Chechen meat dishes. Chechen cuisine: national recipes, cooking features and reviews. Zhizhig-galnash with lamb

Chechens and Ingush, united under the same name "Vain", are all great patriots for the most part. Therefore, if you ask a Chechen or Ingush what kind of cuisine is the most delicious, of course, you will hear in response - Vainakh. They are proud of their cooking, although, in the opinion of experts, and in the opinion of many, it differs from others in a very ascetic assortment and ease of preparation.
Anyone who goes to the ancient land of the Vainakhs will experience the famous Caucasian hospitality and generosity. Treating a guest with the best national dishes is the main rule of Chechen etiquette. It should be warned that special gourmet dishes that are prepared for a long time (such as a fried camel among the Arabs) will not be served on the table in Chechnya. However, chefs are able to surprise not so much with the design and presentation as with unexpected taste.

Cuisine is an integral part of the national color. Of course, now in any city there is a restaurant (and more than one) in which you will be offered the most refined and delicious food. But only when you get to Chechnya and Ingushetia, you can fully enjoy not only the original Vainakh cuisine, but also the legendary Vainakh hospitality.

The favorite dish of the Chechens and Ingush is zhizhig-galnash. This is meat with dumplings. Cooking takes only about an hour. A simple meal with boiled meat and flour or corn dumplings served with a choice of garlic or onion-potato sauce. All this is washed down with broth in which meat and dumplings were boiled. The dish, of course, is high in calories, but the history of the Chechens was harsh. You ate once, and you can forget about food for the whole day.

Iakhar gallnysh. Cornmeal dumplings.

Holtmash with wild garlic and nettle.

Hyonk (ramson) with yoh ( homemade sausage).

It is also called khingalsh - cakes with cottage cheese or boiled pumpkin. This is the second most popular dish in Vainakh cuisine. Differ from Dagestan miracle or Ossetian fydchins thin dough. Served as an accompaniment to the main course.

Siskal and to-beram
Siskal is a flatbread made from cornmeal. To-beram - curd seasoned with sour cream. This, one might say, is the daily food of the Vainakhs. It refers to light food that is constantly on the table. No one will regale a guest only with this dish, although it is very tasty and satisfying. Siskal does not spoil for a long time and can be stored for more than one week, which helped travelers on a long journey in the old days.

Dishes from jerky
The life of the ancestors of the Chechens and Ingush was so harsh that there was no time to diversify the national cuisine. Until now, dishes made from dried meat are very popular. Zhizhig-galnash and various soups are prepared from it. They also like to eat it raw. In a world without refrigeration, jerky was a lifesaver of sorts.

Dishes from wild garlic (wild garlic)
It is also called the second bread of the Vainakhs. Ramson awakens appetite. It is very well absorbed by the body. In addition, wild garlic is a powerful natural antioxidant. Grows in foothill forests, under a layer of snow. A dozen dishes of national cuisine are prepared from wild garlic. Fried wild garlic is the easiest way. Wild garlic is taken - 1 kg, melted butter - 100 g. Wild garlic is removed from boots (bulbs), washed, dipped in boiling salted water. Boil for 5-7 minutes, then put in a colander, let the water drain. Put the wild garlic in the heated ghee frying pan. Fry until it is lightly browned. They serve it with siscal ( corn tortilla) or homemade wheat flour flatbread

fresh nettle
Following wild garlic in spring, nettles ripen. Young nettles, having previously crushed them in your hands, dipped in salt, are just a pleasure to eat. Several dishes are prepared from it, which are amazing to anyone who has tried how tasty this burning plant is.
Nettle - 300 g, wild garlic - 300 g. Wash them. Then mash the nettle so as not to burn yourself. Mix it with wild garlic. This vitamin-rich dish is served with homemade tortilla and oregano tea, as well as salt.
Holtmash with wild garlic and nettle is prepared as follows. Corn flour is taken - 400 g, wheat flour - 100 g, nettle - 100 g, wild garlic - 100 g, homemade salted cottage cheese - 100 g, butter - 100 g, melted butter - 50 g. Rinse the nettle and wild garlic shoots and finely finely chop together with hard-boiled eggs. Add salted cottage cheese, salt and soft butter (or fat tail fat, finely chopped). Mix everything thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass - filling for holtmash. Then from corn dough kneaded in hot water, adding a little flour, make cakes (the width of a palm and a thickness of 2-3 mm). The filling is placed in the middle, covered with a second cake, the edges are pinched. Cook in boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes. Drizzle with melted butter or sour cream before serving.

Baarsh (scar) in Chechen
This dish is the most complex and time-consuming in Chechen cuisine, therefore it occupies the very first place in it. However, not every hostess undertakes its preparation. Since ancient times, it was served only to the most important and dear guests. The dish consists of lamb or beef offal, sewn into the stomach in a special way.

The main difference between the Vainakh cuisine is its asceticism and the fact that various spices are almost absent in the dishes. The most common additives are garlic, onion, pepper and, of course, salt.

Zhizhig-galnash - popular dish Chechen cuisine, which is prepared from beef with bone, lamb, chicken, and even sea and river fish. The meat is boiled in large portions, salted and, in addition, dumplings made from corn or wheat flour are molded to it. This dish is an analogue. In Chechen, "zhizhig" is translated as "meat", and "galnash" - "dumplings" or "dumplings".

The calorie content of the dish is about 140 kcal per 100g. This figure may vary and depends on the fat content of the meat. How to cook zhizhig galnash in several versions step by step and with a photo, we will tell in this material.

Zhizhig-galnash with lamb

The food is tender, rich, with a delicious garlic note. The dumplings differ in their shape. It directly depends on the ability of the hostess to work with the dough. Serving is carried out with Beram sauce, which can be tomato or garlic.


  • One egg;
  • carrots and onion- one piece;
  • Wheat flour - 250 g;
  • Lamb - 1 kg;
  • head of garlic;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Basil, cilantro - 3 sprigs each;
  • Ground allspice, salt - to taste.

Cooking instruction:

  1. For a fragrant broth, put the peeled onion and carrot, cut into pieces, in a large saucepan. Add the meat and completely fill it with water. Bring to a boil and reduce the flame to a minimum, remove the foam. Lamb should be cooked as for jelly - be soft and easily separated from the bone. At the end of cooking, add ground pepper to the brew and add salt;
  2. In the process of cooking the meat, we prepare galnash (dumplings). Pour water into a bowl, break an egg and sprinkle with salt, beat a little with a fork;
  3. Partially add flour, passed through a sieve, and knead tender, soft dough;
  4. Roll out with a layer 1 cm thick and cut into strips, then cut them so that they are the same in length. We press each blank a little with three fingers and pull it back a little to make long dumplings. Let them lie on the table, dry a little;
  5. We take the meat out of the broth and leave it for a while until it cools down. Strain the liquid and pour 1/3 of the Beram sauce into a separate bowl. Add the garlic, passed through the garlic press, allspice ground pepper, add a little salt. Our sauce is ready;
  6. Boil dumplings in the broth that remains. When they emerge, they should boil for 2-3 minutes, after which they are thrown into a colander.

Chechen the National dish served in this way: put the dumplings in a large bowl, on top - small pieces of meat. Sprinkle with chopped greens, serve Beram sauce in a gravy boat. Meat slices are dipped into it, or dressing is poured into the dish itself.

Chechen dumplings with beef

They are usually prepared for festive table and form only before heat treatment.

Composition of products:

  • One egg;
  • Small potatoes - 9 pieces;
  • Beef (with bone) - 1 kg;
  • Wheat flour;
  • Onions and carrots - 2 each;
  • A glass of broth;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • Sunflower oil for frying - 2 large spoons;
  • Black pepper - 7 pieces;
  • Greens and salt - to taste.

Zhizhig galnash recipe:

  1. You can use a pressure cooker. We put the washed meat in a container, fill it with water, put one onion, carrots, pepper, parsley and add;
  2. Cook with the lid closed for 30-40 minutes. If you like, cook in the usual way;
  3. We put the finished beef in a dish that retains heat. We filter the broth and cool it, then take it from the saucepan in the amount of one glass, knead on it dumpling dough. To do this, mix the broth with an egg, salt, add flour to get a not very steep mass. We roll a bun out of it and let it lie down a little;
  4. We clean the potatoes and finely chop them into a saucepan, fill them with cold water, do not salt. When it is cooked, drain the water, but leave a little at the bottom;
  5. We prepare dumplings from dough at home: we form a strip 1.5-2 cm thick and cut it into 5-10 mm wide. We press all the resulting pieces of dough with two fingers (middle and index) on the table, thereby making small cakes, which are then rolled up. If you do not have extra time, just roll out the dough in the form of a large cake and cut into small squares;
  6. We clean the onion, finely chop and fry in sunflower oil;
  7. Cut the meat into pieces and cover;
  8. We prepare broth from potatoes. Add it to the boiled vegetable and grind it with a pusher or an immersion blender so that there are no lumps left. We should get a mixture of medium consistency - not liquid, and not thick. Add to it browned onion, mix well, add if necessary. Serve in bowls with ready-made beef slices and dumplings;
  9. Boil dumplings in broth, add water as needed, taste for salt;
  10. To prepare the sauce, add garlic, grated with small holes, to the broth, sprinkle with herbs.

We serve zhizhig galnash with beef as follows: dumplings are placed on a large dish, and meat pieces cut into portions are placed on top. Dishes with garlic dressing are placed in the middle of the dish, and each person is served a bowl with potato broth separately.

Recipe with chicken

It is advisable to take a bird at home, then the Chechen zhizhig galnash will turn out to be rich and satisfying.

List of components:

  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Hen;
  • One egg;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Flour - 250 g;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste;
  • A few leaves of lavrushka.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Boil the chicken, add the bay leaf;
  2. We will extract it from the liquid, separate the meat from the bones;
  3. We cook galnash on our own. Pour flour into the dishes, add water, an egg, add salt, knead the dough;
  4. From it we will form a sausage, which we will cut into strips. Let's start forming "shells" from each piece (press with three fingers and roll on the table);
  5. Divide the broth in half and reserve a little for the sauce;
  6. Put dumplings in a container with a large volume of broth, cook for 20 minutes;
  7. Sauce: squeeze the garlic through a press, add salt and pepper, pour the broth;
  8. Put the chicken and dumplings on a dish, and serve the dressing and bowls with broth separately.

Zhizhig galnash with chicken is eaten like this: dumplings and chicken are dipped in sauce and washed down with delicious broth.

Video: Zhizhig Galnash Recipe

Chechen cuisine is distinguished by its usefulness and variety of tastes. Features of the menu of this state are connected with its history. Like any other country, the Chechen Republic has its own traditions and culture, which are closely related to food preferences.

Features of national cuisine

Many decades ago, only those products that people could get themselves were used in this country. First of all, it was a variety of herbs and meat. Men went hunting and brought prey to the house, and women prepared all kinds of dishes from it with the addition of a large amount of spices.

This nuance was determined by the flora in this region. Then the Chechens began to keep livestock and poultry themselves, which somewhat expanded the range of possible dishes.

In connection with the Muslim faith in the country, the use of pork in food is strictly prohibited, so people mainly eat lamb, beef and chicken. Chechens are very fond of a variety of dough products.

AT national cuisine more cornmeal is used. Yeast is practically not used in baking. Chechen cuisine is famous for its fragrant sauces and broths.

Zhizhig galnash

The combination of meat and flour products is very popular in this country. One of these dishes is zhizhig galnash. To prepare it, you need to prepare:

  • 500 g cornmeal;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • egg;
  • 600 g of any meat, except pork.

Separately, you will need to set aside the ingredients for the sauce:

  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 60 g of broth;
  • salt;
  • thyme and black pepper.

First of all, you need to put the broth to boil. To do this, the meat is placed in a pot of water and placed on slow fire. After boiling, the foam is removed and it is salted.

At this time, flour is poured into the bowl and a recess is made in it. An egg, salt, water are placed here. A stiff dough is kneaded and two equal parts are formed.

From one piece, a layer 1 cm wide is rolled out with a rolling pin and divided with a knife into thin strips of 2 cm each. Each of them is cut into pieces of 1 cm. They must be slightly stretched with your fingers in length. Then the galnysh is boiled in boiling salted water until tender.

For the sauce, you need to pass the garlic through a press and arrange it in small deep plates. Pour broth into each and add spices to taste. Galnysh is laid out on a large plate and cut on top large pieces meat. If desired, guests can drink the dish with broth. Meat is dipped in sauce.

Zhizhigan chorpa

This dish is served as the main dish in Chechen cuisine. It has rich and bright taste. To prepare it, you need to prepare:

  • 200 g of meat;
  • 20 g of tomato paste;
  • 10 g fat;
  • 10 g flour;
  • 3 large onions;
  • 2-3 medium potatoes;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 tomatoes.

It should be remembered that pork cannot be used in this Chechen cuisine recipe, as in any other. This nuance is associated with faith in the state.

Wash the meat well and cut into small pieces. They are fried until golden brown and poured with broth or water. The onion is cut into half rings or a large cube and sautéed.

Tomato paste, tomatoes and frying are added to the broth with meat. This mass is boiled for 20-30 minutes. Then the broth is drained, and a sauce is prepared on its basis with the addition of browned flour.

Potatoes need to be fried. It is added to the sauce along with pressed garlic and meat. All this is boiled for 15 minutes. When serving, chopped greens and other spices are added to each bowl.

Recipes of Chechen cuisine from dried meat

It has become a tradition that people prepared for the winter necessary products nutrition. This includes meat. Given the fact that there was nowhere to store fresh, it had to be dried. Now such a product is also used with pleasure in the recipes of the national Chechen cuisine.

Bean soup with will please any gourmet. It is very nutritious and has rich shades. To prepare it, you must prepare in advance:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1 glass of beans;
  • 1 large onion;
  • dried meat 300 g

First, the beans are washed and put on fire. After boiling after 15 minutes, it leans back in a colander and washed. Then it is placed again in cold water on fire and boiled together with dried meat.

Browned onions and all the necessary spices are also added there. The soup is cooked for about 1 hour. When serving, chopped greens are added to the plate.

Potato soup with dried homemade sausage can saturate a person for half a day. He has very rich taste. To prepare it you will need:

  • 300 g dried sausage;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of tomato paste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • homemade or purchased noodles;
  • greens.

Dried sausage is cut into small pieces, fried together with onion, tomato and garlic for 15 minutes. Then the whole mass is poured with boiling water and boiled together with finely chopped potatoes until cooked.

At this time, noodles and greens are added to the soup and boiled for another 15 minutes. It is served in small deep bowls.

Chechen chicken

AT traditional cuisine of this country, a special place is allocated to this type of meat in the menu. Basically, Chechen cuisine recipes using chicken have a mild taste.

For cooking you will need:

  • meat 500 g;
  • milk 250 ml;
  • onion (1 pc);
  • corn flour 100 g;
  • egg.

The chicken is boiled and cut into small pieces. The broth does not pour out, it will still come in handy. Onions are browned in a pan and added to the meat. This mixture is poured with milk and put on fire to stew.

At this time, dough for dumplings is prepared from flour and eggs. They are made in the form of diamonds and boiled in broth. Pieces of chicken and dumplings are placed on a plate. Separately, broth is poured into bowls, which is diluted with milk.

Ramson with cottage cheese

This plant grows in large numbers in the region, so the use of it in their cuisine is considered mandatory for the Chechen people. Ramson is used in many dishes. One of them is a simple and quick snack.

For its preparation, you need to take 300 g homemade cottage cheese and a bunch of different greens. Also one will go for a snack fresh cucumber and salt and black pepper to taste.

In advance, you need to finely chop the washed greens. The cucumber is rubbed along with the peel. All ingredients are whipped with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is placed in the refrigerator for an hour.

You can serve an appetizer in a bowl or spread on toast as a pate. Each piece is decorated with a sprig of greenery. Enjoy your meal!


It is hard to imagine Chechen cuisine without baking. Basically, the inhabitants of the republic cook yeast-free dough. They love to bake a variety of cakes and pies. For the cape you will need:

  • 450 g flour;
  • 500 ml of kefir;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200 g butter.

First, the egg and cottage cheese are very thoroughly mixed with a fork. Salt and soda are added to kefir. This mixture is poured into the flour and a very soft dough is kneaded. It is divided into 10 parts.

Each is given the appearance of a ball. Small circles are formed from them with their hands and one tablespoon of the filling is placed inside. The dough is collected from the edges to the center and pinched. Each chepalg is pressed down a little with the palms.

One part of the dough is rolled out to the required thickness with a rolling pin. Dimensions will depend on the chosen shape. Such a layer is baked in a dry frying pan on both sides.

When turning the cake, it is pierced in several places with a knife so that a large air pocket does not form. Finished products are covered with a towel. Then the butter is melted and the sediment is decanted from it. It must be poured onto a large dish.

The cakes are dipped in boiling water and then in melted butter. Separately, products with filling are boiled in salted water for 20 minutes. The dish can be served together or cooked separately. Flatbreads are great as an accompaniment to soups.

Khingalash: roll with pumpkin

Chechen cuisine is distinguished by its unusual combination of flavors. For example, desserts are served with salty sauces. Khingalash belongs to such dishes of Chechen cuisine.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 500 ml of kefir;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 20 g yeast;
  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • 3 art. spoons of sugar;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • greens;
  • salt, black pepper.

This amount of ingredients will make 10 servings. First you need to prepare the filling so that it has time to cool. To do this, the pumpkin is peeled and cut into small cubes. The vegetable is boiled and removed from boiling water with a slotted spoon. Sugar and salt are added to it. Then the mass is ground into a puree.

To prepare the dough, you need to mix kefir and yeast. A pinch of salt and slaked soda are added here. Flour is gradually introduced and the dough is kneaded. He needs to rest for 20 minutes.

Then it is divided into two equal parts. Roll out each into a thin cake. The filling is laid out on them and the rolls are twisted. The edges need to be pinched well.

The roll is laid out in a horseshoe-shaped pan and fried on each side for 10-15 minutes. Then they are baked in the oven for the same amount. Cut them into portions after they have completely cooled.

The sauce is prepared quickly and easily. The greens are finely chopped and added to the sour cream. Garlic is also squeezed here and mixed well.

Corn pudding

Another delicious Chechen dessert is prepared very simply, and any hostess can implement its recipe. To prepare it, you need to take the following:

  • 200 g corn on the cob;
  • semolina 20 g;
  • milk 50 g;
  • sugar 20 g;
  • margarine 5 g;
  • egg;
  • 10 g butter and crushed crackers;
  • 1 g cinnamon.

Separate the corn kernels and boil them. Then twist in a meat grinder. This mass is diluted with milk, it is allowed to boil. Get enough sleep here semolina and boil for another 5 minutes. In the process, sugar and cinnamon are added.

Then the mixture is cooled to 50 0, and the yolk and whipped protein are introduced into it. The resulting mass is laid out on a baking sheet, greased, and baked in the oven until tender.

Chechen cuisine restaurants in Moscow

The capital has a wide variety of places where you can enjoy Caucasian dishes. Chechen restaurants are also popular. One of them is Assa. It is located on st. Sadovnicheskaya 76\71. It presents the main dishes from the national Chechen cuisine.

Another representative of this menu is on Ordzhonikidze.

The longevity of the peoples of the Caucasus is known all over the world. And one of the important reasons that allow its inhabitants to often cross the 90-year and even 100-year milestones is proper nutrition: simple, varied, balanced.

Keeping traditions

Chechen cooking is one of the oldest in the Caucasus, it is not difficult to prepare, but it is extremely tasty and healthy. Its main feature is the preservation of traditions, which is explained by the fact that in Ichkeria, as in most other republics of the region, the oldest members of the family are sacredly revered: they do not just listen to their advice, but they listen unquestioningly.

Simplicity here is not a synonym for poverty and dullness, but rather a sign of moderation and good taste. Culinary historian William Pokhlebkin wrote: " Highlander for two, even three weeks can eat food, which the Russian will hardly be enough for three days".

According to legend, the Chechen ancestor Nohgo was born with a piece of iron (a symbol of a warrior) in one hand and a piece of cheese (a symbol of a hospitable host) in the other. The highlanders had to constantly defend their independence with weapons in their hands, there was no time to cook, and it was almost impossible to get gourmet foods in the mountains, because the basis of food is simple, satisfying, nutritious recipes from the most available ingredients : meat, milk, cheese, herbs, unleavened bread. Among the Chechens you will hardly meet fat people, the basis of the nation is tall, stately, beautiful men and women, cheerful and very witty, for which they are often called "French of the Caucasus".

Meat for satiety

From meat I mainly use lamb and poultry, somewhat less often - beef. Pork is not consumed according to the canons of the Muslim religion. Until now, dried and dried meat is very popular, which is preserved for a very long time (which is important in a military campaign or mountain cattle breeding) and proper cooking without losing its taste and nutritional qualities. Previously, it was dried in the sun, or on a fire, now in ovens or special chambers. Favorite offal dishes: kidney, heart, lung, udder. The most common: zhizhig-galmash(meat with dumplings) and zhizhig-barsh(liver, stuffed with meat, rice and potatoes). Often meat is served with greens and flatbread made from corn, rye or barley flour, since these crops grow better in the mountains, and are more indulgent than wheat to the agricultural abilities of the farmer. Wheat flour came to Ichkeria relatively recently, and it is still imported here.

Herbs for flavor

Seasonings play a very important role in national cuisine. Although, in general, Chechen cuisine cannot be called spicy, it is quite mild and well balanced. Most Popular: onion, garlic, pepper, wild garlic and nettle. Ramson - wild mountain garlic, eaten raw, boiled and lightly fried, seasoned with vinegar, tomato paste, vegetable oil. In the spring, wild garlic is sold in the markets by weight - in huge armfuls, and it seems that the whole city is saturated with its fragrant, slightly tart smell.

My friend once told a funny story: she lived in a small military town, with a neighbor, a young Chechen woman. One spring, the girl's mother sent her a large parcel of wild garlic. The hostess put her to cook. After a while, the friends heard a noise in the stairwell, looked out the door. Worried residents of the house were looking for a gas leak, the girls in good faith also went around other people's apartments. But fortunately, halfway through, they realized that the same pungent smell emits when their wild garlic is cooked! I had to invite neighbors to the table.

Of the dairy dishes, cottage cheese and cheese are popular, naturally, in most cases, goat and sheep, since these animals are adapted for life in the mountains. Try Chechen cottage cheese - then-beram: mix it with salt, and sour cream. It’s unusual for us, but believe me, it’s very tasty! And if you add greens and nuts, you won’t pull it by the ears. To-beram is traditionally served with an unleavened flatbread - hyokham, it is dipped in cottage cheese and washed down with tea.

Khingalash and lamb's head

Very popular pie khingalash, shaped like a semicircle. The filling can be any: meat, vegetable, mixed, cheese and curd or sweet. The dough for khingalash is kneaded with kefir. It is lighter than yeast, cooks faster, is better absorbed and digested. Khingalashi is baked in a hot frying pan without fat, ready-made quickly dipped in warm boiled water to wash off the burn, greased with oil and put on a plate on top of each other. Cut like a pancake layered cake, all at once. The dish is very satisfying. Hosts often say to a guest with reduced appetite: You eat like you just ate khingalash". Indeed, a couple of pieces of khingalash replaces a full three-course meal.

Bread, cakes, pies baked just before eating. And the point here is not only in the amazing taste of fresh pastries, but also in, perhaps, the only drawback unleavened dough: for 2-3 days it just turns to stone.

Salads are still not very popular, if they are made, then by all means with meat and corn . There are no mushrooms in traditional Chechen cuisine.

The most honored guest is served with a ram's head - a dish, according to eyewitnesses, not very attractive in appearance, but simply amazing in taste.

The meal ends with strong, freshly brewed tea, which is usually served with nuts and honey. Wine is not drunk in Ichkeria.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

There are quite a lot of people living in the republic Kalmyks. That is why Kalmyk tea is popular: with milk, black pepper and butter. Older people often replace one of their daily meals with this tea. Maybe this is also the secret of their longevity?

Well, what mountain feast is complete without parables and legends? Here is one of them: once upon a time there lived a brave, but very gluttonous horseman Mohammed. He married a girl of incredible beauty. But his path to wedding ceremony passed through Chechnya. Stopping for the night in one village, Mohammed first tried zhizhig-galmash. The horseman liked the dish so much that he feasted in the village for 5 weeks in a row, and, in the end, became so heavy that not a single horse could lift it. The offended bride broke off the engagement and married a local prince. The story goes that she turned out to be a bad housewife, so Mohammed only won.

Do you want to surprise a man and ward off a rival? Prepare zhizhig-galmash.

Original Recipe School

Zhizhig-galmash (serves 2)

You will need: half a kilo of lamb or beef, 300 g of cornmeal (in modern conditions you can take wheat), a glass cold water, salt, garlic, pepper.

Boil the meat in salted water and cut into small pieces. Knead pretty cool from flour and water unleavened dough, roll out cut into rhombuses. Boil the diamonds in the broth (ready they will float to the surface), put on a plate, mix with the meat. Rub the garlic with salt and pepper, dilute with a small amount of broth - this is the sauce. Pour the remaining broth into bowls and serve separately. Ready zhizhig-galmash can be sprinkled with any herbs, but it is good without it

Evgenia Keda

Folk cuisine of the Chechens is one of the oldest culinary representatives of the North Caucasus. National dishes, of course, are distinguished by a specific flavor, combined with enough simple recipes, which use completely available products. In the list of the main components of dishes, the leading positions are corn, pumpkin, cottage cheese, cheese, wild garlic. And, of course, at, and for cooking, only halal or poultry is taken. Almost all pastries are prepared without yeast, which are replaced by kefir and soda. The dishes are generously seasoned with hot spices, garlic, onions, thyme.

For admirers of Vainakh cuisine and those who like to discover the delights of national dishes several recipes for hearty and easy-to-cook Chechen dishes.

Siskal - cornbread

Dough Ingredients:
  • Corn ground into a fine powder - 3 cups;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Steep boiling water - by eye;
  • Melted butter for baking.

Pour the sifted into a large bowl cornmeal, add salt and pour boiling water so that the mass does not stick to your fingers. Mix with your hands until the dough is plastic.

We form cakes, put on a hot baking sheet, previously lubricated with melted butter. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until done.

Serve cornbread, letting it cool slightly, with milk or sour cream and herbs.

Filling Ingredients:
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc. medium size;
  • Vegetable oil or lamb fat for frying.

Finely chopped onion fry in a pan until golden brown, mix with cottage cheese.

Divide the corn mass into small parts, roll out. Put the filling in the middle, cover with a layer of dough, forming thin cakes.

Heat oil or fat in a cast iron skillet. Fry the cakes on both sides until golden brown.

Kherzan-dulh - fried meat

  • Halal meat (beef or lamb) - 400 g;
  • Potato - 100 g;
  • Onion - 60 g;
  • Thyme, parsley, salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • Melted fat or vegetable oil for frying.

Cut the meat into small pieces, fry until half cooked, pour hot salted water or broth, simmer for 30 minutes.

Sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes and chopped onions separately fry until golden brown, lay to the meat, mix. A few minutes before cooking, add seasonings.

A hot dish, abundantly sprinkled with fresh herbs, served with sweet black.

Vainakh Khyonk appetizer

  • Hyonk (ramson) - 500 g;
  • Tomato paste - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Boil the hyonk in salted water for 2 minutes, drain and dry. We spread it in a deep cup, season with tomato paste and seasonings.

Serve with corn or wheat tortillas.