How to pickle smoked lard at home. Step-by-step photo recipe for preparing hot smoked lard in a smokehouse at home

Lard is a versatile product that can be used both as a snack and as a main dish. There are several varieties of this product, but many people love smoked lard. By the way, hot smoked lard can be easily prepared at home.

Preparing lard for hot smoking: selection and salting method

Most often, pieces with a meat layer and a fairly thick layer of fat are selected for smoking lard. It is advisable to take pieces from the piglet's belly area, since the fat there is softer. When cooking, it is not the smoking process itself that is of great importance, but the correct method of salting the lard.

How to salt lard for smoking?

There are two ways to salt lard:

  • in marinade;
  • dry method without water.

The dry method without water is quite lengthy, and for good salting it will take at least two weeks for the lard to absorb enough salt and spices. Most often, they prefer to salt lard in the marinade, since it evenly absorbs all the necessary juices and is salted much better. The lard must be cut into strips 10-15 cm long and about 5-6 cm wide - due to this size it is convenient to put it in a pan.

Marinade for smoking lard: recipe

It is important to note that how the brine for smoking lard is prepared determines its taste and structure. To prepare the marinade you will need a plastic container and an iron pan.


  • egg;
  • coarse table salt;
  • dry garlic;
  • fresh garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dry mustard.


  1. The amount of salt is of great importance for the correct marinade, since over-salting can lead to toughness of the meat layer and will not allow all the flavors of the seasonings to be absorbed. To determine the required amount of salt, you will need a chicken egg, which should be placed in warm water. You need to add salt until the egg floats to the surface and its top the size of a ruble coin is visible.
  2. After adding salt, pour the remaining ingredients into the pan one by one.
  3. For five liters of marinade, add ½ tbsp. l. dry garlic and 6-7 cloves fresh. Fresh garlic does not need to be chopped; it can be packed whole.
  4. Add black pepper to the resulting mixture, 5 pcs. bay leaf, finely chopped or mashed, and ½ tsp. mustard. Some people add sugar to the lard marinade, but it all depends on the cooking method and taste preferences.
  5. Pour the resulting marinade into lard, which was previously placed in a plastic container. It must be remembered that the brine must completely cover all the lard for more thorough absorption of the spices.
  6. To prevent the lard from floating to the surface, it must be pressed down with pressure. The brine for smoking lard must be heated enough so that the salt and spices completely release their microelements to the water.
  7. Lard covered in marinade should be stored in a cool place for 5-6 days.

Hot smoking is a faster method; it differs from cold smoking only in the duration of heating and temperature.

How to smoke hot smoked lard?


  1. Before placing lard in the smokehouse, you need to remove it from the marinade, rinse it, and then wipe it dry or hang it on hooks or a grate for 1 hour to allow excess water to escape.
  2. When hanging lard in a cabinet on hooks or a grate, you must remember that a distance of 1-2 cm must be maintained between pieces so that the product can be well smoked on all sides.
  3. For smoking, you need to make a homemade box from boards or iron, in which special poles for hooks with lard or grates will be made.
  4. The required temperature must be supplied from below from the hand-made hearth. When hot smoking, the temperature inside the cabinet should be at least 50 and not higher than 60 degrees. This temperature is needed for the lard to smoke quickly enough. A very high temperature will cause the lard to simply start frying and all the juices will come out of it. Such lard will be very tough and tasteless.

When preparing hot smoked lard, the temperature must be constantly stable, that is, not decrease or rise for 1 hour. During this time, the lard will be sufficiently smoked and covered with a bright yellow crust. Depending on the amount of spices used and the type of marinade, the color of the lard may differ.

Cold smoking process

Cold smoking lard requires more time and effort. It may take at least a day to prepare 4 kg of lard. The process of cold smoking lard should begin at 15 degrees, gradually increasing the temperature to 20 degrees. At the last stage of cooking, the temperature inside the smoking cabinet should be at least 25 degrees.

The duration of cold smoking of lard has its advantages:

  • the pieces do not burn;
  • the lard is smoked evenly on all sides;
  • the lard turns out more juicy, since the fat is not rendered, but simmers;
  • The layer of meat is not tough, but melts in your mouth.

The only disadvantage of cold smoking is the high probability of lard spoilage. When cold smoking, lard must be eaten within 2-3 days, since long-term storage is impossible due to poor heat treatment.

Hot smoked lard at home: recipe for cooking in the oven

Some housewives do not bother creating a smokehouse and cook lard in a regular home oven. To make smoked lard at home in the oven, you will need a baking sleeve.


  • seasonings;
  • salt;
  • mustard;
  • garlic;
  • pepper;
  • salo.


  1. Lard, salt, pepper, garlic, and mustard to taste are placed in the baking sleeve.
  2. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and allowed to brew for 12 hours in the refrigerator.
  3. Then the mixture is sent to the oven, heated to 130 degrees.
  4. The simmering time is 45-50 minutes depending on the size of the pieces.

Some housewives add liquid smoke to lard to give it flavor and color.

Experienced lard smokers advise remembering a number of requirements:

  • It is better to use for smoking only chips from fruit trees, but in no case from coniferous trees;
  • Do not raise the temperature in the smokehouse above normal;
  • Lard should always be salted before smoking;
  • It is better to eat lard chilled.

It doesn’t matter how the lard is prepared, hot or cold. The main thing is to choose the right product and salting. With any smoking method, lard will turn out tasty and juicy if you follow all the above tips.

Cold appetizers made from meat products can hardly leave anyone indifferent. Using proven technology, you can make many dishes, from everyday dishes to the most exquisite delicacies. Pork meat is second only to chicken in popularity. Moreover, the leading positions have to be given up solely because of the high cost. As for taste, there is no clear dominance here.

Pork, due to its fatty layers, is quite soft and juicy, and if you cook it correctly, you can get the most tender pieces of meat that even chicken cannot compare with.

Everyone knows that the key to a successful recipe is the preliminary preparation of the product. This law always applies, no matter what dish you decide to cook. Even such a seemingly elementary product to prepare as smoked lard requires step-by-step implementation of all the prescribed procedures, most of which are implemented even before actual smoking.

Some features of cooking meat dishes

Consumption of meat plays an invaluable role for the body. Even many nutritionists agree that not a single diet based on a diet of plant foods is capable of filling the body with a full range of essential substances. People gave up raw meat in ancient times, and even popular raw food eating involves pre-salting the product.

The structure of lard and meat makes the product quite tough and elastic when raw. However, there are several ways to turn the product into edible food. The preparation itself initially involves heat treatment. Our ancestors thought of this from the moment fire appeared in their everyday life. Under the influence of temperature, the protein is subject to restructuring, which leads to the reformation of fibers. Denatured protein changes its density, and due to this, meat or lard becomes looser.

Later it turned out that not only high-temperature exposure can split fibers. There are a number of active substances that enter into chemical reactions with protein, these are all kinds of acids, as well as salts. Under the influence of acid, animal fibers change their structure.

Salt can act as the mentioned substance, as well as a flavoring additive. If heat treatment is not planned (cold smoking), then all that remains is to salt the lard to make an edible dish from it. Otherwise, for example, with hot smoking, the lard must still be marinated to impart flavor.

Dry salting of products

The most ancient way of storing meat products and preparing them for consumption is salting according to a simple recipe. It has a lot of advantages.

  • The relatively simple recipe eliminates the need to purchase a large number of ingredients.
  • There is no need to maintain the proportions, since the lard will not absorb excess salt. You just need to generously salt each piece and then get rid of the excess salt.
  • The salting algorithm is so simple that it is accessible even to those who are encountering self-cooking for the first time.

To make it more convenient to salt lard for smoking, you will need a flat horizontal surface. You can prepare the mixture on the kitchen table. Salt is mixed with pepper, and spices are added to the resulting composition. Thyme or dried dill are excellent for dry marinade. The composition of the mixture can be different, it depends on the wishes of the cook.

Using a back-and-forth motion, the salt is rubbed into the lard. At this stage there is a great opportunity to diversify the recipe by stuffing the pieces with garlic. To do this, you need to make deep cuts and put finely grated garlic into the resulting sinuses. The salt must completely cover the pieces, so salting is carried out carefully, treating each edge.

The salted pieces are placed in an enamel pan. The pieces should be folded compactly so that there is as little space as possible between them. Oppression is placed on top. Under the influence of the load, moisture will be released from the lard. In the resulting brine, you can quickly salt the product. By and large, lard will be ready within a day, but for cold smoking it is advisable to extend the salting for another day. With the cold method of processing lard, it is very dangerous; if the product is under-salted, this can lead to spoilage of the semi-finished product.

After two days of salting, the lard is removed from the container and excess salt is removed by any available method. If you don’t want to wipe off the residue with a napkin, you will have to soak the lard in water. The whole procedure will take no more than an hour, but after this the lard should be dried. Drying is an integral part of the entire process. Moisture in the fibers during hot smoking will make the lard boiled, and during cold smoking it will create favorable conditions for bacteria. At home, lard is dried by hanging it in the fresh air. In half an hour it will be time to send it to the smokehouse.

Spiced marinade

Another way to prepare lard before placing it in the smokehouse is to marinate it. There is no fundamental difference from salting, since the ultimate goal is to saturate the fibers with a salty solution. The only difference can be seen in technology. It allows you to marinate meat or lard using various spices. The ingredients dissolved in water form a brine in which the product should be soaked.

The algorithm for preparing the marinade begins with the fact that you will have to make simple calculations. Water should be salted according to a strict proportion, which involves adding 70 g of salt to one liter of water.

The brine for smoking lard is brought to a boil, and then garlic, pepper, bay leaf, basil and dill are added to it. Everyone has their own understanding of a deliciously prepared dish, so the composition of the ingredients may vary. The only thing that remains unchanged is salt, as the main preservative in any recipe.

The marinade should boil for at least 10 minutes. By choosing the right salting method, it is possible to manipulate the flavor bouquet. Traditionally, it is believed that in order to salt lard with spices, it is necessary to marinate it. There are two ways to view this opinion.

  • Firstly, no one bothers you to add the listed ingredients to the dry composition.
  • Secondly, when the marinade is boiled, the taste is always kept under control, and it is easy to adjust it during the cooking process.

If you add all the ingredients to the dry mixture, it will be quite difficult to evaluate the future result. Now you can decide once and for all how lard should be prepared for smoking. For lovers of everything natural, including the natural smell and taste of pork fat, a simple salting recipe is suitable. And gourmets whose taste comes down to bouquets of spices should stock up on instructions for marinating meat products.

After preparing the marinade, lard is immersed in it, and the pan is removed from the gas stove. After the brine and the lard in it have cooled, the product should be soaked for another 5 hours. Then the pieces are hung so that the moisture swells and partially evaporates. The average drying time for lard is 30 minutes.

Recipe for boiled smoked lard

There are no limits to people's imagination, so all possible ways to marinate lard have long been tried. And yet more and more new recipes appear. The idea of ​​combining heat treatment with salting has found its application. At home, preparing boiled-smoked lard is not only possible, but also technically easy.

As a result of preliminary boiling, you will get a product that is almost ready for use. In the smokehouse it will quickly acquire a fragrant smell and will be immediately put on the table as a delicacy.

  • First the marinade is prepared. Due to the fact that hot water penetrates fabric fibers more intensively, the lard will not marinate for long. For the same reason, the solution will have to be made somewhat less dense. For 1 liter of water, 50 grams of salt will be enough.
  • The water needs to be boiled, and lard is immersed in the boiling solution, which is cooked for 40 minutes. During this time, all the desired ingredients are added. Boiling water kills bacteria and helps spices dissolve more effectively in water.

Recipes for cold and hot smoking

Often the same recipe can be taken from different sources. But in the first case it is recommended for hot smoking, and in the second - for cold smoking. To avoid confusion, let's sort this issue out. The fact is that there is no fundamental difference, so the same recipe can be used for both smoking methods. Understanding in more detail the structure of the smokehouse and the nuances of one and the other method, we come to the conclusion that despite the apparent similarity of the recipes, there are still some subtleties.

  • Salting lard with simple salting and marinade for cold smoking should take a little longer. Despite the recommendations, increase the salting time. Excess salt will not be absorbed into the lard, and this will have a positive effect on the smoking process.
  • Cooking lard during cold smoking is usually not used. This type of smoking is chosen for the naturalness of the resulting product. There is no point in cooking lard if hot smoking is provided for this.
  • When preparing for smoking, you should remember that hot-cooked products have much less fat, since a significant portion of it is melted under high temperature.
  • To simulate smoking, the recipes remain the same. Even a simple ambassador lasts slightly less time, which is surprising. The secret is that after a day spent in salt, lard is considered edible, and when cold smoking it must be kept for additional time, eliminating the possibility of microbial development.

Smoking at home allows you to get both elastic lard with a natural taste and loose boiled lard with a delicate consistency. It is impossible to describe all the recipes due to their countless number, but we have reviewed the basic principles of pickling. They must be taken as a basis for realizing your fantasy.

Lard, as a food product, has harmoniously entered our lives and taken a place of honor in it. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse a fragrant piece of smoked lard. And salted lard can be prepared at home. But still, smoked lard is tastier and more aromatic. Pork ribs and loin are suitable for preparing this appetizer.

Properly smoked lard turns out very soft and tender. There are 2 types of smoking - hot and cold method. But before choosing any of them, you need to salt the pieces.

How to salt lard for hot smoking

First you need to make a brine at the rate of 170 g of salt per liter of water. Bring water to a boil and dissolve salt in it. While the water is boiling, cut the lard into 10x25 cm pieces. When the brine boils, dip the lard into it. It should be completely covered with water. Cook for 3 minutes. Next, take out the lard, dry it with a napkin and place it in an enamel pan in layers, each layered with chopped garlic.

When the brine has cooled, pour the lard over it. Cover the pan with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for 7 days. When the lard is salted, take it out and hang it in a ventilated place for 20 hours so that it dries out a little and wilts. Next, use lard for hot smoking.

How to salt lard for cold smoking

Prepare pieces of lard approximately 2.5 cm thick. Prepare the mixture for salting. To do this, mix salt with chopped garlic and any spices. This can be peppercorns, ground pepper, hot pepper, paprika, chopped bay leaf, etc.

Pour the salting mixture into the bottom of the enamel pan. Lightly moisten it with cool water and thoroughly rub the pieces of lard with it. Place the lard skin side down in the pan. Sprinkle each soy with dry salting mixture. When the lard is laid, cover it with a centimeter layer of the curing mixture. Next, cover the container with lard with cardboard or paper. Place a lid on top that is smaller in diameter than the pan. And press down the lard with something heavy. After 14 days, remove the lard and clean it of salt. If necessary, rinse in running water, then wipe and dry in a cool, ventilated place. After this, the lard can be cold smoked.

How to quickly salt lard for smoking

The recipe for salting lard for smoking is very simple. Prepare the brine. To do this, take 0.3 kg of salt per liter of water. Bring the brine to a boil and add lard into it. The brine should completely cover the lard. Cook the lard for an hour, and then put it under pressure for 24 hours. After this it is ready for smoking.

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Lard is a universal product that can be used both as a snack and as a main dish. There are several varieties of this product, but many people love smoked lard. By the way, hot smoked lard can be easily prepared at home.

Preparing lard for hot smoking: selection and salting method

Most often, pieces with a meat layer and a fairly thick layer of fat are selected for smoking lard. It is advisable to take pieces from the piglet's belly area, since the fat there is softer. When cooking, it is not the smoking process itself that is of great importance, but the correct method of salting the lard.

How to salt lard for smoking?

There are two ways to salt lard:

  • in marinade;
  • dry method without water.

The dry method without water is quite lengthy, and for good salting it will take at least two weeks for the lard to absorb enough salt and spices. Most often, they prefer to salt lard in the marinade, since it evenly absorbs all the necessary juices and is salted much better. The lard must be cut into strips 10-15 cm long and about 5-6 cm wide - due to this size it is convenient to put it in a pan.

Prepare a delicious marinade

It is important to note that how the brine for smoking lard is prepared determines its taste and structure. To prepare the marinade you will need a plastic container and an iron pan.


  • egg;
  • coarse table salt;
  • dry garlic;
  • fresh garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dry mustard.


  1. The amount of salt is of great importance for the correct marinade, since over-salting can lead to toughness of the meat layer and will not allow all the flavors of the seasonings to be absorbed. To determine the required amount of salt, you will need a chicken egg, which should be placed in warm water. You need to add salt until the egg floats to the surface and its top the size of a ruble coin is visible.
  2. After adding salt, pour the remaining ingredients into the pan one by one.
  3. For five liters of marinade, add ½ tbsp. l. dry garlic and 6-7 cloves fresh. Fresh garlic does not need to be chopped; it can be packed whole.
  4. Add black pepper to the resulting mixture, 5 pcs. bay leaf, finely chopped or mashed, and ½ tsp. mustard. Some people add sugar to the lard marinade, but it all depends on the cooking method and taste preferences.
  5. Pour the resulting marinade into lard, which was previously placed in a plastic container. It must be remembered that the brine must completely cover all the lard for more thorough absorption of the spices.
  6. To prevent the lard from floating to the surface, it must be pressed down with pressure. The brine for smoking lard must be heated enough so that the salt and spices completely release their microelements to the water.
  7. Lard covered in marinade should be stored in a cool place for 5-6 days.

Cold smoking process

Cold smoking lard requires more time and effort. It may take at least a day to prepare 4 kg of lard. The process of cold smoking lard should begin at 15 degrees, gradually increasing the temperature to 20 degrees. At the last stage of cooking, the temperature inside the smoking cabinet should be at least 25 degrees.

The duration of cold smoking of lard has its advantages:

  • the pieces do not burn;
  • the lard is smoked evenly on all sides;
  • the lard turns out more juicy, since the fat is not rendered, but simmers;
  • The layer of meat is not tough, but melts in your mouth.

The only disadvantage of cold smoking is the high probability of lard spoilage. When cold smoking, lard must be eaten within 2-3 days, since long-term storage is impossible due to poor heat treatment.

Oven recipe

Some housewives do not bother creating a smokehouse and cook lard in a regular home oven. To make smoked lard at home in the oven, you will need a baking sleeve.


  • seasonings;
  • salt;
  • mustard;
  • garlic;
  • pepper;
  • salo.


  1. Lard, salt, pepper, garlic, and mustard to taste are placed in the baking sleeve.
  2. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and allowed to brew for 12 hours in the refrigerator.
  3. Then the mixture is sent to the oven, heated to 130 degrees.
  4. The simmering time is 45-50 minutes depending on the size of the pieces.

Some housewives add liquid smoke to lard to give it flavor and color.

Experienced lard smokers advise remembering a number of requirements:

  • It is better to use for smoking only chips from fruit trees, but in no case from coniferous trees;
  • Do not raise the temperature in the smokehouse above normal;
  • Lard should always be salted before smoking;
  • It is better to eat lard chilled.

We salt lard ourselves at home using various methods and recipes. And since you can properly pickle lard at home, you don’t need any specific or expensive ingredients. The main component is, of course, lard, as well as salt and spices. Naturally, salt and spices are available in every kitchen, but lard must be chosen correctly. How to properly salt lard at home? See below for many recipes for salting lard.

The lard needs to be salted fresh, preferably fresh. Meat products are considered to be fresh within 4 hours after slaughter. It is recommended to take lard with layers, but this depends mainly on the wishes of the housewife and household members. The thickness of the mat should be approximately 3 cm. Also, the consistency should be uniform, that is, not hardened, and not particularly loose.


A simple recipe for how to properly pickle lard at home.

  • You will need: garlic, salt and a plastic bag.

Cut the lard into pieces that can fit in a bag and on a plate. Place the shmat on a cutting board, skin side down. Make several small cuts. The cuts should be so deep that there is 0.5-1 cm left to the skin. Cut several cloves of garlic in half lengthwise. Place the garlic into the cuts and sprinkle the entire garlic with plenty of salt. Now put the pieces in a bag. This should be done skin side down, laying one on top of the other. Sprinkle each layer with additional salt. Now wrap the bag and leave it to salt. Salting lasts about three days at room temperature. First, 50 hours in the position as described, and then the package should be turned over.

Next, in order to properly salt the lard, it should be placed in the refrigerator, creating a temperature of about 10º C. Leave for another three days until it is completely ready. Now remove the package and make sure the product is ready. The main sign of salting of lard is darkening of the veins. That is, previously pink veins acquire a grayish color. If this does not happen, you need to add salt and leave for some more time. Before eating, remove excess salt from lard and cut into small pieces. Here you have delicious salted lard, prepared at home and no worse than the one from Magazan!!

How to salt lard for smoking

A very good recipe for salting lard for smoking and preparing it before smoking.

Would need:

  • salt,
  • Bay leaf,
  • garlic,
  • clove pepper,
  • water,
  • salo.

Some gourmets prefer smoked lard to salted lard. But for proper smoking, lard must first be salted. We'll look at how to do this below.

First you need to cook the brine for lard. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add 150 grams of salt, three bay leaves, two cloves, garlic and pepper to taste. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat, covered. Cool the prepared lard brine to room temperature.
Place the lard in a saucepan, add brine and cover with a lid. Cover the pan with a thick cloth and place in a dark and cool place. The lard in the pan should be turned over every day so that it is better saturated with brine. This process will last for 18 days. After which the lard must be removed and washed with running water.

Now you need to get rid of the excess brine that has soaked into the scraps. To do this, you can put the pieces under a weight. Or you can wrap it and tighten it tightly with strong, natural thread. Leave the lard in this position for 1.5-2 days, after which you can start smoking. Having smoked the lard to the desired state, you can grate it with ground pepper. This will add piquancy to the taste. You should grate warm shmats, but consume them slightly frostbitten.

Lard with garlic

Many people love lard and an hour, but few people know how to pickle lard with garlic. This is what our next simple recipe will be about.
Would need:

  • garlic mass,
  • Bay leaf,
  • pepper,
  • salo,
  • pot,
  • salt.

Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Add ground pepper, peas and salt to the resulting slurry.

Cut the lard into pieces suitable for containers. Place the lard skin side down on a cutting board. Make small cuts on the pieces, not reaching the skin. Coat each piece with the garlic mixture and place in the container, skin side down. You can put one bay leaf on top of each piece. Now select a lid that will fit into the container with lard. Place the lid and place a weight on it. Leave for a day at room temperature, and then put in a cool place. After two days, delicious salted lard with garlic is ready to eat.

Salo in Ukrainian

Recipe for delicious lard in Ukrainian.

You will need:

  • container,
  • salo,
  • salt,
  • spices.

Ukraine is the so-called “homeland” of salted lard. In Ukraine, as well as in Russia, there are several ways to salt delicious lard. I'll tell you the most popular one.
Cut the lard into pieces approximately 20-25cm in size and stuff it with chopped garlic into the previously made cuts. Then mix red and black pepper with salt and chopped bay leaves. Rub the resulting mixture onto each piece of lard. Then take the container, you can use a parcel box lined with parchment. Place the pieces in a container and close the lid tightly. The lard should stand on the floor for two days, and then move to the freezer. This lard is usually eaten frozen. We can also tell you, delicious and fast!

Lard in onion skins

Few people know, but lard in onion skins is a very tasty and gourmet dish that everyone should try.

You will need:

  • pot,
  • onion peel,
  • salt,
  • salo,
  • spices.

Let's find out a recipe for how to pickle lard in onion skins. Place onion skins and salt in a tall saucepan. Fill with cold water and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add bay leaf and peppercorns. After boiling the spices for a minute, add the chopped lard to the pan. The shmats should be drowned in brine. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Now we leave the brew for a day so that the lard is saturated with brine. After 24 hours, remove the lard from the brine and place it on a dry surface so that all the liquid drains out. While the water is draining, prepare the garlic. That is, we grind it with a knife or garlic press and leave it in a warm place for a minute. Then rub the lard with garlic and send it to freeze.

Lard in a jar

A very old recipe that everyone loves for making lard in a jar at home; it’s very easy to salt and it turns out deliciously delicious.

You will need:

  • chilled jar,
  • boiled water,
  • garlic, pepper, bay leaf,
  • salt.

In order to pickle lard in a jar, you need to put a three-liter jar in the refrigerator for a day. Cut the lard into pieces that can fit through the neck of the jar. Now prepare the brine. Pour water into a saucepan, boil and cool it to room temperature. Add garlic mass, pepper and salt to cooled water. Place the lard loosely in the jar and fill it with brine. Now send the jar to a cool place for 3-4 days. Before use, remove the pieces and leave for 15 minutes to get rid of excess liquid. That's all the delicious salted lard in the jar is ready!

Lard in brine

Well, the recipe for lard in brine is not for everyone, although its taste is not ordinary, but it is also quite tasty. Worth a try!

Would need:

  • bucket,
  • spices (garlic, peppercorns),
  • salo,
  • water,
  • salt.

First, prepare the brine for lard, here is the recipe. Pour water into the pan and add salt. Bring to 100 degrees and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then cool, and while it cools, prepare the dressing. The garlic is peeled and mixed with pepper. Then it is added to the cooled brine and allowed to brew for an hour.

At this time, you need to prepare a container; you can use an enamel bucket or glass jar. Pieces of chopped lard are placed in a bucket and filled with cold brine. The shmats must be immersed in liquid. Cover the bucket with thick cloth or gauze folded in several layers. Wrap a thread around the top of the fabric so that it does not move or get wet. Now place the bucket on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and wait 2 weeks. After the salting period has expired, you can try it by first draining the brine that you prepared for lard.

Secrets of salting lard

Little secrets of salting lard

When salting lard at home, you can use little tricks that will simplify the process or add a unique taste. I'll tell you about them now.

  1. Black peppercorns will give more flavor if you grind them just before using them.
  2. Also, various spices will give the lard a richer taste if you mash them first. You can simply rub it in your hands or squeeze it between two spoons.
  3. Lard absorbs as much salt as it needs and not a gram more. Therefore, do not skimp on salt; you won’t be able to over-salt it, but it’s easy to under-salt it.
  4. Salting using any of the methods described above is recommended in cold conditions. That is, at a temperature of +10º - +18º C, or lower.
  5. Immediately after salting, check the lard for salt. This is necessary so that it does not have time to deteriorate in case of under-salting.
  6. The brine should be prepared immediately before salting. The fact is that water after boiling acquires special properties: it becomes softer, loses harmful microbes, and so on. If you leave boiled water for a long time under normal conditions, the beneficial properties will be lost.
  7. It is recommended to use alder or apple wood for smoking lard. This way you can give the lard a unique taste. It is also important to smoke over moderate heat without overheating.

Video on how to salt lard