What to make from lingonberries for the winter - delicious recipes! Useful lingonberries: how to store How best to prepare lingonberries for the winter

If in the summer we somehow saturate the body with vitamins, then in winter this problem rises to its full height.

70% of Russians do not get enough vitamin C, which leads to a drop in immunity and numerous winter viral epidemics.

60 percent lack vitamin E, metabolic processes slow down and people gain weight.

And almost all expectant mothers experience an acute deficiency of B vitamins, which leads to chronic fatigue, lack of hemoglobin, loosened nerves, and also to underdeveloped organs of the newly born baby.

And here our red berry serves as a lifesaver. Thanks to its chemical composition it will give our body the necessary vitamins, acids and trace elements.

All these vitamins are preserved if lingonberries are harvested without cooking. It can be prepared with or without sugar. We have already considered the preparation without sugar in the article. Recipes for soaking lingonberries and storing them in their natural form

The option of harvesting for the winter without sugar is very good, but often you want to drink tea with something tasty. And with mashed lingonberries with sugar, there is little that can compare.

In addition, sugar serves as an additional preservative to the benzoic acid contained in the berries and neutralizes the bitter taste of lingonberries.


Step by step:

In the video, Natalia uses a blender and describes the whole process from start to finish.

Recipe for mashed lingonberries with sugar and orange

  • 1 kg cranberries
  • 1 kg oranges
  • 1 kg sugar

Recipe for lingonberries with sugar and vanilla

If you want to surprise your taste buds even more, use the following instructions:

  • 1 kg cranberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar

The forest gives us many benefits, among them lingonberries stand out, it has long been customary to wet it for the winter. In this way, a large amount of useful is preserved, lingonberries will help to easily overcome colds and viral-type diseases, significantly increase immunity, and hence resistance to infectious diseases.

It is prepared for future use in various ways, but, as practice has shown, it is the soaked one that is preserved much better and longer. To do this, it is important to carry out the process correctly.

Urine has the following features:

  1. A large number of berries for preservation in this way are placed in large containers made of plastic or wood.
  2. Before placing lingonberries in a container, the berries are carefully selected.
  3. If leaves come across during preparation, do not throw them away. Having shifted lingonberries with them, we get an additional portion of vitamins and trace elements in the marinade.
  4. Antonovsky apples will give a pleasant aroma to the forest gift. They are cut into large cubes, placed on top.
  5. Soaked lingonberries without sugar and spices will stand for a long time. The fruits contain benzoic acid, which is responsible for preservation, but the filling must be changed periodically. Without sugar, it can become moldy or sour.

The product is added to vegetable salads, sauces for meat are prepared from berries, they are used as a bite with tea instead of jam.

Important! Lingonberries are very useful in any form. Regular use will improve metabolic processes, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and in winter it will become an excellent immunomodulatory agent.

Preparation of lingonberries before the start of the process

The method of urination came to us from antiquity, our ancestors prepared food for the winter in this way, because they did not have freezers and cans for seaming. Nowadays, many different methods of preserving food have been invented, but they have not abandoned urinating lingonberries. In this way, it is preserved much better.

In order for the product to be preserved as expected, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary preparatory process. Its subtleties are:

  1. Each berry is inspected for rot and bruising, spoiled ones are removed in a separate container, they will not take part in urinating.
  2. Ripe but firm fruits are selected.
  3. Thorough washing is a must.
  4. Water from the berries is allowed to drain, if desired, it can be dried.

Dishes are also important, the quality of the final product directly depends on it. In no case should aluminum containers be used - the oxidation of the metal will lead to the formation of toxic substances. The product immediately goes from useful to harmful. The most acceptable option is wooden barrels or glass jars. Food-grade plastic will perfectly retain urination throughout the year.

The containers are thoroughly washed with soda, rinsed. It is advisable to sterilize glass jars before starting work.

The best recipes for making pickled lingonberries at home

Strict observance of proportions and conscientiously conducted preparatory process will help to preserve the gift of the forest with many benefits for a long time. To get the best quality lingonberries, time-tested recipes for harvesting are used.

Easy winter recipe

Cooking according to this recipe is simple, just put everything in a prepared jar and pour boiled water over it. It is enough to take a kilo of prepared berries, a pound of sugar, a teaspoon of salt and about 3 liters of water.

The forest gift is placed in a container for urination, the filling is prepared separately. Water is boiled with sugar and salt. Cool the marinade. The stacked berries are poured with prepared water with sugar and salt, put oppression, covered with gauze. After 20 days, the berry is ready.

cold way

Berries soaked in this way are easy to store, and it is not difficult to cook them. Properly calculated ingredients will help the product last longer.

The recipe is different in that the filling of berries is carried out with boiled water, without the addition of spices and spices.

As a result, we get a drink with a natural taste, and the berry will be like fresh. For every one and a half kilos of berries, 4.5 liters of water will be required.

The workflow is carried out as follows:

  1. Berries are placed in a prepared container by a third.
  2. Fill to the top with water.
  3. Close the lid with holes and put in a dark place for a week.

After 7 days, a sample is taken. You can use it as you like, but do not forget to add the selected amount of liquid to the berries.


The filling in this recipe is very tasty, you can add it with daily use, as it is used up. It is worth remembering that after 2-3 months the berries and liquid will no longer be suitable for consumption. A jar with a capacity of 3 liters is prepared for urination, about a liter of prepared berries are placed there. In a saucepan, boil and cool to room temperature 2.5 liters of water, pour into a jar of lingonberries. The jar is closed with parchment or a nylon lid with holes. Put in a dark place. Additionally, it is advisable to cover the lid with gauze, this will prevent the entry of small insects.

With salt

Very little sugar is used to prepare urination - salt and selected spices will give the main taste. The most commonly used is cloves. For a kilo of berries you will need a liter of water, 30 grams of salt, sugar on the tip of a knife, a clove bud. The berries are placed in a container for urinating, syrup is boiled from the remaining ingredients, cooled and poured over the berries. Under a nylon cover for 10 days they are stored in a room with a temperature of up to 10 degrees, then they are taken out to a cooler room.

With honey

In this way, it will be possible to prepare a berry, as in ancient times - there was no sugar then. Instead, honey was used as a sweetener. No more than 100 grams of honey are taken per kilo of product from the forest, salt is on the tip of a knife, and cinnamon and cloves are optional.

Prepared jars are filled with berries up to their shoulders. Water is measured, boiled and cooled liquid is poured into jars, and then poured into a common vessel. The rest of the ingredients are added there and heated in a water bath. Berries are poured with cooled syrup and placed in a cool place without light.

With sugar

How to soak lingonberries with sugar so that it is not cloying, but also sweetness is felt? We use the following recipe:

  1. A kilo of berries is laid out in jars, 5 centimeters without filling up to the top.
  2. From a liter of water, 250 grams of sugar, 2 grams of salt prepare syrup.
  3. Jars are poured with chilled brew.
  4. Cover with gauze in several layers.

Storage can be carried out at room temperature, but not more than a couple of months.

Without cooking

Urination is carried out in a standard way, but it is not necessary to boil the syrup, it is enough just to dissolve the sugar in water. A glass of sugar is taken per liter of liquid, the jars are completely filled with berries, poured with syrup, covered with a lid or gauze in several layers.

How to store

It is not enough to save the benefit of the berry by urinating, it is necessary to choose the most suitable temperature regime. Usually, storage is divided into two stages: for the first 2-4 weeks, pickled berries are stored at higher temperatures, and then they are taken out to a cool room without light. At the very beginning, you can store the gifts of the forest in a room or in the kitchen, and then put it in the refrigerator or basement, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.

What to do with cranberries? This question is asked by many lovers of the mentioned berry. It should be noted that using such a product, you can cook completely different dishes, including jam, fruit drinks, sauces, pies, and more.

In this article, we will tell you in detail about what to do with lingonberries. This berry is not only very tasty, but also surprisingly healthy. Thanks to benzoic acid, it is kept fresh for a very long time, so cooks often use it to prepare various dishes and drinks.

What to do with lingonberries: cooking recipes

Tasty and healthy lingonberry juice with honey is prepared both from fresh and from. Moreover, a drink made on the basis of such a berry can be consumed both cold and hot.

So what to do with cranberries? Of course, delicious juice. For this we need:

  • drinking water (from the tap) - about 8-10 glasses;
  • frozen or fresh lingonberries - about 250-300 g;
  • fresh flower or linden honey - about 50 g;
  • fine beet sugar - add to your liking.

Drink preparation method

Before telling you about how and what can be made from lingonberries, you should tell how this berry is processed. It is sorted out from the garbage, and then laid out in a colander or sieve and washed well.

As soon as all the excess moisture drains from the lingonberries, it is laid out in a large bowl and covered with sugar. You should not add too much sweet spice, as we will additionally use fresh honey.

After carefully mixing the components, they are put on the stove and turn on a very weak fire. When the granulated sugar begins to dissolve, about 8-10 glasses of drinking water are poured into the bowl.

After bringing the drink to a boil, it is boiled for 2 minutes, and then removed from the heat. After that, the juice is allowed to cool completely. And only after that fresh honey is added to it.

After mixing the products, the drink is filtered through gauze or a sieve directly into a decanter or bottle. After cooling it, fruit drink is served to the table along with a sprig of mint and crushed ice. By the way, there are some housewives who prefer to drink lingonberry drink warm.

Making delicious meat

About what to do with lingonberries for the winter, we will tell a little further. Now I want to present you a step-by-step recipe for making meat sauce. Thanks to the tasty and fragrant berry, this dressing turns out to be unusual and moderately sweet.

What to do with fresh lingonberries and how to implement the presented recipe? For this we need the following products:

The process of making lingonberry sauce

What to do with cranberries? Recipes using this berry can be completely different. If you want to cook an unusual meat dinner, then we suggest making a fragrant sauce for it separately.

First you need to process the berry. It is sorted out and thoroughly washed in a sieve. Strongly shaking off the lingonberries, put them in a saucepan and alternately add all the spices (beet sugar, ground cinnamon, chopped ginger, table salt and ground chili pepper).

Lightly crushing the berries with a crush, they are left in this form for half an hour (to let the juice go). After that, butter is added to the saucepan and immediately put on low heat. Bringing the components to a boil, pour them in and simmer without a lid for about 10 minutes (stirring regularly).

It is very popular among modern cooks. This dessert is incredibly tasty and healthy. It is well preserved in glass jars, which are placed either in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

So what to do with cranberries? Recipes for the winter may require the use of completely different products. We decided to make jam not only from berries, but also with the addition of sweet apples. This combination of products will allow you to get the most delicious and healthy dessert.

So, to implement the recipe, we need:

  • fresh lingonberries - about 3 kg;
  • fine beet sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • large sweet apples - 5 pcs.;
  • drinking water from the tap - 1 glass.

Step by step cooking method

What to do with lingonberries for the winter? Of course, tasty and healthy jam. First you need to process all the components.

The apples are washed well, peeled and peeled, and then cut into cubes. Fresh berries are also washed separately.

After the described actions, the chopped fruits are laid out in a deep bowl, poured with water and brought to a boil. Then granulated sugar is gradually poured into them and, carefully stirring, wait for its complete dissolution. By this time, the apples should be completely softened.

Pour fresh lingonberries to the fruit, bring the ingredients to a boil again and cook for about 5 minutes more. After a while, the finished dessert is laid out in sterilized jars, which are subsequently rolled up with lids and turned upside down. Covering the blanks with a thick blanket, they are left in this state until the jam has completely cooled.

After a day, the lingonberry dessert is removed in the refrigerator or cellar.

It is advisable to consume such a delicacy with a cup of hot tea, as well as toasted toast or cookies.

How to make soaked lingonberries for the winter?

Soaked lingonberries are an old dish of Russian cuisine. Such a product has long been considered a delicacy and could decorate absolutely any dinner.

Properly made lingonberries in syrup are stored for about 1 year or even more. This preparation is ideally combined with fish and meat dishes, as well as game and poultry. In addition, it is often added to salads and vinaigrette.

So how to make lingonberries in syrup? To do this, we may need the following ingredients:

Step by step cooking

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the preparation of soaked lingonberries. Ripe berries are carefully sorted, washed and dried. After that, glass jars are separately sterilized (over steam). Cowberries are laid out in them and left aside while the syrup is being prepared.

Pour 2 cups of water into a small saucepan and add lemon zest. Putting the dishes on the fire, the contents are allowed to boil for about 10 minutes. After that, the zest is removed, and granulated sugar is poured into the fragrant liquid.

After mixing the components, wait until all the sweet spice is completely dissolved. After boiling the ingredients for about three more minutes, they are removed from the heat and cooled.

Pour fresh lingonberries preferably only with cold syrup. Having filled the sterilized jars, they are immediately rolled up. In this form, a tasty and healthy workpiece is removed to a refrigerator or cellar. It is desirable to open it only after one month. During this time, the berry will be saturated with syrup, it will become more tasty and sweet.

How and with what to present to the table?

There are many ways to serve soaked lingonberries to the table. Someone uses it as a dessert (along with toast, cookies, etc.), someone adds it to various pies, and someone uses it as a sauce for meat, poultry, fish, etc.

It should also be noted that some cooks use this product to decorate all kinds of pastries, cakes and other holiday delicacies.

Summing up

Now you know what you can do with lingonberries for the winter. There is nothing difficult in creating such blanks. You just need to purchase a berry, carefully process it and add spices. It should also be noted that most culinary specialists do not subject lingonberries to heat treatment, since in the process it loses a significant amount of useful elements. If you can’t do without cooking, then it’s better to do it for a small amount of time (no longer than 3-5 minutes).

If you want to stock up on vitamins for the whole winter, be sure to prepare soaked lingonberries with sugar without boiling. This is a magical remedy that helps with beriberi, headaches, constipation, weakness and flu. If you cook soaked lingonberries without adding sugar, this juice can be used to treat wounds. They heal instantly. Do not confuse this recipe with the one we prepared last time.

- 5 kg. fresh cranberries;
- 4.5 l. water;
- 1 kg. granulated sugar;
- 5 g ground cinnamon;
- 4 g of cloves.

Soaked lingonberries are also useful for those who have kidney problems, colitis and liver disease. It activates all metabolic processes in the body. Improves skin condition, improves overall well-being. You can wet not only fresh, but also frozen lingonberries. In winter, usually, only this can be found. It must be left for 5 hours in the refrigerator, be sure to put it in a bowl, and then cook as written in the recipe. It will turn out the same, with almost no loss of useful properties. Provided, of course, that the lingonberries were properly frozen and not thawed before you bought them. Let's make the syrup first. Take purified water, which does not form limescale when boiled, boil it. Add sugar, cinnamon and cloves. Boil for 10 minutes, then turn off the gas, and leave the syrup to cool. Soaked lingonberries are poured with completely chilled syrup.

Sort the berries, remove all debris, as well as mashed berries, if any. In general, lingonberries are stored for a very long time and do not deteriorate due to the high content of benzoic acid. But the berries are worth checking out. Rinse them under running cold water, leave in a colander for 10 minutes to drain the water. Then spread on a towel in a single layer to absorb all excess liquid. Leave for 15 minutes. Then you can sprinkle so that the berries do not take up too much space.

When the syrup has cooled completely, you can prepare jars for harvesting soaked lingonberries. They need to be thoroughly washed, put in a saucepan upside down, pour cold water so that it reaches the middle of the jar. Then put the pan on high heat, wait until the water boils. Reduce gas and detect 10 minutes. Dry the jars and put lingonberries in them by 2/3.

Fill with syrup up to the neck.

Roll up with a tin lid and store in the cellar.
If you still have a berry, then we can tell you