How to make pastry sausage at home. Chocolate sausage made from cookies. Recipe for chocolate sausage made from cookies with milk and candied fruits

Chocolate sausage


Shortbread cookies - 200 g

Walnuts - 300 g

Oil - 200 g

Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Egg - 2 pcs.

Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Crumble cookies and toasted nuts.

2. Grind eggs with sugar and cocoa.

3. Melt the butter, add the sugar-egg mixture and keep on low heat, stirring, until it boils. Remove from heat. Cool until warm.

4. Add cookies with nuts and stir.

5. Cool the mixture slightly, form into sausages (using bags or paper), wrap tightly and put in the freezer.

6. Chop the well-frozen sausage and eat and enjoy!

Chocolate sausage"Assorted nuts"


Cookies - 250-300 g

Baked milk - 50 g

Butter - 100 g

Sugar - 100 g

Vanilla sugar - 2 p.

Cocoa powder - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Roasted peanuts - 50 g

Roasted hazelnuts - 50 g

Roasted walnuts - 50 g

Cooking method:

1. Peel the peanuts. This is the most labor-intensive process in this recipe, then everything becomes much easier and faster.

2. Grind all 3 types of nuts.

3. Pass the cookies through a meat grinder or grind them by hand. The smaller the pieces, the tastier the finished product will be.

4. Combine nuts with cookies.

5. Take a small saucepan and put it on fire. Place in a saucepan butter. When it melts, pour baked milk into it.

6. Then add sugar (regular and vanilla) and cocoa powder.

7. Mix thoroughly so that even the slightest lumps do not remain. Heat the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.

8. Pour the prepared cookies with nuts into this chocolate mass. Mix.

9. Take foil and cut rectangles out of it.

10. Place some of the mixture on each piece of foil, wrap and form into sausages. In total, this set of products makes 2 sausages.

11. Place in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. That's it - the chocolate cookie sausage is ready! You can cut it and treat your household!

Sweet sausage. Very fast!


Sweet straw - -0.5 kg

Candy "Korovka" - 0.5 kg

Method for preparing sweet sausage:

1. We need 0.5 kg of sweet straw, put it on baking paper greased with butter,

2. In a water bath, melt 100 g of butter and 0.5 kg of Korovka sweets (break in half to melt faster), melt until smooth,

3. Pour the hot mixture onto a straw, use a spoon to even it out so that the edges are coated, and use paper to roll it up into a roll.

4. We wrap it in paper and a bag and put it in the refrigerator, cut it into circles, if you want the roll to be darker, you can add cocoa.

Sweet sausage made from cookies and cocoa


Shortbread cookies - 300-400 g

Butter - 200 g

Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Cocoa - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Milk or cream (10%) - 5-6 tbsp. l.

Walnuts - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Let's start with the cookies. In the photo there is about half as much of it - the rest has already been chopped up. Approximately 2/3 of it should be ground into flour.

2. The remaining cookies need to be chopped into small pieces, mixed with the ground mass and added chopped nuts.

3. After this we move on to the next stage. Take a small saucepan and pour cocoa and sugar into it. By the way, somehow we didn’t have enough cocoa and we used hot chocolate in bags - it turned out quite well.

4. Mix them and pour in the milk. Mix all this again thoroughly until smooth and put on low heat.

5. Stirring, do not let it burn and bring it all to a boil (about 5 minutes). As soon as the milk boils, turn off the heat and let it sit for a couple of minutes.

6. Meanwhile, cut the butter into cubes and throw them into this chocolate mixture. Mix everything until the oil is completely dissolved and the substance is homogeneous.

7. Now pour everything into the cookies.

8. Mix thoroughly. You should get a mass that resembles a homogeneous one. At this stage you can take a preliminary sample - you should like it.

9. The time has come to give a doctoral/servelat/liver form to our creation. In this case, we took foil (food parchment).

What could be tastier than homemade chocolate sweets made with your own hands? Chocolate sausage is one of the most amazing, but at the same time simple and quick recipes. Even children can be trusted to prepare this dessert, since they do not need to come into contact with the oven, stove, or other kitchen appliances. The main advantage of chocolate sausage is that it does not need to be baked! Some people add nuts, dried berries and dried fruits to the recipe, but this is a matter of taste.

The most delicious sausage recipe

Preparing a delicious, nutritious and aromatic dessert does not require much time. The recipe for sausage with shortbread, nuts, and cocoa is extremely simple and original. The delicacy evokes vivid and distinct memories from childhood, when mothers and grandmothers prepared it.

This cookie and cocoa sausage recipe doesn't require a lot of ingredients. That is why, chocolate treat very affordable, it can be prepared at any time.

Ingredients for sausage:

  • good butter – 200 grams;
  • shortbread cookies – 350-400 grams;
  • cocoa powder – 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 120 grams;
  • milk/cream – 6 tablespoons;
  • walnuts – 1 cup.


The first stage is preparing shortbread cookies. Take ½ of the cookies and chop finely so that there are pieces, grind the rest into flour. This can be done using a blender or meat grinder. Chop the nuts, mix with crumbs and pieces of delicious cookies.

At the next stage, you need to pick up a not very large saucepan, pour sugar and cocoa into it. If you don't have enough cocoa powder or just don't have enough, you can use hot chocolate, which is sold in bags.

Mix the dry ingredients of the sausage recipe thoroughly, add the required amount heavy cream, milk. Stir thoroughly, place on the stove, heat should be minimal.

It is advisable to constantly stir the mass and do not go anywhere, bring to a boil. Then you can remove the pan from the stove and let it brew for 2-3 minutes. At this time, you can cut the butter into pieces and add it to the hot chocolate mixture. Mix to obtain a homogeneous and aromatic substance for dessert.

The resulting chocolate mass must be poured into cookies and nuts.

Stir everything carefully, the mixture should be elastic and homogeneous.

After completing the manipulations, you can make a sausage. Use foil, cling film, parchment. Transfer the mixture and give it a nice sausage shape. Despite the strange and not very pleasant appearance, the taste of this dessert is incredible, amazing and unforgettable!

Wrap the beautiful bars, press them a little, twist the edges of the foil so that it looks like a large and delicious candy. Place them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, then you can cut them and serve them with coffee, tea, and children will enjoy this dessert with milk.

Recipe with condensed milk

Cooking is no different from other methods, but there are some nuances. The recipe for sausage with condensed milk is very simple, tasty and satisfying.


  • condensed milk – 1 jar;
  • cookies (my favorite) – 650 grams;
  • soft butter – 200 grams;
  • walnuts– 60 grams;
  • roasted hazelnuts – 100 grams;
  • cocoa – 7 tablespoons.


  1. Mash the cookies until you get fairly large crumbs.
  2. Crush the nuts in a blender, but some of them should remain intact.
  3. Combine the following ingredients according to the recipe: nuts, cocoa and cookies. You can add condensed milk, butter, stir thoroughly. Considering that you won’t be able to do this with a spoon, it’s best to knead it with your hands.
  4. The chocolate, aromatic and sweet mixture should be divided into four equal parts, each placed on parchment, cling film. Twist the bar and shape it into a sausage. Dessert is ready, bon appetit!

Thus, preparing sausage at home should not cause problems, since the recipe is simple, the ingredients are available, and the time investment is minimal. Cook with pleasure and delight your loved ones with homemade desserts.

We want to collect all the chocolate sausage recipes with photos and give you the opportunity to choose what you like best.

Chocolate biscuit sausage recipe - classic

If you've never made such a simple dessert as chocolate sausage, know that you don't need to bake it. The chocolate sausage is cooled to the desired hardness in the refrigerator after all the ingredients are mixed.

This recipe is the most basic and requires simple ingredients:

  • classic shortbread(for example, “Jubilee” or “Baked milk”) - 400-500 grams,
  • butter – 250 grams,
  • cocoa powder – 2-3 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup.

Start by crushing the cookies into crumbs. This can be done with a blender, meat grinder, or by hand by placing the cookies in a bag or rolling them with a rolling pin. If you want a homogeneous, tender sausage, then grind all the cookies into fine flour. If you want to have larger pieces as “fat” in the sausage, then break about a third of the cookies with your hands into pieces of the required size.

Then, melt the butter over low heat, add sugar and cocoa powder. Stir until smooth, but do not let it boil.

Pour the cookie crumbs into the resulting sweet chocolate mass and stir thoroughly to form a stiff dough. It should turn out with lumps if you left large pieces.

Please note that the thickness of this “dough” should be sufficient to form a sausage out of it. It's helpful to have a small supply of cookies just in case they turn out too soft. But do not overdo it, the sausage will harden in the refrigerator thanks to the oil.

Wrap the sausage in cling film. If it turns out to be soft, then foil, which must be twisted in several layers, will help maintain its shape until it hardens.

After this, the sausage must be put in the refrigerator for at least six hours. It will also harden well in the freezer if you don't have much time, but let it warm up a bit before cutting it.

If you haven’t eaten it in one go, it’s best to store the finished sausage in the refrigerator so that it doesn’t melt, since it’s based on butter.

This video recipe shows a similar method of preparing chocolate sausage.

Chocolate sausage made from cookies with condensed milk

The second recipe for chocolate sausage is different in that it uses condensed milk instead of sugar. The cookies turn out a little more tender and milky. To prepare it you will need:

  • shortbread cookies – 600 grams,
  • can of condensed milk,
  • butter – 200 grams (one pack),
  • cocoa powder - 5-6 tablespoons,

Grind the cookies into fine crumbs, leaving a few larger pieces.

Melt the butter a little, then add condensed milk and cocoa to it, stir until smooth. Add cookies to this mixture and fold in the stiff “dough.”

Place cling film on the table, lay out the mixture and roll into a long sausage. Wrap the sausage tightly in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator to harden.

To serve, remove and cut into slices of the thickness you like.

This sausage is quite elastic when kneading, so it is not necessary to make it in a classic shape; you can roll a lot of balls and you will succeed chocolate candies. Roll in finely chopped nuts, powder or coconut flakes. It will turn out amazingly beautiful and tasty.

Recipe for chocolate sausage made from cookies with condensed milk and a chocolate bar

This recipe is the easiest to prepare and can even be given to a child, provided that he has already received permission from his parents to use the stove. Of course, it is advisable to do this under adult supervision. We prepare just such a sausage with my six-year-old daughter and she always participates in the process more than anyone else.

The recipe is very popular with both adults and children, does not contain a large amount of fatty butter and can vary in taste due to what ingredients are used for it.

Everything you need for cooking:

  • shortbread cookies – 400-500 grams,
  • can of condensed milk,
  • chocolate bar.

Let your imagination run wild here, but remember a few important details. The cookies should be sandy and crumble well. Take what tastes best to you. You will be mixing the chocolate with milk, so even if you use the darkest type of chocolate, it will become milkier. You can choose any chocolate from your favorite manufacturer. Or make an original white chocolate sausage.

Crush the cookies into fine and coarse crumbs. Then melt the chocolate in a water bath in a small ladle or saucepan, pour condensed milk into it and stir. Pour the resulting chocolate-milk mixture into the cookies and stir.

Place cling film on the table and put the mixture there, roll into a sausage. For reliability and to maintain its shape, you can wrap the sausage in several layers of food foil. Then, take the sausage into the refrigerator for about 5-7 hours.

It’s hard to imagine a good housewife who doesn’t have recipes in her arsenal. delicious baked goods. It often happens that you want to pamper yourself and your family with a delicious delicacy, but there is no desire to go to the stove and spend time preparing dessert. In such cases, express recipes that do not require baking come to the rescue. Chocolate sausage made from cookies is just such a dessert, prepared quickly, without heat treatment, from available ingredients that can be found in any kitchen. There are many variations in preparing the delicacy; you can experiment, add nuts, chocolate chips, even fruit. The main thing is to study basic recipes for chocolate sausage, use your imagination and create a real culinary masterpiece.

Sweet chocolate sausage - classic recipe

There are many ways to prepare sweet sausage from cookies and cocoa, which are based on the classic old recipe. It is recommended to start your acquaintance with this wonderful dessert with it. Having understood the basic processes and cooking features, you can proceed to more complex variations of sausages.

The recipe for chocolate sausage is familiar to our mothers and even grandmothers; in some families it is even passed down from generation to generation as a traditional family dessert. Classic sausage It has the simplest composition ingredients, takes only a few minutes to prepare. The main thing is to make it very tasty, use only high-quality products. Take butter without vegetable fillers, cocoa is a real aromatic powder. Much depends on the cookies: it’s better to take sweet biscuits, dry biscuits will not add flavor to the dessert, a classic sausage will be too dry.

Product composition

Finding the ingredients to make chocolate sausage won’t take much time – they can be found in any refrigerator or kitchen cabinet. It is recommended to first check the expiration dates; for sweets you need to use only high-quality fresh products.

List of ingredients for chocolate sausage:

  • 55-58 ml milk (depending on the dryness of the cookies);
  • 200-210 grams of butter;
  • 40-45 g cocoa powder (depending on taste, children don't like it too much) rich taste dessert);
  • 350-400 g of sweet cookies;
  • 220-270 g granulated sugar (if the cookies are not too sweet, it is better to increase the amount of sugar or add less than a tablespoon of cocoa powder);
  • egg.

You should also stock up on cling film, parchment, and foil, which will allow you to give and maintain the shape of the sausage to the finished dessert.

Cooking step by step

We prepare chocolate sausage in stages, having previously prepared all the ingredients. If possible, purchase ready-made cookie crumbs or crumbled muffins - they are more convenient to prepare and cost much less. Little secret– depending on the type of cookies (baked, vanilla, milk) the taste of the finished sweet product changes, so every time you can pamper your family with a new dessert.

Preparing the chocolate treat:

  1. Grind the cookies (use a blender, rolling pin, meat grinder, or simply mash with your hands). Leave small particles, it’s better not to grind them into a fine powder, otherwise you won’t be able to make chocolate sausage - the mass will resemble a “Potato” cake.
  2. Mix cocoa powder and sugar.
  3. Melt the butter a little in a saucepan (make sure the mixture does not boil, the ingredient should only melt a little).
  4. Add the dry mixture (cocoa, sugar) to the melted butter, simmer for another five minutes, and remove.
  5. Grind the egg and add to the warm cream-like mixture.
  6. Mix the mixture well and add the cookie crumbs.
  7. Spread the parchment and place the prepared warm mixture on it.
  8. Form into a long thick sausage, wrap tightly, and refrigerate overnight.

By classic recipe Sugar is not replaced with powder, but housewives often add sweet powder to speed up the process. This does not affect the taste, but it is recommended to increase the mass of the ingredient - add 300 g of the product.

Recipe for homemade chocolate sausage with walnuts

Adding nuts to dessert allows you to change the taste of the delicacy, so you should not refuse such experiments. Despite the huge assortment in stores, walnuts are usually used. When purchasing, you should carefully inspect the shell - if there are traces of spoilage on it, it is better to refuse the purchase; most likely, the kernel will no longer be suitable for making sausage.

Before cooking, it is recommended to slightly dry the nut kernels in the oven. You should not fry it in a frying pan - the tasty ingredient may acquire a slightly bitter taste. Sweet sausage made from cookies will be more juicy if you additionally add pieces of candied fruit.

The recipe for sausages made from cookies is usually a classic one, only the amount of the main ingredients is changed, nuts, candied fruits, even raisins are added. It all depends on the imagination of the housewife and the availability of food in the refrigerator and kitchen cabinet.

Basic Ingredients

To prepare an appetizing sweet sausage, it is better to prepare the ingredients in advance, and only then begin the process of making the dessert. You also need to mix hazelnuts with nuts in advance if assorted nuts will be used.

To prepare a delicacy based on cookies with cocoa you will need:

  • 200-220 g of good butter (it is better not to replace margarine, the only acceptable option is herbal product mix with butter in equal parts);
  • 120-130 ml of milk (depending on the amount of dry ingredients - different types of cookies absorb liquid differently, which affects the consistency of the mass);
  • 260 g sugar;
  • 450-600 g cookies;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • chopped walnuts to taste (do not overuse the ingredient, it is better not to add more than 100 g).

If candied fruits are used to prepare dessert, you will need about 100-120 g of product per serving of delicacy.

Step-by-step preparation

There will not be any particular difficulties in preparing chocolate sausage; even an inexperienced novice housewife can cope with the basic processes. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe, and it’s better to start experimenting later.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing the delicacy:

  1. Using your hands, break the cookies into pieces (up to 1 cm in size).
  2. Chop the dried nuts with a sharp knife (do not use a meat grinder or blender - the nuts will turn into paste).
  3. Add nuts to the cookie crumbs and mix.
  4. Combine cocoa powder, sugar, and gradually add warmed milk into the dry mixture.
  5. Cut the butter into small pieces and add to the main mixture.
  6. Place the saucepan with the mixture over low heat, stirring vigorously until the sugar grains dissolve.
  7. Pour the mixture over the cookies and nuts, stir.

Send the prepared mass onto a flat surface parchment. Use your hands to form long sausages. Wrap the parchment tightly and flatten it slightly. The pastry sausage made from cookies should stand in a cool place for at least half a day. Remove the parchment and sprinkle generously powdered sugar, cut into pieces.

How to make chocolate sausage from cookies with condensed milk

There is a pleasant surprise for those with a sweet tooth - pastry sausage, in which the main role is played by condensed milk. It is recommended to use boiled condensed milk in preparation. The use of a raw product in cooking will affect storage - you will have to quickly eat the dessert, although usually the tea sausage leaves the table for tea in a few minutes.

Of all the recipes for sweet sausage made from cookies, this dessert is the most popular among children and adults. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the recipe - you can combine, add nuts, marmalade, candied fruits, chocolate pieces. Since there's no baking involved, you don't have to worry about the delicious additions melting and ruining the dessert.

Required Ingredients

To prepare chocolate delicacies you will need a minimum of ingredients, so you won’t have to spend money and go to the store – everything will be at hand.

Ingredients you will need to make sausages:

  • 45-48 g cocoa;
  • at least 500 g of cookies (the amount of the ingredient depends on the consistency of the condensed milk);
  • 200 g butter;
  • a can of condensed milk (you don’t need to take less - the lack of condensed milk will affect the taste of the dessert).

If possible, it is better to replace regular condensed milk with chocolate-covered condensed milk. The taste will change significantly, the delicacy will resemble delicious dessert, which will satisfy even the most capricious gourmet with a sweet tooth.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Turn the cookies into crumbs (the pieces should be quite large).
  2. Beat condensed milk, butter (previously keep the product at room temperature), cocoa.
  3. Mix the cookie particles (add marshmallow pieces if desired), and a mixture of condensed milk. To stir thoroughly.

The last stage of preparing the dessert is to form small but thick sausages, wrap them in parchment, and refrigerate. Use the next day. After removing the treat from parchment paper roll in coconut flakes, dust with powder, pour over glaze or melted chocolate.

Making homemade chocolate sausage from cookies

There are so many recipes for chocolate sausage made from cocoa and cookies that it’s easy to prepare a new delicacy for every family tea party. An excellent dessert option for unexpected guests - homemade sausage with the addition of chocolate particles. It is recommended to add an unusual touch - take chocolate with nuts and raisins. It should be taken into account that the sausage is made on the eve of tea. Only the next day after removing the foil, pour melted chocolate over the treat. The success of the sweet is guaranteed - guests will certainly ask how to make chocolate sausage.

Prepare sweet sausage at home according to this recipe:

  1. Grind sweet crackers, baked cookies (300 g).
  2. Heat butter (120 g), sugar (300 g), cocoa (35 g), milk (140 ml) until smooth.
  3. Break the chocolate into pieces and mix with cookie pieces.
  4. Pour the warm mixture over the dry mixture.
  5. Wrap the mixture in foil or film, give it the desired shape, and place it in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

The next morning, remove and remove the wrapper. Prepare hot glaze (bring 20 g butter, 20 g sugar, 15 g cocoa to a boil). Pour over the sausage, leave for another hour and a half - the glaze should harden and cover shiny crust delicacy. If you wish, decorate coconut flakes, grated chocolate chips.

Step-by-step recipe for chocolate sausage with marmalade

A delicious sweet with pieces of aromatic marmalade - a favorite dessert of adults and children. Just like making a classic biscuit sausage, heat treatment will not be needed, which allows you not to spend a lot of time preparing for tea drinking. The simple process will take only a quarter of an hour, the results will certainly please you - failures are completely eliminated even for novice housewives. This delicious sausage will certainly amaze home tasters with its appetizing appearance and delicate taste.

To prepare sweet sausage, which will certainly become a leader among favorite family desserts, you need to follow the step-by-step detailed recipe pastry sausage:

  1. Break the cookies (220 g) with your hands.
  2. Cut marmalade (100 g) into small cubes.
  3. Mix marmalade cubes with cookies.
  4. Prepare the liquid mass - heat butter (100 g), cocoa (20 g), powdered sugar (200 g) over low heat.
  5. Wait until the liquid mixture cools down a little - the hot mixture can melt the marmalade.
  6. Pour in the marmalade and baking pieces and mix well.
  7. Form a warm mass, give it the appearance of a real sausage, and wrap it in film. Roll it over the table several times, pressing with your hands - this will make the mass denser, it will not crumble when cutting.
  8. Refrigerate on low temperature.

After 6-8 hours, remove from the refrigerator, pour over white or chocolate icing, or sprinkle with powder. It is recommended to cut just before serving with tea.

Video of making chocolate sausage


How to make sweet sausage from simple banana cookies

Sweet sausage made from cookies with the addition of fruit is an excellent dessert option if you need to prepare a delicacy quickly. The process will take about half an hour, but you should keep in mind that you will have to keep the sweetness in the refrigerator for about half a day, otherwise the finished product will crumble and you won’t be able to cut it with a knife.


  1. Process 300g of biscuits into coarse crumbs.
  2. Heat butter (110 g), powdered sugar (320 g), milk (35 g) in a water bath.
  3. Add cocoa (20 g), make sure that the mixture does not start to boil.
  4. Cut bananas (you will need 2 pieces) into large pieces just before mixing - tropical fruits quickly darken, which will affect the taste and appearance of the sweetness.
  5. Combine pieces of cookies, bananas, and sweet liquid.
  6. Stir, wrap after giving the desired shape with foil or parchment.

Place the dessert in the refrigerator to harden. Only after 10-12 hours take it out, the confectionery sausage is completely ready for use. If desired, decorate with your favorite glaze and melted chocolate.

Cookie sausage - a recipe like in childhood

Every housewife has a recipe from childhood, which was preserved from her mother or grandmother. The older generation remembers very well how they had to experiment with the simplest ingredients when trying to prepare a delicacy for children, because not everyone had the opportunity to purchase expensive cakes. The taste of chocolate sausage from childhood will not leave anyone indifferent, because even a small slice allows you to go back many years and immerse yourself in a happy, carefree world.

A classic recipe familiar to many adults:

  1. Turn the cookies (320 g) into fine crumbs, be sure to leave some of the pieces larger.
  2. Prepare a liquid mass from butter (80 g), water (40 ml), sugar (260-265 g), after mixing the ingredients, heat the mixture in a water bath. The sugar crystals should be completely dissolved. Add cocoa (20 g) last, just before removing from heat.
  3. Pour hot chocolate liquid over the cookie pieces.
  4. Wait for it to cool, form long cylinders from the warm mass, slam them down a little with your hand - you will get a dessert, just like in childhood.

Taste the sweetness the next day, since the sausage must first cool and harden. If everything is done correctly, cutting the delicacy will be easy and simple.

How to cook sweet salami sausage

This sweet sausage made from biscuits, almost reminiscent of salami, is considered a true classic of the genre. Not everyone will be able to distinguish a dessert from a meat product by sight, so the sweetness will certainly cause confusion among the guests when the hostess solemnly places the masterpiece on the table for tea.

It is recommended to start preparing the sweet sausage from cookies and cocoa the day before - the sweetness should spend the night in the refrigerator, otherwise it will not be possible to cut it. Only after complete hardening does the delicacy retain its shape and will not crumble or break.


  1. Break the cookies (“Yubileiny” will need about 400 g) directly into a bowl.
  2. Add nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts); if there are no fans of such products in the family, do without them.
  3. Mix chocolate (110 g), butter (115 g), cocoa (55 g).
  4. Place the chocolate mixture over low heat and melt.
  5. Pour condensed milk (300 ml) into the mixture, wait until it boils over high heat, and remove immediately.
  6. Cool the mixture a little, pour over the prepared nuts and cookies.
  7. After mixing, make sausages and wrap in food-grade polyethylene.

It is better to cool in the freezer. After 3 hours, remove and remove the wrapper. Be sure to roll in powdered sugar - a thick, sweet crust should form.

How to make chocolate sausages from cookies without cocoa

Despite the fact that homemade chocolate sausage is considered one of the simplest desserts, it often happens that housewives refuse to prepare delicacies. The reason is simple - there is a person in the family for whom cocoa is contraindicated for some reason. Don't make a mistake - making sausage is easy even without cocoa. There is no cocoa powder or sugar in the recipe - toffee adds sweetness. The only difference in taste and color is that the chocolate aftertaste will not be as rich, and the shade will be slightly lighter than the original classic delicacy.

Sweet sausage made from cookies without adding cocoa, recipe:

  1. Mix toffee (350 g), broken into pieces, butter (210 g), and place in a water bath.
  2. Warm up the sweet mass, the candies should completely dissolve, add condensed milk (200 ml).
  3. Prepare pieces of “fat” by breaking cookies (270 g) and using a rolling pin to turn nuts (120 g) into fine crumbs.
  4. Mix both masses, wait until the mixture cools down a little, since a hot mixture is difficult to form.
  5. Turn the warm mass into sausages, wrap with film.
  6. Cool as usual in the refrigerator.

It is not necessary to pour glaze over the finished delicacy - the sausage will be too sweet, even cloying.

Recipe with raisins and nuts

On holidays, it is recommended to pamper your family with sweets, which, in addition to cookies and chocolate mass combine raisins and assorted nuts. Chocolate sausage made from cookies will successfully replace dessert, and even a birthday cake. The main advantage of the delicacy, in addition to taste, is saving time.

Housewives often change the recipe for chocolate sausage made from cookies beyond recognition, but classic cooking treats are given in this order:

  1. Grind the nuts into coarse crumbs (you will need about a glass of crumbs).
  2. Turn cookies into large pieces; the easiest way to chop them is to use a rolling pin and roll them over the pastry several times.
  3. Steam raisins (100 g) with boiling water, leave for half an hour, drain the liquid, place the dried fruits on a napkin, which will remove excess moisture.
  4. Melt butter (85 g), cocoa (45 g), 240 g sugar (if using powdered sugar, you will need 280 g), 55 ml milk over low heat.
  5. Mix steamed raisins, chocolate molasses, cookie particles in a large container, pour nuts from the glass.
  6. The final stage of preparing the sweet is forming the sausage and cooling for half a day.

Pastry sausages made from cookies are one of the lightest and most affordable desserts, as you can see by preparing the delicacy according to the detailed recipe.

Chocolate sausage "Bounty" with coconut flakes

It's hard to meet people who don't like coconut, so a dessert with this added delicious ingredient will certainly turn out to be a decoration even festive table. Making pastry sausages from cookies is a process so simple that it is recommended that even children be involved in it. Kids will certainly take part in this exciting activity with pleasure.

Chocolate sausage recipe:

  1. The first step is to prepare cookie crumbs (320 g), use a rolling pin, blender, just knead with your hands.
  2. The second stage of preparation is preparing the chocolate mass. Ingredients for liquid sweets – butter (150 g), cocoa (50 g), milk (45 ml). Sugar take 290 g.
  3. Place the mixture on the fire and heat until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  4. Pour hot liquid over coconut flakes (120 g), wait until the ingredient swells.
  5. When the mixture has cooled slightly, pour in the cookie pieces and stir.

Turn the warm chocolate mass into a sausage - wrap it in plastic wrap, and form long cylinders with your hands. Coconut powder will give the dessert a richer taste - after cooling, generously roll the delicacy.

How to make an unusual sweet sausage without milk

It often happens that you have all the ingredients on hand except milk. This is not a reason to give up cooking. Chocolate sausage from cookies is easy and simple to make without this essential component. The dessert will taste no different from the classic cake. As in basic recipes, you can’t do without cookies and cocoa here.

Many adults remember very well that chocolates and cakes in childhood were only a festive treat, because parents did not always have the opportunity to pamper their child with an expensive dessert. The solution was simple - sweet sausages were prepared for everyday tea drinking, which were quite popular among children. Parents experimented, tried to make the recipe cheaper, so it often happened that they even did without milk. The recipes have been preserved to this day; many housewives who inherited family notebooks with their favorite dishes and baked goods successfully use the experience of mothers and grandmothers to cook amazing desserts cookie based.

Cookie and cocoa sausage recipe:

  1. Chop the melted meat with a sharp knife, milk cookies(430 g).
  2. Mix butter (115 g), fine sugar (320 g), cocoa (60 g).
  3. Pour water (75 ml) into the chocolate mixture and place on fire.
  4. Heat the mixture and wait until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. Remove from heat, stir, leave to cool.
  6. Beat the egg, add a little into the main mixture, be sure to mix.
  7. Pour the chocolate liquid over the cookie crumbs and stir until the cookie pieces are evenly distributed in the mixture.

Form the sausage on a flat surface, making sure to wait until it has cooled. It is more convenient to use parchment or plastic film for preparing sweets (use only cling film, household polyethylene easily releases harmful compounds into the sweet mass).

Form the dessert, give it a slightly flattened shape. Cool in the refrigerator. Some housewives use freezer, but you will have to make sure that the mass does not freeze - this will affect taste qualities treats, it will begin to crumble when defrosting. If you are using a freezing unit, check the sausages every half hour - if they start to freeze, remove them immediately.

The made sausage is decorated with coconut flakes, powdered sugar, and melted chocolate. If you use hot icing, it is recommended to put the dessert in the refrigerator for an hour and a half - the sweet chocolate coating must completely harden, otherwise you will not be able to cut the delicacy with a knife.

To make the pastry sausage the most delicious and rich, you should use simple tips and recommendations from culinary experts who know very well how to carry out the process correctly. The first rule to remember is to use only fresh ingredients for sweet treats. Be sure to check the expiration date of the ingredient before purchasing. Pay special attention to products dairy production. It is also recommended to carefully study the characteristics of the cookies. To prepare dessert, use only sweet pastries. If you had to buy biscuits or crackers at the store with a small percentage of sugar, take this into account when preparing - add more sweet ingredients.

Before making chocolate sausage at home, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for each process. The first thing you need to do before making dessert is to chop the cookies. There is no point in trying too hard and turning the baked goods into a fine powder - the delicacy will not resemble sausage in any way; rather, you will end up with dark sausages. Recommended particle sizes are about 1 cm on sides.

A little secret that many housewives use when preparing a sweet dish - it is recommended to grind half of the cookies with a meat grinder, and break the other half with your hands. Thus, in cross-section, the delicacy will resemble a real one. meat product– with large and small pieces"fat". This will also affect the taste - the cake will be more tender. After pre-drying, it is recommended to do the same with nuts, only use a blender instead of a meat grinder. Grind some of the nuts with a rolling pin or chop them into coarse crumbs with a knife, and crush the rest into small crumbs. The taste of the dessert will immediately change.

The next stage of preparing the treat is preparing the liquid mixture. Be sure to mix the bulk products, only after that add liquid (hot cocoa-based mixture), and add in small portions. This needs to be done for one reason - it often happens that the cookie crumbs absorb the chocolate mass too actively, so the sausage turns out dry. You can increase the juiciness by adding more liquid. If the cookies are slightly damp, you will need less liquid mixture. Adding a large amount of chocolate mass will make it difficult to form sausages.

Cinnamon - an additive to chocolate sausage

To make a very tasty and aromatic sausage, it is recommended to experiment with spices. Adding vanillin and cinnamon will simple dessert acquire oriental notes, which will certainly be appreciated by guests who like Asian cuisine. Of course, such improvisation will bear little resemblance to a classic delicacy, so you shouldn’t get carried away with adding spices - everything should be in moderation.

Another helpful advice, which will certainly come in handy for novice housewives who are starting to prepare sweets for the first time - be sure to carefully monitor the consistency of the mass. If it is too thin or thick, it will be very difficult to form sausages.

That is why it is recommended to add a small amount of cookies or nuts to the liquid composition, which will make the mixture more viscous. If the mass is too hard, pour in condensed milk or boiled milk, which will also quickly correct the situation.

Sweet sausage is a dessert that dates back decades, and such considerable age does not affect its popularity. Almost every family, regardless of wealth, cooks delicious delicacy, which is loved not only by kids, but also by adults. Little tasters will discover how delicious a simple combination can be simple products. Adults, with pleasure and a certain amount of sadness, plunge into the unforgettable world of childhood.