Sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter with mustard seeds. Cucumbers with mustard for the winter - a spicy, crispy snack with a minimum of effort. With dry mustard

In Russia, almost every family loves pickles. Pickled cucumbers are the main appetizer for a family dinner or at festive table. They go well with various side dishes and are often used as an ingredient in salads or served with first courses. To make the cucumbers tasty, crispy and moderately salty, add mustard.

Cucumbers with dry mustard for the winter without sterilization

Mustard is the main seasoning when preparing pickled cucumbers for the winter. Thanks to this, the snack acquires a pleasant spicy aroma. You can cook with dry mustard without sterilization.

For this you will need: cucumbers (small, approximately the same size) - 2 kg, greens (mainly dill umbrellas) - a couple of pieces, mustard - 1 tablespoon (can be with a small heap), 6 cloves of young garlic, salt - 250 g. currant or cherry leaves - 3 pcs., hot chili(pepper) - 1 pc.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Cucumbers must be washed thoroughly, cut off the ends and soaked in cool water for about two or three hours.
  2. Fill an enamel pan with water, then add salt and boil the liquid for about 5 or 10 minutes.
  3. Now we need clean ones glass jars fill with half the cooked herbs, chili pepper and garlic. The cucumbers soaked in water must be tightly packed into the prepared jars and filled with the remaining herbs.
  4. Cucumbers with dry mustard in jars are filled with hot brine, which is boiled for several minutes.
  5. The jars must be closed. When the pickling has cooled, it should be moved to a cool place. The shelf life of this snack is about six months.

Sterilized cucumbers with mustard

Preparing pickled cucumbers using this method may take 2 hours or more, but the end result will definitely please you. The recipe for cucumbers with dry mustard for the winter is prepared using the following ingredients: garlic clove - 3 pcs., fresh cucumbers- 4 kg, horseradish - 1 leaf, greens - 3 sprigs, mustard seeds - 1 tbsp. l., bay leaves - 4 pcs., sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons, currant or cherry leaves - 2 pcs., vinegar - 1/3 tbsp. l., cloves - a couple of pieces, allspice - 5 peas, red pepper - to taste.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Fresh green cucumbers (with or without pimples) must first be soaked in cool water for about 5 or 6 hours.
  2. Boil water separately and let the boiling water cool. At the same time, you need to prepare the jars for twisting (sterilize). To do this you need a wide pan and a mesh. Glass vessels are placed on a mesh, neck down, where they must remain over steam for 30 minutes.
  3. Placed in jars: garlic cloves, bay and cherry leaves, peppercorns, herbs, red pepper, cloves, horseradish.
  4. Next, you need to tightly compact the fresh cucumbers that were previously soaked.
  5. The cooled boiled water must be salted and added 4.5 tablespoons of sugar, 100 g. vinegar,
  6. The last step is to close the jars with treated lids and hide them either in the refrigerator or in the cellar/basement. The pickles will be ready for use within a month after rolling.

Cucumber salad with dry mustard

Fresh cucumbers can be pickled not whole, but made from them delicious salad with mustard for the winter. It is not at all difficult to prepare such a dish. For the marinade, the following products are required: cucumbers - 4 kg, acetic acid, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, fine salt - 2 tbsp. l., sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l., young garlic (chopped) - 2 tbsp. l., dill, mustard - 2 tbsp. l.

Detailed description of marinating:

  1. Green cucumbers should be thoroughly washed and cut into nickels (about 1.5 cm thick)
  2. Place the cucumbers in a separate enamel bowl to let them sit for about 3 hours.
  3. Chop the dill and mix with pre-chopped garlic.
  4. Combine all the spices and season sunflower oil and vinegar.
  5. Place the vegetables in jars and close with special lids for pickling.
  6. The containers are placed in a pan of boiling water for mandatory sterilization, where they boil for about 15 minutes.
  7. The final stage - the jars should be turned over and wrapped in warm material.

Cucumbers with dry mustard in jars

The recipe for this pickle is also simple. You will need the following ingredients: small cucumbers with pimples - 4 kg, dry mustard and vodka - 1 tbsp. spoon, dill, 2 cloves of garlic, horseradish leaf, bay leaves - to taste, fragrant and hot peppers, salt - 250 g, granulated sugar - 150 g, vinegar - 200 ml, cherry leaves - 1 sprig.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. All vegetables must be washed well.
  2. Cut the peppers into several pieces, after removing the seeds. Then chop the garlic and chop the herbs.
  3. Glass vessels should be washed thoroughly with the addition of soda, then you need to put herbs, garlic and spices there. The cucumbers are packed tightly and doused with hot water several times. After the first time, they must be covered with a lid.
  4. Before pouring the resulting liquid into a separate container (later you will need it for brine), you need to dissolve sugar and salt in it.
  5. Next, mustard and vodka are added to each jar and filled with brine.
  6. After this, you need to tighten the jars with pre-sterilized lids. Now the containers can be turned upside down and wrapped.

Recipe for cucumbers with herbs

Necessary components: fresh cucumbers - 3 kg, dry mustard - 6 tbsp. l., seasonings, a couple of cloves of garlic, fine salt - 250 g., herbs.


  1. First, soak the vegetables for 6 hours.
  2. Now you can prepare containers for pickles: wash them, dry them and fill each of them with spices, herbs, put cucumbers in there and pour brine over it all.
  3. The jars should be left to infuse at room temperature for a couple of days. Then pour a few spoons of dry mustard there and leave for another 6 hours and the preparations will be ready for use.
  4. If you need pickles for the winter, then you should pour the filling into a saucepan, boil for about 10 minutes, pour it back into the jars and close the lids. Then you need to turn the containers over and wrap them in a warm towel.

Cucumbers with oak leaves

For this recipe you will need simple products: green vegetables - 4 kg, dry mustard ½ tbsp. spoons, oak leaves - 40 pcs., herbs, salt, garlic cloves - 1 pc., horseradish leaf.

Step-by-step canning:

  1. Vegetables are packed tightly into jars with all the spices, oak leaves and herbs. The brine is prepared in a separate bowl with mustard and salt.
  2. The solution should cool and then be poured into all prepared containers with cucumbers. Next, the jars must be left to infuse for 2 days.
  3. Afterwards, the brine is poured from the jars into a separate pan and brought to a boil.
  4. The last stage - the jars are once again filled with broth and rolled up with special lids.

Original cucumber recipe

Required following ingredients: green vegetables - 4 kg, dill and parsley, celery - 4 sprigs, tarragon - 4 sprigs, dry mustard - 150 g, Rip with seeds - 3 pcs., garlic - 6 cloves, salt - 250 g.

Detailed procedure for this canning:

  1. Pre-soaked cucumbers are placed in jars along with greens in layers (it must first be divided equally).
  2. At the same time, you need to prepare the brine. Salt and mustard are added to the water, put on fire, brought to a boil, after which it is cooled.
  3. Fill all pickling containers with cold brine, adding the remaining spices, and ferment them for 2 or 3 days.
  4. On the fourth day, the process is repeated: the brine is drained, brought to a boil, poured into jars again and rolled up.
  1. In order for the vegetables to remain firm, you should definitely add oak and cherry leaves to the twists.
  2. When pickling cucumbers, the main products are: mustard, salt, sugar, garlic and vinegar. Other seasonings and spices can be added as desired.
  3. In order to determine the sufficient amount of salt in the marinade, you can add a raw egg. If it remains at the bottom, it means the salt concentration is low; if it floats up, there is enough salt.
  4. To prevent mold from forming on top of the jar, you can add horseradish roots.

As promised earlier, I am sharing with readers Notebook recipe for crispy salted or pickled cucumbers with mustard my grandmother. She lives in the Volgograd region and when her children and grandchildren come to visit, they ask her to treat her to delicious crispy barrel cucumbers and sauerkraut.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers with mustard for the winter

For winter preparations All recipes are usually written using a large number of ingredients, and in order to conveniently translate them into small portions, suddenly someone wants to salt cucumbers in enamel pan, we will adhere to this standard.

The best salt solution for cucumbers is 6-8%, that is, for a bucket of cold water (preferably cooled boiled) take 600-800 g of table salt (rock salt, not iodized and not extra!), or for 1 liter the salt consumption is 60-80 g And grandma always makes a salt solution for cucumber pickle on an egg, that is, she puts the washed fresh one in salt water. egg, as soon as the egg begins to float, then it is enough (even if the egg only rises half the bucket).


  • Fresh cucumbers – 10 kg,
  • dill with umbrellas – 400 g,
  • garlic – 2 heads (this is approximately 50 g),
  • cherry leaves - 100 g (or the same number of pieces),
  • peeled horseradish root – 1 pc. (approximately 60 g),
  • if desired, you can add a couple of horseradish leaves and 1 pod of hot pepper,
  • 5 liters of brine with salt (for 5 liters of water 300-400 g of salt),
  • 0.5 cups dry mustard

Based on 10 kg of cucumbers, the approximate consumption of spices and herbs is given, and you decide for yourself how many cucumbers to pickle.

Cooking process:

Before harvesting and salting cucumbers in any way, they are sorted, washed and soaked for 5-6 hours in cold water, so that the pickles are dense, without wrinkles and voids (this will not get rid of crooked cucumbers from emptiness).

Pickle cucumber with mustard in wooden barrels(tubs or tubs), in large stainless steel containers, in an enamel bucket or pan (you can use a stainless steel pan), glass jars (both large 10 liter and 5 or 3 liter).

A layer of leaves is placed at the bottom of the container, a layer of cucumbers on them, compacted together, then again greens and so on until the top.

I salted cucumbers for the winter with mustard in a five-liter saucepan and in jars

Mustard can be poured onto the bottom, or you can put it in a knot of fabric or gauze, so it will not settle on the pickled cucumbers, and the brine will remain transparent. The taste of cucumbers will not be affected by how you add dry mustard.

Pour salted brine over the cucumbers

so that they are completely covered,

and cover with oppression (a wooden circle or plate), simply close the glass jars with plastic lids. It is recommended to place a cotton napkin under the circle in large pickling containers, and periodically rinse the circle or bend with water and pour boiling water over it while pickling cucumbers. By the way, this directly affects the taste and quality of cucumbers!

I put the mustard on the cucumbers just like that, without a bag, after a few minutes it settled and the cucumber brine became transparent.

Pickled or pickled cucumbers in mustard sauce according to this recipe are stored in a cool place, some do it in the cellar, and city dwellers do it in the refrigerator.

And my grandmother is so sour mustard cucumbers re-arranges the cabbage when the pickling season approaches in the fall.

I’ll write here for now a simple grandmother’s recipe for delicious crispy sauerkraut with cucumbers, and in the fall I’ll try to move it into a separate post with a photo report.

Grandma's recipe for pickling sauerkraut

This cabbage can be prepared for the winter with barrel pickles.

For a bucket of already shredded cabbage you will need 1 full glass of salt.

A layer of cabbage (about 5 cm) is compacted and sprinkled evenly with a handful of salt, then another layer of cabbage goes on top, compacted, salted, and so on until the top of the enamel bucket (if you salt in a bucket). A very important point: when salting cabbage in such a dry way without brine, it is very important not to mix the cabbage with salt, but to compact it. Cabbage and salt laid in layers are covered with oppression, and something heavy is placed on it, for example, a jar of water. After some time, it will give cabbage juice itself, in which the fermentation process will take place. No sugar is added to this recipe, otherwise the cabbage will become slippery and the brine will be stringy.

Grandma always salted such cabbage in large barrels in the cellar, measured all the proportions like this: she compacted a bucket of chopped cabbage in layers with a glass of salt, distributing it evenly and so on to the top of the barrel, and, of course, she layered the cabbage with her pickles (she made layers from pickled cucumbers between layers of cabbage).

I hope you enjoy our family recipes for delicious mustard pickles and crispy sauerkraut!

Best regards, Anyuta.

My grandmother loved to “set” pickles with mustard for the winter. Then her recipe passed on to my mother, and from her to me. Thus, we have been using it for 50 - 60 years, which gives me the right to call it classic.

Over the years, only the method of preparing the jars before adding cucumbers has changed. First, they were disinfected with steam from boiling water from a kettle, and their hands were often burned. Then they began to warm up the dry jars in the oven. The appearance of microwave ovens successfully replaced them, and the warm-up time was reduced.

Another change was the use of 1.5-liter jars instead of three-liter ones, since they are more convenient for storage; in winter, the contents of a “one and a half liter” are usually eaten in two sittings. By the way, such containers “require” the use of small-sized cucumbers, the appearance and taste of which compares favorably with large ones.

Classic recipe for pickled cucumbers with mustard for the winter

For a jar with a capacity of 1.5 liters we will need:

  • 15 - 16 pieces of small cucumbers
  • 2 cloves of garlic, if it is young, you can use its skins
  • 2 - 3 leaves of black currant and cherry
  • 1 teaspoon (heavy) mustard seeds
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • 2 - 3 dill umbrellas, preferably dried
  • 1.5 tablespoons salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon 9% vinegar

The use of mustard seeds allows you to get a double effect: in addition to suppressing the fermentation process, the combination of mustard and coriander gives an interesting flavor to the taste of cucumbers.

Cooking procedure

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Oh, my dears, I can write endlessly about blanks. And there will always be new ones interesting recipes. Today we will close a couple of jars of cucumbers in mustard filling for the winter.

Not long ago we filled them, fermented them and selected tasty ones. For those housewives who are tired of ordinary pickles and want to diversify their preservation, I advise you to definitely prepare one of the recipes I described.

As you may have guessed, the main ingredients will be gherkins and mustard. It can be in the form of seeds, powder or paste. Absolutely any type of it will do.

You can take any fruit, because these cooking methods also work well with chopped vegetables. Yes, it’s more convenient. I immediately opened the jar, put the pieces in a salad bowl and that’s it. Minimum of dirty dishes and unnecessary steps.

The taste is a little sweet, but very pleasant. If you choose the option with butter, the pieces will be soaked in it and the flesh will become very tender. Spices will add aroma and a slight tang.

They are prepared quite simply and without any extra hassle. However, I advise you to always sterilize containers and lids for preservation. So that our work does not go in vain.

You can close the jars with different lids. The ones that screw on, or the ones that need to be locked with a key. But today I’ll also tell you how to close jars with nylon lids. Although earlier this option seemed unacceptable to me.

The ratio of ingredients is described for 4 kg of fruit; if you have a smaller quantity, then divide the entire ratio by the number you need.


  • cucumbers - 4 kg,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • garlic - 1 pc.,
  • 3 tbsp. salt,
  • 0.2 kg sugar,
  • mustard-1 tbsp. l.,
  • black ground pepper- 2 tsp,
  • 200 ml sunflower oil,
  • vinegar 9% - 200 ml.

Fruits need to be soaked before canning. If you have them freshly picked, then it is enough to do this for 30 minutes, if they were yesterday, then for 2 hours.

Only small fruits with pimples can be taken. These varieties are bred specifically for seaming. But this particular recipe can also be completed with long salad fruits.

We wash the cucumbers, cut them into pieces, maybe in circles, maybe in slices. Look at the volume of your cans.

Finely chop the onion and garlic.

Pour vegetables with oil and vinegar. Add garlic and onion to them, add mustard powder, sugar, salt and pepper.

Our vegetables will be marinated, so we leave them in the sauce for at least 1 hour.

We prepare the containers.

Place the salad in sterilized jars and fill with marinade on top. It was diluted with cucumber juice and there was more of it. Just pour it into the jar straight from the pan.

It is important for us that there is no air left inside the jar. We know that air in conservation is harmful. Therefore, we compact the salad as tightly as possible and fill it with liquid. If there is not enough brine, you can add a small amount of boiled water.

We cover the containers with boiled iron lids and send them to sterilize in a wide pan. A towel had previously been placed in it. We place our containers and fill them with water almost to the top. After boiling, sterilize for 15 minutes.

Then we screw on our caps. We turn the containers over and check if there is any air entering the contents. If you don’t see any bubbles or extra droplets, then we put the jars away “under the fur coat.” Where our canned food will cool for at least 12 hours. And only then will we put them in the basement.

The most delicious recipe for crispy cucumbers without sterilization

Typically, sterilization requires additional of our time. And now there are a lot of recipes where housewives are trying in every possible way to bypass this step. This works wonderfully if the entire harvesting process went correctly.

I do not recommend neglecting sterilization of jars. Still, preparations for the winter do not tolerate dirt.

For 2 kg of cucumbers:

  • mustard powder - 1 tbsp,
  • 0.5 cups 9% vinegar,
  • 125 ml sunflower oil,
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • 1.5 level tablespoons of salt,
  • head of garlic,
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper,
  • 0.5 tsp ground red pepper.

Cut the fruits soaked for 2 hours into rings, but not very thinly. Or they can be cut lengthwise into 6-8 pieces.

Then we move on to preparing the marinade. To do this, first mix the dry ingredients: pepper, mustard powder, salt and sugar.

Fill them with vinegar and oil. Mix and fill our cucumbers. Mix so that each circle is soaked in the marinade.

Leave them to marinate for 2 hours, stirring the vegetables occasionally. This is necessary so that the filling does not concentrate on the bottom, but spreads evenly over the salad. During this time, we will wash and sterilize the jars.

Then we look at our cucumbers, they have decreased in volume and released juice. So immediately there was more of our marinade.

Pour the gherkins into a saucepan and place on the stove. Turn on moderate heat. From the moment of boiling, cook them for 3 minutes. They will change color and can be closed immediately.

Transfer to a sterile container to the top and roll under the lids.

Place it upside down under insulation from warm clothing. There they will cool down and continue natural sterilization. The rubber bands on the jars will also swell and settle more tightly on the neck. This is only to our advantage.

Whole cucumbers without vinegar and mustard

Mustard acts as a preservative, so the addition of vinegar in previous recipes was used to enhance taste qualities. But there is more gentle options when not in use.


  • 1 liter of water,
  • 2 tbsp. salt,
  • 2 laurel trees,
  • 2 dill umbrellas,
  • 3 oak leaves,
  • horseradish leaf,
  • 2 currant leaves,
  • 4 carnation inflorescences,
  • 4 peas of allspice.

Fill the cucumbers with water for 3 hours, then cut off the butts.

Dissolve salt in a liter of water.

We wash the jars with soda and a clean dish sponge.

We take a two-liter container and put all the spices and leaves into it.

We place large fruits vertically first. Then the smaller ones are on them.

Fill them with salt brine.

Spread mustard powder on top.

Cover with boiled lids.

We put it away for storage, and after a month these cucumbers can already be eaten. It is better to store them in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Method of preparation in mustard sauce without oil (per 1 liter of water)

Cucumbers in mustard marinade turn out a little greasy. After all, we added oil. Not everyone likes this, so I’m giving a recipe where we prepare the sauce without oil. It turns out very tasty too. And, by the way, these fruits are suitable for both.

We will use mustard from a tube of paste-like consistency. The sauce doesn't look very pretty, but it tastes amazing.


  • cucumbers,
  • for 1 liter of water,
  • granulated sugar - 300g.,
  • salt - 3 tbsp,
  • mustard - 5 tbsp. (American),
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. (200ml.),
  • 1 currant leaf,
  • 1 dill umbrella,
  • 1 horseradish leaf
  • 1 clove of garlic.

First we prepare the marinade. Add sugar and salt to the water and bring until they dissolve. Squeeze out 5 tablespoons of mustard.

Stir and bring the sauce to a boil. We try to achieve homogeneity of the mixture by stirring. Add vinegar and immediately turn off the stove.

We previously filled the cucumbers with water for 2 hours.

Place prepared and washed leaves and spices into sterile jars. Add a clove of garlic. If it is very large, then it can be cut into pieces.

We cut off the tails of the fruits and place them tightly in jars.

Mix the marinade to lift the settled particles and fill the jars.

Close the lids and place in the pan. Which we fill with water almost to the necks of the jars. Boil the liquid and then cook the contents for 5-7 minutes.

After sterilization, screw the lids on.

We put the jars on their necks and put them away to cool under a fur coat.

Recipe for 4 kg of sliced ​​cucumbers with vinegar (70%)

Another recipe that is designed for 4 kg of vegetables. Here we also cut them for better marinating. Small pieces absorb sauce and flavors more easily.

As an example, I’ll show you how much vinegar essence is needed for this amount of fruit.

For 4 kg of cucumbers:

  • sugar - 1 glass,
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar 70%,
  • sunflower oil - 1 cup,
  • 1-2 glasses of water,
  • garlic head,
  • 1 tbsp ground pepper,
  • 2 tablespoons dry mustard,
  • 3 tablespoons salt.

Pour sugar, pepper, salt and mustard into a separate bowl. Squeeze the garlic into the same mass.

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut lengthwise into 4 parts. You get long slices. Place them on the dry ingredients and prepare the liquid filling.

For it we pour water, vinegar and oil. And mix this mixture well with your hands so that the dry ingredients get wet and are evenly distributed among the pieces.

Cover the container cling film and leave it to marinate for 3 hours.

We sterilize jars. Place the cucumbers and fill with juice so that there is no air space left.

Place them in a wide saucepan to sterilize for 15 minutes. You measure this time after the water boils.

Be sure to place a cloth at the bottom of the container, and it is better to fill the jars with warm water so that our containers do not crack anywhere due to temperature changes.

Video recipe for pickled cucumbers with mustard seeds, just like in the store

I really like the recipe shown by the smiling hostess in the video. Each step is described in detail. All the nuances are revealed, cook with pleasure.

Mustard seed is sold in grocery stores. These cucumbers are not pickled, but filled with brine.

However, the aroma that the seeds impart greatly changes the usual taste of the finished fruit.

Cold-fermented fruits under a nylon lid with mustard powder

Previously, fruits were often fermented in oak barrels. But now where can you find them? Therefore, inquisitive Russian minds came up with a replacement for them - ordinary glass jars. But the fermentation process remained almost the same.

We won't use it at all heat treatment, and even vice versa. Let's take water from a spring or well. It is with it that the most delicious barrel cucumbers are obtained.

For a 3 liter jar we take:

  • 1 horseradish leaf, chopped
  • dill umbrella,
  • 3 currant leaves,
  • 5 cherry leaves,
  • cucumbers,
  • 3 garlic cloves,
  • 2 tbsp. salt with a slide,
  • 1 tbsp. dry mustard.

Place the leaves in a jar. Then we place the cucumbers vertically. We did not cut off their ends, because we will not be pickling them, but fermenting them.

Then pour 2 tbsp into the jar. salt. And pour a tablespoon on top. dry mustard.

And we cover the fruits with a wide currant leaf so that the fruits do not come into contact with the lid and there is no air gap. This way they won’t turn sour or moldy.

And fill the jar with cold water.

Cover nylon cover, put it in the cellar and store it for six months.

There are so many variations of just one direction of pouring with mustard. But the stinks always turn out incredibly tasty and crispy.

Lightly salted cucumbers with mustard


With mustard they turn out vigorous, incredibly crispy, can be prepared without much hassle and are stored well. They go well with potatoes, they are used in pickles, salads, etc. Now we will tell you how to properly pickle cucumbers with mustard.

Lightly salted cucumbers with mustard


  • cucumbers – 3 kg;
  • spicy herbs - to taste;
  • spices;
  • dry mustard – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • water – 4 l;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. spoons.


Soak the cucumbers in cold water and leave to soak for about 6 hours, changing the water every 2 hours. Without wasting time, we prepare the jars: wash them, dry them and fill each with spices and herbs. Then put the cucumbers and fill them with hot brine.

We leave the jars at room temperature for several days, after which we pour 2 tablespoons of dry mustard into each 3-liter jar, mix and leave for another 6 hours. At this point, the process of pickling cucumbers with mustard is completed, and they can be served with boiled potatoes. If you are preparing the preparation for the winter, then pour the pickle into a saucepan, boil for 10 minutes, immediately pour into jars, roll up the lids, turn over and wrap in a warm blanket.


  • cucumbers – 10 kg;
  • young garlic – 150 g;
  • dill for preservation;
  • horseradish and cherry leaves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt – 350 g;
  • peppercorns;
  • water – 5 l;
  • mustard powder – 150 g;
  • red hot pepper - to taste.


First, wash the cucumbers and soak them in cold water for 6 hours. Meanwhile, boil in separate pan water and cool it. We wash and sterilize the jars in advance. Then put herbs, peeled garlic and pepper at the very bottom of each jar. We compact the cucumbers on top. Pour salt into cooled boiled water and stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Pour the resulting brine into jars, add a spoonful of mustard on top and close very tightly with a nylon lid. We remove the workpiece for storage in a cellar or other cool place. After about a month, pickles can already be eaten.


  • gherkins – 4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  • mustard powder – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • grated ginger root - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • greenery;
  • garlic – 10 cloves;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons.


To begin, wash the cucumbers well, put them in a large container, sprinkle with salt, chopped garlic, ground pepper, grated ginger root, sugar and mustard. Pour in a little vinegar, vegetable oil and throw in finely chopped fresh herbs. Mix everything well and leave to marinate for about 3 hours.

Next we take sterilized liter jars, lay out the prepared salad and pour the marinade on top. We sterilize each jar for 20 minutes, and then roll it up and leave it to cool upside down under a blanket.

Sliced ​​cucumbers with mustard


  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • onion – 150 g;
  • table vinegar – 250 ml;
  • dill greens;
  • granulated sugar – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • mustard powder – 350 g;
  • Bay leaf.


To begin, wash the cucumbers well and dry them with a paper towel. Then cut them into circles, add onion, chopped into half rings and finely chopped dill. Next, take a saucepan, pour table vinegar into it, throw in dry vinegar, granulated sugar, bay leaves crushed in a mortar and pepper.

Bring to a boil and carefully place the cucumbers with onions and herbs into the brine. Stirring occasionally, bring everything to a boil again. After this, transfer the salad into sterilized jars, fill with brine, roll up and leave to cool for about night under a blanket.