Lady without baking fast with strawberries. The easiest and fastest is a delicious strawberry pie. How to make strawberry pie

Sweet strawberries loved by adults and children. But this berry is seasonal, and you can eat it fresh only in the summer months. And in winter, treat yourself to a homemade pie with frozen strawberries. Consider 7 simple and delicious recipes this pastry.

Pie from puff pastry with frozen strawberries - this is a delicacy option for hastily. The basis can be made independently, but since this process requires certain skills, it is better for inexperienced housewives to purchase it ready-made.

For baking, you need the following ingredients:

  • a pack of puff base;
  • frozen berries;
  • sugar;
  • a little flour.

Cooking strawberry pie:

  1. We place the berries in a colander and wait until they defrost and excess liquid drains.
  2. Defrost the dough, separate 2/3 of the part, roll it out and place it on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour so that there are sides around the edges.
  3. Distribute the strawberries, sprinkle with sugar to taste.
  4. From the remaining dough, we make long rounded strips and lay them on top of the filling, and then send the dish to the oven.

Puff pastry bakes quite quickly, and to prevent it from burning on the bottom, you need to take out the cake immediately after it acquires a golden hue.

Delicious dessert with strawberry filling in a slow cooker

A slow cooker allows modern housewives to save time when preparing various dishes, including baking.

To make a strawberry pie in this unit, you will need the following components:

  • 120 ml of milk;
  • egg;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 350 g flour;
  • 50-70 g butter;
  • a sachet of baking powder;
  • Strawberry.

How to make a pie in a slow cooker:

  1. Grind the butter with sugar until smooth, then beat in the egg and add the milk.
  2. Beat the dough with a whisk, then add flour in small portions, without stopping mixing.
  3. We bring the dough to homogeneity, put the baking powder and let it rise a little.
  4. Drain the juice from the thawed strawberries, cut the berries if necessary.
  5. Lubricate the bowl of the device with fat. You can spread the culinary tracing paper so that the cake does not exactly stick.
  6. Pour the dough, distribute the strawberry filling for the pie on top. When the base begins to approach, the berries will drown in it.
  7. Close the appliance, set the baking mode for about an hour.

The cooking time is approximate, as there are many models of multicookers. You can clarify this information by reading the instructions for using the device.

Jellied treat with frozen berries

This recipe is for those looking for an easy and fast way making strawberry pie. Despite the fact that this dessert consists of simple and affordable ingredients and does not take much time to create, it turns out delicious and tender.

To make such a pie, you will need the following products:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 1/2 pack of butter;
  • 280-300 g flour;
  • 10 g of soda;
  • 15 ml of vinegar;
  • Strawberry.

Making a quick dessert recipe:

  1. Mix sugar with vegetable oil.
  2. We introduce the eggs one at a time, continuing to mix the workpiece.
  3. When the sugar dissolves, pour the flour so that the dough is semi-liquid, break up the lumps with a fork or whisk.
  4. We introduce soda quenched with vinegar, mix the composition and let it stand for a while.
  5. We strain the defrosted strawberries from excess juice, and if it is too sour, mix with a small amount of sugar.
  6. Pour most of the dough into a greased form, level with a spatula, and distribute the strawberry filling on top.
  7. Fill the cake with the remaining mass, evenly distribute it, send the dish to the oven.

Dessert can be removed when the top is golden brown.

Strawberry Yeast Pie

Some housewives ignore baking recipes from yeast dough for fear of possible difficulties. In fact, making a strawberry pie in the above way is not difficult at all, just let the dough rise well in a warm place.

To work, you will need the following components:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 30 g of yeast;
  • a few tablespoons of sugar;
  • egg;
  • flour;
  • frozen strawberries.

How to make yeast dough pie:

  1. We slightly heat the milk, pour sugar and yeast into it, let the dough come up.
  2. After a frothy “cap” appears on the milk, introduce the egg and mix.
  3. Add flour so that the dough is not too steep. It's okay if it sticks to your hands a little.
  4. Cover the base with a towel and let it come up.
  5. Defrost strawberries, drain excess juice, flavor with sugar if necessary.
  6. Knead the dough, divide into two unequal parts. We roll out a large one, then put it in a deep baking dish so that the edges hang a little.
  7. Fill the pie with strawberries and cover it with the second part of the rolled out dough.
  8. We cut off the edges of the dessert, piercing the top with a fork in several places, and send it to bake.

To make the cake beautiful, about a quarter of an hour before taking it out of the oven, you can grease the top with a raw egg.

Cooking on the basis of cottage cheese

The main advantage of the cottage cheese-based dough is that it remains soft and tender for several days.

To prepare a dessert according to this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a pack of cottage cheese of any fat content;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1/2 pack of butter;
  • Wheat flour;
  • frozen strawberries.

How to make a cottage cheese pie:

  1. We grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind it in a blender.
  2. Add melted butter and sugar, mix until smooth.
  3. We introduce the eggs and mix the base again, and then add the flour and bring the dough to the desired consistency. It should not be too steep, but at the same time, the mass should not stick to the hands.
  4. We put the dough in a refractory dish, make sides and send it to the oven for a quarter of an hour. This is necessary so that the juicy strawberry filling for the pie does not leak through raw dough and it didn't burn.
  5. While the dough is baking, strain the strawberries, cut them if necessary and sprinkle with sugar.
  6. We take out a slightly baked cake, fill it with berries and send it back to the oven.

Serving on the table, you can decorate the dessert powdered sugar, crushed nuts or coconut flakes.

From sand dough

Such a dessert turns out not only tasty, but also beautiful, it is not a shame to serve it on festive table.

For a shortcrust pastry pie, you will need the following components:

  • a pack of margarine or butter;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • flour (how much dough will “take”);
  • Strawberry;
  • vanillin.

How to make a pie:

  1. Soften butter or margarine, grind with 200 g of sugar.
  2. Add egg yolks to the dough, mix and start adding flour.
  3. Knead the dough, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. Defrost strawberries, drain juice, cut.
  5. Roll out the dough, put on a baking sheet, making the sides.
  6. We fill the pie with the filling, wrap the excess dough inside and send it to the oven.

While the cake is baking, you will need to beat the whites with 100 g of sugar into a strong foam, adding a little vanilla. When the cake is almost ready, it will need to be poured over with the resulting mass and sent back to the oven until the “cap” acquires a golden hue.

For cooking you will need the following components:

  • puff pastry packaging;
  • cottage cheese of any fat content;
  • Strawberry;
  • sugar to taste.

How to make an open pie:

  1. We release the dough from the packaging and leave it to defrost.
  2. We grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or scroll it in a meat grinder, and then mix it with the right amount of sugar.
  3. Defrost strawberries, finely chop.
  4. Roll out puff pastry according to the size of the baking sheet, making small stocks.
  5. We spread the cottage cheese in the pie first, evenly distributing it over the surface, and then the strawberries, wrap the excess dough inside and send the dish to the oven.

It is better to divide such a pie into portions while it is still hot, because the puff pastry crumbles a lot when cooled.

Using the above recipes, you can complement the strawberry pie with other berries or fruits. And as a decoration for the dish, nuts are suitable, coconut flakes, glaze from dark or white chocolate. It all depends on the imagination of the hostess and the products available in the kitchen.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 160 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder;
  • 500–600 g strawberries;
  • a few tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Separate egg whites from yolks. Mix sugar and vanilla. Beat the whites with a mixer until fluffy and, continuing to beat, gradually pour in the sugar. You can take a little more if you want the cake to be sweeter. Beat the mixture thoroughly until a smooth creamy consistency.

Continuing to beat protein cream with a mixer, add one yolk at a time and pour in the oil. Mix flour and baking powder. Partially introduce the sifted into the cream flour mixture, mixing thoroughly after each addition.

Pour the batter into a parchment-lined baking dish and flatten. Then press a whole strawberry into the dough.

Bake the cake at 170°C for an hour. Sprinkle the finished dessert with sifted powdered sugar.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • 300 g flour + a little for sprinkling;
  • 250–300 g strawberries;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.



  • 450 g flour;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • ¼ teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 300 g butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g of fatty cottage cheese;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 200 g of fat sour cream;
  • 120 g of powdered sugar;
  • 200–300 g strawberries;
  • 1 sprig of mint.


Mix flour and 200 g sugar. Turn off the soda lemon juice and add to flour mixture. Put softened butter and 2 eggs there and knead the dough. cover it cling film and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

Spread the chilled dough over the bottom and sides of the baking dish. Cover with parchment and sprinkle dry peas or beans on it.

Such a load is necessary so that the cake does not swell during baking.

Put the form with the dough in the oven preheated to 220 ° C for 10 minutes.


  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 1¾ teaspoons instant dry yeast
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • pinch;
  • 500 g strawberries;
  • 1 tablespoon potato starch.


Slightly heat the milk and melt 25 g of butter in it. Mix half of the sifted flour, 50 g of sugar, yeast and half of the salt. Add milk with butter and 1 yolk and knead the dough. Cover it with a towel and leave it in a warm place for about an hour. The dough should double in size.

For the shortcrust, mix the remaining flour, sugar and salt, as well as the baking powder. Melt the butter, add the flour mixture and the yolk to it and mix.

Cut the strawberries into quarters, add starch and mix gently. Roll out the dough, put on a baking sheet and leave for 20 minutes. Then put the berries on the dough, sprinkle with sand crumbs and bake the cake at a temperature of 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes.


  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 500 g;
  • 300–400 g strawberries;
  • 150–200 g of sugar;
  • 1 egg.


Line a baking sheet or other baking dish with parchment and grease it with oil. Cut about ¼ of the dough from the dough, and roll out the rest with a layer according to the size of the form. Lay out the sheet on the parchment.

Spread the berries on top and sprinkle with almost all the sugar. Roll out the remaining dough, cut into strips and make a braid out of them on the berries. Seal the edges of the dough firmly.

Brush the surface of the pie with the beaten egg and sprinkle with the remaining sugar. Bake at 200°C for approximately 20 minutes.


  • 350 g flour;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 240 g butter;
  • 6-8 tablespoons of cold water;
  • 300–400 g strawberries;
  • 6-8 peaches;
  • 80 g sugar + for sprinkling;
  • a pinch of ground nutmeg;
  • ⅓ teaspoon salt;
  • ¾ teaspoon cornstarch;
  • 1 egg white.


Mix 300 g flour, salt and 220 g butter. Pour cold water over, lightly rub the mixture with a fork and knead the dough with your hands. If it breaks up, add a little more water. Divide the dough into two parts, wrap with cling film and refrigerate for an hour. Then roll out one part of the dough and put it in a baking dish.

The dough should cover the bottom of the mold and slightly extend beyond the sides.

Cut strawberries in half and cut into slices. Gently mix them with sugar, nutmeg, salt and starch. Put the filling on the dough and put the remaining butter, cut into small pieces, on top.

Roll out the second piece of dough and cut into several strips. Make a braid out of them on the pie, cut off the excess dough and firmly fasten the edges. Mix the protein with 1 tablespoon of water, brush the cake and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 220°C for 20 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 180°C and cook for another 35-40 minutes.


  • 100 g butter;
  • 120 g flour;
  • 1½ teaspoons baking powder;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 240 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 500 g strawberries.


Pour the butter into a baking dish and melt in an oven preheated to 180°C. Mix flour, baking powder, salt, 250 g sugar, milk and vanilla until smooth. Remove the mold from the oven and pour in the batter without stirring it with the oil.

Cut the strawberries in half, sprinkle with the remaining sugar and mix gently. Put the berries in the form with the dough, without stirring. Bake the cake at 180°C for 45 minutes until lightly browned.

8. No Bake Strawberry Pie


  • 250 g Oreo cookies or regular chocolate chip cookies;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 1½ teaspoons gelatin;
  • 3 tablespoons of cold water;
  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 300 g cream for whipping;
  • 80 g of powdered sugar;
  • a pinch of vanilla.


Grind the cookies in a blender, pour in the melted butter and mix well. Spread the cookie base over the bottom and sides of a 20–23 cm tin. Place the tin in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Dissolve gelatin in water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Puree 200 g strawberries with a blender. Heat the gelatin water over low heat until it dissolves completely. Add gelatin to crushed berries and stir.

Whip cream until creamy. Continuing to beat, add powdered sugar and vanilla. Pour in the creamy strawberry puree and mix thoroughly. Cut the remaining strawberries into large pieces, add to the cream and mix gently again.

Spread filling over chilled base. Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight or at least for a few hours. The finished cake can be decorated with strawberries and cookies.


For test:

  • 200 g flour;
  • 60 g of powdered sugar;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt;
  • 130 g butter;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • some vegetable oil.

For filling:

  • 480 ml of milk;
  • 6 egg yolks;
  • 100 g brown sugar;
  • 60 g cornstarch;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 pinches of vanillin;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 240 g whipping cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Mix flour, powdered sugar and salt. Add pieces of cold butter and grind the mixture with a mixer. Continuing to mix the dough, pour in the beaten yolk. Knead the dough to a uniform consistency. Spread it over the bottom and sides of the baking dish and refrigerate for half an hour.

Grease the shiny side with oil and cover the pastry with this side, pressing the foil against it. Place the mold in a preheated oven at 190°C for 25 minutes. Then carefully remove the foil.

If the dough is a little puffy, gently press it down with your hands.

Bake the dough for another 8-10 minutes and cool.

Bring the milk to a boil. Beat the yolks with sugar, starch, salt and a pinch of vanilla until smooth. While continuing to stir, gradually pour in the hot milk. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and, stirring, bring to a boil over medium heat.

Remove the cream from heat and leave for 5 minutes. Then add oil and mix thoroughly. Cover the cream with cling film and chill in the refrigerator.

Cut almost all the strawberries and bananas into thin layers and put on the cooled cake. Cover the filling with chilled cream. Whip the cream until creamy, add powdered sugar and a pinch of vanilla and beat again. Cover the cake with cream and garnish with sliced ​​strawberries.

Delicate, fragrant, insanely tasty pie with strawberry! It’s even difficult to call it a pie, because. it has a minimum of dough, and a maximum of the most delicate filling of sour cream and strawberries, which are simply made for each other. And what I also like about this pie is that it is very easy and quick to prepare :).

Pie with strawberries


baking dish - Ø 26 cm

  • 500 g strawberries (can be frozen)


  • 200 g flour
  • 100 g butter
  • 30-50 ml water


  • 300 ml sour cream (15-20%)
  • 100-150 g sugar
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons (heaping) flour
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vanilla sugar

Video recipe for strawberry pie:

How to make Strawberry Pie:

  1. We get the food we need. Take the butter out of the fridge ahead of time to soften.


  2. Let's start with kneading the dough. Cut the butter into pieces and grind with flour to make crumbs.

    Grind flour with butter

  3. Then slowly add cold water(not all at once) and collect in a ball. Add more water to bring the dough together. You don't need to knead for a long time.

    Ready dough

  4. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the fridge for now.

    I put it in the fridge

  5. Now let's prepare the filling for our pie. Wash strawberries and remove stems. Cut large berries in half. If the strawberries are frozen, defrost and drain the juice.


  6. We make sour cream filling, as for - pour sugar into sour cream (if you don’t like sweets, 100 grams is enough), stir and add flour. Mix well so that there are no lumps (it is convenient to do this with a whisk). Add more for more flavor. vanilla sugar.

    Making a fill

  7. Now that everything is prepared for assembling the pie, we take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it into a thin cake according to the size of our form, plus a few more centimeters for the sides.

    Roll out the cake

  8. We transfer the cake into the form (you do not need to lubricate the form), level it, make the sides about 4 cm high.

    We line the form with dough

  9. We spread the strawberries (do not add the juice that stands out, let it remain in the plate).

    We pour strawberries

  10. Evenly pour the berries with sour cream filling.

    Watering with filling

  11. We put in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, for 25-30 minutes.

    We bake

  12. When the strawberry pie is completely cool, you can cut it. True, I cut it in a warm form, because. it was not possible to wait for cooling, so it is clear that the filling is still watery. But after complete cooling, it will become more dense.

Strawberry pie without eggs

Advice: If you cook according to this recipe, put no more than 250 g of berries, otherwise it will be too sour, and do not reduce the amount of sugar.

Happy tea!

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Julia recipe author

A simple strawberry pie is a versatile sweet pastry that combines thick crust with a creamy cinnamon flavor and bright inclusions of seasonal berries. Juicy additives are baked on a “pillow” of delicate crumb that grows in volume, and the glaze spilled over the surface enhances sweet “notes” and acts as a light decor. The result is an elegant and tasty flour product, cooked with a minimum of food, time and effort.

The recipe allows improvisation - based on the proposed dough, you can bake pies with plums, apricots, nectarines, etc. The summer season allows you to experiment with berry and fruit supplements and treat your favorite sweet tooth with a new delicacy every time.


  • fresh strawberries - about 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • dough baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 1/4 teaspoon.

For glaze:

  • powdered sugar - 50 g;
  • water - 2-3 teaspoons.

Strawberry pie step by step recipe with photo

How to make butter pie dough

  1. After removing the butter from the refrigerator in advance and allowing it to thaw well, add sugar and rub it vigorously with a fork.
  2. Add eggs and stir in the butter mixture.
  3. Mix flour with baking powder. Add cinnamon to saturate the crumb pie easy spicy aroma. Gradually add the flour mixture to the liquid oil-egg composition - we get a homogeneous, sticky and thick dough.
  4. We cover the bottom of the baking dish (in our example with a diameter of 22 cm) with parchment. Next, lay out a thick dough, distributing a layer of the same height.
  5. Wash strawberries, shake off drops of water. After removing the stalks, cut each berry lengthwise into two halves. Lay the strawberry slices on the dough in circles with the cut up (you do not need to press the berry into the flour layer).
  6. We send the form for 30-35 minutes in an oven heated to 180 degrees. We check the readiness of the risen and slightly browned pastry with a skewer / toothpick. When completely cooled, remove the strawberry pie from the mold.
  7. Gradually add warm water to the powdered sugar, mixing thoroughly. We add the liquid until the desired consistency is formed - the glaze should turn out thick, but fluid. We shift the light mass into a bag and, cutting off a corner, randomly pour the surface of the cake.
  8. Sliced ​​in portions, strawberry pie is served along with tea, coffee, milk or soft drinks.

Enjoy your meal!