Making candy with filling at the factory. How chocolates are made. Preparation of candy masses

Russians traditionally love sweets. Our country is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of consumption confectionery. The average Russian's spending on sweets in 2017 amounted to almost 7.1 thousand rubles. In such conditions, the production of sweets is a very promising line of business. Even in conditions of high competition, a quality product will find its buyer.

The article will tell you how to open a mini candy making workshop. We will also consider the stages of business development and provide calculations of the return on investment of the business.

Brief market analysis

The majority of products presented on store shelves - more than 93% - are produced in the Russian Federation.

Consumption of sweets and other confectionery products is now at a high level, even despite the decline in incomes of Russians after the 2014 crisis. Now Russians consume 4.5 kg/year, until 2014 - 5.1 kg/year (per person).

In 2017, the total consumption amounted to almost 3.5 thousand tons (4% higher than in 2016). In 2018, purchases of sweets increased to 3.6 thousand tons.

You can estimate the level of consumption and forecast until 2015 in the following table:

Table 1. Volume of consumption of confectionery products in 2013-2018. with a forecast until 2025

Volume of consumption, thousand tons

What operations make up the candy production process: technology

The production process depends on what kind of candy is being made. The composition, form, stages of production, lists vary necessary equipment.

There are several production stages:

  1. Production of candy mass. It includes water, sugar, milk, molasses, butter, various additives.
  2. Formation. There are several methods for molding. One of the common ones is casting the mass into corn starch. The temperature at which the process takes place depends on the type of candy.
  3. Glazing of confectionery products. Thanks to the glaze, the product remains fresh and tender longer.
  4. Drying. In special equipment, the goods are cooled, structured, and hardened.
  5. Package. The product is packaged in a wrapper or box.

We will tell you more about the preparation of popular types of sweets below.


The production of caramel requires inexpensive equipment and is not very complicated.

First, sugar-treacle syrup and caramel mass are created. It can be prepared by mixing sugar in a solution under pressure or by mixing it with molasses to the desired consistency and moisture content. Afterwards the mass is processed - cooled, aromatized, kneaded and stretched.

Fillings are added depending on the recipe. For the production of caramel different types use various ingredients.

At the next stage, the products are formed and cooled. The finished caramel is wrapped, sprinkled, glossed, panned or glazed with chocolate. Afterwards, the finished product is sent for packaging.


Truffle sweets can be made according to the following scheme:

  1. Create a semi-finished product - chocolate mass crushed to powder with the desired fat content.
  2. To prepare the chocolate mass, chocolate and oils (cocoa, coconut) are poured into the equipment. The machine thoroughly mixes the components.
  3. The resulting composition is tempered and hardens within several hours.
  4. The candy mass is churned in special machines.
  5. Afterwards the truffles are formed. They are kept in cooling machines until they reach a stable shape.
  6. At the final stage, the candy bodies are sprinkled.
  7. The product arrives at the packaging department.

Truffles are more difficult to prepare. Both the recipe and the quality of the ingredients are of great importance here. Equipment for such production is quite expensive.


The production of dragees is also not very complicated. The peculiarity of these candies is their hard shells. There are several types of cases (depending on hardness). The dragees themselves are made from a fine-crystalline substance obtained by churning a sugar-treacle mass.

Three main stages of dragee production:

  • preparation of cases;
  • their panning;
  • glossing.

The mass is shaped, rolled in starch, and tempered until a body of the required hardness is formed around the dragee. Then the products are coated - that is, covered with powder and glaze. At the glossing stage, the product is coated with a moisture-proof wax-fat composition.

Equipment for the production of dragees is inexpensive and pays for itself fairly quickly.

Where to start a business?

The main cost item at the organizational stage is a production line capable of producing high-quality candies. It needs to be delivered to the factory and installed - the costs of this work fall on the businessman.

Table 2. Initial costs for a candy manufacturing business.

The calculations are relevant for a city with a population of up to 1 million people. Additional costs take into account the costs of utility bills, advertising, cosmetic repairs, creation, development and printing of packaging.


You can register a candy house in the form of an individual entrepreneur (individual) or LLC (legal entity). The first option is suitable if the entrepreneur plans to trade in small quantities. The second allows you to increase production volumes and scale of activity - it becomes easier to negotiate with retail chains to sell your product.

When registering with the Federal Tax Service, the OKVED code 10.82.2 “Production of chocolate and sugar confectionery products” is indicated.

After preparing the first batch of goods, it should be submitted for inspection to Rospotrebnadzor. He tests products, checks manufacturing technology for compliance with GOST 4570-2014 “Candy. General technical conditions". If everything is in order, a certificate of conformity is issued.

Purchasing ingredients

The cost of raw materials depends on the type of sweets and their recipe. All purchasing issues must be coordinated with a technologist who knows what ingredients are needed to create a quality product.

Common raw materials for candy production:

  • sugar;
  • cocoa butter, cocoa powder (base);
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • syrup;
  • gelatin;
  • agar;
  • vanilla and other flavorings;
  • nuts, plant seeds, berries, fruits (for filling).

It is important to buy high quality raw materials for production. This improves quality finished product. Remember that competition is high - only tasty candy will be in steady demand.

Equipment for candy production

Our business plan is designed for the purchase of a candy production line consisting of:

  • ball mill;
  • tempering machine;
  • containers for kindling;
  • conche machines;
  • refrigeration unit;
  • packaging lines.

You will also need to purchase molds.

This equipment provides automation of the candy making process and performs all the necessary sequence of actions. Mixtures and ingredients are loaded manually. Line productivity is up to 150 kg per hour. Power - up to 40 kW.

The manufacturing company is responsible for installation and training of workers. Equipment for a mini workshop can be purchased in Russia or China, or, if funds are available, in Germany.


To organize a mini-factory you will need an area of ​​250 square meters. m. The following are being built here:

  • Work shop with equipment. The production line takes up a lot of space. The workshop must be equipped with ventilation, three-phase current, water supply, sewerage, and heating systems.
  • Warehouses for finished products and raw materials.
  • Premises for staff (rest room, locker room).
  • Administrative premises.
  • Bathroom.

Geographically, it is better to locate the plant far enough from residential areas - perhaps on the outskirts or in an industrial area (where rent is cheaper). This arrangement will allow goods to be quickly delivered to stores. The plant must have convenient transport access.

Pass SES and fire inspections. Services will check the workshop for compliance with mandatory requirements.


To open a small production facility you will not need a large staff of workers. The production line is automated - employees only have to manage the work process, load equipment with raw materials on time, and ensure process continuity.

For the first time, 4 workers on the line are enough. Two more will be needed for warehouse work.

The technologist/senior in the workshop will manage the personnel, as well as the quality of production. Its main tasks are acceptance of the finished product and assessment of its quality. You will have to look for a technologist - this position requires a person with experience.

Invite an accountant to keep records. At first, he can be hired part-time or outsourced.

Marketing and sales

You can sell candies through your store or through retail chains. It is advisable to open your own retail outlet only in a favorable location and if you have sufficient funds.

A businessman will have to make an effort to interest people and encourage them to buy a new product:

  1. Create a brand. People remember something simple, but at the same time bright and effective. Branding is an important point.
  2. If you have sufficient capital, you can order advertising on television screens, place posters on billboards in the city, use the media to disseminate information about a new product, a new brand.
  3. Conduct promotions, discounts and tastings in stores. Order competent merchandising. Conduct promotions through groups on social networks.

Financial plan: calculations of profitability and payback

The amount of initial costs is 9.78 million rubles.

Equipment productivity - 150 kg/h. In an 8-hour shift, 1.2 tons can be produced. According to the plan, the plant will operate in one shift, 22 days a month. The production volume for this period is 26.4 tons of sweets.

The price varies greatly depending on the type and quality of candy. As an example, we took one of the lowest wholesale prices - 130 rubles. per kg. By selling all the products produced in a month, you can get a little more than 3.4 million rubles.

The total monthly costs are 1.1 million rubles.

Net profit will be 2.3 million rubles.

A candy business can pay for itself in 4.2 months. This can be achieved by fully loading the equipment and selling all the goods created in a month. For new production, the payback period can be increased by 3 times - up to 12.6 months.

Table 3. Economic justification for the business idea.

Producing sweets in your own factory can safely be called a profitable business. The figures given in the table clearly demonstrate this. Of course, this is an approximate calculation - it does not take into account tax deductions and several other cost items.

Before opening, it is necessary to carefully study the characteristics of the market and consumer behavior. For example, sweets are often bought for the holidays, and they also sell well during the cold season, when sweets go with hot tea. Taking these features into account will help in promoting and increasing sales.


Ivan Anisimov

The Pobeda confectionery factory has two production facilities in Russia, and both of them are located in the Moscow region, in the Yegoryevsky district. Various confectionery products are made here, from chocolate bars and sweets to marmalade. All factories are full-cycle production facilities. That is, the chocolate for the production of chocolate bars and sweets at the factory is made independently and according to own recipes. This year the company opened a branch in Latvia - this is how it plans to establish supplies to the European market. The Village went to Yegoryevsk to see what and how sweets are made from.

Preparation of raw materials

From the outside, the building gives no hint that inside there are rivers of chocolate flowing through the pipes, and mountains of sweets and marmalade are moving along the conveyors. A factory is like a factory. But as soon as we walked inside, we immediately smelled chocolate. It became clear that we were exactly in the right place. As usual, we put on disposable gowns, slippers, shoe covers and washed our hands and went to production.

Everything starts from the warehouse and ends there - raw materials are stored separately, there is also a room for finished products. The raw materials are packaged in boxes and large bags, on some of which we see the inscriptions “Made in Ivory Coast”, “Made in Malaysia” or “Made in the Netherlands”. To make chocolate, you need, among other things, cocoa butter and cocoa liquor, and for candy fillings - vegetable fat (it uses a fraction of palm oil). The equivalent of cocoa butter is sometimes added to the fillings - this is a mixture of palm oil with other exotic oils.

The first stage of preparing the components is melting, since they are all solid. All this happens in ovens: an employee unpacks a cardboard box containing a large rectangular briquette of beige cocoa liquor, vegetable fat or cocoa butter (the ovens for the last two components are called “fat melters”), and throws it into the oven. The temperature there is about 85 degrees for cocoa mass and 65–70 degrees for cocoa butter and vegetable fats(temperature is not universal, everything is individual for different equipment and raw materials). It is important that there are three separate fireboxes: for confectionery fat, for grated cocoa and for cocoa butter. Their streams are not mixed unless necessary for the formulation. Then the components, which are already in a liquid state, enter the tank through pipes, where they are weighed. Dry ingredients such as cocoa powder, sugar and various sugar substitutes (stevia, fructose, lactose), powdered milk(whole, low-fat), dry cream or whey, employees pour it into metal containers, then they are automatically dosed using a vacuum.

Confectionery factory"Victory"


Yegoryevsk, Moscow region


EMPLOYEES: 1,558 people in the company (more than 700 of them are
at the factory)

PLANT AREA: 35,000 sq. m

Preparation of chocolate mass

After the components are prepared, they all flow through pipes to the recipe station. Here they are weighed again and, according to the recipe, are sent to the chocolate mass preparation workshop. Here, in a container with a capacity of one and a half tons, all the ingredients are found and mixed with cocoa butter and sugar. But the mass is not ready yet: it is hard, and the sugar in it crunches. You need to grind the sugar crystals into powder. This happens in a special container where there is a pair of metal shafts that grind the mass to 90 microns. It is then passed through five-roll mills, which look like huge rotating rolling pins pointing vertically. The mass is passed between the shafts and gradually reaches the last one, from which it is removed with a metal knife.

In the form of chips, it enters the conche machine, where it is kneaded for 10–12 hours. The conching process is responsible for developing the flavor in the chocolate mass. By kneading, heating, opening or closing metal blinds, you can change the taste. For example, if this milk chocolate, then when it is heated to 80 degrees and the metal shutters are closed, the entire aroma of cocoa remains inside, and the sugar caramelizes, so the output can be a mass with a caramel taste. If the factory wants to soften the taste of dark chocolate, then metal curtains are opened on the conche machine to release the acids from the grated cocoa.

The filling for chocolate candies is prepared in a similar way - all the ingredients are crushed in five-roll mills and kneaded in conche machines. Only cocoa butter with soft vegetable fat. In wafer candies, the filling differs from chocolate ones in texture, components and manufacturing principles. It is prepared in a ball mill - a container in which metal balls not only grind the ingredients, but also beat them a little.

Production of chocolates and chocolate

The chocolate mass, at a temperature of 28 to 31 degrees, is fed to an automatic installation, through which it travels to molds for chocolate bars. The molds are preheated so that the chocolate does not harden immediately when it hits them. After the mold is filled, it first passes through a vibration zone: the conveyor shakes it so that, firstly, excess air bubbles come out of the chocolate, and secondly, this way the chocolate is distributed evenly along a given edge.

Then the molds go to the refrigeration tunnel, where the chocolate spends from 20 to 40 minutes at a temperature of 10–15 degrees. After the cooled forms are automatically turned over using a special drum, and the tiles are easily removed from them. This happens because chocolate shrinks by a millimeter at low temperatures and becomes smaller than the mold. There are a minimum number of people working on this line: one employee monitors the flow of mass into the plant, the other monitors the weight of the product. Metal detectors are installed everywhere: chocolate must be safe, without foreign inclusions.

The tiles enter the packaging machine: here everything happens automatically. Then the product is manually packed into boxes, workers check the dates, integrity and correctness of the packaging. Those products that do not pass the inspection are sent to the container as defective. True, such waste is not thrown away, but processed and put back into production. Chocolate with additives like nuts and raisins is not made here; all this is produced at the site in Klemenovo.

The candy mass is also heated first. Both the chocolate mass and the filling are fed to the installation at the same time. In order not to mix them, the masses are separated into their own channels, which go to the nozzles - holes. Inside such a nozzle there is another one: the filling is fed through the inner hole, and the chocolate mass is fed through the outer hole, with a slight delay. Then the candies also pass through the vibration zone and enter the refrigeration tunnel. If there should be a nut in the candy, then a special nut handler adds it: needle-like fingers dip the nut into the filling. Near the exit from the tunnel (at the plant they call it “evacuating candies”) a knock is periodically heard: when the molds are turned over, they knock on them so that nothing remains inside. Next comes automatic packaging and packing: some candies are put into bags, others into boxes.

Ready dough it is fed through a distribution pipe into a storage tank, to which a comb is connected that distributes the dough over the stove. The volume of one portion of dough is calculated so that when closing this frying pan with small-cage doors, the dough will be distributed over the entire surface. The covered pan goes into the oven and the sheet is baked for three minutes. Afterwards, all the sheets go into a special chamber: the oven can bake the waffles unevenly, and in this cabinet the humidity of all the sheets is balanced.

Next, the filling is spread on the waffles. It is pre-beaten in a mixer to a certain density, cooled and fed to the rollers under pressure. Their operating principle is the same as that of a roll-on deodorant: as soon as the sheet fits, the roller passes over it, transferring the filling to the wafer. Then another wafer sheet is placed on top, automatically pressed, and then the workpiece enters the cooling cabinet. Afterwards, the product, which looks like a cake, is served for slicing: knives first cut it in length and then in width. Special rollers and guides separate the candies from each other. Then all the waffles are poured with chocolate, pass through a vibration zone and are again sent to the refrigeration tunnel, from where they go directly to the packaging and packaging workshop.

By the way, factory employees can try everything that is produced here. True, not in the workshop, but they can take a handful of sweets and chocolates with them for lunch. All finished products sent to the warehouse, and from there to stores in Russia, CIS countries, Germany and even the USA.

To open your own confectionery shop, the first thing you need to do is register with the Federal Tax Service. There are two options here: register as an LLC or an individual entrepreneur.

In the first case, it will take more time and documents. But here you can make transactions not only with individuals, but also with legal entities. The second option will require less tax.

In addition to registration, a novice entrepreneur must collect a number of documents: permission from territorial authorities, Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection. If the premises for a confectionery shop are rented, then permission from the fire department will not be required.

Market analysis and required equipment

To open your own workshop, you need to clearly define the type of products to be manufactured. It is important that the products differ from competitors.

To start a business, you need to learn the basic steps of making candy. They include: mixing the sweet mass, casting into special molds, cooling, applying glaze and packaging. It is important that before packaging, sweets must be stored in a warehouse for several days and only then sold.

Candy can be produced various types: with glaze, with filling, grilled and so on. The chocolate base itself is made from natural milk and cocoa.

It should be noted that special equipment will be required to organize the workshop. This includes tempering machines and refrigeration tunnels. The latter are used for applying glaze. Confectionery production always as automated and mechanized as possible. This will require considerable expenses.

Today, low-capacity candy production lines (150-200 kg per day) are very popular. For such technological process you will need a room of no more than 100 square meters. m.

In addition to equipment, you will need to purchase transport, premises for an office or warehouse.

Forms are of great importance for obtaining quality products. They are made of polycarbonate and have different configurations.

The last stage of organizing a confectionery shop is establishing trade relations.

Candy production is a highly profitable business. Opening even a small workshop will require its owner to have precise knowledge of all stages of work and a large initial capital.

The Rossiya chocolate factory in Samara is one of the largest in our country. The factory was built according to the design of the Italian company "Carle and Montanari" in 1969, and the first products were received in April 1970. In 1992, the factory became an Open Joint Stock Company, and in 1995 it became part of the Nestlé group of companies in Russia. In 1996, the factory began producing international Nestle brands - Nestle classic chocolate and Nuts bars.

In 1997, the slogan “Russia” was born - a generous soul. In 2001, the production of premium chocolate “Golden Mark” began. In 2007, the factory received ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and OHSAS 18001 certificates. In 2010, the production of premium Come il faut sweets began. In March 2011, OJSC Confectionery Association Rossiya was transformed into an LLC, and in June of the same year, the factory was merged with Nestlé Russia LLC as the main production branch. Today, the factory produces more than 170 types of products under the Rossiya brands - generous soul!", "Nestle", "Nesquik" and "Nuts".

01. Checkpoint on Kirova Avenue, 257. The factory employs about 1,350 people.

02. The factory maintains a very high level of cleanliness and order - all workers wear overalls and caps. Hand washing is mandatory upon entering production.

03. There are markings for pedestrians and vehicles everywhere on the floor.

Workshop No. 1 Cocoa bean processing department

04. So, where does chocolate production begin? Of course, from the processing of cocoa beans. Pre-roasted cocoa beans must be thoroughly crushed.

05. Crusher. The better the cocoa nibs are crushed, the richer and more subtle the chocolate will taste. The final size of cocoa solids passing through the grinding equipment should not exceed 75 microns.

06. Cocoa liquor contains 54% of a very valuable substance - cocoa butter, which is the main component for the production of real chocolate. To obtain cocoa butter, cocoa liquor is heated to a certain temperature and then pressed while heated. This is how the cocoa butter is separated from the solid residue. The solid residue is subsequently used to prepare cocoa powder.

08. Tanks in which cocoa liquor intended for pressing is stored.

10. There is a lot of equipment and pipelines here.

12. Liquid chocolate flows

13. A workshop in which there are so-called “mills” for producing powder.

15. One of the oldest units of the factory, manufactured in 1967, designed for conching (mixing) chocolate mass, has been preserved here.

16. The logo of the Italian company "Carle and Montanari" is on it.

17. Now the conching process is taking place on a new modern line. This is one of the most important stages in chocolate production. After mixing and grinding, the chocolate mass is subjected to intensive kneading at high temperatures. This is a very long process, as a result of which excess moisture evaporates from the chocolate mass, lumps that are still present are eliminated, volatile acids and excessive bitterness are displaced, and cocoa solids are rounded. Conching can take from several hours to several days.

Production of chocolate bars

19. In the “kitchen” workshop, marshmallows are prepared, which are transported through pipes to the chocolate bar production workshop.

20. The marshmallow is rolled out into a long layer using large drums, which travels along a conveyor.

21. The marshmallow is cooling

22. and cut into strips.

23. A large knife cuts strips depending on the length of the bars.

24. Strictly under a certain temperature conditions The bars are doused with liquid chocolate.

25. Here the machine applies a pattern on top of the bars.

26. Enrobing department workers randomly check the bars for size and weight.

Packaging of chocolate bars

28. Packaging workshop

29. Before packaging, the bars are checked with a metal detector.

30. In the packaging workshop, almost everything is automated.

31. Tape for packaging Nesquik bars.

32. Boxes for Nesquik bars

33. A stacking robot puts bars into boxes. Each box contains a strictly defined, fixed number of bars.

34. Some of the bars are put into boxes without being counted.

35. Such boxes are weighed and marked.

36. The boxes are placed on a cart and taken to the warehouse.

Production of domed candies

37. The domed candy shop produces dome-shaped candies. In this case, we see how the machine casts the “Native Spaces” candies.

38. In long, orderly rows, the candies go into the machine, where they are filled with liquid chocolate.

41. Chocolate-drenched candies fall out in wafer crumbs.

42. Ready-made candies go to the packaging area.

43. Packaging of such sweets is done manually.

44. Intermediate control of finished boxes.

45. Boxes are packed into large cardboard boxes, labeled and taken to the warehouse.

Production of chocolate bars

47. Hot chocolate it is poured into similar forms and sent along a conveyor belt through the refrigerator. At the same stage, if required by the recipe, various additives (for example, nuts) are added to the chocolate.

48. Then the molds with frozen chocolate are turned upside down and shaken out onto the conveyor.

51. Large chocolate bars are made in the same way.

52. Ready-made and packaged large tiles are laid out manually into boxes.

53. In the packaging workshop.

Production of chocolates

55. The most difficult is the production of premium sweets, such as "Come il faut".

56. Most operations here are done manually.

57. Production line for "Come il faut" chocolates.

58. Packaging of sweets.

Central laboratory

59. The factory has a laboratory where you can create miniature chocolate from start to finish. Used to create new varieties of chocolate before introduction into production.

60. The laboratory also randomly checks all products for exact compliance with all standards, from packaging to the taste of chocolate. It's probably good to be a taster :)

61. Examples of products from the Rossiya chocolate factory.

Taken from chronograph in Samara: chocolate factory "Russia"

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In this article:

The purpose of the project: justification of the financial and economic efficiency and technically possible implementation of the production of chocolates on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main criterion was a conservative scenario for the development of events; prices were calculated taking into account inflation. The project has significant economic potential based on an assessment of the current market conditions.

Chocolate candy production project concept

It is planned to build production and storage facilities or rent them, and install equipment for production. An initial assortment of glazed fondant sweets and chocolates is planned:

  • glazed chocolate icing oval-shaped candies filled with chocolate fondant of a different flavor. Mass ratio 60/40%. Candy weight up to 12 grams;
  • oval-shaped candies coated with chocolate glaze and filled with jelly. Mass ratio 70/30%, candy weight up to 11.5 grams;
  • chocolate bar weighing 100 grams, with a pattern.

Confectionery market analysis

The market for confectionery and chocolate candies (chocolate) is resistant to economic crises. Gifts and purchases for children, gifts and personal preferences make this product segment quite popular among the broad consumer masses.

At the moment, the Russian market, in particular the chocolate candy production business, is represented by a wide range of products in the form of chocolate: milk, porous, black or regular with various fillings; chocolates of the most varied shapes and fillings. In terms of value, the sales segment of chocolates and bars accounts for 1/3 of the total sales of confectionery products.

It should be noted that chocolate production depends on the season, at the moment of the greatest surge (holidays and pre-holidays), production can increase by 300%. The rest of the time, the enterprise can be loaded only at 30-60% of the planned capacity.

The most popular product is loose candies and chocolate bars; sales are represented by regional representative offices of large confectionery companies. This has its advantages: the costs of delivery and payment for office representative offices increase the cost of their products by 6-8%.

For example, Nestle candies have a cost price of $3 per 1 kg; their sales in the regions are $8 per kilogram. Producing sweets in your region makes it possible to reduce the price of your own goods of high consumer demand.

Consumer behavior towards confectionery products

65% of buyers are active buyers of chocolates and chocolate, regardless of the season, buying these products 3-4 times a week, and 20% are less active, buying once a week. Thus, taking into account the population in the region, it is possible to calculate in advance the volume of production of chocolates and chocolate bars.

Project production plan

1. Rental of premises: production workshop and warehouse. Mandatory drawing up of an agreement according to the established regulations. Construction of additional structures (office and household premises), rental of transport for delivering products to retail outlets.

2. Installation and installation of the necessary equipment, commissioning work, launch of the production line.

3. Production process of candy production.

The candy production technology consists of several stages:

- mixing individual fondant ingredients;

- cooking process;
- molding or casting fondant into special oval shapes;
— running molds through cooling systems;
— glazing of sweets with chocolate fudge;
- cooling;
— packaging of products in wrapping paper.

Chocolate bar production technology:

  • mixing the ingredients of the chocolate mass;
  • cooking process;
  • casting into special molds;
  • run through the cooling system;
  • packing tiles in wrapping paper.

Equipment for the production of chocolates

It should be noted that the candy production line consists of four sections, each of which has its own range of equipment:

1. Area for the production of candy mass:

  • universal cooking apparatus, used for cooking, mixing and emptying the mass, with automatic control;
  • weighing device for dosing components of fondant or chocolate mass;
  • loading pump for supplying mass to the casting;
  • dosing pump for flavourings, acids, fudge and chocolate colours.

2. Installation of casting:

  • installation of One-shot casting with servo drive and electronic control;
  • conveyor of molds for casting;
  • cooling cabinet, including control distribution cabinet and cold air preparation station;
  • forms.

3. Candy production line (for enrobing shells):

  • table for feeding products to the glazing machine;
  • enrobing machine;
  • pump for return flow of excess mass.

4. Automatic candy wrapping packaging line:

  • distribution conveyors for supplying candies to storage areas.

The technological scheme for the production of chocolate candies and chocolate bars is quite complex and requires highly qualified personnel and well-functioning equipment.

The cost of purchasing equipment and renting premises is about $50,000, which is the starting capital. The estimated time of self-sufficiency and profitability of the enterprise is 5-8 years. The expected profit per year is 36% of the starting capital.

Analysis of income and expenses

Costs for rent (construction) and raw materials account for 77% of the total start-up capital, the next item in the cost column is electricity, water and gas - 7.5-8%. The salary fund is 8% of total expenses, 3-5% insurance premiums and taxes, 7% other expenses, which include advertising and promotion costs.

The dynamics of reducing the burden of costs on product costs is designed for 5 years, after which costs will stabilize and the price may remain fixed.

Product plan

Considering the structure of variable costs, you can see that the highest expenditures (more than 77%) go to the purchase of raw materials. Thus, the calculation of the cost of production is:

the amount of expenses for raw materials + the amount of the salary fund and expenses for communications, rent, taxes + 6% to increase profits.

Using a more simplified formula:

amount of expenses + 37-38% of the amount of expenses = cost of 1 kg of sweets.

Product demand risk

In order for an enterprise to be considered profitable, it is necessary to calculate the minimum critical level of production volume, taking into account seasonal sales.

Payroll costs (per year) + taxes (per year) + costs for utilities and rent (per year) / divided by the amount of total annual income = minimum production volume in kg per day.

Thus, the minimum (critical) cost of candy (taking into account the risk) is $6 per kg - this is the threshold value of the selling price for the production of chocolate and candy, the minimum production volume per day is from 5 tons.

The candy production business is quite risky due to its requirements for quality and beautiful design. Packaging material for sweets and chocolate bars must correspond to the positive image of the company.

The packaging material will be considered the cheapest if you make it yourself. To do this you will need:

  • special packaging paper and foil (for chocolate), and cardboard (for making candy boxes);
  • inkjet printer for printing;
  • computer.

The production of candy boxes has its own manufacturing features:

  • cardboard has an appropriate certificate allowing it to be used in the food industry;
  • manufactured according to ready-made corex;
  • Can be used for automatic and manual packaging.