Difficult riddles about berries and fruits. These delicious products are called in one word - fruits! Riddles about fruits for children. The invaluable benefits of riddles

Logical riddles about vegetables and fruits are always a joy for children, because with their help you can always learn something new and interesting.

Let's plunge into summer

  • Look for him a little,

Bend down to the ground

After all, he hid in the garden -

It's sitting there green (cucumber).

  • This is the heroine of a fairy tale,

Everyone pulled it together.

What is white under the ground,

Covering everything with batva (turnip)?

  • He came from Africa

It became fun for the kids.

For women it is, and for men,

Very sweet... (orange).

No matter what time of year it is outside, you should always take care of the quality of entertainment for children. Therefore, take into account riddles for the little ones about vegetables and fruits.

  • The size is probably about the size of a nut.

Grows high on branches.

With thin, thin skin,

A little blue (plum).

  • It may be sour

But usually it's sweet.

If it falls to the ground -

So, take it (the apple).

  • Be careful or you'll get hurt

Hand on his bushes,

But its most delicate taste

You will definitely enjoy (gooseberries).

Riddles about fruits and vegetables for schoolchildren will allow your child to learn more about the world around him. But on the other hand, demonstrate your knowledge.

  • She is rich, red,

And it keeps up in the summer.

All housewives need it -

They make jam from it (cherry).

  • What kind of sour, what kind of fruit,

Yellow like the sun?

People drink it with tea,

Some people eat it just like that (lemon).

  • This is bitterness, not sweetness,

Rose zest in it.

The juice from it is what you need.

In the morning we drink it (grapefruit).

Finding truly new puzzles on the Internet is not an easy task. Good thing you can use it autumn riddles about vegetables and fruits.

  • It ripened in late autumn,

Just in time for the vinaigrette.

Red - like dawn

On my plate (beets).

  • Who grows in our garden,

The yellowest and biggest?

We will cook porridge from it -

It will be sweet and thick (pumpkin).

  • Just right for frying

It will be when it grows up.

And while she's in the ground

Lives like in a dungeon (carrot).

You will be surprised...

Riddles about vegetables, fruits and flowers with answers - what you need for an interesting holiday. Only the best puzzles.

  • This vegetable is not simple -

He is bitter, pinching,

And for the nose and for the eyes,

If chopped (onion).

  • What a ball - almost water

Under the green skin.

Everyone sit down, gentlemen,

We'll give you a little bit (watermelon).

  • We are simple flowers.

We meet everywhere.

But they are very gentle,

We grow, we smile (Chernobryvtsy).

The best way to combat a bad mood is mental stress. And if these are riddles for schoolchildren about vegetables and fruits, then mental exercise will also be delicious.

  • This is sweetness for the monkey,

In a peel so strong and yellow.

So good for the stomach

For the old man and for the child (banana).

  • It looks like a brain

It is useful for thinking.

And he's not sweet at all

But all children love him (nut).

  • Yellow-sided queen

Summer, sun and heat.

She's Apple's sister.

Who? Tell me (pear)!

Riddles for kids about vegetables and fruits are quite simple, but at the same time, entertaining. Your child will be delighted!

  • He won't get tired of getting dressed.

It's cold even in summer.

It looks like the globe of the earth,

With slightly green(cabbage).

  • He stands on one leg,

With yellow petals.

Black seeds in bulk

In my head...(sunflower)

  • The smell is very appetizing,

If it is added to a dish,

If you just put it in your mouth -

So you must be brave (garlic).

The child must learn about the objects around him as quickly as possible. To do this, we offer you children's riddles about vegetables and fruits with answers.

  • Everything goes on and on and on,

While summer is just around the corner.

We'll wait a little

Let's put it in a jar (beans).

  • A little like dill

After all, they put it in salads.

Add it a little -

And it’s definitely enough for the taste (parsley).

  • Very light, very tasty,

And that's why we all

And its caviar is full of wood,

And kruzhaltsa, which is for bread (zucchini).

Hear about the most delicious things

It is likely that children's riddles about vegetables and fruits will also be of interest to you. Read it as soon as you have a free moment!

  • Our vegetable grows deep,

We dig it in the fall.

We cook so many dishes with it

Every day, for every holiday (potatoes).

  • His grandmother raised him

I watered it early in the morning.

Grandma keeps screaming: “Oh,

It's crumbling... (peas).

  • Birds love her more -

They relish like frost.

Sparrows, rooks, titmice,

If the bush has already grown (viburnum).

It is impossible to tell a child absolutely everything, but it is quite possible to convey it with the help of riddles with answers on the topic: “Vegetables and fruits.”

  • You won't find this sweetness

On ordinary beds.

Sweet and red

Plays hide and seek with you (strawberry).

  • June is coming to us,

And the branches turn red.

It’s very sweet for us from them,

Like candy (cherry).

  • The berry is black

Even by name.

And it grows in the forests,

We run to pick them (blueberries).

Complex riddles about vegetables and fruits, naturally, cannot be solved right away.

  • It grows on bushes

And blushes slightly.

Everyone will enjoy

As soon as it ripens (raspberries).

  • She lay down on the ground,

It has ripened yellow.

Come to us for a delicious summer table

And she made it (melon).

  • He is both bitter and he is sweet,

Both in salads and soups.

It grows quickly from water,

Grows before our eyes (pepper).

Funny riddles about fruits and vegetables have been created especially for the most restless ones.

  • Its grains are light

The cloves turn yellow.

You start collecting -

They bow compliantly (corn).

  • Almost black color

These things are peeled.

But inside it’s not like that at all -

There they are always white (eggplants).

  • These are greens with aroma.

For parsley he will be a brother.

Who dismissed his umbrella?

Has the taste of the salad changed (dill)?


Happy child 29.04.2018

Dear readers, many parents are often faced with the question of how to interest their children in their free time at home or on a walk and at the same time introduce them to something useful. And riddles about vegetables and fruits, many of which children encounter every day, will help perfectly with this.

Why do onions make people cry? What is this growing in the garden? What is it called and what is it eaten with? If a child asks all these questions, it means that he is developing correctly, being interested in the world around him. Add riddles about fruits and vegetables to games with children, and you will get a wonderful educational activity that will help your child learn even more. And the first section is for the little ones.

The maiden is beautiful in prison, and her braid is on the street...

Simple riddles about vegetables and fruits with rhyming answers are suitable for the youngest children.

Fruit riddles

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sour,
And his name is….

Children know this fruit
Monkeys love to eat it.
He comes from hot countries,
In the tropics it grows...

It's orange and nice
Delicious, aromatic smell.
Let's quickly go to the store,
Let's buy a round...

What kind of fruit is on the plate?
We all love him very much
Very important gentleman,

Makes us all very happy
With hard skin...
(A pineapple)

They all grow on a branch,
Adults and children love it!
Pies are baked from them...
And what are their names? … .

Riddles about vegetables

What's that squeak? What's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I … !

And green and thick
A bush grew in the garden bed.
Do some digging:
Under the bush...

Round and smooth
Take a bite - it's sweet.
Stuck tight
In the garden...

Substituting a barrel for the sun,
Lying in the garden...

Who cleverly hid in the ground?
This is a redhead...

Well done green guy.
He's called...

He warms his side in the sun,
Gives us tomato juice.
People have loved it for a long time
Red, ripe….

It grew in the garden,
Got wet in the rain,
Ripened and matured
And matured...

Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but... .

How I put on a hundred shirts and crunched my teeth

All children love vegetables and fruits for their varied tastes. And the riddles about them are also very different, and their benefits are undeniable, because through riddles about fruits and vegetables you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. This section presents riddles about vegetables and fruits for preschoolers.

Riddles about vegetables

How I put on a hundred shirts,
It crunched on my teeth.

Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.
These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.

There is grass above the ground,
Burgundy head underground.

I was born to glory
The head is white and curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.

Unprepossessing, gnarly,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
“Well, crumbly, delicious!”

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.

Pink cheeks, white nose,
I sit in the dark all day.
And the shirt is green,
She's all in the sun.

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys.
In the autumn trouble came -
The smooth house is cracked,
We galloped in all directions
Round guys.

There is a yellow ball in the garden,
But he doesn't run at a gallop,
He's like the full moon
The seeds in it are delicious.

He bites, but not the dog.
There is a tooth. But where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What is this, tell me? … .

Although he didn’t see the ink,
suddenly turned purple
And shines with praise
Very important … .

She is being pulled by a grandmother and granddaughter,
Cat, grandfather and mouse with Bug.

Kicked off from Yegorushka
Golden feathers,
Egorushka forced
Cry without grief.

It happens, children, different -
Yellow, grass and red.
Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s sweet,
You need to know his habits.
And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
Did you guess it? This … .

In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains.

Watch an educational cartoon about vegetables with your kids.

What kind of fruit has ripened in the garden?
Bone inside, freckled cheeks.
A swarm of wasps flew to him -
Sweet soft...

Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.

Orange's little brother
Because it's small.

This fruit is sweet
Both round and smooth.
It's fragrant inside
Fluffy on the outside.

Warmed by the hot sun,
Dressed in skin like armor.
Will surprise us
(A pineapple)

You can barely hug this fruit,
If you are weak, you won’t be able to lift it.
Cut it into pieces,
Eat the red pulp.

What kind of fruit is dark green?
Came to us from America:
The flesh is yellow in color,
Does it taste like a nut?
Alligator pear
The English call...
Improves people's memory
And relieves stress for everyone.
Even children need to eat
What, tell me? … .

What grows on a lush palm tree,
Loves the sun and heat?
What is food made from?
In hot countries in the morning?
What kind of fruit are Bedouins?
Who lives in oases,
Called "bread of the desert"
And they eat all year?
We eat them too
True, we consider it a delicacy.
What are the names of the “hermits”
Those goodies? … .

What kind of fruit is this - a box with a secret!
The seeds are delicious looking
All transparent, all pink.
You'll shock me. How strange! Doesn't ring.

The yellow ball is slightly bitter,
In summer it will quench your thirst.

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.

Round-sided, yellow-faced,
Can be compared to the sun.
And how fragrant
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field...

This important crop, with a strong, dense texture

As children grow up, the riddles become more complex. The guys already know everything about the color, shape, taste of different cultures, and now imaginative thinking is also involved to make the riddles more interesting. In this section you will find complex riddles for children in grades 2-3 about vegetables and fruits.

Shred on shred - green patches,
He spends the whole day basking on his stomach in the garden bed.

The lady sat down in the garden bed,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.

I tried all summer -
Dressed, dressed...
And when autumn came,
She gave us some clothes.
A hundred clothes
We put it in a barrel.

Like in a garden bed under a leaf
The log rolled -
Zelenets is remote,
Delicious small vegetable.

Near the house, between the bushes,
In the field, in the garden bed, along the forests
An important culture is growing
With a strong, dense texture.
We will collect all the tubers,
Let's dry and clean up
We'll eat until spring
The dishes made from it are delicious.

Red eye,
Bogatyr Taras,
Gone underground
I found ten brothers.
Look, look,
What heroes!

An orange root sits underground,
It stores a storehouse of vitamins,
Helps children become healthier
What kind of vegetable is this, can you tell?

He is dressed tightly in ten clothes,
He often comes to us for lunch.
But only you call him to the table,
You won’t even notice how you shed tears.

It grows in the ground
Cleaned up for winter.
The head looks like a bow.
If you just chew
Even a small slice -
You will smell it for a very long time.

Grows very long
And it takes up half a garden bed.
This vegetable is pumpkin brother,
In the summer everyone eats it.

The golden head is large and heavy,
The golden head lay down to rest.
The head is big, but the neck is thin.

You can immediately recognize this vegetable by its color,
Everyone calls him Mister Blue.
With a shiny and oblong skin,
He is happy to treat adults and children.

Bright lanterns hang on the bushes,
It's like there's a holiday parade going on here.
Green, red, yellow fruits,
Who are they, do you recognize them?

Fall apart in disarray
On your feather bed
One hundred green bear cubs
They lie with nipples in their mouths,
Continuously sucking juice
And they grow.

All decorated with flowers,
Take a look at it for yourself.
These white inflorescences
Fry them in breadcrumbs for the children.

What is this miracle in the garden?
It looks like a shell under the leaf.
It is wavy on all sides.
What kind of vegetable? … .

Cook for lunch
You can't make a vinaigrette
If such a vegetable
You don't have it in your garden.

White clove for colds
Chewing is not bad at all.
From colds from illnesses
There is no healthier vegetable.

It happens to be black
It comes in white.
I pulled the tail from the garden bed
And I made it with sour cream.

They grow in the garden
You don't have to go far -
Everything for borscht, salad, soup
We will pick it up simply and easily.

In spring they plant
In summer they water
Weeding, digging,
They dig it up in the fall!

They are different
They ripen in the gardens,
In one word they call
Mom adds them to borscht!

This word is called
Tubers and fruits
Use them as food
You can do it all!

Edible tops, roots,
They are called, without a doubt,
In that word that is familiar from childhood,
Quickly tell me what it is!

They are salted for the winter,
Boiled and fried
Salads are being prepared
And they squeeze out the juice!

Different colors have,
Who turns yellow, who turns red,
Whose root is edible?
Others hold their fruit in high esteem!

What grew in the garden here?
Very tasty, but not sweet.
Everyone is lying in the garden -
Let's make a salad!
We’ll cook a lot of cereals with them -
It turned out to be a delicious soup!
More chocolate bar
We all need to eat this.

What's growing in our garden bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas.
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and salad,
Our garden bed is just a treasure.
If you listened carefully,
I definitely remembered it.
Answer in order.
What's growing in our garden bed?

I'm rosy matryoshka
I won’t tear you away from my friends,
I'll wait until the matryoshka
It will fall into the grass on its own.

Golden one barrel,
The other side is reddish.
In the middle, at the core -
A worm is hiding.

Were white flowers
They became ripe fruits,
They became like balls
Lantern balls.
How do you take them on your teeth?
Sweet juice will immediately splash out.

“Light bulbs” are hanging on me,
But they are edible.
The girls also have a name -
Similar to mine.

Side covered in golden skin,
And under the skin there is sweet juice.
A sip in each slice
For both son and daughter.

Delicious - you'll lick your fingers
Orange balls.
But I don't play them
I always eat them.

On top there is a forelock of leaves,
He himself is dressed in armor all around.
And in canned circles -
Wonderful dessert.
(A pineapple)

The softest, the most sweet fruit.
I love him very much.
Just remove the peel -
Everyone can eat *****
Answer: banana

Sweet and sour miracle fruit.
They bring it from hot countries,
This fruit is unpretentious,
Well of course it's ****
Answer: kiwi

Sweet, sweet this fruit,
They give it in schools and kindergartens.
You can definitely eat it
Because it *****
Answer: pear

He is very gentle and sweet,
And it feels just like velvet.
You guessed together
It's delicious, soft ******
Answer: peach

This is sweet food, it is very tasty,
It is very important to eat it because it is ******
Answer: fruit

It's small but tasty
Very sweet *******
Answer: apricot

Although it is a fruit, it is very sour,
You'll figure it out quickly.
It is often put into tea,
Yes, guys, then-*****
Answer: lemon

She is very soft
Well, the smell is beautiful!
Everyone will love her from now on!
So juicy ****
Answer: melon

It's such a bright color,
Thick-skinned fruit for lunch.
It's very soft inside
Sweet, juicy ********
Answer: orange

This is a symbol, as always
New Year's table.
Bright, sweet, he is beautiful,
Very tasty ********
Answer: tangerine

Everyone around knows this
They grow in Africa
Monkeys love it too
Very sweet ******
Answer: bananas

You love him very much
What is this wonderful color?
Blue like ink
Here it grows on a tree,
Sweetie *****
Answer: plum

His hair is amazing
He came from hot countries,
He himself is very prickly,
Did you guess it? ******
Answer: pineapple

Picture of Fruit

Some interesting children's riddles

  • Riddles about the Rooster for children with answers

    Bright feathers, golden beak, beautiful comb above the head. Spurs on legs, sings loudly. Who is he, who can name it quickly? (rooster)

  • Riddles about Transport for children with answers

    A bird made of iron flies over the seas and over the forest. Carries people on itself, sit on the bird, you are bolder. And a beautiful, white (airplane) will take a long flight

  • Riddles about Clouds for children with answers

    Soft, not fluff. Fluffy, not cotton wool. White, not snow. In the sky, not the sun. Answer: Clouds

  • Riddles about Strawberries for children with answers

    In the summer I’ll go to the woods for a beautiful berry. I’ll fill the basket for future use, I’ll be the happiest. And the berries are so fragrant, and they melt right in your mouth. They are pink red. I'll make jam from them. I will treat Kostya and Vika to her. Everyone loves wild strawberries.

  • Riddles about the Bee for children with answers

    She is striped, just a fidget in the field, does not want to sit still, collects nectar from flowers, and then, as soon as she collects it, she quickly carries it to her hive. Answer: bee

There is no doubt that riddles about vegetables and fruits are very entertaining and have a positive impact on the development of the child. Of course, the upbringing of children must be comprehensive; both parents and educators must understand this, because by solving fruit and vegetable riddles, the child learns about the world, learns to think and think.

Riddles about vegetables - learn by playing!

On our website you will find a huge number of children's riddles about vegetables, interesting and exciting. How can children become familiar with a variety of vegetables? For example, they see how mom prepares food, what ingredients a dish consists of. Children can also learn the taste of vegetables in the process of eating food, as well as during the actual harvesting. Riddles about vegetables are an equally educational process, because the study is accompanied by funny and cheerful rhymes.

Moreover, riddles about vegetables on our resource are presented in a wide variety: about cabbage, carrots, potatoes, garlic, beets, pumpkin, tomatoes. Here you will find excellent children's riddles about vegetables, believe me, the child will really enjoy this kind of leisure time. And it’s even better if children can compare the description of the riddle with a real vegetable, for example, touch it, taste it, and if there is a garden, then watch how it grows. The result of such training will be much more effective.

Children's riddles about fruits - we think and fantasize!

Fruits are a wonderful gift of nature; besides, adults and children love to feast on them. Each child has his own favorite fruits, some prefer sweet apples, others like the taste of fragrant melon, and for others, serve only exotic bananas and oranges. And this is not surprising, because all children are different: some like sour fruits, while others like tart grapefruits.

On this site you will find a lot of riddles about fruits that children encounter in life: they see how fruits grow in the garden, or on store shelves, or on the TV screen. In any case, by solving riddles about fruits, the child will learn to use existing knowledge and will be able to find similarities and differences, for example, between a yellow pear and a lemon. And also during such a game he will think figuratively and fantasize.

When children's riddles about fruits are solved by children, they will be able to get acquainted with previously unknown and unknown gifts of generous nature, learn their shape, color and interesting, and sometimes funny, names of fruits. You can also give kids hints so that they can cope with the task. For example, parents and educators can place cards with pictures of certain fruits in front of the child and have him choose the picture that is the answer.

The invaluable benefits of riddles

Is your child capricious and unwilling to make contact? Or maybe there is rainy weather outside, which interferes with active pastime? Don’t be upset, because the best way out of the situation is riddles about vegetables and fruits! Together with your children you can have fun, establish relationships with a capricious person or a stubborn little one.

Riddles about vegetables and fruits are a kind of test for the mind, thanks to which the child develops logical, analytical thinking and intelligence. In principle, riddles about fruits, as well as about vegetables, are published with answers, but if the child thinks a little, there is no need to immediately report the answer, let him conduct a thorough analysis and think carefully. In turn, parents and educators can help the child find the answer to the riddle with the help of leading questions, gestures, and facial expressions.

If you want your child to grow up to be an inquisitive and active person, do not neglect riddles, this is an excellent tool for development!

It is impossible to find a child who does not like fruit. Sweet and juicy gifts of nature combine business with pleasure.

Riddles are also a combination of positive emotions with the accumulation of experience and knowledge. On the one hand, they are “vitamins for the mind”: they develop imaginative and logical thinking, teach you to notice connections and analogies between objects and phenomena, stimulate memory and creativity.

On the other hand, riddles are the source Have a good mood both for children and their parents. The presented collection of riddles about fruits, in addition to being useful, can bring a lot of pleasure from jointly searching for answers.

Pear, apple, banana,
Pineapple from hot countries.
These delicious products
Together everyone is called... (fruit).
* * *
Warmed by the hot sun,
Dressed in skin like armor.
Will surprise us
Thick-skinned... (pineapple).

He grew up in the south
He collected his fruits in a bunch.
And in the harsh winter
The raisins will come to our home.

* * *
This fruit is sweet
Both round and smooth.
It's fragrant inside
Fluffy on the outside.

* * *
Someone there, in the corner of the garden,
In a modest purple dress
It hides timidly in the leaves.
Did you guess it? This is... (plum).

* * *
Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.

* * *

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.

* * *
They look like cucumbers
They only grow in ligaments,
And these fruits for breakfast
They serve the monkeys.

* * *
On top there is a golden skin,
In the center there is a large bone.
What kind of fruit? - Here's a question for you.
This is sweet... (apricot).
* * *
In a yellowish crust
Pink slices.
This bitter and sour fruit
It's called... (grapefruit).

* * *
With orange skin
Looks like a ball
But the center is not empty,
And juicy and tasty.

* * *
Orange's little brother
Because it's small.

* * *

Round like a ball
Red as blood
Sweet as honey.

* * *
He's sweet, but he's thick-skinned
And it looks a little like a sickle.

* * *
Round-sided, yellow-faced,
Can be compared to the sun.
And how fragrant
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field...(melon).

* * *
It's almost like an orange
Thick skinned juicy
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour.

* * *
They came to us with melons
Striped balls.

* * *

He's big, like a football
If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.
It tastes so good!
What kind of ball is this? ..(watermelon).

* * *
A small stove with red coals.

* * *
Furry, hard miracle ball,
Under the shell delicious juice he's hiding!
And I have a question:
How can I try... (coconut).

* * *
What a pear: all covered in wrinkles
And not sweet at all?
Hard ball in the middle -
What is this bone for?
The pulp is fatty, like butter -
Excellent for salads!
What kind of fruit are we happy to eat? -
A fruit with the name... (avocado).