DIY legs. Handmade casts of arms and legs. Two manufacturing methods available to everyone. Alabaster casts


1. Making an impression of a child’s hand and foot

To do this we make salt dough. You will need: 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, water, 1 spoon of hand cream or vegetable oil(but it’s better to say add wallpaper glue or PVA, whoever has what). It's better to do more dough(x2) in order to make more impressions, so that there would be plenty to choose from. So, from these components you knead the dough, roll it out to a thickness of 1-1.5 cm (it’s better to roll it out immediately on a baking sheet, so as not to shift it) and make casts of your baby’s hands and feet on it. Then bake this dough in the oven at low temperature for 2-3 hours.

2. Fill the prints

You will need plaster, but you can also use ordinary gypsum putty (sold in hardware stores).

Now you have salt dough impressions of your baby's arms and legs, once they have cooled after baking, you grease these molds with Vaseline. Then mix plaster (or putty) with water (the consistency of sour cream) and fill the molds. Then it all dries for 1-2 days, if plaster, if you used putty, then it takes longer than 3-4 days to dry. Then carefully remove the casts from the mold.

3. Sanding or priming the casts

The casts turn out rough, they need to be sanded (this can be done with a nail file), only very carefully so as not to disturb the lines of the children’s arms and legs, or, as an option, primed (dilute the plaster with water, dip your finger in it and prime the unevenness with your finger).

Only your imagination will help you here. You can cover the prints with silver acrylic paint and use a photograph of a child, decorated in Photoshop, as a background.

I'm sick of things like this

When I saw such blind people in a photo salon, I set out to find out how to do this

And now I’m sharing it with you!

another way:

Master Class:
1) Take a larger piece of old plasticine (or a new one, preferably a wax one, for example “LUCH” - it’s softer than the others), knead it as much as possible, but not to a liquid state (to do this, you can put the plasticine in a plate on a heater or just a little bit in microwave); it should be very soft, all folds and lines depend on this.
2) Make a flat cake, uniformly 3 cm, no less. Then we warm it up again, and firmly apply the little one’s arm or leg evenly, somewhere to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
If it shifts a little somewhere, correct it. Then you put it all in the freezer.
3) When the plasticine freezes, take it out, but before that everything must be prepared: 1 glass of plaster (you can use construction plaster, you can use one for modeling, or it’s better to take it from a children’s art kit, it’s of better quality); 0.5 cups of cold water (add a couple of tablespoons of PVA glue to the water, but do not overdo it, then the plaster figurine will be stronger); some kind of container so that you don’t mind throwing away the stirring stick later. The proportions of water and gypsum may not be accurate, it all depends on the quality of the gypsum, the mixture should be like sour cream in consistency. Pour the gypsum into the container, quickly add water and quickly stir until smooth (IMPORTANT!!! We add water to the plaster, and not vice versa!!!).
The gypsum hardens for 5-8 minutes - we do everything faster.
4) Then pour the solution into the prepared cast; if the cast is very deep, 2 cm is enough. If something gets out of the edges, you have time to wipe it with a cloth, otherwise there will be unsightly edges. ALL!
5) Now let it dry overnight!!! When all this is dry, keep your work warm, place it on the radiator, the plasticine will melt, bend the edges - it will be easier to remove! Remove carefully. Carefully smooth out any unsightly edges with a nail file.
6) Well, now it all depends on your imagination/possibilities. We paint/paint the mark/or simply open it up with varnish... We put it in a frame/hide it in a box/hang it on the wall………

When we were children, our mothers traced our palms and feet so that the children’s album would contain a memory of what we were like. Already at school we traced them ourselves and gave them to each other.

Today you can make an imprint of a child's hand and foot with every fold on the skin. And your Romeo will be able to give his Juliet in kindergarten not just a picture, but a three-dimensional copy of his pen. In our age, photographs will no longer surprise anyone, videos are shot with a mobile phone, and casts of children’s hands and feet in 3D format are truly exclusive, which cannot be bought, you can only order it from a master or make it yourself.

Godparents buy a gift certificate for this service so that the adult child remembers them with gratitude. Lovers (like on the “Walk of Stars”) and newlyweds order hand impressions on an engraved stand from craftsmen. For the hero of the day, you can call a specialist to your home and organize a gift - a procedure as part of the festive program.

Nowadays it is fashionable to collect sculptural copies of the entire family and store them as family heirlooms for posterity. Many people order accurate sculptures of their hands in 3D format.

Of course, such casts were invented a long time ago, but this service was expensive, and not everyone dared to take their baby across the city to the sculptor’s workshop. Children grow up rapidly, and I want to leave an extraordinary gift in memory of my childhood. When your child becomes famous, these casts will be more valuable than gold. Now many craftsmen provide this service, but it is quite possible to do it yourself at home.

Children's casts. Method one - on the sand

Tools and materials

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Pour sand into a bowl (without compacting).
  2. Carefully make an impression of the child’s hand or foot in the center.
  3. We lay out the selected decor for prints along the edges.
  4. Dilute alabaster to the consistency of sour cream (better cold water, since it sets very quickly).
  5. In a thin stream, so as not to spoil the work, pour the solution onto the sand in a layer of 2 - 3 cm.
  6. After 15 minutes, when the alabaster has completely hardened, carefully remove it from the mold.
  7. >We clean the sand from it with a brush and cover it with paint, varnish, and apply a commemorative inscription.

The materials for casts of children's hands and feet are very diverse. Once you've gotten comfortable with sand, you can experiment with plasticine.

Method two - plasticine

Tools and materials

  • children's soft plasticine;
  • gypsum;
  • PVA glue;
  • material for decoration.

Step-by-step instruction

Method three - in the test

Tools and materials

  • wheat flour – 1 cup;
  • fine salt - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil or glue – 1 tbsp;
  • paints;
  • material for decoration.

Step-by-step instruction

For grandparents, this is the most desired gift that they will keep for the rest of their lives.

But grandma’s fun and simple method has not been canceled - if there are hypoallergenic paints in the house, just give the child paper and paints - and you will have a lot of prints in five minutes.

If you have mastered simple methods using simple materials at hand, you can purchase a set for professionals.

Children grow very quickly, and you need to catch moments that will delight you for the rest of your life!

To make a trace of your baby's arms or legs, that is, the first trace of the baby, you need to read these instructions.
All materials that are intended for making impressions do not cause any harm and cannot cause.
To make them, you will need a small amount, this will not disturb the child, because the technology by which the impressions are made is innovative, and the composition from which the impression will be made is hypoallergenic.
Specialists have specially developed kits so that parents can create their own children's casts.
Often, parents of children bought sets in stores, but there was not enough modeling material for a sufficient number of casts. But there are kits with which parents have several attempts before the real start. They train and begin to sculpt something truly beautiful and neat. The result is a high-quality cast. They can create it not only for themselves, but also as a gift to grandparents, godparents of their baby, or make casts of the children of close friends as a gift to them.

In addition to casts of your baby’s tiny limbs, you can create a cast of the hands of two lovers or newlyweds, or a cast of your own hand.

Today there is a large abundance of similar things on sale, with the help of which it is easy to create own design casts.
And on the Internet there are many samples for making casts.
If you want to place the resulting cast on a table or shelf, you need to fill a plastic mold, for example, from a candy container, with plaster, paint it with any paint, then glue the resulting cast of the leg or handle using good glue.

Kits for creating 3d impressions

Watch a video on how to properly create a cast:

Now let’s look at this video in more detail: mix the dry gel in required proportion, beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed, convenient for use. After this, lower the child’s leg into the mass and remove it. We fill the mold with special plaster, and after a while we take out the resulting sculpture.
Not quite difficult, right?
Now let’s take a closer look at the proportions by which you need to mix water with the impression gel.
Take 100 grams of dry gel, also 400 milliliters of water. Well, to create the hand of an adult, instead of a mayonnaise bucket, they take a two-liter plastic bottle and cut off its neck. Take 250 grams of gel per liter of water.
For children whose ages range from and older, you need to calculate the proportions yourself. To do this, measure the required amount of water to completely immerse the child’s hand or foot in the container.
To fill the mold, take special plaster. To fill one cast, take ten-five tablespoons of plaster and 0.05 liters of water.
In order to fill one cast of an adult’s hand, you will need 20 tablespoons of plaster and 0.18 liters of water.

Kits for creating 2d impressions

We create a convex cast of any part of your baby’s tiny limbs.
This technology involves plastic material for reusable use.
It is quite flexible and soft, capable of conveying every fold and line of the skin, and holds its shape perfectly.
But this material can be used almost unlimitedly.
The main condition for storage is that the material must be in a jar, without contact with water, talc and oil.
This kit will help you make your own impressions of children's feet and hands every month. You will compare how the baby has grown.
And now video instructions for creating 2 d impressions:

When analyzing this video, we would like to clarify again that the convex layer of the handle is made using ready-made impression mass manually and filled with special plaster. Then everything dries, the cast is pulled out, and the mass is kneaded again. A new cast is created from it.
After this procedure, the impression mass is kneaded again, it is placed in a bag into which no air will enter, so that the next time the mass can be taken out and the sculpture created again.
The casts can be painted in any color you like. This can be done using watercolor paint, gouache, or acrylic. Glue what you got to the photo frame. At the same time, use any decor that you like, some collages, booties, a tag, a pacifier, an ultrasound image, a bodysuit, a vest, a hat. The main thing is to use your imagination.

Babies in their first year of life grow so quickly that parents don’t even have time to look back. But you really want to capture in your memory the moments when the baby is very small. The way out of the situation is casts of arms and legs. Buying a ready-made kit for making them is now not particularly difficult. However, the price of such kits often raises eyebrows, and the included creative components seriously limit your imagination. How realistic is it to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands, using improvised means? It turns out that the procedure is quite simple, and you only need a few materials!

Plaster casts

How to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands using plaster? You need to take plasticine, you can even use old one, heat it in microwave oven and shape the cake to fit the footprint or palm print. Then we make an imprint on the cake. If it doesn’t work out the first time, then you just have to reheat the mass. To make the impression clearer and deeper, when pressing, you should fix the edges of the cake so that they do not diverge to the sides.

It is convenient to use some form with sides for this. After obtaining an acceptable result, the impression is placed in freezer for hardening. We dilute plaster for sculpture work (can be purchased at an art store) in accordance with the instructions and additionally add a little PVA glue, pour the resulting mass into cakes with impressions, and leave for some time to harden. When the plaster hardens, carefully clean the resulting casts from plasticine and leave for about a day for final drying. Then you should lightly walk over them with sandpaper, removing roughness and unevenness. This should be done especially carefully so as not to crumble the finished product. It is necessary to apply paint on top in several layers. The most popular options are bronze or metallic silver, but the choice of color is up to you. After drying, the casts of the arms and legs (made with your own hands, by the way) are ready! They can be placed in a deep frame, mounted on a stand, or fit into the interior in any other way.

Alabaster casts

The second, no less budget-friendly way to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands is to use alabaster as a base. You need to mix five cups of flour, two and a half cups of fine salt, a tube baby cream, mix. Gradually add water, achieving the consistency of plasticine. We make cakes of the required shape and make prints of feet and palms. Place the casts in the oven and dry at low temperature until hardened. Lubricate the prints with Vaseline and fill them with diluted alabaster and leave to dry. After complete drying, carefully remove the casts from the mold using a nail file, file, or other improvised means, and give them a neat shape. After this, we cover the casts with paint of the desired color and let it dry.

We looked at two of the most simple ways How to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands. As you can see, this is quite simple and accessible to parents. And the possibilities for further decoration are limited only by the range of products in the art store! This could be a beautiful frame in a marine style for a boy, decorated with pebbles and shells, or a floral design for a girl. Or you can even make a cast of the hand every month and, by the end of the year, create an unusual panel on which you can clearly see how quickly the baby grew during this period.

The easiest and cheapest way is to print with any paint on paper. It’s better to take finger paints or watercolors, apply them to an arm or leg, and put an imprint on a landscape sheet. Then you can beautifully design the free space around the print. To prevent the sheet from fraying over time, it is better to laminate it and only then put it in a frame.

Plasticine prints

There is another simple way to make an imprint: buy modeling clay or modern plasticine (the one that dries itself in the air) at any store. Choose the color you like best. You need to take the mass and flatten it into the desired shape, and only then press well with your handle or foot. Don’t forget to make a hole for the ribbon so that you have something to hang your “home heirloom” from later. Leave the workpiece overnight and it will dry.

Homemade salt dough print

This type of printmaking is more labor-intensive, but the result will be more interesting.

For the test we need: 1 cup flour, 1 cup salt, 2 tbsp. sunflower oil and 0.5 - 1 tbsp. water. Knead the dough. Let it sit for half an hour, maybe in the refrigerator.

  1. Knead the dough, roll it into a ball, then roll it out with a rolling pin, about 1.5 - 2 cm thick;
  2. Take some foil, place a piece of dough on it and chill the dough in the refrigerator;
  3. Lubricate the baby's hand (leg) sunflower oil and press it into the dough;
  4. Don't forget to make a hole in the dough for the ribbon so that the finished “work of art” can be hung;
  5. If you are satisfied with the print, it should be left to dry for 2-3 weeks;
  6. After about a week, you can turn it over, carefully removing the foil;
  7. When the print is dry, paint it with acrylic paints.

Salt dough cast

This type of cast making is also quite painstaking. For it we need salt dough, plaster, acrylic paint. Make the dough according to the recipe given above.

Take a larger lump of dough so that the imprint is deep. We print a handle or leg on this lump of dough. We take plaster. You need to dilute the plaster in a ratio of 1/3 gypsum to 2/3 water. To begin with, we dilute a little plaster and lubricate the contour with a brush and leave for 10 minutes so that the plaster dries. Next, prepare the second part of the plaster and fill the print to the edges. Leave to dry for 15 minutes.

When the plaster dries, you will need to bend it soft dough. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the impressions. The remaining pieces of dough on the casts must be carefully removed. That's it, now you can start coloring!

Sand casts

Sand casts look very beautiful and creative. We will need: sand, plaster, frame.

  1. We take dry river sand and sift it through a sieve;
  2. Then the sand needs to be moistened, add a little water to it;
  3. We take a mold (frame) and fill it with wet sand, then make an imprint in it (spread your palm and press lightly on it);
  4. Then take the plaster. It is necessary to dilute the plaster in the following ratio: add 2/3 water to 1/3 gypsum;
  5. Fill the mold with plaster on top and leave until hardened;
  6. Shake off the remaining sand and your sand print is ready!

Casts from creative kits

If you do not want to spend a lot of time studying the issues of making impressions, then purchase a ready-made one. With it you can even make a baby's fist. In such kits, everything is already included in the kit and you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions.