Fried potatoes in cubes (TTK3377). Cooking technology and rules for serving fried potatoes in the main way, cut into slices Fried potatoes technological map of the dish

Potatoes are rich in starch; they also contain nitrogenous substances, sugars, minerals, vitamins C and B vitamins. The potato processing process consists of sorting, sorting, washing, peeling and slicing. When sorting potatoes, sprouted, rotten tubers and foreign impurities are removed and at the same time sorted into large, small and medium-sized ones. Then it is washed in a washing machine X machines or manually in baths, then sent for thermal cooking or
cleaning When processing potatoes in peeling machines,
It is necessary to peel at least 95% of the tubers, and the surface
the remaining 5% of tubers are 80% cleaned. After
manually clean the tubers: remove
eyes and dark spots of various origins. New potatoes are peeled by hand in water baths where
it is mixed with a wooden spatula, or in cleaning
machines without abrasive lining.

Peeled potatoes are stored in water to prevent them from browning. Potatoes treated with sodium bisulfite (sulfated) can be stored in air at a temperature of 15-16 °C for 24 hours and at 5-6 °C for up to 48 hours.

Peeled tubers are used whole or chopped.
Slice potatoes immediately before heat cooking
processing. Cutting forms - straws,
sticks, cubes, circles, slices. . Potatoes should be cut immediately before cooking, as they darken when stored in air. The shape of the cutting must correspond to the shape of the products included in the dish: for soups with pasta they are cut into cubes, for noodles - into strips, etc.

Potatoes are boiled peeled or unpeeled depending on further use. In spring, when the taste of potatoes noticeably deteriorates and the toxic substance solanine accumulates in them, it is more advisable to cook potatoes peeled. Boiled potatoes. Peeled potato tubers, selected for uniform size, are boiled in water (steam). Butter and sour cream can be served separately. When serving, pour the sauce over the potatoes and sprinkle with chopped herbs. You can serve boiled potatoes with sautéed onions or mushrooms; fried tomatoes are placed along the edges of the plate.

Potatoes in milk. Raw peeled potatoes are cut into large cubes, then boiled in a small amount of water until half cooked. The broth is drained, the potatoes are poured with hot milk, salted and cooked until tender. After this, add part (50%) of the butter and bring to a boil. Leave with the remaining butter, you can sprinkle with herbs.

Fried potato. Prepared from raw or boiled potatoes. Raw potatoes are cut into cubes, slices, cubes or slices, washed in cold water so that the pieces do not stick together or stick to the baking sheet. Then it is dried, placed on a baking sheet with a 4-5 cm layer of heated fat, fried until golden brown, stirring occasionally, salted and continued to fry until soft.

Deep fried potatoes. Potatoes are cut into cubes, strips (pie), thin circles (chips), cubes, balls (large - chateau, medium - Parisien, small - noisette), shavings, slices. Washed and well-dried potatoes are placed in fat heated to 170-180°C and fried until golden brown and soft in consistency (8-10 minutes). The fried potatoes are placed in a colander to drain the fat and sprinkled with fine salt. Deep-fried potatoes, or french fries, are used as an independent dish and as a side dish.

Potato croquettes. Wipe hot boiled potatoes, add 1/3 of the flour specified in the recipe, egg yolks and mix. The resulting potato mass is cut into balls, pears, cylinders (3-4 pieces per serving), breaded in the remaining flour, then dipped in egg whites, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in a large amount of fat. You can add fried mushrooms and onions to the mixture.

Fried potatoes in cubes



This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the dish Fried Potatoes in cubes produced by a public catering facility.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for preparing dishes must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Name of raw materials and semi-finished products \Gross\Net

Potato 387 290 483 362 483 362
Cooking fat 20 20 25 25 25 25
Mass of fried - 200 - 250 - 250
Table margarine15 15 10 10 - -
or sour cream- - 20 20 - -
Yield: with margarine- 215 - 260 - 250
with sour cream- - - 270 - -


Sliced ​​raw potatoes are washed in cold water, dried, then sprinkled with salt, placed in a layer of no more than 5 cm on a frying pan or baking sheet with heated fat and fried for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until a crispy crust forms.

If the potatoes are not completely fried, they should be placed in the oven for a few minutes. When frying in an electric frying pan, before the end of frying, close the lid and cook the potatoes until cooked.

When leaving, pour melted margarine or sour cream over the potatoes and sprinkle with herbs.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer’s order and used according to the recipe for the main dish. Shelf life and sales according to SanPin, SanPin Note: the technological map was compiled on the basis of a development report.


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance – Characteristic of this dish.

Color – Characteristic of the products included in the product.

Taste and smell – characteristic of the products included in the product, without any foreign tastes or odors.

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical indicators:

In terms of microbiological and physicochemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of food products” (TR CU 021/2011)


Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal (kJ)

Technological engineer.

Fried potato.

Prepared from raw or boiled potatoes. Raw potatoes are cut into cubes, slices, cubes or slices, washed in Cold water so that the pieces do not stick together and stick to the baking sheet. Then it is dried, placed on a baking sheet with a 4-5 cm layer of heated fat, fried until golden brown, stirring occasionally, salted and continued to fry until soft. If the potatoes are not completely cooked when frying on the stove, they should be placed in the oven for a few minutes.

Potatoes boiled in their skins are cooled, peeled, cut into circles or slices, placed in a thin layer in a frying pan with heated fat, sprinkled with salt and fried, shaking occasionally, until golden brown.

When leaving, place the fried potatoes on a plate or portioned frying pan, pour over melted butter, sprinkle with herbs; in addition, fresh, salted, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh cabbage or sauerkraut salad can be served in a salad bowl.

Potatoes can be cooked with onions or with onions and mushrooms. In this case, before leaving, it is mixed with sautéed onions or with sautéed onions and fried mushrooms.

Deep fried potatoes.

Potatoes are cut into cubes, strips (pie), thin circles (chips), cubes, balls (large - chateau, medium - Parisien, small - noisette), shavings. Washed and well-dried potatoes are placed in fat that has melted to 170-180°C and fried until golden brown and soft in consistency (8-10 minutes). The fried potatoes are placed in a colander to drain the fat and sprinkled with fine salt. Deep-fried potatoes , or French fries, are used as an independent dish and as a side dish.

Potatoes baked in the oven

Preheat the stove to 220°. Peel the potatoes and cut them into chunks if they are large. Blanch and dry on a sieve. Pour vegetable oil into the mold. Place the potatoes there and stir until they are all covered with oil. Bake for 45 minutes until golden brown. Remove and add salt.

500 g potatoes, 50 g butter, 1 tsp. salt

French fries in deep fryer

Potatoes are cut as needed - from whole small tubers to thin strips the thickness of a “pile” match. Then they are blanched and then dried on a sieve. You cannot salt potatoes. For frying, only cooking oil is used, which is heated to 200°. It should only fill half the container. The weight of potatoes should be 10 times less than fat. Once golden brown, remove the potatoes and place them on a paper towel to drain the fat. Now you can add salt, stir and serve.

Potato cutlets
Recipe No. 176
Potatoes 293 220
Rusks or wheat flour 12 12
Ready semi-finished product 225
Cooking fat or vegetable oil 10 10
Fried cutlets 200
Table margarine (or butter) or:
Sour cream
Sauce (recipes No. 376,388,390,393) 5
Yield: with fat 205
With sauce 250
With sour cream 215
Cooking technology.
Peeled potatoes are boiled, dried, and wiped hot. The mass, cooled to 40-50℃, is mixed, cutlets are formed from it (2 pieces per serving) and breaded in breadcrumbs or flour.
The prepared cutlets are fried on all sides. When leaving, pour melted margarine or butter on the side, or add sour cream or sauces to the side of the cutlets: tomato, sour cream with onions or mushroom. Sour cream or sauces can be served separately.
Sour cream sauce
Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: a textbook for beginning vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. – 3rd ed., ster.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.
Recipe No. 388
No. Products Weight, gGross Net
Sour cream 250 250
wheat flour 75 75
Broth (or decoction) 750 750
White sauce 750
Output 1000
Cooking technology
To prepare sour cream sauce with the addition of white sauce, add boiled sour cream and salt to the hot white sauce, cook for 3-5 minutes, filter and bring to a boil.
The sauce is served with meat, vegetable and fish dishes, used for preparing hot appetizers, and for baking mushrooms, fish, meat and vegetables.
Main white sauce
Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: a textbook for beginning vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. – 3rd ed., ster.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.
Recipe No. 372
Names of raw materials and products Weight, g Gross Net
Fish broth 41.3
Table margarine 1.9 1.9
Wheat flour 1.9 1.9
Onion 0.8 0.8
Parsley (root) or
Celery (root) 0.5
Output 37.5
Cooking technology
Pour sifted flour into the melted fat and sauté with continuous stirring, avoiding burning. Properly browned flour should have a slightly creamy color. ⅟4 of the hot broth is poured into the sautéed flour, cooled to 60 - 70℃, and stirred until a homogeneous mass is formed, then the remaining broth is gradually added. After this, add chopped parsley, celery, and onion to the sauce and cook for 25 - 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt, black peppercorns, and bay leaf. Then the sauce is filtered, rubbing the boiled vegetables, and brought to a boil. The finished sauce is used to prepare derivative sauces. If the sauce is used on its own, it is seasoned with citric acid (1g) and fat (30g).
Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: a textbook for beginning vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. – 3rd ed., ster.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.
Recipe No. 371
No. Products Weight, gGross Net
Edible bones* 500 500
Water 1400 1400
Onions 14 12
Carrots 15 12
Parsley (root) or
Celery (root) 16
18 12
Output 1000
Cooking technology
The bones, washed and chopped into pieces 5-7 cm long (the bone marrow is removed from the vertebral bones), are poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed and boiled at low boil for 3-4 hours, periodically removing fat. 40-60 minutes before the end of cooking, add vegetables to the broth. The finished broth is filtered.

Attached files

To the question of cooking technology and rules for serving fried potatoes in the main way, cut into slices asked by the author Aleksey Ivanov the best answer is Fried potato.
Prepared from raw or boiled potatoes. Raw potatoes are cut into cubes, slices, cubes or slices, washed in Cold water so that the pieces do not stick together and stick to the baking sheet. Then it is dried, placed on a baking sheet with a 4-5 cm layer of heated fat, fried until golden brown, stirring occasionally, salted and continued to fry until soft. If the potatoes are not completely cooked when frying on the stove, they should be placed in the oven for a few minutes.
Potatoes boiled in their skins are cooled, peeled, cut into circles or slices, placed in a thin layer in a frying pan with heated fat, sprinkled with salt and fried, shaking occasionally, until golden brown.
When leaving, place the fried potatoes on a plate or portioned frying pan, pour over melted butter, sprinkle with herbs; in addition, fresh, salted, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, fresh cabbage or sauerkraut salad can be served in a salad bowl.
Potatoes can be cooked with onions or with onions and mushrooms. In this case, before leaving, it is mixed with sautéed onions or with sautéed onions and fried mushrooms.
Deep fried potatoes.
potatoes are cut into cubes, strips (pie), thin circles (chips), cubes, balls (large - chateau, medium - Parisien, small - noisette), shavings. Washed and well-dried potatoes are placed in fat that has melted to 170-180°C and fried until golden brown and soft in consistency (8-10 minutes). The fried potatoes are placed in a colander to drain the fat and sprinkled with fine salt. Deep-fried potatoes , or French fries, are used as an independent dish and as a side dish.

Answer from compound[guru]
I cut into circles

Answer from Neuropathologist[guru]
Potatoes baked in the oven
Preheat the stove to 220°. Peel the potatoes and cut them into chunks if they are large. Blanch and dry on a sieve. Pour vegetable oil into the mold. Place the potatoes there and stir until they are all covered with oil. Bake for 45 minutes until golden brown. Remove and add salt.
500 g potatoes, 50 g butter, 1 tsp. salt
French fries in deep fryer
Potatoes are cut as needed - from whole small tubers to thin strips the thickness of a “pile” match. Then they are blanched and then dried on a sieve. You cannot salt potatoes. For frying, only cooking oil is used, which is heated to 200°. It should only fill half the container. The weight of potatoes should be 10 times less than fat. Once golden brown, remove the potatoes and place them on a paper towel to drain the fat. Now you can add salt, stir and serve.