Duck baked with mushrooms and potatoes. Stuffed duck - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook stuffed duck. Duck with potatoes in sleeve

Step by step description:

Let's cook delicious duck with potatoes and mushrooms in the oven. This is very tasty dish, suitable for both a regular dinner and a holiday table.

To prepare stuffed duck with potatoes we will need:

duck (weighing about 2kg)
potatoes 3-4 pieces
mushrooms – 500 grams
onions – 2 pieces
paprika - two teaspoons
garlic - three cloves
basil, curry - it's all optional
mayonnaise - two tablespoons
We also need ground black pepper and salt.

Recipe for duck stuffed with potatoes and mushrooms

❶ Take our duck and remove excess fat and the upper parts of the wings. We wash the duck thoroughly, after which we make many punctures in the skin of the duck with a toothpick (when the fat is drowned, so that it comes out).
❷ Next, take salt and rub the duck with it both on the inside and on the outside.
❸ Take the garlic and press it through a garlic press or grate it on a fine grater, mix with mayonnaise, basil, and paprika. We did it aromatic mixture, which will also need to rub our duck both outside and inside.

Now put it on a large plate or in a saucepan, cover it on top and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The best option– this is 6–8 hours.

Preparing the duck filling:

❹ Fry mushrooms in small quantities sunflower oil, add onion. Separately, fry 3-4 potatoes, cut into cubes.

❺ Stuff the duck with potatoes and mushrooms, put it in a special baking bag, and then put it in the oven. Bake for two hours (temperature 160-180 degrees). But this option is for a domestic duck, but if you bought a store-bought one, an hour and a half should be enough.

❻ Let the duck bake a little, then cut the bag so that it appears delicious crust.

If you bake not in the oven, but in

Duck stuffed with mushrooms and potatoes. Two recipes

During the holidays, I really want to prepare a dish that will not only please the guests, but will also look impressive on the holiday table. Such a dish can be duck stuffed with mushrooms and potatoes, baked in the oven on a baking sheet or in a baking sleeve.

I offer you two recipes for making stuffed duck. The ingredients for preparing these recipes are identical, the only difference is in the method of stuffing and baking. Whatever recipe you choose, the duck will turn out juicy and very tasty!

Duck stuffed with mushrooms and potatoes, baked on a baking sheet in the oven

Stuffed duck on a baking sheet


  • Fresh mushrooms – 500 g.,
  • Duck – 1 pc.,
  • Onions – 1 pc.,
  • Potatoes – 5 pcs.,
  • Ghee (for coating the duck) - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Honey – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Number of servings: 5-7.

Cooking method:

1) Mushrooms need to be washed and peeled.

2) Fry mushrooms in oil in a frying pan.

3) Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes, add to the mushrooms.

4) Fry the mushrooms until cooked, the onions until transparent.

5) Wash and peel the potatoes.

6) Cut each potato into four parts and simmer in a small amount of salted water. (Poach means boil in salted water for 5-7 minutes and drain in a colander).

7) The duck must be gutted, rinsed thoroughly and dried with a paper napkin or towel.

8) After preparing the duck, grease its belly melted butter, and rub well with salt and pepper.

Duck carcass sewn with thread

10) Carefully sew up the duck's belly or pin it with toothpicks.

11) The carcass should now be coated with honey, salt and pepper, and placed on a baking sheet.

12) Place the remaining quartered potatoes around the carcass and add salt. When everything is ready, put it in a preheated oven.

13) Preheat the oven to temperature (180°C).

14) Cook the duck for about 2 – 2.5 hours. Don’t forget to baste the duck with the juice that forms on the baking sheet or pan from frying the meat (we baste it as often as possible).

15) Then place the finished duck on a dish lined with lettuce leaves.

16) Place the potatoes baked with the duck in a circle and decorate with fresh herbs.

For reference:

  • Before cooking, pour boiling water over the duck so that it turns white, then it becomes much softer.
  • To ensure that the duck is not too fatty, pierce the breast and legs of the bird with a toothpick during baking.
Wrap the legs and wings of the carcass with food foil
  • To prevent the ends of the duck legs and wings from burning, wrap them with cling foil.
  • When roasting, baste the duck with any of its juices.
  • If you don't have a baking sleeve on hand, you can bake the duck in a deep baking pan.
  • Serve on a platter garnished with lettuce leaves. Decorate yourself stuffed duck sliced fresh vegetables and greens.
  • Open the belly of the stuffed duck at the table by cutting the threads with scissors or removing toothpicks, depending on how it was sewn up. Disassemble poultry meat into portioned pieces and serve on dishes with potatoes and mushrooms baked in it as a side dish.
  • You can cook the duck in a roasting bag. It turns out very juicy. Just don’t forget to pierce the “sleeve” on top in several places, then it will turn brown.
  • The top of the duck carcass can be rubbed with a mixture of honey and garlic.
  • You can stuff the duck with raisins and dried peachesand lightly boiled rice.

Duck stuffed with mushrooms and potatoes, baked in a baking bag

Stuffed duck in a baking sleeve


  • Duck – 1 piece;
  • Fresh mushrooms – 300-400 grams;
  • Potatoes – 500 grams;
  • Onions – 1-2 bulbs;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) – to taste

1) Gut the duck, pluck it, wash it well with water, dry it paper napkin or a towel.

2) Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into small pieces.

3) Peel the mushrooms, wash them, cut them into small pieces.

4) Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into small cubes.

5) Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it, add finely chopped onion. Fry until transparent.

6) Add chopped mushrooms, lightly salt. Fry for about 5 minutes, stirring.

7) Add diced potatoes to the onions and mushrooms. Fry, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes, add a little salt. Add oil if necessary. Remove from heat, cool slightly.

8) Now take the prepared duck and rub the belly with a small amount of salt. Let's pepper it. And stuff it with fried onions, mushrooms and potatoes.

Duck carcass sewn up with toothpicks

9) We sew up the abdomen with threads or pin them with toothpicks.

10) Rub the top of the carcass with salt.

Add salt to taste at each stage. It's better to add a little salt. Moderately salted minced meat, belly and the carcass itself on top. This way the dish will be salted evenly. Just don't be overbearing!

11) Place the stuffed duck in a baking sleeve and place on a baking sheet. We tie the sleeve and make several small holes in the sleeve to allow excess steam to escape.

12) Preheat the oven to (180°C).

13) We send our stuffed duck into a preheated oven.

14) The baking time will be approximately 2 hours, depending on the size of the duck.

15) After the time has passed, about 15-20 minutes before it’s ready, you can take out the duck and cut the sleeve on top to open the duck.

16) Then return the roast back to the oven. The duck will then have a golden brown and crispy crust.

Bon appetit!

Great( 6 ) Badly( 0 )

Many people love poultry meat: a huge number of delicious dishes can be prepared from chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys.

But if the meat of domestic chickens is quite lean, especially in the breast area, then duck has fatty, tender and juicy meat, which is perfect for baking.

We recommend cooking duck with potatoes in the oven; this dish turns out very tasty and is eaten without a trace. It is better to take a young, medium-sized duck, not too fatty. The recipe is perfect for a festive dinner, Christmas and New Year, we bake the whole duck and prepare the side dish at the same time. We have potatoes and apples as a side dish. It turns out super tasty, filling and appetizing. The dish has many advantages, the main thing is to choose a good quality duck.

Thoroughly coat the entire bird carcass with salt and spices, as well as garlic. After this, you need to leave the meat for a while so that it marinates well.

Since the duck is baked with potatoes, there is no need for a side dish, but you can prepare a light one vegetable salad or serve pickled vegetables as an appetizer.

Taste Info Poultry main courses / New Year's recipes

Ingredients for 4-5 servings:

  • medium duck carcass 1 pc.;
  • potatoes 700-1000 g;
  • apples 5 pcs.;
  • salt 2 tbsp;
  • spice mixture for meat 1 tbsp. l;
  • mixture of ground peppers 1 tbsp. l;
  • garlic 2-3 cloves;
  • honey or apricot jam 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook whole baked duck with potatoes and apples in the oven

To prepare this dish, take a medium-sized carcass, preferably not an old bird. The difference between an old duck and a young duck is that it takes longer to cook. Her meat is not as juicy as young meat.

First, thoroughly rinse the inside of the duck carcass and dry it with paper towels. If there are any remaining feathers or hairs on the carcass, simply remove with tongs. Most often, fatty layers remain at the exit from the duck’s belly; cut them off without skin. Trim the neck and wing tips of the duck.

Place several layers of foil on a wide baking sheet or in a large roasting pan. Using a sharp knife, make shallow cuts along the skin of the duck carcass in the chest area, not reaching the meat layer. When baked, more duck fat will be rendered through these slits, resulting in a crispier crust.

Rub the entire duck with salt. Chop the garlic cloves with a knife and also rub the duck with them.

Mix of spices for meat and ground pepper brush duck and cover with foil. Place it in the refrigerator to marinate for at least one hour, but more is better.

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Cut the apples into two parts and place them tightly in the belly of the duck. Along with apples, you can add orange slices and aromatic herbs (rosemary, thyme or lovage) inside the duck.

Wrap the duck with apples in foil and place in the oven for an hour. In my case, the duck weighs about 2 kg. One hour of baking is required per kilogram of bird weight. I will bake the duck in foil for 1 hour, and then another hour uncovered. The foil helps the bird stay juicy by steaming it.

Tear the foil on top with the half-cooked duck. Fat has formed under the carcass.

Drain all the duck fat into a separate bowl or bowl.

First, peel, wash and cut the potatoes into slices and place in a bowl. Pour fat over it, add salt and spices to taste, mix well.

Place the potatoes on the baking sheet with the duck. Place the baking sheet with the duck and potatoes on the middle rack of your oven and bake for another 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

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To get an appetizing crust on the duck, you can make sweet filling for her. To do this, mix honey or apricot jam with garlic and orange juice(0.5 orange). Instead of orange juice, you can mix honey with soy sauce.

10 minutes before it’s ready, coat the duck generously with the filling and put it back in the oven.

You can finally make sure that the duck is cooked by piercing it in the thickest place (near the leg) with a fork. The cooked duck will always ooze clear meat juices.

To cool, leave the baked duck with potatoes in the closed and turned off oven for 20 minutes.

Then place the roast duck on a large platter and place the potatoes on the sides. You can garnish the finished dish with sprigs of red basil or parsley.

It is better to cut the duck on the table after serving, so that guests have time to admire its mouth-watering beauty.

Cut the potatoes into large pieces. Boil in salted water for about 10 minutes. We drain the water.

Heat 2 tbsp in a frying pan. vegetable oil. Add the champignons and fry until golden brown.

Place potatoes and mushrooms in a bowl, add finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste, stir. Set aside.

Wash the duck and wipe dry. Rub with salt and pepper inside and out.

Put the stuffing inside the duck, we sew it up or pin it with toothpicks.We tightly tie the legs and wings of the duck to the body - this will provide a more aesthetic appearance and retain more juices during baking.

Place the duck in a mold and place in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for about 70-80 minutes.

During the baking process, constantly baste the duck with the fat that is released. The duck can be considered ready if clear juice flows from the puncture between the leg and the body. If the juice does not flow out at all, you have overcooked the duck:’(

Remove the thread or toothpicks from the finished bird and take out the filling. Cut the duck into portioned pieces and serve with a side dish of potatoes and mushrooms.

Bon appetit!

Duck with apples, oranges, quince, potatoes, cabbage, buckwheat, mushrooms. And that's all about her, the stuffed duck. Stuffed with minced meat and browned in the oven, it is a decoration festive table and it turns out so tasty that it disappears before the hostess has time to put a piece on her plate. But she’s not offended, it means the dish was a success, the guests are full and happy, and this is the best praise for her. It has long been a custom in Rus' to cook stuffed goose or duck for an important occasion; it is not without reason that the saying was born: “A bird on the table is a holiday in the house.” If you prefer a traditional taste, choose the filling from potatoes, cabbage, buckwheat porridge, and mushrooms. If you like something more original, you should opt for fillings such as oranges, cherries, quince, mushrooms and nuts.

Stuffed duck - food preparation

There is enough fat in duck meat, so excess fat must be cut off from the carcass, especially near the legs and tail. As well as excess skin near the neck. The duck takes a long time to cook, so the last phalanx of the wing often burns on the carcass, so it is always removed. The tail of the carcass contains two glands that give the dish a rather unpleasant specific taste if they are not removed and can ruin the dish. They have oval shape and yellowish color. If you can't find them, it's better to cut off the tail. Now the duck is completely processed, all that remains is to spread it with spices, stuff it and bake it.

Stuffed duck - best recipes

Recipe 1: Duck stuffed with sauerkraut

The fatty duck meat goes well with a sour filling in the form of sauerkraut, which is then used as a side dish. These two products complement each other perfectly, isolating excesses - duck gets rid of excess fat, and cabbage gets rid of harsh acid. As a result, the meat turns out tender, juicy, and acquires a mild taste.

Ingredients: duck – up to 3 kg. For the marinade: 1 table. lie white wine (wine or apple cider vinegar), 2 table. spoon of vegetable oil, salt, a pinch of seasonings: black pepper, hot pepper, paprika, dry garlic, marjoram, basil, curry. For filling: 800g sauerkraut, 5 sour apples, 3 onions, 80g butter, salt, pepper, 100ml dry white wine (at least water).

Cooking method

The prepared carcass must be marinated at the very beginning. Mix vegetable oil, wine, add a pinch of seasoning. Coat the entire carcass inside and out. Set aside to steep for twelve hours. If time is pressing, you can reduce marinating to three hours.

The filling can be prepared the day before, so that on the desired day you can only stuff the duck and bake it. If sauerkraut chopped coarsely – chop, squeeze out the liquid. Finely chop the onion, fry on butter, add cabbage and simmer for about five minutes, add apples. They must first be prepared: peel, core and cut into slices. Transfer to cabbage, add salt, wine and black pepper. Set the heat to medium and simmer for ten minutes.

Set aside some of the filling and place the rest inside the duck, sewing up the belly. Pour a little vegetable oil, a glass of water and the previously set aside part of the cabbage with apples into a duck dish or a tall form. Place the duck belly side up on top. Cover with foil or a lid and bake for two hours (200C). After an hour of stewing, turn the duck over and pour over the leaked juice. Until the end of cooking, turn the duck every 15-20 minutes and pour over the released liquid and wine. Cool the baked duck a little, remove the threads. Remove the filling and place it on a plate next to the duck.

Recipe 2: Duck stuffed with potatoes

Porridge cannot be spoiled by oil, just like potatoes, so this is one of the suitable fillings for fat duck. And if you serve such a dish with various pickles - cucumbers, pickled tomatoes, sauerkraut, you can consider the holiday a success.

Ingredients: duck – 2.5 kg, 1.5 kg potatoes, 4-5 onions, 3 large cloves of garlic, salt, vegetable oil. Marinade sauce: 2 tablespoons each. lemon juice and honey, 1 teaspoon. mustard.

Cooking method

Prepare the marinade: heat the honey, mix it with lemon juice and mustard. Cut the carcass lengthwise from the tail to the neck through the sternum. Rub salt into it and spread marinade inside and out.

Peel the onion and garlic, cut into half rings, garlic into slices and fry the mixture until golden brown.

Peel the potatoes and boil until half cooked. If the tubers are small or medium, leave them whole; if they are large, cut them in half or into quarters.

Pour a little oil, half a glass of water into a mold or frying pan and place the duck, filling the insides boiled potatoes, no need to sew. Place the remaining potatoes on the bottom of the dish around the duck. Cover the duck filled with potatoes with a layer fried onions with garlic. Bake for an hour (190C). Then cover the carcass completely with foil and put it in the oven for another hour and a half. Next, remove the foil and bake for half an hour until golden brown. Serve with potatoes, transferring to a platter.

Recipe 3: Duck stuffed with quince in a sleeve

The technology for preparing the dish is similar to “Duck with Apples”. The carcass is marinated, stuffed with quince slices and baked. True, the aroma of quince is more advantageous than that of apples, so the duck turns out much tastier and more interesting. And the barrel, smeared with honey, turns into a beautiful brown-golden crust when baked. Mmm, not a duck - a fairy tale!

Ingredients: duck – 2 kg, 2 large quinces. Marinade: a small piece of ginger (or 2 cloves of garlic), 1 table. lie honey, soy sauce, salt.

Cooking method

Grate the ginger root (or garlic). Coat the duck with it along with salt and soy sauce. Leave to marinate for five hours.

Wash the quince, cut into slices, remove the core. Stuff the belly and sew it up. Coat the carcass with honey, pack in a sleeve and bake for one hour at 220C. Next, cut the sleeve and open it, let the duck brown for about twenty minutes. Then turn the carcass over and fry for another twenty minutes. The result is a glamorous duck with a bronze tan straight from the solarium.

Cool the carcass slightly, remove the threads. Place the quince on a dish, divide the duck into pieces and place on top, pour over the resulting juice.

— Before baking, the skin of the duck must be pierced with a toothpick in many places, then excess fat will come out of it and it will become crispy.

— To determine the weight of a duck, you need to proceed from the calculation - for 1 serving/350g of duck. It is worth considering that one of the guests may want extra, so it is better to take a larger carcass, with a reserve.

— If the whole carcass is baked, from time to time it is necessary to water it with the released juice so that the meat is soft and juicy.