Organic cold pressed coconut oil uses. How to choose coconut oil for food. Unrefined VS refined

Aroy-D coconut oil is produced in Indonesia exclusively from fresh coconut pulp by cold pressing. The oil obtained by first cold pressing fresh coconut pulp has unique nutritional and cosmetic properties. No pesticides, synthetic mineral fertilizers, flavorings, artificial nutritional supplements and GMOs.

Composition and benefits of coconut oil

What is the value and benefits of coconut oil? In its unique composition, of course. Please note that we are talking about virgin coconut oil, not subjected to any heat or chemical treatment. This oil is called Virgin, which means “Virgin” in English. When people talk about the benefits of coconut oil, they primarily mean fatty acids with a medium carbon chain in its composition, and specifically Lauric acid.

Medium-chain fatty acids sound complicated, but in reality everything is quite simple and clear. Figuratively speaking, these are fats that are not stored in reserve in the most inappropriate places, but are used by the body as a source of energy and even help burn fat reserves. That is why nutritionists recommend using coconut oil instead of the popular refined sunflower and butter for preparing any dishes. Try frying vegetables in coconut oil or adding it to baked goods - new taste You will definitely like it!

The main one of these beneficial medium-carbon chain fatty acids in coconut oil is Lauric acid, which accounts for about 50% of the total composition. Lauric acid is a rather rare substance that is found, in addition to coconut, in oil , , Peach fruits and other lesser-known tropical palms. Very small amounts (less than 1%) of lauric acid are found in date pits, macadamia nuts, watermelon seeds and , and also... in the breast milk of people and some animals.

Lauric acid has high antibacterial activity. Scientific experiments In Vitro it has been shown to be effective in the fight against Acne. But Lauric acid is better known in scientific circles for its ability to raise the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood - high-density lipoproteins (HDL), which reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. By the way, this acid is absent in refined coconut oil, but in freshly squeezed Aroy-D coconut oil Lauric acid occupies 50% of the volume!

Virgin virgin coconut oil is an excellent cosmetic product. It is difficult to remember another product that would be so universal and have such a wide range of effects on the body. For women who know a lot about preserving the beauty and health of their skin and hair, it has long been no secret that coconut oil is a great helper in this. Virgin Coconut Oil is ideal for dry skin as a moisturizer, and regular use as a hair mask improves hair softness and elasticity by reducing hair protein loss.

Coconut oil is a unique product from Central Asia. It received wide cosmetic use for skin, hair, nail care. Which coconut oil to choose, watch the video:


Unrefined coconut oil is obtained by cold pressing the pulp of the nut fruit. The product has pleasant aroma and beautiful color. After undergoing the refining procedure, the substance loses a small amount healthy ingredients, the smell becomes barely perceptible. When choosing the type of oil, it is better to give preference to unrefined due to its higher concentration of minerals and vitamins.

Coconut oil contains lauric acid (in the unrefined substance up to 50% of the total mass), capric and caprylic, oleic, lanolin acids, vitamins A, C, E and minerals. Due to these ingredients, the product has the following special properties for skin and hair:

  1. Regenerating – restores skin cells;
  2. Antimicrobial – protection and fight against harmful microorganisms;
  3. Antioxidant – protecting cells from aggressive environmental influences;
  4. Antifungal;
  5. Moisturizing and nourishing.

How to choose the right coconut oil? Do you need natural unrefined coconut oil for food, hair, or body?

The oil is a completely natural product. A solid mass of opaque white color becomes liquid at positive temperatures above 25 degrees by heating or rubbing between the palms. It is worth noting that the substance is stored for a long time, which makes it even more popular due to its low consumption.

Coconut in cosmetology

  1. This magical emulsion is used to moisturize very dry skin and fill it with micronutrients. The substance also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hypoallergenic properties, so it can be used even for sensitive skin.
  2. The product is actively used as a protective agent against the scorching sun, salt water, wind and other external adverse environmental factors.
  3. The oil can be used as a makeup remover and lip balm. Face and body scrubs with coconut ingredients are widely used.
  4. The product is also suitable for caring for cuticles, your hands will look well-groomed and your nails will look healthy.

For hair

This product is also used for hair care. It can be used in its pure form. It is worth noting that it is much easier to wash out of curls compared to, for example, burdock.

With regular use, hair will become healthier, shiny, moisturized, and strong.

Dry ends will be so full necessary nutrition and will no longer look lifeless.

Coconut oil protects the hair follicles from protein loss and, accordingly, prevents hair loss and prevents the development of dandruff. Curls become more elastic and bouncy.

For more information about the properties of unrefined coconut oil, see the following video.

Mode of application

The oil can be used in its pure form, applied directly to the hair. To give them vitality, strengthen, restore, and enhance growth, the product is applied directly to the scalp. The solid substance is heated in a water bath to a liquid state and rubbed into the skin with massage movements.

Head massage using coconut emulsion helps increase blood circulation, nourishing the scalp and hair follicles. It should be noted that those with oily hair should use coconut oil with caution to avoid oversaturation of the roots. nutrients, which will make the strands even greasy and lacking in volume.

Oil helps wash out even persistent paint and henna; this fact must be taken into account when applying the product.

The oil from the roots must be evenly distributed over the entire length of the strands with a comb or comb. To enhance the effect, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. It is recommended to leave the product for 2 hours; to achieve the best effect, the time should be increased. Afterwards, wash your hair with shampoo, preferably sulfate-free. This procedure should be repeated once every two weeks. The result is thick, shiny, healthy hair.

To nourish and moisturize dry ends, it is recommended to use the oil directly on the affected areas. Treated ends should be left for several hours to allow the product to be absorbed. Then, wash your hair with shampoo. If you regularly nourish the ends of your hair with coconut emulsion, you can achieve amazing results - your hair will be smooth and shiny, and your ends will look healthy.

As a thermal protection, you can use a few drops of coconut oil, pre-warmed in your palms until liquid. It must be applied both to damp hair and to clean, dry hair immediately before styling with a hairdryer, curling iron or flat iron.

The use of this product will not only protect your curls from drying out, but will also tame unruly strands and make your hair more neat.

Another way to use coconut hair product is to add a few drops of the substance to your regular shampoo or hair conditioner.


As noted above, coconut oil can be used in conjunction with other essential oils as part of hair masks.

Let's look at the most popular combinations.

You will learn how to prepare a hair mask with unrefined coconut oil in the video:

For thickness

Add one egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of cognac to a mixture of coconut and almond oils (1 tablespoon each). Apply the resulting composition to the entire surface of the strands and leave for 2 hours. Then the mass must be washed off with regular shampoo. With weekly use of this mask, you will notice that your hair will become thicker, stronger and healthier.

For growth

To accelerate growth, the following mask is perfect: mix 2 tablespoons of coconut emulsion, 1 tablespoon of fat sour cream and half a banana softened with a spoon and apply evenly to the entire surface of the hair. Leave for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with water and shampoo.


To add shine, improve their appearance, and restore the structure of the shaft, you can use a kind of oil cocktail from a mixture of coconut oil and others: olive, burdock, lavender, castor, apricot. The composition must be distributed on the hair and left for 2 hours. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Coconut oil is widely popular not only in areas where palm trees grow, but also in other countries. Not all types are equally useful, so you need to know which product to use. Researchers are confident that it is better to use (cold pressed) unrefined. This is what gives your hair a gorgeous shine.

Woman and beauty

These two concepts are inseparable. But in order for your curls and nails to radiate health, you need to work hard. Today there are many care products, but coconut oil is a multifunctional product that is preferred by most girls.

What are the benefits of coconut oil?

It is obtained from the pulp of coconuts. Coconut is in great demand. The price for it is acceptable and does not “bite”; in Russia its cost is approximately 250-300 rubles. The properties of this product are explained by the fact that the composition is unique in its kind due to fatty acids and vitamin E. The oil is classified as solid - if the temperature is low, it hardens. But it can be easily melted in a water bath or in the microwave. The product has a pleasant aroma and is produced by cold pressing. Refined is characterized by the absence of odor and contains much less useful components, as they are lost during cleaning.

The oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties, restores damaged cells, moisturizes and nourishes the skin and hair, and also neutralizes the effects of adverse external factors.

Why is coconut oil so popular?

This is explained by the fact that this oil has not only medicinal, but also preventive properties. It consists of acids, each of which has certain characteristics. Their complex effect on the body brings undoubted benefits. If you regularly use coconut oil (cold pressed), you can achieve good results:

Strengthen hair;

Soften the skin;

Slow down the aging of the body;

Increase immunity;

Remove cholesterol plaques;

Reduce sugar levels and get rid of subcutaneous fat;

Reduce pain and swelling;

Accelerate the wound healing process;

Remove foci of inflammation.

If you know all the properties that cold-pressed coconut oil has, its uses can be quite varied. With its help, you can not only improve your appearance and well-being, but also conduct experiments in cooking, diversify the taste of many familiar dishes and turn your own kitchen into a restaurant. In order not to cause harm, you must clearly know the dosage and adhere to the rules for using the oil in each specific case.

Where is coconut oil used?

This product is considered universal, so it can be used in the following areas:

  • Make masks for face and body.
  • Add to baths for bathing.
  • Use as a healing agent.
  • Use for body care after sunbathing.
  • Get massages.
  • Add to food.

Application in cosmetology

You can use oil in this area endlessly: to care for your hands, hair, nails and the body as a whole. If you use this remedy correctly, fatty acids will have a very beneficial effect on the body.

When strengthening your curls, it is worth remembering that you do not need to apply unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil to the roots of your hair. This may cause irritation and itching. It is more advisable to apply it along the entire length of the hair: the structure will be restored, fragility and split ends will disappear, the curls will become voluminous and shiny.

It can be applied to the roots, but the effect of its use is not so noticeable. If desired, you can use shampoos and balms based on it.

Facial care

Coconut oil can be included in ready-made masks and creams, and is also often used as an independent product. They need to lubricate the skin twice a week. Regular application will get rid of acne, blackheads and various rashes. The skin will become soft and tender, flaky spots will completely disappear.

If you apply the oil to your body before sunbathing, your skin will acquire a stunning chocolate color.

Using coconut oil (cold pressed) during a massage can easily warm up the skin and improve blood circulation.

Application in medicine

It is difficult to call coconut oil an independent medicine, but it is widely used as a component due to its astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The oil has been proven to help with:



Ulcers and other wounds;




Epilepsy and nervous disorders;


Skin rashes and allergies.

Before use, you should consult your doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe an adequate dose and give recommendations that must be followed. You should not self-medicate, as this can cause serious harm to your health.

How to use oil in cooking?

The product purchased at the grocery store has slightly different properties. It gives familiar dishes an exquisite, piquant taste. It is better to purchase cold-pressed coconut oil only from trusted retail outlets. Its price is quite affordable. It can be used instead of regular vegetable oil.

At heat treatment the product does not emit carcinogens, so it can be consumed by people who are on a diet. Sweet dishes and baked goods turn out especially tasty if you cook them with coconut oil. You can also add it to hot coffee, tea, chocolate or milk.

Helpful information

When buying coconut oil (cold pressed), you need to make sure that the packaging contains a note stating that it is made exclusively from natural ingredients. The unrefined product is more beneficial, but it can clog pores, so you should not apply it to the scalp.

Those people who have tried cold-pressed coconut oil at least once leave extremely positive reviews and appreciate its benefits and unique characteristics. They note that the product has a beneficial effect on the entire body and improves appearance. In addition, people who often use the oil claim that contraindications and side effects are kept to a minimum. According to their observation, the result is noticeable after just a week of regular use.

from hot pressed oil? Which coconut oil is suitable for food and which is suitable for external use? The answers to these and other questions are in this article.

Today, more and more often on store shelves you can find products made on its basis. Many consider this variety to be a common marketing ploy, and the use of coconut oil in food is nothing more than a fad. However, for many peoples it has long become traditional ingredient, and has been used for several millennia. Research proving the benefits of coconut oil has also been conducted for a relatively long time. For example, lauric acid, which is part of it, has been used for more than 50 years to combat pathogenic bacteria. And in Europe and the USA, coconut oil has long been considered a favorite ingredient of bakery manufacturers, as it has a long shelf life and a melting point of 76 degrees.

However, these benefits really fade when doctors start rattling off a list of coconut oil's medical "achievements." It helps even in extreme situations. For example, it is considered a real salvation for patients with hypothyroidism (or hypothyroidism). This is a body condition characterized by decreased production of thyroid hormone, which may be associated with dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Coconut oil Helps improve metabolism and increase body temperature to promote thyroid health. Limiting carbohydrates and increasing coconut oil in your diet can also help you lose weight. By applying the oil directly to the skin, you can fight various skin conditions. The effect of oil on hair is also priceless. Another plus: it helps in the fight against infections and viruses. Today it increasingly attracts athletes and fitness trainers, maintaining the necessary level of energy in the body without drugs or stimulants.

Cold pressed coconut oilVS hot pressed oil

However, in order to fully enjoy all the beneficial properties of coconut oil, you need to choose the right product. But how to do this if there are dozens of types of coconut oil on the market and all at different prices? It's very simple - you just need to read the information on the label. And the first thing that will interest us is squeezing coconut oil. If the label says Virgin or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, it is an oil obtained using cold-pressed technology. If the label simply says Coconut Oil without further details, then this is a hot-pressed product, or a mixture of refined and unrefined coconut oil. We'll deal with refining a little later, but for now a few words about hot and cold pressing.

The fact is that coconut oil, like all other types vegetable oils, by its nature is already a processed product because it does not grow on a tree. All coconut oils must first be extracted from the coconut, so from a technical point of view, they are not 100% natural, as they involve some kind of processing process. The whole question is what kind of process. Humanity has essentially come up with only two ways to extract oil from coconut pulp: cold-pressed and hot-pressed. Cold pressing is more gentle and allows you to save much more useful substances. Fresh coconut pulp is cold pressed and the oil is squeezed out using a regular press. One thousand mature coconuts, weighing 1440 kg, yield approximately 170 kg of pulp, from which only 70 liters of the highest quality coconut oil can be cold pressed. This oil (extra virgin) is the most natural, retaining the most beneficial substances. The only negative is that oil obtained in this way will be more expensive.

The hot or “dry” processing method (hot pressing) involves drying the coconut flesh in special ovens or in the sun. Then oil is extracted from it using the same pressing or chemicals. As you understand, this method is much less delicate, which means it does not spare the beneficial substances contained in the oil.

Unrefined VS refined

Now we move on to the notorious refining process. If a jar of coconut oil says Extra Virgin or Virgin, it is 100% unrefined oil. If the package says Refined or RBD, it is refined oil. Refined oil is most often obtained from hot-pressed oils. What is the refining process? Speaking in simple language, all phospholipids, metals (they are also in the oil, of course), minerals, salts, free fatty acids, natural flavors (the smell of coconut) and a white-yellowish color are separated from the oil by heating, adding water, various acids and sodium hydroxide . The result is an oil that lasts a couple of years longer, has a clearer color, less odor, is easier to transport, does not clump, and is more resistant to temperature changes. From a trading point of view, this is an ideal product. Only there are much fewer useful substances in refined oil - after all, the amino acids, minerals and salts that coconut oil is rich in are precisely removed during refining.

What is unrefined coconut oil used for?

Now about which coconut oil is used for what. It is interesting because it can be used both in cooking and in cosmetology. It is ideal for children's and dietary diets. You can add coconut oil to almost all dishes; it is suitable for desserts, soups, salads, and drinks.

As if enveloping all the insides, it heals damaged mucous membranes, so it is especially useful to use it internally for patients with ulcers, and the active fight against pathogenic bacteria, which we talked about at the beginning, makes it indispensable for patients with gastritis, gastroduodenitis and diseases of the duodenum. Another spectrum of action is associated with the removal of cholesterol, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.

It is also useful for losing weight. To get rid of excess weight and prevent obesity, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of warm water with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil before each meal.

If unrefined coconut oil Do not use it internally, but just rinse your mouth with it, you can already achieve an excellent effect. Fifteen minutes of rinsing with a tablespoon of oil will relieve bad breath, diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. Although we still recommend taking a sip of the miraculous oil. Among other things, it has an anti-stress effect, and this is really important in our time.

For cosmetic purposes, unrefined coconut oil can help treat psoriasis, dermatitis or eczema. Experts also recommend using coconut oil as an additive to creams, tonics and lotions. Then the products you already know will acquire a moisturizing and softening effect. Coconut oil is also indispensable during the beach season. Apply before tanning - the vitamin E included in the composition will protect against excessive ultraviolet radiation, apply after sunbathing - protect against discomfort, a feeling of tightness and redness. Unrefined coconut oil can even be used in a solarium! Both for tanning and against sunburn.

What is refined coconut oil used for?

Refined coconut oil is also valuable. But exclusively for external use. It is used to get rid of cracked heels or rough skin on the elbows, and for hair care. It is recommended to add both refined and unrefined coconut oil to masks, balms and hair conditioners; you can treat split ends with it. With constant use, hair will become more manageable, shiny and silky.

Coconut oil has long ceased to be a novelty or something unusual. Many women have fallen in love with masks with coconut oil, pampering their face and body with the beneficial microelements it contains in abundance.

But, unfortunately, there is not enough information on the Russian-language Internet about how to choose quality coconut oil .

Which coconut oil from Thailand is better: refined or unrefined?
Which oil is edible and which is better to use for hair and body care?
And what is the benefit of this oil? Why does it lower cholesterol?
Is it possible to lose weight with it? What dosage is best to use it?

I will answer these and many other questions in a series of articles about coconut oil. In this article we will look at the issue of choosing Thai unrefined coconut oil: what it is like and how to choose the best coconut oil.

Part of the article about beneficial features was a literal translation into Russian of a brochure from one of our suppliers. This article caused a storm of questions and conflicting comments. There were also many clarifying questions from customers who, before buying coconut oil from Thailand, want to learn more about its features and properties.

Since writing the first article about coconut oil, I have learned a lot of interesting and useful things, and have also been convinced from personal experience that coconut oil is useful and effective for solving a variety of problems.

I already wrote about how to distinguish natural coke oil from synthetic one and much more in a previous article. Here I will cover topics not covered in it.

To write this article, posts from popular health blogs in Thailand were used, as well as an article from the journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Mahidol Research University.

Types of Coconut Oil

So, what do we know about the types of coconut oil? Right! We all know that it can be refined or unrefined. And that’s all, this is where our knowledge usually ends. But everything is much more complicated.

The quality of this product depends on many factors. Unrefined coconut oil is considered more beneficial. That's where I'll stop.

What is unrefined coconut oil like?

  • cold or hot pressed
  • first pressing or from already used “press”
  • from old or young coconuts and even from cheap old copra (technical coconut oil)
  • and even the quality of the product obtained from it depends on the type of coconut

Information from the journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Research University:

“Coconut oil is obtained from copra (the oily endosperm of coconuts). There are two methods for this.

Traditional cold pressing is expensive and not very effective in modern conditions a method that gives an oil yield of no more than 10%. This method is more gentle and allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the oil.

The second method is hot pressing. It allows you to get more oil at a lower cost at the expense of quality and purity.”

And here's what they write in Thai blogs...

Quality of coconut oil

High-quality oil is obtained by cold pressing, without heat or chemical treatment. It turns out transparent or translucent, colorless and without sediment, may contain particles of coconut and emits a characteristic odor. The clarity of the oil is not always easy to determine as some brands sell it in colored plastic bottles or opaque glass bottles.

Unrefined coconut oil is liquid, but at temperatures below 22°C it solidifies. To return it to its previous state, it is enough to soak it in warm water for 2-3 minutes.

The oil should never smell rancid or sour, but some brands have learned to change the smell using synthetic flavors. In this case, it first emits a strong aroma, which subsequently quickly dissipates and the smell becomes rancid.

Not viscous, it is easy to swallow and melts in the mouth without leaving a greasy feeling. When applied to the skin, it is quickly absorbed without forming a film.

Also about high quality unrefined oil evidenced by the presence of international certificates such as Halal, USDA organic and Bio Agri Cert.

Only this oil can be drunk and eaten, dressing salads.

Some cheaper unrefined and refined coconut oils can be used for cooking (frying). They usually write on it: “for cooking” or “coking oil”.

Which coconut oil is healthier?

The answer is clear: cold pressed unrefined coconut oil, obtained by pressing. Moreover, this oil is better for caring for the skin of the face and body, as well as.
You can also use lower quality types of unrefined coconut oil for mouth rinsing and douching.

I will talk about the benefits of coconut oil and write in detail in an accessible form about its effect on health.

*The information on our website is translated from Thai by resources that collaborate with doctors and specialists to provide reliable information. However, the content on this site is intended for additional, general educational information only.

The materials on the site are not intended for diagnosis or self-medication in any way and do not replace qualified medical examination and diagnosis.

If you have illness or discomfort, consult your doctor. We are against self-medication, we are for a reasonable approach to healing.