How to make an automatic brewery with your own hands drawings. Correct brewing tactics. The nuances of choosing a ready-made home brewer

Beer is the most popular today alcoholic drink. It is presented on the shelves of shops, restaurants and bars in a wide variety. Recently, alcohol produced at home has gained great popularity, since a drink prepared with one’s own hands acquires more rich taste and aroma. Certainly, home brewing- it's not an easy matter. Not everyone knows how to brew beer at home correctly. Today we will look at all the nuances of this process.

The main ingredients for preparing an intoxicating drink

The main components of beer are hops, yeast, malt and, of course, water. To make it work delicious drink, you need to select all these ingredients in required proportions and prepare them correctly. So, the water must be soft, but it is recommended to boil hard water for about half an hour.

Different malt (sprouted grains) can be used - wheat, rye or barley. The latter is the most popular, so those who know how to brew beer at home buy it. Here it is also important to choose one of several methods of brewing the drink.

One of the main ingredients is prepared from either malt extract or the grain itself. Of course, it is quite difficult to grow this component yourself, so it is usually purchased ready-made.

You can also buy hops in the store or prepare it yourself. To do this, in mid-August, the cones are removed from the “female” plant and dried in wooden boxes, and then crushed under a press.

Brewer's yeast is usually sold together with malt extract.


So, let's take a closer look at how to brew beer at home. To do this, you will need the following equipment: a thirty-liter container, fermentation dishes with a water seal and a hole for it, a siphon tube, a thermometer, a spoon with a long handle, plastic bottles.

The process of preparing an alcoholic drink

Pour three liters of water into a large saucepan, add one kilogram of sugar and boil. Meanwhile, place the container with malt extract in hot water for ten minutes. The fermentation container is sterilized, the prepared malt extract and sugar syrup are placed in it, and thoroughly mixed with a sterilized spoon. Then twenty liters of cold, settled water are added to the mixture. To understand how to brew beer at home, you need to pay attention to one point: the resulting mass should have a temperature of about twenty degrees, since it is optimal for fermentation.

Next, yeast is added. It should be noted that the quality of the drink depends on the fermentation process of beer wort. Yeast must be sprinkled evenly to avoid lumps. They are added quickly enough to minimize the contact of the future drink with the environment. The lid must be tightly closed to prevent air from entering the fermentation container. Next, install a water seal, and the tube should tightly close the hole in the lid. Boiled water is poured into it cold water to the marked level. Place the container in a dark, cool place for five to eight days (depending on the type of beer). The lid is not opened during this time.

Bottle the finished beer

We learned how to brew beer from hops, let's move on. Before pouring the drink into the container, you need to make sure that air bubbles have stopped appearing. Now you need to bottle the alcohol and add hops to the containers for aroma. So, the largest cones of this plant are placed at the bottom of the dish, and then the drink is poured over them, but not to the brim. Then sugar is added (take two spoons for each liter of liquid) or sugar syrup, the bottles are sealed, shaken and placed in a cold place for two weeks for fermentation and ripening. After this time, homemade beer can be consumed.

DIY microbrewery

Let's look at how to brew beer in a mini-brewery designed with your own hands. To do this, you will need the following equipment: a sterile ten-liter container for sealing, a ball valve, a valve for releasing gases, a thermometer and pressure gauge, a reducer for supplying carbon dioxide, and a bottle holder. So, all other components are welded to the sealing container, thus obtaining a finished home mini-brewery.

If it is not possible to make the structure yourself, you can purchase it at a specialized store.

Selecting ingredients for making a drink

Let's say you learned how to brew beer at home and wanted to do it. Now you need to acquire malt, hops and yeast. Good for small home brewers malt extract. It is sold in a package that contains ground malt, brewer's yeast and hops. Various variations of this product are intended for different varieties beer. They contain only those components that are well suited for a particular type of drink. And most importantly, all ingredients are only natural, contain useful material and microelements.

How to brew beer in a brewery?

Five liters of purified water at room temperature are poured into the unit. Malt and hops are poured into it from the packaging. This mixture should sit for about half an hour, then five liters of water are added to it, yeast is poured in and, without stirring, the container is left in a warm place for about two weeks for fermentation. The number of days depends on the type of beer being prepared (it is indicated on the packaging).

At this time, the fermentation process occurs when sugar is washed out of the malt and reacts with yeast. Therefore, this component does not need to be added. Also during this period, carbon dioxide and alcohol are formed. If the process proceeds normally, after some time a peculiar cap of foam can be observed on the surface of the beer. After ten days it begins to settle. This indicates that the fermentation process is ending.

Next, the brewer is placed in the refrigerator, where the temperature should not exceed six degrees Celsius. She should stay there for about twenty days. During this time, the drink will lighten and acquire pleasant taste. Finished product bottled, adding carbon dioxide from the can to saturate it.

Let's look at a few more recipes on how to brew beer at home.

Homemade beer

Ingredients: half a bucket of malt, two buckets of water, six glasses of hops, one spoon of salt, one hundred grams of yeast (dry), three hundred grams of jam or sugar syrup.


Before brewing homemade beer, you need to mix the malt with water and leave for one day. After this time, salt is added to the mixture and boiled for about two hours. Next, add hops and cook for half an hour. The hot mixture is cooled to the temperature of fresh milk, filtered, yeast and a cup of jam (syrup) are added, stirred well and left for several hours. The finished drink is poured into bottles, sealed and placed in a cold place for two days. After the specified time, the drink can be consumed, but remember that the longer it sits, the stronger it becomes.

An old recipe for Russian beer

Ingredients: ten liters of water, fifty grams of yeast, twenty-five grams of hops, two kilograms of honey.


Let's look at how to brew beer at home old recipe. To do this, honey must be diluted in water, add hops and cook for one hour. Then the drink is cooled, filtered, yeast is added to it and left for six days at room temperature. Then the container must be well sealed and placed in a cold place for fermentation for several days. Next, the beer is poured into bottles, sealed and placed in a cold, dark place for storage.

Now we know how to brew beer. The recipe came to us from ancient times. The Sumerians also left behind notes mentioning fifteen ways of brewing this drink.

Beer is consumed all over the world. Even in Ancient Egypt the recipe for making this alcohol was known. And he gained his popularity during the reign of Ramses II. In Germany, beer has long been a national drink; in Rus' it was also prepared according to special recipes.

How to drink beer

We learned how to brew beer correctly. Let's look at how to use it. They drink this intoxicating drink from glasses, half-liter mugs, glasses. The main thing here is that it should not be consumed from metal containers. At the same time, the beer should be cold, since that is when it becomes tastier. But it cannot be cooled sharply, because it will lose its aroma and taste.

If the beer is light, it is drunk with crayfish, shrimp, chips or nuts; meat or fish dishes, smoked meats, cheese.


Preparing an intoxicating drink at home requires strict adherence to the basic principles of brewing. If everything is done correctly, the malt will not sink when immersed in water, it will become sweet and crunchy, and will have a pleasant smell.

Knowing how to brew beer at home, you can prepare your favorite intoxicating drink for yourself and your friends. Everyone has the opportunity to choose the type of drink that he loves most. The main thing is to correctly observe the proportions and stages of preparing the drink.

Having come to us since ancient times, beer today is the favorite drink of many people. It contains useful elements and minerals, but do not forget that it also includes alcohol, so it is not recommended to get carried away with an intoxicating drink. Otherwise, the risk of developing so-called beer alcoholism increases, which leads to negative health consequences. Besides, overuse beer leads to stretching of the heart muscle, the production of female sex hormones.

Attention: This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Many of the home breweries are just a few steps away from becoming commercial. A 22.7 liter home brewery can be converted into a commercial brewery. Although for better performance it is recommended to take at least 45.46 liters. 250 liter boilers can be used for large breweries with an operating capacity of approximately 158.9 liters.

If you are planning to start a commercial operation or even start up a brewery with a bottling line, it is wise to use a large home brewing setup as the initial equipment for your commercial operation. And when the project is approved, your home brewery will magically turn into a commercial one. The truth is that breweries often cannot produce enough beer right away to make a large profit and you may not sell your beer outside of your city, but you can expand your production over time, make all your dreams come true and have fun in the process creating great beer!


    Determine what you want to use your brewery for. Of course, you want to make beer that people around you will enjoy. It makes sense to start small because it can take a year before a plant project is approved, and there is always the risk that you may be rejected due to the location or condition of the building in which your plant will be located. You must have a beer production system in place before your project will be approved. So why risk many thousands of dollars for a commercial brewery and associated infrastructure such as a steam boiler, glycol system, and industrial electronic control systems when you can use a home setup for initial approval? Once your brewery is approved, you can update it as desired. It can take you many months to create a brewery of impressive size. If you think this is a good idea, you need to understand that you can't just drag a RIMS (Recirculating Infusion Mash System), MoreBeer sculpture, or your home installation onto a commercial property and have an inspector check it out. There are some technical hurdles you'll need to overcome, and you probably won't want to go through additional checks as it will significantly slow down the approval process.

    Find a location for your brewery. Breweries must be located in suitable areas, subject to local regulations. It's unlikely that it would be legal to place a brewery in your home. Light industrial areas are ideal for locating a brewery. The main thing is that there are no schools or churches nearby. The building must have wiring and drainage systems as these are essential for the production of the product.

    Adapt to the floor in the building. The number of floors of a building is a significant factor. Concrete floors are a must. A brewery that drains liquid onto the floor must ensure that the floor is at a certain angle so that the liquid flows properly to the drain. But if you are using a small home installation, then there is no need for a complex drainage system. Just know that if you're upgrading your unit, you'll probably need to upgrade your drainage system as well. Check what types of drainage systems you will need before purchasing a building or taking out a loan. Some breweries install drainage systems after purchasing the premises but before installing your brewing equipment. It is allowed that only the area under the installation itself is inclined. This area must also be equipped with sewerage. In the part of the brewery where customers will gather, the floors, of course, should be ordinary.

    Your brewery must meet sanitary standards. The brewery is part of the food industry, but it goes without saying that beer does not carry the same risks as food. It cannot contain pathogenic bacteria and viruses. However, you should have two stainless steel sinks that have an air gap between the drain and the floor (there should be room for waste water) and a separate sink for hand washing. If you want to avoid health inspections and minimize the regulations you need to comply with, don't plan to serve your beer at a brewery.

    Use materials that have already been approved by the FDA to make your beer. The equipment used should be made of safe materials such as stainless steel. Copper is an acceptable material for use in brewing, although there may be some limitations when beer comes into contact with copper during the fermentation process. You should avoid materials such as brass because it contains lead, but in small installations this is not so important. Food industry materials such as polyethylene, plastic, rubber, silicone rubber are quite acceptable at high temperatures. Do not exceed temperature limits for all materials except metal. If using PVC or vinyl tubing, make sure it is FDA approved. The use of regular garden hoses is not acceptable. Glass bottles are just as likely to not be approved by inspectors or customers.

    • Barrels made of insulating material are not suitable and must be replaced, since this material will simply melt when using gas burners. It's better not to use insulation at all. It is believed that Reflectix material is approved for temperatures up to 117.7 C, and Armaflex (and similar types of insulation) for temperatures up to 140 degrees. Reflectix insulation is FDA approved for contact with food products. This is primarily because its surface is covered aluminum foil. Thus, other types of insulation, the shell of which is covered with foil, can also be used for brewing. Armaflex and similar visa insulations are covered with elastomeric foam and have excellent characteristics. This material is typically used for pipe insulation and can be used in the food industry as long as it is approved by the FDA. Wood can also be an acceptable insulating material. Plywood and treated wood are exceptions, as they are materials that have been coated with something other than natural oils (mineral oil widely used, FDA approved wood treated with oil). And if the wood burns, it will not be more harmful and toxic than, for example, a barbecue. And, if necessary, the wood can be coated with metal to protect it from flames (too much heat can cause charcoal to be produced). For unfired vessels, wood can also be used as lining and other types of insulation such as Armaflex. Wood is better than Reflectix insulator, while Armaflex is better than wood. Pine has higher performance characteristics than many other types of wood, especially when compared to hardwoods. Wood strips can be attached to the outside of stainless steel vessels using metal strips.
  1. Use commercially approved or NEMA-enclosed waterproof electrical components and systems. Breweries create a humid environment, and this can be dangerous when combined with electricity. Exist different kinds NEMA enclosures. Type 4 and 4X are waterproof and are generally used on. Digital temperature controllers are most often gray and covered with a NEMA housing. Electronic devices can often be enclosed in a NEMA enclosure and connected to NEMA piping. Even if you use NEMA enclosures, if the site inspector sees electrical components and systems that are not fully up to code, he may not approve the project. Make sure all electrical devices and systems, including outlets, fuses and wires, are up to code.

    • Many home brewing units, especially tier 3 gravity units, do not use electrical components. This is completely acceptable. However, larger or more complex installations such as the 45.46 liter RIMS and other 90.92 liter installations may use electric heating elements, electronic control systems and electric pumps. If your home brewing setup has non-NEMA electronic components, it is best to remove them completely. Yes, your system will be compromised, but you can make it work.
    • Some pump models, such as the March Pump 409, are designed for high temperatures and do not have a NEMA motor housing, which may be an exception, depending on the opinion of the local inspector. However, they must be properly grounded and used in accordance with safety regulations. Despite this, it is better to use pumps with motors in waterproof NEMA housings.
  2. Install appropriate gas burners and use proper ventilation. Improper use of a gas torch can release lethal levels of carbon monoxide and cause a fire. You will likely need to use indoor burners, so replace your burners as needed and make sure they can be connected to power in your space. If the brewing unit is located near a large cargo hatch that can provide adequate ventilation, open burners connected to propane tanks (like a barbecue) will also work great. Use special stoves, like in restaurants, if you can't replace gas burners and don't have enough ventilation. If the cargo door is not enough, it is important that you have a vent that will be sufficient for all the burners. This means there needs to be an opening in the room that will span your entire brewing system. This is also important in order to draw out the vapors obtained from the boiling wort.

    Prevent grain explosions. Some simple breweries simply use malt extract instead of grain, but like the vast majority of commercial breweries, you'll probably be using food grain. It is a known fact that grain dust causes explosions. When you brew beer, open flames can pose a potential explosion hazard. So it is best to have a separate ventilated milling area, and a separate area for brewing. This should be a place to store grain, because any grain can easily ignite from sparks from the burner. If your mill is automatic, you will need to use an enclosed, explosion-proof motor, or you will have to grind the grain by hand. If your facility is not large enough for a dedicated grain storage room, the inspector may decide to limit the amount of grain you can store on your brewery premises.

  3. Implementation of fermentation strategy. If you want to minimize your costs, you can use special stainless steel refrigerators for the fermentation process to create homemade beer. Blichmann and MoreBeer fermenters, as well as other brewing products such as counterflow and cooling plates should work perfectly. Another option besides 34 liter cones and refrigerators would be a cone cooler, but make sure it is connected to all the necessary standards. It is perfectly acceptable to use plastic fermenters and is a cheaper option than stainless steel cones. The third option is a small, glycol-cooled cone with a self-contained, portable glycol system designed for use in breweries and wineries. Portable glycol coolers can be connected directly to the tank without the need for complex glycol line systems. If you are using a 476.9 or 794.9 liter fermenter, make sure you can fill it. This means stacking successive brews over a long day.

    • If you want to install a large, non-portable glycol system of various components, it is best to wait until your project is approved. You can then purchase refrigerants, compressors, glycol tanks, pumps and solenoid valves. A small, colorful serving tank or vessel is a great idea and you can quickly add carbonate to your beer.
  4. Package beer using simple and inexpensive methods. You won't be bottling large quantities of beer, so package it just like you would at home. A good idea would be to use a 750ml wine container. bottles that meet all standards. Use a simple jar with lid for home beer or 22, 73 liter kegs. Of course, 794.9 liters is significantly more than the brewery will produce in one or even two days. A self-closing pump, such as a diaphragm pump, can be used to keep the wine filler full when connected to the fermenter or tank. Remember that specialty kegs must be cleaned using an expensive cleaning machine that uses a centrifugal pump and cleaning tank.

    • Consider how much space you will need to store bottled and keg beer, as well as empty bottles and kegs. Bottled and keg beer (which can be stored in bottles and barrels) will need to be stored for three weeks.
  5. Practice proper waste disposal. Disposing of waste can be expensive and troublesome. Microbreweries are often not allowed to discharge most of their liquid waste into city sewers. It's not just because breweries use large amounts of chemical cleaning agents. Yeast that is discharged into the sewer in large quantities puts a lot of pressure on the sewer system. Often, the only option is to keep the waste container open. This tank is filled with liquid waste and periodically dumped into a truck for disposal. Additionally, you will have to install a ladder that will lead to the tank. Fortunately, it is perfectly acceptable for breweries to pour their waste down the drain as long as they use approved chemicals. However, be prepared to complete these steps if required by your inspector.

    Before asking for approval for your project, find a suitable building to house your brewery and fully understand local brewery laws and the government approval process. Obtain all necessary documentation and consult with government officials.

    • If there is a brewery near you, visit it and ask the owner to share his experience with you during the project approval process. Also discuss approved equipment and the brewing process in general.
    • In some cases, work must be done in accordance with certifications (for example, it must be approved by a certified electrician) in order to be approved by local authorities or inspectors. Always check to see if the work needs to be approved by a professional first.


    • Do not change, remove or add anything to the brewing unit unless you know how to do so in a safe manner that complies with local regulations. If necessary, use the services of certified electricians and other professionals who are familiar with the regulations.

Brewing real, live beer without preservatives and additives with your own hands is the dream of many lovers of a foamy drink. Natural beer, which is not subjected to the processing necessary for long-term storage, retains all its beneficial features And unique taste. There are two main ways to brew beer.

The first method is more labor-intensive; it requires a lot of time and free space. However, if you carefully follow the technology, this method will allow you to brew excellent beer with the highest taste qualities. The second method is much simpler and is suitable for those who are not ready to invest too much money and effort in making beer. To brew beer you will need ready-made concentrates, which will make your task much easier. True, your beer will not be completely real, although it will still delight you with an excellent taste, superior to beer from the supermarket. Let's look at some simple steps to starting a home brewery.

Available space

If you decide to make your life dream come true and set up a real professional brewery where you can brew beer not from concentrates, you will need the appropriate premises. Of course, few people can boast of accidentally lying around a mansion suitable for installing an impressive system for brewing beer. True, you most likely will not need factory production volumes, and the equipment standard sizes It will fit just in a spare room. The ideal place is the basement. Well, most of you will prefer mini-installations that can provide you and your friends with delicious home-made beer without unnecessary fuss with professional breweries. Such an installation can be placed even in a spacious kitchen, but under one condition, which we will talk about later.

Fermenter, fermenter

Water seal

Brewing equipment

Let's talk about the minimum brewer's kit, everything you need to brew your first live beer. However, this set is only suitable for extract brewing.

Fermenter, fermenter

A fermenter is a container for fermenting beer wort, the volume of which depends on the extract you are going to use. On the market you can easily find fermenters with a volume of 10 to 30 liters. If you want to save money, then it is quite possible to use any tightly closed container as a fermenter. Make two holes in it for a water seal (replaceable with a regular hose and a small container of water) and a tap for pouring.

Water seal

A water seal is necessary to release the carbon dioxide that is formed during the fermentation process. In addition, the water seal prevents bacteria from entering the tank. Using a water seal, it is easy to monitor the fermentation process and determine in time when it is finished.

Brewery in the garage?

How about setting up a brewery in your garage? If yours is already occupied by a billiards room, sauna or gym, you might want to look at the garage. A spacious garage offers additional opportunities for your own microbrewery and even more: if space allows, it is quite possible to fit in a storage shelf finished products, as well as a small bar for gatherings with friends. All bar furniture can be built from pallets or small blocks of wood.


In a room suitable for brewing beer, the main thing is not its size, but its qualities, for example, good ventilation. The process of making beer is accompanied by the release of vapors during the brewing process, as well as gases during fermentation. Therefore, it is better to practice your hobby not only in a separate room, but also in a room with good ventilation. If you have installed your microbrewery in the kitchen, do not forget to ventilate the room well and close the room door.


If your brewery is located in a basement or garage, do not forget about the presence of other communications - water supply, electricity (gas). Making beer requires more water than you might think.

In addition, water itself plays a very important role in brewing, since the taste of the final product depends on it. The water, of course, must be clean, free of foreign odors and tastes, and its chemical characteristics must meet the necessary standards. pH (acidity) and gH (hardness) are of greatest importance in brewing.

Speaking about the pH of water, it should be noted that in fact it is not the pH itself that is important, but the pH of the mash itself. It is this that influences the activity of enzymes in it and the release of tannins from the grain shell. The pH of the mash should be between 5.1 and 5.5 at mash temperature and between 5.4 and 5.8 at room temperature.

The natural acidity of roasted specialty malts (caramel, chocolate, roasted) affects the pH, lowering it. This must be taken into account when selecting water. For example, with high acidity and high water hardness (water pH > 7.5, and carbonate level above 200 mg/l), the best beer will be made with a large amount of dark malt (porters, stouts, dark ales). And from soft water A low pH will make good pilsners or light pale ales. pH can be adjusted using various additives that can either increase or decrease this indicator. To check water indicators, use special tests or litmus paper.



A thermometer is necessary to monitor the fermentation temperature and promptly prevent unsuitable fermentation temperatures.


Using a hydrometer with a graduated cylinder or other special container, you can find out the density of the wort and, subsequently, the strength of the beer, as well as determine whether the beer is ripe.

Bottling products

The process of bottling beer for further carbonation is a rather delicate process, because bottling should be carried out with minimal contact of the beer with the external environment. It will be a big plus if the fermentation container is equipped with a special tap.

PET filling containers

After the beer has fermented, it must be bottled for the carbonation process. PET bottles, which are not intended for non-carbonated drinks, are not suitable, because the containers can simply burst from the gas formed.


Yeast greatly influences the taste and smell of beer. The taste and smell of beer are very complex and are formed from many components of different origins. Not only do malt, water and hops affect the quality of the final product, but also the method of yeast fermentation, as well as the by-products formed.

It used to be that there were two types of brewer's yeast: top-fermenting ale yeast and bottom-fermenting lager yeast. Both yeast strains are now considered subspecies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Top-fermenting yeast (ale yeast) performs best at temperatures between 10 and 25 °C, however some species become inactive at temperatures below 12 °C. Top-fermenting ale yeast floats to the surface during fermentation, creating a very dense and fluffy head of foam. Fermentation at relatively high temperatures using ale yeast creates a beer rich in esters, which is a hallmark of ales. This yeast is used to make ale, porter, stout, altbier, kölsch and wheat beer.

Bottom-fermenting yeast (lager yeast) works best at temperatures between 7 and 15 ° C. It reproduces more slowly than the first type, and when the fermentation process is complete, it settles to the bottom of the fermentation tank. That's why they are called bottom-fermenting yeast. The final flavor of the beer is highly dependent on the lager yeast strain and fermentation temperature. Lager yeast is used in Pilsner, Dortmund, March beer, bokeh and American malt liquor.

Beer storage

Home-brewed beer should be stored upright in a cool, dark place. It should not be stored for long unless you are sure of what you are doing! Storing beer vertically ensures that the yeast settles to the bottom of the bottle rather than leaving a mark on the sides. It is best to store a bottle of beer in an upright position also because in this position it has less contact with the cap and therefore oxidizes less and is stored longer.

Choose a dark place to store your beer, as ultraviolet or blue light can spoil it. As a result, the beer will acquire an unpleasant taste and smell. Green, and especially brown bottles perfectly protect beer from the sun's rays, which spoil it.

Heat will spoil beer over time, so it's best to store it in a cool place, but not freeze it. Suitable places to store beer are a designated shelf in the refrigerator or the basement.

Brewing beer from natural ingredients

To do this, you will need malt, hops and yeast, simple ingredients that form the basis of real beer. Be prepared for this rather labor-intensive process to take a lot of time. You need to start with malt: grind, mash and mix with water. Over low heat, bring the mixture to a temperature of no more than 65°C, cook the malt at this temperature for a little more than an hour. Then we raise the temperature to 72-75°C, let it cook for a little while, and then drain using filters. After filtering, the resulting liquid is boiled, then hops are added to it. How much and how to add it depends on the recipe. The hopped wort should be cooled to 4-6°C and kept at this temperature for a couple of hours. The next step is to add yeast and leave the beer alone for a couple of weeks. And once it has fermented properly, we bottle it. But we don’t drink it, but again put it in a cool place: our beer is still young, it must ripen. The ripening period can range from a couple of weeks to several months. Here it is up to you to judge in a specific case.

Brewing beer from concentrates

Using concentrates makes the brewer's task much easier. You will need ready-hopped malt extract, pour it into the fermentation container and mix it with sugar syrup and yeast. Many people prefer to replace sugar with honey or fructose, but these are variations that not every novice brewer will allow themselves during their first brew. The syrup and wort are thoroughly mixed, and the yeast is gently scattered over the surface of the resulting liquid. We cover the whole thing with a lid, insert a water seal and be patient for about a week. Bottling follows about a week later. And again, you shouldn’t drink young beer right away; let it ferment a second time in the container. And then you can gather your friends and solemnly present your new hobby.

In our country, people are becoming increasingly familiar with the culture of alcohol consumption. And beer lovers’ demands for products that can be seen on the shelves of most stores are increasingly increasing. A great alternative is home breweries. What is their highlight and how to choose the best option- we’ll talk about this now.

A few words about beer

At the very beginning, we must recall that beer is a low-alcohol drink that can be obtained as a result of alcoholic fermentation of malt wort. The fermentation process itself is facilitated by the addition of hops to the beer for a fuller taste and as a natural preservative.

A little history

It should also be said that the culture of brewing itself was known to the ancient Babylonians. At that time, this drink was prepared exclusively by women, and the product recipe included barley and spelled (a cereal that is a precursor to wheat). The following fact will be interesting for many: it is beer that we should be grateful for the fact that we now have the opportunity to eat bread. After all, the Egyptians always grew wheat and barley exclusively for beer, but the appearance of bread was a pleasant and very useful accident. Over time, this drink began to gain some popularity, spreading throughout the world. Over the centuries, the recipe for its preparation underwent changes, and only in the Middle Ages did they begin to add hops to beer, which gives such a pleasant bitterness (one can naturally conclude that before that beer was a rather sweet drink). However, if in that distant time it was the drink of the poor, today beer is loved and preferred by all segments of the population, including presidents, and even kings.

About breweries

It is also worth mentioning that today in our country beer is produced mainly by large factories. And there is one huge minus in this: this drink in this case is pasteurized, i.e. canned, which naturally affects taste qualities of this product. And, of course, it significantly reduces its usefulness. The sad fact is that home breweries (beermachines - i.e. machines for making beer) are not very common in our country, while in other countries even a small cafe prefers to please its customers with a “live” drink own production. However, today in Russia this situation is gradually changing.


So, what's so great about home brewers? Customer reviews primarily point out that this product is beneficial for the human body (unlike beer bought in a store in a closed bottle). The next important point for many is that such units take up quite a bit of space and are small in size. The average dimensions of beer machines are only 30 x 30 x 30 cm (they fit on any shelf, including the refrigerator, without any problems). As for volumes, you can prepare at least 10 liters of beer at a time, and that’s a lot! It will also take relatively little time. In addition, having bought a home brewer, you can easily vary all the cooking recipes at your discretion, creating new and interesting tastes of this drink.


What parts do Russian home breweries consist of? First of all, it must be said that their body is most often made of high-quality plastic, which can come into contact with food without causing damage. The shape of such a device is a barrel. Other components:

  • A lid with a special valve that tightly closes the keg to prevent foam from leaking (it will form during the brewing process).
  • Carbonization block, or simply “siphon”. It is needed so that the beer can be saturated with carbon dioxide (in the process it will be carbonated naturally, but sometimes this is not enough, and besides, this drink can simply “fizzle out”). In this case, the situation can be corrected with one click of a button that will launch this siphon.
  • Tap.

That's the whole package. You can see that it is quite simple, so there should be no problems with assembling the structure. It is worth remembering that the unit is sealed by nature. And before putting it into operation for the first time, everything needs to be thoroughly disinfected (the accompanying documents that come with the brewery will tell you how to do this).


So how long does it take for a home microbrewery to make the drink? This happens within 10 days. Once you've assembled your brewer and sanitized it, you can start brewing.

  • Stage 1. Yeast and beer extract are poured into the container. Everything is filled with water (it is worth remembering that the taste of the beer will depend on the quality of the water).
  • Stage 2. The safety valve closes.
  • Stage 3. Wait for the beer to be ready (after all, as was said, the process takes about 10 days).

Cooking process

What else is so great about home brewers? Customer reviews indicate that the entire cooking process (in which a person is involved) is completely inexpensive in terms of time and human resources. It will take no more than half an hour to do everything (assemble and set up the unit, add ingredients). So what is the sequence for brewing beer?

  1. For the first five days, the drink should “ferment.” This does not require special conditions; normal room temperature in the range of 18-25 degrees is sufficient.
  2. For the next five days, the brewery should be placed in a cold place, where the temperature is approximately 0 °C to +3 °C. A refrigerator is perfect for this. The brewery itself, being quite small in size, will fit there without any problems. This is the period of clarification and final preparation of this drink.

That's the whole cooking process. After removing from the refrigerator, the brewer needs time to settle a little and get used to the surrounding temperature. No more than 10 minutes is enough. And only now you can enjoy a tasty and also healthy drink without any problems.

About independence

It is worth saying that such home devices for making beer were invented back in the early 90s of the last century by Canadian scientists. However, if you wish, you can create your own home breweries yourself. Knowing what parts they consist of, you can make something similar without any problems. However, there is a catch: you must take care of the tightness of the structure, only in this case will the brewing be successful and the product tasty and healthy.

About the choice

So, home brewing. How to choose the right model? It is worth saying that all manufacturers existing on the Russian market guarantee quality. However, the American mini-brewery company Mr.Beer is especially popular. As for the indicators, the price of these units will vary depending on the amount of one-time beer preparation. You can spend about 4 thousand rubles and buy a brewer that will prepare 8 liters per week, or you can fork out 14 thousand, while getting 20 liters at a time. However, small home breweries are still the best choice. Customer reviews agree on this: this way you can simply consume fresh, tasty beer more often (it’s worth remembering that the shelf life of a “live” drink in the refrigerator is short).


If you have a drink prepared in it, this is also something worth taking care of. So, it must be said that regular recipe It’s quite simple: you will need water, which is mixed with brewer’s yeast. However, in what size are all these products needed?

  1. The amount of water depends on the volume of the unit itself (i.e., you need as much of it as the brewery itself is designed for).
  2. The strength of the drink depends on the amount of malt: the more of it, the stronger the product.
  3. If you want to get a persistent caramel flavor in beer, you need to give preference to roasted barley. If you want regular light beer, you need to stock up on either corn or wheat malt.

Basic buyer questions

Having figured out why home brewers are so good (reviews are an excellent confirmation of this), it is also worth explaining several rather important nuances:

  • Buying all the ingredients today is not a problem. Stores that sell breweries often also carry all the ingredients needed.
  • The drink can be stored in the brewery itself for approximately 1 month.
  • ranges from 10 to 12%.
  • The alcohol percentage in beer ranges from 3.5 to 5.5%.
  • The drink can be prepared using ordinary tap water. But it’s still better to take either spring or store water (the taste of the resulting drink depends on this).
  • The required temperature for the second stage of beer preparation is from zero to 3 °C above zero. The maximum permissible mark on the thermometer: +7 °C.

Delicious beer is almost impossible to find these days. Beneath the beautiful labels and elegant bottles lies a drink that is in no way suitable to be called beer. So if you do enough a good product(beer), then there will definitely be a demand for it.

The only difficulty you may encounter is distribution channels. Our article will help you create good beer and organize all production processes, and we will also discuss sales channels that will allow you to sell.

The relevance of brewing business development in the modern world

The brewing business is relevant for several reasons.

The first is the great desire of a wide audience drink really high quality beer . In the West, brewing is considered an art, in which not everyone can achieve success. Some beer recipes have been passed down from generation to generation for several centuries in a row.

The second reason for the relevance of the brewing business is the high demand for alcoholic products. If your drink is truly worthwhile, then you will definitely find your regular customers and fans.

However, like any business, brewing contains several disadvantages. In a highly competitive environment, creating a business is quite difficult. There is a chance that you will remain at a low level and sell beer to a narrow circle of your friends. To avoid this in the future, you will need to involve large financial costs. And also, as a small dealer, it will be difficult for you to keep a price that will be at the level of the market average and at the same time generate income. Both disadvantages will disappear if you have an established distribution channel. The more you have, the more goods you will sell.

Types of breweries

Exists two kinds breweries:

  1. full cycle;
  2. with a shortened production cycle.

Brewery full cycle , essentially, is a small brewery. To build and organize such a business, you will need to spend a lot of time, effort and money. According to the most conservative estimates, it will cost you over 100 thousand dollars to open such a home brewery. This cost includes not only brewing equipment, but equipment for organizing production processes. We conclude that such a business will not be affordable for a novice entrepreneur.

For breweries shortened cycle no expensive equipment required. The production capacity of such a home brewery can range from 30 to 2000 liters. In addition, to organize the entire production process you need a room whose area does not exceed 40 square meters. meters.

An example and advantages of organizing a business based on Schulz equipment are discussed in the following video:

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Technological process of preparation in our own brewery

Selection and preparation of premises

The choice and equipment of the premises depends on how you plan to sell your products.

Let's sort it out several features that need to be taken into account when choosing a location.

You need to make sure that your microbrewery equipment was arriving. This is necessary in order to ship the produced beer. In this case, you will need a separate room or warehouse for storing beer products. It includes both finished beer and production raw materials.

To equip the room you need to use the following equipment:

  • Ventilation systems;
  • Sewerage;
  • Heating systems;
  • Water supply;
  • Electricity supply.

The room you choose must be equipped fire safety systems .

Step-by-step description of creating a home brewery

Domestic and imported models can be used as installed equipment.

To create a home brewery you need:

  • Fermentation tank;
  • Subsequent fermentation tank;
  • Cooling chamber;
  • Water purification filters;
  • Boiler for boiling syrup;
  • Container for sterilization;
  • Antibacterial agents.

Depending on any starting budget, you will be able to collect the necessary list of materials.

In order to sell the beer you produce, you need hermetic kegs (kegs).

How to organize a home brewery is described in the following video:

The nuances of choosing a ready-made home brewer

The equipment can already be used ready-made brewery. This technique will last longer, and the taste of the beer will be significantly improved. The basic set of such a device includes: a fermentation tank, a built-in laboratory and a transfusion system. The budget version of this installation is capable of brewing up to 700 liters per day. And in more advanced models this mark exceeds 2000 liters.

Purchase of necessary raw materials

Particular attention should be paid procurement of raw materials. The taste characteristics of beer will depend on the quality of the supplied products. Your beer won't taste as good if you constantly skimp on the ingredients you buy.

Raw materials, which is necessary for the production of beer, consists of: special dry yeast and hopped malt concentrate. You also need to pay attention to water. It must be clean, have no aftertaste, etc.

pay attention to disinfectants . You need to constantly treat your workplace to avoid fines from the SES.

Try organize logistics so that the process of supplying the necessary raw materials is carried out continuously. Your business will be profitable when it operates constantly. Any disruption, which could be due to many reasons, will impact sales. If your sales level constantly falls, then you will not be able to have a profitable business selling beer.

Description of the cooking process

Malt is placed in a container with water brought to a certain temperature. After the chemical reaction resulting from the addition, the malt transfers its main functions to water. After which the remaining malt is removed and hops are added.

As a result, beer is pasteurized. The result is a mash that is poured into a fermentation container. Next, you need to add yeast, and after some time sugar, so that the carbonation process occurs. Thus, the finished beer is obtained.

We register our business

In order to open your own brewery you need. To choose the right one, you need to consult with lawyers and economists.

In addition, to open a premises for such activities you need get spoiled from the following authorities:

  • State fire supervision;
  • Energy Supervision;

We organize the entrepreneurial process

Any production that does not have well-established logistics operations in production, sooner or later, will come to chaos and confusion. To prevent this, let's consider the process of properly organizing each component of the brewing business.

Internecine processes occurring indoors should occur according to the following arrangement: beer production - bottling into containers - delivery to the warehouse - sorting - shipment from the warehouse.

Accordingly, the fewer goods in stock, the faster beer should be produced. This is only if you already have a lot of demand.

For service
a home brewer is enough for one person. His responsibilities should also include cleaning and cleaning the premises. We also need a specialist who will handle the accounting of the individual entrepreneur.

Your advertising should be in the places where your target customer lives. The most suitable and inexpensive advertising platforms can be:

  • Free advertisements;
  • Flyers;
  • Signs and billboards;
  • Advertising on social media networks;
  • Advertising in supermarkets.

To achieve greater coverage, more beers need to be produced. Accordingly, the more types of beer you have, the larger your clientele. A potential client must be interested in buying your beer. To do this correctly, you need to use popular marketing techniques.

Any level of sales depends on production levels and quantity demanded. Ideally, your demand should exceed your supply. If the level of sales is so low that sales are not happening at all, then you should think about the feasibility of your business.

We calculate the financial part

If you want to open a brewery with sterilized equipment, then it will cost you over 100 thousand dollars. In addition, to this cost will be additionally added the cost of hermetic barrels, transportation costs, and personnel costs.

The average of such a business with a normal level of sales will be no more than a year.

It is recommended to use this option for two reasons. The first is the high quality of the beer produced, which will allow it to be sold in large quantities. And this factor reduces the payback period. Second, you don’t have to constantly monitor the performance of an installation that you assembled yourself. The machine will do everything for you.

Analysis of this business niche

Experience and feedback from brewery users suggests that when opening such a business, first of all need to pay attention to:

  • Quality of supplied products;
  • The quality of the beer produced;
  • Market (your beer should not be much different);
  • Advertising;
  • Sales channels.

Tracking these parameters will allow you to maintain optimal sales levels.

It wouldn't hurt to create own brand. Your customers will recognize you and be more willing to buy.

As main sales channel You can use small specialty stores that display your logo. In subsequent activities, you can sell. This will allow you to significantly increase your own profit, which will come to you passively.

Thus, to open your own home brewery, you do not need to have much knowledge. It is enough to purchase the necessary equipment that will do everything you need for you.

An overview of the operation of an inexpensive, do-it-yourself semi-automatic brewer is given in this video: