Pizza dough: the main thing is to add yeast. How to replace yeast: methods and recipes Using double-barrel baking powder as a yeast alternative

To prepare many types of baked goods and drinks, it is necessary to create a fermentation process, which is characterized by the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide and the active growth of the number of microorganisms. If the fermentation process proceeds correctly, the baked goods will be fluffy and porous. But what to do if you don’t have live yeast on hand? Is there an alternative?

How to replace yeast: options

If you want to stop using them for some reason or you simply don’t have time to run to the store for fresh yeast, you can replace it. Some foods and additives will give you the same effect, resulting in fluffy baked goods.
You can hear more and more often about the dangers of fresh yeast. This product can really harm the body, but only if you consume baked goods regularly and in large quantities. If you are a fan of baked goods, we recommend replacing them with healthier options that do not cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.
How can you replace yeast in baking:
Homemade sourdough. This recipe is suitable for savory baked goods, both for buns or pies, and for bread. Mix 200 grams of flour and 200 ml of warm water. Mix thoroughly until the lumps dissolve, then pour in 200 ml of warm light beer and add 1 tbsp. Sahara. We stir and place our starter where it is warm. After 1-2 hours, check the starter - if it starts to bubble, you can use it.
You might be interested in our article on how to replace a thickener for cream or sour cream.
Baking powder. You can use ready-made baking powder, available in any store, or make it at home. For homemade, mix 1 ½ tsp. citric acid, 6 tsp. wheat flour, 2 ½ tsp. baking soda.
Kefir - A drink that is several days old is ideal. Just add it to the dough instead of the liquid specified in the recipe (milk or water) in the same amount.

Potato sourdough. Boil 2 small potatoes, peel and grate, add a glass of warm water, 1 tbsp. sugar and leave to infuse in a warm place for a day. Then add 1 tbsp. flour, leave again for another 12 hours. After this time, our starter is ready.
Apple juice. Mix 200 ml apple juice and 50 ml flour. Place the mixture in a warm place for 12-24 hours. Use the finished starter in the amount of 1 tbsp. for 1 loaf. You need to store it in the refrigerator for a week.
Baking soda. It works on the same principle as baking powder. By the way, soda is added when making soda bread in Ireland, and it is also used in America for corn bread.
Sourdough with flour and water. Mix 500 ml of water and wheat flour in such an amount that we get a mixture similar to liquid dough. Then we put it in a warm place for a day, cover the container with a towel on top. After a day, add a few more tablespoons of flour, we will get a thicker mixture. Let it steep again, but this time not for a day, but for 12 hours. Our starter is ready to use!

How much dry yeast replaces fresh yeast?

A convenient and versatile option is dry yeast, it does not spoil, and it is always at hand. In addition, dry yeast works no worse than fresh yeast. 30 grams of fresh yeast can be replaced with 10 grams. dry.
All you have to do is choose the recipe for natural sourdough or a substitute that suits your recipe and cooking time. We are sure that baking using yeast-free sourdough will turn out no less fluffy and tasty!

Dry and pressed yeast are sold in every store - they are indispensable assistants for housewives and wine lovers. Meanwhile, there is a lot of talk about the dangers of yeast dough.

Housewives try to prepare tasty and healthy food for their households. In connection with this trend, you should know what can replace yeast in baked goods, wine or mash.

  • a glass of flour;
  • glass of beer;
  • a tablespoon of sugar.

First, mix flour and beer, leave for 6 hours, then add sugar and wait until the active fermentation process begins. It is better to keep the mixture in a warm place until this point. After this, it can be used in pizza and buns.


Fermented milk products are an excellent alternative to yeast. If you want pies or pancakes, feel free to make the dough with kefir. It will be soft and fluffy. It is best to take not a fresh product, but one that has been in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.


Potato yeast will be a good helper in home baking. You need to take:

  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. boiled water.

First you need to peel, wash, and grate the potatoes. Then add the rest of the ingredients and leave in a warm place for 12 hours.

During this time, the starter will ferment and can be added to the dough. This yeast is stored well in a closed jar in the refrigerator.

To prepare the starter you need:

  • bring water to a boil, add hops, simmer for 20 minutes on fire;
  • cool, strain, add sugar;
  • pour the flour into a warm solution so that the consistency resembles sour cream, and leave to ferment in a warm place for a day.
  • 4 tbsp. l. Enough starter to bake bread.

The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator to prevent mold from forming.

Homemade wine yeast

There is an option to replace wine yeast for wine. Homemade yeast is prepared from 100 g of unwashed berries and 600 ml of water.

  • The components need to be mixed in a clean jar, crushed, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and mix.
  • The jar should be covered with gauze and left to ferment in a warm place for 3-4 days.

As soon as a sour smell appears, the starter can be used. Remember, you can add water to the berries at 20-35 degrees, not warmer.

Baking powder

Using baking powder, you can make a fluffy and light dough, suitable for pies, pizza, and bread. Add baking powder to the flour in the amount indicated for yeast and then follow the chosen recipe.

Sourdough with milk and black bread

Homemade sourdough is very easy to prepare. Necessary:

  • mix 250 g of black bread and 500 ml of sour kefir (yogurt);
  • Cover the jar with the composition and leave to ferment for 1 day;
  • After a day, strain everything 2 times through several layers of gauze.

The finished starter can be used in baking.

Yeast is a well-known and affordable product sold in every store. If you don’t have it at home during the cooking process or you decide to give it up completely, use alternative replacement options. Homemade starters will help you make fluffy dough, good wine, don’t be afraid to experiment.

I wonder what determines the taste of this beloved Italian dish? Many people have long wanted to learn how to make pizza dough without yeast, almost like in a pizzeria. Why without yeast? Because that's what Italians do.

Of course, many of us have not yet been to Italy. For this reason, it can be assumed that the majority of Russians cannot rely on true variations in the preparation of classic pizzas, and those that we have are often far from the originals.

There are many variations on the theme of preparing pizza dough; you can prepare it according to the classic recipe, using water, mayonnaise, milk, kefir. Some people add sour cream or butter, then the dough will be crispy. With the addition of cottage cheese it will melt in your mouth, and if you add a little mashed potatoes, it will not go stale for a long time.

1. Pizza without yeast with sour cream

Prepare the dough. Beat 2 chicken eggs with 1 tsp. salt, separately mix 250 g of sour cream with ¼ tsp, informs. l.. Slowly add 2 cups of sifted flour, pour in melted butter (2 tbsp.), knead well. The dough should be elastic and elastic. Distribute the crust on a baking sheet and place the filling on top as desired. This can be any combination of tomato paste, diced bell peppers, tomatoes, slices of olives, slices of boiled or fried chicken breast, onion rings, cheese in different varieties.

2. Pizza without yeast with milk

Dough without yeast made with milk is ideal for thin pizza. This recipe is quite filling, yet light and tasty. Let's start by combining 1 tsp. salt with 2 cups wheat flour. In another container, beat 2 eggs, ½ cup warm milk and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Combine the mixture with flour, and then slowly begin to knead the dough, periodically sprinkling flour on it and your hands. It will take 10-15 minutes for the dough to reach optimal condition. Once it becomes elastic and soft, wrap it in a damp towel and leave for 15 minutes. Then we roll out the crust, for greater resemblance to Italian pizza, round is better, put it on baking paper, spread tomato paste on top, lay out coarsely chopped vegetables, meat or fish, sprinkle with cheese and put in the oven for half an hour. If you did everything correctly, the pizza will turn out crispy and juicy, like puff pastry.

3. Pizza without yeast on water

In one bowl, mix 2 cups flour and 1 tsp. salt, in another - 0.5 cups of water at room temperature, 2 chicken eggs and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, then combine both mixtures with each other. At first the mass will be sticky and thick, but as you knead and add a small amount of flour, the dough will take on an elastic consistency. We recommend letting the dough sit in a bowl covered with a towel for about half an hour, this is necessary so that the structure of the dough takes shape and the pizza bakes evenly. After this, form a round or rectangular pizza base, decorate with cubes of vegetables, add chicken or meat, definitely cheese, and more. Cheese, as they say, can't ruin pizza.

4. Pizza without yeast on kefir

Kefir is a product that has a slightly salty taste. Keep this in mind when you want to make pizza dough without yeast using kefir. Mix ½ tsp. salt with 2 eggs. Then simmer ¼ tsp. soda with vinegar, add 250 ml of kefir, eggs with salt, 2.5 cups of flour and 2 tbsp. l. melted butter. The amount of flour is indicated approximately, because... You will probably need more as you knead the dough. The density of the dough can be varied at your discretion: a little more flour will give a thicker dough, and as much as indicated in the recipe for pizza dough from us will allow you to get dough with the consistency of thick country sour cream. Place the crust on a baking sheet, top it with the filling, pizza sauce and cheese, and place in the oven for half an hour.

We use yeast in baking; this is the ingredient without which bread and the vast majority of various baked goods cannot be made. But how often can a housewife be faced with the fact that there is no yeast, and there is no time to go to the store for it. And baking with yeast is not the healthiest for your figure, so the question of what you can replace yeast with so that the finished product still remains fluffy and tasty remains relevant. In fact. This dietary ingredient can be easily replaced with others, and we will tell you about these options.

What can you replace yeast with?

If we talk about bread and other fluffy and aromatic baked goods, which are usually prepared exclusively with yeast, it is not yeast, but natural leaven that gives them such exceptional fluffiness. It will be the best yeast substitute if you want to bake delicious homemade bread in a bread machine or in the oven, but are afraid to gain weight by leaps and bounds from such baking. Preparing bread sourdough is very simple - just mix apple juice, water or kefir with flour in a ratio of 1 part dry ingredients per glass of liquid, and leave to ferment at room temperature for 2-3 days. One tablespoon of this starter is enough to replace the yeast needed to bake one loaf of bread. However, be careful - if the starter becomes moldy, it can no longer be used.

If you did not have time to prepare the sourdough, soda slaked with lemon juice can quite successfully replace it in bread. For 1 kilogram of flour, 1 teaspoon of ready-made baking powder, made immediately before adding it to the dough, will be enough.

How to replace dry yeast

An equally important question for housewives is: what can replace dry yeast and what is its ratio to regular yeast? Many recipes, especially time-tested ones, include the exact dosage of exactly those natural live yeast familiar from childhood. But since they appear less and less on the shelves of our stores, they are being replaced by simple packets of dry yeast. Every housewife should know in what dosage to replace them with the usual dry yeast in order to correctly replace them to obtain fluffy and tasty baked goods.

As a rule, fresh yeast has a grayish color, a characteristic aroma and a plastic consistency. Having chosen good yeast, you should look at the weight of the package. There is a certain ratio according to which dry yeast can be replaced with fresh: 3 grams of fresh yeast corresponds to 1 gram of dry.

As you can see, it is very easy to replace yeast with either other ingredients or another type of this product; the main thing is to know the rules for replacing these important and interchangeable ingredients.

Out of yeast and not wanting to run to the store anymore? Here's how to make an effective, inexpensive yeast substitute.

What you will need:

  • Baking soda
  • Lemon juice (buttermilk or a mixture of milk and vinegar will also work)
  • Alternative: baking powder with different effects

Using Baking Soda and Lemon Juice as an Alternative to Yeast

When you combine yeast, flour and water, the sugars are released and consumed by the yeast, which in turn releases carbon dioxide.

It is this carbon dioxide that is responsible for the rise of bread. You can create a similar carbon dioxide release by combining baking soda with an acid. Some recipes, such as cookies, already rely on this. If you want to successfully replace the yeast called in in a recipe, you simply need to change the right amount of baking soda and acid to make the dough rise. You can use lemon juice, buttermilk or milk combined with equal parts vinegar as the acid.

Here's what you do:

  1. Add all ingredients according to recipe.
  2. Then add equal parts baking soda and lemon juice to equal the amount of yeast called for in the recipe. So, if a recipe calls for one teaspoon of yeast, you need to add half a teaspoon of baking soda and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Instead of lemon juice, you can use buttermilk or 50-50 milk and vinegar.
  3. Bake as usual. The dough does not require any extra time when you use baking soda and lemon juice instead of yeast. In fact, in order for the reaction to work properly, it is important to get the dough in the oven as soon as you add these final ingredients as best you can.
  • For best results, use fresh baking soda.

Using Double Barrel Baking Powder as a Yeast Alternative

The baking solution is made from baking soda and an acid (cream of tartar), so it will also give you the carbonation reaction you're looking for. For best results, replace the yeast called for in the recipe with an equal amount of baking powder.

Dual action irritant powder will give you the best results. It releases carbon dioxide twice - first when it is mixed with liquid ingredients in a recipe, and again when it is heated in the oven.

  • How to Tell If Your Baking Powder is Still Good

A word about these yeast substitutes

While these substitutes will make your dough rise, they are simply not the same as yeast. Your dough may not rise as high as you're used to, and you may also notice differences in taste and texture. However, if you're not a yeast person, have trouble waiting for your bread to rise, or are trying to cut yeast out of your diet for health reasons, these substitutes are definitely worth exploring. If you'd rather stick to tried-and-true recipes instead of changing recipes yourself, do a quick search online for quick bread recipes. They won't call for yeast.