Green wine bottle. Amazing things made from wine bottles. Whiskey bottle soap dispenser

Here's what you can do with empty wine bottles. Now it’s a shame to even throw them away!

Today, prices for beautiful trinkets are rising, but you still want to create comfort around yourself. Sometimes it's better to save some money by doing some work with your hands. In the process, you will get a lot more pleasure from needlework. I offer you several ideas for “recycling” glass bottles that will undoubtedly decorate your home.

1. Beautiful photo frames

First, wash the bottles with soap and warm water. This will be enough to remove the labels from them. You can use a little nail polish remover. Just make sure the bottles are already dry before doing this.
Now roll the photos you want to put in the bottle into a tube. To install them in the right place, use a long brush, pencil or knitting needle. Open them up a little in the same way.

To complete the composition, add decorations (here everything depends only on your imagination). You can use pebbles, beads and shells. By the way, sand and shells will become a natural “holder” for photos.

2. Glass vases

Because alcohol comes in bottles of all shapes and sizes, they make great vases!

3. Holiday decoration

You can create festive decor for any special occasion or holiday. For example, something like this Christmas decoration It’s extremely easy to do and looks magical.

4. Convenient storage containers

Why not a bottle for storing bulk products? To create this you will need a wine bottle, tape, some chalk paint and chalk. The great thing is that you can store anything in it and change the inscription at will.

5. Lamp

And by purchasing the components to create a lamp at a hardware store, you will get a wonderful table lamp without any extra costs.

6. Here's how you can experiment with cuts

No one will immediately guess that this is a bottle of wine that you once drank for someone’s health. But no one will have such a vase, I guarantee it.

7. Flower pots

By cutting the bottle in half and inserting the neck into the bottom, you can make interesting pots.

8. Candlesticks

Insert candles into bottles and they make great old-fashioned candle holders inspired by the Romantic era, pirate ships and creaking pianos.

Before everything returns to normal and the trash cans empty again, ridding your home of New Year's tinsel and the sound of empty glass containers, why not pay attention to champagne bottles that can still serve you well?
Because there are a lot of interesting ideas with which you can make quite interesting and beautiful things out of them...

10. Candlestick made from the bottom of bottles

It's not only good idea Decorate your home, but also a great gift for your beloved girlfriend. You can also put this business on stream and sell such original candlesticks at various fairs and craft markets.

9. Decorative lighting

These glowing bottles will always create a festive mood. They are very easy to make, and the pleasure they give on dark winter evenings cannot be compared with even the most original garlands!

8. Garden boundary marked with champagne bottles

You'll need quite a few empty bottles to create a creative garden border. However, maybe your garden is very small?

7. Bracelet made from a champagne bottle

This Etsy seller must have some special secret on how to make a bracelet out of a bottle, but they look amazing!

6. Flower pot

Increasingly, it seems that a person can make flower pots out of anything!

5. Shelves made from bottles

New Year's drinks can easily turn into a new shelf thanks to this original idea. We’re not sure how stable it will be, but it’s probably better not to install one in a house where there are children.

4. “Music of the Wind”

You'll need some good glass working skills to do this, but the results should be amazing!

3. Coffee table top

You will have to for a long time and big company celebrate the New Year so that you can collect a sufficient number of bottles from which you can make an original tabletop for a coffee table that will take its rightful place in your living room and become the talk of the town.

We have already talked about on the pages of our magazine. Today we will continue the topic and provide an idea for using empty champagne bottles.

Will pass soon new year holidays and with their completion, quite a lot of glass containers will appear, among which there will certainly be several champagne bottles. Don’t rush to throw them away; they can still be used in interesting ways. There are a lot of creative ideas using champagne bottles that will not only surprise everyone, but can also be put to good use in everyday life.

Original lighting

You can, for example, make original lamps from champagne bottles by placing a multi-colored Christmas tree garland there. On the one hand, the idea is simple, on the other hand, the pleasure gained from looking at such a bottle is incomparable to anything.

Candlestick made from part of a bottle

If you use your imagination, you can make an original candlestick from the bottom of a bottle, which you won’t be ashamed to not only put on your table, but also give it as a gift to someone. Well, whoever has the makings of a merchant can put this business on stream and sell it as a piece of folk art.

Use on a plot of land as a hedge

This will require some effort in finding additional champagne bottles, since the ones you have in stock will be sorely lacking. Well, when you have the required amount, you can start...

For glassmakers - glass bracelet

Despite the fact that not everyone can make such a glass bracelet from a champagne bottle, suddenly among you there is a glass master who knows the secret of making such a bracelet. Maybe he will tell you how to do this on the pages of our blog.

A flower pot

Another one interesting idea– a flower pot made from bottle halves.

Bottle shelf

Very creative and will definitely be appreciated by your friends. Of course, you need to take care of the reliability of the entire structure so that this entire structure does not inadvertently fall apart and injure your body from fragments of bottles. But as you can see in the photo on the left, apparently the bottles are pressed to the shelves with special carbines and it is not so easy to disturb the entire structure.

wind chime

Here you will have to work hard and cut the bottle, but if everything works out, everyone will admire your craft and, in addition, the glass rings swaying in the wind will make a pleasant ringing sound.

Unusual table

Here you will also need champagne bottles, a lot of bottles... Then we figure out what to do next with this property, and so we do. The result should be something like this. We would definitely sit all our friends at such a table and there would probably be no limit to our delight.

Creative feeder

Well, how have we forgotten about our smaller brothers? No, we have enough imagination, and we make them a New Year's feeder. I would like to believe that after making such a feeder, all the birds from the surrounding area will fly to it, and those that fly to warmer climes for the winter will certainly remain to spend the winter near it.

Unusual candle

And finally, we give you an idea for an unusual candle lantern. By hanging several of these bottles in your garden, you will certainly become the hero of evening gatherings. Your neighbors' envious eyes will sparkle, and they will certainly do something similar for themselves.

Often, from old and seemingly unnecessary things, you can make many interesting decorative items both for the interior of an apartment and for a suburban area. Empty glass containers are no exception. By the way, the problem of old glass containers, as well as most other waste, is very pressing today.

The fact is that today there is no truly effective system for exchanging empty glass bottles for goods, money or something else. In contrast, by the way, from some European countries, and even from, in some ways, the USSR, in which the whole mechanism for the circulation of collateral containers worked quite well.

In any case, today this creates not so much financial as environmental difficulties. The number of landfills, including spontaneous ones, is growing. One of the most common types of debris on them is glass, both whole and broken.

By the way: one of the reasons for the failure in the system of turnover of deposited glass containers is the departure from the standardized approach to bottle production and the widespread distribution of a huge number different types containers.

Indeed, in fact: today almost every more or less large manufacturer prefers to seal beer, wine, syrups and other drinks in unique containers that are developed exclusively for its needs. However, contrary to popular belief, a significant part of empty glass containers can be quite successfully used even without a working system for its circulation or delivery.

Despite the fact that almost everyone has empty bottles, and some people have huge piles of them, not everyone wants to just throw them away. Someone is already taking action, turning empty glass containers into almost anything. This could be: original crafts, a chandelier, a vegetable bed, glasses, vases, glasses, a decorative hookah, various decorations, beautiful lamps and even buildings, such as a small house, a bathhouse, a fence, etc.

On the other hand, many people would like to find an interesting and worthy use for empty containers, but have not yet discovered the wonderful world of hand made, which allows you to turn old and, at first glance, unnecessary things into quite nice, and sometimes even very attractive and individual household items, decorative items, or simply fun crafts with fun designs.

And, since we’re talking about using old glass bottles, let’s first of all look at how such scrap material can be processed. The first thing that comes to mind is cutting them. We’ll talk a bit below about how to properly cut glass containers for beer, wine, vodka or even champagne.

How best to cut

So, before we touch on the topic of creating something interesting and give many examples with photos, let’s look at the ways in which you can safely and efficiently cut off part of a glass bottle. Moreover, we can talk about the neck, bottom, as well as the main part of the bottle. Making a high-quality cut at home is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance. You can, of course, try to cut a glass bottle lengthwise or crosswise with your own hands, using preheating with a flame from a blowtorch or even boiling water, as well as using a hot thread. Alternatively, you can try to do this with a glass cutter.

At the same time, it is necessary to clearly understand how important compliance with safety precautions is, since you will be working with such dangerous energy sources as fire and electricity. In addition, do not forget about the dust that will be released abundantly when cutting glass. This is especially true for the process during which you will sand the cut edges into a safer shape. By the way, such simple and commonly available devices and tools as sandpaper (preferably coarse-grained) or a special block are quite suitable for grinding.

Remember! Cutting a bottle properly at home so that it has a straight edge is not so easy. Therefore, if you do not have special skills or are not specialists in related fields, it is advisable to cut glass in a special workshop.

One of the advantages of working with a workshop is that they can heat the bottle, which will make it soft and pliable. Thanks to the fact that the master will be able to melt it, it will be possible not only to cut it efficiently and evenly, but, if necessary, also to give it an interesting and unusual shape. By the way, in addition to the option of contacting a glass blowing workshop, you can also use a special machine that is designed for such operations. It is clear that few people have any such equipment at home.

By the way, a video on how to correctly cut a glass bottle lengthwise will be very useful:

Making lamps

One of the interesting options for crafts based on old empty bottles and glass is various options lamps that you can make yourself at home. If we talk about the most popular variety, it is done in several stages:

  1. First of all, the empty container must be thoroughly cleaned. It is advisable to wash it using special means if it is heavily soiled.
  2. After this, you can choose a place to drill a hole for the wires. It is better to make the hole closer to the bottom. On the other hand, see for yourself, everything here is limited only by personal preferences. When drilling, be extremely careful and careful. In addition, after its completion, be sure to sand the hole so that its walls become matte and not sharp, which is typical for exposed glass.
  3. A great idea for lighting can be not even light bulbs, but beautiful garlands with many LEDs. They are inexpensive, but they look quite decent. Everything, with the exception of the wire that is inserted into the socket, must be inserted into the bottle. Voila: the lamp is ready and can be turned on!
  4. Additionally, you can use a variety of decor: colored threads, ribbons, unusual stickers, and so on.

How to make dishes

If we consider which glass bottle crafts are the most popular, then glassware immediately comes to mind. It doesn’t matter what kind of bottles you have left: wine, beer, vodka, milk, shaped, square or even champagne. Based on any of them, you can make a glass, a flat plate, a glass and much more. As for the plates, it is not so easy to make them at home, so in most cases people prefer to go to a professional workshop, since the containers must be melted and flattened.

However, if we talk about glasses, cups and glasses, everything is a little simpler with this one. It is enough to measure exactly and cut off half the bottle. After this, of course, it is necessary to treat the exposed glass with sandpaper so that this place ceases to be sharp. By the way, for this it is advisable to use round containers rather than flat counterparts.

You can learn how best to drill a hole in a glass container by watching this video tutorial:

Pots and flowerpots

If we talk about what can be made from glass bottles, in addition to the examples mentioned above, the first thing that comes to mind is various devices for household use and for growing flowers. We are talking about decorative pots and flower pots. To make a flowerpot, it is advisable to use large bottles, which are used, for example, for bottling wine or champagne. Large ones will also work quite well. glass jars. So, here's a quick guide to what you have to do:

  1. Using a glass cutter, cut off the bottom of the container.
  2. Heat the container at the site of the resulting seam, then place it immediately in cold water. You can remove the bottom yourself, but this must be done very carefully. If possible, use folded cloth, knitted gloves, or something similar.
  3. To ensure that the cutting line is not sharp and does not pose a danger, it must be additionally sanded using sandpaper.
  4. After the pots are ready, it is advisable to make additional decoration. You can wrap it, use it for decorative paint, draw an original design, paint it with a stencil, and so on.

Interesting! To make your own planter, you can use empty glass containers of different colors. It can be green, dark, blue, transparent and other colors.

After you have studied the master class, you need to think about using new crafts. You can use such decorative pots at your dacha, to improve the exterior of a country house, decorate the wall of an outbuilding with them, or beautifully decorate your garden.

How to decorate a vase

Still wondering what you can make from a glass bottle? One of the most interesting options are vases. There are many options for their design, and the design is limited only by your imagination. So, here’s what can be said about the most popular types of vases that can be made from empty beer bottles (including those with a yoke cap), wine, vodka and even lemonade.

Wine bottles are a proven favorite

Due to their widespread availability, as well as their beautiful color and attractive elongated shape, wine bottles are perhaps the most popular “source material” for making a vase for flowers or dry compositions with your own hands. Everything is done by analogy with the utensils mentioned above.

Painted vases

If a simple vase is something attractive, but at the same time quite ordinary, then a vase painted with multi-colored paints is a doubly pleasant and interesting accessory for home decor. Before high-quality painting, it is necessary to clean the bottle from paper labels and adhesive solution. As for paints, it is advisable to use special dyes that are intended for painting glass surfaces. Firstly, they adhere securely to the glass, and secondly, they are able to withstand moisture well.

The patterns on the stack can be completely different. Some people make patterns, others make original inscriptions, and some even paint the inside surface of the bottle, slowly directing the liquid dye into the container. To make vases, you can use both small and large containers. The main thing is to be creative in making the vase and painting it.

We use other types of decorations

What other ways can you decorate a glass bottle? In fact, there are many options. For example, you can create a beautiful crocheted case, or decorate an empty wine glass using sparkles, beads and other bright decorative details. Please keep in mind that decorating can take quite a lot of time. Numerous photos presented in this article show many decoration options.

What you need to know about decoupage

This technique is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover, this is achieved not only due to the beautiful appearance of the resulting crafts, but also because most of the materials are very common and you will not have any difficulties accessing them.

In addition to PVA glue, which can be purchased at almost any hardware store, you will need paints. You can use stained glass or acrylic dyes. It is also important that the paper on top of which the pattern image will be placed is as thin as possible, since in this case the pattern applied on top of the glass will be clearer and more pronounced.

This technique is a great option in order to decorate the bottle on New Year, since holidays, including New Year’s, are a time when you want to surprise your family and friends with something unusual and original. In any case, if you decide to make a craft from a glass bottle in accordance with the decoupage technique, then you should follow the following instructions:

  • First of all, prepare all the materials and equipment that you may need.
  • After you have the tools at your disposal, you can move on to selecting a subject: quite a lot depends on the theme of the drawing.
  • The ornament is cut out on a thin napkin. At the same time, “vertical alignment” is carried out so that the resulting picture is evenly positioned.
  • Next, the napkin is moistened and the glass is cleaned, after which the adhesive composition can be applied.
  • Then you need to put the paper on the bottle and straighten it so that the pattern becomes even.
  • After this, you can fill the background. To do this, you can use acrylic-based paints. If you have the opportunity to spray, this is also very interesting option, since this can be done with different color intensities, from faded to highly saturated.
  • And finally, the final stages: varnishing and final processing of the resulting souvenir in the oven. The craft is ready!

Use in the countryside

Glass bottles, especially large ones, can be used to create interesting things in the country, and in garden plots in general.


So, one of the options for using this, in general, free material, is to create flower beds and flower beds. Using free material – isn’t this what most summer residents dream of? In addition, the result is not only unusual, but also very attractive designs that can decorate the site.

In addition, flower beds can effectively protect plants and flowers from domestic animals: cats and dogs. In addition, you can simply fence off the beds by building a small fence using a similar technology that does not require an additional foundation. Making such structures with your own hands is not so difficult: it is important to be careful and have a little patience. The flowerbed can have different sizes: from very small to large, as well as different shapes (square, opal, triangular, round, figured.

Have you ever wondered how much wine bottles have we thrown away in recent years? No, seriously. Imagine how many beautiful glass products for good and not so good wine flew into the trash cans. And okay, if it was some kind of cheap young wine, that’s where the bottle belongs, as well as sometimes the wine itself. But surely there were some special moments in life during which expensive wines were opened? Today we will show you some inspiring examples of how to save and use bottles of wine left over from special moments in your life:

1. Bar counter:
Well, where else could these bright green bottles be if not on the front panel of the bar counter? The bar itself is made of concrete and the bottles were built into the monolith while the concrete was poured into the mold. On the inside of the bar counter there is a special panel equipped with LED lighting to give a special festive mood. The lighting is not static, but smoothly changes where the bottles are illuminated. A wonderful bar counter, and the bottles hint at “like bae”...

2. Lighting:
The tinted glass of wine bottles softens the light of a light bulb surprisingly well. Why not take advantage of this? In the photo above dining table This is exactly where a hand-made chandelier from ordinary wine bottles was placed. Let's hope it's good.

Of course, there are a myriad of bottles of different shapes, colors and contents. The contents must be sent to the address, and everything else must be used based on your idea and the surrounding space of the room.

3. Walls:
This glamorous outdoor feature wall in a Miami home was decorated with cleverly cut, glued-on wine bottles. Is it possible to repeat this with your own hands? Yes, easily! If you doubt your skills in handling glass, we strongly recommend that you contact a professional to cut the bottles lengthwise.

But there was a very funny story with the decorative wall separating the garden plot area from the veranda. At one of the parties, guests began to stack empty bottles on top of each other in niches in the wall. The next morning, having recovered a little from the hangover, the owner noticed that there was something in this. Without thinking twice, he invited his neighbors to another party and the space easily and naturally filled up completely. True, we had to work a little, collecting the corks and resealing the bottles so as not to breed any insects inside.

Wine bottles can double as feature walls themselves, as they provide some privacy while still letting in some light. Frosted glass effect. This is what we are talking about. But perhaps the most time-consuming process in creating such decorations is removing labels from bottles.

ADVICE: To remove labels from wine bottles, soak them in hot water with FAIRY solution for a few minutes. If you need to remove labels from a bunch of bottles at once, feel free to use a sink or bucket to place the bottles to soak overnight.

4. Street lighting:
Check out this DIY outdoor lamp. Firstly, he is not afraid of either rain or snow. Secondly, imagine how such lanterns with colored glass look at night. And thirdly, imagine how the bottles play in the rays of sunlight.

5. Super tiles above the sink:
How do you like the idea of ​​replacing tired tiles with bottle bottoms? It seems that the owners of this house are real sommeliers or, in extreme cases, fanatically dedicated enthusiasts (no, not alcoholics). In any case, it looks stunning.

6. Mixer:
The owners of this sink with such a faucet no longer knew how to advertise their wine. own production. It turned out quite strange and vain for a residential building. But if you imagine that such a solution in the form of a water tap will end up in some cafeteria or restaurant, then this is a completely different matter. However, perhaps visitors will expect to pour wine from the tap, and there, although free, is water. Sadness...

7. Retaining wall:
Anyone who has ever been interested in or even engaged in landscape design knows what a retaining wall is and how expensive decorative materials are, even if they are ordinary pieces of stone. Yes, that there is landscape design, any summer resident knows why such devices are needed as in the photo above. See how you can, without extra costs, in just a few weekends (depending on your talent for having fun at parties) make a retaining wall out of bottles, protecting the paths from dirt. And by the way, when guests ask where they got so many bottles from, feel free to joke: Yes, last weekend, the guys stopped by for tea. Don't throw it away.