Dry white soup. Royal lunch: dried porcini mushroom soup. Chicken soup with dried porcini mushrooms

First courses should be present in every person's diet. Such food brings great benefits to our digestive tract, giving strength and energy. And cook different soups can be made from many available products, including various mushrooms. Dishes based on them are tasty, aromatic and healthy. And they will be an excellent basis for such culinary experiments. Let's talk about how to prepare mushroom soup from dry porcini mushrooms, we will give you a proven recipe.

Mushroom soup made from dry porcini mushrooms

To prepare this dish you need to prepare a couple chicken thighs, one hundred and fifty grams of dried mushrooms, one medium carrot, a medium-sized onion, a couple of tablespoons of butter, three tablespoons of small vermicelli. Also use some salt, black pepper, onion and dill.

Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly with boiling water, removing any small debris. Then pour boiling water over them and leave for two hours. Then drain the liquid, rinse the mushrooms with cold water and leave for another half hour.

Peel the onion, cut in half. Chop one half into smaller pieces. Chop the washed and peeled carrots into thin rings. Fill the pan with water, add the chicken, half an onion and a carrot. Boil the broth. Remove the chicken and onions from the boiled broth, peel the skin from the thighs, cut the meat into small pieces and send it back to the broth. Discard the boiled onion.

Fry chopped onion in vegetable oil until golden. Cut the mushrooms into small strips and add them to the broth along with the frying. Bring water to a boil, add vermicelli. Add salt and pepper. Cook for a quarter of an hour over medium heat, add herbs to the soup and turn off the heat.

Soup with porcini mushrooms and cream

To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare three liters of water, a handful of dry mushrooms, three medium potatoes, a medium onion, two hundred and fifty milliliters of cream (you can use). Also use four cloves of garlic, four sprigs of thyme, some butter and vegetable oil, some freshly ground pepper and.

Pour boiling water over the dried mushrooms and leave for an hour until they swell well. Strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth folded in two layers and pour into a saucepan. Add clean water to the container to get three liters of liquid in total. Add the swollen mushrooms and bring to a boil. After the future soup boils, reduce the heat to minimum power and cook for thirty to forty minutes. Towards the end of the cooking process, add some salt to the broth.

Remove the boiled mushrooms from the broth using a slotted spoon, set them aside and cool slightly. Wash the potatoes, peel and chop into strips or small cubes. Send it to the mushroom broth and cook for a quarter of an hour.

Peel the onion and chop it smaller. Peel the garlic and chop it with a knife. In a frying pan, heat a couple of tablespoons of butter and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add onion, salt and fry until soft. Towards the end of frying, add the garlic and simmer it a little along with the onion. Add onion and garlic to mushroom broth.

Boiled mushrooms Grind the broth if necessary. Place them in the pan where you fried the onions, add salt and sprinkle with thyme. Fry until the moisture has completely evaporated. Then add about twenty grams of butter to them and fry, stirring, for another couple of minutes.

Place the mushrooms in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for five to ten minutes. Then pour the cream into the pan, add salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Cover the container with a lid and turn off the heat. Mushroom soup made from dry mushrooms is ready. Let it brew.

Another version of dried porcini mushroom soup

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare fifty grams of dried porcini mushrooms, three medium potatoes, a couple of onions and one carrot. In addition, you will need some vermicelli, salt and pepper, as well as vegetable or butter.

Wash the mushrooms and soak them in cold water all night long. In the morning, remove the prepared mushrooms from the water, and strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth. Chop the mushrooms into arbitrary pieces. Fill a three-liter saucepan halfway with water and place it on the fire. Place one whole peeled potato into the water.

Heat butter or vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry mushrooms in it. Pour them into boiling water, and pour in the strained mushroom infusion.

Chop the onion into smaller pieces and grate the carrots. Fry the vegetables in the pan where the mushrooms were fried.
During this time, peel the remaining potatoes and cut them into cubes. Break the spaghetti randomly.

Remove the potatoes from the broth and mash them with a fork until smooth. Add the roast, potato cubes, spaghetti, and mashed potatoes. Add salt, pepper and cook for about ten minutes. Add salt, pepper and leave to brew under the lid for about twenty minutes. Serve with sour cream.

Treatment with dried porcini mushrooms and fresh mushrooms

Porcini mushroom is actively used not only in cooking, but also in recipes traditional medicine. Many healers claim that such a natural gift helps to cope with even very serious diseases, including cancer.

. So, to treat oncological diseases, traditional medicine specialists advise using the pulp of freshly picked mushrooms. Fill them out glass jar up to the shoulders, then fill the raw material with vodka up to the neck and leave for two weeks in a fairly dark place. Then strain the prepared medicine and squeeze out the plant material.

Take the medicine one teaspoon a quarter of an hour before lunch and a couple of teaspoons about a quarter of an hour before dinner. Before taking, dilute it in a small amount of water. The mushroom tincture should be drunk for a month, after which you need to take a break for a week and repeat the course of therapy again.

Mushrooms for human health. The tincture also has a remarkable tonic effect, especially if there is a lack of B2 and C in the body. To achieve this effect, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of the tincture in one hundred milliliters of warm water and take it half an hour before meals twice a day. The duration of such treatment is one and a half weeks. If necessary, the dose can be repeated after one week.

Traditional treatment of angina pectoris. Porcini mushrooms can also be used to eliminate. Patients with this diagnosis should take a tablespoon of the raw pulp of such mushrooms half an hour before meals. Repeat the intake three times a day for two weeks. Porcini mushrooms quite effectively reduce blood pressure, preventing thrombosis.

Pityriasis versicolor - folk treatment helps! External application of an aqueous extract of porcini mushrooms will help cope with. To prepare such a remedy, you need to combine three teaspoons of fresh or dried mushrooms with one hundred milliliters of water. Reduce heat by half over low heat. Use for applying compresses.

Porcini mushrooms are an excellent natural gift that deserves to take its place on your everyday table. In addition, such raw materials can be used for medicinal purposes, but only after consultation with a doctor.

Ekaterina, www.site

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Mushroom soup is a frequent treat on the Russian table. Of course, in the summer every good housewife makes preparations from healthy and tasty mushrooms. Often, mushroom soup in winter is a delicious reminder of the fragrant summer. But many housewives admit that dried mushrooms make soup much richer and richer. That is why even in summer for mushroom soup they do not use fresh ones, namely dried mushrooms. If you prepare this soup correctly, you can literally amaze your guests with your culinary masterpiece. Besides, mushroom soup is not only crazy tasty dish, its preparation does not take much time and effort.

Classic mushroom soup recipe

Each housewife has her own recipe for a unique mushroom soup. However there is a traditional dish, which is different classic recipe. Subsequently, it can be changed, depending on taste and preferences.

  1. Porcini mushrooms make a light soup. But for mushroom soup, boletuses and boletuses are most often used - they give a good fat and a dark, rich color.
  2. A good handful of mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and soaked in boiling water for 1.5-2 hours. This will make the mushrooms soft and pliable.
  3. At this time you need to prepare the vegetables. Chop the onion, grate a large carrot, finely chop half a frozen bell pepper(you can do without it). Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the vegetables in it over low heat. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use butter - it will give the soup more discriminating taste and mild aroma. Fry the vegetables until golden brown and soft.
  4. Prepare the potatoes in advance. 2-3 medium-sized potatoes need to be peeled and cut into 1-1.5 cm cubes.
  5. Mushrooms need to be removed from the water and cut into small pieces. You should not grind the mushroom too much - it should be felt on your teeth, and not turn into porridge.
  6. It's time to put a pot of water on the fire. If you have it ready meat broth- use it. The soup will be more rich and satisfying. If you want to prepare dietary mushroom soup, just use water.
  7. Some housewives add mushrooms to a pan with the water in which they were infused. In this case, the color of the broth will be dark. If you want to prepare a light, transparent soup, add only clean water, without using the one in which the mushrooms have settled.
  8. Bring the mushrooms to a boil and reduce heat. After 30 minutes, when you feel a distinct mushroom taste and aroma, add potatoes to the broth.
  9. When the potatoes are cooked, add the fried vegetables to the broth and cook for about 20 minutes.
  10. Season the broth 5 minutes before it’s ready. Mandatory spices include salt, peppercorns or ground pepper. To taste, you can add basil, sage, suneli hops. Be careful with bay leaves—too much will overpower the flavor of the mushrooms. In general, mushroom soup should be seasoned with caution. If the mushrooms are good, such a dish does not require anything other than pepper and salt.

You can serve mushroom soup with herbs - dill, green onions, parsley, cilantro. In addition, you need to put a spoonful of sour cream, kefir or yogurt on each plate. Fermented milk product gives mushroom soup a special deep taste.

If you like thicker soups, add a handful to the broth five minutes before readiness. thin noodles or a little barley cooked separately. You can add thickness to the soup using wheat flour. Add a couple of spoonfuls to the pan with the vegetables to make the soup a little cloudy and creamy.

This is a recipe for dietary mushroom soup that will appeal not only to you, but also to your children. To prepare it you will need chicken or parts thereof. Do not use chicken breasts– they are very lean and will not give enough richness to the broth.

Cover the chicken with water and bring to a boil. If you want to receive dietary dish, drain the first water, cook the broth in the second water. Separately, boil the porcini mushrooms in a small bowl until tender. In a frying pan, fry finely grated carrots and chopped onions. Remove the chicken and cut it into small pieces. After this, return the pieces back to the broth, add chopped boiled mushrooms and fried vegetables. Cook for about 30 minutes so that all ingredients are saturated with each other. Add salt and pepper to the soup. The dish turned out to be so light that it can be offered to a sick person without fear. At the same time, the soup turns out to be quite satisfying due to the large amount of protein contained in meat and mushrooms.

Mushroom solyanka

We will prepare Solyanka from champignons or porcini mushrooms. They need to be washed and put in a pan. Pour water over the mushrooms and let them boil. For flavor, add the whole head to the pan. onions. Separately in a frying pan you need to fry the onion with tomato paste. When the mushrooms are cooked, drain the water, cut the mushrooms into small pieces. In a pan with pre-prepared meat broth you need to put mushrooms, tomato onions, finely chopped pickled cucumbers without skin, and small capers. Cook all ingredients for about 30 minutes until thoroughly soaked. Don't forget to season the solyanka with salt, pepper and bay leaf. When serving, the soup is garnished with parsley, a slice of lemon, a couple of olives and a spoonful of sour cream are added to each bowl.

Lenten mushroom soup with beans

This soup is good to eat during fasting. Beans and mushrooms have a lot of protein, so these products can easily replace meat. To prepare this dish, you need to soak the beans overnight in advance, and boil them in the morning until tender. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, fry finely chopped onion, grated carrots and thin slices of celery. When the vegetables become soft, add dried mushrooms. After 10-20 minutes, pour water into the pan and leave to cook for about an hour. Then add potatoes to the soup. When the potatoes are cooked, add the prepared beans, salt and spices. Garnish the soup with finely chopped dill.

In a small cauldron or thick-bottomed pan, fry finely chopped pieces of pork (about 300 grams). You can use other meat, but then the soup will not be as satisfying and rich. Add chopped onions and just a little carrots to the meat. Pour water over the fried meat and vegetables and let it boil. After boiling, remove the foam from the broth. Cook the broth for about two hours until the meat becomes very soft. Soak the chanterelles in boiling water a couple of hours in advance. Drain the mushrooms in a colander and chop them. When the meat is ready, add mushrooms to the cauldron. Cook them until fully cooked. Five minutes before the end of cooking, season the soup with spices, add a little melted cheese and a handful oatmeal. Mushroom stew with meat turns out incredibly appetizing and aromatic. Oatmeal adds thickness to the soup and processed cheese special languid aroma.

Pea soup with champignons

Fry pieces of meat in a frying pan, add chopped onions and grated carrots. For beauty, you can add grated tomato. Transfer the contents of the pan to a saucepan of boiling water. Add peas to the boiling broth, and when they are half ready, add the chopped and washed dried champignons. 15 minutes before cooking, you can add potatoes - if desired. Season the soup with bay leaf, salt and ground black pepper. This hearty and tasty dish will decorate any table.

Mushroom soup with eggs

This unusual recipe mushroom soup will certainly please your taste if you are tired of traditional recipes preparations of this dish. For such a delicacy, we need a rich meat broth, three eggs, wine, spices and mushrooms (porcini mushrooms are best suited for this recipe). You need to add washed and cut mushrooms into several slices into the meat broth and let them cook well. When the mushrooms become soft, add a dessert spoon of wine and a teaspoon of salt to the broth. Don't forget about salt and pepper. You need to add a little more pepper than usual. Beat the eggs separately and add them in a thin stream to the boiling broth. This soup is served with sour cream and herbs. Wine gives the dish a special tartness, and sugar and salt make the taste unusual.

Mushroom soups are a real treasure trove of Russian cuisine. Recipes can be changed by adding cereals, pasta, various vegetables and spices. One thing that remains constant is the deep flavor of the rich mushroom broth. Make dried mushroom soup to add variety to your winter diet!

Video: how to soak dry mushrooms for mushroom soup

This recipe for soup with dried porcini mushrooms was sent to me by Matsulevich Valentina Vasilievna, from Vitebsk, Belarus.

“In our family, all its members love to collect. We usually go on a quiet hunt in late August - early September. We have one very mushroom place. Local residents say that in this place, even in the driest year, the forest is never empty. you will leave without a basket of mushrooms.

This forest, by our Vitebsk standards, is located quite far away - about 75-80 kilometers from the city. Of course, quite a lot of money is spent on gasoline, but, as they say, the game is worth the candle. Sometimes a family of 3-4 people can easily collect 5-6 buckets of noble mushrooms - boletus, boletus, boletus - in a few hours. And our favorite place is also convenient because we can freely go far from the car in different directions, without fear of getting lost, because we’ve been picking mushrooms there for about 20 years now.

And now the mushroom harvest has been harvested, we have arrived in the city, and the most difficult part begins - sorting and cleaning the mushrooms. The young people urgently have some business to attend to, my husband needs to put the car in the garage, and I desperately sit down at the kitchen table and start working. This process usually lasts until 12 at night.

The best specimens are used according to a recipe that has been proven over the years: boletus mushrooms, touched by a worm, are sent on a wire rack to the oven for drying; if there are milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps and red mushrooms, then they are salted, and everything else is boiled and frozen in the freezer. And, of course, the next day, real mushroom soup is cooked from porcini mushrooms or boletus mushrooms.

And about five years ago, my daughter met a young man in early December. Everyone in our family is Catholic, only I am Orthodox. Catholic Christmas was approaching, my mother-in-law came to visit from western Belarus, and unexpectedly my daughter’s boyfriend asked to visit us for this holiday. I was very surprised, because they had just met, but I was happy about the guest.

Catholics have this custom - mushroom soup made from dried porcini mushrooms or boletus mushrooms is always served on the table at Christmas. I took a new box of dried mushrooms from the mezzanine and cooked it amazingly tasty soup. Everyone at the table was languishing in anticipation. tasty food. Moreover, my daughter praised my exclusive guy. And a wonderful smell came from the kitchen.

I served the first steaming plate to my future son-in-law. He was about to put a spoonful of sour cream in it, when suddenly I saw something incomprehensible in the second plate. There was something white floating in the soup. I put on my glasses, took a closer look and gasped - the entire surface of the soup was filled with white worms

What an embarrassment! A new person came to the house for the first time, who a year later became my son-in-law, and my mother-in-law served soup with worms. I tried to quietly take the plate from the guy, but he didn’t want to give it back, because the soup had a charming aroma! I was terribly ashamed, but I had to tell everyone what an opportunity it was. By the way, all the other mushrooms that I store in cake boxes turned out to be completely clean. And then I had to throw them away."

Every family has its own recipe for mushroom soup. Some people like creamy mushroom soup, others prepare creamy mushroom soup with melted cheese. But, you see, the most delicious and aromatic mushroom soup is soup made from dried forest mushrooms. It is so tasty that you don’t need to come up with clever culinary techniques to make the soup more interesting - nature did everything for us.

I thought for a long time about how to start talking about this richly fragrant soup made from ordinary dried porcini mushrooms with a velvety, bright, but not aggressive taste. And I didn’t come up with it. Well, there’s nothing to say here, to be honest - the soup is definitely worth making. If only because it's delicious. And fragrant. And satisfying. And generally incomparable.

Have you been in the forest for a long time, quietly “hunting” for mushrooms mischievously peeking out from under the leaves? Probably a long time ago. I’ve already forgotten when I managed to arrange an outing into nature. But this is not a reason not to make mushroom soups. After all, dried mushrooms, which are no worse than their fresh “compatriots”, are available all year round- buy it - I don’t want it. So let's make some delicious soup!

Soup of dried porcini mushrooms with potatoes is prepared from the following products (for a 4-liter pan):

Making soup with dried porcini mushrooms (recipe with photo):

Let's start preparing the soup with dried porcini mushrooms, since they will need the most attention. Wash and soak the mushrooms well for 2-3 hours until they swell and soften. Select a small saucepan or bowl, add the “forest meat” and fill with clean cold water. This is the longest, but also the laziest stage of preparing mushroom soup.

After a few hours, remove the mushroom “bast shoes” from the water, which by this time will have acquired a rich brown color. Slice. Not too small, but not large either. So that it looks beautiful and is convenient to eat mushroom soup. By the way, don’t rush to pour out the water. It will be the basis of the aromatic broth. But before adding to the pan, the infusion must be carefully strained through several layers of gauze. So as not to leave any chance for grains of sand, blades of grass and other small “misunderstandings” to get into the soup with dried porcini mushrooms and potatoes.

Ready? Strained? Pour the mushroom infusion into a 4-liter saucepan. Add chopped porcini mushrooms and add clean filtered water to the desired volume. Make sure that the rest of the soup ingredients fit in too. Place the pan over medium-high heat. Bring the liquid to a boil. Then reduce the intensity of the fire. Continue cooking the mushrooms until they sink to the bottom. Then we can talk about their readiness. But not only talk, but add other ingredients, which, by the way, should already be prepared by this moment.

Go ahead. Potato. You don’t need to do anything special with it - just peel and cut it as you like - into cubes, bars or strips. If you have “defeated” the potatoes, but the mushrooms have not yet cooked, fill them with water to prevent them from darkening.

Peel the carrots and cut into strips/slices/grate on a coarse grater.

The onion is also somehow special culinary technicians In this recipe for soup of dry porcini mushrooms with potatoes there is no process. You just need to peel it and carefully cut it into small cubes.

Champignon. In principle, you don’t need to add them. But it seemed to me that their presence would not spoil the dish in any way. And I was not mistaken. Rinse. Peel (don't forget to scrape the skin off the stems). And then cut into thin plastics. Got some small champignons? It will be enough to cut them into several parts.

In a frying pan, heat the mixture of vegetable and butter. Vegetable without cream - yes. On the contrary, I don’t recommend it - it will burn and not smell very appetizing. Warmed up? Add everything you prepared for the soup earlier, except for the potatoes (champignons, carrots and onions).

Sauté vegetables and mushrooms. In other words, bring them to softness. Season with salt and pepper during the process. Those who like something spicy and aromatic can add a little chopped garlic to the frying at the very end. Well, are the mushrooms ready? Pour the potatoes into the pan and cook them for 10 minutes at a low boil. During this time, it should reach half-readiness. Next, add the fried vegetable and mushroom mixture to the soup and stir. Taste and, if necessary, adjust the dish to taste with salt, pepper and other spices. Cook for another 10 minutes, turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and let the dish simmer for another 10 minutes.

And now you can pour the most aromatic and delicious soup with dried porcini mushrooms into plates.

With sour cream and herbs - great. But even without the bells and whistles, just with a huge slice of bread, such a great mushroom soup always goes with a bang. Try, evaluate, improve, suggest.

Porcini mushrooms have an exceptionally delicious, incomparable taste and aroma. Moreover, in dried form, these qualities are even more pronounced, giving the dishes a special sophistication.

Porcini mushroom is especially popular in Italy, France and, of course, in Russia. And we will prepare a simple and tasty soup from dried porcini mushrooms in the best traditions of our national cuisine. Everything ingenious is simple... and delicious!

To prepare mushroom soup from dried porcini mushrooms, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Soak the mushrooms in a glass of warm water for 15 minutes.

Cut the onion into pieces and fry in vegetable oil with thyme and black pepper.

Bring 1.5 liters of water to a boil, add the swollen mushrooms (if the pieces are large, cut them smaller) along with the mushroom water. Add onion Bay leaf, dill, salt to taste and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the potato cubes and noodles.

Cook until fully cooked for about 10 more minutes. Dried porcini mushroom soup is ready!

Before serving, let the soup sit in the pan, covered, for about 30 minutes. If desired, you can season the soup with sour cream or heavy cream!