Homemade basturma recipe is Armenian. Pork basturma at home: the best recipes, secrets and tips. An unusual dish marinated in cognac

Everyone loves deli meats. They are an indispensable part of any feast. Meat dishes were prepared in ancient times, experimenting with preparation. Thus, basturma appeared, which is a tenderloin of dried meat. Despite the complex name, this dish is quite simple to prepare; it does not require any special cooking skills. Below, we will tell you how to do this.

There is still debate about the origin of the dish. Some claim that it was first prepared in Armenia, during the time of Tigran the Second. According to other sources, it was invented by the Mongols of Genghis Khan. Despite different hypotheses, the cooking method was the same - the warriors placed pieces of meat under the horse saddle, which over time were pressed and lost moisture. Today there are no such difficulties; all you need for basturma is a piece of good meat.

How to cook

Basturma is very common in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Central Asian countries. Despite this, even in these countries it is considered a delicacy. True, if you know the recipe, it doesn’t cost you anything to cook it at home. Most often they prepare “Armenian” basturma.

You need:

  • 1 liter of dry wine;
  • salt (6 tbsp);
  • ground red pepper (2 tsp);
  • chaman (2 tsp);
  • sumac (2 tsp);
  • fenugreek (1 tsp);
  • garlic (4 cloves).

In order to dry the meat, it needs to be prepared. To do this you need:

  • wine 150 gr;
  • salt 3 tsp;
  • chaman 1 tsp;
  • sumac 3 tsp;
  • red pepper 2 tsp;
  • flour for dough.


  1. The meat should be washed, pierced in several places and dried.
  2. Taking a mold with sides, pour salt into it.
  3. Roll the meat in salt and place in the pan in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  4. Wash off the released blood and juice from the meat, then sprinkle it with seasonings, pour wine over it and put it under pressure for a week.
  5. After removing the press, hang the meat to drain the liquid.
  6. Wrap the meat in cloth and put it under the press again for 2-3 days. The meat should lie like this at room temperature.
  7. After that, tie the meat with thread and hang it to dry for 4 days at room temperature.


Each nation prepares basturma in its own way, so there is a lot different recipes. The main part of any recipe is the process of drying the meat. Also, basturma has a number beneficial properties:

  • relieves fatigue;
  • a remedy against anemia and iron deficiency;
  • has stimulating, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects.

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08.12.2013 02.08.2015

Meat delicacies are an integral part of a good feast. Moreover, today any reputable supermarket offers customers a wide selection of these products. And it must be admitted that it is very diverse, because the history of preparation meat products dates back thousands of years, during which people experimented with meat, subjecting it to various treatments and supplying it with spices. Thanks to such experiments, basturma appeared - dried beef tenderloin. Despite the title of a delicacy, which is usually associated with the complexity and length of the procedure for creating the dish, basturma is not so difficult to prepare, so even an inexperienced housewife can prepare it.

Tasteless legend of a delicious delicacy

If you look at the all-knowing Wikipedia, you can find two options for the origin of basturma. According to one of them, the recipe for basturma was invented in Armenia during the reign of the great Tigran II (140-155 BC). Another says that it was invented by the soldiers of Genghis Khan. But in both cases, the process of origin is described the same: warriors, going on a campaign, put thinly cut pieces of meat under the saddle of a horse, which, remaining under pressure for some time, became saturated with the salty sweat of the animal, lost moisture and turned into a well-stored, healthy and nutritious product. To prepare basturma at home today, you don’t need a horse, and you don’t have to go on a long hike. But it is necessary to stock up on fresh, high-quality meat - preferably a young animal, as well as numerous spices.

We encourage milkshake lovers to try it.

How to make basturma at home

Basturma, or, more simply, dried meat, is widespread today in the countries of Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Armenia. Basturma is not cheap, so even there it is considered a delicacy. In Armenia, for example, it is always bought for the holiday table. However, those who know the recipe for basturma and prepare it themselves can easily afford to pamper their family with this meat delicacy not only on holidays - basturma processed in a special way can be stored for a very, very long time. If we return again to the roots of its origin, then it is perhaps worth considering the recipe for the most popular basturma today - Armenian. It is usually prepared from beef or veal loin and rump muscles using a lot of spices.

Recipe for making chicken or beef basturma

What you will need:

  • dry wine - 1 liter;
  • salt - six tbsp. spoon;
  • ground red pepper (bitter) - two tsp;
  • chaman - two tsp;
  • dried ground pomegranate (or sumac) - two tsp;
  • fenugreek - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.

For coating (before the drying process) :

  • dry red wine - 150 grams;
  • salt - 3 tsp;
  • chaman - 1 tsp;
  • sumac - 3 tsp;
  • red hot pepper - 2 tsp;
  • flour - enough to make the dough thicker than pancake dough.

As well as two planks, a weight and cotton or canvas fabric with strong rope.

Cooking process : to make basturma excellent at home, you need to do the following:

  1. Rinse and dry the meat, pierce it with a fork in different places.
  2. Pour coarse salt into a rimmed mold.
  3. Roll the meat in salt on all sides and leave in the pan, cover loosely and refrigerate for 4-6 hours.
  4. Drain the released juice and blood from the meat, wipe again, cover with salt, mixed seasonings with grated garlic and pour in wine, placing under light oppression for a week.
  5. Take the meat out, let the liquid drain from it, and hang it somewhere.
  6. Line one end of the board with cloth, place the meat on it, cover with the other end, place the second board on top and place everything under a heavy load for two days. Keep at room temperature.
  7. Remove the weight, take out the meat, thread a thread through it (stand 4-5 cm from the edge) and hang it to dry for 4 days at room temperature.

And then this recipe basturma will require preparing a special mixture of wine, salt, seasonings and flour with a layer of 2-3 cm. This mixture must be coated with the meat (evenly and neatly) and hung to dry in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place for at least 10 days, but more is possible. Basturma at home should be as hard as raw smoked sausage.

Features of basturma

Not only Armenians prepare basturma, but it cannot be said that the recipe for basturma is different for each nation - the principle is the same, the difference mainly lies in the selection of seasonings and the duration of the drying process. However, not everyone uses wine for this either - more often the meat is simply aged in salt and spices. Perhaps this is why Armenian basturma has a special aroma and taste, for which it is very highly valued.

“Excellent taste is wonderful, but is basturma healthy? ", - you ask.!" Dried meat contains B vitamins, vitamin A, C and PP, as well as zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, plus essential amino acids. It is not difficult to guess that thanks to such richness, basturma has a lot of useful properties, namely:

  • helps relieve fatigue (including chronic);
  • eliminates iron deficiency and anemia;
  • has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, stimulating and even antitumor properties.

Lagman will be very easy to prepare if you use ours.

Agree - all this is worthy of learning how to make basturma at home and use this valuable product... occasionally. Why not regularly? Because she, like many, is delicious healthy foods, good in moderation. And it is contraindicated for liver and gastrointestinal diseases. But this is a completely different topic...


A dish called basturma is known to many housewives. Culinary experts still cannot determine the geography of the cuisine of this dish. Some consider Armenia to be the birthplace of basturma, while others consider Turkey. Traditionally, basturma is made from beef tenderloin. Today we will tell you the secrets of how to cook basturma at home.

A delicious treat on your table

Beef basturma is quite easy to prepare at home. The only difficulty is the time that you have to wait while the meat is dried. Choose a good cut of beef and follow the instructions carefully.


  • 1 kg of balyk beef;
  • 0.5 kg coarse salt;
  • 1 tsp each coriander, dried mint, parsley;
  • granulated sugar – 50 g;
  • ground pepper Chili – 1/3 tsp;
  • hops-suneli – ½ tsp;
  • 1 tsp each turmeric powder, paprika, curry;
  • ½ tsp. Chile.


  1. Defrost the balyk part of the beef.
  2. We rinse it thoroughly with running water.

  3. Pour dried parsley and mint leaves into the salt and mix.
  4. Add coriander, suneli hops and ground red pepper.

  5. Place a whole piece of beef into this salt mixture.
  6. Sprinkle the meat thoroughly with salt, massaging it lightly.
  7. This is what a piece of meat should look like after processing. Do not be afraid that you may oversalt the beef; the meat will not absorb more salt than necessary.
  8. Cover the dish with a lid and place the beef balyk in the refrigerator for 72 hours.
  9. After three days, the meat will be salted and enough juice will be released.
  10. Remove the meat from the container and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  11. As you can see, the meat has become a bit tough.

  12. Place the piece of beef balyk again in a clean bowl.
  13. Sprinkle ground paprika, turmeric and chili pepper on top.
  14. We put on gloves and thoroughly rub the piece of meat with spices and herbs.
  15. Now take a piece of gauze and fold it into two or three layers.

  16. We hang the meat horizontally and leave it at room temperature to dry for another 72 hours.
  17. All that remains is to cut the basturma into thin slices and taste the tasty morsel.

On a note! After 48 hours, you need to try the basturma for softness. It all depends on the type of beef and temperature regime. In some cases, two days is enough for drying. Otherwise, the basturma will turn out overdried and tough.

Basturma “Cognac”

Pork basturma at home is no less tasty meat dish. This cut will become the main decoration of your table. If you are a beginner, then strictly follow the recipe proportions. You can add additional spices and herbs to taste. Savory lovers, don't forget to season pork tenderloin ground red pepper.


  • 1500 g pork tenderloin;
  • salt;
  • herbs and spices to taste;
  • fenugreek - to taste;
  • cognac.


  1. Wash the cooled pork tenderloin thoroughly under running water.
  2. Remove excess moisture with a cloth towel.
  3. We cut off the veins or fatty layers.
  4. We make shallow, even cuts on the surface of the meat piece.
  5. Rub a piece of pork tenderloin with coarse salt.
  6. Place it in a container and cover it with a lid.
  7. Place the meat in the refrigerator for 48 hours.
  8. After two days, wash off the excess salt with running water.
  9. Dry the meat thoroughly again with a cloth towel.
  10. Rub with seasonings and spices to taste, pour cognac on top.
  11. In this form, we send a piece of pork to a secluded and dark place for marinating for one week.
  12. A week has passed, it's time to remove the piece of pork from the marinade and dry it.
  13. Now all that remains is to wrap the pork in gauze and hang it in a horizontal position.
  14. In a week the basturma will be ready.

Contrary to culinary traditions, modern housewives are constantly experimenting. So they began to use chicken fillet to prepare basturma. This product turns out to be incredibly tasty and tender.

And for cooking, in particular drying, poultry fillet requires much less time than pork or beef tenderloin. Add seasonings and spices according to your personal taste preferences; you can use special cooking kits.


  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • fine-grained salt – 3 tsp;
  • 3 tsp. granulated sugar;
  • savory – 2 tsp;
  • 1 tsp. ground paprika;
  • ground red pepper to taste;
  • coriander – 2 tsp.


  1. Pre-defrost the poultry fillet.
  2. We rinse it thoroughly with running water and remove the film.
  3. We soak up excess moisture paper napkins.
  4. Pour fine-grained salt into a deep bowl.
  5. Add granulated sugar and mix thoroughly.
  6. Rub the resulting sweet-salty mixture onto the chicken fillet pieces.
  7. Lightly massage each piece.
  8. We post it like this chicken fillet in a plastic container, and put a load on top.
  9. Place the poultry meat in the refrigerator for 72 hours.
  10. After three days, take out the chicken fillet, rinse it with running water, carefully removing salt and sugar crystals.
  11. Dry the poultry meat again with paper towels.
  12. Wrap the breast in a piece of gauze.
  13. Again, place the meat in a clean container, and place the press on top.
  14. We keep the poultry fillet in this form in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  15. The next day, in a separate bowl, combine all the herbs and spices.
  16. Add filtered water. We should have a paste-like consistency.
  17. Rub the poultry fillet pieces with this mixture.
  18. We hang the fillet on a hook and leave it in a cool, dark place for 72 hours.
  19. After this, we need to wrap the fillet in gauze again and leave it at room temperature for 14 days.

On a note! Basturma should always be dried in a horizontal position so that the air is well converted.

Basturma is a cut of thin transparent strips of meat, which are wrapped in fragrant and exotic spices. The product is considered traditional dish Caucasian, Central Asian and Turkish cuisine. If you cook pork basturma at home, you will get an excellent and rich treat for anyone. festive table.

First mention of jerky dates back to the first century BC (94-95). In those days, meat was salted and dried to preserve it for a long time. Today, basturma is an expensive meat delicacy and is rarely found on the shelves of ordinary stores.

At home, basturma is prepared from pork, beef, lamb and even chicken. In the article we will consider classic recipe pork preparations.

Calorie content

When making basturma, low temperatures are used, thanks to which all useful material. “Compressed meat” is rich in vitamins PP, A, C, group B and amino acids (substances that form protein in the human body). It also contains some microelements and macroelements (potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium and phosphorus).

The product is useful for iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and helps overcome fatigue. Due to its low fat content, basturma is popular in healthy dietary nutrition. Seasonings that cover the treat: hot peppers, garlic and cumin, stimulate, have antibacterial, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties.

Table 1. Energy composition (per 100 g of product)

Meat for basturmaProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gWater, mlKcal
Pork14,8 20,1 0 0 240
Beef19,80 16,92 2,89 0 244,95
Chicken fillet27,0 3,0 7,0 0 162,00
Vegan (no meat)30,30 14,50 9,50 0 290,30
horsemeat20,50 2,90 0 0 108,00

Step-by-step recipe for classic basturma

"Pressed meat" from pork, cooked according to classic or Armenian recipe, turns out juicy and tender. Basturma is a slow-cooking dish and requires a long period of time to fully cook and dry.


  • Pork tenderloin - 1.5-2 kg;
  • Salt, but not iodized - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Noble laurel leaves ( Bay leaf) - 5 pieces.;
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Seasoning “Adjika” - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Ground red pepper - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Ground paprika - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sweet basil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Rosemary - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Coriander - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Gauze or simple cotton cloth.


  1. Remove film and fat from meat. If you want the delicacy to be ready in the shortest possible time, make pieces of approximately 600 grams.
  2. Mix ground black pepper, salt (preferably coarse), and break the bay leaves. This mixture should be enough for the entire piece of pork; grease it thoroughly.
  3. Pour one part of the finished mixture onto the bottom of an oblong container. Roll the tenderloin in the mixture (salt, pepper, bay leaf), arrange well and cover with the second part of the spices. Cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for three days. It is important not to forget about the meat and turn it several times during the day.
  4. After 3 days, remove the tenderloin from the refrigerator and wash off the salt with water. Then blot well with paper napkins. Wrap it in cotton cloth and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours to dry completely.
  5. While the pork sits in the refrigerator, we prepare three mixtures to give the dish an original piquancy.
  6. The first mixture is basil, rosemary and ground coriander, mix thoroughly.
  7. The second mixture is paprika (sweet varieties of capsicums), red hot pepper. If you don’t like it spicy, use less red pepper, but don’t forget that the spiciness of the dish is in its hot crust.
  8. The third mixture - Adjika seasoning is mixed with a small amount of water to form a marinade with a thick consistency in the form of a gel. Please note that the marinade is also spicy.
  9. Carefully roll the dry meat one by one in different prepared mixtures.
  10. We wrap the piece well with gauze or cotton cloth. We tie it tightly with threads. We hang it for drying in a ventilated place.
  11. In a week, or better yet two, homemade pork basturma will be ready. Be sure to ensure that the gauze or cloth is completely dry; if it gets wet, replace it.

Before eating the delicacy, remove the crust from the mixture and then cut into thin transparent slices.

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How to choose the right spices and seasonings

There are simply no specific seasonings for pork basturma. Each cook has his own recipe for mixtures for rubbing meat. For example, a mixture of spices according to the Armenian recipe – “Chaman” – is very popular.

The Chaman mixture is prepared one day before use.

Boil 0.5 liters of water and as soon as it boils, add 3 bay leaves, 2-3 allspice. Boil the water for a few more minutes with the spices.

Cool the broth, strain, and pour into a container with already prepared seasonings:

  • Chaman fenugreek ground - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt ‒ ½ tbsp. l.
  • Allspice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Paprika (mixture of sweet peppers) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Ground cumin (jeera) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Coriander ‒ ½ tbsp. l.
  • Dried garlic - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ground chili pepper - 1 tbsp. l.

“Chaman” is infused for 24 hours in a cool place, after which you can thoroughly rub the pork tenderloin. You may not like this recipe for only one reason - intolerance to the smell of garlic. Not everyone is ready to withstand the strong smell of garlic in the refrigerator for two weeks, so you don’t have to include it in the composition. Two days before the basturma is ready, remove the “Chaman” and replace it with fresh one, but with the addition of garlic.

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It takes a lot of time to prepare basturma, but the result is worth it. The delicacy turns out much tastier than the store-bought version. In addition, many manufacturers are not very conscientious about manufacturing; they dry it out in the shortest possible time in order to add extra weight. They also use chemical additives and not always high-quality raw materials.

Among the various deli meats Basturma especially stands out. If a person is not a principled vegetarian, he must occasionally allow himself to enjoy this wonderful dish. One problem: it is very, very expensive. In addition, the taste views of the consumer do not always coincide with the opinion of the manufacturer. And disappointment after taking a sample from a tasty morsel can be very painful. However, there is some comforting news: you can make delicious beef basturma at home! The recipe will require the cook to be patient. But the result will be exactly what the cook planned to get.

Step one: salting

In order to get the correct, at the same time tender and dense basturma, it is necessary to salt the meat first. There are two ways to do this.

First method. The beef is generously sprinkled with salt; you can even lay it on a bed of salt and pour a snowdrift on top. It won’t absorb excess meat, so you don’t have to worry about over-salting it. The container is covered and placed in a cool place. The recipe does not specify how long homemade beef basturma will be salted: the time greatly depends on the size of the pieces, the age of the slaughtered animal and the desired degree of salinity. Minimum - three days. But many last up to a week. The main rule is to remember to turn it over regularly.

Second method. The brine is prepared at the rate of two tablespoons of salt per liter of water. When cold, pour it over slices of meat, press it on top and also place it in a cool place. With this method, the beef is salted faster - after a day or two you can proceed to the next stage.
we recommend using the first option. The brine method is bad because the meat becomes loose after it. And the next steps in processing it will take more time.

Step two: drying

After the allotted time, the corned beef is removed from the salting container and carefully washed in running water. Left unremoved salt crystals will greatly spoil the meat: firstly, in some places it will be saltier, and secondly, it will be tough and dry. If for some reason running water is not available, the beef is soaked in a basin for about five hours with frequent changes of water in it.

After washing, the meat is blotted with napkins, wrapped in a clean hoe, placed between two boards (can be cutting boards) and pressed down with pressure. This procedure will allow you to squeeze out every drop of remaining water from the beef. The future basturma should lie under pressure for 2 to 4 days. Don't forget to change the napkin regularly.

Step three: drying

Any recipe for making beef basturma requires at least a week (and usually much longer) to dry the salted meat. To do this, it is rubbed with spices. Their choice may be individual; the most common is pepper. After this, a hole is made in the piece of future basturma, through which twine or a thick thread is pulled. The beef is wrapped in gauze (to prevent dust and insects from getting together) and hung in a secluded place. It has certain requirements:

  1. The room should not be humid.
  2. Basturma needs constant ventilation. So look for a corner where there is a draft.
  3. The meat should not be exposed to the sun. In fact, it would be nice to keep it in a dark room, but not everyone has it. So at least shade the hanging delicacy.

The recipe suggests taking the dryness of the outer layer and the darkening of the meat in the middle as a signal that you have beef basturma that is already ready for consumption. This usually takes from 10 days to two weeks.

Important: Chaman

If beef is your favorite, the recipe recommends using chaman. This is the name of the spicy mixture in which the drying should take place. To make it, dissolve a glass of fenugreek in a glass of warm water, add a spoonful of sugar, crushed garlic to taste, ground allspice, red and black pepper, chopped bay leaf and cumin (a spoonful). The mixture should be very thick and viscous. It is infused under a napkin for half a day, after which the beef is coated with chaman. Further steps are the same as when preparing other types of basturma. The only difference is that after three days of drying, the chaman needs to be scraped off and a new layer applied.

Secrets of basturma

Beef basturma at home: recipe with wine

Some people find this delicacy a bit harsh and dry. For them - alternative way its preparations. A kilogram of beef is divided into strips, generously rubbed with salt on all sides and hidden in a closed container in the refrigerator for five hours. Then the beef is dried from the liquid that has emerged, pricked in a couple of places with a fork, rubbed with salt again, only now mixed with red pepper, garlic and fenugreek, and returned to the salting vessel. The meat prepared in this way is poured with dry red wine so that it does not protrude anywhere - you will need about a liter and a quarter. There is oppression on top - and in the refrigerator for a week. After the basturma, it is dried, wrapped in a cotton cloth - and loaded, in the refrigerator, for another couple of days. Next, it is suspended for four days in a suitable place for initial withering. And finally, it is coated with a mixture of black pepper, salt and flour, taken one spoon at a time and stirred in half a glass of wine. You can also add coriander and cumin. After ten days of drying, you can try.