How to cook tomatoes in your own. Tomatoes in their own juice - recipes for winter cooking. Tomatoes with tomato paste

The vegetable harvest was a great success, the shelves in the basement are filled with all kinds of pickles and marinades, but the tomato abundance never ends? After all, a way out can be found from any situation, and this particular one can be solved not only with a useful, but also a very, very tasty result. You can significantly save time on processing tomatoes and stock up on incredibly appetizing preserves for the winter, which on a frosty day will fill the whole house with the aromas of summer, by using simple and original recipes for preparing tomatoes.


Most often, this recipe is used when you are lucky enough to buy or grow a large harvest of cherry tomatoes. Small red, yellow or even black tomatoes look great, drenched in incredible delicious marinade. The amount of spices is calculated for 1 liter of finished juice.


  • cherry tomatoes and large red varieties;
  • 40-45 g salt;
  • 60-65 g sugar.


  1. Pass through a meat grinder large tomatoes, after removing the skin. This is easy to do by dipping vegetables in boiling water in a colander for 12-15 seconds.
  2. Measure the liquid, add the spices, pour into a saucepan and place on the stove, turning on high heat.
  3. Place cherry tomatoes in sterilized jars. Pour boiling water over the contents of the containers, making sure to cover them with lids (do not roll them up!).
  4. After a few minutes, drain the liquid and pour boiling tomato mixture over the tomatoes.
  5. Immediately seal, immediately turn over and wrap in a warm blanket.

“Fragrant” tomatoes with peppers

A little trick: to make the preservation according to this recipe even tastier, you need to choose small and fleshy tomatoes. Over the course of a few weeks, they will be soaked in the jars with marinade, maintaining their elasticity. In winter, all you have to do is open a jar and proudly serve your guests incredibly tasty vegetables.


  • 60 ml vegetable oil;
  • 5 g cloves;
  • 120 g salt;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 360 ml tomato paste;
  • 500 g sweet red pepper;
  • 7 kg 300 g tomatoes (you can take multi-colored ones).


  1. Chop the pepper with a sharp knife. You can pass it through a meat grinder with large grates.
  2. Boil a mixture of tomato paste, salt, cloves, sugar and vegetable oil.
  3. Place the tomatoes and peppers in a large cooking container and pour in the mixture removed from the heat. Place on the stove and after boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour.
  4. If you wish, you can remove the skin from the tomatoes first, then the cooking time will take 5 minutes less.
  5. Place the prepared vegetables in glass containers (sterilized) and seal.

Leave to cool, covering the upside-down jars with a blanket.

With juniper

An unusual but very tasty combination of tomatoes and juniper. There is no need to talk about the aroma - there is a fragrance throughout the entire apartment. Before opening the canning, it is better to close the windows and door tightly, because the neighbors may also be interested in what it smells so delicious.


  • 135 g sugar;
  • 65 g salt;
  • juniper berries (you can take dry ones);
  • 5 g allspice;
  • 8-10 g cloves;
  • 6 kg 500 g tomatoes (halved large and small).


  1. Send cleanly washed jars for sterilization to hot oven.
  2. After cooling, fill the glass container small tomatoes(pre-prick each vegetable with a fork or toothpick).
  3. Boil half a glass of water in a large cooking container, add chopped tomatoes (large ones) and cook until they are soft.
  4. Rub the boiled tomatoes through a fine colander or metal sieve. Be sure to use a wooden spoon.
  5. In a clean container, cook the tomato mass along with sugar and salt for a quarter of an hour.
  6. While the tomato mixture is boiling, pour boiling water over the vegetables in a glass container and leave for 5.5-6 minutes, covering with lids. Drain the liquid using a special lid with holes made in it.
  7. Place cloves, several juniper fruits, and allspice into each jar. Pour boiling tomato marinade over the vegetables in a glass container.

Seal immediately, without sterilization, air cooling, upside down, under a warm shelter.

With greens

Tomatoes canned in this way are great for seasoning borscht, making homemade cabbage rolls, lasagna or pizza. In order not to spend too much time preparing lunch or dinner, potatoes steaming on the table are also ideal for the amazing combination of juicy tomatoes and herbs.

The recipe can be slightly varied by adding your favorite spices or herbs.


  • 2 l 500 ml tomato juice (freshly squeezed using a juicer or sieve);
  • 150 g of greens (dill, parsley);
  • 85 ml vinegar;
  • 190 g sugar;
  • 200 g sweet pepper;
  • 40 g salt;
  • 4 kg 100 g tomatoes (small).


  1. Pour the juice into a large container, immediately add spices, chopped peppers and vinegar. Cook at low boil for at least a quarter of an hour, periodically skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon.
  2. Cover the bottom of the glass container with a thick layer of herbs (can be chopped, or whole sprigs).
  3. Fill the containers with tomatoes (it’s better to pierce each one with a toothpick in several places first) to the very top.
  4. After boiling water, immediately pour in the contents of the container. Drain after a quarter of an hour.
  5. Carefully pour the marinade into the jars, without adding to the very top.
  6. Roll up with metal lids and place under a blanket to cool slowly, first placing the lid down.

A little secret– if preservation is carried out in tomato juice, it is not recommended to remove the skin from the tomatoes: this will extend the shelf life for a long time, and will also prevent the fruits from boiling and losing their shape.


This recipe is a godsend for tomato lovers who cannot imagine most dishes without it. delicious vegetable. Simple canning will perfectly complement soup, salad, and stew. It will be especially tasty if you stew various vegetables in a saucepan with this preparation. Eggplants, potatoes, cauliflower, carrots - for preparing stew at home, the scope of culinary imagination is endless, especially if you have a jar of aromatic tomato delicacy on hand.

Ingredients (for 0.5 l glass containers):

  • 200 ml tomato juice;
  • 420 g of tomatoes (preferably the Slivka variety, but if you don’t have one, you can use any).


  1. First, squeeze the juice out of the rejected tomatoes, after cutting out the spoiled and suspicious parts.
  2. Cut each tomato intended for sending into a jar crosswise and place it in a wide container.
  3. Boil a lot of water and pour boiling water over the tomatoes. After three minutes, drain the hot liquid and remove the skin.
  4. Cut each tomato in half, removing the green part of the stem.
  5. Fill the container tightly (do not compact it).
  6. Bring the juice to a vigorous boil and pour in the tomato pieces in the jars.
  7. Sterilize for about 15 minutes, but if there is a cool place to store the preparations, you can do without this by wrapping the container in warm clothes immediately after capping.

Secrets of conservation

In order to preserve tomatoes in own juice turned out tasty and stored for a long time, you should follow a few tips:

  1. It is better to take fruits that are bright red in color, then only they can give the richest shade to the sauce.
  2. The most ideal varieties for steaming are plum-shaped varieties; they keep their shape perfectly and rarely crack.
  3. Adding ground black pepper or mustard powder will improve the taste, but some varieties of tomatoes may change color slightly.
  4. Metal utensils can also ruin the shade tomato filling, especially aluminum.

Tomatoes in their own juice (video)

Armed with recipes and a few useful tips, you can safely start cooking delicious preparation, it will certainly turn out perfect!

If you eat them fresh, just picked from the bush, sprinkled with a pinch of salt, they are perhaps the best food that summer gives us. But the tomato is seasonal, and the tomatoes sold in the supermarket differ little in consistency from wet cardboard. If you want to be able to enjoy the aroma and taste of summer tomatoes in winter, use our recipe in your own juice for the winter.

About the benefits of the workpiece

Having your own tomatoes for the winter will bring great benefits to you and your family:

  • Firstly, tomatoes retain beneficial mineral salts, trace elements and most vitamins in their own juice.
  • Secondly, heat treatment in tomato fruits increases the content of a natural antioxidant - lycopene, which prevents the development of diseases and slows down aging.
  • Thirdly, it is profitable. Winter tomatoes from the store shelf cannot be compared with fruits taken from your own or good tomatoes bought at the market. At the same time, canned food will be cheaper, and you can easily and simply prepare a variety of tomato sauces and gas stations.

Before you start canning tomatoes in their own juice, carefully read the entire recipe, prepare the necessary equipment and the required amount of ingredients.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

To can tomatoes in their own juice you will need:

  • glass jars, preferably with a capacity of 700 ml to a maximum of 2 liters;
  • tin lids for preservation with rubber seals;
  • a lid with holes and a spout for draining liquid from cans;
  • pans: two large ones - for sterilizing jars and boiling juice and one small one - for sterilizing lids;
  • a wire rack in a large pan - for placing cans;
  • manual auger juicer;
  • lifting tongs;

Required Ingredients

Before starting conservation, stock up on all the necessary ingredients:

  • tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • sugar.

Features of product selection

In order for the preservation to be tasty, the products for it must be carefully selected. Tomatoes should be picked at peak ripeness, dense, medium-sized, as uniform in size as possible, without cracks, stains or growths. To prepare juice, the fruits may not be selected so carefully - they may be larger and have some defects. It is better to take coarse salt, not iodized, sugar - refined sand, and it must be dry.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

How to seal tomatoes in their own juice - simple and step by step.

Important! When starting work, carefully inspect the prepared utensils and materials. The glass should be free of chips and cracks, the lids should have smooth edges and fit well to the necks, the rubber seals should fit well, and the metal tool should not have nicks.

Preparing tomatoes

Selected tomatoes are thoroughly washed and the stem is cut out.


At the same time as preparing the tomatoes, prepare tomato juice to fill them. To do this, the tomatoes are cut into pieces and passed through a juicer.

Boiling juice

After squeezing out the juice, put the pan with the filling on the fire and add sugar and salt to it - 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar per liter of juice (although you can close the tomatoes without salt and sugar). After the juice boils, keep it on the fire for about 10 minutes without removing the foam.

Sterilization of jars

Dishes and lids are thoroughly washed with soda or soap solution and rinse with clean water. The lids are well wiped and dried.

To sterilize, place a wire rack on the bottom of the pan, place the jars, fill with water almost up to the neck and bring the water to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. In the same way, the lids along with the seals are sterilized in a small saucepan.

Putting tomatoes in jars

The prepared tomatoes are loosely placed in sterilized jars, one at a time, removing them from the hot water with tongs.

Then the tomatoes are poured with boiling water in a volume approximately equal to half the volume of the jars, so that the jar is filled with water to the top, and the jars are covered with sterilized lids. After 10 minutes, remove the lids and drain the water.

Important! Hot jars should only be placed on a wooden tabletop or on a towel. Placed on a metal or stone surface and heated glassware may burst.

Pouring juice

Fill cans of tomatoes to the top with boiled juice, making sure that there are no air bubbles left in the container.


After the jars are filled, they are covered with sterilized lids and rolled up with a machine.

Place closed jars with their necks down and see if there are any streams of bubbles rising from the lid, indicating that it is not sealed. When the preservation has cooled, you need to use your fingertips to try to remove the lid from the jar. If it comes off, it's not rolled up well. If the lid “slams” when you press on its center with your finger, this is also a defect - either the dishes were not hot enough when seaming, or the lid is leaking air.

It is summer now! It's a hot time, rich in fruits and vegetables. You need to have time to eat your fill of them while they are as rich in vitamins and microelements as possible. And we need to stock up for the winter so that even then we do not experience a shortage of them. In addition, vegetables can not only be served on the table, but also delicious snack, but also prepare delicious dishes from them.

For example, many dishes are prepared with tomatoes. And rather than buying them in a store with all sorts of preservatives, it’s better to make your own, homemade. Of course, this undertaking requires a considerable amount of time. But what can you do to prepare wholesome and healthy food for your loved ones.

Besides, if you take into account that all this in the store is not cheap, then you can probably work hard in the summer. For example, a jar of tomatoes in their own juice costs about 80 rubles. And there are only 5-6 pieces in a jar. That is, they are just enough to cook just one dinner. But the winter is long, you need to prepare a lot of lunches and dinners. And if you have supplies, then cooking with them is somehow more fun.

I already told you how to preserve in one of the notes. And today let's prepare tomatoes in their own juice for the winter. They turn out very tasty. However, the juice in which they are cooked is no less tasty.

They taste like fresh tomatoes, but only sweet and salty ones. They are also good as an appetizer, but there is simply no substitute for preparing main courses. So, for example, a real one in winter can be prepared with these preparations. And not only this, but also many other dishes.

Therefore, during the preparation season, I try to prepare as many of these jars as possible. And today I am sharing with you the recipe. Moreover, this recipe can safely be called “Finger-licking good”, both the fruits themselves and the juice are so delicious. And when you eat another tomato, each time you also lick your fingers. So don't forget this when you try it!

Tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization - a simple recipe

The calculation of products is given for two liter jars. The calculation of salt and sugar is given per liter of juice.

We will need:

  • Tomatoes - 1.3 kg
  • Tomatoes for juice – 1.7 kg
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Peppercorns – 6 peas
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Wash liter jars with dishwashing detergent. Then sterilize. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then place a colander in it, and the jar in it, neck down. Leave for 10 minutes, during which time the jar will be completely steamed and become sterile.

2. Pour boiling water over the lids, also for 10 minutes.

3. After the jars have been sterilized, immediately cover them with lids.

4. Select small fruits for placing in jars. I use plum varieties, or they are also called “ Lady fingers" They are hard, elastic, fleshy. And they definitely won’t fall apart, even during processing. nor during storage.

We will need large juicy tomatoes to make juice. I also have ladyfingers, but you can also use large ripe and fleshy varieties.

The most important thing is that both of them are tasty. From tasty raw materials, you get a tasty final product. This is an axiom!

5. Cut large specimens into two halves and twist them through a meat grinder.

  • You can also chop them coarsely, put them in a saucepan, and heat them with the lid closed, but do not bring them to a boil. But in this case, it is better to first remove the skin from the tomatoes.
  • Or you can use a juicer. Those residues that remain after the first squeeze can be passed through the juicer one or two more times. In this case, the juice will also be without skin and seeds.

6. In both cases, after one of the procedures, put the fruits in a sieve and grind them. We put a saucepan down into which the juice without seeds and skin will be filtered. Of course, if this is not important, then you can leave them with seeds. But it’s still better not to be lazy and wipe it.

7. It is better to peel the specimens that we will put in jars. This is very easy to do. Pour boiling water over them all for 5 minutes, then drain the water and pour over them cold water. Then, using a knife to pick up the skin, easily remove it.

8. Again, you can leave them with the skin on. But in this case, use a toothpick to make several punctures in the area of ​​the stalk. Then the skin will not burst, and the fruits will retain their beautiful appearance.

I decided not to be lazy and removed the rough skin. In winter, such a product can be immediately used for cooking.

9. Put the tomato juice on the fire, add salt and sugar, peppercorns and garlic, which can be cut into halves.

10. Bring to a boil. Cover with a lid to prevent the water from evaporating and boil for 20 minutes. If foam appears, remove it.

11. At the same time, boil water in a kettle.

12. Place whole tomatoes in the jar, packing them tightly.

13. Fill them with boiling water from the kettle. And cover with a metal lid. Leave for 10-15 minutes.

14. Then remove the metal lid and put on a plastic lid with holes. Pour the water into the pan and put it back to boil.

15. Let it simmer for 2-3 minutes, and pour in the fruits for another 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to cover with a metal lid. Drain the water again.

16. Immediately pour boiled tomato juice right up to the neck. If you did not let the juice boil too much, then it will be just enough for two jars. I only have a couple of spoons left. But to be on the safe side, you can make a little more juice. He won't disappear. There will be people who want to try it right away.

17.Cover with a metal lid. It’s good if the excess juice flows out of the jar slightly. This means that there is no air left in the jar.

18. Let stand for 5 minutes, twist the jar from side to side so that no air bubbles remain. Screw the lid on with a seaming machine.

  • They also close with screw caps, but I trust more preservation, which is sealed using a seaming machine.

19. Turn the jar over and place it on the lid, on a towel. Cover with a thick blanket or large towel and leave in this position for 24 hours. During this period, the sterilization process continues. After that, remove the blanket and check if the cans are leaking. If you did not disrupt the process and screwed them tightly, then everything should be fine.

20. The jars can then be turned over and moved to an accessible location for observation. Observe for three weeks. If during this time the lid does not swell and the juice does not become cloudy, then the whole process was successful. If the lid is swollen, then such a product should absolutely not be eaten!

But to be sure, you can add half a teaspoon of 70% vinegar essence. In this case, you can be 100% sure that they will be perfectly stored until the vein itself.

I bring to your attention a video recipe for greater clarity.

But there is another way in which you cannot do without sterilization.

How to cook tomatoes in their own juice with sterilized jars

  • We do the same as in the previous recipe. But there is no need to pour boiling water over the tomatoes first.
  • You need to prepare tomato juice using one of the methods described above, boil it for 10-15 minutes over low heat.
  • Then pour it over the prepared fruits. And put the jars with the contents in water to sterilize for 20-25 minutes.
  • Take out one jar at a time and immediately close it with a lid using a seaming machine. Then take out the second one and close it too.

How to properly sterilize jars of vegetables

  • Take a large pan and place a thick layer of gauze or cloth on its bottom.
  • Place the jars in the pan
  • Pour room temperature or slightly warm water into the pan. You need so much water that it reaches the narrowing of the can, or, as they say, “up to the shoulders.”
  • Bring water to a boil
  • Reduce the heat until the water is slightly boiling, but not bubbling.
  • We sterilize for as long as indicated in the recipe.

The sterilization time may vary for each recipe. It depends on what product we want to prepare. There are so-called “capricious” products; they should be sterilized longer than less “capricious” ones.

To be sure, before pouring tomato juice into the jars, you can add a crushed aspirin tablet. 1 tablet per liter jar. This is additional acid and will keep the jars intact for a long time. In the previous recipe, I described this procedure in detail.

In conclusion, I would like to say that tomatoes in their own juice are the most delicious of all, which are also preserved. And with all confidence they can be considered a “finger-licking” recipe. They turn out as if they taste fresh. And salt and sugar only enhance this dignity. When you open the jar and start taking them out one by one, it is almost impossible to stop until the last one is eaten.

Bon appetit!

If you want vegetables stored for the winter to retain as many vitamins as possible, use our tips. Every housewife is sure to look for a recipe for tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization. The dish has a lot of options, depending on whether you prefer to add vinegar or not, or whether you like to use spices. In addition, the absence of sterilization significantly simplifies the process.

So, if you want to enjoy juicy tomatoes from the garden not only in summer - early autumn, but also in winter, then the recipe without sterilization that we present will suit your taste. Moreover, such tomatoes will go over well with family members and will be the first to leave the cellar.

A simple recipe without sterilization with vinegar

For this recipe, select small tomatoes. We will provide you with a list of ingredients based on three liter jars. If you want to roll more cans, just increase required proportions. You will need the following ingredients:

If you ask the residents of our country which vegetables they most prefer to see on their tables, the tomato will be out of competition. In addition, many people like these vegetables more in canned form. Therefore, every housewife should master our recipe for tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization. Let's get down to business.

Preparing small tomatoes

Wash the smaller tomatoes and prick each one with a toothpick on the side where the stem was torn off. This is done so that the salt penetrates inside the fruit during preservation, and the taste is rich. If the fruits are too dense and hard, you can pierce them in several places. Then place the tomatoes tightly in pre-sterilized jars, but try not to squeeze them. Now it's time to tackle the big fruits.


Wash them and cut them into slices in any order. Place the mixture in enamel pan, place over medium heat and cover with a lid. You just need to heat the mass, there is no need to bring it to a boil. When the slices are thoroughly heated, you need to remove them and rub them through a sieve. This way you will get natural tomato juice. Add salt and sugar to the container with juice. It is better if you focus not on the recipe, but on the volume of juice obtained. So, in order to cook tomatoes in their own juice (the recipe without sterilization that we offer to your attention will help with this), you need to add one tablespoon of sugar and salt per one and a half liters of prepared juice.

If you like cinnamon, you can add one pinch for every half liter of juice, as well as vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 3 liters. And now we can pour the tomato juice, already flavored with spices and salt, back into the pan and bring to a boil. Don't forget to skim off the foam. The juice must be poured into jars while the tomatoes are boiling, without allowing it to cool. Roll up the jars with tin lids and turn them upside down. Now the tomatoes in their own juice (recipe without sterilization with vinegar) are almost ready. All that remains is to cover the jars with a cotton blanket and leave to simmer until completely cool. Then put it in a cool place.

If you don't want to strain the tomato juice through a sieve, simply pour boiling water over the fruits for 2 minutes and remove the skins. Place the fruits in a saucepan, chop a little with a knife, and put on fire. When the mixture is hot, puree it using a regular masher.

Do you want to cook tomatoes in their own juice (recipe without sterilization)? Spicy lovers can slightly adjust this simple recipe to their taste. If you are one of the fans of the vigorous combination of garlic and tomatoes, add tomato puree several cloves crushed using a press.

Are you planning to use tomatoes from a jar not as a snack, but in preparing hot dishes? Then use the recipe we presented, just first remove the skin from the small tomatoes. In this case, there will be no need to pierce the fruits.

If you have a lot of brown tomatoes left for canning, then do not mix them with ripe fruits. Try to select fruits of the same degree of maturity as filling for the jar.

To prevent damage to the integrity of the fruit during preservation, discard small fruits that are too soft. It’s better to put them in tomato sauce.

If you want the taste to be unparalleled, test the taste of a fresh tomato before putting the fruits in jars. A recipe for tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization may not give a good result if fresh tomatoes will be sour.

Some recipe variations

Salt in this recipe is the main preservative, and there is no way to do without it. But you can omit any other spices and sugar if you wish. You can also remove vinegar from the dish, but in this case you will still have to sterilize the filled jars for 5-10 minutes. You can even try cooking tomatoes in their own juice (recipe without sterilization) without vinegar, but in this case, try not to leave the jars in the refrigerator or cellar until spring.

If you think that tomatoes take in exactly as much salt as they need, then you are mistaken. Therefore, try not to add salt in excess of the prescribed amount.

Simple recipe with herbs

In this case, we will also select only small, dense and tasty tomatoes as whole fruits and will also do without sterilization. To roll up the cans we will need the following ingredients:

  • Small tomatoes for rolling - 3 kilograms.
  • Ripe tomatoes for juice - 3 kilograms.
  • Black peppercorns - 8 pieces.
  • Dill and parsley - 2 sprigs.
  • Granulated sugar at the rate of one teaspoon per 1 liter of prepared tomato juice.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of juice.
  • Garlic cloves to taste.
  • Hot pepper.

Recipe for tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization with herbs: preparation

Wash and sort the tomatoes. Only ideal fruits are suitable for seaming. Next, rinse the dill and parsley. Do not chop the greens too finely. Exactly the same as in the previous recipe, the tomatoes for juice must be cut into large slices and place in a saucepan. Only here we will bring the tomato slices to a boil and, stirring constantly, simmer them over low heat until the mass becomes soft. On average this takes 20 minutes. We remove the pulp from the finished juice using a sieve. Then we’ll prick our perfect little tomatoes with a toothpick in several places and put them in pre-sterilized jars.

Place the tomatoes closely together, alternating them with herbs. At the very end, put two pods into jars hot pepper. Bring the previously obtained tomato juice to a boil again. Now all that remains is to add sugar and salt to the juice, mix the mixture thoroughly and pour into jars. So our tomatoes are ready in their own juice. The recipe without sterilization with the photo that we presented in this article will serve as a visual illustration. We will also roll up the jars with tin lids, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely.


Tomatoes are loved by people for their unsurpassed taste; moreover, these vegetables are suitable for a great variety of dishes as an ingredient. Until recently, this type of canning was not common among Soviet families. This method of preparing vegetables for the winter was brought to our country from sunny Bulgaria. However, the housewives loved it so much original recipes that they soon began to use all sorts of variations of the dish. Thus, tomatoes in their own juice (recipe without sterilization), tomatoes in their own juice with vegetables and many other options appeared.