Salad of green radish and boiled beef. Green radish salad with meat. Tashkent black radish salad with meat

To always be healthy, you need to eat healthy vegetables, rich in vitamins and other useful substances, including green radish. Few people like it as an independent product. But if you prepare a green radish salad with meat, carrots or other ingredients, you can be convinced that it is not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Please remember that the product is not suitable for baby food, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful properties of the product

A vegetable grown with your own hands in the garden and not containing any additives includes a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful components. Among them:

And this is not a complete list of natural components that naturally protect the human body.

Cooking rules

To deliciously prepare a salad based on green radish according to any of the recipes, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • radishes, like other root vegetables, should be cleaned before cooking so that harmful nitrates do not enter the body;
  • it is recommended to season the delicious with sour cream, mayonnaise, olive or sunflower oil;
  • It is best not to season them with salt, since the vegetable itself contains mineral salts in the required quantity;
  • There are many recipes for the dish, but you can’t have too many ingredients.

Any salad is best served immediately after preparation. If it is stored for even a short time, most of the minerals and vitamins will be lost.

The simplest option

The simplest cooking option includes one radish, a little sugar, olive oil, Apple vinegar, as well as salt and pepper. The vegetable needs to be grated or thinly sliced. Then it is seasoned with oil, seasonings and salt, vinegar is poured in, and everything is mixed. Before serving, the dish is infused in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

You can slightly improve the taste of the salad by adding cucumber and onion. In this case, the radish is cleaned and cut into small strips. The product is seasoned with salt and infused for several minutes, then the radish is squeezed out.

The onion needs to be peeled and cut into thin rings and marinated in water diluted with a small amount of vinegar. And the cucumber needs to be grated on a large grater. The onion is squeezed out, then combined with radish and cucumber. The dish is seasoned with vegetable oil.

With added carrots

The ideal combination is radish and carrots. Salads with this base are the most common. One of the most simple options- it's Korean and green radish.

Carrots and radishes need to be grated on a special Korean grater. Fry two onions in a frying pan, then brown the garlic, paprika and soy sauce. After this, fried onions and garlic are combined with grated vegetables. The salad is seasoned with ground pepper, coriander and salt and served.

Another easy option is a salad of Margelan radish with carrots. Requires one vegetable, herbs, several spoons olive oil, one spoon of soy sauce and a little mustard.

The salad is made like this:

  • radishes and carrots are peeled and grated;
  • the selected greens are finely chopped;
  • combine mustard, soy sauce and olive oil in a bowl;
  • Place vegetables and herbs in a salad bowl and season with prepared dressing.

Add salt and pepper if desired. Fresh salad served to the table.

If you want something more satisfying and piquant, you can try making Admiral’s salad. You will need a radish, several boiled potatoes, one apple, an egg, one onion, and also a carrot. For dressing use mayonnaise and vegetable oil.

The salad is prepared in layers, each layer coated with mayonnaise. Lay out the layers in the following sequence:

  • chopped onion mixed with vegetable oil and grated potatoes;
  • squeezed radish grated on a coarse grater with salt;
  • grated raw carrots;
  • grated apple and pureed egg whites.

The last layer is the yolks, grated on a fine grater. There is no need to lubricate it, but you can decorate it at your discretion.

There is a recipe for those who prefer. This salad can be called Dungan. It is prepared on the basis of green Margelan radish. You will also need onions, carrots, garlic and spices. For refueling you will need lemon juice or vinegar, vegetable oil and sugar.

First, radishes and carrots are finely chopped or grated. Fry the onion in a very hot frying pan with oil until it turns almost black. Add spices to the fried onions and butter.

Vegetables are combined in a salad bowl, including fried onions and spices. Then the dish is seasoned with vinegar or lemon juice, you can add sugar to taste. It is recommended to let the dish sit for about 2 hours before serving.

Meat based recipes

There are gourmets who prefer vitamin salads only in combination with meat. They turn out to be as filling and savory as possible.

One of these salads is Tashkent. To make it you need to take 5 radishes, a couple of onions, 400 g of beef or lamb, a little sour cream and sunflower oil. As spices you can take paprika, hot red pepper, dried dill and turmeric.

The salad is prepared this way:

You can hold it a little longer, it will be even tastier and more aromatic.

For another meat recipe salad should be prepared boiled beef(about 200 g), one onion and one radish, nuts, mayonnaise, garlic, vegetable oil and salt.

Boiled meat should be cooled and cut into cubes. Fry the onion and chop the nuts by hand or in a special mortar, grate the radish on a small grater, then squeeze it out. All ingredients are mixed, crushed garlic, salt and mayonnaise are added. Everything is mixed and served.

You can also make the dish from chicken. In this case, everything will be easier. For the salad you will need 2 vegetables, 4 onions, half a chicken, mayonnaise and salt.

To prepare the dish, the chicken is boiled, then cooled, disassembled and cut into pieces. The radish is peeled and finely chopped, or, alternatively, grated on a coarse grater; the onion needs to be fried.

Everything needs to be connected to each other and seasoned with mayonnaise. Add a little salt if desired, but don't overdo it.

The product has several varieties that may differ in taste from each other. For example, the Margelansky variety has a characteristic bitterness and the Grayvoronsky variety is slightly spicy. Some recipes indicate which variety is more preferable, in other cases you need to choose depending on your preferences.

Not everyone is ready to consume such a vegetable as green radish in its pure form. Cooking recipes will make you fall in love with this product and use it for all kinds of delicious and healthy snacks for the festive and daily table.

Attention, TODAY only!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 20 minutes

We bring to your attention a simple, but very appetizing and low-calorie dish - salad with radish and beef. It has a very simple recipe and the taste is amazing! Prepare, don’t even hesitate! The beef for this dish can be boiled, or you can cook it - it will also be very tasty.

- boiled beef fillet – 250 g,
- green variety of radish – 1 piece,
- onion – 1 piece,
- low-calorie mayonnaise – 100 g,
- salt,
- ground black pepper.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. At the very beginning, peel the green radish from the top peel and rinse under running water. Then cut into thin slices or grate on a grater with large teeth, and place in a bowl of cold water for about 15 minutes.
Tip 1: The soaking process will remove the specific bitterness in the vegetable. To obtain a delicate and light taste, radish is placed in cow's milk. You can add a peppery taste by placing the vegetable in lightly salted water.
Tip 2: A grater is ideal for grating green radishes. Korean carrots.

2. While the radish is soaking, let's start peeling the onions and cutting them into circles. Posting onion rings into a frying pan and fry in vegetable oil over medium heat until golden brown.

3. At the next stage, put the radish in a salad bowl and fried onions.
Tip 3: Before adding the vegetable, you need to squeeze out the excess water. This will prevent the liquid from approaching the snack.

4. Cut the boiled beef meat into pieces or separate it into fibers with your hands. Add to the salad with the rest of the ingredients.
Tip 4: For salad you should choose thick beef dry fillet with a bright red color and white fat. Fresh beef always has a pleasant aroma. We do not recommend buying beef in advance; it is better to do it the day before.
Tip 5: Cook the meat for an hour in boiling salted water.

5. The final stage will be adding table salt, ground black pepper, and low-calorie mayonnaise to taste.
Tip 6: Depending on your taste preferences, you can season the appetizer with any spices.

6. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a spoon.

7. The light and satisfying salad is ready. Serve to the holiday table in a portioned plate, garnishing the top with fresh chopped herbs.
Tip 7: Use as decoration fresh tomatoes, pickled capers, olives and black olives.
Bon appetit everyone!
It turns out very tasty too

Good afternoon.

Do any of you grow radishes in your garden? Many people disdain this root crop, considering it more of a fodder crop. But this is not true at all. This is a wonderful product with a lot of useful properties and a variety of varieties. In addition to the common green (also known as Chinese or Margelan) radish, there are also more original types, such as black or daikon.

In addition, there are both early and late winter varieties (for example, black can ripen right up to November) and, thanks to this, you can provide yourself with fresh healthy vitamins until the end of winter.

Different varieties have slightly different taste properties, but they are all united by juiciness and a pleasant soft taste. Only later varieties have a slight bitterness, but it can be easily removed by simply soaking in water.

I offer you a selection of interesting salad recipes that can significantly diversify your menu without requiring a lot of time and money.

The names of the recipes indicate those varieties of radish that provide the best combination of flavors, but, to be honest, you can use any, I personally didn’t notice much of a difference.

Radish salad - the simplest recipe with onions

Here, for example, is the easiest way to make a salad with onions and sunflower oil. It will be very tasty with green radish and any other.

To prepare it, you need to take 3 medium-sized root vegetables, 1 medium onion and a teaspoon of salt.

Wash the radish, peel it and grate it on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Then we combine them together, add a teaspoon of salt and 3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil(can be unrefined), mix and the salad is ready.

Bon appetit!

Simple green radish salad with carrots and mayonnaise

Another vegetable that goes perfectly with radish is carrots. Mixed, seasoned and done.

To prepare, take 1 medium radish, 1 carrot, a clove of garlic for flavor and a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Grate the vegetables, combine them in one plate, add pressed garlic, a pinch of salt and mayonnaise.

Followers healthy eating They can easily replace mayonnaise with sour cream.

How to cook radish in Korean

An excellent recipe for spicy lovers. Can easily replace tired Korean carrots.


  • Green radish - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • Salt and sugar - 0.5 tsp each.
  • Korean carrot seasoning - 0.5 tsp.
  • Coriander - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 tsp vinegar 9%
  • Hot pepper - on the tip of a knife


1. Grate the radish and carrots on a Korean grater. Cut the onion into thin half rings.

2. Fry the onion in a frying pan with vegetable oil until fully cooked.

3. Add just a little chopped onion hot pepper, sugar, coriander and seasoning for Korean carrots and fry for a couple more minutes, stirring constantly.

4. In a separate bowl, mix radish, carrots, salt and pressed garlic.

5. Add roasted spices and a teaspoon of vinegar to the vegetables, mix and let the salad brew for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Ready. Bon appetit!

A simple and delicious spicy appetizer with radish

The previous recipe can be made even simpler if you omit the carrots.


  • Green radish - 2 large pieces
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp.


  • Basil
  • Turmeric
  • Paprika
  • Red pepper
  • Black pepper

We take all seasonings in the amount of 0.5 tsp.


1. Grate the radish on a Korean grater, put it in a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and add vinegar. Stir and put in the refrigerator to marinate for a couple of hours.

During this time, the radish will release excess moisture, so after pickling, you need to put it in a colander and wait a little for the liquid to drain.

This will make the salad crispy.

2. Then put the vegetables back into the bowl, add spices, garlic squeezed out with a garlic press and mix.

3. And now the tricky move. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion and fry it until fully cooked. Until it starts to turn black. Then remove the onion from the oil with a slotted spoon, and pour the hot oil itself, saturated with onion aroma, over the salad.

Thus, we leave only crispy radish in the salad, but with the taste of fried onions.

Mix and you're done. Bon appetit!

Recipe for salad with Margelan radish and cheese

Radish goes well with cheese. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the ingredients. Less is better.

To prepare 1 serving, take:

  • Half a Margelan (green) radish
  • 1 small carrot
  • 50-70 g hard cheese
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise

We grate all the products on a medium grater into a common bowl.

Add mayonnaise and mix. Ready.

You can add salt if you wish, but that's up to your taste.

Bon appetit!

Video on how to make black radish salad with egg

Let's go with the most simple recipes Let's finish here and see how you can make a great snack for festive table from the most common products.

Uzbek salad with radish and tomatoes for pilaf

Have you ever been to an Uzbek teahouse and eaten real Uzbek pilaf? If yes, then you know that it always comes with salad. And radish salad with tomatoes is the most popular appetizer. Try it, the combination really turns out to be very interesting.


  • Green radish (medium size) – 1 piece
  • Tomato – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Green onions - 50 g
  • Ground hot pepper - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste


1. Peel the radish and grate it on a Korean carrot grater. Place it in a deep bowl and add chopped green onions and tomatoes, cut into medium cubes.

2. Season with vegetable oil, vinegar, add a pinch of salt and ground peppers. Mix.

Ready. Bon appetit!

Photo recipe for daikon radish salad with beef

Radish is very often included in meat salads.

Thanks to the ability to absorb the aroma of the products with which it comes into contact, salads are very rich in taste, but at the same time light.

Let's see an example of the simple salad from meat with radish.


  • Meat (beef) – 400 g
  • Radish - 3-4 pieces (medium)
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sunflower oil – 100 ml


1. Peel the radish and grate it on a medium grater, then pour vinegar into it and mix thoroughly.

2. Cut the beef into small pieces and place in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil.

3. And fry it for 15-20 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. During this time it will be completely fried and ready.

For the salad, it is best to take tenderloin so that the veins are smaller.

4. Then add the pickled radish to the meat, add salt and pepper and fry for another 5 minutes, stirring.

Ready. Serve warm.

Bon appetit!

How to prepare real Uzbekistan salad

The most popular radish salad with meat is the Uzbekistan salad. It even has a beautiful origin story. I suggest you watch a wonderful video in which this story is beautifully told right in the cooking process.

“Tashkent” radish salad with meat and egg

I don't know why this salad is called that. Apparently, this is an option based on the previous recipe. Be that as it may, it is also very tasty and filling.


  • Radish – 700 g
  • Beef meat (boiled) - 250 g
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Natural yoghurt (10%) – 200 g
  • Ground zira - 1 tsp.
  • Ground paprika - 1 tsp.
  • Black pepper - 1/2 tsp.
  • Salt - 2 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 250 ml
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Green cilantro - to taste


1. Peel the radish and cut into strips. Then mix it with salt, fill it with cold water and leave for 10-15 minutes so that it gets rid of the bitterness.

This must be done if late varieties of radish are used, which contain a slight bitterness.

2. Cut the onion into half rings, roll in flour and fry in a large amount of vegetable oil until a beautiful golden color.

4. Mix the remaining spices with yogurt.

5. By this time, the radish has already settled enough and needs to be squeezed out and placed in a deep bowl. We also send boiled meat cut into strips, diced boiled eggs, chopped herbs and yogurt dressing there. Mix everything thoroughly.

In order for the salad to be better soaked, it is better to add the dressing not all at once on top, but little by little as you add the remaining ingredients with intermediate stirring.

6. Lastly, add the fried onion and mix gently again.

Ready. Bon appetit!

Meat salad from radish with chicken and sour cream

Well, in the end I offer another interesting recipe with chicken. It can be called dietary option With lean meat and without mayonnaise.


  • Chicken fillet – 800 g
  • Boiled eggs chicken - 3 pcs
  • Green radish – 2 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 heads
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Sour cream – 100 g
  • Flour - 20 g
  • Vegetable oil - 70 ml
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste
  • Seasoning for chicken - 1 tsp.


1. Cut the fillet into cubes, sprinkle with a teaspoon of salt, pepper, seasoning, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix and leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

2. Cut the radish into thin slices and soak in cold water for 15-20 minutes.

3. Cut the onion into half rings and roll in flour, while simultaneously disassembling the half rings into pieces.

4. Then fry it in a large amount of oil over medium heat until golden brown and place on a paper towel to remove fat.

5. Then fry the marinated chicken. There is no need to fry it for a long time, otherwise it will become dry. 10 minutes over medium heat with occasional stirring will be enough. Place the finished meat in a colander to drain off excess oil.

6. Remove the soaked radish from the water and cut into strips.

7. Now all that remains is to collect all the ingredients together. Add chicken, sour cream, pressed garlic and a pinch of salt to the radish. Mix.

8. Sprinkle with fried onions and boiled eggs cut into cubes.

Stir before serving.

Bon appetit!

Like these ones interesting recipes I've collected it here for you. Be sure to try to cook at least the simplest version and you will definitely appreciate it taste qualities radishes.

That's all for today, thank you for your attention.

Green radish salad with meat and fried onions– very tasty and hearty dish, which can be served on a holiday table or prepared for lunch. The combination of products is simply delicious - fried meat with pepper, sweet onion sautéed to a caramel color and slightly sharp radish. The dish can be prepared with any type of radish; daikon, black radish, and even regular radish are suitable. Black radish I advise you to grate, add salt, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold boiled water and place on a sieve.
You can use it as a dressing, or you can season the dish with sour cream mixed with salt and table mustard, it will also be delicious.
The ingredients listed in the recipe will make 2 servings.


- pork tenderloin– 350 g;
- onions – 130 g;
- green radish – 400 g;
- mayonnaise – 100 g;
- vegetable oil;
- butter;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- sweet paprika;
- greens for serving.

How to cook with photos step by step

Cut the pork tenderloin into long thin slices. The salad can be prepared with boiled or smoked meat, it will also turn out delicious, but fried pork, in my opinion and taste, suits best.

Season the pork with salt, freshly ground black pepper and sweet paprika. If you like spicy food, use ground chili instead of sweet paprika for the marinade.
Mix the meat with spices, pour in odorless vegetable oil, and leave in the marinade for a few minutes.

Heat 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan, throw in the pork slices, fry for 10-15 minutes until tender, cool.

Place the cooled meat in a salad bowl. Peel the radish, grate it on a large vegetable grater, and add it to the meat.

Cut the onions into thin half rings, sauté in a mixture of vegetable and butter until the onion becomes transparent and acquires a caramel color, add salt, cool, and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Season the salad with mayonnaise, mix, salt to taste and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that the ingredients are saturated with juices.

Serve with herbs and fresh rye bread.

Bon appetit.

It also turns out very tasty and healthy

Today, while inspecting my refrigerator, I found one radish hiding in a corner, and immediately remembered the radish salad with meat. I used to cook it often and loved it very much. The salad is very simple, tasty and very filling. I decided to shake off the old days and please my family

To prepare the salad you will need

  • Radish – 1 pc.
  • Meat (pulp) -300-400 gr.
  • Onion -3-4 bulbs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Mayonnaise
  1. You can take both black and green radishes. I haven’t tried cooking it with pork or beef, or with other meats, but I think the salad will taste good with chicken.
  2. In order for the salad to turn out correctly, you need to maintain the proportion, the amount of all ingredients must be the same: radish, fried onions and boiled meat.
  3. I let the meat cook, at which time I’ll start working on the onions and radishes.
  4. I peel the radish and grate it on a coarse grater.
  5. I chop the onion into half rings and send it to fry in a frying pan. As soon as the onion is fried and becomes transparent, I put it (hot, straight from the pan) into the radish and stir. This will make the radish soft and not so harsh.
  6. Next, I finely chop the boiled meat into strips and add it to the radish and onion. I mix everything, add some salt and add mayonnaise before serving.

Radish salad with meat is ready.

Radish salad with meat and fried onions

You can take both black and green radishes. You can prepare it from any radish (black, white, daikon, etc.), everyone has their own favorite. A recipe for salad with carrots and radishes, incredibly healthy and very tasty. And vitamin and diet salad from green radish with carrots, perhaps the easiest to prepare. Almost any radish salad goes well with green onions, it is suitable both for decorating a dish and as an independent ingredient. Read more: .

In a mixing bowl (do not use one with a wide bottom, a high and narrow one is better) combine the yolks, mustard, sugar, salt and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. All ingredients should be at room temperature. Today, while inspecting my refrigerator, I found one radish hiding in a corner, and immediately remembered the radish salad with meat. I used to cook it often and loved it very much.



  • Boneless meat – 200 grams.
  • Black radish – 1 pc.
  • Onion (preferably purple) – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise for dressing.
  • Spices ( Bay leaf, allspice) to taste.
  • Salt.

Pantry of trace elements

If you want to saturate your body with vitamins during the cold season, then be sure to prepare a black radish salad. This root vegetable is undeservedly relegated to the background and not all chefs use it in their dishes, citing the lack of taste and too tart aroma as the reason for the rejection of black radish. Meanwhile, even a simple black radish salad can combat vitamin hunger, which is especially noticeable in winter.

ABOUT beneficial properties Black radish was discovered not so long ago, although for a long time this root vegetable, along with turnips and radishes, was included in the daily menu of peasants. Radish contains a lot of healthy carbohydrates and so little fat that the low calorie content of the vegetable is the envy of many dietary products. Black radish is a real storehouse of microelements: vitamins A, B, C and K; calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.

All these properties make radish irreplaceable dietary product, which, however, should be consumed in moderation, trying not to eat at night to avoid insomnia. A delicious black radish salad for breakfast every day will help the body get rid of toxins and heavy salts and stabilize the urinary system.

Unlike green and white radishes, black radishes have a sharper and tart taste, so they are consumed less often raw than boiled. Regular boiling water will help reduce bitterness, pour it over the grated product and let it sit for several minutes. Recipes for black radish salads are most often based on a combination of the bitter and sweet tastes of the ingredients. Many people are familiar with the black radish and carrot salad, in which this rule works perfectly.

In addition, the pungent taste of the root vegetable can play a major role in the dish, in which case it will be successfully complemented meat ingredients or boiled eggs. Such snacks turn out to be even more nutritious and satisfying, unlike vegetable ones. Black Radish and Chicken Salad is an example of a hearty but dietary dish, which alone can replace a whole lunch.

Making black radish salad is easy, especially if you use a suitable recipe with photos. The lack of culinary skills will not be a hindrance if you are not afraid to experiment with combinations of products and show imagination.


Black radish salad with meat is a good example of how a simple dish can be as tasty and satisfying as possible. You can use either beef or pork, depending on what you prefer.

  • The meat must be cooked in advance by dipping it in cold water with the addition of salt and spices. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for at least an hour. It is better to cool the meat directly in the broth so that it remains juicy, then cut into thin strips along the grain.
  • Peel the radish and chop it on a coarse grater (you can use a Korean grater). Before preparing the salad, black radishes, if they are too spicy, can be laid out on a cutting board and allowed to evaporate a little, or simply scalded with boiling water.
  • Onion, preferably purple – it will make the salad brighter, cut into half rings as thinly as possible. If desired, it can be lightly marinated in a mixture of vinegar, water and sugar.

Combine ingredients in a deep salad bowl. Mix the black radish salad with mayonnaise (about 3 tablespoons) and add salt if necessary.


If you want to slightly reduce the bitterness or spiciness, then black radish salad can be prepared according to standard recipes, but instead of mayonnaise add sour cream, yogurt or vegetable oil with lemon juice.

Black radish can be used to make a very hearty salad with eggs and potatoes. To do this, you will need to boil several potato tubers, a couple of eggs, and cut them into cubes. Chop the radish into thin slices, mix with the rest of the ingredients and add pickle. Season everything with mayonnaise, pepper and mix.

Recipes delicious salads from black radish often include only vegetable ingredients. Such dishes are distinguished by their fresh taste and health benefits, since sour cream, rather than mayonnaise, is most often used as a dressing.

The most famous - vitamin salad of black radish with apple and carrots. For it, all the ingredients are grated on a coarse grater, seasoned and mixed. On top of the black radish salad with sour cream you can sprinkle chopped herbs: onions, dill: celery. If you want to make the dish sweeter, you can add pumpkin and add a spoonful of flower honey to the dressing.

There are a lot of recipes for making salads from black radish; it is impossible to list all the products that are combined with this root vegetable. Don’t be afraid to experiment and add something of your own, because any combination can be successful. The only thing is that you should be careful when mixing black radish with other spicy or hot ingredients, otherwise the taste of the salad may be spoiled.

Green radish salad with meat


  • Green radish - 1 pc.
  • Boiled meat - 300 g.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

Step 1 Grate green radish (can be replaced with daikon) on a Korean carrot grater.

Step 2 Add salt, let stand until the radish releases its juice, then squeeze it lightly and pour out the juice. This way we will rid the radish of bitterness.

Step 3 Cut the onion into strips and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Cool, add to radish.

Step 4 Break the boiled meat into long thin fibers.

Step 5 Mix the eggs with water and fry thin omelet pancakes. Cool and cut into noodles.

Step 6 Peel the carrots and grate them using a Korean carrot grater.

Step 7 Mix all salad ingredients.

Step 8 Season the salad with one spoon of mayonnaise, literally, for binding, there is already oil there. Salt and pepper to taste. You can sprinkle with herbs.

Bon appetit!

Radish salad with meat and onions “Uzbekistan”

Today I want to invite you to cook radish salad with meat and onions “Uzbekistan”. This is a very simple, unpretentious salad, and if you like all kinds of radish salads, then you will definitely like it. Radish salad“Uzbekistan” is very similar to the popular “Tashkent” salad, only the first one does not contain boiled eggs, and the cooking technology and taste are very similar to each other. There are several versions about the history of the appearance of these salads.

Some claim that they first started preparing it at the Tashkent Hotel, others - that it a traditional dish Uzbeks. Classic version The salad is prepared on the basis of white Margelan radish, since I didn’t have one on hand, I decided to try making it from watermelon radish. It turned out great - tasty and the color is very bright and lifts your mood and appetite.

It’s easy to guess that this radish received its name due to its similarity to watermelon – pink pulp and white-green rind. This is what people call it, but in fact it is one of the varieties and it is called misato. The smell of this radish is exactly the same as that of other varieties, but the taste is sweeter and less bitter. Let's look at the ingredients needed for cooking. radish salad with meat and onions “Uzbekistan”.


  • Boiled or baked meat – 100 gr.,
  • Radish – 2 pcs.,
  • Onions – 2 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Fresh greens,
  • Sunflower oil,
  • Salt

Radish salad with meat and onions “Uzbekistan” - recipe

  1. Peel the radish. Grate it using a vegetable peeler in long strips or use a Korean carrot grater. You can cut the radish into thin strips. Transfer to the bowl in which you will prepare the salad.
  2. Boiled or baked meat can be cut into strips, cubes or separated into fibers by hand.
  3. Add to radish.
  4. Peel the onions and chop them coarsely - you can use half rings or quarters, as in my case.
  5. Wash and chop the greens. I used parsley for the salad, but in addition to it, you can use fresh dill or cilantro. Add to salad bowl.
  6. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, stirring so that it does not burn.
  7. Place the fried onions on a separate plate lined with a napkin to cool. Once cooled, add to the rest of the salad ingredients.
  8. Mix the salad, then add mayonnaise and salt.

If desired, you can add a pinch of black pepper. Light and filling at the same time “Uzbekistan” salad of radish with meat and onions ready to eat. Place the salad on a plate and serve. Enjoy your meal. The finished salad can be decorated with thin slices of radish.

Step-by-step recipe for radish salad with meat

A simple, interesting, nutritious and delicious salad!

Well, what is worse than a bitter radish - someone asks. But we underestimate this root vegetable. Radish contains many useful organic acids, mineral salts, vitamins, etc. This vegetable will improve your metabolism, increase your immunity, and help your digestion. Oh, everyone knows about the benefits of radish! So let's prepare something today from this healthy and, by the way, delicious fruit!

Here recipe, which I am sure will appeal to many housewives. As soon as they treat their family to this food, their household will immediately add it to their favorites!

So, meet me - radish salad with meat. If we add low-fat sour cream to it, it will turn out to be somewhat dietary, but very delicious salad. Read more: .

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • Radish (can be 350, green, 1 medium) 300 gr
  • Beef (can be 150, boiled) 100 g
  • Pickled cucumbers (can be 100, or pickled) 80 gr
  • Egg whites 3 pcs.
  • Garlic (3 is possible) 2 cloves.
  • Green onions (you can use 2) 1 g
  • Dill to taste
  • Parsley to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste

Step by step

  1. Divide the beef into fibers, add garlic
  2. and sour cream. Let's put it in the refrigerator
  3. Grind the protein
  4. Grate the radish on a medium grater
  5. and cucumbers
  6. And chop the greens
  7. Mix all the ingredients
  8. Let's separate the boiled beef into fibers. Squeeze the squeezed garlic onto it. And pour it thoroughly with sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. True, it is advisable to do everything in advance - this way the meat will be better saturated with garlic and sour cream sauce.
  9. Boil the eggs and separate the white from the yolk. Chop the whites coarsely. What about the yolk? It's not needed in this salad at all.
  10. On a medium grater, grate the radishes and cucumbers. Finely chop the green onions and herbs. Now let's mix everything. Add the meat in the sauce to this mass, but gradually and stirring gently. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  11. The salad does not need to be seasoned with anything. There should be enough sour cream from the meat. Yes, and the radishes and cucumbers should release juice. Not enough sauce for you? Then add more sour cream!

Radish salad with meat

You will need:

  • 1 medium black radish
  • 200 g pork or beef pulp
  • 1 onion
  • vegetable oil
  • mayonnaise, green onions, salt to taste


  1. Peel the radish, grate it on a Korean carrot grater, cover with cold water and leave for 30 minutes. Then squeeze out the pulp.
    2. Cut the meat into strips and fry on both sides in vegetable oil until golden brown, add salt to taste, then cool and cut into small cubes or strips.
    3. Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings, fry in vegetable oil, cool.
    4. Combine all the prepared salad ingredients, add salt to taste, season with mayonnaise, mix and garnish with chopped green onions. Bon appetit!

Tashkent black radish salad with meat

If you want to try something unusual, but at the same time healthy, satisfying, but at the same time not too burdensome on the stomach, then we suggest preparing a Tashkent radish salad with meat.

The salad got its name because it can be seen quite often on the menu of traditional Uzbek cuisine. You will definitely appreciate it unusual taste, a pleasant combination of ingredients and ease of preparation.

Ingredients for Tashkent salad

To prepare a salad with green radish and meat, the recipe for which you will find below, you need to take the following products:

  • One root green radish (also called Margelan radish);
  • 300 grams of beef tenderloin;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • One onion;
  • Sour cream for dressing;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Salt and black pepper.

As you can see, you don’t need anything fancy, all the ingredients can be found in any grocery store, and you won’t need to spend half a day searching for ingredients to create a delicious culinary masterpiece.

How to prepare Tashkent salad with radish

Now let's move on to the most enjoyable part - the direct process of preparing Tashkent salad with radish and beef. So, the order of your actions should be as follows:

  1. You need to boil the meat in advance. We think you don’t need to be taught how to do this, but just in case, let us remind you: beef meat is cooked for about 1.5 - 2 hours. To do this, you need to lower it into boiling water, seasoned with spices to your taste, reduce the heat to medium and cook for the allotted time.
  2. While the meat is cooking, boil the eggs. Cool them in cold water and cut into small cubes.
  3. It is best to chop boiled and cooled meat into small strips.
  4. The green radish also needs to be cut into thin strips, for which use a Korean-style carrot grater or, if you don’t have one, a simple grater with a large attachment.
  5. Now for the salad you need to prepare the onions. To do this, cut the onion into half rings, which are rolled in powdered sugar and fry in a small amount (2 tablespoons) of vegetable oil until soft and beautiful golden color.
  6. When all the ingredients are prepared, you just need to mix them, add salt, sprinkle with pepper and season with mayonnaise.

That's it - the masterpiece of Uzbek cuisine is ready. Now you can please your household with an easy, useful, but at the same time very hearty salad. This dish is also suitable for festive feasts, you just need to decorate it.

Benefits for the body from Tashkent salad

Radish salad with meat and egg, called Tashkent, is not just very tasty dish, but also undoubtedly useful.

Of course, the most useful ingredient the radish itself appears in it. This vegetable, unfortunately, does not often appear on our tables, and in vain. Firstly, it is dietary, low-calorie and is very quickly absorbed by the body. Secondly, it contains large amounts of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and iodine. This is what micronutrients are all about. Radish is also rich in vitamins C, PP and a number of B vitamins.

If we talk about specific benefits, then consuming radish helps the liver, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and stimulates the functioning of the brain. This root vegetable also helps remove toxins from human body and various toxins that clog blood vessels. And this benefit is undoubted, especially since radish is added raw to the salad.

Well, beef supplies our body with iron and increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Boiled eggs are rich in vitamin E, which plays an important role in maintaining health.

So prepare Tashkent salad and enjoy not only pleasant taste, but also the thought that you are becoming healthier and more beautiful.

Above we described classic recipe cooking, which is the most common. But the salad can be somewhat diversified and some changes can be made to it, especially if you love experimenting with the taste of dishes.

So here are some of our tips:

    • If you don’t find Margelan radish, you can make a salad with black radish and meat. The recipe remains the same, only the grated radish needs to be scalded with boiling water to remove excess bitterness from it. Usually black radish is used in the Japanese version of this salad, adding Korean carrots. You can also use white radish – daikon – to prepare the salad.
    • If boiled beef seems too lean to you, then you can add fried or baked meat to the salad, and instead of beef, choose pork or beef tongue. The Tatar version of the salad uses diced lamb. But this option is not for everybody.
    • You can prepare a salad with radish and carrots and meat. In this case, the carrots are grated and fried along with onions. The salad turns out to be very bright, cheerful, and stimulating the appetite. And carrots give the dish a slightly sweet taste. This cooking option is suitable for those who do not really like the bitterness present in radish. Carrots will neutralize it, and the salad will taste milder.
    • As for the dressing, you don’t have to use only sour cream. You can mix it in equal proportions with mayonnaise or season it with mayonnaise only. But in this case, you need to remember that the dish will then lose its lightness and become more nutritious.

  • If you decide to prepare a Tashkent salad for guests and put it on the festive table, we suggest decorating the dish with hard-boiled chicken or quail eggs, cherry tomatoes, thinly sliced ​​pickles, herbs or pomegranate seeds. It will look impressive and taste delicious.

Experiment - and you will see that from the simplest and available products you can create a masterpiece.