Potato casserole with boiled meat from Elena Bon. Potato casserole with meat filling Boiled potato casserole with meat

This casserole with a golden sour cream crust, made on the basis mashed potatoes, with a layer of boiled meat and fried onions, supplemented fresh vegetables or vegetable salad- a wonderful option for a hearty second course for lunch or a main course for dinner, including for children. P.S. The meat for the casserole must be boiled in advance (at least 12 hours in advance) so that it has time to cool completely in the refrigerator before you grind it through the meat grinder.



  • potatoes - 1000 g (it is better not to use young ones)

  • carrots - ½ medium (weighing about 50-70 g) - optional

  • milk 3.2% fat - 150 ml

  • butter- about 30 g + a little for greasing the mold

  • egg - 1 large (weighing about 65 g)



  • sour cream 18-20% fat - about 100 g

  • refined sunflower oil for frying - about 1.5-2 tbsp. l.

  • salt to taste

  • ground black pepper or a mixture of 4 types of pepper to taste

  • dill, parsley for decoration (optional)



Boil the meat at least 12 hours before preparing the casserole. To do this, rinse it under cold running water and fill it in a metal pan with a thick bottom with a volume of at least 3-3.5 liters of cold (preferably filtered) water so that it covers it by about 5 cm (a total of about 2-2.5 l water). Place the pan over medium heat and bring the water to a boil. Carefully remove the resulting foam with a colander spoon, then reduce the heat under the pan and cook the meat over low heat under the lid for about 1.5 hours.


Turn off the heat under the finished broth with meat, let it cool completely and put it in the refrigerator until ready to use. Or, if you plan to store the meat for quite a long time (longer than 2-3 days), transfer it to a smaller saucepan, fill it with broth (so that the latter completely covers the meat) and freeze it, and at the right time (on the day of preparing the casserole, 8 hours before -10) - defrost at room temperature.


Immediately before preparing the casserole, turn on the oven and heat it to 3.5-4 (about 190-210 °C).


Start preparing vegetable puree. To do this, put a saucepan of about 3 liters with cold, preferably filtered water on the fire. Meanwhile, wash and peel the potatoes and carrots (if using). If necessary, cut the vegetables into equal pieces so that they cook at the same time. When the water in the pan boils, add the carrots (if using) first, then the potatoes. Cook the vegetables until cooked (which can be checked with a sharp knife - it should go into them without much effort) over low heat, covered, for about 20 minutes. after boiling.


While the potatoes (and carrots) are cooking, peel and wash the onion, cut it into small cubes and fry until transparent and soft in a well-heated frying pan in vegetable oil (about 1.5-2 tbsp) for min. 5-8 over medium heat, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Then turn off the heat under the frying pan and leave the onions on it until ready to use.


Assemble the meat grinder. Roll the meat through it, first removing it from the broth and cutting it into small pieces.


Add fried onions to the rolled meat, salt and pepper the minced meat to taste. Add to it about 2-3 small ladles of broth (about 75 ml each) in which the meat was cooked. As a result, the minced meat should be quite viscous, not crumbly.


Once the potatoes (and carrots, if using) are cooked, puree them. To do this, drain the water from the vegetables, add a large pinch of salt or to taste, cover the pan with them with a lid (so that they do not cool) and set aside. Bring milk (150 ml) together with 30 g of butter to a boil in a small saucepan and immediately pour into the still hot vegetables. Mash them with a special masher to a homogeneous puree, which should turn out thick.


Give it to the ready vegetable puree Cool slightly without covering it with a lid (about 5 minutes), then carefully mix the egg into it with a masher (while trying to beat the mass intensively to make it more airy).

Preparing this treat is not difficult; moreover, it allows you to realize a lot of creative ideas! Recipes for casseroles with meat are amazingly diverse: you can come up with hundreds of unique varieties! Using various ingredients, chefs strive to create new flavors and sensations. You can bake any meat: be it pork, rabbit, beef or chicken - every time the cook will receive a completely original dish.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Weight watchers can choose the “easiest” option to deny themselves the pleasure of tasting the treat. In addition, potatoes and other vegetables, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, butter, and many different spices and herbs would be appropriate. Fans of spicy food willingly add garlic and use hot sauces, creating a spicy, burning taste. Spicy greens give pleasant aroma, awakening the appetite. Soon a ruddy and juicy creation will emerge from the oven, which everyone will appreciate! Regardless of the type of minced meat, the dinner will be incredibly satisfying, delighting those sitting at the table.

Photo: minadezhda / Shutterstock


  • 1 onion;
  • 600 g any minced meat;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 2 teaspoons khmeli-suneli;
  • 10–12 potatoes;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 g hard cheese.


Cut the onion into small cubes and sauté in hot oil. Add the minced meat and fry, stirring, until the meat is cooked. Add salt, pepper and half the suneli khmeli and stir.

Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices. Whisk milk with egg, salt and suneli hops. You can use other seasonings to suit your taste.

Grease a baking dish with oil. Place half the potatoes on the bottom, spread the minced meat on top and cover with the remaining potatoes. Pour over the milk mixture and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Cover the pan with foil and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 40 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake for another 10-15 minutes to coat the cheese.

Photo: A. Zhuravleva / Shutterstock


  • 8–10 potatoes;
  • 4 tablespoons butter;
  • 4 tablespoons flour;
  • 360 ml milk;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 250 g hard cheese;
  • a little vegetable oil.


Place the potatoes in boiling water and cook for 20–25 minutes until almost done.

Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add flour and cook for a couple of minutes, stirring with a whisk. Pour in the milk and, stirring, cook for 2-3 minutes until thickened.

Remove the sauce from the heat, add salt, pepper and 200 g grated cheese. Stir until smooth.

Peel the cooled potatoes and cut into thin slices. Place a third of the potatoes in a greased pan. Season with salt and pepper and pour over some cheese sauce. Make two more layers in the same way. Sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese and bake for 20–25 minutes at 180°C.

Photo: Lapina Maria / Shutterstock


  • 2 onions;
  • a few tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 300 g champignons;
  • 5–6 potatoes;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 150 ml low-fat cream;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 2-3 teaspoons potato seasoning;
  • 100 g hard cheese.


Cut the onion into small slices and lightly fry in a frying pan with hot oil. Chop into thin slices or large pieces. Add them to the onions, stir and cook until the liquid has evaporated.

Meanwhile, cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. In another frying pan, heat the oil and fry the potatoes until almost done.

Season the mushrooms with salt and pepper, pour in the cream and milk, add the flour and mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring, for a few more minutes.

Place the fried potatoes in a baking dish and sprinkle with seasoning. Place mushrooms and sauce on top and smooth out. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake at 180°C for 15–20 minutes.

Photo: Chudovska / Shutterstock


  • 4–5 potatoes;
  • 1–2 carrots;
  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of milk or cream of any fat content;
  • 4–5 cloves of garlic;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon of Provençal herbs;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 50–100 g hard cheese.


Cut the peeled potatoes and carrots into thin cubes, and the chicken into small cubes.

Place vegetables and meat in a bowl. Add eggs, milk or cream, chopped garlic, salt, pepper and Provencal herbs(they can be replaced with other seasonings). Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Grease a baking dish with oil and place the prepared products there. Spread sour cream on top and place in an oven preheated to 200°C for half an hour. Then sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese and cook for another 20-30 minutes.

Photo: Elena Trukhina / Shutterstock


  • 6 potatoes;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon potato seasoning or other spices;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 1–2 tomatoes;
  • 50 g hard cheese.


Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices and place in a bowl. Add salt, pepper and potato seasoning and mix well.

Beat eggs, sour cream and salt until smooth. Pour the mixture over the potatoes, stir and place in a baking dish.

Cut into thin slices and place on potatoes. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake at 180°C for about 30-40 minutes until the potatoes are soft.

Photo: StockphotoVideo / Shutterstock


  • 10–12 potatoes;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 200–300 ml milk;
  • a piece of butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2–3 tablespoons vegetable oil + a little for greasing;
  • 1 kg of any minced meat;
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons ;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream.


Boil potatoes in salted water until soft. Drain the water, add milk and crush with a masher. Add butter, egg and salt and mix thoroughly.

Cut the onion into small cubes and sauté in hot oil. Add the minced meat and stir-fry until done. Place the minced meat and onions in a bowl, pour in soy sauce and ketchup and stir.

Grease a baking dish and spread half of the mashed potatoes over it. Sprinkle with half the grated cheese, add the meat filling and the remaining cheese. Spread the puree on top and brush with sour cream. Bake for 15–20 minutes at 180°C.

Photo: Maslova Valentina / Shutterstock


  • 6–8 potatoes;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 500 g fillet of any white fish;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 1½ tablespoons flour;
  • 400 ml milk;
  • a pinch of ground nutmeg;
  • 100 g melted cream cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • a little vegetable oil;


In salted water until soft. Cut the fillet into large pieces and place in a bowl. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice, stir and set aside while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Melt the butter in a saucepan or small saucepan. Add flour and cook for a couple of minutes, stirring. Continuing to stir, gradually pour in the milk. Add nutmeg And cream cheese and, stirring, cook the sauce over low heat until thickened.

Cut the onion into thin half rings and boiled potatoes- in circles. Place the fish in a greased dish. Spread the onion, some of the sauce, potatoes on top and pour the remaining sauce over it. Place the casserole in an oven preheated to 180°C for 30–35 minutes.

Photo: Anastasia_Panait / Shutterstock


  • 1 onion;
  • 2–3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 150 g champignons;
  • 1 chicken breast;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 1 teaspoon chicken seasoning;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • 6–7 potatoes;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • ½ bunch of dill.


Chop the onion and lightly fry in hot oil. Cut the mushrooms and chicken into small cubes, add to the onion and fry until golden brown. Season with salt and spices.

Combine half the grated cheese, an egg, 2 chopped garlic cloves and mayonnaise or sour cream. Add peeled potatoes, grated on a coarse grater, salt and pepper and stir.

Separately, mix the remaining grated cheese and chopped garlic, chopped dill, and egg.

Place the mushroom and chicken filling in a baking dish, spread the potato mixture on top and cover with the cheese mixture.

Cover the pan and bake at 200°C for about an hour. Then remove the foil and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

Photo: Cesarz/Shutterstock


  • 1 small eggplant;
  • 2–3 large potatoes;
  • 1–2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • 250 ml heavy cream;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200–250 g hard cheese.


Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes and place in a bowl. Add chopped garlic, salt and pepper and stir. Place in a greased form.

Whisk the cream and egg. Add a third of the grated cheese, mix and pour the mixture over the vegetables. Bake for about 30 minutes at 180°C. Sprinkle the casserole with the remaining grated cheese and cook for another 10-20 minutes.

Photo: A_Lein/Shutterstock


  • 5 potatoes;
  • 200 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • 80–100 g butter;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise.


Grate the peeled potatoes, pumpkin and cheese on a coarse grater. Add melted butter and mix thoroughly.

Place the prepared mixture in a baking dish and spread sour cream or mayonnaise on top. Bake for 30–40 minutes at 180°C.


2~3 tbsp fresh breadcrumbs


6~7 large potatoes (~1kg), 100g vegetable oil, 1/2~2/3 teaspoon salt


300~500g boiled meat, 2 large onions (~300g), 2 tbsp vegetable oil, 300~500g 10% cream, 1~1.5 tbsp flour, 1/4 tsp salt, pepper

Potato layer
Peel the potatoes and cut into thin slices.
Rinse off starch in cold water.

Drain the water. Pour salt into the potatoes and pour in vegetable oil.

Stir until the potato wedges are evenly coated with oil.
Place in a mold d=28cm.

Place in the oven at t=220°C until the potatoes are ready - for 30~40 minutes depending on the type of potato. Readiness can be determined by piercing the potatoes with a knife or fork.

Meat layer
While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the meat.
Chop the onion as finely as possible.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add onion.
Fry over medium heat with frequent stirring until soft and lightly browned.

While frying the onion, cut the meat into small pieces.

Pour flour, salt, pepper into the prepared onion and stir.

Pour in the cream and bring to a boil while stirring.

Place the chopped meat in the pan.

If desired, you can add 1 tablespoon of paprika for color.

If the mixture seems too thick, add more cream or milk or water.
Boil the mixture for about 1 minute.

Remove the pan with the prepared potatoes from the oven.
Immediately increase the temperature to t=250°C.
Place the meat mixture on top of the potatoes.

Sprinkle the top with an even layer of crushed breadcrumbs.

Like this interesting recipe cooking casserole. The trick is that you can use boiled potatoes in their jackets. Not even very large. In addition to boiled meat or minced meat, you can use boiled beef heart in the recipe.

Ingredients for potato casserole with meat:

Boiled potatoes 800 – 900 gr. (more is possible, you won’t spoil the casserole with potatoes), boiled beef heart – 600 – 800 gr. mayonnaise or sour cream 100 - 150 gr., onion 1 -2 pcs. or leek 2 white stalks, vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons, semolina or breading sugar for breading 1 tbsp. l., salt, dried dill, spices.

Potato casserole with meat recipe

Peel the boiled and cooled potatoes, chop them into a coarse grater, or put them in a meat grinder, season with sour cream and mayonnaise, salt, add ground black pepper and dill or other spices. Mix.

Grate the boiled beef heart or meat into a coarse grater. Meat can be cut small pieces or grate it using a coarse grater or put it into a meat grinder. You can see how to boil beef heart here.

Peel, chop and sauté in a small amount of vegetable oil.

Add chopped meat to the prepared onions and mix them together.

Next, grease the pan vegetable oil, shake up the semolina and begin laying out layers of potato casserole with meat.

Divide the potatoes into approximately two equal parts. Place the bottom layer in the pan and smooth it out. Next, smooth out the layer of heart with onions and again the layer of potatoes. Level everything out.

The casserole is ready.