Halibut caviar: beneficial properties, color and price of the product. Halibut caviar: calorie content, composition and beneficial properties

general information





Calorie content

Halibut: benefits and harm

A photo of this fish is presented in this article.

Experts believe that with the help of halibut meat you can quickly improve your vision and also normalize your metabolism. This fish also has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system, helping to stop inflammatory processes and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Regular intake of the product in question significantly reduces the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which, in turn, reduces the risk of atherosclerotic plaques.

By including halibut in your diet, you can easily support normal liver function. Also, the use of this product in combination with appropriate therapy can save patients from cancer in the early stages of development.

In addition to the benefits, using halibut in cooking can also cause significant harm to health. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people who suffer from hepatitis.

Also, this fish should not be included in your diet if you have allergies or individual intolerances. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the product in question can be consumed only in limited quantities and only after consulting a doctor.

Cold smoked halibut, the benefits and harms of which we also consider, as well as salted halibut, is extremely undesirable to include in your diet for young children and the elderly. Such fish will not bring any benefit to kidney and liver diseases.

The best and safest way to prepare the mentioned product is baking and boiling. Halibut that was caught in a polluted body of water can also be harmful.

In order not to harm your body, experts recommend carefully choosing fish in the store. It should also be prepared correctly and not abused during meals. If you follow these simple rules, eating halibut will only bring benefits.

What caviar from halibut

What types of halibut caviar are there?

Taste and appearance of halibut caviar

The benefits of halibut caviar

Halibut lives at fairly great depths and leads a predatory lifestyle. For this reason, its meat and caviar are environmentally friendly products: at great depths, the water is not polluted by human waste.

Halibut caviar has high biological and energy value. It owes its beneficial composition to protein, vitamins and minerals. The content of easily digestible protein in halibut caviar ranges from 35 to 40% of the total mass. It also contains fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D.

Vitamin A acts as an immunomodulator; it helps strengthen vision and remove toxins from the body. Vitamin E is a recognized antioxidant, and vitamin D is a regulator of bone tissue growth in the human body.

The mineral composition of halibut caviar is also excellent. It includes magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, zinc, iron. Due to the high content of the latter microelement, halibut caviar is recommended for the treatment of anemia in children.

This caviar can be safely included in your diet for those who are watching their figure. Halibut caviar is low in calories: 100 g of the product contains only 130 calories. For comparison, the calorie content of 100 g of red salmon caviar is 270 calories.

What can you cook from halibut roe?

black halibut caviar

Many people associate caviar with a delicacy, but today it is no longer in short supply and is affordable for most residents. Recently, a large number of varieties of fish caviar have appeared on the market, the origin of which is less noble than salmon or sturgeon. This includes halibut caviar , pike perch, capelin, carp and other fish. The cost of such caviar is much less, but it is in no way inferior in terms of the amount of nutrients and nutrients.

Thus, caviar is specially processed eggs of various fish breeds. One type of food item is halibut caviar, which is light beige in color. It is characterized by large grains and friability. Caviar contains vitamins, protein, fatty acids, and many other useful substances.

Halibut is a predatory fish species that lives at great depths. The tender meat and caviar of this commercial fish are not only nutritious, but also environmentally friendly products. In addition, caviar is useful for various diseases, as it is rich in amino acids, lipids, easily digestible protein and other substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body. However, this product is not a medicine; it is recommended to be used as a preventive measure.

Black halibut caviar improves the functioning of the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems, the brain, and also helps strengthen vision, fights premature aging of the body, normalizes blood circulation, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Another property is that it saturates the skin with beneficial substances. But most importantly, its advantage is the prevention of the development of cancer.

However, it is necessary to take salted caviar with caution for people who are prone to the formation of edema, as well as those who suffer from atherosclerosis, hypertension and ischemia, stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Thus, black halibut caviar contains:

1. Easily digestible protein (40%), which consists of both essential and scarce amino acids. This causes the appearance of energy after its consumption.

2. Vitamins E, D and A, which help eliminate toxins, strengthen blood vessels and bones, improve vision, and normalize metabolic processes in the gonads.

3. Minerals (iodine, copper, zinc and magnesium), which help prevent the development of various diseases of the endocrine system and help treat anemia.

4. Fatty acids, which help eliminate fat and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

It should also be noted that black halibut caviar is an aphrodisiac, since the vitamins it contains help increase sexual function.

Many people believe that caviar, being a nutritious product, contains a large number of calories, but this statement is incorrect. A large number of diets contain this product, since its regular consumption in moderate quantities helps to regulate the metabolism in the body.

In cooking, halibut caviar is used as an appetizer or as a base for sandwiches. You can prepare your own dish from fresh fish roe. To do this, you need to clean the caviar from deformed eggs, fat and films, rub it on a sieve and mix with onions until smooth, not forgetting to add the necessary spices. After this, you need to carefully pour in the cream, add coarse salt and let stand for an hour.

In our conversation about what color halibut caviar is and what properties it has, it is necessary to note that it is a dietary product because it has a large amount of nutrients, vitamins, as well as minerals and fatty acids.

Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor". Product Description

Company "Santa Bremor". Products

Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor". Its types

Benefits and harms of products

Capelin caviar "Santa Bremor" has many beneficial properties, but nutritionists also find negative ones. Let's look at both in more detail.

First, we bring to your attention the positive qualities of this product.

Surprisingly, capelin caviar is highly recommended for those who often have to experience stressful situations in life. If this product is introduced into the diet, it helps strengthen the nervous system and also improves metabolism in the body, thereby preventing skin aging.

Capelin caviar contains an increased amount of iodine, which has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and the development of mental abilities in children.

Phosphorus in its composition promotes the production of important hormones such as serotonin and testosterone. The first is responsible for our positive emotions, and the second is responsible for sexual activity in men.

Snacks and sandwiches with capelin caviar

Let's look at what interesting snacks and sandwiches you can make with these products.

As mentioned earlier, Santa Bremor capelin caviar is a finished product that does not need to be processed in any way before being used for food. But what is the best way to use it? If you eat this product with a spoon, the taste will be too concentrated, so it is best to make sandwiches or snacks with this caviar.

Smoked versions will be good with black bread. Delicious classic and with shrimp - with white. This caviar also goes well with fresh cucumber, and sandwiches can be topped with thin slices of this vegetable.

This manufacturer also has another product that will also be good for making sandwiches. Krill "Santa Bremor" is also very popular among buyers. This is a very delicate creamy pasta that will go very well with white bread and fresh lettuce.

Sandwiches with capelin caviar or pasta can also be made with grain bread or even lavash.

There are recipes for interesting appetizers that will look great even on a holiday table. Let's give an example of one of the options.

For this appetizer you will need ready-made store-bought tartlets, quail eggs, butter and Santa Bremor capelin caviar.

Boiled eggs need to be peeled and cut crosswise in half.

Place a piece of butter on the bottom of the tartlet, then half an egg and place caviar on top.

Many caviar lovers are familiar with such a product as halibut caviar, a sea fish of the flounder family. Manufacturers often use natural dyes to dye caviar black to make it resemble sturgeon caviar. So what does halibut caviar look like and what color should it be? The natural color of halibut caviar is beige; in photos it often looks like white pike or pike perch caviar. Caviar is much cheaper than salmon caviar, although its rich composition determines not only a pleasant taste, but also many beneficial properties. What are the benefits of halibut caviar? It is a source of valuable chemical compounds, vitamins and minerals. Even a small amount of the product has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and nervous system. However, nutritionists note not only the benefits, but also the harm from eating halibut caviar. People suffering from hypertension should not include it in their diet. The calorie content of halibut caviar is 107 kcal per 100 g. Many people are interested in how to choose the right halibut caviar and how to distinguish a fake from a quality product. First of all, you need to remember that halibut caviar is a partial product, that is, when processing this caviar, the shell is not removed. Real caviar is distinguished by its beige color, large eggs and sea scent.

Halibut caviar from the flounder family has always been considered a delicacy among gourmets. It is mined on the coast of Japan, in the Bering Sea, and the Pacific Ocean. A distinctive feature of the fish is the location of the eyes - they are both on the same side of the head. Nutritionists have long been talking about the beneficial properties of this product for human health, recommending its regular consumption. What determines the value of caviar?

Taste and appearance of halibut caviar

The salty water of the depths of the northern seas has a significant impact on the taste and consumer properties of fish meat, as well as caviar, which belongs to the partial, or “yellow”, variety of the product. It is mined and manufactured without removing the yastyk (thin surface film). The natural color of halibut caviar is beige to white, very similar to pike caviar. The structure is crumbly, has a pronounced marine smell and a spicy, bitter taste. In the retail chain you can find black halibut caviar obtained by dyeing.

Halibut caviar has a large kernel size, which is why they often try to pass it off as a salmon by-product by removing it from its film shell. There are counterfeits of the delicacy, which are prepared from edible gelatin with the addition of various ingredients, such as flavors and dyes. Sea caviar is considered a dietary dish, although it is considered less valuable than sturgeon caviar.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Ready-to-eat halibut caviar has a whole range of unique properties. The calorie content of the product is only 107 kcal per 100 grams. Natural proteins ensure high digestibility of caviar by the body. The chemical composition of the delicacy contains a colossal amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Many of them are mandatory components necessary for normal human life:

  • vitamins A, E, D, B;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • folic and nicotinic acids;
  • selenium;
  • sulfur;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6;
  • proteins;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid.

Useful properties of halibut caviar

Nutritionists recommend including seafood in the daily diet for people suffering from digestive disorders. Rich in macro- and microelements, halibut caviar has a beneficial effect on health. It is recommended to use it to restore strength during intense physical and mental stress and to increase immunity after infectious diseases. A few grams of treats help satiate the body for a long time. The benefits of halibut meat are as follows:

  1. Regular consumption of seafood helps cleanse blood vessels and strengthen the heart muscle. Omega-3 fatty acids contained in eggs are involved in the process of normalizing blood pressure and reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. The product is indicated for degradation of brain activity.
  2. The effectiveness of the fish delicacy in the areas of weight loss and muscle regeneration after injury has been proven. The product helps eliminate inflammatory processes typical of intense physical activity. It is included in the menu of athletes and many weight loss diets.
  3. Protein and polyunsaturated fats are integral components of maintaining a healthy hormonal system. Due to tocopherol and folic acid, sea fish caviar is beneficial for the female reproductive organs. Its constant use increases the chances of conceiving a child.
  4. Halibut meat is a must-have for those who have vision problems. Vitamins A and E have a good effect on the condition of the retina and prevent its degeneration. To improve the beneficial properties of caviar, serve with carrots, pumpkin or the juices of these vegetables.
  5. Fish by-product contains vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets in childhood. In addition, this element is considered a natural tanning enhancer.
  6. The presence of halibut caviar in the diet helps strengthen nails and hair. As a source of collagen, it has a beneficial effect on the skin and connective tissue.


There is no doubt that halibut caviar is a real storehouse of useful elements that bring significant health benefits, but in some cases it is better to refuse it. The daily dose of fish by-product is 10-20 grams; it is not recommended to exceed it. Contraindications to eating salted halibut are:

  • Pregnancy and lactation, since the ingredient is a potential allergen.
  • Individual intolerance to fish products.
  • Kidney disease - due to the ability of the product to retain fluid in the body, which leads to edema and increased protein concentration in the urine.
  • Blood pressure disorders. Hypertensive and hypotensive patients should exclude salted foods from their diet.
  • Children under 3 years of age to prevent the development of allergic diseases.

How to choose halibut caviar

You can distinguish a natural seafood product from a fake one by several criteria. A characteristic feature of the fish shell is its color, which ranges from light beige to white. Eggs tinted black or red indicate low quality of the product. Compared to pike or cod caviar, which have a muddy smell, halibut caviar has a pure sea taste. The nucleoli are large, polygonal, with an elastic texture, but open easily when pressed.

When choosing quality products, you must carefully check the packaging, which must be sealed, with the production date and expiration date clearly marked. It is better to give preference to tin containers with a tight-fitting factory label. Halibut caviar is cheaper than salmon caviar, but too low a price indicates counterfeit. When purchasing seafood online through intermediaries, it is recommended to study the photo of the packaging, comparing it with the original factory tag, which can be seen on the manufacturer’s official website.

What can you cook

The scope of the delicacy in cooking is very wide. Traditionally, caviar is added to sandwiches with white bread and butter. The ingredient is present in many recipes for appetizers and salads for buffets. Tartlets are stuffed with caviar and used as a base for stuffed eggs. At home, you can use it to prepare pumpkin puree soup, pancakes, rolls, bake fish or vegetables. Hot dishes with seafood acquire a piquant taste and become a favorite treat for the whole family.

Many gourmets and lovers of culinary delights consider the taste of halibut caviar to be simply wonderful. This product is far from traditional black caviar in its taste, but it contains an equally rich set of useful elements and vitamins. Currently, halibut caviar is recognized as a delicacy, although it costs much less than sturgeon caviar. Today we will learn how to choose the right product, and we will also analyze step by step what dishes can be prepared from it.

Appearance and taste characteristics

Halibut caviar is a wonderful product loved by many gourmets. You can use it to prepare delicious treats and snacks for the table. However, it is not enough to prepare it correctly; you need to choose the right caviar. To do this, you need to know what the product looks like.

  • The color of real halibut caviar varies from cream (beige) to snow-white. If we consider the description of this product and pike caviar, we can notice many similarities. The crumbly eggs of small sizes are almost transparent and as light as possible. Often in various retail outlets they are tinted black or red.
  • The shape of the caviar is always round. All individual eggs are the same size. A quality product will not stick together. Fresh eggs will always be located separately from each other.
  • You can find black halibut caviar on sale. It is not much different from a simple uncolored product, but it makes various treats more appetizing and fragrant.

The salty water of the northern seas has a primary influence on the taste characteristics of both white caviar and halibut pulp. The eggs give off a characteristic marine smell. As for the taste of this wonderful product, unobtrusive saltiness predominates, and along with it some spice and bitterness.

What is the difference with sturgeon caviar?

Many people wonder what the difference is between halibut caviar and sturgeon caviar. It should be noted here that the products look the same in both cases. Halibut eggs are often dyed black, resulting in a product that is very difficult to distinguish from sturgeon caviar.

  • The main difference between halibut is that it is much cheaper. Usually the price for such a product is not high.
  • It is important to keep in mind the fact that black sturgeon caviar is one of the most frequently counterfeited goods. The chance of buying a fake or even getting poisoned is very high. There are no such problems with halibut caviar. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and safe, because such fish live in nature, far from civilization.
  • As for the presence of useful microelements and vitamins, halibut caviar is in many ways similar to sturgeon caviar. Both contain the same vitamins, fatty acids and minerals. Both of these products are very healthy and nutritious.
  • The difference between these products is their sizes. Halibut eggs are usually larger, but you won't notice it right away.

To determine the difference, you need to carefully look at the eggs from different fish. Halibut eggs have a less fatty taste than sturgeon eggs. In addition, they are less viscous and spicy, which ensures their crumbly structure.


Halibut caviar is distinguished by the fact that it has many truly unique properties. It contains a large number of useful microelements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The calorie content of the eggs of this fish is only 107 kcal. per 100 g. In the human body, this fish product is absorbed surprisingly easily and quickly, because it contains the natural proteins required for this.

As for the chemical composition of the product being described, there are vitamins and minerals in large quantities. Many of the listed components are included in the list necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

If we consider the characteristics of this fish product in detail, it should be noted that its composition includes:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E, D;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • sulfur;
  • folic acid;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • sulfur;
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • carotene;
  • protein;
  • ascorbic acid.

As you can see, the composition of halibut caviar is literally replete with useful components. Each of these elements is necessary for the human body.

Calories and nutritional value

As mentioned earlier, the calorie content of this product is about 107 kcal. per 100 g. This figure is average, which suggests that this caviar can be eaten by people who are watching their figure. Despite the fairly low calorie content and the absence of a “fatty” taste, this product does not lose its taste and allows you to quickly get enough of it.

As for the rest of the caviar parameters:

  • proteins account for about 20 g;
  • fats reach approximately 3 g;
  • There are simply no carbohydrates in this product.

Benefits and harms

Halibut caviar is not only very tasty, but also a healthy product. Many nutritionists advise adding it to the daily diet for people who suffer from various diseases related to the digestive system. In addition, the caviar of such fish will be a wonderful “refuel” under conditions of heavy stress (both physical and psychological). This healthy seafood will also help strengthen the immune system after cured infectious diseases.

Let's take a closer look at how caviar is beneficial for the body.

  • If you regularly take this food, the blood vessels will be cleansed and the heart muscle will be strengthened. The fatty acids contained in the composition take part in the processes of normalizing blood pressure and reducing the percentage of cholesterol in human blood.
  • For various types of problems associated with brain activity, halibut caviar can become a very relevant treat.
  • Scientists have long proven that taking halibut caviar has a good effect on muscle regeneration after various injuries. Also, this delicacy occupies an important place in matters of losing excess weight.
  • When eating such caviar, a person will have the opportunity to cope with certain inflammatory processes that usually occur during exhausting physical activity. That is why the described treat is present in the diet of most athletes.

  • Protein and polyunsaturated fats are elements without which the hormonal system cannot function well. Halibut caviar is indicated for the female reproductive system. If you eat it regularly, your chance of getting pregnant will certainly increase.
  • Vitamins E and A contained in the composition have a beneficial effect on the retina of the eyes and prevent its degeneration. To increase this effect, caviar is combined with carrots, melon or juices from the listed components.
  • This fish product contains useful vitamin D. It prevents the development of rickets in children. In addition, this component will promote rapid tanning.

If you have delicious halibut caviar in your diet, this will be the key to beautiful nails and hair. Since the mentioned product contains an element such as collagen, it benefits the skin and connective tissue.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of benefits from halibut caviar. The daily dose of this product is approximately 10-20 g. It is not recommended to go beyond this limit. Before consuming eggs, you should be aware of the harm they can cause.

  • It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women to eat this fish product, since many components in its composition are potential allergens.
  • If you are individually intolerant to such a product, you also do not need to eat it.
  • You should not eat caviar if you have kidney disease. This is because caviar will retain water in the body, and this can cause serious swelling and the appearance of a significant percentage of protein in the urine.
  • If you have problems with blood pressure, then it is better not to eat halibut caviar. Experts advise hypertensive and hypotensive patients not to eat salted foods at all.

This product should not be given to children under 3 years of age to avoid causing a serious allergic reaction.

Use in cooking

Halibut caviar has a wonderful taste with unobtrusive saltiness and natural piquancy. This product is mainly used as a flavorful addition to small sandwiches. You can also salt it yourself at home. But these are not all the ways to prepare caviar. Let's take a look at some interesting recipes.

Pumpkin soup

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g peeled pumpkin pulp;
  • 500 ml vegetable broth;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 20 g olive oil;
  • pepper, salt, turmeric, ginger as desired;
  • 50 g fat sour cream;
  • 100 g halibut caviar.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to prepare such an interesting soup.

  • First, finely chop the onion and garlic. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes.
  • Choose a frying pan that is deep enough. Add butter and olive oil there. Warm them up.
  • Place pumpkin cubes and garlic into a heated bowl. Keep them there for 3 minutes, and then pour the broth there.
  • Simmer the soup for about 30 minutes until the pumpkin pieces have softened. Add spices to the treat, keep it on the fire for a couple more minutes, then pour the soup into the blender bowl. Bring it there to a puree state.
  • Next, you will need to pour the soup back into the pan and put it on low heat. Bring the dish to a boil so that a certain percentage of the liquid evaporates.
  • After this, the soup will need to be cooled slightly, poured into bowls and served with the addition of sour cream, a teaspoon of halibut caviar and turmeric.


To prepare this snack you will need:

  • 6 tartlets;
  • 70 g caviar;
  • 150 g processed cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 0.5 cups cream;
  • greenery.

Let's figure out how to prepare this dish.

  • First, use a blender to blend the cheese and lemon juice.
  • Combine caviar and cream. Beat these products in a blender. Combine with the first composition.
  • After this, the resulting mass can be transferred to purchased tartlets. Complete the treat with finely chopped fresh herbs.

Asparagus salad

You can prepare this refreshing and invigorating dish from the following products:

  • ½ baguette;
  • 12 asparagus stalks;
  • 20 g olive oil;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 g fat sour cream;
  • 100 g caviar;
  • salt to taste.

You need to prepare the treat as follows.

  • Cut the baguette into oblique slices. Place them on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Next, bake the baguette pieces in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Wait until golden brown appears (usually after 3 minutes).
  • Saute the asparagus spears in butter until they soften.
  • Boil the eggs, but so that the yolk remains liquid (cook for about 3 minutes).
  • Place a couple of baguette toasts, half an egg, and a couple of asparagus spears on each plate. Place halibut caviar and heavy sour cream on top of the last one.
  • Drizzle everything with olive oil. If desired, sprinkle the dish with black pepper. Such a treat should be served immediately.


To make beautiful canapés with halibut caviar, you need the following products:

  • 100 g caviar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 10 quail eggs;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 baguette.

This is how the appetizer is prepared.

  • First you need to hard boil the quail eggs. This usually takes a little time - about 5-6 minutes. After cooking, they need to be peeled and cut in half.
  • Now you need to beat the lemon juice and butter. Cut the cucumber into circles.
  • Cut the baguette into thin slices and spread with butter.
  • Place a circle of cucumber, half a quail egg and 1 spoon of caviar in the middle of the slice.

After this, you can enjoy the interesting taste of the resulting canapés.

How to distinguish from a fake?

When purchasing halibut caviar, you need to pay attention to some nuances that may indicate a fake (artificial) product.

  • The natural product is partial - during production the natural film is not removed from the eggs, so you need to pay attention to this.
  • The natural color of eggs is white or beige. Sometimes they are tinted black. If you don’t want to encounter a fake, you shouldn’t take the risk - buy only white, not black or red-colored product.
  • The smell and taste of real caviar will be of the sea. The texture of the product should be elastic.
  • It is also possible to check the naturalness of caviar by its size. Usually eggs (even dried ones) are quite large. The caviar of other fish, for example, pollock, is often more modest in size.

When choosing halibut caviar, it is very important to pay attention to its branded packaging. It must not be damaged under any circumstances. Only completely sealed packaging is acceptable.

The best option is caviar in a tin. Purchase such goods from trusted retail outlets that have a good reputation in your city. Only by knowing all these secrets can you protect yourself from buying a fake.

Rules of use

  • Since halibut caviar contains so many beneficial components, it is recommended for regular use. Of course, this does not apply to exceptional cases, for example, allergic reactions or individual intolerance.
  • To enhance the effect of vitamins, halibut caviar can be combined with other suitable products that also contain vitamin elements. For example, this could be the previously mentioned carrots or pumpkin.
  • In most cases, the caviar of this fish is consumed as a snack rich in taste and aroma. You can also safely use a fish product when preparing a light salad for a buffet table. The easiest way to serve this treat is in the form of a sandwich. The eggs are placed on white bread. It can be plain or greased with butter.

When eating this seafood, we must not forget about one extremely important rule: it cannot be abused, despite the huge number of positive properties.

Want to know how to choose halibut roe? Are you afraid of running into a fake? In this case, you need to figure out what halibut caviar looks like. In this article we will look at this issue in more detail. We will find out the benefits and harms of halibut caviar, and also provide recipes for preparing dishes with this product.


Halibut Caviar 1 kg Salt 160 grams Water 1 liter

  • Number of servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 10 minutes

Halibut caviar: what are the benefits and harms

What are the beneficial properties of the product in question? Halibut caviar contains omega-3 acids, which are beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, it contains a lot of vitamins A and E, folic acid. It is useful in the prevention of diseases of the organs of vision and reproductive system. The collagen contained in halibut caviar has a beneficial effect on the skin.

This product, however, also has contraindications. It should not be consumed by those people who have an individual intolerance to proteins contained in seafood.

Halibut caviar: how to spot a fake

Caviar can be black if squid ink was used for coloring, or white if this is an unprocessed product. But it will be easier to choose a product if you don’t consider tinted options at all. In their production, natural ingredients are not always used to give the caviar a tint. This means that such caviar can be harmful to your health.

Carefully examine the eggs. They should be light beige, fairly large and uniform in size. They should have a light marine smell, and no muddy taste. Otherwise, what you are looking at is most likely pike or pike perch caviar.

Recipes with halibut caviar

Salted halibut roe

If you bought a frozen product, you can salt it. How to do it? You will need:

  • halibut caviar – 1 kg;
  • salt – 160 g;
  • water – 1 l.

So, how to pickle fresh frozen halibut roe? Place it in a colander and turn on warm water. Rinse carefully. Boil water, add salt to it. After this, place the caviar in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then drain the water. You can add a little sunflower oil to the caviar and leave it in the cold for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, the product is ready for use.

Tartlets with caviar

What else can you cook with halibut roe? These could be snack tartlets. To prepare, take:

  • tartlets bought in a store - 6 pcs.;
  • halibut caviar – 70 g;
  • processed cheese – 150 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cream – 0.5 cups;
  • greens - for decoration.

First, beat the cheese and lemon juice in a blender. Combine halibut roe with cream. These products also need to be blended in a blender, and then combined with the first mixture. Then the mass should be transferred to tartlets and decorated with finely chopped herbs.

But you can do it even simpler. Make sandwiches with halibut caviar. Place a piece of butter on white bread and caviar on top.

These snacks are extremely easy to prepare. Nevertheless, they are very suitable for a holiday dinner. In addition, they retain all the beneficial properties of halibut caviar. The main thing is to choose a natural, high-quality product for preparation.