How much minced meat for manti? How to make manti juicy and tasty? Little tricks. For manti with pumpkin, prepare the dough by kneading as usual.

Many housewives seriously consider Uzbek manti to be the closest relatives of the Russian dish “pelmeni”, and they prepare them in the same way, making them only slightly larger in size. If you want to treat your family or friends to a real dish “with the smell of the East,” then you should know that dumplings and manti are hardly similar in their method of preparation.

Prepare them according to at least one of the methods that we present in this article, and you will be convinced of this. In Central Asia, manti are extremely popular on the tables of the local population. So what prevents us from tasting Asian cuisine without leaving home?

The main thing in the article

Cooking manti: selection of products

Although it is believed that manta rays are asian dish, which is popular in Uzbek, Turkish and Pakistani cuisine, originates from China. It is from the Chinese “mantyou”, that is, “steamed bread”, that the name of this original and incredibly tasty dish comes from.

Traditional classic manti is prepared from two main components:

  • elastic, elastic dough;
  • minced meat, which is most often lamb with the addition of onions, spices and fat tail fat.

Concerning test, most delicious recipe which we will present below, to prepare it you will traditionally need:

  • water,
  • salt,
  • flour,
  • Some housewives add eggs and milk to give it special tenderness and elasticity.

A recipe for manti made from choux pastry is also common in Turkestan.

We are not as accustomed to eating lamb as Asian peoples, so we often replace the standard meat ingredient this dish for a more classic one:

  • pork,
  • beef,
  • chicken,
  • a mixture of several types of minced meat.

Instead of fat tail fat The piece fits perfectly salted lard. For 1 kg of meat you need to take 150-200 g of lard - this way the filling will turn out juicy and tender.

An important role is played by the addition onions: do not spare it, let its quantity exceed 50% of the minced meat - this will be the key to the juiciness of the entire dish.

In the homeland of manti, sunny Asia, they are very fond of spices, so try not to make your manti too bland. To give rich taste and flavor the minced meat with a characteristic aroma cumin, black pepper, cumin, marjoram, coriander, dried basil, garlic.

Lovers of greens can add finely chopped cilantro, fresh basil or dill.

If you want to make manti according to original recipe, stock up on products that best fit into the format of this dish:

  • pumpkin;
  • mushrooms;
  • cheese – processed, hard or feta cheese;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • fish;
  • favorite spices.

Dishes and kitchen utensils for preparing manti

Manti is a dish for which you need to equip yourself with certain kitchen equipment. An ordinary pan, like for cooking dumplings, will not work here, especially if you are preparing open manti or have chosen some other type for them. original version sculpting. Manti are steamed, which not only keeps them in perfect shape, but also makes them even healthier.

Traditionally, to prepare manti in Asian countries, a special device is used - a manty dish. Its Russian relative, called the manti cooker, is as close to it as possible in its functions, and allows you to cook manti no worse than in the countries of the East.

The principle of its design is simple: a pressure cooker consists of 2 or 3 pans placed on top of each other, separated in the middle by a lid with colander-type holes for free penetration of steam.

If you don’t cook manti too often, you don’t have to buy a manti cooker: an ordinary one double boiler copes with the preparation of manti no worse. If you have in your kitchen multicooker– use it by selecting the “Steam” mode.

These kitchen helpers allow you to prepare delicious manti in just 40-50 minutes.

Features and principles of preparing manti

You can get acquainted with the main rules and the most beautiful ways of sculpting manti from our article:

Recipe for the most delicious dough for manti

To make the dough softer and more pliable when rolling, cover it with a bag or wrap it in cling film and leave it to rest on the table for 20 minutes.

The universal dough for manti is ready, in the meantime you can start preparing the filling. You can make manta rays of a classic shape, or you can give free rein to your imagination and create an elegant, intricate, holiday dish, if you use our advice from the article about.

And how to properly roll out the dough into manti and pinch them beautifully, watch the video.

Don’t forget to take a look at our article about the most delicious, in it you will definitely find an option to suit your taste.

Classic manti with meat: step-by-step recipe with photos

This is the recipe that we are all accustomed to, and which is absolutely adapted to the cuisine of our country. For it we will take the following products.

Knead the dough according to the recipe presented above, or select the appropriate one from those presented. And if everything is clear with the dough, and the main thing is to knead it properly, then it is the filling that makes the manti real manti.

Place on a plate, pour in melted butter, garnish with herbs and enjoy this delicious hot dish.

Manti with meat in Uzbek style

The technology for preparing manti in Uzbek is not too different from the classical one. The main difference is in the ingredients of the dish. If you still intend to try this version of manti, stock up on these products.

  1. We make the dough for manti according to an already mastered recipe, as in the classic version.
  2. Chop all the minced meat ingredients into cubes and mix.
  3. Generously season the minced meat with spices, add salt and mix thoroughly.
  4. Place 1 tablespoon of filling onto prepared equal layers of dough.
  5. We pinch the manti and give it a traditional shape.

Secret: the molded seams of the manti should be similar in configuration to the letter “H” elongated horizontally. Then we pull the corners, which are the lower part of the “legs” of the letter H, towards each other and connect them.

Generously lubricate the grates of the mantovarka cascan vegetable oil, place the manti on them and cook the dish for 40-50 minutes. By the way, you should definitely eat manti in Uzbek with your hands.

Manti with meat and pumpkin: original Asian photo recipe

In this recipe, pumpkin is added to the traditional onion and meat filling - a rather unusual element of a meat dish for us. But, for example, in Almaty, manti is prepared exclusively with the addition of pumpkin. They turn out very tender, sweet, original.

There are two ways to deal with vegetables.

  1. Cut into small cubes.
  2. Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater, cut the onion into half rings. The second option will be easier to work with in the process.

Test preparation

Preparing the filling

Modeling manti

Steaming manti
Don’t forget to soak each manti in sunflower or butter before placing it on the caskan.

Manti recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

Recipe for manti with meat and cheese

Cooking manti with the addition of cheese is not very different from the recipe classic manti with meat. Only at the stage of preparing the minced meat you need to add cheese, grated on a coarse grater, and choose which one yourself:

  • durum varieties;
  • fused;
  • feta cheese;
  • Suluguni.

Ideal filling proportions:

  • 0.5 kg meat
  • 0.3 kg onions
  • 0.2 kg cheese
  • spices to taste.

Manti are steamed for 45 minutes, after which they are flavored with butter and sprinkled with your favorite herbs.

Manti with potatoes and mushrooms: recipe for choux pastry

Do you think manti comes only with meat? Not at all, let's adapt this dish to our cuisine and prepare Asian manti in the Russian style - with potatoes and mushrooms.

Tip: to get a more delicate taste of the filling, add a small cube to each manti before pinching. butter.

Recipe for manti with meat, potatoes and cabbage

We offer a video recipe for the juiciest manti with meat and vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, onions and carrots with aromatic vegetable gravy.

Manti with fish and spices: step-by-step recipe

Manti with fish is a special food pleasure with the original “sound” of a familiar dish. Be sure to please your loved ones with this delicacy, and here you have holiday recipe for service.


  • 4 tbsp flour
  • 2 tbsp cold water
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • salt and sugar - 1 tsp each.

Knead the cool stuff elastic dough, gradually introducing flour. Wrap it in cling film and let it rest for 20 minutes.


  • fresh salmon or other sea ​​fish– 0.8 kg
  • Chinese cabbage (for more delicate taste) – 200 g
  • 1 onion
  • 0.5 tbsp cream
  • 0.5 tsp each of spices - saffron, ground red and black peppers, salt.

Chop the salmon into cubes, cut the cabbage into strips, chop the onion finely and fry in melted butter, adding 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Mix all the minced meat ingredients, add spices and cream.

Divide the dough into small portions, rolling each one out properly. Place 1 tablespoon of filling in the center of each layer of dough.

We pinch the manti.

Prepare the manti in a double boiler, adding spices to the boiling water for flavoring: peppercorns, Provencal herbs, rosemary and basil. Cook the manti for 25-30 minutes.

To this delicious delicate dish“begging” for a special sauce. Let's take for it:

  • 1 tbsp fat sour cream
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • salt pepper.

Squeeze the garlic into the sour cream, finely chop the dill and add it there. Season with a little pepper and salt.

This sauce will further highlight the delicate and unusual taste of fish manti, which your family will definitely appreciate and love.

Cooking manti in a slow cooker

How to make truly juicy and tasty manti: our tips

  1. As already mentioned, the more onions in the filling, the juicier the manti.
  2. After slicing the meat, pound it a little more by chopping it with a knife or chop hatchet.
  3. Be sure to use the fat component in the minced meat - if you don’t find fat tail fat, add lard without meat layers.
  4. Before placing the minced meat on the dough, remember it carefully so that the onion gives maximum juice.
  5. To add juiciness, chopped pumpkin is added to the minced meat.
  6. If the filling still seems a little dry, add a little boiled water to the minced meat and mix it well.
  7. When the minced meat is already laid out on a layer of dough, place a cube of butter on top of it and pinch the manti using the chosen method.
  8. Be sure to lubricate the cascans of the steamer or manti with vegetable or butter so that the manti does not stick together or tear.

The most delicious filling options for manti

In addition to the above delicious fillings for manti, we advise you to try the following combinations, which will not leave either you or your family and friends indifferent.

  • lamb + greens + cheese;
  • meat + mushrooms + cheese;
  • hard cheese + spinach + dill;
  • cottage cheese + greens;
  • pumpkin + pink salmon fillet;
  • pumpkin + cheese;
  • chicken + garlic + zucchini;
  • minced fish + rice;
  • onion + boiled eggs+ greens.

Such a variety of filling options will give you the opportunity to serve a new culinary masterpiece to the table every time.

Video recipes for delicious manti

In general, the Chinese were the first to start preparing manti. True, there they are called wrappers, in Chinese - baozi. Initially they were called in their homeland - mantou. That's where the people of Asia got their name from.

Traditional manti is prepared from unleavened dough. Often it is very thin, but there are variations with yeast, fluffy dough. You can fill them with anything, adding seasonings to your taste. Housewives cook both meat and vegetables, and even cottage cheese manti. The only thing all these dishes have in common is the method of preparation. Steamed manti is prepared in a special vessel called kaskan in Asia. IN modern world invented a variety of pressure cookers. They are a multi-level pan with holes for steam. In the lowest section there is water, which boils away and forms the steam necessary for cooking.

You can also use a regular steamer which is very common in our country. Well, one can only envy those who have special Chinese utensils for preparing manti. Bamboo sticks are used here as levels for placing the dish.

Manti, dough recipe

  • As for cooking classic test, it's worth opening one little secret. In order to very thin dough not torn, use two types of wheat flour: 1st and 2nd grade.
  • Also, experts recommend using correct proportions water to flour: 1:2. Then the dough will be elastic and strong enough.
  • Well, and, of course, it is important to add at least two eggs.
  • And after kneading the dough, let it sit for about an hour, covering it with a damp towel.
  • Considered ideal The thickness of the cakes for manti is 1 mm. Therefore, it is very important that the dough is strong enough.
  • Place the filling on the flatbreads and pinch the manti. After shaping the dish, dip each bag in vegetable oil until the bottom is wet. And only after that send it to the pressure cooker. Thanks to this trick, the manti will not stick to the bottom of the grates.

Manti recipe - form

By the way, the shape of manta rays can be very different. Each nation has its own. Manti can be round; such manti are often sold frozen in stores. Also, square manti are considered classics, and triangular ones are also found.

Filling for manti

  • The filling is usually chopped using a knife. Modern housewives often use meat grinders, although in Asia a meat grinder is not generally recognized for preparing sacred dishes. Really, manti, recipe which involves the use of meat chopped with a knife, turns out much tastier.
  • Now let's talk about the filling itself. Traditional manti is prepared with meat. Moreover, it is customary to mix several different ones in one filling. meat products. This can be beef, pork, chicken and lamb.
  • Be sure to add pieces of fat. This is done to make the manti more juicy and tasty.
  • Added to this minced meat onion, cut into small cubes. It is taken in a 1:2 ratio to meat. After all, onions also add incredible juiciness to the dish.
  • In Asia, pieces of any vegetables and always potatoes are also added to minced meat. It absorbs excess juice and prevents the mantas from tearing.
  • Pumpkin is also considered an ideal ingredient. It adds a unique flavor to the meat.
  • Absolutely any fillings are added to modern manti. These can be mushrooms, vegetables, as well as cottage cheese, fruits or seafood. Below we will look at some options for preparing this wonderful dish.

Spices for manti

And, of course, like any other Asian dish, manti cannot do without spices. In addition to the traditional black and red pepper add cumin, garlic, cumin.

And on top of the manti are sprinkled with parsley, cilantro and dill. As a sauce, you can serve ordinary sour cream, as well as tomato or various sauces.

Here are some of the most good recipes.

Uzbek manti recipe

To prepare Uzbek manti you will need

For the test

  • 400 g wheat flour
  • 120 g water
  • a pinch of salt

For minced meat

  • 0.5 kg lamb
  • 50 g lamb fat
  • 300 g onions
  • salt, pepper to taste

Recipe for Uzbek manti

  1. Knead the dough by mixing flour, water and salt. Divide it into small balls. Prepare the minced meat. To do this, finely chop the meat and onion.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, add salt and pepper. Now start sculpting the mantas. Roll out the balls into flat cakes, place minced meat in the middle of each, and a piece of fat on top.
  3. Seal the manti, forming balls. Place the manti in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes. Serve sour cream and herbs as a sauce.

Yeast manti recipe

To prepare Yeast Manti you will need

For the test

  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 5 g dry yeast
  • 80 g water
  • salt

For minced meat

  • 150 g pork
  • 150 g beef
  • salt, red pepper to taste
  • 200 g onions

Recipe for making Yeast Manti

  1. Knead the dough from flour, water and yeast. Let him come up once. And you can start cutting.
  2. To prepare minced meat, finely chop the meat and onion. Mix everything thoroughly. Make the manti into a square shape, adding 1 tbsp. l. minced meat in each.
  3. Grease the tiers of the pressure cooker with butter. Cook the manti for 40 minutes. You can serve butter as a sauce, sprinkling manti with chopped herbs.

Manti with potatoes recipe

To prepare manti with potatoes you will need

For the test

  • 350 g wheat flour
  • 150 g water
  • salt
  • 10 g vegetable oil

For minced meat

Recipe for making manti with potatoes

  1. Knead the dough by mixing water, salt and flour. Cover it with a damp towel and let it sit.
  2. At this time, prepare the minced meat. Peel and cut the potatoes and onions into small cubes.
  3. Add chopped lard there. Season it all with spices. You can start making manta rays.
  4. To do this, roll out the dough into a large thin layer. Cut it into small square cakes. Place a small amount of minced meat on each of them and form square manti.
  5. Place them on the grate of the pressure cooker, greased with vegetable oil. Manti should be cooked for 20-30 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

What other fillings for manti do you know, friends?

Olga Manti with pumpkin were mentioned here. But each housewife makes them differently. You can mix minced meat and diced pumpkin (I grate it on a coarse grater), onions in the proportions 1: 1: 1 (meat: pumpkin: onion), add to the minced meat rendered lard or pieces of fresh lard, red pepper, black. This is one version of manti with pumpkin.
But I prefer pure pumpkin. I grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater, cut the onion, grate frozen butter, salt, pepper (necessarily both black and red pepper) and the filling is ready! The taste is very pleasant, of course, those who don’t like pumpkin will not appreciate this recipe. But for such people, the recipe above, minced pumpkin with meat, is suitable.)))

olga belozor Very delicious manti from duck meat, in minced meat, you can add a little raw potatoes (without it they turn out very fatty), mince them together with the meat, and of course, finely chopped onions, a lot... And the bones are good for broth. It turns out not greasy, but rich. It’s a pity that there are no ducks for sale now, even on the market. I make the dough like dumplings, although I always use milk instead of water. Per liter of liquid +2 eggs. I trust my son or husband to knead the dough, rational use of male power and participation in the preparation process, the dough turns out excellent.

The Chinese were the first to start preparing manti. True, there they are called wraps, in Chinese - baozi. Initially they were called in their homeland - mantou. That's where the people of Asia got their name from.

Traditional manti are made from unleavened dough. Often it is very thin, but there are variations with yeasty, fluffy dough for manti. You can fill them with anything, adding seasonings to your taste. Housewives prepare both meat and vegetable, and even cottage cheese manti.

The only thing all these dishes have in common is the method of preparation. Steamed manti is prepared in a special vessel called kaskan in Asia. In the modern world, a variety of pressure cookers have been invented. They are a multi-level pan with holes for steam. In the lowest section there is water, which boils away and forms the steam necessary for cooking.

You can also use an ordinary double boiler, which is very common in our country.

Well, one can only envy those who have special Chinese utensils for preparing manti. Bamboo sticks are used here as levels for placing the dish.

As for preparing the classic dough, it’s worth revealing one little secret. To prevent very thin dough from tearing, use two types of wheat flour: grades 1 and 2.

Well, and, of course, it is important to add at least two eggs to 1 kg of flour.

And after kneading the dough, let it sit for about an hour, covering it with a damp towel.

The ideal thickness for manti cakes is 1 mm. Therefore, it is very important that the dough is strong enough.

Place the filling on the flatbreads and pinch the manti. After shaping the dish, dip each bag in vegetable oil until the bottom is wet. And only after that send it to the pressure cooker. Thanks to this trick, the manti will not stick to the bottom of the grates.

Manti recipe: how to sculpt beautifully

By the way, the shape of manta rays can be very different. Each nation has its own. Manti can be round; such manti are often sold frozen in stores. Also, square manti are considered classics, and triangular ones are also found.

Filling for manti

The filling is usually chopped using a knife. Modern housewives often use meat grinders, although in Asia a meat grinder is not generally recognized for preparing sacred dishes. Indeed, manti, the recipe for which involves the use of meat chopped with a knife, turns out much tastier.

Now let's talk about the filling itself. Traditional manti is prepared with meat. Moreover, it is customary to mix several different meat products in one filling. This can be beef, pork, chicken and lamb.

Be sure to add pieces of fat. This is done to make the manti more juicy and tasty.

Onions, cut into small cubes, are added to this minced meat. It is taken in a 1:2 ratio to meat. After all, onions also add incredible juiciness to the dish.

In Asia, pieces of any vegetables and always potatoes are also added to minced meat. It absorbs excess juice and prevents the mantas from tearing.

Pumpkin is also considered an ideal ingredient. It adds a unique flavor to the meat.

Absolutely any fillings are added to modern manti. These can be mushrooms, vegetables, as well as cottage cheese, fruits or seafood. Below we will look at some options for preparing this wonderful dish.

Spices for manti

And, of course, like any other Asian dish, manti cannot do without spices. In addition to traditional black and red pepper, cumin, garlic, and cumin are added.

And on top of the manti are sprinkled with parsley, cilantro and dill. As a sauce, you can serve ordinary sour cream, as well as tomato or various sauces.
Here are some of the most successful recipes for making manti.

Uzbek manti - recipe with photo

To prepare Uzbek manti you will need:

  • For the dough: 400 g wheat flour
  • 120 g water
  • a pinch of salt
  • For minced meat: 0.5 kg lamb
  • 50 g lamb fat
  • 300 g onions
  • salt, pepper to taste

Recipe for Uzbek manti:

Knead the dough by mixing flour, water and salt. Divide it into small balls. Prepare the minced meat. To do this, finely chop the meat and onion.

Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly, add salt and pepper. Now start sculpting the mantas. Roll out the balls into flat cakes, place minced meat in the middle of each, and a piece of fat on top.

Seal the manti, forming balls. Place the manti in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes. Serve sour cream and herbs as a sauce.

Yeast manti: pork recipe

To prepare Yeast Manti you will need:

  • For the dough: 200 g wheat flour
  • 5 g dry yeast
  • 80 g water
  • For minced meat: 150 g pork
  • 150 g beef
  • salt, red pepper to taste
  • 200 g onions

Recipe for making Yeast Manti:

Knead the dough from manti flour, water and yeast. Let him come up once. And you can start cutting.

To prepare minced meat, finely chop the meat and onion. Mix everything thoroughly. Make the manti into a square shape, adding 1 tbsp. l. minced meat in each.

Grease the tiers of the pressure cooker with butter. Cook the manti for 40 minutes. You can serve butter as a sauce, sprinkling manti with chopped herbs.

Manti with potatoes

To prepare manti with potatoes you will need:

  • For the dough: 350 g wheat flour
  • 150 g water
  • 10 g vegetable oil
  • For minced meat: 800 g potatoes
  • 100 g lard
  • 4 things. medium bulbs
  • salt, ground pepper to taste

Recipe for making manti with potatoes:

Knead the dough for manti by mixing water, salt and flour. Cover it with a damp towel and let it sit.
At this time, prepare the minced meat. Peel and cut the potatoes and onions into small cubes.

Add chopped lard there. Season it all with spices. You can start making manta rays.

To do this, roll out the dough into a large thin layer. Cut it into small square cakes. Place a small amount of minced meat on each of them and form square manti.

Place them on the grate of the pressure cooker, greased with vegetable oil. Manti should be cooked for 20-30 minutes.

Manti with pumpkin and meat in Uzbek style


  • Meat - 1 kg;
  • Pumpkin - 800 g;
  • Onion - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Flour - 3 tbsp;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

Description of preparation:

Traditional option How to make manti with pumpkin and meat in Uzbek, involves the use of lamb, but fresh meat is not always on hand.

If you wish, you can try using beef, for example. You can also get creative with spices: use dried herbs, spices and seasonings for meat.

The two main components of the filling are pumpkin and meat. It is best to cut them the same size, into small cubes.

Another irreplaceable ingredient that needs to be used in the recipe for preparing manti with pumpkin and meat in Uzbek style in sufficient quantity is onion. It also needs to be peeled and cut into cubes.

Season the chopped filling with salt and pepper and set aside. The dough is also quite simple: egg, water, a little salt and sifted flour. Mix everything properly, knead soft dough.

Divide the dough into small pieces and roll each piece out fairly thin on a floured surface.

Place the filling in the center. Don’t be sorry: there should be quite a lot of it, then Uzbek-style manti with pumpkin and meat at home will be truly juicy and tasty.

Then carefully seal the two edges first. Then wrap them, give them the required shape. Lubricate the tiers of the steamer with a little vegetable oil.

And lay out the manti. Manti can be served with sour cream or topped with fried onions, for example, with garlic.

Steamed manti from ready-made dough

This recipe is the fastest and easiest. The manti turns out juicy.


  • Puff pastry one pack
  • Minced meat (preferably beef) - 300-400 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Pepper and salt to taste
  • Olive oil or butter

Cooking method:

We cut each piece of dough into 4 parts, you get four equal squares, roll out each of them. Finely chop the cilantro and onion, add to the minced meat, pepper and salt.

Place a tablespoon of minced meat in the middle of the square (you can add a small piece of butter), seal the edges with an envelope, sealing the seams. Grease the steamer grate with oil to prevent the manti from sticking, cook for 20-25 minutes.

Cooked manti can be served with sour cream, tkemali, pepper and juice.

Video: how to cook delicious manti on a bed of vegetables without a pressure cooker

Manti - famous by everyone favorite dish. There are a lot of cooking options.

Manta rays are a frequent guest in our family. I cook them for dinner or as a hot dish for festive table. I usually cook manti with minced meat. But my husband just loves manti with minced meat. Sometimes I do this option too. Since we are not lamb lovers, I cook with pork.

It’s very good when the meat has a layer of fat. Due to the large amount of onions, manti with meat are not at all greasy, but very juicy and tender.

First prepare the dough for the manti. Measure and salt the flour.

Pour boiling water over the oil and stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour water and oil into the dough and quickly mix first with a spatula, then knead the dough with your hands.

The dough turns out soft and does not stick to your hands at all. Cover with a towel and let rest.

Freeze a piece of meat or not completely defrost it.

Slice thin small pieces.

Thinly slice the onion. I grate it into rings and then cut it in half with a knife, it’s very convenient.

Mix onion and meat, add salt and pepper. If available, you can add chopped fresh herbs.

Divide the dough into small pieces and roll into flat cakes.

Place a spoonful of meat in the center.

Pinch the dough in the center.

Seal the edges.

Now connect the edges: left to right.

Lightly grease the bowl of a pressure cooker or steamer with oil. Dip the bottom of each manti in oil and place in a bowl at a distance from each other.

Cook manti with meat for 35-40 minutes.

Serve manti with chopped meat hot, brushed with butter, with any sauces.

Bon appetit.

To prepare delicious manti at home, use the best recipes from our selection!

The dish is prepared with a variety of fillings, including lean ones, so the calorie content of manti can vary greatly. The most satisfying are pork and lamb manti, the least high-calorie filling is mushroom and vegetable.

A distinctive feature of this dish is that a meat grinder and blender are not used to create minced meat. Meat and fat should be chopped into cubes (0.5 cm) with a knife. The same rule applies to other ingredients, if you are preparing multi-component minced meat (meat with vegetables) or lean manti (with vegetables, cottage cheese, cheese, fruits - apples, quinces, grapes).

Cool the minced meat before wrapping the manti. A skillfully prepared dish can be judged by the thickness of the dough. The perfect dough for manti should be the thinnest, so that the filling can be seen through.

for test:

  • flour – 2.75 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • salt – 1 tsp.

For filling:

  • beef – 300 g
  • onion – 300 g
  • cumin – 1 pinch
  • salt - to taste
  • ground coriander – 1 pinch
  • ground black pepper – 1 pinch
  • ground red pepper - 1 pinch.

The recipe for manti with meat is simple, and we start cooking by kneading the dough. Pour 1 glass of warm water into a deep cup, add salt and vegetable oil.

Gradually add flour. To prepare a stiff dough, a maximum of 3 cups of premium wheat flour will be used. In this case, 2.75 cups were used.

Knead everything, wrap in cling film and set aside for 15-20 minutes. This dough for manti is a classic recipe that is suitable for products with any filling. You can also add 1 egg. To do this, crack an egg into a measuring cup and add water to the brim. And then add flour.

While the dough is resting, you need to prepare the filling. Cut the onion into half rings, add a pinch of salt, pepper, coriander and cumin. Mash the entire mass with your hands. The onion should release juice.

Clean the beef from films and tendons. Cut into small cubes, then chop with a knife, as in the photo. If you don’t have enough time, you can use a meat grinder with an attachment for a large shredder, but real minced meat for manti is chopped with a knife.

Mix onion with meat, add salt to taste. If the meat is without streaks of fat, add 2 tablespoons of softened butter to the filling. Ready dough you need to roll it out with a rolling pin. If it sticks to the surface, you can lightly sprinkle it with flour.

You need to roll out the dough for manti quite thinly, a few millimeters thick. If you can see the letters on the silicone mat, it means it has already been stretched quite thin. You need to try to ensure that the layer is the same thickness over the entire surface.

Cut the dough with a knife into equal squares with sides 10*10 cm.

Place one tablespoon of filling on each square.

Connect the opposite ends of the square to form an envelope. You only need to connect the ends, the edges remain free.

Now the manti with meat needs to be greased on all sides with vegetable oil and placed on a double boiler. The steaming bowl also needs to be greased with oil.

The manti should be folded tightly enough, but at the same time make sure that they do not flatten or lose their shape.

When the water in the steamer or multicooker boils, place the bowl with manti. Steam the dish for exactly 45 minutes. After the specified time has passed, place the manti on a plate and pour over the melted butter.

Recipe 2: how to cook manti at home

For the test:

  • Flour (wheat) 0.5 kg.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Water (warm) ¾ cup
  • A pinch of salt

For filling:

  • Minced meat (pork) 300–400 gr.
  • Onions 4 pcs.
  • Salt to taste
  • Spices to taste
  • Greens for decoration to taste

Sift into a bowl wheat flour Through a fine sieve, add a pinch of salt, an egg and a little warm water. Knead an elastic, elastic dough that should not stick to your hands. We wrap it in cling film and place in the refrigerator for one hour.

I already bought ready minced meat. But if you have pork tenderloin at home, you can cook it yourself by passing the meat through a meat grinder with a medium knife. Peel the onion, finely chop and add to the minced meat, or you can also pass it through a meat grinder. Don't forget to add salt and pepper.

We take the dough out of the refrigerator, divide it into 4 parts and roll out a rectangular layer with a thickness of at least 0.5 cm,

cut it into 6 squares, approximately 9x9 cm, in each of which we put one teaspoon of minced meat.

We pinch the edges in the middle and connect all the ends of the manti in pairs. A photograph will help you get your bearings.

We will prepare homemade manti on a double boiler or pressure cooker, the bottom of which must be greased with a piece of butter.

After that, we put all the manti in it so that they do not touch each other. Otherwise, when removed, they will stick together and tear.

You need to cook manti for at least 40 - 50 minutes over medium heat.

Take the dill, wash it and chop it finely. The finished manti must be thoroughly greased with butter so that they do not stick together, and then sprinkled with herbs. Homemade manti is served with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: manti at home in Uzbek style

Manti recipe in Uzbek - traditional dish Central Asia. It’s simple and very tasty, so you definitely need to cook it!

For minced meat:

  • Lamb – 300 g
  • Fat tail lard - 40 g
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 0.5-0.75 teaspoons
  • Ground black pepper - 0.25 teaspoon

For the test:

  • Flour - 1.5 cups flour (240 g)
  • Water - 0.75 cups (120 g)
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Vegetable oil for greasing - 1 tbsp. spoon

The products are prepared according to the Uzbek manti recipe.

How to cook manti in Uzbek: sift the flour, add water, salt.

Knead flour, water and salt into a stiff dough, roll into a ball and leave to swell for 10 minutes.

Preparation of minced meat. The lamb pulp is passed through a meat grinder with a large grid or finely chopped.

The onion is peeled and cut very finely.

Add finely chopped onions, ground black pepper, salt, a little water (1-2 tablespoons) to the minced meat and mix thoroughly.

The dough is divided into portions (12-14 pcs.)

Then roll out the juices 1-2 mm thick, 10 cm in diameter.

Place minced meat in the middle of each juice.

A piece of fat tail fat the size of an almond is placed on top.

Pinch in the middle, giving the product round shape. To prevent the dough from drying out and becoming brittle, raw manti is covered with a napkin.

The grate of the steamer or, if there is one, the tiers of the steam pan (kaskan) are greased with oil, the manti are placed on them so that they do not touch each other, sprinkled with cold water and steamed for 45 minutes, covering with a lid.

Manti in Uzbek style are ready at home!

Recipe 4: cooking manti at home

Mantas are steamed, so for cooking you will need a special pan - a mantovarka. If there is none, then a steamer or multicooker can replace it to some extent. Every possible combination of dough and meat is a frequently encountered feature in the national cuisine of the East. Manta rays are a striking example of this combination. As a rule, such dishes are adapted to Russian cuisine by adding potatoes, and pork or beef is used for minced meat instead of lamb.

For fresh dough:

  • wheat flour - 400 - 500 g;
  • one egg;
  • boiled water - 400 ml.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • homemade minced meat (pork with beef) - 600 g;
  • potatoes, cut into medium cubes - about 600 g;
  • onion - about 600 g;
  • salt, spices.

We prepare manti dough with potatoes and minced meat. It is mixed like dumplings, but only one egg is added. If the dough is kneaded without eggs, then the manti is cooked immediately, without leaving it to freeze. Sift the flour into a cup, make a well in the middle, and beat in the egg. Pour 100 ml. boiled, cooled water.

Add a pinch of salt and three tablespoons of sunflower oil. Mix, gradually adding water (another 300 ml.). After that, pour a glass of flour onto the table and level it, put the dough on the table on the flour, knead. Roll the finished dough in flour, wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

We prepare the filling for manti from minced meat with potatoes. If the minced meat is not fatty enough, add lard. It can be finely cut or minced in a meat grinder. Onions give juiciness and unique taste to this dish. If there are not enough onions, this will negatively affect the result. The minced meat will stick together inside into one lump, and the manti will lose its juiciness. The onion must be cut into cubes, like potatoes, and not minced.

Stir, add a teaspoon of salt, black pepper and spices to taste.

To get rid of the excess liquid that potatoes provide, the minced meat should be placed in a sieve or colander and put in the freezer for twenty minutes. After this, sculpting manti will be much easier, the juice will not interfere with sculpting.

Remove the rested dough from the refrigerator, cut into pieces the size of a walnut opex. You can first roll out the flat cakes, and then proceed directly to modeling. Then, after rolling, cover the flatbreads with cellophane so that the dough does not dry out and lose elasticity.

How to make manti with potatoes and minced meat in rosettes. The flatbreads should not be too thin, but they should not be too thick either. Place the minced meat into the flatbread and pinch the opposite edges on top.

Pinch the edges on the other side. The result should be a kind of envelope.

Connect the adjacent corners of the envelope between the baking soda. On both sides.

To ensure that the finished manti can be easily removed and does not fall apart, clean and dry levels of the manti cooker are lubricated with sunflower oil. When cooked, the manti will increase in size. Therefore, the distance between them is left sufficient so that the mantas do not stick together. 11-15 pieces are placed on one level, depending on the size.

The tiers with mantas prepared for cooking are placed on the pan only when the water is already boiling. Manti should be cooked for 45 minutes to one hour. If a multicooker is used to prepare manti, the cooking time increases to 1 hour 15 minutes. Cook with the lid closed.

Recipe 5, step by step: homemade manti with minced meat

Manti - delicious meat dish, in form and content reminiscent of large dumplings. However, instead of the usual cooking in boiling water, manti are traditionally steamed in a pressure cooker. When made correctly, they turn out incredibly juicy, aromatic and tasty. To obtain an abundant amount of “juice”, be sure to add a lot of onion and a small portion of water to the filling.

Dough for manti can be made with water, milk or kefir. We will focus on the last option. This dough turns out to be the most elastic, does not require professional skills from the cook and is the most “obedient” to work with. So, let's stock up on food and prepare juicy homemade manti - step by step recipe with a photo will be of significant help to us!

For the test:

  • kefir - 350 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - about 600-700 g (how much the dough will take);
  • fine salt - 1 teaspoon.

For filling:

  • minced meat (pork + beef) - about 1.5 kg;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • onions - 3-4 large heads;
  • water - about 1/3 cup (more or less is possible, depending on the juiciness of the minced meat).

To lubricate the tiers:

  • butter - 30-40 g.

Sift a glass of flour through a fine sieve and pour into a deep bowl. Throw in salt and beat in a raw egg.

Shake the mixture with a fork and gradually pour in kefir. Mix vigorously, combining the ingredients and getting rid of flour lumps.

Gradually add flour to the resulting adhesive composition. Knead by hand a stiff, non-sticky dough (the consistency of dumplings). If necessary, increase the dosage of flour.

We give the dough half an hour of rest, after which we begin modeling. Divide the flour mass into several parts and roll it into thick oblong “strands”. We divide each workpiece into approximately equal-sized pieces (about 2-3 cm long).

Dip each piece in flour and roll out into thin flat cakes. Finely chop the onion with a knife and mix with the minced meat. Throw in salt, spices and knead the meat mass. To make the filling juicier, add water (the minced meat should be soft and juicy, but not liquid). Place a portion of the meat mass (1-2 tablespoons) on the center of the flatbread. Sometimes, instead of minced meat, finely chopped pork, beef or lamb is added to the filling, and pumpkin or potatoes are often added - a matter of taste!

We connect the opposite edges of the flatbread in the center above the filling, firmly pinching the dough with our fingers (we leave the workpiece open on the sides). We pull the side of the cake to the central seam and pinch it, forming ears (see photo below).

We fasten the second side in the same way. As a result, we get a quadrangular, completely closed manti with the filling hidden inside.

We fasten the opposite “ears” together and get a classic shape.

We grease the tiers of the pressure cooker with a piece of butter and lay out our semi-finished products. Don’t forget to keep your distance so that the manti don’t stick together during cooking.

Fill the bottom of the pressure cooker (pan) halfway with water and bring to a boil. We immerse the tiers with semi-finished products into the pressure cooker and cover the container with a lid. Steam homemade manti for 40-45 minutes.

Serve the freshly prepared dish along with any sauces or just like that, adding fresh herbs.

Homemade manti with meat is ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: Homemade lamb manti (step by step)

To prepare manti at home, it is very important to knead correct dough, because not only the taste, but also the preservation of the juicy filling will depend on it.

I present to your attention universal method preparing dough, it is suitable both for our food and for dumplings and dumplings, and some even make chebureks from it.

  • Flour - 700 gr.;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp...
  • Lamb - 700 gr.;
  • Onions - 5 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Dough (see recipe above) - 1 kg.

Take a deep container and sift the flour into it, and make a well in the middle.

Beat an egg into it and add salt. Now stir everything well with a spoon.

Advice!! It is better to knead the dough in hot water. Many people replace water with warm milk.

Knead the dough, the longer you do this, the better. You should end up with a fairly stiff but elastic mass.

The next step is to cover the dough with a bag, cling film or a damp towel. This way, when rolled out, it will become much softer and more pliable. Leave everything like this for 1 hour or more.

Take the lamb pulp, wash and dry. Cut into pieces: some cut larger, some smaller. Do as you please.

Chop the onion and chop it into small cubes.

Add a little salt to the chopped onion and stir to extract juice.

Combine the meat with the onion and mix well with your hand again. If desired, the minced meat can be peppered.

Take our elastic dough and roll it into a thin layer. Cut into squares.

Place about one teaspoon of meat mixture in the center of each square.

We form our cakes with meat, connecting all the corners.

Dip the bottom of each resulting piece in vegetable oil, and then place it in a double boiler and set the time for 45 minutes. This way, our dish will not break through when pulled out, and we will retain all our juice.

On a note!! Manti, unlike dumplings and dumplings, are steamed and not boiled in a pan. For this purpose, use a special manty dish, double boiler or multicooker.

Recipe 7: how to cook manti at home

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 500 g flour;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 1 egg;
  • ½ tsp. salt.

Ingredients for minced meat:

  • 800-1000 g of meat;
  • 4 large onions;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • cold water or chopped ice.

Meat. I usually have pork, less often - pork and half beef. I don't like chicken, but that's a matter of taste. In general, take what you like. Lamb, turkey, elk.

We twist it. I never use store-bought minced meat and I don’t recommend it.

Peel the onion and grind it into crumbs in a blender. Not pasta, not food. Into such a large crumb.

Place everything in a bowl. Please note that the onion is only slightly smaller in volume than the meat.

Add salt, pepper and about half a glass of water or crushed ice. Mix. If you feel that the minced meat can “take” more water, add it.

Dough. Pour water, break the egg. Add salt.

Sift (or simply measure) the flour.

Knead the dough - soft, but quite thick, elastic, pleasant. Round it up, put it in a bag, and leave it alone for half an hour.

After the minced meat and dough are ready, we begin modeling. Stretch the dough, roll it into a “sausage”, cut into small pieces.

Round and flatten a little.

Roll out into oval pieces up to 2 mm thick. It is better to make the center a little thicker, the edges thinner.

Place a couple of spoons of filling in the center of each piece.

We fasten two opposite edges with two or three tucks. Don’t pay attention to the filling - I was preparing another version at the same time, photographing what was on hand.

Then we lift the remaining edges, pinch them, but be sure to leave a small hole.

We fasten the “tails”.

Ready. Handsome!

We make all the other manti in the same way. It's not difficult and quite fast.

Place the manti on a tray lightly greased with vegetable oil in a pressure cooker, double boiler or steam bowl of a multicooker.

Steam for 40-50 minutes. Serve with butter and any sauce to taste.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 8: beautiful homemade rose manti (with photo)

Manti “Rosochka” is one of the simplest recipes for preparing this traditional oriental dish; one might even say that it is a lazy version of them. Such manti are prepared from the most common ingredients; the way they are sculpted will be unusual. To give the oriental “dumplings” the necessary rose shape, they must first be rolled into a kind of snail shape and only then the edges bent correctly. These manti are prepared just like their original version - steamed. You can cook in a special pressure cooker, double boiler or multicooker.

“Rosochka” manti is easy to prepare and our step-by-step recipe with photos will clearly demonstrate this to you, and also tell you how to correctly carry out all the stages. The tastiest thing is to make such manti at home; minced manti also needs to be prepared with your own hands: this is how it turns out tastiest. For the vegetable component, we will use the standard combination of onions and carrots, but you can add your favorite ingredients to them, as well as a wide variety of herbs and spices.

Let's start preparing this oriental hearty dish for lunch or dinner!

  • flour - 300-400 gr
  • water - 1 glass
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - ½ tsp. for test
  • minced meat - 100-150 g
  • onion - 1 piece
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • soy sauce- taste
  • Teriyaki sauce - to taste
  • sesame seeds - to taste
  • lemon - 1 slice

All ingredients for mixing hearty and plastic dough must be mixed on a clean and dry surface or in a deep bowl. Add boiled water to the flour in portions, knead the dough with your hands.

Fold the dough into a voluminous round shape and leave to infuse at room temperature.

You can buy ready-made minced meat, but it is best to make it yourself. It is also highly recommended to use chopped minced meat for manti. Wash a piece of fresh pork or beef in cold water, dry and then grind in any way convenient for you. Wash and peel the carrots, grate them on the coarsest grater. Add salt and ground black pepper to the meat to taste. Mix the ingredients until they form a homogeneous, dense mince.

Roll out the rested dough on the same dry and clean surface sprinkled with flour into a fairly thin layer. Cut the resulting pancake from the dough into strips of equal thickness as shown in the photo.

Place a thin strip of minced meat on top of each dough strip. Place the meat with some indentation from the edges.

First, fold the dough ribbon in half and carefully fasten the edges so that the filling does not fall out during further preparation of the dish. Then we roll the resulting tube in the shape of a snail (see photo).

In order for the manti to resemble the shape of a rose as much as possible, it is necessary to slightly turn the edge of the snail towards the outer side.

Place the formed manti on the base of a steamer or pressure cooker greased with vegetable oil. Cook the dish for approximately 40 minutes.

While the manti is cooking, prepare the sauce. Mix teriyaki sauce and soy sauce in a deep bowl, add some sesame seeds and the juice of one or two lemon slices.

Place the finished dish on a plate, grease with a piece of butter if desired and serve along with the prepared sauce. Manti in the form of roses are ready!

Recipe 9: how to make delicious manti with pork at home

For the test

  • Water -0.5 cups.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour -500g.
  • Salt -1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon

For minced meat

  • Pork – 400 gr.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Lard – 50 gr.

I pour half a glass of water into a bowl, break one egg,

add 1 teaspoon salt

and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

I beat it all well with a fork.

Little by little I start adding flour to the dough. I knead a tight dough.

I cover it on top with the cup in which I kneaded the dough and leave it there while I prepare the minced meat.

I'm starting to make minced meat. The main thing that caught my eye when I watched the video was the amount of onions. It was added there one to one with meat. Therefore, I will measure the ingredients in bowls.

I take the meat and chop it into small pieces, about a centimeter by centimeter. Maybe a little smaller (I used to grind the meat in a meat grinder).

I cut a small piece of lard into small cubes.

I cut two onions into cubes, it turned out to be just a full bowl

I also cut the potatoes into small cubes. I took a large potato; I could have taken exactly half the size.

I put the meat and onions in a cup, salt and pepper them and mix.

Now back to the test. Previously, I prepared manti like this: I rolled out the dough into a sausage, cut off pieces and rolled them into circles. In this video they did it differently. I divided the resulting dough in half and rolled out a large one from one half. thin flatbread. You need to try to ensure that this cake is square or at least rectangular in shape. But I realized this already when I was cutting the dough and I was left with poor condition.

Next, the dough is folded like an accordion, consisting of 4 parts. The resulting accordion is cut into equal squares. The first square is placed on top and a second one of the same size is cut off. As a result, I get long strips of dough of the same width (about 8-9 centimeters).

We repeat the entire procedure with the second half of the dough, the first stripes will be a template for us. Now I fold the strips obtained from the two halves of the dough on top of each other and cut them into equal squares. I don’t know if I described it clearly, I tried my best.

Let's start sculpting the mantas. Take one square of dough, put minced meat in the middle, put potatoes and a few pieces of lard on top.

We connect the opposite corners of the square to each other.

Then we fasten the resulting “ears” together on one side and the other.

Manta is ready. We put it aside, you can put it directly on a sheet from the pressure cooker, having previously greased it with oil. I first put them on a board sprinkled with flour, and then I decide how long I will cook, the rest goes into the freezer. We make manti until we run out of either dough or minced meat. I had a little extra mince; it would have been just enough for the substandard pieces that formed when cutting the dough. Well, okay, there were plenty of manta rays.