipe cannot be called traditional. The dough with melted butter is very light, strong, elastic and ideal for modeling.


  • wheat flour – 700 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 1.5 tbsp.;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • ghee - 1 tbsp.


  1. At the first stage, you need to grind the eggs with the addition of oil and salt.
  2. Pour water in here.
  3. Now add the resulting mixture to the flour and knead the dough.
  4. Set the dough aside for half an hour.
After the specified time has passed, you can roll out the dough and start making dumplings.

With vegetable oil

If simple unleavened dough season with vegetable oil, it will become light and pliable. This dough is easy to work with, it does not tear, and it can also be frozen and used later.


  • wheat flour – 3 tbsp;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • warm water – 1 tbsp.;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tsp.


  1. You need to mix the egg with the selected seasonings.
  2. Add a mixture of oil and water here.
  3. While constantly stirring, add flour and knead the dough.
  4. Next, you need to form the dough into a ball, cover it with a piece of film, and set it aside for 20 minutes.

After the specified time, you can make dumplings.

Vegetable oil can be replaced with mayonnaise; in this case, this component will make the dough more pliable. You can use it to make not just dumplings, but also dumplings and manti.

Dumpling dough with butter and egg in a bread machine

Every housewife will love kneading dumpling dough in a bread machine. This technique will help save your time, eliminate monotonous work, and the finished smooth dough will win the heart of even the most demanding cook.


  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour – 3 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 chip;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.


  1. Pour water, oil into the bread machine, beat in the egg.
  2. Add seasonings and flour here.
  3. Set the dough kneading program to working position.
  4. When the process of kneading the dough is finished, cover it with a piece of cling film and let it stand for 30 minutes.
  5. Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer and you can start making dumplings.

If you can roll out the dough well, you can make as many as 120 dumplings.

5 rules for preparing dumpling dough in water

You need to use only quality products. To prepare dough for dumplings, it is better to take wheat flour top quality. Dumplings made from it have a pleasant white color, do not boil over in water or broth, and do not crack in the cold.

Be sure to sift the flour. Unfortunately, not all housewives do this, but in vain! It only takes 5 minutes to sift the flour, but the result is pleasantly surprising. During the sifting process, the flour is filled with oxygen, ready dish it turns out soft and tender, and also removes small lumps that affect the softness of the dough.

It is necessary to monitor the temperature. In order for the dry ingredients of the dough to mix well with the liquid, or rather flour, seasonings and baking powder, the water must be heated to 40 degrees.

You need to knead the dough thoroughly, This process takes 15 minutes. With good kneading, the dough becomes elastic and pliable.

Let the dough rest. Gluten, which is contained in flour, is mixed with milk or water. In this case, they say that the product is ripening. You need to put the finished dough mass in a warm place for half an hour, this time is enough for the dough to acquire elasticity and roll out comfortably.

Another very important rule, which all professionals know. If you want the dough to be light and elastic, pour the liquid ingredients into the flour in small portions. In this case, you will get a dough that has the desired consistency.

There are a huge number of options and you can choose any one based on your taste. By seasoning the mixture with additional ingredients, the dough will have different flavors, which means you can prepare a dough that your whole family will appreciate.

Dough for dumplings from Ilya Lazerson

Well, make dumplings and bring joy to your household!

It is believed that correct dough for dumplings it should be the color of snow. And for this you definitely need premium flour. It contains a lot of gluten, which gives the finished product such a beautiful color, and in addition, “holds” the components together and prevents the product from boiling in boiling water.

How to make the classic dumpling dough recipe correctly

The present classic dough It rolls out well for dumplings, and in order for it to turn out this way, you need to achieve pliability when kneading: make it not too “steep” or hard. Then the rolling will be as thin as possible, it will be easy to form dumplings, and while eating you won’t have the feeling that you can’t find the filling.

Egg-free option

A classic recipe for dumpling dough and, most likely, the oldest - nothing extra, even without eggs.

You will need:

  • water - 1 glass;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Form a mound of sifted flour.
  2. Make a hole at the top and place salt and water there.
  3. Knead the dough - smooth, pliable, not too tight, but not “spreading”. When cutting, there should be no marks left on the knife, and the correct cut should be smooth and glossy.
  4. Wrap the dough in a bag and leave it in the room for half an hour.

The consistency depends on the flour, its quality, and the presence of a certain amount of gluten. You may need more or less of it.

Option with eggs

This method is also considered a classic, but you need to cook it with an egg.

You will need:

  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • oil plant origin- 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon.

Quick cooking

  1. Pour the flour onto your work surface in a mound and make a shallow hole on top.
  2. Break the eggs into the hole, pour in water and oil. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Knead with your hands until you are sure that you have achieved absolute homogeneity and sufficient elasticity.

It is not necessary to add vegetable oil, but it gives the finished product a more delicate consistency.

You may come across the opinion that the ideal dough for dumplings is without eggs. Why? It's a matter of preference and solid practice. Here the decisive choice is yours, as the dough may seem too dense (like pasta). Additionally, hand sculpting can be labor intensive and finished product- unevenly cooked is bad. There is also a danger that homemade dumplings will simply fall apart when cooked. If you really don't want to use eggs, just add more water before mixing.

Other test options

Since there is no dispute about tastes, we can safely say that the best dough for dumplings is what you like in terms of all the characteristics: both the feeling of working with it and the properties. If you want a less familiar recipe, we recommend trying original variations.


How to make excellent buckwheat dough? Interesting recipe dough for dumplings with the addition of buckwheat flour - pledge rich taste, unusual color dishes and they don't fall apart.

You will need:

  • white flour - 1 cup;
  • buckwheat flour - 1 glass;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix and sift two types of flour, give it a slide shape.
  2. Place the remaining components into its recess.
  3. Add water a little at a time (manufacturers have different properties of products, so your flour may require less water).
  4. Mix until smooth.

On ghee

The tender dough for dumplings tastes very pleasant. Ghee gives it a special delicacy.

You will need:

  • white flour - 700 g;
  • melted butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • water (not cold) - 1.5 cups;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Sift the flour thoroughly.
  2. Pour eggs into a mixing container, add salt, pour in melted butter and pour in flour.
  3. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic.
  4. Leave ready dough for 1 hour in a bowl under a damp towel or put in a bag.

Custard (boiling water)

There are many who will tell you that this is the most delicious dough for dumplings. Its secret is that it is prepared not with ordinary water, but with boiling water, which gives it excellent softness. It also rolls out without problems and does not tear, even if the layer is thin.

You will need:

  • white flour, premium - 2 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • boiling water - ¾ cup;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Pour just the boiled water and then the oil into a large bowl.
  2. Tip the flour into it and knead very quickly.
  3. Proceed to sculpting (you don’t have to let it settle).

How to make dough for dumplings in this way? It is important to knead immediately and at a decent speed to avoid lumps. You can use a bread machine, a food processor with an appropriate attachment, or an immersion blender.

Exact proportions of dough and minced meat

If you would like to get a certain amount of dough for dumplings per 1 kg of minced meat, so that there is no excess left, proceed from the fact that 370 grams of dough requires 450 grams meat filling. And one more thing: if you need to slightly reduce the dough consumption, try preparing dumplings using a dumpling maker (this also speeds up the process).

Tip: to avoid the accumulation of “waste”, and also to reduce the preparation time for cooking, form long “sausages” from the dough, cut them crosswise into pieces and roll each into a flat cake.

Everyone has their own secrets on how to prepare dough for dumplings so that they don’t stick together after cooking. Surely you also have a “signature” recipe. However, to diversify your culinary masterpieces, you can adopt other methods - from traditional to extravagant. The choice is yours!

Dumplings are a dish that many people love. Modern housewives, especially young ones, rarely start making dumplings on their own, doubting their abilities. Dough for dumplings made with water is one of the easiest to prepare; you definitely need to learn how to prepare it. Subject to the correct ratio of products and knowledge culinary secrets you will get a decent answer to convenience foods from the store. Manufacturing rules regular test on the water and unusual recipes with the addition of butter, mayonnaise, eggs, buckwheat flour.

One of the simplest is a water test recipe. You don't need yeast to prepare it. It's fresh. Follow a few rules and it will turn out flawless.

5 rules for water testing

  1. Take high-quality fresh products. When preparing dumpling dough use premium wheat flour. Dumplings made from it will turn out to be a pleasant white color, will not boil in the broth and will not crack in the cold.
  2. Sift the flour. Not every housewife does this. But in vain! It will take 5 minutes, and the result will be pleasantly surprising: when sifting, the flour is filled with air, the finished product becomes soft and tender. And even the smallest lumps are removed from it, which also affects the softness of the dough.
  3. Monitor the temperature. If you use a liquid heated to 40°C when preparing the dough, it will be easier to mix it with the dry ingredients of the dough - flour, seasonings, baking powder.
  4. Knead. The dumpling dough must be kneaded intensively, spending up to 15 minutes on this stage of work. Then it becomes elastic, pliable, and pleasant to work with.
  5. Give it a rest. The gluten contained in flour must be mixed with water or milk. In such cases, the product is said to be “ripening.” Leave the prepared mass for a short time: 20-30 minutes, this is enough for it to become elastic. It will be convenient to roll it out.
  6. Pour the liquid into the flour. Another important secret professionals. If you want the dough to be light and elastic, then pour the liquid ingredients in small portions into the flour. This way you will get the product of the desired consistency.

Water dumpling dough recipe

No eggs

Properly prepared dough for homemade dumplings using water is moderately stiff, but soft. In order for it to stick together well, but easily come off your hands, you must adhere to the recipe. According to this recipe, it is prepared without eggs.

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • salt - half a teaspoon.
  1. Take water, mix it with salt.
  2. Pour the flour into a bowl or onto the table and make a well on top.
  3. Gradually pour water into the well while kneading the dough.
  4. Knead the mixture thoroughly until it becomes smooth and elastic.
  5. Set the finished product aside and cover it. In 30 minutes it will “ripen”, start sculpting.

If you want to test the dough, pinch off a small piece of it and remember with your fingers. You can cook if the piece of dough does not lose its shape.

With eggs

Especially soft dough For dumplings on water it will work if you add eggs to it. To give it extra fluffiness, the white of one egg needs to be beaten into foam. Prepared according to this recipe, it will be softer and more flexible than usual.

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • water - half a glass.


  1. Mix an egg and one yolk in a glass, add salt and add water.
  2. Beat the remaining egg white thoroughly.
  3. Gradually add the egg and water to the flour, kneading the dough.
  4. Mix the protein foam into the mixture.
  5. Continue kneading for at least another 10-12 minutes, then cover and let it sit for about half an hour. You can do sculpting.

Modern recipes

With buckwheat flour

Dumplings, as a rule, are not prepared only from buckwheat flour. She has a low gluten content. But if you add it to wheat, you get peculiar taste qualities and color.

You will need:

  • wheat flour - one and a half cups;
  • buckwheat flour - half a glass;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • water - half a glass;
  • salt - half a teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix both types of flour thoroughly and pour into a cup in a heap.
  2. Beat the eggs into flour.
  3. Pour in salted water in small portions, achieving the desired consistency of the mass.
  4. Don’t forget to let the dough “ripen” for at least 20 minutes after kneading. Everything is ready, roll it out.

Delicious water dumpling dough with the addition of buckwheat flour can be used in dumplings.

In ghee

This recipe is not traditional, but the additive ghee allows you to achieve additional ease when cutting. The dough will be much stronger and more elastic than traditional dough, which has a beneficial effect on the speed and quality of modeling.

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 700 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • water - one and a half glasses;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ghee - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. Grind the eggs and butter with salt, pour water into them.
  2. Gradually add the prepared mixture to the flour, knead the mixture thoroughly.
  3. The mass is ready for use in 25-30 minutes. Roll out and mold.

With vegetable oil

If you add a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil to ordinary unleavened dough, it will become light and pliable. It is pleasant to work with, it does not break, and can also be used after freezing.

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • heated water - 1 glass;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tsp.
  1. Mix the egg with seasonings.
  2. Fill it with a mixture of water and oil.
  3. Without ceasing to stir, add flour, knead the mass thoroughly. Then form a ball out of it, cover the dish with film or a lid and set aside for 20 minutes.
  4. In 20 minutes it will “fit”, start making dumplings.

Instead of vegetable oil, use mayonnaise, and you will definitely get a smooth, pliable dough. This dough is used to make not only dumplings, but also manti and dumplings.

With butter and egg in a bread machine

You will love making dough in a bread machine. The device will save your time, eliminate monotonous work, and the finished product will please the most demanding cook.

Dough for dumplings in water with eggs and added oil will be smooth and loose. It’s a pleasure to sculpt with, the edges of the dumplings stick together well and don’t tear.

You will need:

  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. Pour water, oil into the bread machine container, and beat the egg.
  2. Add seasonings.
  3. Add flour there too.
  4. Start the dough kneading program.
  5. At the end of the operation of the device, cover the resulting ball. cling film, let it sit for half an hour. Roll out and mold.
  6. From the specified list of products, 750 - 800 grams of dough will be prepared.

I would like to note that if you roll out the dough perfectly and thinly, then from about 600 grams of flour you will get 120 dumplings. But if you don’t try too hard to make the dough thin, you will get about 90-100 pieces.

There are many options, you can choose according to your taste. All kinds of additional components give the dough different flavors, which allows you to choose a recipe so that the whole family likes it. Make dumplings and delight your loved ones with them!

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