How to cook beef tongue in a Redmond slow cooker. Beef tongue in a slow cooker. To cook beef tongue in a slow cooker, you need


Beef tongue is considered a delicacy - it rarely appears on the everyday table, mainly as a guest holiday menu. It's served like holiday snack with sauce, included in salads, added to aspic, placed on sandwiches. However, of all offal, it is the most difficult to handle, so most housewives avoid it. Few people know how to cook beef tongue in a slow cooker, although this method heat treatment recognized by professionals as the fastest and least energy-consuming.

The easiest way to prepare this delicious offal so that it turns out tender and aromatic is to boil it. In this case, it can be served as an independent snack, and used for salads or casseroles. How long to cook beef tongue in a slow cooker depends on its size, as well as the specific appliance. In a pressure cooker it will cook in 1-1.5 hours, but in a regular pressure cooker you will have to wait 2.5-3 hours if the tongue is not cut. Very large offal can be cooked for up to 3.5 hours.


  • beef tongue – 1 pc.;
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • parsley root;
  • garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • greens to taste;
  • pepper mixture.

Cooking method:

If you are preparing this offal not for salads, but as a complete appetizer, make aspic based on it - it’s simple, quick and very tasty. The range of products is minimal: gelling occurs using gelatin, and for pre-cooking the tongue, only a standard bunch of onions, carrots and celery stalks is used. If desired, herbs and spices are also added here. You can also add some fresh herbs for decoration.


  • beef tongue – 1 pc.;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • celery stalks – 3 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.;
  • carnation, allspice peas – 5 pcs.;
  • egg;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • salt;
  • powdered gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully washed beef tongue should be cleaned with a knife, placed in a slow cooker and completely covered. cold water.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots, cut them in half. Divide the celery stalks into 3 parts. Place all these products on your tongue.
  3. Close the multicooker, select the “Stew” program and wait 2 hours. After half an hour, add spices and cook the tongue until the signal, without touching it.
  4. Transfer the cooked offal into a container with cold water to make it easier to remove the skin after a few minutes.
  5. Cut into thin slices and put back into the broth where it was cooked (in the slow cooker).
  6. Pour part of the broth into a glass, be sure to stretch the gauze over it - the transparency of the liquid is important.
  7. Break the egg, discard the yolk, and beat the white with a mixer until foamy. Gently stir into a filtered glass of broth.
  8. Remove pieces of boiled tongue from the multicooker. So did the broth they were swimming in.
  9. Pour the broth that is mixed with the protein into the bowl and heat on the “Fry” for about 10 minutes.
  10. Strain hot broth, again using gauze.
  11. Pour gelatin into a separate bowl, pour in a glass of cold broth and let it swell - this will take from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on its variety.
  12. Add a glass of hot broth, stir, wait until the gelatin dissolves.
  13. Place the tongue slices in any suitable container (preferably a glass bowl in the shape of a hemisphere). Pour in diluted gelatin, sprinkle with chopped herbs and refrigerate for several hours.

Not everyone likes the taste of boiled or stewed offal, so it’s worth learning how to bake it. Of course, you will first have to boil the tongue, otherwise it will be too hard, and browning should only be done with sauce: compositions based on sour cream and low-fat cream have proven to work well in this regard. The simplest and good recipe tongue baked in a slow cooker in front of you.


  • beef tongue – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • semi-hard cheese – 160 g;
  • cream 10% - half a glass;
  • butter – 15 g;
  • wheat flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • purple bulb;
  • pepper, salt;
  • bunch of dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the washed tongue with a knife, put it in a slow cooker and cook it on “Stew” under plenty of water for 3 hours. Be sure to add a little salt to the water before starting work and add half an onion.
  2. Rinse the finished tongue with cold water and remove the skin.
  3. Finely chop the remaining half of the onion.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and mix with onions.
  5. Place in a slow cooker with butter, cook on “Baking” until they soften. Then remove from the multicooker.
  6. Stir cream, salt, flour and ground pepper in a small bowl.
  7. Place beef tongue cut into slices at the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  8. Pour in the tomato and onion mixture, then cream sauce.
  9. Sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese and scatter torn dill on top.
  10. Bake on the same mode, be sure to lower the lid, for 15-20 minutes.

Time: 210 min.

Servings: 8-10

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Recipe for delicious beef tongue in a Redmond slow cooker

Beef tongue can be called a real delicacy, because after heat treatment it turns out to be unusually tender and very juicy. But not every housewife manages to cook it correctly. The whole complexity lies in the cooking and processing technology finished product. Experiment and cook the tongue in the Redmond multicooker, it will turn out very tasty.

The process of preparing such a product can be carried out in two ways: in a saucepan or in a slow cooker. It is worth noting that the last option is the most preferable. You just need to immerse it inside the bowl necessary ingredients and set the timer, the kitchen assistant will do the rest.

Cooking beef tongue using a slow cooker is not at all difficult; this process requires very little time. But it is worth considering that preparing the meat product for further heat treatment is important.

It is best to soak before cooking meat product for about half an hour. You should rinse your tongue under running water, clearing its surface of visible contaminants. You can use a brush for this purpose. After this, you will need to get rid of mucus and fat, in this case you should use a knife.

It is worth paying attention that during cooking the tongue will increase in volume, so first cut it into two parts. If you immerse the offal in boiling water, it will turn out much juicier and more tender.

The duration of heat treatment depends on the size and weight of the product. It often cooks for at least 2 hours.

It is best to cook tongue using the “Stew” mode, which lasts 2.5 hours. This time will be enough for the meat to be completely cooked and acquire the necessary structure.

You can check readiness in the classic way- using a fork. After piercing the offal, a clear liquid should come out, which will indicate that the tongue is ready.

To prevent the delicacy meat product from becoming tough, add salt only at the final stage of cooking. To give ready-made dish rich taste and add aroma to the bowl with bay leaf, carrots, and black peppercorns.

The tongue can be served cut into pieces or filled with jelly. Whichever option you choose, the dish will turn out incredibly tasty. This delicacy can be an excellent alternative store-bought sausages and balykas.

Step 1

Thaw the offal, rinse thoroughly, and then cut lengthwise. After this, cut off any excess fat and place it inside the multicooker bowl. Fill everything with hot water to the top level of the bowl.

Step 2

Set the Soup program to 2.5 hours. After this time, drain the water and rinse the contents under running water.

Step 3

Inside the bowl, place all the necessary spices, as well as seasonings according to the recipe, along with coarsely chopped onions and carrots.

Pour clean water, cook in the same mode for another 1 hour.

Step 4

Once cooking is complete, carefully place your tongue on paper napkin. Let it cool completely.

Step 5

Then clean it as shown in the photo.

Step 6

Now you can cut the offal into thin pieces and place it on a plate. Garnish the dish with lettuce leaves or herbs. This dish will be a decoration festive table. Simple, incredible delicious snack everyone will like it without exception. Bon appetit everyone!

Before cooking, soak the tongue for 30-40 minutes in cool water. Then rinse it thoroughly under cold running water, while carefully scraping it with a knife to remove dark spots, if any. Take off upper layer no need, we will remove it after we boil the tongue. We cut off only the excess fat and remove the hyoid bone.

To make the tongue even more flavorful, we will cook it with vegetables. Peel the onion and carrots, leave the onion whole, and cut the carrots into several pieces. A celery root would also be a good idea.

Place the prepared tongue and vegetables on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. In no case should we divide the language into parts. To make it juicy and tasty, the tongue must be boiled as a whole.

Pour cold water into the multicooker bowl. It should completely cover the contents. Set the multicooker to “stew” mode, cooking time – 2.5 hours.

After two hours, add salt, peppercorns and bay leaf to the broth. Cook the tongue for about 30 more minutes. When the program is over, check the meat for softness - the fork should fit freely into the body of the tongue.

Remove the tongue from the bowl and immediately immerse it in cold water for a couple of minutes. Then remove the top layer from the tongue. Due to sudden changes in temperature, the rough skin will come off easily.

The cleaned tongue is ready for use. A thinner piece can be used for slicing, and a larger portion can be used to make a salad. When storing the finished tongue, it is best to wrap it in cling film or cover with a bag, otherwise it may dry out. When serving tongue as an appetizer, do not forget about the sauce; the delicacy goes perfectly with mustard and horseradish. Bon appetit!

In this article I would like to talk about how to properly prepare such a delicacy as tongue. Before adding it to any dish, you must properly boil this product.

Everyone knows that tongue is considered a delicacy. Besides the fact that it is very tender and tasty, it is a real storehouse nutrients- iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, sodium, manganese, cobalt, vitamins. And this product is absorbed perfectly, since it contains a minimum of connective tissue. But in order to fully enjoy the delicacy, it is important to prepare it correctly.

How long to cook lamb tongue?

Lamb tongue has a rather specific smell and taste, so it is not served as often as other types of this delicacy. However, if all the nuances of the preparatory stage are observed, the dish can be to the taste of everyone. It is enough to rinse your tongue thoroughly and brush it.

As for boiling, after the water boils, the heat is reduced. The tongue is cooked over low heat for approximately two hours.- after this the skin comes off better. You can add pepper and bay leaf.

IMPORTANT: As for various seasonings, you should not experiment with them, otherwise the taste of the tongue itself will disappear.

How long to cook sole?

The sole is quite juicy, tender and nutritious. However, in order for all these properties to remain unchanged, it is necessary to Boil in a saucepan for half an hour or at least 20 minutes.

If you have a double boiler or multicooker, the cooking conditions will not change much. In the first case of preparation sole It will take half an hour, and in the second you will need to rely on the instructions for the device.

How long does it take to cook deer tongue?

The deer tongue should be immersed in already boiling water along with vegetables and spices to taste. Carefully monitor the readiness of the vegetables - as soon as they are cooked, they should be removed, but the tongue should be left in the water.

How much and for how long should I cook the pork tongue to make it soft?

Pork tongue itself is quite soft, but you can cook it in such a way that it simply melts in your mouth. To do this, first of all, it is important Rinse the product thoroughly under running water.

IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances should you clean your tongue at this stage - the meat may come off with a film.

Now the meat is soaked for half an hour - this is the secret of its softness. In water without added salt You need to cook such a tongue for an average of 1.5 to 3.5 hours. Much depends on the size of the delicacy.

Experts say that the water should not boil too much, otherwise it will affect the taste characteristics. It is also recommended to remove unpleasant odors and harmful substances by first boiling the tongue in one water for about 15 minutes, then rinsing it thoroughly and boiling it in another until ready.

Half an hour before it is ready, add celery, bay leaves, onions and carrots to the water. Once everything is cooked, keep the meat under cold water for a while.

How long and how long should you cook beef tongue to taste good?

As is the case with pork tongue, beef needs to be soaked for 30 minutes. Only then should you start boiling, which takes on average from 2 to 4 hours depending on the size of the product. It is advisable to keep it in one water for about 15 minutes, and only then bring it to readiness in another.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important not to overcook the meat, otherwise it will fall apart before your eyes.

How long to cook elk tongue?

The moose tongue is washed well and then dipped into already boiling water. After the water boils again, it must be drained and the meat itself must be rinsed thoroughly.

Now the product is filled with cold water. In it It should be boiled over low heat for about 2 hours. However, the time can be increased to 2.5 hours - this way you can achieve greater softness.

Literally half an hour before the broth is ready, spices and roots are added to the broth. After half an hour, the tongue is removed from the boiling water and cooled with another water.

How long to cook tongue in a double boiler?

A double boiler is preferred by many cooks, since the tongue prepared in this way retains maximum useful substances.It is recommended to use a bag made of food foil.

IMPORTANT: The foil should be sprinkled with spices - this is how they are best absorbed into the product. Pieces of meat about a centimeter thick are rolled in these spices.

The improvised bags are carefully laid out on the steamer rack. The timer should be set for 1.5 hours.

After the specified time, the tongue is removed, the peel is peeled off, and grated cheese, the bags are twisted again. After that Cooking them in a double boiler costs another 5 minutes.

How long to cook tongue in a pressure cooker?

The pressure cooker should hold about 2 liters of water to cook the tongue. The time it takes to prepare it completely is 30 minutes.

How long does it take to cook tongues in a saucepan?

In a regular saucepan, tongue is cooked quite often. But first you need to soak it in cold water for half an hour- so he can clean himself thoroughly. After this, the tongue is cleaned with a knife from blood, fat and mucus, and then washed again.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that heat treatment affects the size of the product - it increases. This means that it is better to first cut a large piece into two parts.

As soon as the water begins to boil again, remove the foam. Then the meat is boiled for another 15 minutes.

Next, the used water should be drained and the tongue should be placed in a new one. The product is cooked in it until cooked. On average it's time ranges from 2 to 4 hours, which is easy to determine by piercing the pulp with a fork. If the juice released turns out to be clear, then the fire can be turned off.

Now the tongue is placed in cold water, after which the skin can be removed. Then it is again transferred to the broth, salted and peppered. Onions, carrots, and bay leaves are also added. B The broth is brought to a boil again, after which it is kept on fire for another 15 minutes.

How long should you cook tongue in a slow cooker?

A slow cooker is a fairly common item in the kitchen, and with its help it is quite possible to prepare tasty and nutritious tongue. For this add onions and carrots to the bowl along with it which will give the dish an amazing aroma.

The “Extinguishing” mode should be turned on. On average it will take 2.5 hours, however, it all depends on the size of the tongue. Approximately 15 minutes before the end of cooking, it is advisable to add salt, garlic and roots to taste.

How to cook beef tongue for slicing

To prepare salted cuts of beef tongue, you must first soak it in cold water for half an hour, then peel it. Then the meat is thoroughly dried, rubbed with salt and spices, placed in a bag and left in this form for 10-12 hours.

IMPORTANT: The meat must lie at room temperature for 10-12 hours. But then you can put it in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours. The bag of meat should be shaken from time to time.

Then the tongue is placed in a pan of water, where you immediately add salt and roots to taste. The meat is cooked for an average of 2-4 hours.

The final stage is pouring cold water over the meat and Warm up in the new one for another 15 minutes.

Some housewives are frightened by the fact that the tongue is a first-class delicacy, which means it is probably difficult to prepare. In fact, anyone, even a novice cook, can prepare such a product. It is only important to adhere to certain rules in order not to be disappointed in the taste of the tongue.

Beef tongue is an offal that belongs to the first class and is considered a delicacy. It is used for cooking various dishes or simply eat it instead of regular sausage. In order not to be disappointed in the taste of this product, you need to know the rules and secrets of its preparation. You should not think that the process is complicated, because it is not, and now you will see it.

How to properly cook beef tongue on the stove?

Most often it is prepared in the usual way in a saucepan on the stove. The first thing to do is soak the offal in cold water for at least 30 minutes. This will get rid of existing contaminants.

After this, it must be scraped using a regular knife to remove mucus, fat, blood and other debris. At the end of the preparatory stage, you need to thoroughly rinse the product in water.

Let's consider step by step instructions how to cook boiled beef tongue:

  • Pour cold water into a deep saucepan, boil it and put the product there. Keep in mind that during heat treatment the offal will increase in size, so if it is too large, cut it into 2 parts;
  • When the water boils for the second time, remove the resulting foam and leave everything to cook for 15 minutes, and then drain the liquid. Transfer the offal into new boiling water and cook until tender. If foam forms, be sure to remove it;
  • Many people are interested in: how long does it take to cook beef tongue? In fact, everything is individual and depends on the size of the product, as well as the age of the animal. On average, cooking can take from 2 to 4 hours. To check readiness, pierce the skin with a fork, and if clear juice comes out, then you can turn off the heat, and when it is cloudy, continue cooking;
  • From the hot broth, the product must be transferred to cold liquid for a couple of minutes. This is important to make it easier to remove the skin. After this procedure, just pry it off with a knife and it will be easily removed;
  • Only now is the time to add salt. To do this, you need to put the offal back into the broth where it was boiled, add salt, a few black peppercorns, a whole onion, carrot and bay leaf. After boiling, cook the tongue for another 15 minutes. That's all, the cooking process is over.

How to cook beef tongue in a slow cooker?

Today, many people, instead of a conventional stove, use a multicooker, in which they can cook completely different dishes. Now let's figure out how offal is boiled in it.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Prepare and clean the product as in the previous recipe, and then place it in the multicooker bowl. Send the whole peeled onion and carrots there. Vegetables will add an original aroma;
  • We will cook in the “Stew” mode, but as for how long to do this, the process should last at least 2.5 hours. Again, it all depends on the size of the product. We check readiness, as in the previous recipe;
  • In 15 min. Before the end of cooking, add salt and, if desired, roots and cloves of garlic;
  • After the beep, place your tongue in cold water and remove the skin.

How to cook beef tongue in a double boiler?

Another option for cooking offal, which is considered the most useful, since the maximum amount of substances is preserved.

To prepare this recipe you need to take the following ingredients:: 1 tongue, weighing 500-700 g, lemon, 155 g cheese, salt and Italian herbs.

Cooking steps:

  • To preserve the taste, we will cook in a special bag made of food foil. It is necessary to cut the foil into pieces 30 cm long. Place them on the table and sprinkle with spices;
  • Wash the offal thoroughly, scrape it with a knife and cut it into pieces no more than 1 cm thick. Place medallions on the prepared pieces of foil. Top with salt and lemon juice;
  • All that remains is to twist the foil to make improvised bags. Place them on the steamer rack and turn on the timer for 1.5 hours;
  • When time has passed, take out the bags, remove the peel, sprinkle grated cheese on top and screw the foil back on. Cook for another 5 minutes.

What can be prepared from boiled offal?

There are a huge number of dishes using this by-product, for example, salads, first and second courses, snacks, etc. Let's look at a few popular and simple recipes.

Salad with tomatoes

A simple dish that is suitable for both daily use, and for the holiday. The quantity of products is designed for 3 servings.

For this recipe, prepare the following ingredients:: boiled beef tongue, 125 g hard cheese, 100 g homemade mayonnaise, half a can of olives, 2 tomatoes, salt and pepper.

Cooking process:

  • Boil the product using any of the above methods and cut it into strips;
  • Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, the olives into rings, and the tomatoes into cubes;
  • Combine all ingredients by adding salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Stir and serve.

Original aspic

Many families have a tradition of cooking aspic for the holiday. We offer to cook original version with jelly.

To prepare a dish according to this recipe, you need to take the following products: 125 g tongue, 55 g green peas, 250 ml broth, bay leaf, 1 tbsp. dry red wine, 0.5 tbsp. white wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, clove of garlic, 50 g canned pepper, olives and peppercorns.

Cooking process:

  • Boil the offal not in plain water, but add laurel, wine, vinegar, chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Boil the peas and cut the pepper into cubes;
  • Remove the offal and cut into thin strips, and strain the broth through gauze folded in several layers;
  • Take any form and pour some broth into it. The layer thickness should be approximately 0.5 cm. Place the mold in the refrigerator for an hour. After the time has passed, take it out and put the tongue, peas and pepper there. Pour in the remaining broth and refrigerate until completely set, or preferably overnight. To transfer the aspic to a flat dish, lower the pan into boiling water for a few seconds, and then simply turn it over. Garnish with olives.

Holiday rolls

If you want to surprise your guests, then prepare this original dish, which will appeal to both adults and children. The amount of ingredients is designed for 6 servings.