Print cereal stickers. Spice jar stickers. Ground allspice

A wedding is usually called the sacred sacrament of the union of two people into a strong family. This event is awaited not only by the couple, but also by their relatives and friends. Guests for the holiday, as a rule, choose not only a gift for the young, but also flowers, a postcard. Wishes are written in prose or poetry on a wedding card. Without a postcard, it is probably impossible to imagine a single wedding gift. You can buy a similar item in a book and souvenir shop. DIY wedding day cards can be created at home without much effort. Many people are interested in making do-it-yourself wedding or anniversary cards, templates are presented in all their variety.

Ways to create a homemade postcard

The main advantage of the postcard, which is made with love with your own hands, is memory, creativity, love, as well as a piece of the soul of its performer. Agree, not a single printed publication can boast of such advantages. Do-it-yourself wedding anniversary cards can be made of cardboard or thick paper. But you can make a postcard using:

  • Applications.
  • Quilling.
  • Scrapbooking.

To decorate homemade congratulations use:

  • Various drawings and patterns.
  • Beads and rhinestones.
  • Lace and ribbons.
  • Dry or fresh flowers.

Making a gift using quilling technique

Quilling is used not only for postcards, but also for creating unique paintings or decorating gifts, photo albums, jewelry. With the help of twisted pieces of paper, you can create a creative greeting card. It will be one of a kind and will certainly appeal to young people. As for materials for work, modern stores offer a wide range of paper of different density, texture and colors. There is room for fantasy.

To make a congratulatory product you will need:

Work progress:

Such greeting cards are touching and very cute. Such cards can be made of several colors and decorated with a small number of elements. Scrapbooking involves creating a product in a restrained style. To do this, you need to correctly select the details.

To complete the work you will need:

Work process:

Do-it-yourself envelope for money

Money is considered a good gift for newlyweds. At the beginning of their life together, young people will have to spend a lot of money to improve their life and organize a wedding celebration. Of course, on the shelves of supermarkets and bookstores you can find a lot of envelopes for money, but it is better to make such a congratulatory element yourself. The envelope may consist of a greeting card and cash. This envelope can be made using scrapbooking paper, beads, lace and other decorative elements.

So, to make a money envelope you will need:

  • Double-sided paper with a pattern for scrapbooking.
  • Cutting and mat.
  • Organza or satin ribbon.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Glue.
  • Scotch.
  • Various decorations.

Work progress:

With such a beautiful card, presented for a wedding or anniversary, your gift will definitely not go unnoticed.

The most significant and memorable event for every person is a wedding. Such events are planned in advance, not only brides and grooms, mothers and fathers of the future newlyweds, but also relatives and friends invited to the celebration are carefully prepared for them. For weddings, a lot of different paraphernalia is purchased. One of the simple but important items are postcards. They are purchased by future newlyweds and guests for invitations and congratulations.

    Types of wedding cards, their features

    Needlework technologies in creating postcards

    Materials and tools in scrapbooking

    Materials and tools in quilling

    Creating a postcard design project

    Create a postcard in scrapbooking

    Quilling technique in creating a wedding card

    Some popular ideas for wedding cards

    Important additional elements in scrapbooking

    Photo gallery - do-it-yourself wedding card

The modern range of printed products is huge, but there are no unique products in them. If you want to emphasize the importance and originality of the celebration with the help of this attribute, you should make wedding cards with your own hands. Consumables for scrapbooking in each city are offered in full. Today's technologies do not limit the choice of types of designs. You can realize the most daring creative idea.

Several types of printed materials are involved in wedding events. These are postcards:

  • inviting guests to a wedding celebration;
  • additions to the gift with congratulations;
  • congratulations on the wedding with an envelope for money.

DIY wedding invitation

Invitations are sent to guests in advance, give relatives and friends the opportunity to prepare, pick up a gift, adjust their schedules taking into account the time of the wedding. By creating such wedding cards with your own hands, you can reflect in them some features of the character, status, theme of the upcoming celebration.

This printing product is usually attached to the main gift, allowing the newlyweds, after a stormy holiday, to understand which of the guests presented this present. An ordinary postcard will probably immediately go to the trash can. If this is a unique handmade product, it has a chance to go to the family archive, wedding album.

A wedding card is usually attached to the main gift.

Money has become the most popular, universal gift. Many newlyweds prefer them. The tradition of putting banknotes in an envelope, not declaring publicly the amount of donated funds, is firmly rooted. And such a gift can be made original, unforgettable, if you make a postcard according to an exclusive design prepared for a specific event.

wedding money envelope

Do not forget that not only the newlyweds are congratulated on the wedding. Each anniversary, anniversaries can turn into a wonderful holiday for the family, relatives. It is worth preparing do-it-yourself postcards for wedding anniversaries to parents and friends. These events are important for every person, it is necessary to emphasize their significance.

Delicate handmade card for the wedding anniversary

Needlework technologies in creating postcards

The main technologies in the manufacture of postcards are scrapbooking and quilling. Scrapbooking is the visual transmission of certain information. It allows you to create unique collages based on:

  • curly elements made of colored paper, cardboard;
  • Photo;
  • inscriptions;
  • varied decor.

Scrapbooking wedding card

Do-it-yourself wedding day cards can be made using quilling. This type of needlework uses elements made of paper by twisting. The technique is widely used not only for postcards. It is used in creating frames for photos, panels, albums, jewelry.

Wedding cards can be made using quilling

These needlework technologies can be harmoniously combined. Elements made using the quilling technique fit well into the scrapbooking decor.

Materials and tools in scrapbooking

The choice of materials in scrapbooking is unlimited. If this is your first time creating a postcard with your own hands for a wedding anniversary or for newlyweds, you can view several master classes on this needlework on YouTube, on sites. But people with good taste, creative abilities, such tips may not be needed.

Regardless of the design features of the future wedding card, you will need:

  • A4 cardboard sheets;
  • special colored paper for scrapbooking;
  • stationery knife;
  • curly, straight scissors;
  • double-sided tape;
  • glue;
  • ruler.

Materials are selected for the future design of the postcard

An important consumable in the design are various types of decor. Craftsmen making wedding cards with their own hands , textiles, lace and satin ribbons are used in their work. You can add luxury, chic with the help of beads and pearls, rhinestones.

In the original postcards you can see small bunches of flowers. They are in specialized stores, you can make compositions with your own hands. If you want to create a voluminous postcard with the bride, you can take a dress from a doll for her. Volumetric letters made of wood and polystyrene look interesting in scrapbooking. Often in wedding decorations, photos of the newlyweds are used, which become the main focus.

For a three-dimensional postcard, you can buy ready-made flowers

Materials and tools in quilling

If you decide to make a quilling wedding day card with your own hands, you will also need cardboard for the base. It can be colored or white material. You will also need paper designed for scrapbooking. You can choose options with a pattern, pattern, plain products. It is necessary to prepare special tools and consumables:

  • thin paper from which elements will be created;
  • scissors, ruler and pencil;
  • an object on which paper will be wound to give the desired shape.

Materials and tools for quilling

Paper rolling uses thin tools. This can be a special device or improvised means: a ballpoint pen, a match, a toothpick, etc.

Quilling also uses various decorative elements. It can be satin ribbons and lace, pearls and colored beads, rhinestones, etc.

Creating a postcard design project

The quality of the finished result, the sharpness of the impression of a wedding card created by oneself largely depends on the preparatory stage. There are experienced, talented needlewomen who can create a wonderful masterpiece spontaneously, without much preparation. Creative ideas are born in them during the manufacturing process. But beginners should not rely on inspiration. It is necessary to allocate time to develop a design project for a future postcard.

On the Internet you will find many inspiring ideas.

A good help in choosing the general nature of the image, the arrangements and the type of elements can be ready-made examples of hand-made wedding cards. You can find many such options on the Internet. But copying even the most attractive products is not worth it. The main value of such products lies in their uniqueness. You will create greetings, invitations for specific individuals, which can be reflected in a postcard. When choosing shades, style, elements, you should consider:

  • recipient's age;
  • individual tastes, interests of the addressee;
  • status and theme of the wedding;
  • special moments.

When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account the individual tastes of the addressee.

For example, if you make wedding anniversary cards for your parents and friends with your own hands, it is not necessary to use the symbols that are typical for newlyweds. In the design of such congratulations, the symbolic meaning of this anniversary is usually emphasized: chintz, leather, porcelain, etc.

Various elements are used in the decor of wedding cards. Traditionally, such products are decorated with flowers and bows, hearts and rings. Lace gives tenderness, satin - aristocracy, pearls - luxury, rhinestones - chic. You can use all these decor items, the main thing is to observe a sense of proportion, to avoid the feeling of piling up, chaos.

Graceful lace adds tenderness

If the photo of the newlyweds is used in the design of the postcard, it is the main focus, the decor should be a worthy frame, an addition.

Original wedding card with a photo of the newlyweds

Create a postcard in scrapbooking

Beginners who want to create a simple DIY wedding card using the scrapbooking technique can focus on traditional version, modify it as you wish. For this product, you will need cardboard and scrapbooking paper, lace, a satin ribbon in white or a delicate pastel shade and pearl beads that need to be cut in half, a bouquet. You also need to make a printout of the inscription of the corresponding content.

The work steps are as follows:

  • creation of a cardboard base;
  • background design;
  • fixing satin ribbons;
  • sticker of lace, pearl beads;
  • fixing the base and the inscription;
  • gluing the edging;
  • fixing the bouquet.

To make a postcard, you will need thick cardboard of the desired color.

A sheet of cardboard folded in half is given the traditional 10x15 postcard format. It is covered with double-sided tape, on which paper is glued, which acts as a background. The shade can be chosen at your discretion. Pink, beige, blue tones are usually used.

Scrapbooking paper acts as a background

The satin ribbon is located at the bottom, it is also pasted on double-sided tape. In order for the ends not to spill out, you need to singe them a little with a match or a lighter. Lace is fixed with glue. The basis for the inscription is created from cardboard so that it protrudes above the plane and plays the role of an accent. The colored cardboard blank should be slightly larger than the element with the inscription. This edging will make it more effective.

Lace and ribbon fixed with glue

Beads are glued over the inscription in a row, they serve as a frame. The bouquet, as the main element of decor, is placed in the upper left corner. It is with him that the examination of any image begins.

Laconic wedding card design

Quilling technique in creating a wedding card

You can make a card for a wedding anniversary or a congratulation to the newlyweds with your own hands using the quilling technique. This needlework allows you to get gentle, touching images, does not require much experience. The work includes the following steps:

  • foundation preparation;
  • creating a background;
  • twisting rolls;
  • the formation of petals, decor;
  • fixing elements.

The basis of the postcard is a cardboard sheet 15x20. It is bent in half, it turns out the standard format 10x15. It is covered with double-sided tape and colored scrapbooking paper, which will be the background.

Quilling wedding card decor

In the creation of rolls, strips of paper are required. The tip is fixed to the tool with glue, the strip is tightly twisted, the free edge is glued. Pointed leaves are formed from round rolls. These are flower petals, the core of which will be beads or rhinestones. For 1 flower, 5 petals are required.

Flowers are twisted from thin strips of paper

You can decorate the postcard with satin ribbon bows, paper roll spirals, beads, sparkles, etc.

With the help of quilling, you can create more complex compositions. Luxurious bouquets, doves, hearts, etc. are formed from colored rolls.

Complex flower arrangements using quilling technique

Some popular ideas for wedding cards

The main advantage of creating wedding cards with your own hands is the absence of restrictions in choosing a creative idea. The abundance of materials makes it possible to create a unique design that will be able to make the right impression. And yet there is a kind of rating of the popularity of such products, in which postcards are on the first lines:

  • voluminous with silhouettes of the newlyweds;
  • heart-shaped, lavishly decorated with flowers;
  • in a beautiful envelope.

Volumetric cards with silhouettes of the newlyweds

Silhouettes of the bride and groom are easy to create. The main volumetric element in such a composition is the bride's dress. You can take models from a Barbie doll or make your own version. Symbolically, heart-shaped wedding cards, covered with compositions of flowers made using the quilling or scrapbooking technique, look attractive. An envelope postcard is ideal if money is presented as a gift to the newlyweds.

DIY wedding card in the shape of a heart

When making a wedding anniversary card with your own hands, you must first familiarize yourself with the traditions and meaning of the date. These nuances are reflected in the design of the product.

Important additional elements in scrapbooking

If you are going to periodically make handmade cards for wedding anniversaries to parents and friends or make this hobby a source of income, you need to carefully study the range of consumables, tools, and accessories for such work.

Learn how to correctly choose cardboard, paper, glue, decorative tape. The work will require a special rug on which it will be convenient to cut materials with a clerical knife. It is good if there are various curly scissors in the arsenal. They will help create original edging, elements. Useful in the work of a hole puncher-border. It will help create beautiful embossed edges.

Border puncher creates beautiful embossed edges

Scrapbooking uses single-sided and double-sided cardboard. The best option considered beer material. Paper can be plain and colored with prints. You can make original materials yourself if you have a printer at hand. Many experienced needlewomen use wallpaper in their work.

Scrapbooking paper with prints

In creating do-it-yourself wedding cards, for another celebration you may need:

  • chipboards,
  • brads,
  • stamps.

The use of chipboards allows you to expressively convey the mood, character, meaning of the composition. These are three-dimensional elements that are produced in a huge variety of shapes and themes.

Wedding themed chipboards

Brads are used in fixing objects. They are equipped with attractive hats, they can themselves serve as decoration elements. With the help of brads, textile and paper products can be fixed.

Brads are used to fasten objects

Creating cards with your own hands on your wedding day, birthday or anniversary, using special stamps, you can apply various symbols, effects, and inscriptions to them.

Various symbols and inscriptions are applied with the help of stamps

Photo gallery - do-it-yourself wedding card

Now you can’t find any kind of postcards in stores, especially when it comes to weddings!

There are also festive cards on sale, with flowers, wedding rings, and playful ones, with funny drawings and inscriptions, sometimes quite bold.

However, at all times, handmade gifts and postcards were considered the most valuable.

Some ideas for invitations

Usually the bride and her bridesmaids prepare the wedding invitations.

Now it is fashionable to arrange themed wedding ceremonies, corresponding to any style, for example, Provence, rustic, tiffany.

For Wedding rustic style suitable for invitations written on artificially aged thick paper or designer paper that imitates the structure of a tree.

The invitation itself must be written by hand. The simplest way issue an invitation - cut off the corners of the sheet with curly scissors, and then, using a curly hole punch, punch air patterns along the edges.

You can do it even easier: stick beige lace, similar to homemade, or lace ribbon with fringe, on the edge of the card, allowing the fringe to hang freely.

Straw applications will look even more original.

It will decorate a postcard and a “print” in the spirit of medieval messages: at the bottom of the sheet you should punch a small hole, stretch a dark golden lurex thread into it, to the end of which attach an acorn or a hazelnut.

For a wedding in more classical style the card can be decorated with lace or satin ribbons. Decorations for postcards made in the technique look quite interesting. quilling. Quilling is the art of creating appliqués using thin strips of colored paper rolled into rolls.

Flowers glued from such rolls are very beautiful: pink or blue “petals” flattened on one side (“drop” figure), green oblong “leaves” (“eye” figure), round yellow “middles”.

Using the quilling technique, you can create two swans that touch with their beaks: make “trunks” from teardrop-shaped rolls, glue two beautifully curved necks in the shape of a heart, and write the invitation itself in the “heart”. Above such a picture, you can glue a crown cut out of gold foil.

Naturally, you need to write an invitation in calligraphic, but as old-fashioned as possible: artsy, with a lot of curls.

Looks great on homemade postcards artificial flowers fabric or paper. The middle of the flowers can be decorated with pearls or rhinestones.

A homemade envelope for a postcard does not have to be paper: a beautiful fabric bag tied with a satin ribbon will do. The color of the bag can be any, but gentle, pastel colors are preferable: pink, lavender, lilac.
For a Tiffany-style wedding, the bag must be turquoise.

It is considered good manners if the invitation is designed in the same style as the whole wedding.

DIY wedding cards for newlyweds

When creating a card for congratulations on your wedding with your own hands, you should fully show your design talents.

Usually such postcards are made folding: on the cover - a drawing or application (you can supplement them with a brief wish, for example, "Congratulations!" or "Happy wedding day!"), And inside - a detailed wish, often in poetic form. One of the parts of the card is folded inward in the form of a wallet in which to invest.

Artificial flowers from satin ribbons look beautiful. A folded colored ribbon resembles a rose. The middle of an artificial flower can be fixed with a bead, pearl or rhinestone. Flower arrangements can also be created from beads strung on threads.

To decorate the outside of a homemade postcard, a simple cross-stitch on canvas is also suitable.

A non-standard "envelope" for a postcard has type of chest. It is easy to make it out of cardboard: cut out the sides, bottom and lid, make holes in them with an awl or a gypsy needle, sew them, seal the seams with decorative braid, decorate the front and lid with satin ribbon appliqué.

Juicy, saturated colors will look good on white cardboard: red, blue, green. In such a chest you can invest money and a postcard. A bigger chest will easily solve the eternal problem that arises at weddings: it is very convenient to put all invitations and donated money into it.

DIY wedding anniversary cards

The type of wedding anniversary greeting card depends on what kind of anniversary you are going to congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

If it's about young people, then the card should be gentle, romantic, a little frivolous. Artificial flowers, satin ribbons, pastel-colored lace are suitable. The application can be supplemented with pearls, rhinestones, feathers.

For elderly couple it is better to choose a more conservative type of postcard. So, you can decorate the postcard with a “bouquet” of dark red satin ribbons, and glue a piece of white guipure on top.

When creating a postcard design and thinking over the text, you must first of all take into account the tastes of the people to whom you are going to give this message. If the card is made with love, then, no doubt, the addressee will keep it for a long time as a pleasant reminder of a happy day.

Original postcard for a wedding with your own hands. Templates. Master class with step by step photos

Torop Yulia Valerievna, teacher of preschool education MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 132" of the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: the master class is intended for creative people.
Target: making a greeting card for a wedding.
To create an original postcard, we need:
- scrapbooking paper,
- glue stick,
- simple pencil
- scissors (regular and curly),
- any decoration you want.

First we need to decide on the bride's dress. To make it, we find the coloring page, which depicts the dress we like, and print it out. I have this:

Cut it out, transfer the sketch to postcard paper, and cut it out again.

From black paper we make a blank for the postcard itself + this is also the groom's suit. The size of the postcard is determined quite simply - the dress should be removed on it both in height and in width.
On paper in a cage, draw a template for the groom's shirt and jacket lapels.

The shirt will be made of the same paper as the bride's dress, and the lapels will be made of black paper.
Glue the shirt to the base. Be careful with the glue so that there are no marks on the postcard. Don't forget to make a butterfly for the groom.

Now it's up to the dress.

I decided to make the dress voluminous. To do this, I cut out three shuttlecocks from the sketch. I transferred them to postcard paper and cut them out. Note: we cut out the upper shuttlecock without changes, and the second and third ones are slightly higher than in the sketch so that they can be hidden under each other.

To add volume to the shuttlecocks, small pieces of insulation or foam rubber must be glued from the wrong side.
We glue the shuttlecocks starting from the bottom!

On the top of the dress, I applied some curls with a white outline. You can decorate as you wish.
Now it's up to congratulations. Find the poem you like and print it out. Cut out with curly scissors, glue. I made only one side of the card. On the second side, you can also print and stick the names of the newlyweds, any wedding symbols.