How to properly fry fresh cabbage in a frying pan. How to cook juicy and appetizing fried cabbage with a wonderful aroma. The best recipes for cabbage fried in a pan

From regular products, which many people grow in their dachas, you can prepare a wide variety of dishes. In this article you will learn how to prepare delicious fried cabbage in a frying pan and then what awaits you step by step recipe with photo. This dish can be eaten on its own, or can be served with other dishes, for example, potatoes or meat.

Very often, cabbage fried in a frying pan is used as a filling for pies or pies. Preparing cabbage is very simple; any housewife, even a beginner, can do it.

How to do fried cabbage in a frying pan


  • Cabbage
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Salt, spices to taste
  • Sunflower oil for frying

Step-by-step recipe for making fried cabbage

I think I won’t be wrong if I say that there are as many housewives as there are recipes for fried cabbage. But, indeed, when I looked on the Internet how other people fried cabbage, I was surprised that everyone did it differently. I will share with you how I do it.

So, first you need to fry the onions and carrots, so we clean and wash the carrots and onions.

Cut the onion into half rings.

And grate the carrots.

Now fry the onion in a frying pan until golden brown.

Add carrots to the fried onions and fry until tender.

While the carrots are roasting, chop the cabbage.

Place the chopped cabbage in a frying pan with fried onions and carrots. At this point, you can add a little water if you don’t want the dish to be too oily. If you add a little water at the beginning, the cabbage will stew a little. And when the water has completely evaporated, the cabbage will be well fried and there is no need to add more butter. While the cabbage is frying, you need to stir it regularly so that it does not burn in the pan.

Someone adds a little to the cabbage tomato sauce, or ketchup. I don’t do this because I get heartburn after eating dishes with tomato paste. If you want, you can diversify the dish by adding chopped red pepper or tomato. You can also fry cabbage along with meat, it also turns out very tasty.

That's all, our fried cabbage in a frying pan is ready, as you can see, there is nothing complicated. Bon appetit!

Good afternoon.

If you remember, I recently posted recipes and perhaps you will think that fried is almost the same. And you won't guess. Just because both of these dishes are cooked in a frying pan does not make them taste the same.

Moreover, their appearance is also strikingly different. For example, have you ever eaten cabbage in batter? I don’t mean or (this method of cooking is very popular for them), but ordinary white cabbage.

You can't even imagine how delicious it is.

Fried cabbage can be a side dish, an appetizer or a full meal. And she copes with each of these roles perfectly.

I offer you several recipes for making this original dish for all occasions.

I'm sure you have it in your kitchen necessary ingredients for most recipes right now. So be sure to try these simple ways and you will definitely want to include at least one of them in your regular menu.

Fried cabbage in a frying pan - a simple step-by-step recipe

Let's start with something simple. If you fry cabbage by itself, empty, so to speak, you will not get rich rich taste, he is not in it. It has another advantage - it absorbs the aromas of the products it cooks with.

Hence the dietary nature of cabbage dishes - there is a lot of food, a lot of taste, and few calories.

Therefore, even in simple version you need to add something else to the recipe. In this case, onions and tomatoes.


  • Cabbage - 500 g
  • Tomato – 1 piece (250 g)
  • Onion - 1 piece (200 g)
  • Butter - 15 g
  • Vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Parsley, dill - to taste


1. Shred or cut the cabbage into strips. Chop the tomato and onion into small cubes.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and melt the butter.

3. Fry the onion first. We do this over medium heat, stirring occasionally until it becomes translucent.

4. Then add the tomatoes to the onion and stir-fry for another 3-5 minutes.

5. Next comes cabbage.

From this point on, frying and stirring will continue until the cabbage has reduced in volume by half and until all the liquid has boiled away. This will take about 15 minutes.

After which you need to salt the cabbage, add spices if desired and mix.

Ready. Bon appetit!

How to fry cabbage with tomato paste for pies

The recipe presented below can be used as a side dish for a meat dish, or as a separate appetizer on the table. Or you can wrap it in dough and make awesome cabbage pies.


  • 1200 g cabbage
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • Bay leaf
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • Salt - to taste
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. Sahara


1. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into small cubes. Fry them over medium heat in vegetable oil for a few minutes until soft.

2. Shred the cabbage and place it in the same frying pan.

If the pan is small, then the cabbage can be added in portions as it fries.

3. Fry the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly, avoiding burning. We do not cover it with a lid; the cabbage should be fried, not stewed, in order to acquire a beautiful brown hue. This will take 20-25 minutes.

5 minutes before the end add tomato paste, salt, sugar and Bay leaf.

That's all. Ready.

Fry cabbage in a frying pan with an egg

In order to fry white cabbage, it is not necessary to finely chop it. Most often, it is enough to disassemble it into separate sheets and cut them into plates.

Here is a good example that can serve as both an excellent breakfast and dinner.

Lots of protein and fiber with a minimum of carbohydrates, this dish is suitable for any diet or nutrition system.

We will need:

  • A quarter of Velka cabbage
  • 3 eggs
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Pepper and broth seasoning (optional)


1. Take a quarter of a cabbage head, cut out the stalk, and cut the leaves into plates.

2. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and lay out the chopped plates. Sprinkle with pepper and seasoning.

You don’t have to use seasoning for the broth, but you will need to add salt to the toga.

3. Fry the cabbage over medium heat, first without a lid, so that a crust begins to appear on it and the liquid evaporates, and then, after 5-7 minutes, reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes so that the cabbage softens.

4. Then break the eggs into the pan, wait until they stick, turn them over and fry for a couple more minutes on the other side.

Ready. Bon appetit!

Video on how to fry cabbage in batter

The previous recipe is very quick and tasty. But speed leads to a not very pompous appearance. And if the beauty of the dish is as important to you as the taste, then here is a recipe for the perfect cabbage in batter.

Recipe for delicious egg batter for cabbage

The previous cooking method is very good, but there is one thing about it that I don’t like - pre-cooking the cabbage. I don't like the smell of boiled cabbage. If you are just as picky, then I suggest you change the cooking steps and use a microwave instead of a pan.

This is what it looks like.


  • 1 head of young cabbage
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Greenery
  • 3 eggs
  • Wheat flour


1. First cut the cabbage in half, and then into longitudinal pieces.

2. Sprinkle the resulting plates on both sides with salt and pepper.

3. Break the eggs into a deep plate and beat with a whisk.

4. Dredge the cabbage in flour and then dip in the egg mixture.

Salted cabbage releases juice, so breading it is not difficult; the flour itself sticks.

5. Then fry the “steaks” in vegetable oil over medium heat. Fry for a couple of minutes on both sides until the batter is browned.

6. And the most important step. It is clear that in 5 minutes of frying the cabbage will not be cooked and will be tough (that is why it was pre-boiled in the previous recipe). Therefore, we put the fried pieces in a plate and send them to the microwave for 2 minutes at maximum power.

Don't forget to use a microwave lid!

Now it's ready. Bon appetit!

Cabbage fried in a frying pan with mushrooms

An excellent side dish is fried cabbage with mushrooms. Not a trivial dish that goes well with both meat and fish.


  • Small head of cabbage (800 g)
  • Champignons – 3 pcs.
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • Bunch of greenery
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp salt without a slide


1. Shred the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the onions and mushrooms into small cubes, chop the greens.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry onions and carrots over medium heat until soft.

3. Next, add the cabbage and fry for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly, until the cabbage becomes soft and reduces in volume by half.

5. At the very end, add salt, mix thoroughly again and you’re done.

Bon appetit!

Fried cabbage in a frying pan with sausages

Well, now let's move on to hearty recipes meat dishes, so as not to cook the side dish and meat separately, but do everything at once in one frying pan.


  • Cabbage - 0.5 kg
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 onions
  • 4 sausages
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


1. Fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots in vegetable oil until soft.

2. Next, add the shredded cabbage, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

3. After this, add the sausages cut into strips or cubes, add salt, pepper and fry, stirring occasionally until the cabbage is fully cooked (this is another 15 minutes)

4. As a result, after 25-30 minutes a delicious full-fledged lunch dish is ready.

Bon appetit!

Recipe for fried cabbage with meat

If sausages seem too unhealthy to you, you can replace them with something more dietary chicken. Then the procedure will change a little.


  • 1 medium head of cabbage
  • 2 chicken breast fillets
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 medium carrot
  • Vegetable oil
  • Fresh herbs
  • Salt and pepper to taste


1. Grind all ingredients in a convenient way.

2. Since chicken takes the longest to cook of all foods, we fry it first. We do this in vegetable oil over high heat until golden brown.

3. Then add the onions and carrots to the same frying pan, reduce the heat to low and fry everything together for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

If by this time there is no more oil left in the pan, then pour in another 2-3 tablespoons so that the cabbage does not burn.

5. Fry for another 20 minutes, stirring frequently. At the end, add the greens and mix again.

You can tell that the cabbage is ready by the fact that it takes on a beautiful caramel color and stops crunching.

Bon appetit!

Recipe for fried potatoes with cabbage

Well, in the end, I suggest you watch a very short, but beautiful and informative video on how to fry cabbage and potatoes.

I hope that the collection of these recipes will help you understand that cabbage can be cooked very tasty. After all, it’s actually not easy to find another such product that combines great benefits for the body and its easy availability all year round.

For a change home menu It would be useful to know how to fry cabbage in a frying pan. Simple but very tasty dish makes an excellent side dish for meat or sausages. It can be made the basis of a casserole or a filling for pies. A universal dish for zealous housewives. Understanding some tricks will help make fried cabbage the juiciest and most appetizing.


  • white cabbage – 500 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • ketchup – 2 tbsp. l;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.


Shred the cabbage finely and thinly. If we fail to do this efficiently, do not despair, but move on. The cut doesn't really matter in this dish.

Pour oil into the frying pan and turn on the heat. Place the chopped cabbage in a frying pan, cover with a lid and fry over medium heat.

At this time, we clean the vegetables and wash them.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add them to the cabbage, and add 2 tablespoons of water. Stir and cover with a lid.

Finely chop onion. Its quantity also depends on the love of the hostess and her family for spicy food. Place the onion in the frying pan. Stir and simmer everything under the lid for 10 minutes. If necessary, add another 30 ml of water.

Salt everything and season with spices.

Add tomato paste or ketchup and mix. You can sprinkle with chopped dill, fresh or frozen.

Fry covered for another 10 minutes. Stir every five minutes. The cooking time for cabbage in a frying pan depends on whether it is old or young. The latter option fries twice as fast.

It is known that for the Russian people cabbage was considered the second bread, which was necessarily grown in every family, stored for the winter and even used for medicinal purposes. Many families still ferment cabbage in barrels every fall, and recipes for stewed and fried cabbage, as well as cabbage cutlets, casseroles and salads are popular not only in canteens, but even in restaurants. Fried cabbage is considered one of the simplest dishes that does not require much effort in preparation. How to fry cabbage? What recipes for making fried cabbage are considered the most common?

How to properly fry cabbage? In cooking, there is a certain set of tips for frying cabbage, but, as a rule, when preparing such simple dish, like fried cabbage, it is not respected. In our article, we tried to bring all the recommendations together so that novice cooks do not encounter typical mistakes associated with burning. So, fried cabbage will be very appetizing if you follow these tips:

  • be sure to finely chop the cabbage so that when frying it is soaked in oil and covered on all sides with a golden crust;
  • Turn the cabbage over in time and make sure it doesn’t burn;
  • if you don’t know how long to fry the cabbage, then stick to the optimal time of 10 minutes;
  • if you have a small frying pan and want to give a large amount of cabbage, boil the shredded cabbage in separate pan, and then drain in a colander (so it will shrink in size and be ready for subsequent frying);
  • at the end of frying, always add spices and cover with a lid;
  • if you do not want the cabbage to acquire a brownish tint, before frying, pour boiling water over the cabbage and then pour cold water over it;
  • do not fry young cabbage for too long, as it may turn into mush;
  • if you want the cabbage to be soft, sprinkle it with salt before frying and knead it with your hands;
  • Before frying sauerkraut, be sure to squeeze out the water from it;
  • do not store shredded cabbage, but heat it immediately;
  • to get rid of bitterness in cabbage, pour boiling water over it before frying;
  • to absorb excess fat and original taste, you can add prunes to fried cabbage;
  • If you are thinking about how to fry cabbage so that all the vitamins remain, then try pouring boiling water over it before frying.

Thus, if you follow all the above recommendations, you will definitely end up with an excellent dish!

The best fried cabbage recipes

How to deliciously fry cabbage? In our article we offer you the following best fried cabbage recipes:

  • Cabbage in sour cream. For this recipe you need the following products: 500 g cabbage, 100 g sour cream, 1 onion, 75 g butter. Step-by-step instruction this recipe will be as follows:
    • Boil shredded cabbage in salted water;
    • fry the onion cut into rings, and then add the boiled cabbage and fry everything for 10 minutes;
    • Salt and pepper the resulting mixture, add butter and sour cream and simmer under a closed lid for 10 minutes.
  • Cabbage with lard. This recipe for fried cabbage requires the following products: 1 kg of cabbage, 150 g of lard, 1 onion. Step-by-step instructions for this recipe will be as follows:
    • cut the lard into cubes and fry along with the chopped onion for 10 minutes;
    • add cabbage to the lard and onions and fry until fully cooked, finally seasoning with salt and pepper.
  • Cabbage with garlic. For this recipe you need the following products: 700 g of cabbage, 3 cloves of garlic, dill, thyme, lemon, bay leaf. Step-by-step instructions for this recipe will be as follows:
    • fry whole garlic cloves, add shredded cabbage and fry for 10 minutes;
    • During frying, gradually add thyme, lemon zest and bay leaf, and at the end add salt, dill and black pepper.
  • Cabbage with sausage. This cabbage recipe requires the following products: 1 kg of cabbage, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 400 g of sausage. Step-by-step instructions for this recipe will be as follows:
    • fry shredded cabbage for 15 minutes, add grated cabbage and finely chopped onion and fry everything until tender;
    • Separately fry the sausage cut into pieces, add to the cabbage, stir, add salt and pepper.
  • Cabbage with mushrooms. For this recipe you need the following products: 300 g cabbage, 200 g mushrooms, 1 carrot, 1 tomato. Step-by-step instructions for this recipe will be as follows:
    • fry shredded salted cabbage in a frying pan;
    • add grated carrots, chopped tomato and mushrooms and fry until done.

how to properly fry cabbage

  1. ABOUT! I just did it the other day! We chop the cabbage and do not fry it, but boil it in salted water for 10-15 minutes. Place in a colander and let the water drain. Meanwhile, heat the frying pan thoroughly and fry the cabbage in vegetable oil. Fry over high heat, stirring, and do not cover with a lid! And if you add to canned fish This will make a great pie filling! Bon appetit!
  2. Choose a nice, tight fork. Cut the cabbage into strips. Add vegetable oil to the pan and heat over medium heat. Place chopped cabbage in a frying pan. Stir the cabbage regularly while frying. The readiness of the dish is determined by taste. The finished cabbage should be salted and mixed thoroughly.
  3. Ingredients for fried cabbage:

    about a kilogram white cabbage
    vegetable oil for frying

    Preparing fried cabbage:

    Shred the cabbage. Place chopped cabbage in a frying pan. And now little secret. If you chop a lot of cabbage at once and fry it all. Then the pan will be full, and during the frying process the volume of cabbage will greatly decrease. Therefore, if you want to fry a lot of cabbage. And for 4 people we need a full frying pan. So, I recommend adding cabbage to the pan in a few servings. So, it turns out to cook more. Stir the cabbage regularly while frying. When the cabbage is cooked, it is checked for taste. You need to add salt and mix thoroughly.
    Fried cabbage will be an excellent side dish for your table.

    How to deliciously fry cabbage
    Cabbage fried in batter or breadcrumbs, can be used as a side dish for meat and as independent dish.
    You will need
    For cooking in batter:
    - cabbage 500 grams;
    - flour 1 glass;
    - water 1 glass;
    - 1 egg;
    - vegetable oil 1 cup;
    - salt and spices to taste.
    To cook in breadcrumbs:
    - cabbage 500 grams;
    - milk 0.5 cups;
    - 2 eggs;
    - breadcrumbs 1 cup;
    - vegetable oil 2 tablespoons;
    - salt to taste.

    Start cooking cabbage in batter by preparing a mixture in which you will dip the vegetable pieces. Sift the flour through a sieve, beat the egg and salt. Pour warm water into the egg and, continuing to mix the batter, gradually pour flour into it. The prepared mass should stand at room temperature for forty minutes or an hour.

    Remove the stalk from white cabbage and cut the head into three or four large pieces.

    Bring water to a boil and add salt. You can put bay leaf and allspice in boiling water. Large pieces Boil white cabbage for ten minutes.

    Remove the prepared vegetables from the water and allow the liquid to drain. Disassemble the cabbage into layers two to three sheets thick so that the leaves do not fall apart and cut into small pieces.

    Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan, dip the vegetable pieces in the batter and fry in hot oil. Cabbage prepared in this way goes well with cold sour cream.

    Cabbage boiled in salted water can be fried in breadcrumbs. If you don’t have ready-made crackers in the kitchen, you can replace them with dried bread grated on a fine grater. If you don’t have this product on hand, cut fresh bread into cubes and dry it in a preheated oven until golden brown. Grind the finished crackers using a meat grinder.

    Beat eggs with milk and dip prepared vegetables in this mixture. Quickly roll the cabbage in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

    I offer you a recipe for an old Russian dish of fried cabbage.
    What is required for fried cabbage
    for 1 frying pan - White cabbage half a medium fork;
    Onions 1-2 heads;
    Vegetable oil 1/3 cup;
    Salt and pepper to taste.

    Finely chop the onion and simmer in oil over low heat until softened.
    Finely chop fresh cabbage. Sprinkle with a little salt and mash with your hands to soften the cabbage and absorb the salt.
    Add the cabbage to the onion, sprinkle with pepper, mix well and fry under a closed lid over low heat. Stirring occasionally.
    When the cabbage becomes soft and light brown in color, taste it and add more salt if necessary. Ready!

    Bon appetit!!!