Baileys liqueur cake recipe. Sponge cake with Baileys liqueur and white chocolate. What is needed for cooking

Hello, dear Afisha. My name is Papa Spielberg. I really love Winnie the Pooh.

- Is it true?

Of course, who doesn't love Winnie the Pooh? Okay, let's get serious.

-Where did you go? There hasn't been anything loud lately.

I am a manager. Clients hire me to earn more. When public resonance helps us earn money or make our voice heard, we resonate. Lately, commerce doesn’t require volume, so you can’t hear anything. Blogging as a market has formed, a routine work process is underway.

-Have you ever wanted to try blogging yourself?

I didn’t want to, but in December I’m opening my own channel and becoming a YouTuber.

- For what?

I know a lot about the social media industry, about YouTube. I was even invited to the Moscow Film School to supervise the course “Video blogging as a profession.” We start in January. I want to start my own video blog together with my students. The conditional title is “How to spend a million.” Nowadays there are many blogs on the topic “How to make a million,” but earning is hard and boring, but spending is pleasant and fun. Leading human scientists, British scientists, have unearthed what people love more than anything else [to spend money]. Well, except for the period from 18 to 35, when they most like to have sex.

- Spend money.

Yes. Spending - especially a million and especially not rubles - is a science. And there are no competitors yet, no channels on this topic. I will talk about beautiful and expensive goods, services and phenomena. I won’t buy anything, because I already have a lot. Would you like to buy an expensive watch?

- You don't have a watch, by the way.

Yes, I am without watches, crosses and ties. I'm allergic to them, like the pirate Jack Rackham - he was also allergic to rings and ties. As a result, he was hanged, but I hope that I will not be hanged.

So here it is. If a watch costs more than $1,000, it's almost an investment. You need to understand what a watch is for, and know at least a little about the market. One of the videos will be with a watch dealer who is very understanding. I’ll send you a link and you’ll find out how to choose the right watch in price categories up to five thousand dollars, up to ten, up to twenty, up to fifty, up to a hundred, up to five hundred.

There will be playlists with unique specialists in various fields. For example, “Etiquette with Albina Kholgova.” Albina is one of the main etiquette experts in the country.

In short, [this will be] a channel about how to spend a million wisely and with pleasure.

- Why do you need this?

For the last seven years of my life I have been working with very young people who have something to say. A video blogger is a person who has something to say. I gained experience from clients and decided to exercise my right to freedom of speech. I have something to say.

I will be successful because I enjoy what I do. If a person does something with pleasure, with love, then he will definitely achieve success.

- What do you miss in life?

Age. I wish I was at least thirty years old again, so that time could go backwards. It’s only after fifty that you begin to understand.

- What traits do you dislike most about yourself?

I am a child of an era of change. Our new Chinese friends say that God forbid we live in an era of change. Life was very dysfunctional, cruel, harsh, and I remained in those times. I often act as if I don’t live in 2018. I’m struggling with this, working on myself. Then everything was very specific, fast, people had more responsibility than now

- I didn’t live in the 1980s and 1990s. Can you tell us about the main feature of that time?

It's 1990. You get out of the subway. It’s winter, minus twenty degrees, and there’s a line of about forty people at the stall with the sign “Ice Cream.” Do you know why it's worth it? For butter. You stand in the back. After about fifteen minutes you take two packs, because they don’t give more than two to one person, and that makes your evening.

- Is it too late to go to YouTube in 2018?

Just right. Now there are a lot of companies that are looking for information, sorting, selling, buying, dismembering... Do you know what their main deficit is? Content!

Content comes first. If you produce content that the viewer needs, then it’s never too late to go to YouTube. There will be both a viewer and a buyer

Alexander Balkovsky

Papa Spielberg

- What is Bekmambetov’s worst film?

Timur the director has no bad films.

- Why don’t you like BadComedian?

I really love BadComedian, especially fried in batter. Seriously, this is not my content. I don't have much time to watch trash.

- Have you seen the review of “Hack Bloggers”?

Certainly. This is a classic example of a showdown between social media stars. BadComedian and Katya Klap sleep together. Katya Klap and Sasha Spielberg- worst enemies. How to spoil Sasha Spielberg? Ask your boyfriend to crap about the unsuccessful project in which she is involved. That's the whole story.

The same review

- What are you most ashamed of in life?

Are you ashamed in life? Oh, damn... Well, I can’t say that. This is too personal and no one cares. Most often, I am ashamed of the moments when I was unfair to people or undeservedly rude.

- daughters in State Duma was it with your permission?

She consulted with me. Sasha is one of the leaders in his industry. She has management. When counterparties - be it the State Duma or a commercial brand - want to communicate with an artist, they get in touch. Nobody came to the State Duma and said: “Let Sasha Spielberg perform for you.” State Duma employees contacted Sasha’s management and discussed the possibility of collaboration. Agreed. The Deputy Speaker of the State Duma sent Sasha an official invitation to speak. The procedure was absolutely standard.

Sasha agreed because before her speech in the State Duma, most of the country’s population did not even know who video bloggers were.

The same performance

- And I didn’t know who Sasha was.

Yes, sure. This was a great opportunity for more people to know about my client and our industry. And this is not a shameful reason at all.

Alexander Balkovsky

This cake is for adults only. It consists of layers that are very different in taste and texture, but complement each other perfectly.
The bottom layer of cookies is dryish, crumbly, with a strong aroma butter. In the middle is a layer of baked cottage cheese. It is dense and sour. On top there is a delicate and airy layer of mousse, which not only has a wonderful aroma, but also a pleasant taste.
This cheesecake definitely needs to sit for a while. Immediately after the mousse hardens, the alcoholic bitterness is clearly felt, but after infusion, the bitterness goes away, and only exclusively delicious aroma liqueur.



180g sugar cookies, 100g butter


400g cottage cheese or cream cheese, 0.5 cups sugar (100g), 2 eggs


200g fat 33~35% cream, 70~80g Baileys liqueur, 150g milk, 2 teaspoons instant coffee, 6g gelatin (2/3 sachet), 1/4 cup powdered sugar (50g)

The basis
Grind the cookies into fine crumbs.
Cookies can be crushed with a masher or placed in a thick plastic bag and rolled out with a rolling pin.

Melt butter and mix with cookies.

Cover the inside of a mold d=22cm with foil so that the ends hang out.
Pour the cookies into the mold. Use a tablespoon or potato masher to even out and compact the crumbs.

Cottage cheese (or cream cheese) bring to room temperature.
To reduce the time, the cottage cheese can be heated in the microwave.
Using a spoon, stir sugar and eggs into the cottage cheese.

There is no need to beat the mixture, otherwise it will become oversaturated with air and the curd will swell and burst during baking.
Place the curd filling on the base.

Preheat the oven to t=200~220°C.
Place the cheesecake pan in it for 7~10 minutes - the curd top should set but remain light.
Place a sheet of foil on top of the pan and reduce the oven temperature to t=160~170°C.
Bake for 25~30 minutes.
The cheesecake is ready if the center ripples slightly when shaken and the edges are still.
Ready pie Leave for 1 hour in the oven turned off.
As it cools, the curd will finally cook and the center will stop shaking.
Remove the cheesecake from the oven, cover the top with a kitchen towel and cool to room temperature.

Soak gelatin in 100 grams of cold milk.

Heat the remaining 50 grams of milk and dissolve the coffee.
Stir the swollen gelatin into the resulting hot coffee. Gelatin should completely dissolve. If the gelatin remains in grains, then place the cup of coffee in a bowl of boiling water and bring until the gelatin dissolves.
Add Baileys liqueur.

Then place the cup of coffee in cold water and wait until the coffee thickens and takes the form of jelly.

While the coffee is cooling, whip the cold cream until stiff, and then stir the powdered sugar into the whipped cream.

Place thickened coffee into the cream and stir with smooth movements until the color is uniform.

Spread the mousse over the cooled cheesecake.

Smooth the top with a hot, wet spoon.

Place in the refrigerator until the mousse hardens.
It is advisable to let the cheesecake sit for at least a day.
Remove the finished cheesecake from the pan by pulling the overhanging ends of the foil.
Carefully separate the foil and discard.

Place the cheesecake on a plate and decorate the sides if desired.

Cheesecake recipes (with baked goods):

This cake somehow came out on its own =) I had some Baileys liqueur left and needed to use it somewhere. And in my opinion, the creamy taste of liqueur goes well with chocolate biscuit. This is how it turned out tender and with a hint of Baileys.

What is needed for cooking

  • Split mold with a diameter of 20-22 cm;
  • Foil or baking paper;
  • Mixer;
  • Wide bowl for kneading dough and filling;
  • Whisk for preparing the filling (even a fork will do);
  • Scales or glass for measuring (I have 200 ml.).


  • 4 things. chicken eggs, category C1 (~200 g);
  • 1 egg white, category C1 (~30 gr.);
  • 170 gr. sugar (~ 1 glass);
  • 110 ml. clean water;
  • 70 ml. vegetable oil;
  • 150 gr. wheat flour(~1.4 cups);
  • Salt (slightly less than half a teaspoon);
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder:
  • 10 gr. cocoa powder.


  • 600-650 gr. sour cream, fat content not less than 20%;
  • 100-120 gr. sugar (~0.8 - 1 glass).


  • 100 ml. Baileys liqueur (the amount can be reduced or increased to taste).

Cooking process

  • First, set the oven to preheat at 180 degrees. Next, let's start preparing biscuit dough for chocolate cake with sour cream. Separate the whites from the yolks. This must be done very carefully so that the yolks do not get into the whites. Otherwise, the whites simply won’t whip. Set the yolks aside for now and start preparing the whites. Place them in a dry bowl (the whisks should also be dry), add salt and beat. We start at low speed first, gradually increasing it. When a good foam appears, add sugar (half of the amount in the recipe) and continue beating the whites until stiff peaks form. You can check the readiness of the whites by turning the bowl with the whipped mixture upside down. If the mass does not move and remains in place, the proteins are ready. Place the whipped mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Next, let's move on to the second part of the biscuit dough. Take all the dry ingredients (flour, the remaining half of the sugar, baking powder and cocoa powder) and mix them well. In a separate bowl, mix the liquid parts (yolks, water and oil) and pour it into the previously prepared dry mass. Mix everything with a whisk until smooth. Then we take the whipped whites out of the refrigerator and add them to the yolk mixture. It is better to add proteins not all at once, but gradually, in several stages. And in order for the mass not to lose its airiness, it is better to mix the whites with a spatula rather than a whisk and do this with smooth movements from top to bottom.
  • The next step is preparing the baking dish. Place baking paper or foil on the bottom of the mold and press the mold ring over the bottom. This will make it easier to remove the biscuit from the mold later on. There is no need to lubricate the sides with anything, because... It is on them that the dough will “cling” and rise well. Next, transfer the dough into the mold and level it. To prevent a “bump” from forming in the middle of the sponge cake during baking, before putting the dough in the oven, turn the pan directly on the table several times clockwise. You just need to do this not hard, but lightly. This will allow the dough to spread throughout the pan and bake more evenly. Place the dough in the oven for 50 minutes - 1 hour 10 minutes. Everyone has their own oven, so watch and check the sponge cake with a wooden stick, it should come out of the sponge cake dry.

    Preparing the cream

  • If your sour cream is thick, then you can skip this step. And if the consistency is liquid, it is better to strain the sour cream. To do this, you need to pour the sour cream into a clean cotton cloth, tie it tightly and hang it in the refrigerator over a plate. This is where the liquid will flow. It is better to leave this structure for several hours so that as much liquid as possible can be filtered out.
  • If you skipped this process, you can start preparing the cream when the sponge cake is baked and cooled.
  • When the biscuit is ready, let it cool a little in the mold, and then carefully remove it from there. Be sure to run a sharp knife around the edges of the pan before removing the cake. This will help avoid problems with removing it from the mold. After taking out the biscuit, leave it to cool completely. If possible, it is better to place the biscuit on a wire rack to prevent moisture from accumulating underneath. It is recommended to leave the biscuit to cool for 5-6 hours, but this happens very rarely, because... I want to eat it quickly =)
  • Before collecting our chocolate cake with sour cream - prepare the cream itself. Take sour cream (strained or straight from the jar) and add sugar to it. The recipe indicates the approximate amount of sugar, because... Everyone loves different sweets. And then beat the sour cream with a mixer until smooth (you can just use a whisk). It is important that the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Assembling the cake

  • Let's start assembling the cake. The cakes must be divided into 3 equal parts. This can be done using a long sharp knife or armed with a special fishing line for separating the cakes. Place the first cake on a plate and soak it with liqueur (I use a brush for this, but you can do it simply with a spoon). Next, spread a layer of cream and cover with the second cake layer. We do the same with the second cake. We soak the third cake layer not from the top, but from the side that we place on the layer of cream (i.e., the upper part of the third cake layer remains dry). When the cake is assembled, coat it with the remaining cream. If possible, it is better to first divide the cream into 3 parts: two for layering the cake layers, and one for covering the top of the cake. Next, put the cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours so that it is well soaked.
  • Brew tea or coffee and enjoy =)

On a note

  • You can come up with absolutely any decoration for a chocolate cake with sour cream. You can simply sprinkle cocoa and add your favorite fruits and berries. You can also top the cake with chocolate ganache or chocolate fudge. Cake decoration is a huge field for imagination. By the way, on my website there is interesting option.
  • The cakes turn out to be very tender, and the sour cream soaks the sponge cake perfectly, so you don’t have to use soaking. But still, I would advise, in this case, to add some additional creamy note. And if this is a cake for children or you for some reason do not want to add alcohol, then you can soak it in berry or fruit syrup.
  • Sour cream can also be replaced, for example, with whipped cream. But, of course, this will no longer be chocolate cake with sour cream, but a completely different delicious dessert =)

It turns out very delicate cake with creamy chocolate flavor. If you like this combination, then you will definitely like this cake.

If this recipe turned out to be useful to you, then I will be glad if you leave your feedback about what you did =)

Cake with whipped cream and Baileys liqueur made of almond sponge cake, richly soaked in liqueur and covered with a thick layer of cream with a clearly noticeable taste of Baileys. The liqueur present in it creates not only a festive piquant shade, but also a truly uplifting mood. A sufficient alcohol content in it affects both taste qualities and for the amusement of your guests. Have a good time!

Cooking steps:

4) Mix almonds, chocolate and baking powder and combine with the prepared mixture. Mix.


: 100 gr. grated chocolate, 5 eggs, 80 gr. soft butter, 100 gr. sugar, 2 tbsp. rum, 40 ml. Baileys liqueur, 200 gr. grated or chopped almonds, 1 tsp. baking powder.

Cream: 400 ml. liquid cream with a fat content of at least 25%, 2 packs of cream thickener or sour cream, 2 packs vanilla sugar, 6 tbsp. Baileys liqueur.

Impregnation: 7 tbsp. l. Baileys.

Decoration: 6 tbsp. Baileys liqueur, chocolate leaves or shavings or cocoa.